The PDFset includes:
- Supplementary Materials and Methods
- Table S1. PCR primers for detection of 10 Bacteroides species.
- Fig. S1. Citrus PMFE shows negligible cytotoxicity in HL-7702 cells.
- Fig. S2. Oral treatment of citrus PMFE prevents HFD-induced lipid deposition and inflammation in mice.
- Fig. S3. Robust dose-dependent metabolic protection of citrus PMFE in HFD mice.
- Fig. S4. Citrus PMFE does not produce any apparent effects in chow-fed mice.
- Fig. S5. Citrus PMFE increases intestinal tight junction in HFD mice.
- Fig. S6. Citrus PMFE regulates host fecal and serum metabolome.
- Fig. S7. Citrus PMFE alters MetS-associated BCAAs in HFD mice.
- Fig. S8. Citrus PMFE attenuates MetS in HFD mice in a gut microbiota–dependent manner.
- Fig. S9. Fecal transplantation of citrus PMFE exhibits metabolic protection in HFD mice.
- Fig. S10. Citrus PMFE–mediated enrichment of B. ovatus prevents metabolic syndrome in HFD mice.
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Table S2. (Excel file) The differential metabolites identified by cross-comparisons of different groups (Chow versus HFD and HFD versus PMFE) in feces and serum.
- Table S3. (Excel file) The method validation of the GC-MS for the quantification of six amino acids.