Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Section S1. Experimental methods
- Section S1.1. Sample preparation
- Section S1.2. 2D IR spectrometer
- Section S1.3. 3D Fourier transformation
- Section S1.4. Nonlinear signal pump and probe power dependence
- Section S2. Supporting results
- Section S2.1. Transmission and transient pump-probe spectra of uncoupled systems
- Section S2.2. 2D IR and transient pump-probe spectra and 2D-IR spectral cuts
- Section S2.3. 2D IR spectra for various molecular concentrations
- Section S2.4. Early-time dynamics of 2D IR spectral cuts
- Section S2.5. Two-component spectral fitting of absorptive pump-probe spectra
- Section S3. Theory
- Section S3.1. Scaling of polariton nonlinearities
- Section S3.2. Feynman diagrams for the AC signal
- Section S3.3. Phenomenological simulation of polariton bleach
- Section S3.4. Cavity coherence volume
- Fig. S1. Scheme of 2D IR experimental setup.
- Fig. S2. 3D FFT frequency domain (ω1-ω2-ω3) spectra.
- Fig. S3. IR power dependence.
- Fig. S4. Linear transmission and pump-probe spectra of uncoupled W(CO)6/hexane systems with 12- and 25-μm cavity longitudinal lengths.
- Fig. S5. Pump-probe and 2D IR spectra and their spectral cuts at LP/UP pump frequencies.
- Fig. S6. 2D IR spectra of the 25-μm system at t2 = 0 ps with various concentrations.
- Fig. S7. Early-time dynamics of 2D IR spectral cuts at ω1 = ωLP/ωDark and AC/DC components of LP/UP cuts between 0 and 6 ps.
- Fig. S8. Spectral fitting of 25-μm systems with t2 = 0 ps at ω1 = ωLP and ω1 = ωUP.
- Fig. S9. Feynman diagrams representing the oscillating nonlinear responses (AC components) in each region.
- Table S1. Parameters of two-component fitting.
- References (42–46)
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