function [proportion,x_s,t_s] = cellDeathPopulation(Lconc,Rconc,calcium,timePoint) %Run Duration to determine benchmark of cell death [~,~,x_s,t_s] = Duration(Lconc,Rconc,24*3600,24*3600,0); timePoint = timePoint*3600; %Specify cPARP concentration indicating cell death %minimum = max(x_s(:,23)); minimum = 5E5; %Determine cell population n = 1000; viability = zeros(n,1); figure for i = 1:n %Generate random calcium concentration % rndLconc = normrnd(Lconc,Lconc/2); % if rndLconc < 0 % rndLconc = 0; % end % rndRconc = normrnd(Rconc,Rconc); % if rndRconc < 0 % rndRconc = 0; % end % cal = normrnd(calcium,calcium); % if cal < 0.01 % cal = 0.01; % end [~,~,x_s,t_s] = Duration (Lconc,Rconc,timePoint,timePoint,calcium); cPARP = max(x_s(:,23)); if cPARP < minimum viability(i) = 1; else viability(i) = 0; end hold on plot(t_s/3600,x_s(:,23)) box on set(gca,'FontSize',12,'fontWeight','bold') xlabel('Time (h)') ylabel('cPARP (molecules/cell)') end total = sum(viability); proportion = total/n; end