Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Table S1. Correlation matrix between burned area and aerosol optical depth at 550 nm based on MISR.
- Fig. S1. Month of maximum of fire activity.
- Fig. S2. Temperature and precipitation climatology.
- Fig. S3. Interannual variability of fire activity.
- Fig. S4. Atmospheric circulation related to AO index.
- Fig. S5. Climate indices versus burned area over southeastern Siberia.
- Fig. S6. Snow cover variation related to AO.
- Fig. S7. Snow water equivalent variation related to fire activity over southeastern Siberia.
- Fig. S8. Fire activity–related snow-albedo feedback term.
- Fig. S9. Soil moisture anomalies related to 850-hPa geopotential height anomaly and AO index.
- Fig. S10. Snow cover trend.
- References (40–44)
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