Supplementary Materials

The PDFset includes:

  • Fig. S1. Positive DEP response of both CFDA live (green fluorescent) and PI-stained dead (red fluorescent) E. coli within a quadrupolar electrode array and a solution conductivity of 9 μS/cm.
  • Fig. S2. Polystyrene particles (2 μm) trapped under the metallic coated hemisphere of the JP under various voltages.
  • Fig. S3. JP (10 μm) path during the trapping process of E. coli, as obtained by superimposing microscope images at different times, operated under 10 V and 200 kHz.
  • Fig. S4. Microscopy images of PI- and CFDA-stained trapped versus nontrapped Rhodococcus at low frequency of 33 Hz, 10 V, and various operation times.
  • Fig. S5. Experimental setup.
  • Table S1. Parameters used for the calculation of the E. coli transmembrane potential.
  • Legends for movies S1 to S5

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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:

  • Movie S1 (.mp4 format). JP velocity for different frequencies (10 kHz, 30 kHz, 300 kHz, and 5 M Hz) under 10 V.
  • Movie S2 (.mp4 format). Electroporation process using continuous AC signal of low frequency consisting of 2-min collection of E. coli (300 kHz and 10 V) under GFP channel, 22 min of electroporation (55 kHz and 10 V) under GFP, and PI and GFP/PI channels and release under PI channel.
  • Movie S3 (.mp4 format). Electroporation process using continuous AC signal of high frequency consisting of 2-min collection of E. coli (300 kHz and 10 V) under GFP optical channel, 22 min of electroporation (5 MHz and 15 V) under GFP, and PI and GFP/PI channels and release under PI channel.
  • Movie S4 (.mp4 format). Electroconvection around the JP visualized using 720-nm polystyrene particles as tracers.
  • Movie S5 (.mp4 format). Electroporation process using a train of AC pulses consisting of 2-min collection of E. coli (300 kHz and 10 V) under GFP channel, a train of sinusoidal AC pulses (number of pulse: 10 pulses; pulse duration: 0.5 ms; frequency: 30 kHz; amplitude: 30 V) for electroporation under GFP channel, 4-min holding (2 MHz and 10 V), and observing PI uptake under GFP, PI, and GFP/PI channels and release under PI channel.

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