Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Table S1. Changes in runoff production and contribution per sector.
- Fig. S1. RACMO2.3p2 integration domain and SMB evaluation.
- Fig. S2. Evaluation of modeled meteorological variables at 5.5 km.
- Fig. S3. Evaluation of radiative fluxes at 5.5 km.
- Fig. S4. Evaluation of the downscaled product using in situ and catchment measurements.
- Fig. S5. Evaluation of the modeled bare ice area using remote sensing.
- Fig. S6. Post-1990 upward migration of the equilibrium line.
- Fig. S7. High interannual variability in summer atmospheric circulation and impacts on the cloudiness.
- Fig. S8. Reduced summer cloud cover enhances melt in southern Greenland.
- Fig. S9. Post-1990 changes in surface conditions.
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