Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Survey instruments
- Additional results
- Fig. S1. Beliefs about Zika (experimental data).
- Table S1. Study summaries.
- Table S2. Sample statistics.
- Table S3. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs (experimental data).
- Table S4. Treatment effects on Zika attitudes and behavioral intentions.
- Table S5. Correction effects in 2017 Zika experiment (ordered probit).
- Table S6. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (conspiracy predispositions).
- Table S7. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in government).
- Table S8. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in Ministry of Health).
- Table S9. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in medicine).
- Table S10. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in scientists).
- Table S11. Correction effects on other Zika beliefs in 2017 Zika experiment.
- Table S12. Correction effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes after delay.
- Table S13. Treatment effects on Zika attitudes and behavioral intentions.
- Table S14. Correction effects in 2018 Zika experiment (ordered probit).
- Table S15. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (conspiracy predispositions).
- Table S16. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in government).
- Table S17. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in Ministry of Health).
- Table S18. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in medicine).
- Table S19. Treatment effects on Zika beliefs and attitudes (confidence in scientists).
- Table S20. Correction effects on other Zika beliefs in 2018 Zika experiment.
- Table S21. Treatment effect on perceived ability to discern truth about health/science.
- Table S22. Treatment effects on yellow fever attitudes and behavioral intentions.
- Table S23. Correction effects in 2018 yellow fever experiment (ordered probit).
- Table S24. Treatment effects on yellow fever beliefs and attitudes (conspiracy predispositions).
- Table S25. Treatment effects on yellow fever beliefs and attitudes (confidence in government).
- Table S26. Treatment effects on yellow fever beliefs and attitudes (confidence in Ministry of Health).
- Table S27. Treatment effects on yellow fever beliefs and attitudes (confidence in medicine).
- Table S28. Treatment effects on yellow fever beliefs and attitudes (confidence in scientists).
- Table S29. Treatment effect on perceived ability to discern truth about health/science.
- Table S30. Correction effects on other Zika beliefs by pre-experiment response time.
- Table S31. Correction effects on other Zika beliefs by experimental response time.
- References (41–43)
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