The PDF file includes:
- Fig. S1. Endocranial landmark set.
- Fig. S2. Classic types of asymmetry and shape asymmetry.
- Fig. S3. Relationship of shape asymmetry and endocranial size.
- Fig. S4. Measurement error in repeated measurements analyses.
- Fig. S5. Effects of sample size and composition.
- Table S1. Descriptive statistics of PCA.
- Table S2. Symmetric and asymmetric variance in units of squared Procrustes distance per taxon.
- Table S3. Magnitudes of sample asymmetries decomposed into directional and fluctuating components.
- Table S4. Variance of shape asymmetry explained by log centroid size, with P values (permutation test) for the variance explained.
- Table S5. Descriptive statistics of absolute deviations from symmetry.
- Legends for movies S1 to S5
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Other Supplementary Material for this manuscript includes the following:
- Movie S1 (.mp4 format). Shared directional shape asymmetry.
- Movie S2 (.mp4 format). Human-specific asymmetry patterns.
- Movie S3 (.mp4 format). Chimpanzee-specific asymmetry patterns.
- Movie S4 (.mp4 format). Gorilla-specific asymmetry patterns.
- Movie S5 (.mp4 format). Orangutan-specific asymmetry patterns.