Reference Year Democracy_measure Democracy_measure_long Averaging Years_averaged_over Democracy_source Democracy_source_full Biodiversity_measure Biodiversity_measure_full Biodiversity_source Biodiversity_source_full Spatial_scale Time_start Time_end Time_full Prediction_effect Overall_concluded_impact_of_democracy_on_biodiversity Direction_of_the_effect_full Stable_link Comment Manually_added abman 2018 level level of democracy, average over 2001-2012 yes 12 polity iv polity score protected area deforestation of protected area during the period 2001-2012 "hansen et al. (2013); international union for conservation of nature" "protected area deforested between 2001 and 2012; forest cover from hansen et al. (2013) and protected area from the iucn." global 2001 2012 2001-2012 significantly negative positive "level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to the probability of a protected area being deforested during 2001-2012; effect seems larger in the tropical sub-sample." na no arvin and lew 2011 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation damages in us dollars per capita, yearly the world bank damages from deforestastion in constant us dollars 2000 developing countries 1976 2003 1976-2003 significantly negative, but mixed regionally mixed "level of democracy is statistically significant and negative in full sample, indicating that democracy decrease the monetary damages from deforestation (original scoring); across income groups, democracy is statistically significant and negative in group 1 and 3, but non-significant in 2 and 4 (4 = richest group); across world regions, democracy is statistically significant and positive in South Asia and Latin America/Caribbean, but statistically significant and negative in East Asia and Pacific, Eastern Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa, and non-significant in Central Asia and MENA; in total, effect of democracy is complex in developing countries." na no baliamoune-lutz 2017 level level of democracy, yearly no NA polity iv "polity score; institutionalized democracy" deforestation deforestation, net forest depletion, yearly "world development indicators; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" net forest depletion african countries 1990 2008 1990-2008 complex, non-linear effects, results not identical across the two democracy measures mixed "level of (institutionalized) democracy is linearly negative and statistically significant and the squared term is positive and statistically significant; level of (polity) democracy is linearly not statistically significant but the sqaured term is negative and statistically significant." na no bhattarai and hammig 2001 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, annual change in forest cover, yearly "world development indicators; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" forest and woodland cover tropical countries 1972 1991 1972-1991 significant, direction differening regionally mixed "level of democracy is statistically significant in all regional sub-samples, coefficients are negative for Latin American and African samples but positive in the Asian sample (reversed scoring); study show different effect direction across regions." na no bhattarai and hammig 2004 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation "deforestation rate, average annual change in natural forest cover (1980-1990; 1990-1995)" "world resource institute; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" natural forest cover tropical countries 1980 1995 1980-1995 not significant null level of democracy is a not statistically significant. na no buitenzorgy and mol 2011 level level of democracy, average over 1990-2000 yes 11 polity iv polity score deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change in forest cover, average over 1990-2000 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1990 2000 1990-2000 complex, non-linear effects, positive for low levels of democracy, negative at higher levels mixed "level of democracy predicts deforestation statistically significant and non-linearly; when democracy first increase so does deforestation rates, reaching its peak in the middle of the polity scale, and then decreases with additional increases in the level of democracy." na no carbonnell 2016 level level of democracy, in 2000 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) state compliance share of reporting requirements fufilled under cites in 2000 environmental performance index (2002) reporting requirements under cites global 2000 2000 2000 significantly positive positive level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to the share of reporting requirements fufilled, indicating that countries being more democratic also fulfill their commitments to cites. na no ceddia et al. 2014 level level of democracy, average over 1996-2006, yearly yes 11 world-wide governance indicators voice and accuntability score land use change agricultural land expansion, share of agricultural land of total land area, yearly food and agricultural organisation of the united nations fao-stat tropical south america 1970 2006 1970-2006 complex, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy interacts statistically significant and positive with agricultural intensification to predict the spatial expansion of agriculture, where unconditional effect of agricultural intensification is negative; indicating that when the level of democracy is higher, agricultural intensification is associated with a spatial expansion, which is not the case when the level of democracy is lower." na yes damette and delacote 2011 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, annual change in forest cover, yearly food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1972 1994 1972-1994 significant positive, complex positive "for models including the volume of timber harvest: level of democracy is statistically significant and positive across both global and developing country samples and robust to two-way fixed effects (but only at 10%-level using two-way effects, original scoring); models including the value of timber: democracy is statistically significant and postive across both the global and developing country samples, but only robust to country fixed effects and not two-way effects (original scoring); these results indicate that more democracy predicts less deforestation; level of democracy is non-significant using 5-year averages of deforestation as response variable." na yes damette and delacote 2012 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, annual change in forest cover, yearly food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 1972 1994 1972-1994 not significant null level of democracy is not statistically significant. na yes deacon 1994 "level; stability" level of democracy and instability event, both averaged over 1970-1975, 1975-1979, 1980-1985 yes 6 arthur banks csts "constitutional change; military executive; elected legislature; no legislature; political purges; non-elected executive" deforestation deforestation rate, forest cover loss between 1980-1985 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1970 1985 1970-1985 not significant null military executive and constitutional change are neither statistically significant. na yes didia 1997 level level of democracy, average over 1981-1985 yes 5 arthur banks csts the sum of the political participation score (elected chief executive and competitively elected legislator that is efficient) and the political competitiveness score (no parties are excluded and the largest party holds less than 70% of all seats). deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change, average over 1981-1985 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover tropical/developing countries 1981 1985 1981-1985 significantly negative positive level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to deforestation rates in bivariate regression analysis, indicating that a higher democracy score is associated with afforestation. presents correlations or bivariate regressions no dietz and adger 2003 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) species loss predicted species richness from forest data, compared to 1970, yearly food and agricultural organisation of the united nations species-area relationship predicted from forest diversity data tropical countries 1972 1992 1972-1992 significantly negative negative level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to predicted species richness, indicating that democracy reduce predicted species richness (reversed scoring). na no dobbs et al. 2014 level level of democracy, average over 2006-2011 yes 6 economist intelligence unit democracy index habitat potential habitat potential at city-level, average over 2006-2011. normalized difference vegetation index share of landscape with forest, woodland, shrubland and meadow area with distance to non-vegetation area greater than 60 meters, using remote sensing global 2006 2011 2006-2011 significantly negative negative "level of democracy at the national level is statistically significant and negative to habitat potential at city-level; anova show that autocratic and intermediary regimes have higher proportions of habitat potentital than democratic regimes." na no ehrhardt-martinez et al. 2002 level level of democracy in 1980 no NA polity ii polity score deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change between, average over 1980-1995 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 1980 1995 1980-1995 significant and negtive at higher levels of state capacity, significant and positive at lower levels of state capacity mixed "level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to deforestation rate; democracy interacts statistically significantly and negative with state capacity, indicating that democracies with higher capacity decreases the rate of deforestation." na no erhardt 2018 level level of democracy, average over five-year intervals for five periods yes 5 freedom house imputed polity iv freedom house imputed polity score overfishing "share of collapsed fish species over the number of all assessed species within exclusive economic zone; share of overused fish species over the number of all assessed fish species within exclusive economic zone." sea around us collapsed and overused fish species global 1986 2006 1986-2006 not significant, negative mixed "collapsed fish species as response variable: level of democracy is mostly non-significant, but statistically significant and positive to the share of collapsed fish species in one model; overused fish species as response variable: no statistically significant effect of democracy." na no fouqueray and papyrakis 2019 level level of democracy, each period no NA polity iv polity score protected area share of total territorial waters under marine protection, each period (1990, 2000, 2004) "international union for conservation of nature; world database on protected areas" share of total territorial waters under marine protection global 1990 2014 1990-2014 significantly positive positive level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to marine protected area, indicating that more democracy is associated with more marine area under protection. na no gren et al. 2016 level level of democracy, in 2010 no NA economist intelligence unit democracy index threatened species number of threatened mammals, birds, amphibians, plants and reptiles international union for conservation of nature red list status global 2010 2010 2010 not significant, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy is non-significant, but it interacts statistically significant and negative with GDP per capita to predict the number of threatened species; indicating that at higher levels of income, democracy has a negative effect on species threat." na no hermanrud and de soysa 2017 type binary regime type, yearly no NA polity iv polity score deforestation deforestation, annual change in forest cover and economic forest depletion, yearly "world development indicators; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" "forest cover; net forest depletion" developing countries 1986 2013 1986-2013 complex, interaction effects mixed "forest depletion as response variable: autocratic indicator is mostly statistically significant and negative; democracy indicator is mostly non-significant apart from one model, where it is significant and negative; both indicators show mixed results over different time-periods; forest cover change as response variable: both indicators perform inconsistently and are never statistically significant when country-fixed effects are included; interaction between democracy and forest governance aid show that forest-aid can reduce forest depletion when recepient countries are highly democratic, using the 10%-significance threshold." na no imai et al. 2018 level level of democracy, average over two 10-year intervals and two five-year intervals yes 10 "freedom house; polity iv" first principal component of polity score, political rights and civil liberties deforestation deforestation, forest cover change per interval (1980-1989, 1990-1999, 2000-2004, 2005-2009) food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover south-east asia 1980 2009 1980-2009 complex, non-linear, positive change at low and high levels, negative change in the intermediary range mixed "level of democracy is statistically significantly and non-linearly related to forest area change; forest area increase at higher and lower levels of democracy, but decrease when democracy is in the intermediary range." na no kashwan 2017 level level of democracy, average over 1995-2005 and 2003-2005. yes 11 freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) protected area protected terrestrial area as share of total land area in 2012 world development indicators terrestrial protected area global 1995 2012 1995-2012 significantly positive, significantly negative inteaction with income inequality, not significant in the sample with developed countries mixed "level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to the share of protected areas in the global sample; level of democracy interacts statistically significant and negative with income inequality, indicating that at higher levels of inequality the effect of democracy is relatively weaker (reversed scoring); subsetting across developed and developing countries show mixed effects: in the developing country sample, level of democracy is statistically significant and positive and the interaction term with income inequality is negative and significant at 10%; in the developed country sample, democracy is not significant." na no kuusela and amacher 2016 stability binary regim change, yearly no NA polity iv regime change according to polity (non-reversed during the following 5 years) land use change annual percentage change in agricultural land as share of total land area, yearly "world development indicators; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" agricultural land area tropical countries 1961 2008 1961-2008 complex, significantly negative and positive, regionally mixed mixed "democratic regime change is statistically significant and positive related to agricultural expansion in the Latin American and African samples but statistically significantly negative in the Asian sample; autocratic regime change is statistically significant and positive in the Latin American and Asian samples, but statistically significantly negative in the African sample." na no larjavaara 2012 level "level of democracy, in 2006 (EIU) and 2005 (FH); average over 2000-2010 (Polity)" mix 11 "economist intelligence unit; freedom house; polity iv" "democracy index; index of political rights and civil liberties (reversed); polity score" deforestation deforestation, average annual change in forest cover food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 2000 2010 2000-2010 significantly negative negative level of democracy is a statistically significant and negative to forest area change across all three measures, indicating that higher level of democracy is associated with loss of forest. doi.rg/10.1505/146554812802646666 presents bivariate regressions no leblois et al. 2017 "level; stability" "level of democracy, yearly; binary regime stability, yearly" no NA polity iv "polity score; regime durability" deforestation deforestation rate, annual change in forest cover, normalized by land area, yearly "world resource institute; hansen et al. (2013)" forest cover global 2001 2010 2001-2010 mostly non-significant effects, regime stability is significant and positive in Sub-Saharan sample mixed "level of democracy or regime stability are neither statistically significant in the global sample using ols fixed effects; using system-gmm estimation renders regime stability statistically significant and positive in the global sample, but only so for the the sub-saharan african sample according to regional analysis; in total, democracy variables are mostly non-significant but there are indications of a positive relationship between regime stability and loss of forest cover in the sub-saharan african sample." na yes li and reuveny 2006 "level; type" "level of democracy, average over 1980-1990 and 1990-2000; binary regime type, average over 1980-1990; 1990-2000" yes 11 polity iv polity score deforestation "deforestation rate, average annual change per decade (1980-1990, 1990-2000); forested area/land area in 1980, 1990 and 2000" "world resource institute; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" "natural forest cover; forest cover" global 1980 2000 1980-2000 significantly negative to rates, significant and positive to forest cover positive "deforestation as response variable: level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to deforestation rates; forested area as response variable: level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to forested area as share of total area; binary democracy measures are all statistically significant and show that democracies are associated with having lower deforestation rates and larger forested areas; inverse pattern with binary autocratic measures; in total, democracy is associated with positive outcomes for forest cover." na no li and reuveny 2007 type binary regime type, average over 1980-1990 and 1990-2000 yes 11 polity iv polity score deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change per decade (1980-1990, 1990-2000) "world resource institute; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" natural forestcover global 1980 2000 1980-2000 significantly negative, interaction effects negative "binary democracy is significant and negative in global and least developed countries samples, indicating that democracies have higher rates of deforestation; democracy have a significant and negative interaction with trade openness in all samples, indicating that when trade openness increase in democracies, so does deforestation rates; in autocracies, trade openness decrease deforestation rates." na no lopez and galinato (1) 2005 level level of democracy, yearly no NA polity iv polity score land use change road expansion and crop expansion in forested regions "various microstudies; country-specific statistical yearbook" road expansion and crop expansion in forested regions brazil, indonesia, malaysia, philippines 1975 1995 1975-1995 "complex, interaction effect, direction mixed across countries for road expansion; not significant for crop expansion" mixed "road expanstion in forested areas as the response variable: level of democracy is statistically significant and negative, but interacts positively with gdp per capita, indicating that at higher levels of economic development more democracy is associated with more road expansion; crop expansion in forested areas as the response variable: level of democracy is not statistically significant." this study is represented by two rows in this spreadsheet no lopez and galinato (2) 2005 level level of democracy, yearly no NA polity iv polity score deforestation change in forest cover, estimated through combining the authors own results of regressing democracy on road expansion and crop expansion in forested regions together with the marginal effects from previous (micro)studies on the country-specific effects of road expansion and crop expansion on forest cover. "various microstudies; country-specific statistical yearbook" forest cover, road expansion and crop expansion in forested regions brazil, indonesia, malaysia, philippines 1975 1995 1975-1995 "complex, interaction effect, direction mixed across countries for road expansion; not significant for crop expansion" mixed "marginal effects on forest cover: level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to forest cover in brazil, but positive in indonesia, malaysia, and the philippines; further, the level of democracy affects the forest-income curve differently across the four countries, delaying it in brazil but shifting it upwards in the other three countries; see lopez and galinato (1) for models with road and crop expansion." this study is represented by two rows in this spreadsheet no marchand 2015 level level of democracy, average over four-year intervals for four periods yes 4 freedom house imputed polity iv freedom house imputed polity score deforestation deforestation rate, average change in forest cover per interval (1990-1993, 1994-1997, 1998-2001, 2002-2005) food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover non-european former colonies 1990 2005 1990-2005 complex, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to deforestation rate in the global sample, indicating an association between democracy and loss in forest cover; when level of democracy is interacted with dummy variables for colonial origins, spanish and brittish ex-colonies have statistically significant and negative interaction terms with french category as reference; other categories are non-significant; this indicate that higher levels of democracy in former brittish and spanish colonies are associated with less deforestation, compared to democracy levels in former french colonies, where higher democracy is associated with loss of forest cover." na no marquart-pyatt 2004 level level of democracy, average over 1980-1988 yes 9 "freedom house; bollens liberal democracy" "index of political rights and civil liberties; political rights; civil liberties (reversed scoring); all averaged over 1980-1988; bollen's liberal democracy averaged over 1980-1988" deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change in forest cover, average over 1990-1995 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 1975 1995 1975-1995 significantly positive negative level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to deforestation rates, indicating that more democracy is associated with higher loss of forest (reversed scoring) na yes mather and needle 1999 level level of democracy, average over 1970-1980 and 1980-1990 yes 11 freedom house "political rights; civil liberties; average of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring)" deforestation deforestation, average annual percentage change in forest cover, average over 1980-1990. food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1980 1990 1980-1990 significant and positive correlation positive levels of political rights, civil liberties and their joint average are all positively correlated to the average annual change in forest cover (both mean and median change), indicating that democracy is positively associated with afforestation (original scoring). presents correlations no mcpherson and nieswiadomy 2005 level level of democracy, average over 1981-2000 yes 20 freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) threatened species "share of threatened bird species to total bird species in 2000; share of threatened mammal species to total mammal species in 2000" international union for conservation of nature red list status global 1981 2000 1981-2000 significantly positive mixed "threatened mammal species as response variable: level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to the share of threatened mammals when multicollinear variables (legal system dummies and anti-government demonstrations) are omitted; threatened bird species as response variable: level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to the share of threatened birds when multicollinear variables (legal system dummies and anti-government demonstrations) are omitted, using the 10%-rule; in total, more democratic countries correlate with have smaller proportions of threatened mammal species, but with less certainty for bird species (original scoring)." na yes midlarsky (1) 1998 level level of democracy, average over 1973-1987 (FH), in 1980 (Bollen's) and 1980 (Polity) mix 15 "freedom house; bollens liberal democracy; polity iii" "political rights (fh, reversed scoring); liberal democracy (bollen); polity score" deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change in forest cover, averaged over 1981 and 1990 world resource institute forest cover global 1973 1990 1973-1990 significantly positive negative two out of three democracy measures (political rights and liberal democracy) are statistically significant and positive to the deforestation rate, indicating that more democracy is associated with a loss of forest this study is represented by two rows in this spreadsheet no midlarsky (2) 1998 level level of democracy, average over 1973-1987 (FH), in 1980 (Bollen's) and 1980 (Polity) mix 15 "freedom house; bollens liberal democracy; polity iii" "political rights (fh, reversed scoring); liberal democracy (bollen); polity score" protected area protected areas as share of land in 1993 world resource institute terrestrial protected area global 1973 1993 1973-1993 significantly positive positive two out of three democracy measures (liberal democracy and polity score) are statistically significant and positive to the share of land area under protection. this study is represented by two rows in this spreadsheet no neumayer (1) 2002 level level of democracy, in 1997 and 2000 no NA "freedom house; polity iii; world-wide governance indicators; vanhanen" "index of political rights and civil liberties (fh, original scoring); polity score; voice and accountability score; vanhanen's polyarchy score" protected area protected terrestrial area as share of total land area in 1997 international union for conservation of nature terrestrial protected area global 1997 1997 1997-1997 mostly significantly positive albeit with variation in significance levels positive "protected area as response variable: freedom house: dummy coeffients for the mid and low categories (with high as the reference category) are statistically significant and negative for both developed and developing countries, individually and combined; polity: dummy coefficients for the mid and low categories (high = reference) are statistically significant and negative in the full sample, but for the less developed countries it is only the mid category that remains significant, combined p-values are significant in both samples; world-wide governance indicators: all dummy coefficients for the mid and low categories (high = reference) are statistically significant and negative in the full sample, the mid category is not statistically significant in the less developed sample, combined p-values are only significant in the full sample; vanhanen: dummy coefficient for autocracy is not statistically significant in any sample (democracy = reference); in total, the level of democracy seems to be positively associated with a higher commitment to biodiversity, measured through three proxy variables." this study is represented by three rows in this spreadsheet no neumayer (2) 2002 level level of democracy, in 1997 and 2000 no NA "freedom house; polity iii; world-wide governance indicators; vanhanen" "index of political rights and civil liberties (fh, original scoring); polity score; voice and accountability score; vanhanen's polyarchy score" state compliance share of reporting requirements fufilled under cites in 2000 world resource institute reporting requirements under cites global 1997 1997 1997 mostly significantly positive albeit with variation in significance levels positive "freedom house: dummy coefficients for low category is statistically significant and negative for both developed and less developed samples (high = reference), combined p-values are significant for both samples; polity: same pattern as for the freedom house indicators; world-wide governance indicator: same pattern as for the freedom house indicators, except that the mid category is not statistically significant in the less developed country sample; vanhanen: dummy coefficient for autocracy (democracy = reference) is statistically significant and negative in both samples; n total, the level of democracy seems to be positively associated with a higher commitment to biodiversity." this study is represented by three rows in this spreadsheet no neumayer (3) 2002 level level of democracy, in 1997 and 2000 no NA "freedom house; polity iii; world-wide governance indicators; vanhanen" "index of political rights and civil liberties (fh, original scoring); polity score; voice and accountability score; vanhanen's polyarchy score" international commitment to biodiversity having signed the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety in 2000 cartagena biodiversity protocol website list of countries that have joined the protocol global 1997 2000 1997-2000 mostly significantly positive albeit with variation in significance levels positive "freedom house: dummy coefficient for low category (high = reference) is statistically significant and negative in both samples, mid category is not significant, combined p-values are significant; polity: dummy coefficients for low and mid categories (high = reference) are statistically significant and negative, combined p-values are significant; world-wide governance indicators: same pattern as freedom house for developing countries, and same as polity for developed countries; vanhanen: dummy coefficient for autocracy is statistically significant (democracy = reference) and negative; in total, the level of democracy seems to be positively associated with a higher commitment to biodiversity." this study is represented by three rows in this spreadsheet no nguyen van 2003 level level of democracy, in 1997 no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) protected area share of national territory as protected area in 1997 international union for conservation of nature share of national territory under terrestrial and marine protective status global 1996 1997 1996-1997 not significant null level of democracy is a not statistically significant. na no nguyen van and azomahou 2007 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, annual change in forest cover, yearly world resource institute forest cover developing countries 1972 1994 1972-1994 significantly positive positive level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to the rate of deforestation, indicating that more democracy is associated with less deforestation (orginal scoring). na no obydenkova et al. 2016 level level of democracy, average over 1990-2010 yes 21 freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change in total forest area, average over 1990-2010 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1990 2010 1990-2010 complex, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy is non-linearly related to deforestation, the linear term is statistically significant os positively associated with the rate of deforestastion and the squared term is negative and statistically significant (bell-shape); level of democracy interacts statistically significantly and positive with aggregated iq levels, indicating that higher iq scores at the country-level is negatively associated with deforestation when democracy is low (reversed scoring)." na no peimer et al. 2017 level level of democracy, in 2015 no NA polity iv polity score wetland policy stringency of wetland policy authors own calculation comprehensive wetland policy in place, ratification of ramsar convention, number of established official ramsar sites, states wetland policy goals, completed wetland inventory, wetland offsetting employed, incentives and punishment in place. global NA NA at various time points, mostly 2015 significantly positive positive level of democracy is statistically significantly and positively associated with countries having a wetland-specific policy in place. na no povitkina et al. 2015 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house imputed polity iv freedom house imputed polity score overfishing changes in marine trophic index, yearly sea around us marine trophic index global 1972 2006 1972-2006 significantly negative in global sample, significantly negative in one low-income group, significantly positive in one high-income group mixed "level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to marine trophic levels in the global sample; across different levels of economic development, democracy is statistically significant and negative in the lowest category in low to middle-income category, but positive in the highest income countries category; in total, democracy is positively associated with marine trophic levels when economic development is higher, but negatively when development is low." na no puzon 2011 level level of democracy, yearly no NA freedom house sum of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation, forest cover, yearly "world development indicators; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" natural forest cover east asia and the pacific 1994 2003 1994-2003 significantly negative negative level of democracy is statistically significant and positive, indicating that less democratic countries are associated with a increase in forest cover. na no restivo et al. 2018 level level of democracy in 2000 no NA vanhanen index of political participation and political competition deforestation deforestation rate, forest loss between 2001-2014 normalized to forest cover in 2000 "world resource institute; hansen et al. (2013)" forest cover developing countries 2000 2014 2000-2014 not significant null level of democracy is not a statistically significant predictor of the deforestation rate. na yes reuveny et al. 2010 level level of democracy, average over 1980-1990 and 1990-2000 yes 11 polity iv polity score deforestation deforestation rate, average annual change per decade (1980-1990, 1990-2000) food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1980 2000 1980-2000 significantly negative negative "level of democracy is statistically significant and negative to deforestation, indicating that more democratic countries experience higher forest cover loss; this is stable across global sample and sample with only developing countries." na no rydning gaarder and vadlamanatti 2017 type binary indicator of regime type, yearly no NA polity iv polity score deforestation deforestation, forested cover as share of land area, yearly "world development indicators; food and agricultural organisation of the united nations" forest cover global 1990 2012 1990-2012 "democracy indicator is significant and negative but significant and positive in interaction with economic development; autocratic indicator is significantly positive" mixed "binary democracy is statistically significant and negative in the global and non-oecd samples; binary autocracy is statistically significant and positive; binary democracy interacts statistically significant and positive with gdp per capita in both the global and non-oecd samples, in these models binary autocracy is statistically significant and positive; in total, democracy is positive to afforestation at higher levels of economic development, and autocracy is positive to afforestation." na no salahodjaev 2016 level level of democracy, average over 1990-2010 yes 21 freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in total forest cover, average over 1990-2010 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover global 1990 2010 1990-2010 complex, non-linear effects, positive for low levels of democracy, negative at higher levels mixed "level of democracy is statistically significantly non-linearly related to deforestation, the linear term is positive and the squared term is negative (bell-shape, original scoring);" na no shandra 2007 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in total forest cover, average over 1990-2000 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 1990 2000 1990-2000 complex, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy is mostly a non-significant unconditional predictor; level of democracy interact statistically significantly with three world-system variables including export partner concentration, commodity concentration and foreign direct investment to positively predict deforestation rates; indicating that in less democratic countries, higher values on the three conditional factors are positively associated with the deforestation rate (original scoring)." Economic Dependency, Repression, and Deforestation: A Quantitative, Cross-National Analysis no shandra 2007 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in total forest cover, average over 1990-2000 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 1990 2000 1990-2000 complex, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy is non-significant; level of democracy interacts statistically significantly with international environmental non-governmental organisation per capita to predict deforestation rates negatively, indicating that international environmental non-governmental organisation per capita are negatively associated with the deforestation rate when democracy is relatively higher (original scoring)." International Nongovernmental Organizations and Deforestation: Good, Bad, or Irrelevant? no shandra 2007 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (original scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in total forest cover, average over 1990-2000 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations forest cover developing countries 1990 2012 1990-2000 not significant null level of democracy is a not statistically significant. The World Polity and Deforestation: A Quantitative, Cross-National Analysis yes shandra et al. 2008 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in natural forest cover, average over 1990-2005 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations natural forest cover developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 not significant null level of democracy is a not statistically significant. Women, non-governmental organizations, and deforestation: a cross-national study no shandra et al. 2012 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in natural forest cover, average over 1990-2005 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations natural forest cover developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 not significant, interaction effects mixed "level of democracy is a non-significant unconditional predictor; level of democracy interacts statistically significantly and negative with international and domestic environmental non-governmental organisation per capita to predict the rate of deforestation; indicating that when democracy is relatively higher non-governmental organisation per capita is associated with forest cover loss (reversed scoring)." Nongovernmental Organizations, Democracy, and Deforestation: A Cross-National Analysis no shandra et al. 2011 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in natural forest cover, average over 1990-2005 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations natural forest cover developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 significantly positive negative level of democracy is a statistically significant and positive predictor of deforestation rates, indicating that more democratic is associated with higher forest cover loss (reversed scoring) World Bank lending and deforestation: A cross-national analysis no shandra, leckband and london 2009 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in natural forest cover, average over 1990-2005 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations natural forest cover developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 significantly negative negative level of democracy is a statistically significant and positive predictor of the deforestation rate. Ecologically Unequal Exchange and Deforestation: A Cross-National Analysis of Forestry Export Flows no shandra, leckband, mckinney et al. 2009 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house average of political rights and civil liberties (reversed scoring) threatened species number of threatened mammal species in 2005 international union for conservation of nature red list status developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 not significant null level of democracy is not statistically significant. Ecologically Unequal Exchange, World Polity, and Biodiversity Loss: A Cross-National Analysis of Threatened Mammals yes shandra, mckinney et al. 2010 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA polity iv polity score threatened species "number of threatened mammal species in 2005; number of threatened bird species in 2005" international union for conservation of nature red list status developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 "significantly positive to threatened mammal species; non-significant for bird species" mixed "threatened mammal species as response variable: level of democracy is statistically significant and postive to the number of threatened mammal species; threatened bird species as response variable: level of democracy is a non-significant predictor of the number of threatned bird species." Debt, Structural Adjustment, and Biodiversity Loss: A Cross-National Analysis of Threatened Mammals and Birds no shandra, restivo et al. 2011 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA polity iv polity score deforestation deforestation rate, average annual percentage change in natural forest cover, average over 1990-2005 food and agricultural organisation of the united nations natural forest cover developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 significantly positive negative "level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to deforestation rates in the majority of models, using 10% significance as threshold; indicating that democracy is positively associated with forest loss." Do Commercial Debt for Nature Swaps Matter for Forests? A Cross National Test of World Polity Theory no shandra, rudel et al. 2010 level level of democracy, in 1990 no NA freedom house "political rights; civil liberties (reversed scoring)" protected area protected terrestrial area as share of total land area in 2005 international union for conservation of nature terrestrial protected area developing countries 1990 2005 1990-2005 not significant, interaction effects mixed "civil liberties and political rights interacts statistically significant and positive with international environmental non-governmental organisation per capita; indicating that when the level of democracy is higher, non-governmental organisation per capita is associated with larger proportions of protected areas (reversed scoring)" Nongovernmental Organizations and Protected Land Area no sjostedt 2013 level level of democracy, when marine water declared as exclusive economic zone no NA freedom house imputed polity iv freedom house imputed polity score overfishing level of marine trophic index sea around us marine trophic index sub-saharan african coastal states NA NA when each country declared its exclusive economic zone significantly positive positive level of democracy is statistically significant and positive to marine trophic levels, both when the dependent variable is measured at a given year and when averaged across the time period since each country declared its exclusive economic zone. na no sjostedt and jagers 2014 "level; age" "level of democracy; age of democracy, yearly " no NA freedom house imputed polity iv freedom house imputed polity score overfishing changes in marine trophic index, yearly sea around us marine trophic index sub-saharan african coastal states 1970 2006 1970-2006 significantly positive (levels of democracy), but non-significant when age of democracy is included (significantly positive) or temporal sample span restricted positive "levels of democracy is statistically significantly positive to marine trophic levels, both with staring year in 1970 and 1996; when sample is restricted to 1990-2000 level of democracy is non-significant; when age of democracy is included it is statistically significant, positive and renders the level-measure non-significant (starting in 1970); in total, this indicate that the age of democracy matter more than the level of democracy, but that both level and age can be positively associated with marine trophic levels." na no wehkamp et al. 2018 level level of democracy no NA metaanalysis metaanalysis deforestation deforestation metaanalysis metaanalysis global 1994 2016 1994-2016 decreasing the probability of positive outcomes mixed using democracy or political rights reduce the likelihood of finding a positive finding for deforestation outcomes and increases the likelihood of obtaining inconclusive findings. na no wurster 2013 "type; level" "binary regime type, yearly; level of political constraints, yearly" no NA "democracy and dictatorship; database of political institutions" "dichotomous democracy indicator; political constraints score" protected area protected marine and terrestrial area, as share of total area, yearly united nations statistical division marine and terrestrial protected area global 1990 2005 1990-2005 "regime type is significantly positive; political constraints is non-significant" mixed "binary democarcy indicator is positive and statistically significant, indicating that democracies are positively associated with a higher share of marine protected area; polititical constraints is non-significant." na no