The PDFset includes:
- Table S1. Strains, plasmids, and primers used in this study.
- Legends for tables S2 and S3
- Legends for movies S1 to S9
- Fig. S1. The tad pilus structure and gene locus in C. crescentus CB13.
- Fig. S2. ϕCb5 phage requires pili and their retraction for Caulobacter infection.
- Fig. S3. Tn-seq experiments reveal that Tn insertions in the pilus operon improved growth fitness during ϕCb5 phage infection in C. crescentus NA1000.
- Fig. S4. mCherry-CpaF is partially degraded.
- Fig. S5. Mutant cpaF expression profiles.
- Fig. S6. Mutations in cpaF fall into the ATPase active site of the protein.
- Fig. S7. Extension and retraction rates of cpaF mutants are correlated.
- Fig. S8. Forces of retraction are reduced and correlated with ATPase activity of cpaF mutants.
- Fig. S9. A. biprosthecum CpaF is required for pilus synthesis.
- Fig. S10. C. crescentus CB13 and A. biprosthecum CpaF ATPases are highly conserved except for a variable N-terminal region.
- References (53–57)
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Table S2 (Microsoft Excel format). Strains used for phylogenetic analysis depicted in Fig. 1.
- Table S3 (Microsoft Excel format). Tn-seq data depicted in fig. S3.
- Movie S1 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a with labeled pili exhibiting dynamic cycles of extension and retraction.
- Movie S2 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a with labeled pili exhibiting localized mCherry-CpaF at the base of extending and retracting pili.
- Movie S3 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a with labeled pili exhibiting delocalization of mCherry-CpaF from the base of retracting pilus that coincides with cessation of retraction.
- Movie S4 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a expressing cpaFI355C with labeled pili exhibiting slowed pilus extension and retraction.
- Movie S5 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a expressing cpaFF244LK245R with labeled pili exhibiting slowed pilus extension and retraction.
- Movie S6 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a expressing cpaFD310N with labeled pili exhibiting slowed pilus extension and retraction.
- Movie S7 (.avi format). A. biprosthecum expressing its own cpaF (AbcpaF) harboring nondynamic, labeled pili.
- Movie S8 (.avi format). C. crescentus bNY30a expressing AbcpaF harboring mostly nondynamic, labeled pili.
- Movie S9 (.avi format). A. biprosthecum expressing CccpaF with labeled pili exhibiting dynamic cycles of extension and retraction.