Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. A meta-analysis of studies investigating the relationship between the FPN Q248H mutation and hemoglobin levels.
- Fig. S2. Meta-analysis of associations of the FPN Q248H mutation with anemia, hemoglobin, and iron status across the study populations.
- Fig. S3. Forest plots of the effect of the FPN Q248H mutation on hemoglobin and measures of iron status.
- Fig. S4. Correlation between P. falciparum prevalence/rate and the derived adenine allele encoding the Q248H mutation.
- Table S1. Summary of studies examining the relationship between the FPN Q248H mutation and hemoglobin, ferritin, and C-reactive protein.
- Table S2. Characteristics of participants by study cohort and FPN Q248H mutation.
- Table S3. Estimates of the effect of Q248H heterozygotes and homozygotes on iron status and anemia.
- Table S4. Estimates of the effect of Q248H heterozygotes and homozygotes on severe malaria and bacteremia status.
- Table S5. Deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium for the variant causing the FPN Q248H mutation.
- Table S6. Rare alleles present in populations included in the 1000 Genomes Phase 3.
- Appendix A
- References (36–40)
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