Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Altered cell behavior induced by molecular motion–mediated protein layer restructuring.
- Fig. S2. Proliferation capacity of MSCs on molecular motor–functionalized surfaces in static and rotating mode upon protein adhesion.
- Fig. S3. Immunofluorescence analysis of cell morphology during osteogenic differentiation of MSCs on dynamic and static molecular motor–functionalized surfaces.
- Fig. S4. Protein adhesion and structural integrity mediated by molecular motion and UV irradiation.
- Fig. S5. MD simulations of protein–molecular motor interactions and motion-induced structural deformation.
- Fig. S6. AFM analysis of motion-induced alterations to structural alterations of protein adhesion layers.
- Fig. S7. Physicochemical influences on the morphology of protein adhesion layers.
- Table S1. Primer sequences of human-specific genes used for qRT-PCR.
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