Supplementary Materials

The PDF file includes:

  • Fig. S1. Topography and bathymetry at model resolution.
  • Fig. S2. Spin-up of the Eocene simulations.
  • Fig. S3. Model-data comparison of Early Eocene surface temperature.
  • Fig. S4. Model-data comparison of PETM warming in SST.
  • Fig. S5. Comparison of CAM5 and CAM4 Eocene atmosphere-only simulations.
  • Fig. S6. Comparison of temperature and shortwave cloud feedback parameters between CAM5 and CAM4 Eocene SOM simulations.
  • Fig. S7. Increase in climate sensitivity and cloud feedback parameter with warming under modern conditions.
  • Table S1. Compilation of SST proxies for the Early Eocene.
  • Table S2. Compilation of SST proxies for the pre-PETM and PETM.
  • Table S3. feedback analysis from the PRP calculations.

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • Table S1 (Microsoft Excel format). Compilation of SST proxies for the Early Eocene.
  • Table S2 (Microsoft Excel format). Compilation of SST proxies for the pre-PETM and PETM; feedback analysis from the PRP calculations.

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