Study,Authors,Title,Published Year,Journal,DOI,Notes Forsythe 2014,"Forsythe, Laura P; Szydlowski, Victoria; Murad, Mohammad Hassan; Ip, Stanley; Wang, Zhen; Elraiyah, Tarig A; Fleurence, Rachael; Hickam, David H",A systematic review of approaches for engaging patients for research on rare diseases.,2014,Journal of General Internal Medicine,10.1007/s11606-014-2895-9,Duplicate Forsythe 2014,"Forsythe, Laura P; Szydlowski, Victoria; Murad, Mohammad Hassan; Ip, Stanley; Wang, Zhen; Elraiyah, Tarig A; Fleurence, Rachael; Hickam, David H",A systematic review of approaches for engaging patients for research on rare diseases.,2014,Journal of general internal medicine,10.1007/s11606-014-2895-9,Duplicate Shikako-Thomas 2015,"Shikako-Thomas, Keiko; Nguyen, Tram; Graham, Emma; Thomas, Aliki; Sprung, Jennifer; Morris, Christopher; Russell, Dianne J.","Engaging stakeholders in rehabilitation research: a scoping review of strategies used in partnerships and evaluation of impacts AU - Camden, Chantal",2015,Disability and Rehabilitation,10.3109/09638288.2014.963705,Duplicate Shen 2017,"Shen, Shuoqi; Doyle-Thomas, Krissy A R; Beesley, Lori; Karmali, Amir; Williams, Laura; Tanel, Nadia; McPherson, Amy C",How and why should we engage parents as co-researchers in health research? A scoping review of current practices.,2017,Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy,10.1111/hex.12490,Insufficient description of activities Price 2018,"Price, Amy; Albarqouni, Loai; Kirkpatrick, Jo; Clarke, Mike; Liew, Su May; Roberts, Nia; Burls, Amanda",Patient and public involvement in the design of clinical trials: An overview of systematic reviews.,2018,Journal of evaluation in clinical practice,10.1111/jep.12805,Insufficient description of activities Kara 2013,"Kara, Helen","Mental health service user involvement in research: Where have we come from, where are we going?",2013,Journal of Public Mental Health,10.1108/JPMH-01-2013-0001,Insufficient description of activities Joss 2016,"Joss, Nerida; Cooklin, Amanda; Oldenburg, Brian",A scoping review of end user involvement in disability research.,2016,Disability and health journal,10.1016/j.dhjo.2015.10.001,Insufficient description of activities Jivraj 2014,"Jivraj, Jamil; Sacrey, Lori-Ann; Newton, Amanda; Nicholas, David; Zwaigenbaum, Lonnie",Assessing the influence of researcher-partner involvement on the process and outcomes of participatory research in autism spectrum disorder and neurodevelopmental disorders: a scoping review.,2014,Autism : the international journal of research and practice,10.1177/1362361314539858,Insufficient description of activities Jagosh 2012,"Jagosh, Justin; Macaulay, Ann C; Pluye, Pierre; Salsberg, Jon; Bush, Paula L; Henderson, Jim; Sirett, Erin; Wong, Geoff; Cargo, Margaret; Herbert, Carol P; Seifer, Sarena D; Green, Lawrence W; Greenhalgh, Trisha",Uncovering the benefits of participatory research: implications of a realist review for health research and practice.,2012,The Milbank quarterly,10.1111/j.1468-0009.2012.00665.x,Insufficient description of activities Jackson 2005,"Jackson, J A; Kinn, S; Dalgarno, P",Patient-centred outcomes in dietary research.,2005,Journal of human nutrition and dietetics : the official journal of the British Dietetic Association,,Insufficient description of activities HowardWilsher 2017,"Howard Wilsher, S.; Brainard, J.; Loke, Y.; Salter, C.",Patient and public involvement in health literacy interventions: a mapping review,2017,,10.1186/s40900-017-0081-z,Insufficient description of activities Happell 2007,"Happell, Brenda; Roper, Cath",Consumer participation in mental health research: Articulating a model to guide practice.,2007,Australasian Psychiatry,10.1080/10398560701320113,Insufficient description of activities Yusuf 2015,"Yusuf, Afiqah; Elsabbagh, Mayada",At the cross-roads of participatory research and biomarker discovery in autism: the need for empirical data.,2015,BMC medical ethics,10.1186/s12910-015-0082-0,Insufficient description of activities Vollm 2017,"Vollm, Birgit; Foster, Sheena; Bates, Peter; Huband, Nick",How best to engage users of forensic services in research: Literature review and recommendations.,2017,The International Journal of Forensic Mental Health,10.1080/14999013.2016.1255282,Insufficient description of activities Stewart 2011,"Stewart, Ruth J; Caird, Jenny; Oliver, Kathryn; Oliver, Sandy",Patients' and clinicians' research priorities.,2011,Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy,10.1111/j.1369-7625.2010.00648.x,Insufficient description of activities Shippee 2015,"Shippee, Nathan D; Domecq Garces, Juan Pablo; Prutsky Lopez, Gabriela J; Wang, Zhen; Elraiyah, Tarig A; Nabhan, Mohammed; Brito, Juan P; Boehmer, Kasey; Hasan, Rim; Firwana, Belal; Erwin, Patricia J; Montori, Victor M; Murad, M Hassan",Patient and service user engagement in research: a systematic review and synthesized framework.,2015,Health expectations : an international journal of public participation in health care and health policy,10.1111/hex.12090,Insufficient description of activities Krishnaswami 2012,"Krishnaswami, Janani; Martinson, Marty; Wakimoto, Patricia; Anglemeyer, Andrew","Community-engaged interventions on diet, activity, and weight outcomes in U.S. schools: a systematic review.",2012,American journal of preventive medicine,10.1016/j.amepre.2012.02.031,Insufficient description of activities Dawson 2018,"Dawson, Shoba; Campbell, Stephen M; Giles, Sally J; Morris, Rebecca L; Cheraghi-Sohi, Sudeh",Black and minority ethnic group involvement in health and social care research: A systematic review.,2018,Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care & Health Policy,10.1111/hex.12597,Insufficient description of activities Concannon 2014,"Concannon, Thomas W; Fuster, Melissa; Saunders, Tully; Patel, Kamal; Wong, John B; Leslie, Laurel K; Lau, Joseph",A systematic review of stakeholder engagement in comparative effectiveness and patient-centered outcomes research.,2014,Journal of general internal medicine,10.1007/s11606-014-2878-x,Insufficient description of activities Bigby 2014,"Bigby, Christine; Frawley, Patsie; Ramcharan, Paul",Conceptualizing inclusive research with people with intellectual disability.,2014,Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID,10.1111/jar.12083,Insufficient description of activities Hamilton 2017,"Hamilton, Clayon B; Leese, Jenny C; Hoens, Alison M; Li, Linda C",Framework for Advancing the Reporting of Patient Engagement in Rheumatology Research Projects.,2017,Current rheumatology reports,10.1007/s11926-017-0666-4,Insufficient description of activities Fergusson 2018,"Fergusson, D.; Monfaredi, Z.; Pussegoda, K.; Garritty, C.; Lyddiatt, A.; Shea, B.; Duffett, L.; Ghannad, M.; Montroy, J.; Hassan Murad, M.; Pratt, M.; Rader, T.; Shorr, R.; Yazdi, F.",The prevalence of patient engagement in published trials: a systematic review,2018,,10.1186/s40900-018-0099-x,Insufficient description of activities Backhouse 2016,"Backhouse, Tamara; Kenkmann, Andrea; Lane, Kathleen; Penhale, Bridget; Poland, Fiona; Killett, Anne",Older care-home residents as collaborators or advisors in research: a systematic review.,2016,Age and ageing,10.1093/ageing/afv201,Insufficient description of activities Bethell 2018,"Bethell, Jennifer; Commisso, Elana; Rostad, Hanne Marie; Puts, Martine; Babineau, Jessica; Grinbergs-Saull, Anna; Wighton, Mary Beth; Hammel, John; Doyle, Elizabeth; Nadeau, Sacha; McGilton, Katherine S",Patient engagement in research related to dementia: A scoping review.,2018,"Dementia (London, England)",10.1177/1471301218789292,Insufficient description of activities Bench 2018,"Bench, Suzanne; Eassom, Erica; Poursanidou, Konstantina",The nature and extent of service user involvement in critical care research and quality improvement: A scoping review of the literature.,2018,International Journal of Consumer Studies,10.1111/ijcs.12406,Insufficient description of activities Brett 2014,"Brett, Jo; Staniszewska, Sophie; Mockford, Carole; Herron-Marx, Sandra; Hughes, John; Tysall, Colin; Suleman, Rashida","A systematic review of the impact of patient and public involvement on service users, researchers and communities.",2014,The patient,10.1007/s40271-014-0065-0,Insufficient description of activities Brizay 2015,"Brizay, Ulrike; Golob, Lina; Globerman, Jason; Gogolishvili, David; Bird, Mara; Rios-Ellis, Britt; Rourke, Sean B; Heidari, Shirin",Community-academic partnerships in HIV-related research: a systematic literature review of theory and practice.,2015,Journal of the International AIDS Society,10.7448/IAS.18.1.19354,Insufficient description of activities Evans 2018,"Evans, David; Bird, Emma; Gibson, Andy; Grier, Sally; Chin, Teh Li; Stoddart, Margaret; MacGowan, Alasdair","Extent, quality and impact of patient and public involvement in antimicrobial drug development research: A systematic review.",2018,Health Expectations: An International Journal of Public Participation in Health Care & Health Policy,10.1111/hex.12587,Insufficient description of activities Hubbard 2008,"Hubbard, G; Kidd, L; Donaghy, E",Involving people affected by cancer in research: a review of literature.,2008,European journal of cancer care,10.1111/j.1365-2354.2007.00842.x,Insufficient description of activities Hubbard 2007,"Hubbard, Gill; Kidd, Lisa; Donaghy, Edward; McDonald, Charlotte; Kearney, Nora","A review of literature about involving people affected by cancer in research, policy and planning and practice.",2007,Patient education and counseling,,Insufficient description of activities Andrews 2012,"Andrews, Jeannette O; Newman, Susan D; Heath, Janie; Williams, Lovoria B; Tingen, Martha S",Community-based participatory research and smoking cessation interventions: a review of the evidence.,2012,The Nursing clinics of North America,10.1016/j.cnur.2011.10.013,Insufficient description of activities Boote 2002,"Boote, Jonathan; Telford, Rosemary; Cooper, Cindy",Consumer involvement in health research: a review and research agenda.,2002,"Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)",,Insufficient description of activities Cargo 2008,"Cargo, Margaret; Mercer, Shawna L",The value and challenges of participatory research: strengthening its practice.,2008,Annual review of public health,10.1146/annurev.publhealth.29.091307.083824,Insufficient description of activities Domingo 2018,"Domingo, Alexander E",Community-engaged research for the enhancement of diabetes prevention interventions among Hispanic Americans: A systematic review.,2018,Dissertation Abstracts International: Section B: The Sciences and Engineering,,not peer-reviewed Degeling 2015,"Degeling, Chris; Carter, Stacy M; Rychetnik, Lucie",Which public and why deliberate?--A scoping review of public deliberation in public health and health policy research.,2015,Social science & medicine (1982),10.1016/j.socscimed.2015.03.009,wrong engagement type (non-research process/project) Mockford 2012,"Mockford, C.; Staniszewska, S.; Griffiths, F.; Herron-Marx, S.",The impact of patient and public involvement on UK NHS health care: a systematic review,2012,Int J Qual Health Care,10.1093/intqhc/mzr066,wrong engagement type (non-research process/project) Coughlin 2017,"Coughlin, Steven S; Smith, Selina A",Community-Based Participatory Research to Promote Healthy Diet and Nutrition and Prevent and Control Obesity Among African-Americans: a Literature Review.,2017,Journal of racial and ethnic health disparities,10.1007/s40615-016-0225-0,wrong engagement type (non-research process/project) Cheung 2016,"Cheung, Peter P; de Wit, Maarten; Bingham, Clifton O 3rd; Kirwan, John R; Leong, Amye; March, Lyn M; Montie, Pam; Scholte-Voshaar, Marieke; Gossec, Laure",Recommendations for the Involvement of Patient Research Partners (PRP) in OMERACT Working Groups. A Report from the OMERACT 2014 Working Group on PRP.,2016,The Journal of rheumatology,10.3899/jrheum.141011,wrong engagement type (non-research process/project) Camuso 2016,"Camuso, Natasha; Bajaj, Prerna; Dudgeon, Deborah; Mitera, Gunita",Engaging Patients as Partners in Developing Patient-Reported Outcome Measures in Cancer-A Review of the Literature.,2016,Supportive care in cancer : official journal of the Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer,10.1007/s00520-016-3151-0,wrong engagement type (non-research process/project) Blair 2009,"Blair, Thomas; Minkler, Meredith",Participatory action research with older adults: key principles in practice.,2009,The Gerontologist,10.1093/geront/gnp049,wrong intervention (not co-design) Israel 1998,"Israel, B A; Schulz, A J; Parker, E A; Becker, A B",Review of community-based research: assessing partnership approaches to improve public health.,1998,Annual review of public health,,wrong intervention (not co-design) Walmsley 2018,"Walmsley, Jan; Strnadova, Iva; Johnson, Kelley",The added value of inclusive research.,2018,Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities : JARID,10.1111/jar.12431,wrong intervention (not co-design) Tong 2017,"Tong, Allison; Sautenet, Benedicte; Chapman, Jeremy R; Harper, Claudia; MacDonald, Peter; Shackel, Nicholas; Crowe, Sally; Hanson, Camilla; Hill, Sophie; Synnot, Anneliese; Craig, Jonathan C",Research priority setting in organ transplantation: a systematic review.,2017,Transplant international : official journal of the European Society for Organ Transplantation,10.1111/tri.12924,wrong intervention (not co-design) Tong 2015,"Tong, Allison; Chando, Shingisai; Crowe, Sally; Manns, Braden; Winkelmayer, Wolfgang C; Hemmelgarn, Brenda; Craig, Jonathan C",Research priority setting in kidney disease: a systematic review.,2015,American journal of kidney diseases : the official journal of the National Kidney Foundation,10.1053/j.ajkd.2014.11.011,wrong intervention (not co-design) Mitton 2009,"Mitton, C.; Smith, N.; Peacock, S.; Evoy, B.; Abelson, J.",Public participation in health care priority setting: A scoping review,2009,Health Policy,10.1016/j.healthpol.2009.01.005,wrong intervention (not co-design) Dubois 2011,"Dubois, James M; Bailey-Burch, Brendolyn; Bustillos, Dan; Campbell, Jean; Cottler, Linda; Fisher, Celia B; Hadley, Whitney B; Hoop, Jinger G; Roberts, Laura; Salter, Erica K; Sieber, Joan E; Stevenson, Richard D",Ethical issues in mental health research: the case for community engagement.,2011,Current opinion in psychiatry,10.1097/YCO.0b013e3283459422,wrong intervention (not co-design) DiLorito 2017,"Di Lorito, Claudio; Birt, Linda; Poland, Fiona; Csipke, Emese; Gove, Dianne; Diaz-Ponce, Ana; Orrell, Martin",A synthesis of the evidence on peer research with potentially vulnerable adults: how this relates to dementia.,2017,International journal of geriatric psychiatry,10.1002/gps.4577,wrong intervention (not co-design) Cyril 2015,"Cyril, S.; Smith, B. J.; Possamai-Inesedy, A.; Renzaho, A. M.",Exploring the role of community engagement in improving the health of disadvantaged populations: a systematic review,2015,Glob Health Action,10.3402/gha.v8.29842,wrong intervention (not co-design) Mathers 2006,"Mathers, Sandra A; Chesson, Rosemary A; Proctor, Jill M; McKenzie, Graham A; Robertson, Elizabeth",The use of patient-centered outcome measures in radiology: a systematic review.,2006,Academic radiology,,wrong intervention (not co-design) Bush 2017,"Bush, Paula L; Pluye, Pierre; Loignon, Christine; Granikov, Vera; Wright, Michael T; Pelletier, Jean-Francois; Bartlett-Esquilant, Gillian; Macaulay, Ann C; Haggerty, Jeannie; Parry, Sharon; Repchinsky, Carol",Organizational participatory research: a systematic mixed studies review exposing its extra benefits and the key factors associated with them.,2017,Implementation science : IS,10.1186/s13012-017-0648-y,wrong intervention (not co-design) Evans 2010,"Evans, D; Pilkington, P; McEachran, M",Rhetoric or reality? A systematic review of the impact of participatory approaches by UK public health units on health and social outcomes.,2010,"Journal of public health (Oxford, England)",10.1093/pubmed/fdq014,wrong intervention (not co-design) Moran 2011,"Moran, Rebecca; Davidson, Peter",An uneven spread: a review of public involvement in the National Institute of Health Research's Health Technology Assessment program.,2011,International journal of technology assessment in health care,10.1017/S0266462311000559,wrong population (non-researcher stakeholders but no identifiable interest) Boote 2011,"Boote, Jonathan; Baird, Wendy; Sutton, Anthea",Public involvement in the design and conduct of clinical trials: a narrative review of case examples,2011,Trials,10.1186/1745-6215-12-S1-A82,wrong study type (not a review)