The PDFset includes:
- Fig. S1. Evolution of activation energy with the distance away from surface.
- Fig. S2. Topology of the metallic glass thin films, which corresponds to the regions in Fig. 3 (A and B).
- Fig. S3. Top views of the three metallic glass ribbons and the corresponding BMGs fabricated by the ultrasonic vibration method.
- Fig. S4. The top views of the samples with dual phases of Zr-Pd BMG, Pd-La BMG, and even the ternary Zr-Pd-La BMG with a diameter of 5 mm.
- Fig. S5. The HRTEM image of the Pd-based and Zr-based dual-phase BMG and the corresponding element distribution.
- Fig. S6. The optical image of the Pd-, Zr-, and La-based multiphase BMG and the corresponding element distribution.
- Fig. S7. The characterization of La-based and Pd-based dual-phase BMG interface.
- Fig. S8. Sample model preparation for MD simulations.
- Fig. S9. Mechanical training on sample O.
- Fig. S10. Nonaffine displacement of each atom after applying the uniaxial tension.
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Movie S1 (.mp4 format). The cold forming of amorphous ribbons under ultrasonic vibrations.
- Movie S2 (.mp4 format). The response of crystallized ribbons under high frequency vibrations.