Supplementary Materials
This PDF file includes:
- Table S1. DNA binding and self-association equilibrium constants of PU.1 constructs.
- Table S2. Primers in RT-PCR experiments.
- Fig. S1. Calibration of transgenic PU.1 dosage.
- Fig. S2. Characterization of a peptide-based PU.1 inhibitor.
- Fig. S3. 1H-15N HSQC-detected titration of ΔN117 and ΔN165 by cognate DNA.
- Fig. S4. Purity of recombinant PU.1 constructs.
- Fig. S5. Spectral analysis of far-UV CD of ΔN165 in 0.15 and 0.05 M NaCl.
- Fig. S6. Salt-dependent line broadening of methyl protons in ΔN165.
- Fig. S7 The short C-terminal IDR is required for DNA-free PU.1 dimerization.
- Fig. S8. Effect of macromolecular crowding on dimerization of ΔN165 in the unbound and DNA-bound states.
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