fileName,variableName,description,unitText S1_Dataset.csv,Sex,Worker sex,NA S1_Dataset.csv,Country,Worker country,NA S1_Dataset.csv,Socioeconomic_status,"A1 (best socioeconomic level) to E (worst socioeconomic level), see: Associação Brasileira de Empresas de Pesquisa. Critério de classificação econômica do Brasil [Criteria for economic classification in Brazil] [Internet]. 2012. Available:",NA S1_Dataset.csv,Academic_level,"""High school, vocational education or less"" or ""Unfinished graduation Graduation"" or ""Post-graduation (not master neither PhD)"" or ""Master"" or ""PhD""",NA S1_Dataset.csv,Occupational_group,"ISCO - 08 occupational groups (ISCO - 08 occupational groups, see: International Labour Office. International Standard Classification of Occupations. Isco-08. Geneva, Switzerland: International Labour Organization; 2012. doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.1419.3126): ""Plant and Machine Operators and Assemblers"" or ""Craft and Related Trades Workers"" or ""Skilled Agricultural, Forestry and Fishery Workers"" or ""Services and Sales Workers"" or ""Clerical Support Workers"" or ""Technicians and Associate Professionals"" or ""Professionals"" or ""Managers"" or ""Armed Forces Occupations""",NA S1_Dataset.csv,Working_years_job_sector,Number of working years in the job sector,Years S1_Dataset.csv,Working_years_current_organization,Number of years in the current organization,Years S1_Dataset.csv,Working_years_current_job,Number of working years in the current job,Years S1_Dataset.csv,Age,Worker age,Years S1_Dataset.csv,SIJS1,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Undecided”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,SIJS2,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Undecided”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,SIJS3R,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Undecided”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,SIJS4,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Undecided”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,SIJS5R,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Undecided”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS1,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS2,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS3,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS4,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS5,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS6,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS7,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS8,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS9,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS10,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS11,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS12,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS13,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS14,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS15,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,QWLS16,1 - “Very Untrue” to 7 - “Very True”,Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI1,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI2,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI3,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI4,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI5,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI6,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI7,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI8,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI9,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI10,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI11,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI12,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree”",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI14,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI15,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,OLBI16,"1 - “Strongly Disagree”, 2 - “Disagree”, 3 – “Neutral”, 4 – “Agree”, 5 - “Strongly Agree” (already reversed)",Likert scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES1,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES2,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES3,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES4,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES5,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES6,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES7,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES8,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale S1_Dataset.csv,UWES9,"0 – “Never”, 1 - “Almost Never/A few times a year or less”, 2 - “Rarely/Once a month or less”, 3 – “Sometimes/A few times a month”, 4 – “Often/Once a week”, 5 - “Very often/A few times a week”, 6 - “Always/Every day”",Ordered response scale