Analysis Type: PANTHER Overrepresentation Test (Released 20190711) Annotation Version and Release Date: GO Ontology database Released 2019-07-03 Analyzed List: 100_id.txt (Mus musculus) Reference List: Mus musculus (all genes in database) Test Type: FISHER Correction: FDR GO biological process complete Mus musculus - REFLIST (22296) 100_id.txt (17) 100_id.txt (expected) 100_id.txt (over/under) 100_id.txt (fold Enrichment) 100_id.txt (raw P-value) 100_id.txt (FDR) DNA replication-dependent nucleosome assembly (GO:0006335) 11 3 .01 + > 100 1.33E-07 1.05E-04 DNA replication-dependent nucleosome organization (GO:0034723) 11 3 .01 + > 100 1.33E-07 9.99E-05 nucleosome assembly (GO:0006334) 75 14 .06 + > 100 5.94E-32 3.12E-28 chromatin assembly (GO:0031497) 95 15 .07 + > 100 1.23E-33 1.94E-29 chromatin assembly or disassembly (GO:0006333) 113 15 .09 + > 100 1.38E-32 1.09E-28 nucleosome organization (GO:0034728) 116 14 .09 + > 100 1.69E-29 3.33E-26 protein-DNA complex assembly (GO:0065004) 132 15 .10 + > 100 1.23E-31 4.86E-28 DNA packaging (GO:0006323) 140 15 .11 + > 100 2.84E-31 8.96E-28 protein heterotetramerization (GO:0051290) 34 3 .03 + > 100 2.81E-06 1.58E-03 protein-DNA complex subunit organization (GO:0071824) 176 15 .13 + > 100 7.43E-30 1.95E-26 DNA conformation change (GO:0071103) 179 15 .14 + > 100 9.47E-30 2.13E-26 innate immune response in mucosa (GO:0002227) 53 4 .04 + 98.98 8.88E-08 7.37E-05 mucosal immune response (GO:0002385) 65 4 .05 + 80.71 1.93E-07 1.39E-04 antibacterial humoral response (GO:0019731) 65 4 .05 + 80.71 1.93E-07 1.33E-04 organ or tissue specific immune response (GO:0002251) 67 4 .05 + 78.30 2.17E-07 1.43E-04 antimicrobial humoral immune response mediated by antimicrobial peptide (GO:0061844) 85 4 .06 + 61.72 5.41E-07 3.41E-04 antimicrobial humoral response (GO:0019730) 104 4 .08 + 50.44 1.18E-06 7.14E-04 defense response to Gram-positive bacterium (GO:0050830) 126 4 .10 + 41.64 2.47E-06 1.44E-03 chromatin organization (GO:0006325) 620 16 .47 + 33.85 2.61E-24 4.58E-21 cellular protein-containing complex assembly (GO:0034622) 694 15 .53 + 28.35 3.77E-21 5.41E-18 chromosome organization (GO:0051276) 914 16 .70 + 22.96 1.20E-21 1.89E-18 protein-containing complex assembly (GO:0065003) 1334 15 1.02 + 14.75 5.93E-17 7.80E-14 protein-containing complex subunit organization (GO:0043933) 1522 15 1.16 + 12.93 4.17E-16 5.06E-13 cellular component assembly (GO:0022607) 2184 15 1.67 + 9.01 8.63E-14 9.73E-11 cellular component biogenesis (GO:0044085) 2406 15 1.83 + 8.18 3.59E-13 3.54E-10 organelle organization (GO:0006996) 3000 16 2.29 + 6.99 1.78E-13 1.87E-10 cellular component organization (GO:0016043) 5145 16 3.92 + 4.08 8.77E-10 8.14E-07 cellular component organization or biogenesis (GO:0071840) 5335 16 4.07 + 3.93 1.55E-09 1.36E-06