Supplementary Materials

This PDF file includes:

  • EPR characteristics comparison of multiple resonators
  • Power saturation and Λave measurements
  • Sensitivity comparison of the X-band microhelix to a commercial dielectric resonator
  • Qualitative sensitivity comparison of the X-band microhelix to high-frequency single-mode resonators
  • Crystal rotation and simulation
  • Fig. S1. Dimensions and geometry of the four resonators compared in this paper.
  • Fig. S2. Ansys HFSS finite-element modeling simulation of the microwave magnetic fields comparing the PMR and microhelix.
  • Fig. S3. Power saturation curve of LiPC using various resonators.
  • Fig. S4. Continuous-wave EPR of frozen solution photosystem II BBY particles performed in the Bruker MD5W1 dielectric resonator at a temperature of 80 K.
  • Fig. S5. Comparison of the g-tensor proposed by Adamska-Venkatesh et al. (38) and the current proposed g-tensor from this work.
  • Table S1. Resonator characteristics calculated and measured.
  • Table S2. Rotational matrices for the crystal frame with respect to the laboratory frame and the g-tensor with respect to the molecular frame.
  • References (4456)

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