The PDFset includes:
- Supplementary Text
- Fig. S1. Coastal grid cells.
- Fig. S2. NFIP payments versus NWS damages.
- Fig. S3. Distribution and time course of insured losses.
- Fig. S4. Spatial footprints of ARs.
- Fig. S5. Seasonality of insured losses.
- Fig. S6. Days with over $1 million in insured losses.
- Table S1. Damages by AR category by month, in millions of dollars.
- Table S2. Effect of antecedent ARs on mean flood damages by AR event.
- Table S3. Average claims and insured losses per latitude-day by AR intensity (quartiles).
- Table S4. Daily average insured losses by latitude band by AR intensity.
- Reference (41)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following: