Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Expected and observed numbers of 8-week-old offspring with specified Trib1 genotypes.
- Fig. S2. Trib1mKO and Trib1mTg mice have normal tissue anatomy and F4/80+ macrophage numbers.
- Fig. S3. Plasma lipid levels of chimera and Pcsk9 mice.
- Fig. S4. Atherosclerotic burden in mTrib1➔ApoE−/− mice, clinical grading of lesions, and presence of foam cells.
- Fig. S5. Reciprocal regulation of OLR1 and SCARB1 RNA levels in polarized MDMs.
- Table S1. Fold changes and P values of genes differentially expressed in both MDMs and monocytes.
- Table S2. Top-ranking biological processes enriched in differentially expressed gene lists of (1) Human TRIB1High versus TRIB1Low monocytes and (2) between TRIB1High versus TRIB1Low MDMs.
- Table S3. The most significantly altered pathways in TRIB1High versus TRIB1Low macrophages.
- Table S4. Linoleic (LiA), oleic (OA), and lauric acid (LA) in vitro polarized human MDMs recapitulate the Olr1High/LplHigh/Scarb1Low/CD36WT RNA profile of Trib1mTg BMDM.
- Table S5. Primer sequences.
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