Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Autoinhibited conformation of SHP2.
- Fig. S2. Interaction of the N-SH2 and C-SH2 domains with ITIM and ITSM.
- Fig. S3. Lack of phosphorylation on ITIM and ITSM severely impairs their ability to bind both N-SH2 and C-SH2.
- Fig. S4. NMR structure of the C-SH2–ITSM complex and overlay of unbound and phosphopeptide-bound structures of the SH2 domains.
- Fig. S5. Overlay of the 1H-15N spectra of SHP21–220, SHP21–105, and SHP2110–220 in the bound and unbound forms.
- Fig. S6. Small-angle scattering analysis of SHP21–220 and SHP21–525-C459S in the presence of the bidentate peptide.
- Fig. S7. Superposition of the structures of N-SH2–ITIM and C-SH2–ITSM on the corresponding domains of SHP1 in the open state (PDB entry 3PS5) and SHP2-E76K in the open state (PDB entry 6CRF).
- Fig. S8. CD69 expression levels of Raji B cells are not affected by coculture with Jurkat T cells.
- Table S1. Crystallographic data collection and refinement statistics.
- Table S2. NMR statistics for the structure of the C-SH2–ITSM complex.
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