#FlyBaseID GeneSymbol log2FoldChange pvalue padj ortholog_human_NCBI ortholog_human_DIOPT ortholog_human_DIOPT_evidence is_TF is_transmembrane_protein is_GPCR function_summary is_validated_by_GSE765 is_validated_by_GSE5715 is_validated_by_GSE81114
FBgn0001285 Jon44E -3.678977703 1.38E-86 1.26E-82 NA C1S;PROC low;low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 44E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon44E (CG8579, FBgn0001285). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:8691448..8692844. It has the cytological map location 44E2. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0032981 CG3635 -3.521166711 1.50E-37 1.37E-34 NA LIPA;LIPK;LIPJ;LIPF;LIPN;LIPM moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3635 (FBgn0032981). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:22175415..22183991. It has the cytological map location 40F2-40F3. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, eukaryotic; Partial AB-hydrolase lipase domain. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body color defective; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0040256 Ugt86Dd -2.925755353 1.37E-57 4.17E-54 NA UGT1A3;UGT1A1;UGT2A2;UGT2B10;UGT2A3;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2B17;UGT1A4;UGT1A10;UGT1A6;UGT1A8;UGT2B4;UGT2B11;UGT2B7;UGT1A7;UGT1A5;UGT1A9;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT3A2 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Ugt86Dd is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUgt86Dd (CG6633, FBgn0040256). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:11126597..11128328. It has the cytological map location 86D4. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0035886 Jon66Ci -2.747495579 8.85E-55 2.02E-51 NA KLK3;C1S;PROC low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 66Ci is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon66Ci (CG7118, FBgn0035886). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:8391540..8392377. It has the cytological map location 66C10. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity; endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0013323 Ptth -2.345600232 3.82E-14 7.76E-12 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Prothoracicotropic hormone is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPtth (CG13687, FBgn0013323). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:575711..576896. It has the cytological map location 21E2. Protein features are: Cystine-knot cytokine; Interleukin-17 family. Its molecular function is described by: prothoracicotrophic hormone activity; cytokine activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: torso signaling pathway; negative phototaxis; metamorphosis; regulation of endocrine process; positive regulation of ecdysteroid biosynthetic process. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; embryo. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: small body; phototaxis defective; size defective; developmental rate defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0015714 Cyp6a17 -2.230522017 8.78E-18 2.51E-15 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A5;CYP3A4;CYP3A7;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP4F3;CYP4F2 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cytochrome P450-6a17 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a17 (CG10241, FBgn0015714). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:14873953..14875739. It has the cytological map location 51D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; thermosensory behavior. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: temperature response defective; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." yes yes no
FBgn0013772 Cyp6a8 -2.195000332 2.05E-15 4.81E-13 TBXAS1 TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cytochrome P450-6a8 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a8 (CG10248, FBgn0013772). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14887171..14889010. It has the cytological map location 51D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group II; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: electron carrier activity; alkane 1-monooxygenase activity; heme binding; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: lauric acid metabolic process; oxidation-reduction process; response to caffeine; insecticide metabolic process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." yes yes no
FBgn0034356 CG10924 -2.149216209 1.96E-14 4.26E-12 PCK1 PCK2;PCK1 high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10924 (FBgn0034356). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:18527430..18535749. It has the cytological map location 55D1-55D2. Protein features are: Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, C-terminal; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, GTP-utilising; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, GTP-utilising, C-terminal; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, GTP-utilising, N-terminal; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, GTP-utilising, conserved site; Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: GTP binding; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (GTP) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: gluconeogenesis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0052072 Elo68alpha -2.085047183 2.93E-14 6.08E-12 NA ELOVL4;ELOVL2;ELOVL7;ELOVL5;ELOVL1 moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Elongase 68?? is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelElo68?? (CG32072, FBgn0052072). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:11101875..11103030. It has the cytological map location 68A6. Protein features are: ELO family; ELO family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: fatty acid elongase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: fatty acid elongation, polyunsaturated fatty acid; fatty acid elongation, monounsaturated fatty acid; fatty acid elongation; pheromone biosynthetic process; long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process; very long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process; fatty acid elongation, saturated fatty acid; fatty acid elongation, unsaturated fatty acid; sphingolipid biosynthetic process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0003388 shd -1.9592758 9.11E-14 1.70E-11 NA CYP24A1 moderate NA NA NA "The gene shade is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelshd (CG13478, FBgn0003388). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:14614458..14622205. It has the cytological map location 70E4. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; ecdysone 20-monooxygenase activity; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; growth of a germarium-derived egg chamber; border follicle cell migration; head involution; central nervous system development; pupation; ecdysteroid biosynthetic process; midgut development; dorsal closure. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: foregut; tracheal system; dorsal closure embryo; neuropil associated CNS glial cell; tract; sensory neuron; epithelial cell; head; presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system; germline cyst. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: developmental rate defective; female sterile; female semi-fertile; viable; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; some die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0029994 CG2254 -1.929303676 4.15E-26 2.11E-23 NA HSD17B11;HSD17B13;DHRS3;SDR16C5;RDH10 moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG2254 (FBgn0029994). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:8078350..8081605. It has the cytological map location 7D5. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, in adult male stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0029848 Btnd -1.919890303 9.73E-13 1.68E-10 NA BTD;VNN2;VNN1;VNN3 moderate;high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Biotinidase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelBtnd (CG3599, FBgn0029848). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:6217268..6219327. It has the cytological map location 5E1. Protein features are: Biotinidase-like, eukaryotic; Carbon-nitrogen hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amides; hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: peptidyl-lysine biotinylation; response to heat; histone biotinylation. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sarcomere; myofibril; M band. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype; flight defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0030270 CG15199 -1.872615824 1.27E-15 3.14E-13 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15199 (FBgn0030270). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:11140474..11141835. It has the cytological map location 10A7-10A8. Protein features are: Single domain Von Willebrand factor type C domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to virus. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0033518 Prx2540-2 -1.800675767 7.35E-11 1.07E-08 NA PRDX6 moderate NA NA NA "The gene Peroxiredoxin 2540-2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPrx2540-2 (CG11765, FBgn0033518). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:10418718..10419761. It has the cytological map location 47A7. Protein features are: Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C/ Thiol specific antioxidant; Peroxiredoxin, AhpC-type; Peroxiredoxin, C-terminal; Thioredoxin domain; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: peroxidase activity; peroxiredoxin activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: hydrogen peroxide catabolic process; oxidation-reduction process; cell redox homeostasis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0051041 CG31041 -1.794468692 8.56E-12 1.33E-09 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31041 (FBgn0051041). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:29590070..29590906. It has the cytological map location 99B4. Protein features are: Protein of unknown function DUF725. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0036833 CG3819 -1.788270644 1.05E-23 4.79E-21 NA ENDOG moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3819 (FBgn0036833). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:18920430..18922108. It has the cytological map location 75E6. Protein features are: DNA/RNA non-specific endonuclease. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding; nucleic acid binding; hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: apoptotic DNA fragmentation. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: planar polarity defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no no
FBgn0033234 MFS12 -1.782387415 2.46E-18 7.76E-16 NA SLC17A5;SLC17A4;SLC17A3;SLC17A2;SLC17A1;SLC17A6;SLC17A8;SLC17A7 moderate;high;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Major Facilitator Superfamily Transporter 12 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMFS12 (CG8791, FBgn0033234). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7926653..7929922. It has the cytological map location 43F2. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; anion transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0035887 Jon66Cii -1.726806559 2.24E-12 3.80E-10 NA C1S;F9;PROC low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 66Cii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon66Cii (CG7170, FBgn0035887). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:8392820..8393649. It has the cytological map location 66C10. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0002868 MtnA -1.719243271 1.36E-21 5.92E-19 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Metallothionein A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMtnA (CG9470, FBgn0002868). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:9783407..9784370. It has the cytological map location 85E9. Protein features are: Metallothionein, family 5, Diptera. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: metal ion homeostasis; response to metal ion. 21 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; chaeta; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: chemical sensitive; viable; visible; body color defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0263507 CR43496 -1.718094056 5.06E-09 5.65E-07 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR43496 (FBgn0263507). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is X:6758610..6759491. It has the cytological map location 6C12. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0031910 CG15818 -1.697514715 2.46E-17 6.81E-15 NA SFTPD moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15818 (FBgn0031910). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:7410909..7412229. It has the cytological map location 27F3. Protein features are: C-type lectin fold; C-type lectin-like; C-type lectin-like/link domain. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: tormogen cell; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0035718 CG14820 -1.690535696 4.30E-21 1.71E-18 CPO CPB1;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPA6;CPA2;CPA5;CPA1;CPA4 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14820 (FBgn0035718). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6932926..6934824. It has the cytological map location 65D3. Protein features are: Carboxypeptidase, activation peptide; Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A; Protease propeptides/proteinase inhibitor I9. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metallocarboxypeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0031533 CG2772 -1.642552648 4.72E-18 1.39E-15 NA LIPK;LIPJ;LIPF;LIPN;LIPA;LIPM moderate;high;moderate;high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG2772 (FBgn0031533). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:3445992..3447589. It has the cytological map location 23F3. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, eukaryotic; Partial AB-hydrolase lipase domain. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no yes no
FBgn0038873 CG5892 -1.605221503 5.71E-08 5.61E-06 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5892 (FBgn0038873). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21242618..21245418. It has the cytological map location 93D1. Protein features are: Acyltransferase 3; Nose resistant-to-fluoxetine protein, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0038799 MFS9 -1.604765216 1.74E-07 1.47E-05 NA SLC17A5;SLC17A6;SLC17A8;SLC17A7 moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Major Facilitator Superfamily Transporter 9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMFS9 (CG4288, FBgn0038799). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:20507392..20512468. It has the cytological map location 92E14. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: anion transport; transmembrane transport. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; fertile; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0033215 CG1942 -1.503921079 3.88E-07 3.14E-05 MOGAT2 MOGAT2;DGAT2L6;DGAT2;MOGAT1;AWAT1;MOGAT3;AWAT2;DGAT2L7P high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1942 (FBgn0033215). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7712578..7714182. It has the cytological map location 43E12. Protein features are: Diacylglycerol acyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. It is involved in the biological process described with: mesoderm development. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes yes
FBgn0035791 CG8539 -1.478338086 3.56E-06 0.000231061 NA CPA2;CPA5;CPA4;CPA1;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPA6;CPB1 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8539 (FBgn0035791). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7497211..7498831. It has the cytological map location 66A2. Protein features are: Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A. Its molecular function is described by: metallocarboxypeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no yes no
FBgn0031970 CG7227 -1.471452001 1.12E-07 9.93E-06 NA CD36;SCARB1;SCARB2 moderate;moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7227 (FBgn0031970). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7994388..7998151. It has the cytological map location 28D3. Protein features are: CD36 family. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages. no no yes
FBgn0046874 Pif1B -1.460887579 3.80E-06 0.000244972 NA NA NA DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "The gene PFTAIRE-interacting factor 1B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPif1B (CG33720, FBgn0046874). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:8774286..8801176. It has the cytological map location 85B1. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: . 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0031249 CG11911 -1.449259168 7.74E-13 1.38E-10 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;AZU1;PRTN3 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11911 (FBgn0031249). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:320279..321248. It has the cytological map location 21B8. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0032082 CG18088 -1.443879177 8.48E-06 0.000507076 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18088 (FBgn0032082). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8967535..8970627. It has the cytological map location 29F6. Protein features are: Alkaline phosphatase-like, alpha/beta/alpha; Alkaline-phosphatase-like, core domain; Protein of unknown function DUF229. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process; multicellular organism reproduction. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: male accessory gland secondary cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0058198 CG40198 -1.411741415 6.14E-08 5.85E-06 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG40198 (FBgn0058198). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:4160610..4162235. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0039789 CG9717 -1.392965214 9.54E-06 0.000559114 NA SLC26A11;SLC26A3;SLC26A6;SLC26A5;SLC26A9;SLC26A1;SLC26A2;SLC26A8;SLC26A4 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9717 (FBgn0039789). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:30584020..30587302. It has the cytological map location 99F10. Protein features are: SLC26A/SulP transporter; SLC26A/SulP transporter domain; STAS domain. Its molecular function is described by: secondary active sulfate transmembrane transporter activity; bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity; anion:anion antiporter activity; sulfate transmembrane transporter activity; chloride channel activity; oxalate transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: bicarbonate transport; regulation of intracellular pH; sulfate transport; chloride transmembrane transport; regulation of membrane potential. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033904 CG18327 -1.392013944 5.03E-07 3.97E-05 SLC25A34 SLC25A34;SLC25A35 high;moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18327 (FBgn0033904). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:14166982..14168233. It has the cytological map location 50E1. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial transport. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no yes no
FBgn0030218 CG1628 -1.384470744 5.45E-08 5.42E-06 SLC25A15 SLC25A15;SLC25A2 high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1628 (FBgn0030218). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:10598146..10602714. It has the cytological map location 9D3-9D4. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: L-ornithine transmembrane transporter activity; amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial ornithine transport; mitochondrial transport; amino acid transmembrane transport. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no yes yes
FBgn0052580 Muc14A -1.372872185 1.92E-06 0.000133788 NA MUC16 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Mucin 14A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMuc14A (CG32580, FBgn0052580). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:16009114..16061722. It has the cytological map location 14A6. Its molecular function is described by: extracellular matrix structural constituent. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039777 Jon99Fii -1.36927325 1.88E-15 4.53E-13 NA PROC low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "The gene Jonah 99Fii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon99Fii (CG2229, FBgn0039777). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:30487016..30487928. It has the cytological map location 99F6. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity; endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0035666 Jon65Aii -1.316205256 9.77E-11 1.40E-08 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 65Aii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon65Aii (CG6580, FBgn0035666). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6052321..6053215. It has the cytological map location 65A3-65A4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0262843 CG43207 -1.281972997 1.12E-06 8.27E-05 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43207 (FBgn0262843). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:23152748..23153318. It has the cytological map location 59D1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0038742 Arc42 -1.279625213 1.41E-06 0.000101388 ACADS ACADS;ACADSB high;low Co-factor NA NA "The gene Arc42 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelArc42 (CG4703, FBgn0038742). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:19877737..19879309. It has the cytological map location 92B4. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase, conserved site; Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase/oxidase C-terminal; Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase/oxidase, N-terminal; Acyl-CoA dehydrogenase/oxidase, N-terminal and middle domain; Acyl-CoA oxidase/dehydrogenase, central domain. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II transcription cofactor activity; acyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: dendrite morphogenesis; oxidation-reduction process; transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0035667 Jon65Ai -1.261156212 4.97E-10 6.41E-08 NA F9;PROC low;low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 65Ai is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon65Ai (CG10475, FBgn0035667). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:6053493..6054443. It has the cytological map location 65A4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0030769 CG13012 -1.258208027 2.64E-06 0.000175196 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13012 (FBgn0030769). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:16668818..16676753. It has the cytological map location 15A1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0028948 CG15253 -1.254265113 7.72E-09 8.51E-07 NA MEP1B;CUBN;TLL1;BMP1;MEP1A;ASTL;TLL2 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15253 (FBgn0028948). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:15615357..15616351. It has the cytological map location 35D3. Protein features are: Astacin-like metallopeptidase domain; Metallopeptidase, catalytic domain; Peptidase M12A; Peptidase, metallopeptidase. Its molecular function is described by: metalloendopeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." yes yes no
FBgn0051091 CG31091 -1.244587429 9.50E-12 1.45E-09 NA LIPK;LIPJ;LIPF;LIPN;LIPA;LIPM moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31091 (FBgn0051091). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25899903..25902172. It has the cytological map location 96F7. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, eukaryotic; Partial AB-hydrolase lipase domain. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0031735 CG11029 -1.241001146 2.69E-09 3.16E-07 NA PLB1 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11029 (FBgn0031735). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:5746157..5747961. It has the cytological map location 25F4. Protein features are: GDSL lipase/esterase; Lipase, GDSL, active site; Phospholipase B; SGNH hydrolase-type esterase domain. Its molecular function is described by: lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0027073 CG4302 -1.232180509 1.36E-10 1.85E-08 NA UGT2B10;UGT2A2;UGT2B11;UGT1A3;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B17;UGT2A3;UGT2B7;UGT8;UGT1A6;UGT1A1;UGT2B28;UGT3A1;UGT3A2;UGT1A4;UGT1A10;UGT1A7;UGT1A5;UGT1A9;UGT1A8 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4302 (FBgn0027073). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:21212880..21214972. It has the cytological map location 57D1-57D2. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: UDP-glycosyltransferase activity; glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: UDP-glucose metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0029762 NAAT1 -1.230040818 1.54E-07 1.32E-05 NA SLC6A5 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Nutrient Amino Acid Transporter 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNAAT1 (CG3252, FBgn0029762). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:5405238..5410849. It has the cytological map location 4F9. Protein features are: Sodium:neurotransmitter symporter. Its molecular function is described by: sodium:amino acid symporter activity; D-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity; neurotransmitter transporter activity; neutral amino acid transmembrane transporter activity; L-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity; neurotransmitter:sodium symporter activity; cation:amino acid symporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sodium ion transport; neurotransmitter transport; amino acid transmembrane import; neutral amino acid transport; L-amino acid transport; D-amino acid transport. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0040623 Spase12 -1.213697082 2.15E-08 2.24E-06 NA SPCS1 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Spase 12-subunit is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSpase12 (CG11500, FBgn0040623). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:29490544..29491150. It has the cytological map location 99B1. Protein features are: Microsomal signal peptidase 12kDa subunit. Its molecular function is described by: peptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein targeting to ER; signal peptide processing. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: antenna; ommatidium; eye; leg; melanotic mass; interommatidial bristle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: melanotic mass phenotype; lethal - all die during embryonic stage; planar polarity defective; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: No temporal expression data available due to processing error. This will be corrected the next time these data and summaries are processed." no no no
FBgn0035697 CG10163 -1.207825758 1.72E-05 0.000945739 NA PNLIPRP1;PNLIPRP2;LIPI;PNLIPRP3;PNLIP;LIPH;PLA1A;PDE6D low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10163 (FBgn0035697). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6257423..6258760. It has the cytological map location 65A10-65A11. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages. no no no
FBgn0031248 CG11912 -1.18596648 1.64E-10 2.21E-08 NA CTRB2;CTRB1;PRSS38;CTRL;AZU1;PRTN3 low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11912 (FBgn0031248). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:318362..319259. It has the cytological map location 21B8. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0033443 CG1698 -1.171544702 2.52E-09 2.99E-07 NA SLC6A5;SLC6A11 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1698 (FBgn0033443). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9793326..9798006. It has the cytological map location 46B3. Protein features are: Sodium:neurotransmitter symporter. Its molecular function is described by: neurotransmitter:sodium symporter activity; cation:amino acid symporter activity; neurotransmitter transporter activity; transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport; amino acid transmembrane import; neurotransmitter transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0085330 CG34301 -1.15734935 8.55E-05 0.003689837 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34301 (FBgn0085330). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:8773435..8773810. It has the cytological map location 85B1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no no
FBgn0050272 MFS1 -1.156982149 2.90E-06 0.000190836 NA SLC17A5;SLC17A4;SLC17A3;SLC17A2;SLC17A1;SLC17A6;SLC17A8;SLC17A7 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Major Facilitator Superfamily Transporter 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMFS1 (CG30272, FBgn0050272). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:22829644..22831877. It has the cytological map location 59B2. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; anion transport. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0052207 hpRNA:CR32207 -1.143599388 0.000142797 0.005753412 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene hairpin RNA:CR32207 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelhpRNA:CR32207 (CR32207, FBgn0052207). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3L:19477329..19478720. It has the cytological map location 76B3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0000565 Eip71CD -1.140150502 1.88E-10 2.49E-08 NA MSRA high NA NA NA "The gene Ecdysone-induced protein 28/29kD is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelEip71CD (CG7266, FBgn0000565). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:15511052..15513202. It has the cytological map location 71D3-71D4. Protein features are: Peptide methionine sulphoxide reductase MsrA. Its molecular function is described by: peptide-methionine (S)-S-oxide reductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sulfur amino acid metabolic process; response to oxidative stress; oxidation-reduction process; determination of adult lifespan; autophagic cell death; neuron projection morphogenesis; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death; cellular response to oxidative stress. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; phenotype; cell number defective; long lived; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0020370 TppII -1.13225172 8.97E-07 6.84E-05 NA TPP2 high NA NA NA "The gene tripeptidyl-peptidase II is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTppII (CG3991, FBgn0020370). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:13152885..13159141. It has the cytological map location 49F4. Protein features are: Peptidase S8, subtilisin, His-active site; Peptidase S8, subtilisin, Ser-active site; Peptidase S8, subtilisin-related; Peptidase S8/S53 domain; Peptidase S8A, tripeptidyl peptidase II; Peptidase S8A, tripeptidyl peptidase II, arthropoda; Tripeptidyl-peptidase II domain. Its molecular function is described by: tripeptidyl-peptidase activity; serine-type endopeptidase activity; exopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein homooligomerization; proteolysis. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0030196 Psf3 -1.131962447 1.70E-06 0.000119712 GINS3 GINS3 high NA NA NA "The gene Psf3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPsf3 (CG2222, FBgn0030196). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:10383353..10385861. It has the cytological map location 9B14. Protein features are: GINS complex, subunit Psf3; GINS subunit, domain A. Its molecular function is described by: 3'-5' DNA helicase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lateral inhibition. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; ganglion mother cell; chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; visible; viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0039754 CG9747 -1.121310984 0.00017526 0.006950732 NA SCD;SCD5 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9747 (FBgn0039754). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30185423..30191252. It has the cytological map location 99E1-99E2. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA desaturase; Fatty acid desaturase domain. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with oxidation of a pair of donors resulting in the reduction of molecular oxygen to two molecules of water. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; lipid metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0032618 CG31743 -1.110341169 4.70E-07 3.74E-05 NA CHST11;CHST13;CHST14;CHST12;CHST8;CHST9;CHST10 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31743 (FBgn0032618). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:16879517..16886319. It has the cytological map location 36B3. Protein features are: Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8-10; Sulfotransferase. Its molecular function is described by: sulfotransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate biosynthetic process. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing vein. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no yes yes
FBgn0039778 Jon99Fi -1.110290264 1.26E-09 1.56E-07 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 99Fi is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon99Fi (CG18030, FBgn0039778). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:30488963..30489895. It has the cytological map location 99F6. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0086408 stl -1.109040958 0.000249037 0.009184241 NA ADAMTS5 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene stall is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelstl (CG3622, FBgn0086408). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:22807860..22815993. It has the cytological map location 59B2. Protein features are: Metallopeptidase, catalytic domain; Peptidase M12B, ADAM/reprolysin; Thrombospondin type-1 (TSP1) repeat. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metalloendopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oogenesis; ovarian follicle cell stalk formation; negative regulation of neuron migration; proteolysis; ovarian follicle development. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cytoplasm; abdominal neuron; gamete; non-membrane-bounded organelle; integument of larval segment A1-7; sense organ; vitellarium; oocyte; intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle; spectrosome; larval tagma. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell migration defective; female sterile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages." no yes yes
FBgn0037819 CG14688 -1.105567643 5.06E-05 0.00232405 PHYHD1 PHYHD1 high NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14688 (FBgn0037819). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10677737..10680925. It has the cytological map location 86C4. Protein features are: Phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase. Its molecular function is described by: phytanoyl-CoA dioxygenase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: fatty acid alpha-oxidation. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0038415 CG17929 -1.090856321 6.58E-06 0.00039881 NA SLC2A12;SLC2A13;SLC2A8;SLC2A6;SLC2A10 low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17929 (FBgn0038415). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:16325492..16327331. It has the cytological map location 89B12. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0026150 ApepP -1.087355726 7.18E-08 6.63E-06 XPNPEP1 XPNPEP1;XPNPEP2 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Aminopeptidase P is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelApepP (CG6291, FBgn0026150). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:16908229..16910418. It has the cytological map location 36B4. Protein features are: Aminopeptidase P; Creatinase, N-terminal; Creatinase/Aminopeptidase P, N-terminal; Creatinase/Aminopeptidase P/Spt16, N-terminal; Peptidase M24; Peptidase M24, C-terminal domain. Its molecular function is described by: metalloaminopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes no
FBgn0031945 CG7191 -1.071239575 3.87E-07 3.14E-05 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7191 (FBgn0031945). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7767628..7775033. It has the cytological map location 28C3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; flight defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0266702 CR45192 -1.069668497 3.47E-05 0.001695888 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR45192 (FBgn0266702). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3R:5835478..5836178. It has the cytological map location 83C4-83C5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0002578 Kaz-m1 -1.058153115 9.46E-09 1.02E-06 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Kazal-type protease inhibitor m1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelKaz-m1 (CG8342, FBgn0002578). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:26014721..26016487. It has the cytological map location 96F10. Protein features are: Kazal domain. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of proteolysis. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0039472 CG17192 -1.055650217 0.000481812 0.016141587 NA PLA1A moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17192 (FBgn0039472). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27017180..27018287. It has the cytological map location 97D14. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, N-terminal; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family; Vespid venom allergen phospholipase A1. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatidylcholine 1-acylhydrolase activity; lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0053497 Sdic2 -1.055241341 0.000825616 0.025424528 NA DYNC1I2;DYNC1I1 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Sperm-specific dynein intermediate chain 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSdic2 (CG33497, FBgn0053497). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:20181590..20186487. It has the cytological map location 19C1. Protein features are: Cytoplasmic dynein 1 intermediate chain 1/2; WD40 repeat; WD40-repeat-containing domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: dynein heavy chain binding; dynein light chain binding; ATP-dependent microtubule motor activity, plus-end-directed. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport along microtubule; positive regulation of ATP-dependent microtubule motor activity, plus-end-directed. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0004919 gol -1.041641909 0.000231327 0.008710776 NA RNF150;RNF130;RNF149;RNF128;RNF133;RNF148;RNF215 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate Maybe TF transmembrane protein NA "The gene goliath is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelgol (CG2679, FBgn0004919). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:25072627..25084347. It has the cytological map location 60F3. Protein features are: PA domain; Zinc finger, RING-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: ubiquitin protein ligase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mesoderm formation; protein ubiquitination. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0039324 CG10553 -1.040807207 0.000748877 0.02321774 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10553 (FBgn0039324). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:25316461..25318111. It has the cytological map location 96D1. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no no
FBgn0041629 Hexo2 -1.039511914 0.000342572 0.011958645 NA HEXA;HEXB moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Hexosaminidase 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHexo2 (CG1787, FBgn0041629). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:8709652..8712478. It has the cytological map location 8A2. Protein features are: Beta-hexosaminidase; Beta-hexosaminidase, eukaryotic type, N-terminal; Chitobiase/beta-hexosaminidase domain 2-like; Glycoside hydrolase family 20, catalytic domain; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily. Its molecular function is described by: beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of growth of symbiont in host; carbohydrate metabolic process; multicellular organism reproduction. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no yes yes
FBgn0039591 CG9988 -1.036884166 0.000260857 0.009543185 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9988 (FBgn0039591). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:28636411..28638799. It has the cytological map location 98D7. Protein features are: Alkaline phosphatase-like, alpha/beta/alpha; Alkaline-phosphatase-like, core domain; Protein of unknown function DUF229. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0036831 CG6839 -1.027428129 3.92E-09 4.48E-07 NA ENDOG moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6839 (FBgn0036831). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:18917581..18919259. It has the cytological map location 75E5-75E6. Protein features are: DNA/RNA non-specific endonuclease; Extracellular Endonuclease, subunit A. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; hydrolase activity; metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: apoptotic DNA fragmentation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0036787 CG4306 -1.022908829 0.001343531 0.036872612 GGCT GGCT high NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4306 (FBgn0036787). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:18461957..18463163. It has the cytological map location 75C7. Protein features are: Gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase-like; Gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase. Its molecular function is described by: gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: hemolymph coagulation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0264863 CR44054 -1.016860843 0.001638986 0.043449745 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44054 (FBgn0264863). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:11139608..11141238. It has the cytological map location 10A7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0266448 CG45078 -1.006749724 7.51E-07 5.82E-05 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG45078 (FBgn0266448). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10773339..10777374. It has the cytological map location 86C6. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0052364 tut -1.002806777 0.001669524 0.04387779 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene tumorous testis is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeltut (CG32364, FBgn0052364). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:8209577..8210743. It has the cytological map location 66B13-66C1. Protein features are: RNA recognition motif domain. Its molecular function is described by: RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: male germline stem cell symmetric division; negative regulation of translation. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: testis; spermatogonium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: male sterile; viable; increased cell number. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0003475 spir -1.000549553 2.21E-06 0.000151014 NA SPIRE1;SPIRE2 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene spire is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelspir (CG10076, FBgn0003475). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 10 annotated transcripts and 10 polypeptides (9 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:20311219..20348386. It has the cytological map location 38C5. Protein features are: KIND domain; Protein Spire; WH2 domain; Zinc finger, FYVE/PHD-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; microtubule binding; actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 13 unique terms, many of which group under: regulation of actin filament-based process; transport; vesicle-mediated transport; actin filament network formation; positive regulation of protein polymerization; regulation of cytoskeleton organization; establishment of localization; positive regulation of biological process; cellular macromolecule localization; ovarian follicle cell development. 71 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: material anatomical entity; embryo; oocyte nucleus; cell component; acellular anatomical structure; cell periphery; epithelial cell; embryonic abdomen; dorsal closure embryo; chorion. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0260000 CG17570 -0.994850935 9.38E-06 0.000553595 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17570 (FBgn0260000). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:20263419..20264424. It has the cytological map location 38C3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0033981 Cyp6a21 -0.990259511 5.52E-07 4.32E-05 TBXAS1 TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Cyp6a21 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a21 (CG10247, FBgn0033981). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14885264..14886947. It has the cytological map location 51D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." yes yes no
FBgn0085452 CG34423 -0.989969217 0.000636042 0.020198737 NA ATPIF1 moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34423 (FBgn0085452). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23358612..23359204. It has the cytological map location 59D8. Protein features are: Mitochondrial ATPase inhibitor. Its molecular function is described by: ATPase inhibitor activity; ATPase binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: heme biosynthetic process; negative regulation of ATPase activity. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0052284 CG32284 -0.977955675 2.96E-05 0.001489892 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32284 (FBgn0052284). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:3186664..3187245. It has the cytological map location 63B10. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0034829 CG9899 -0.956699387 0.002296889 0.056319976 NA CTR9 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9899 (FBgn0034829). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:23153854..23162077. It has the cytological map location 59D1. Protein features are: RNA polymerase-associated protein Ctr9; Tetratricopeptide repeat; Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing domain; Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain. Its molecular function is described by: SH2 domain binding; RNA polymerase II core binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; regulation of histone H3-K4 methylation. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0035985 Cpr67B -0.940936084 0.000122291 0.005083989 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Cuticular protein 67B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCpr67B (CG3672, FBgn0035985). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:9404797..9406174. It has the cytological map location 67B4. Protein features are: Insect cuticle protein. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of chitin-based larval cuticle; structural constituent of cuticle. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin-based cuticle development; sleep. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0040060 yip7 -0.93472966 6.53E-08 6.16E-06 NA KLK3 low NA NA NA "The gene yippee interacting protein 7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelyip7 (CG6457, FBgn0040060). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6035216..6036175. It has the cytological map location 65A3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0052302 CG32302 -0.92959813 0.003623786 0.081065747 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32302 (FBgn0052302). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:2268825..2269903. It has the cytological map location 62D4-62D5. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0020508 Ag5r2 -0.927693825 1.22E-06 8.84E-05 NA PI15;R3HDML;CLEC18C;CRISPLD2;CRISPLD1;CLEC18B;CLEC18A;GLIPR1L1 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Antigen 5-related 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAg5r2 (CG9540, FBgn0020508). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:14782962..14784052. It has the cytological map location 12F4. Protein features are: CAP domain; Cysteine-rich secretory protein, allergen V5/Tpx-1-related; Venom allergen 3, insect; Ves allergen. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die during P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0262717 Skeletor -0.927162808 0.004135596 0.089843608 NA THBD low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Skeletor is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSkeletor (CG43161, FBgn0262717). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:10686943..10696270. It has the cytological map location 86C4. Protein features are: DM13 domain; DOMON domain. Its molecular function is described by: dopamine beta-monooxygenase activity; structural molecule activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: spindle assembly; catecholamine metabolic process; nucleus organization. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: male accessory gland secondary cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile." no no no
FBgn0050381 PIG-X -0.922234899 9.53E-05 0.00405494 NA PIGX high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class X is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPIG-X (CG30381, FBgn0050381). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7929658..7931016. It has the cytological map location 43F2. Protein features are: Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-mannosyltransferase I, PIG-X/PBN1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: GPI anchor biosynthetic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0035780 CG18417 -0.914860478 1.13E-06 8.27E-05 NA CPA2;CPA5;CPA4;CPA1;CPB1;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPA6 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18417 (FBgn0035780). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:7400070..7401671. It has the cytological map location 65F11. Protein features are: Carboxypeptidase, activation peptide; Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A; Protease propeptides/proteinase inhibitor I9. Its molecular function is described by: metallocarboxypeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body color defective; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0003714 tko -0.906599125 2.52E-05 0.001295446 MRPS12 MRPS12 high NA NA NA "The gene technical knockout is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeltko (CG7925, FBgn0003714). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:2442313..2443976. It has the cytological map location 3A3. Protein features are: Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold; Ribosomal protein S12, bacterial-type; Ribosomal protein S12/S23. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; response to mechanical stimulus; male courtship behavior; response to hypoxia; mechanosensory behavior; sensory perception of sound; courtship behavior; mitochondrial translation. 24 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: egg; adult antennal lobe projection neuron DL1 adPN; gamma Kenyon cell; mitochondrion; macrochaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; viable; mating defective; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of larval stage; chemical sensitive; wild-type; sterile; neuroanatomy defective; auditory perception defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0035480 CG14984 -0.9059014 0.00306574 0.070985458 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14984 (FBgn0035480). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:3951193..3952550. It has the cytological map location 64A1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0031701 TotM -0.905530983 0.001866527 0.047952955 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Turandot M is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTotM (CG14027, FBgn0031701). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5329857..5330464. It has the cytological map location 25D6. Protein features are: Stress-inducible humoral factor Turandot. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to heat; response to bacterium; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; cellular response to heat. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0040251 Ugt86Di -0.904357134 0.003006562 0.069791923 NA UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT2A3;UGT1A1;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2B7;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT3A2;UGT1A4;UGT1A10;UGT1A7;UGT1A5;UGT1A9;UGT1A6;UGT1A8 moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Ugt86Di is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUgt86Di (CG6658, FBgn0040251). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:11151026..11153849. It has the cytological map location 86D5. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0035370 Non2 -0.902819951 1.64E-05 0.000912597 NA SMARCD3;SMARCD2;SMARCD1 low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Novel nucleolar protein 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNon2 (CG1240, FBgn0035370). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:2766999..2768392. It has the cytological map location 62F3. Protein features are: DEK, C-terminal; SWIB domain; SWIB/MDM2 domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: mitotic spindle assembly. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during embryonic stage; lethal; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0039049 CG6726 -0.900454658 4.25E-05 0.00202377 ACY1 ACY1;ABHD14A;ABHD14A-ACY1;PM20D1 moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6726 (FBgn0039049). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:23091724..23095184. It has the cytological map location 94D13. Protein features are: N-acyl-L-amino-acid amidohydrolase; Peptidase M20; Peptidase M20, dimerisation domain. Its molecular function is described by: aminoacylase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular amino acid metabolic process. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0034706 CG11275 -0.896316165 2.25E-05 0.001213102 NA KBTBD4;SPOPL;KLHL11;SPOP low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11275 (FBgn0034706). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:22179695..22182642. It has the cytological map location 58C5. Protein features are: BTB/POZ domain; SKP1/BTB/POZ domain. Its molecular function is described by: ubiquitin protein ligase binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein ubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process; proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process; regulation of proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: lipid particle; embryonic/larval fat body. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0267523 5.8SrRNA-Psi:CR45863 -0.89606366 0.002322367 0.056667158 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene 5.8S ribosomal RNA pseudogene:CR45863 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel5.8SrRNA-??:CR45863 (CR45863, FBgn0267523). It is a pseudogene_attribute from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:23291549..23291671. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported." no no no
FBgn0029648 CG3603 -0.894023014 0.000136774 0.005559727 NA HSD17B8;CBR4 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3603 (FBgn0029648). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:2948034..2949120. It has the cytological map location 3C3. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0265959 rdgC -0.893217962 0.003775646 0.083221653 NA PPEF2;PPEF1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene retinal degeneration C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelrdgC (CG44746, FBgn0265959). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20248080..20265554. It has the cytological map location 77A4-77B1. Protein features are: Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain, ApaH type; EF-Hand 1, calcium-binding site; EF-hand domain; EF-hand domain pair; IQ motif, EF-hand binding site; Metallo-dependent phosphatase-like; Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase with EF-hands; Serine/threonine-specific protein phosphatase/bis(5-nucleosyl)-tetraphosphatase. Its molecular function is described by: iron ion binding; protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity; manganese ion binding; calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine phosphatase activity; calmodulin binding; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: thermotaxis; deactivation of rhodopsin mediated signaling; calcium-mediated signaling; phototransduction; detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain; protein dephosphorylation. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: rhabdomere R1; rhabdomere R6; retina; photoreceptor cell; rhabdomere R2; rhabdomere; rhabdomere R3; ommatidium; rhabdomere R5; rhabdomere R4. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: stress response defective; temperature response defective; phenotype; visible; heat stress response defective." no no no
FBgn0003257 r-l -0.886798931 0.000905682 0.027291863 UMPS UMPS high NA NA NA "The gene rudimentary-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelr-l (CG3593, FBgn0003257). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21070557..21073319. It has the cytological map location 93B10. Protein features are: Aldolase-type TIM barrel; Orotate phosphoribosyl transferase domain; Orotate phosphoribosyltransferase; Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase; Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase domain; Orotidine 5'-phosphate decarboxylase, active site; Phosphoribosyltransferase domain; Phosphoribosyltransferase-like; Ribulose-phosphate binding barrel. Its molecular function is described by: orotidine-5'-phosphate decarboxylase activity; orotate phosphoribosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: 'de novo' UMP biosynthetic process; sleep; 'de novo' pyrimidine nucleobase biosynthetic process. 18 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0265498 CR44367 -0.884109065 0.006617528 0.127471553 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44367 (FBgn0265498). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2R:13854659..13855894. It has the cytological map location 50C6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0027091 CysRS -0.877604988 8.67E-05 0.003707009 NA CARS;CARS2 high;low NA NA NA "The gene Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCysRS (CG8431, FBgn0027091). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:16143147..16145906. It has the cytological map location 52E11. Protein features are: Aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase, class Ia, anticodon-binding; Cysteine-tRNA ligase; Cysteinyl-tRNA synthetase/mycothiol ligase; Rossmann-like alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold; tRNA synthetases class I, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; tRNA binding; cysteine-tRNA ligase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cysteinyl-tRNA aminoacylation. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; visible; viable; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0037846 CG6574 -0.869583469 1.17E-05 0.000667315 SLC19A3 SLC19A3;SLC19A2;SLC19A1;C2orf83 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6574 (FBgn0037846). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10860531..10862988. It has the cytological map location 86C7. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Reduced folate carrier. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0034197 Cda9 -0.869426266 4.55E-05 0.00212491 NA CHIA;OVGP1;CHI3L2;CHI3L1 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Chitin deacetylase-like 9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCda9 (CG15918, FBgn0034197). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:17128480..17130334. It has the cytological map location 53F13. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase/deacetylase, beta/alpha-barrel; NodB homology domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding; chitinase activity; hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin catabolic process; carbohydrate metabolic process. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of allele include: partially lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0032144 CG17633 -0.860833319 1.15E-05 0.000659697 CPA1 CPB1;CPA1;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPA2;CPA6;CPA5;CPA4 high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17633 (FBgn0032144). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:9769060..9770409. It has the cytological map location 30C8. Protein features are: Carboxypeptidase, activation peptide; Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A; Protease propeptides/proteinase inhibitor I9. Its molecular function is described by: metallocarboxypeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; lethal; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0053481 dpr7 -0.859968195 0.007942721 0.144421719 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene defective proboscis extension response 7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldpr7 (CG33481, FBgn0053481). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 4:247124..253329. It has the cytological map location 102B1. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin V-set domain; Immunoglobulin subtype; Immunoglobulin subtype 2; Immunoglobulin-like domain; Immunoglobulin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: synapse organization; sensory perception of chemical stimulus. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0035907 GstO1 -0.858244691 0.002630555 0.062491055 GSTO1 GSTO1;GSTO2 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase O1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstO1 (CG6662, FBgn0035907). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:8523742..8524866. It has the cytological map location 66D5. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, omega-class; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity; transferase activity, transferring sulfur-containing groups; glutathione dehydrogenase (ascorbate) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: toxin catabolic process; glutathione metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0259834 out -0.85620725 1.08E-05 0.000623696 NA SLC16A11;SLC16A12;SLC16A6;SLC16A1 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene outsiders is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelout (CG8062, FBgn0259834). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:19310513..19322106. It has the cytological map location 18C2. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; ectopic germ cell programmed cell death; germ cell development. 24 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; germline cell; pole cell; embryonic/larval hemocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; viable; visible; fertile; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes yes
FBgn0030331 CG15221 -0.847096667 0.008591827 0.154382806 NA SV2C;SV2A moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15221 (FBgn0030331). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:11724246..11736617. It has the cytological map location 10D8-10E1. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: substrate-specific transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during embryonic stage; lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0040805 CG12355 -0.846379502 6.40E-05 0.002868534 MPV17L MPV17L high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12355 (FBgn0040805). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:15492964..15495549. It has the cytological map location 71D3. Protein features are: Mpv17/PMP22. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no yes no
FBgn0261439 SdhA -0.844719429 7.53E-06 0.000452931 NA SDHA high NA NA NA "The gene Succinate dehydrogenase, subunit A (flavoprotein) is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSdhA (CG17246, FBgn0261439). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:19391863..19395971. It has the cytological map location 56D3. Protein features are: FAD-dependent oxidoreductase 2, FAD binding domain; FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain; Fumarate reductase/succinate dehydrogenase flavoprotein-like, C-terminal; Fumarate reductase/succinate dehydrogenase, FAD-binding site; Succinate dehydrogenase, flavoprotein subunit; Succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase flavoprotein, catalytic domain; Succinate dehydrogenase/fumarate reductase, flavoprotein subunit. Its molecular function is described by: electron carrier activity; succinate dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: electron transport chain; anaerobic respiration; tricarboxylic acid cycle; mitochondrial electron transport, succinate to ubiquinone. 18 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eye photoreceptor cell; rhabdomere; retina; ommatidium; ovariole. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0001187 Hex-C -0.841836668 0.001097564 0.031867673 NA GCK;HK1;HKDC1;HK3;HK2 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Hexokinase C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHex-C (CG8094, FBgn0001187). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:15218837..15220329. It has the cytological map location 51E7. Protein features are: Hexokinase; Hexokinase, C-terminal; Hexokinase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; hexokinase activity; mannokinase activity; glucokinase activity; glucose binding; fructokinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glycolytic process; carbohydrate phosphorylation; regulation of glucose metabolic process; cellular glucose homeostasis; lateral inhibition. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: germarium; trichogen cell; tormogen cell; chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible; size defective; increased cell death; electrophoretic variant. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0035287 CG13937 -0.841159028 0.005561841 0.111065362 NA CHST8;CHST9;CHST10 high;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13937 (FBgn0035287). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1876551..1883041. It has the cytological map location 62B7-62B9. Protein features are: Carbohydrate sulfotransferase 8-10; Sulfotransferase; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: sulfotransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate biosynthetic process. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing vein. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no yes no
FBgn0036040 CG6749 -0.838629204 0.00777535 0.142499452 NA CPN2;IGFALS;TRIL;CHAD;CHADL low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6749 (FBgn0036040). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:9731238..9733807. It has the cytological map location 67C5-67C6. Protein features are: Leucine-rich repeat; Leucine-rich repeat domain, L domain-like; Leucine-rich repeat, typical subtype. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0038009 CG17738 -0.835995656 0.006262848 0.121613612 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17738 (FBgn0038009). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12270890..12271300. It has the cytological map location 87B4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0003062 Fib -0.824128459 0.001059204 0.031149465 FBL FBL;FBLL1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Fibrillarin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelFib (CG9888, FBgn0003062). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:23072909..23074725. It has the cytological map location 59C3. Protein features are: Fibrillarin; Fibrillarin, conserved site; S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: rRNA methyltransferase activity; histone-glutamine methyltransferase activity; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: rRNA methylation; box C/D snoRNA 3'-end processing; cellular response to starvation; histone glutamine methylation; tRNA processing. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: female sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0035781 CG8560 -0.823650406 2.28E-05 0.0012178 NA CPA2;CPA5;CPA4;CPA1;CPB1;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPA6 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8560 (FBgn0035781). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7402332..7404181. It has the cytological map location 65F11. Protein features are: Carboxypeptidase, activation peptide; Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A; Protease propeptides/proteinase inhibitor I9. Its molecular function is described by: metallocarboxypeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no yes no
FBgn0264341 CG43797 -0.821622838 0.011541189 0.195112227 NA FCER2;CLEC4E;CLEC4A;CLEC4G;CLEC17A;CLEC10A;CLEC4F;CD209;CLEC4C;CD207;CLEC4D;ASGR2;ASGR1;CLEC6A;CLEC4M low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43797 (FBgn0264341). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:4000018..4000806. It has the cytological map location 24D2. Protein features are: C-type lectin fold; C-type lectin-like; C-type lectin-like/link domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. yes no no
FBgn0010423 TpnC47D -0.819068815 0.000221959 0.008493895 NA CALM1;CALML3;CALML4;CABP4;CALM3;CABP5;CALM2;CALML5;CABP7;CABP1;CABP2;CALN1;CALML6;CALB1 moderate;moderate;low;moderate;low;moderate;low;low;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Troponin C at 47D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTpnC47D (CG9073, FBgn0010423). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:11273845..11275286. It has the cytological map location 47E5. Protein features are: EF-Hand 1, calcium-binding site; EF-hand domain; EF-hand domain pair. Its molecular function is described by: calcium ion binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sarcomere; Z disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0031771 ND-51 -0.815387236 5.31E-06 0.000330283 NA NDUFV1 high NA NA NA "The gene NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 51 kDa subunit is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelND-51 (CG9140, FBgn0031771). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:6060842..6062757. It has the cytological map location 26B4. Protein features are: NADH ubiquinone oxidoreductase, F subunit; NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51kDa subunit, FMN-binding domain; NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase 51kDa subunit, iron-sulphur binding domain; NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, 51kDa subunit, conserved site; Soluble ligand binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: NADH dehydrogenase activity; FMN binding; NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity; 4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding; NAD binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0000099 ap -0.815052379 0.012319028 0.203008699 NA LHX2;LHX9 high;moderate NA NA NA NA no no no
FBgn0051373 CG31373 -0.813878598 0.000695383 0.021780734 NA PDF moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31373 (FBgn0051373). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10708487..10709364. It has the cytological map location 86C4. Protein features are: Peptide deformylase. Its molecular function is described by: peptide deformylase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: N-terminal protein amino acid modification; peptidyl-methionine modification; co-translational protein modification. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of allele include: viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0263380 CR43432 -0.813410263 0.012458856 0.204575755 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR43432 (FBgn0263380). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3L:14976626..14977631. It has the cytological map location 71A4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0038136 CG8774 -0.811808201 3.57E-05 0.001735125 ENPEP ENPEP;ANPEP;TRHDE;LVRN;LNPEP;ERAP1;ERAP2;NPEPPS high;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8774 (FBgn0038136). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:13298768..13302334. It has the cytological map location 87E4-87E5. Protein features are: Aminopeptidase A; Aminopeptidase N-type; ERAP1-like C-terminal domain; Peptidase M1, alanine aminopeptidase/leukotriene A4 hydrolase; Peptidase M1, membrane alanine aminopeptidase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: peptide binding; metalloaminopeptidase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis; peptide catabolic process; angiotensin maturation. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0039052 CG6733 -0.811444288 0.006683142 0.127758743 ACY1 ACY1;PM20D1;ABHD14A-ACY1 moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6733 (FBgn0039052). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23097728..23099191. It has the cytological map location 94D13. Protein features are: N-acyl-L-amino-acid amidohydrolase; Peptidase M20; Peptidase M20, dimerisation domain. Its molecular function is described by: aminoacylase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular amino acid metabolic process. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0033649 pyr -0.809903601 0.004198276 0.090774078 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene pyramus is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelpyr (CG13194, FBgn0033649). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11712263..11726345. It has the cytological map location 48C2. Protein features are: Cytokine IL1/FGF; Fibroblast growth factor family. Its molecular function is described by: growth factor activity; fibroblast growth factor receptor binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: urogenital system development; fibroblast growth factor receptor signaling pathway; regulation of multicellular organismal process; larval somatic muscle development; anatomical structure morphogenesis; tissue development; positive regulation of cell development; response to organic substance; formation of primary germ layer; positive regulation of cellular process; renal filtration cell differentiation; muscle cell migration; embryo development; single organism signaling; visceral muscle development. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: longitudinal visceral muscle primordium; dorsal vessel primordium; organ system subdivision; embryonic somatic muscle; A1-7 ventral oblique muscle 4; reticular neuropil associated glial cell; A2-7 ventral oblique muscle 6; central nervous system; gastrula embryo; visceral muscle; embryonic dorsal vessel; ventral oblique muscle 6. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0030485 CG1998 -0.809833941 0.000699636 0.021839136 FAXDC2 FAXDC2;MSMO1 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1998 (FBgn0030485). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13409369..13413074. It has the cytological map location 11F4. Protein features are: Fatty acid hydroxylase. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; lipid biosynthetic process; lipid metabolic process. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0036956 CG13813 -0.809403987 0.012810017 0.207945514 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13813 (FBgn0036956). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:20231669..20233255. It has the cytological map location 77A3. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0031887 CG11289 -0.80904252 0.012271209 0.202952033 NA UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT1A1;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT3A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT2B7 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11289 (FBgn0031887). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:7067983..7069546. It has the cytological map location 27D7-27E1. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring hexosyl groups; UDP-glycosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0033733 CG8834 -0.807734495 5.67E-06 0.000347742 NA ACSBG1;SLC27A6;ACSF3 low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8834 (FBgn0033733). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:12420475..12422535. It has the cytological map location 49A4. Protein features are: AMP-binding enzyme, C-terminal domain; AMP-binding, conserved site; AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0259748 CG42397 -0.807402049 0.000190412 0.007474265 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42397 (FBgn0259748). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:11973085..11973790. It has the cytological map location 68E4. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes. no no no
FBgn0037818 CG6465 -0.807111818 0.001479258 0.039909428 ACY1 ACY1;ABHD14A;ABHD14A-ACY1;PM20D1 high;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6465 (FBgn0037818). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10675560..10677251. It has the cytological map location 86C4. Protein features are: ArgE/DapE/ACY1/CPG2/YscS, conserved site; N-acyl-L-amino-acid amidohydrolase; Peptidase M20; Peptidase M20, dimerisation domain. Its molecular function is described by: aminoacylase activity; metallopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular amino acid metabolic process; proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0010359 gammaTry -0.804911697 0.000147439 0.005914353 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;PRSS1;PRSS3 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ?_Trypsin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel?_Try (CG30028, FBgn0010359). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11349061..11349870. It has the cytological map location 47F4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0026189 prominin-like -0.798964444 0.00118108 0.03365158 NA PROM1;PROM2 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene prominin-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelprominin-like (CG7740, FBgn0026189). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:3114450..3127724. It has the cytological map location 63B1-63B3. Protein features are: Prominin. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuron projection morphogenesis. 13 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0038803 CG5191 -0.798056331 0.002198131 0.054482682 NA FAAH2;FAAH moderate;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5191 (FBgn0038803). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:20560865..20573000. It has the cytological map location 92F1-92F2. Protein features are: Amidase signature domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages. yes yes no
FBgn0000473 Cyp6a2 -0.795706297 0.006918534 0.130467865 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cytochrome P450-6a2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a2 (CG9438, FBgn0000473). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:6779749..6781491. It has the cytological map location 42D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; oxidoreductase activity; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; response to DDT; response to caffeine. 15 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: chemical resistant; chemical sensitive; viable; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." yes yes no
FBgn0033574 Spn47C -0.794171723 0.014419316 0.227770401 NA SERPINI2;SERPINI1;SERPINE2;SERPINE1;SERPIND1;SERPINB7;SERPINA5;SERPINE3;SERPINB9 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;moderate;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Serpin 47C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSpn47C (CG7722, FBgn0033574). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:10938425..10941738. It has the cytological map location 47C7. Protein features are: Serpin domain; Serpin family; Serpin, conserved site. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no yes yes
FBgn0039298 to -0.793707978 4.70E-05 0.002183441 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene takeout is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelto (CG11853, FBgn0039298). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25240180..25241668. It has the cytological map location 96C7. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: rhythmic behavior; male courtship behavior; feeding behavior; behavioral response to starvation; circadian rhythm; mating behavior; adult feeding behavior; response to starvation. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: feeding behavior defective; viable; fertile; circadian rhythm defective; partially lethal - majority live. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0000575 emc -0.792963693 1.27E-05 0.000718702 NA ID4;ID1;ID2;ID3 high;moderate;moderate;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(HLH) NA NA "The gene extra macrochaetae is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelemc (CG1007, FBgn0000575). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:749400..753492. It has the cytological map location 61C9. Protein features are: DNA-binding protein inhibitor; Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain. Its molecular function is described by: transcriptional repressor activity, RNA polymerase II transcription factor binding; protein heterodimerization activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 24 unique terms, many of which group under: peripheral nervous system development; cell proliferation; cell-cell signaling; inter-male aggressive behavior; negative regulation of DNA binding; morphogenesis of embryonic epithelium; sexual reproduction; dorsal appendage formation; multi-organism behavior; compound eye photoreceptor fate commitment; chorion-containing eggshell pattern formation; negative regulation of binding. 107 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eye disc; sensory mother cell; germ layer; cell; larval thoracic segment; muscle cell; anatomical cluster; prepupa; embryonic/larval gut; external sensory organ precursor cell; extended germ band embryo; photoreceptor cell R4. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; increased mortality; stress response defective; phenotype; viable; lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages." yes no yes
FBgn0038207 CG14356 -0.79169651 0.006966755 0.130837667 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14356 (FBgn0038207). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:14130680..14132072. It has the cytological map location 88A9. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable; visible; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages. no no no
FBgn0260972 alc -0.790809665 2.29E-05 0.0012178 NA PRKAB1;PRKAB2 high;high NA NA NA "The gene alicorn is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelalc (CG8057, FBgn0260972). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9135375..9137933. It has the cytological map location 45A9-45B1. Protein features are: 5'-AMP-activated protein kinase subunit beta-1; AMP-activated protein kinase, glycogen-binding domain; Association with the SNF1 complex (ASC) domain; Immunoglobulin E-set; Immunoglobulin-like fold. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuron cellular homeostasis; signal transduction; regulation of protein kinase activity; cellular response to DNA damage stimulus; maintenance of apical/basal cell polarity. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: oocyte associated follicular epithelium; retina; antenna; embryo; optic lobe; eye photoreceptor cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; lethal; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039045 CG17119 -0.786950858 9.58E-05 0.004057872 CTNS CTNS high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17119 (FBgn0039045). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:23054410..23058958. It has the cytological map location 94D10. Protein features are: Lysosomal cystine transporter; PQ-loop repeat; TonB box, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: amino acid transmembrane transporter activity; L-cystine transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: L-cystine transport; amino acid transmembrane transport. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0034497 Mpcp1 -0.786711063 0.009664649 0.169986301 NA SLC25A3 high NA NA NA "The gene Mitochondrial phosphate carrier protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMpcp1 (CG9090, FBgn0034497). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:20279066..20281127. It has the cytological map location 56F15-56F16. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: phosphate ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: phosphate ion transport; mitochondrial transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037562 CG11671 -0.783762806 2.42E-05 0.00127676 NA C19orf12 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11671 (FBgn0037562). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:8287876..8288613. It has the cytological map location 84F8. Protein features are: Protein C19orf12 homologue. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuromuscular process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0024179 wit -0.780331212 0.001017616 0.030217899 NA BMPR2;AMHR2;ACVR2A;ACVR2B;TGFBR2 high;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene wishful thinking is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelwit (CG10776, FBgn0024179). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4064152..4071717. It has the cytological map location 64A5. Protein features are: Activin types I and II receptor domain; Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; Ser/Thr protein kinase, TGFB receptor. Its molecular function is described by: transforming growth factor beta receptor activity, type II; ATP binding; protein kinase activity; transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase activity; signal transducer, downstream of receptor, with serine/threonine kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: signaling; trans-synaptic signaling; single organism signaling; cell morphogenesis involved in neuron differentiation; protein modification process; cellular macromolecule metabolic process; positive regulation of developmental process; transmembrane receptor protein serine/threonine kinase signaling pathway; anterograde trans-synaptic signaling; neurogenesis; regulation of cellular process. 42 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: synapse; neuromuscular junction; tarsal segment; non-connected functional system; embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction; sensory system; anatomical group; eo-type sensillum; wing vein L5; chaeta; apterous-expressing neuron of the lateral cluster of the thorax Ap4. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." yes no no
FBgn0039883 RhoGAP100F -0.780215133 0.016629928 0.255196849 NA SYDE1;SYDE2 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Rho GTPase activating protein at 100F is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRhoGAP100F (CG1976, FBgn0039883). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 8 annotated transcripts and 8 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:31812609..31846570. It has the cytological map location 100D2-100D3. Protein features are: C2 domain; PDZ domain; Rho GTPase activation protein; Rho GTPase-activating protein domain. Its molecular function is described by: GTPase activator activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: signal transduction; maintenance of presynaptic active zone structure; axon extension involved in axon guidance; Rho protein signal transduction; cytoskeletal matrix organization at active zone; synaptic vesicle localization; activation of GTPase activity; regulation of GTPase activity; R7 cell development. 26 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: photoreceptor cell R7. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no yes no
FBgn0034500 CG11200 -0.780091714 0.000370265 0.012827421 DHRSX DHRSX;RDH12;RDH11;DHRS13;RDH14;RDH13 high;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Carbonyl reductase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11200 (FBgn0034500). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:20304517..20308671. It has the cytological map location 56F16. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0027341 Gfat1 -0.768711893 0.000421984 0.014509268 NA GFPT2;GFPT1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGfat1 (CG12449, FBgn0027341). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (8 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:4126442..4137882. It has the cytological map location 81F. Protein features are: GlmS/AgaS, SIS domain 1; GlmS/FrlB, SIS domain 2; Glucosamine-fructose-6-phosphate aminotransferase, isomerising; Glutamine amidotransferase type 2 domain; Nucleophile aminohydrolases, N-terminal; Sugar isomerase (SIS). Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate derivative binding; glutamine-fructose-6-phosphate transaminase (isomerizing) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: fructose 6-phosphate metabolic process; protein N-linked glycosylation; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0035571 CG12493 -0.76742599 0.002617282 0.062491055 NA STAU1;STAU2;ADARB1;ADARB2 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12493 (FBgn0035571). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4752393..4753738. It has the cytological map location 64B16. Protein features are: Double-stranded RNA-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: siRNA binding; double-stranded RNA binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; male fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0029827 CG6048 -0.764476387 0.000183377 0.007229178 NA HABP2;KLK14;KLK10;AZU1;CFD;PRSS55 low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6048 (FBgn0029827). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:5952565..5954046. It has the cytological map location 5C10. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of terminal button organization; proteolysis. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030946 CG6659 -0.763744751 2.81E-05 0.001436558 NA DPY19L1;DPY19L2;DPY19L4;DPY19L3;DPY19L2P2 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6659 (FBgn0030946). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:18653392..18657286. It has the cytological map location 17C7-17D1. Protein features are: C-mannosyltransferase Dpy-19; Dpy-19/Dpy-19-like. Its molecular function is described by: mannosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein C-linked glycosylation via 2'-alpha-mannosyl-L-tryptophan. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; flightless; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039864 CG11550 -0.760169293 0.001549254 0.04155271 NA TTPAL;CLVS1;RLBP1;CLVS2;TTPA moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11550 (FBgn0039864). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:31678147..31679880. It has the cytological map location 100D1. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036764 CG5535 -0.759639623 0.000837476 0.025531849 NA SLC7A1;SLC7A3;SLC7A2;SLC7A4;SLC7A14 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5535 (FBgn0036764). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:17852624..17856794. It has the cytological map location 75A4. Protein features are: Amino acid/polyamine transporter I; Cationic amino acid transporter, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: amino acid transmembrane transport. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0053509 CG33509 -0.758787512 0.013485674 0.216766204 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33509 (FBgn0053509). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:21084605..21086506. It has the cytological map location 39A1. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037101 CG7634 -0.757100327 0.015503867 0.24239038 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7634 (FBgn0037101). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:21565426..21567785. It has the cytological map location 78D6. Protein features are: Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033448 hebe -0.749864805 7.65E-05 0.003362627 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene hebe is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelhebe (CG1623, FBgn0033448). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9828104..9836642. It has the cytological map location 46B4. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: determination of adult lifespan. 24 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: Z disc; myofibril; sarcomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: long lived; flightless; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0260874 Ir76a -0.747895101 0.021008366 0.297434231 NA GRID2 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Ionotropic receptor 76a is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIr76a (CG42584, FBgn0260874). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:19799278..19803427. It has the cytological map location 76C6. Its molecular function is described by: ligand-gated ion channel activity; olfactory receptor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception; transmission of nerve impulse; detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of smell. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0027109 NPF -0.745671084 0.002285089 0.056181258 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene neuropeptide F is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNPF (CG10342, FBgn0027109). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:16609220..16611325. It has the cytological map location 89D5. Its molecular function is described by: neuropeptide F receptor binding; neuropeptide hormone activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: behavior; circadian rhythm; rhythmic process; single-multicellular organism process; larval behavior; rhythmic behavior; signal transduction; single-organism behavior; regulation of biological process; locomotory behavior; sexual reproduction; regulation of response to nutrient levels; intraspecies interaction between organisms. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: behavior defective; chemical sensitive; mating behavior defective; feeding behavior defective; viable; developmental rate defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0025336 CG4882 -0.745359283 0.001346135 0.036872612 NA MRPS27 high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4882 (FBgn0025336). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23880817..23882927. It has the cytological map location 60A7. Protein features are: 28S ribosomal protein S27, mitochondrial; MRPS27/PTCD2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during larval stage; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0030884 CG6847 -0.743273204 0.01751433 0.265101988 PNLIPRP3 PNLIP;PNLIPRP3;PLA1A;PNLIPRP1;PNLIPRP2;LIPI;LIPH moderate;low;moderate;low;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6847 (FBgn0030884). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:17911462..17924163. It has the cytological map location 16F3. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, N-terminal; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity; lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0086917 spok -0.742462937 0.005528336 0.11063931 NA CYP2C8;CYP2C18;CYP2E1;CYP1A2;CYP2R1;CYP2F1;CYP1B1 moderate;moderate;high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene spookier is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelspok (CG41624, FBgn0086917). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:3322810..3354486. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; ecdysone biosynthetic process; molting cycle, chitin-based cuticle. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage; some die during first instar larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." yes yes no
FBgn0045852 ham -0.740444696 0.011484332 0.194735089 NA MECOM;PRDM16 high;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(zf-C2H2) NA NA "The gene hamlet is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelham (CG31753, FBgn0045852). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18762874..18792906. It has the cytological map location 37A2-37A4. Protein features are: Evi1/Prdm16; Zinc finger C2H2-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: dendrite morphogenesis; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; negative regulation of cell proliferation; neuron development; regulation of dendrite development; neuroblast fate commitment. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: stem cell; embryo; sensory cluster; presumptive embryonic/larval system; tormogen cell; neuroblast; embryonic abdomen; embryonic/larval sense organ; developing embryonic structure; type II neuroblast; embryonic/larval nervous system; chaeta; ganglion mother cell; type I neuroblast; larval abdomen. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; visible; stress response defective; sensory perception defective; cell size defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0035901 CG6745 -0.739758075 0.012609915 0.205946939 PUS7 PUS7;PUS7L high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6745 (FBgn0035901). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:8510003..8513007. It has the cytological map location 66D5. Protein features are: Pseudouridine synthase, TruD; Pseudouridine synthase, TruD, insertion domain; Pseudouridine synthase, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: pseudouridine synthase activity; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: pseudouridine synthesis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die; viable; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0033130 Tsp42Ei -0.738607313 0.019458059 0.281665837 NA TSPAN3;PRPH2 low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Tetraspanin 42Ei is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTsp42Ei (CG12843, FBgn0033130). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7035125..7036949. It has the cytological map location 42E5. Protein features are: Tetraspanin; Tetraspanin, EC2 domain; Tetraspanin/Peripherin. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: cell surface receptor signaling pathway. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no yes yes
FBgn0039509 bigmax -0.734926486 0.00021388 0.00825378 MLX MLX high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(HLH) NA NA "The gene bigmax is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelbigmax (CG3350, FBgn0039509). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27287366..27288526. It has the cytological map location 97F1. Protein features are: Max-like protein X; Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain. Its molecular function is described by: transcription factor binding; protein dimerization activity; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: muscle organ development; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death; dendrite morphogenesis; regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; adult feeding behavior; regulation of glucose metabolic process; autophagic cell death. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036422 CG3868 -0.732867234 2.16E-05 0.001169531 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3868 (FBgn0036422). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:14400769..14402725. It has the cytological map location 70D6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no no
FBgn0040257 Ugt86Dc -0.732557731 0.000308915 0.011036476 NA UGT2B10;UGT2B7;UGT1A3;UGT3A2;UGT1A6;UGT1A1;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT1A4;UGT1A10;UGT1A7;UGT1A5;UGT1A9;UGT1A8 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Ugt86Dc is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUgt86Dc (CG4739, FBgn0040257). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:11154626..11156513. It has the cytological map location 86D5. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0034563 CG15649 -0.731368541 0.021433557 0.300201094 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15649 (FBgn0034563). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:20972916..20974017. It has the cytological map location 57B5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: planar polarity defective; visible; viable; body color defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0032077 CG9515 -0.730346737 0.005342808 0.107632876 NA ASMTL;ASMT high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9515 (FBgn0032077). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8941945..8943257. It has the cytological map location 29F5. Protein features are: Inosine triphosphate pyrophosphatase-like; Maf-like protein. Its molecular function is described by: nucleoside-triphosphate diphosphatase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0040636 CG13255 -0.730318099 4.55E-05 0.00212491 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13255 (FBgn0040636). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20837488..20838839. It has the cytological map location 77F1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033774 CG12374 -0.727323278 0.025648306 0.337991293 NA CPB1;CPA2;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPA6;CPA5;CPA1;CPA4 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12374 (FBgn0033774). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:12762113..12763825. It has the cytological map location 49C3. Protein features are: Carboxypeptidase, activation peptide; Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A; Protease propeptides/proteinase inhibitor I9. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metallocarboxypeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0264272 mwh -0.725931429 0.009045358 0.161264796 NA FMNL1 moderate NA NA NA "The gene multiple wing hairs is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmwh (CG43772, FBgn0264272). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1200786..1232700. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; Formin, FH3 domain; Formin, GTPase-binding domain; Rho GTPase-binding/formin homology 3 (GBD/FH3) domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; Rho GTPase binding; actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis; imaginal disc-derived wing hair site selection; Wnt signaling pathway; negative regulation of actin filament polymerization; establishment of planar polarity; imaginal disc-derived wing hair organization. 26 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; wing cell; mesothoracic tergum; actin filament; trichogen cell; denticle belt; abdominal sternite bristle; microchaeta; wing hair. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body color defective; visible; viable; locomotor behavior defective; planar polarity defective." no no no
FBgn0052379 CG32379 -0.724915832 0.008515284 0.153611013 NA CPA2;CPA5;CPA1;CPA4;CPO;CPA3;CPB2;CPB1;CPA6 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32379 (FBgn0052379). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:7396355..7398208. It has the cytological map location 65F11. Protein features are: Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metallocarboxypeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no yes no
FBgn0033760 CG8785 -0.724397487 0.000429209 0.014692412 NA SLC36A3;SLC36A2;SLC36A1;SLC36A4 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8785 (FBgn0033760). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12640690..12648224. It has the cytological map location 49B10-49B11. Protein features are: Amino acid transporter, transmembrane domain. Its molecular function is described by: amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: amino acid transmembrane transport. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0050043 CG30043 -0.719231645 0.000396359 0.013679616 NA ERMP1 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG30043 (FBgn0050043). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:12359436..12363165. It has the cytological map location 49A1. Protein features are: Peptidase M28. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal; lethal - all die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0026439 Eaat1 -0.717112128 0.00022601 0.008577113 NA SLC1A3;SLC1A6;SLC1A1;SLC1A4;SLC1A5;SLC1A7;SLC1A2 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Excitatory amino acid transporter 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelEaat1 (CG3747, FBgn0026439). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:9333567..9341925. It has the cytological map location 30A8. Protein features are: Sodium:dicarboxylate symporter; Sodium:dicarboxylate symporter, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: L-aspartate transmembrane transporter activity; L-glutamate transmembrane transporter activity; glutamate:sodium symporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: aspartate transport; larval locomotory behavior; determination of adult lifespan; L-glutamate transport; regulation of excitatory postsynaptic membrane potential involved in skeletal muscle contraction; chemical synaptic transmission. 17 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: dopaminergic neuron; neuropil; neuromuscular junction; reticular neuropil associated glial cell; adult neuromuscular junction; synapse; aCC neuron; RP2 motor neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: behavior defective; increased mortality; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036415 CG7768 -0.713232504 0.022135323 0.308142569 PPIF PPIF;PPIA;PPIAL4G;PPIAL4C;PPIAL4D;RANBP2;LOC105371242;PPIAL4A moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7768 (FBgn0036415). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:14218204..14218974. It has the cytological map location 70D4. Protein features are: Cyclophilin-like domain; Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase; Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase domain; Cyclophilin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein peptidyl-prolyl isomerization; protein folding. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0032943 Tsp39D -0.71166422 0.001452899 0.039368568 NA CD63 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Tetraspanin 39D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTsp39D (CG8666, FBgn0032943). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:21344607..21358271. It has the cytological map location 39D1. Protein features are: Tetraspanin; Tetraspanin, EC2 domain; Tetraspanin/Peripherin. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: cell surface receptor signaling pathway. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0039084 CG10175 -0.708800902 0.024602463 0.328008933 NA CES4A;CES2;NLGN2;CES5A;CES1;CEL;NLGN4X;NLGN1;NLGN3;NLGN4Y;CES3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10175 (FBgn0039084). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:23522264..23530986. It has the cytological map location 95A1. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase type B, active site; Carboxylesterase, type B; Lipase, GDXG, putative histidine active site. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." yes yes no
FBgn0266731 CR45204 -0.707286494 0.029418129 0.368068686 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR45204 (FBgn0266731). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:10794338..10796292. It has the cytological map location 9F2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0031998 SLC5A11 -0.705136963 0.001416624 0.038560849 NA SLC5A5;SLC5A8;SLC5A6;SLC5A12 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Sodium/solute co-transporter-like 5A11 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSLC5A11 (CG8451, FBgn0031998). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8200465..8205132. It has the cytological map location 28F1. Protein features are: Sodium/solute symporter. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; adult feeding behavior; behavioral response to nutrient. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; viable; feeding behavior defective; chemical resistant. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." yes yes no
FBgn0052283 Drsl3 -0.705049095 0.02055965 0.292894948 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Drosomycin-like 3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelDrsl3 (CG32283, FBgn0052283). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:3314996..3315355. It has the cytological map location 63D1. Protein features are: Knottin, scorpion toxin-like. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to fungus. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; pain response defective; partially lethal - majority die; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0032620 CG12288 -0.701125958 0.028036053 0.356135746 NA RBM34 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12288 (FBgn0032620). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:16900535..16902218. It has the cytological map location 36B4. Protein features are: RBM34, RNA recognition motif 1; RNA recognition motif domain. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; mRNA binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0004959 phm -0.699138794 0.006814731 0.129049033 NA CYP2D6;CYP2C8;CYP2C9;CYP2A13;CYP2B6;CYP2W1;CYP2C18;CYP2A7;CYP2E1;CYP2S1;CYP2C19;CYP2A6;CYP2R1;CYP2F1;CYP2U1;CYP1A1;CYP1A2;CYP1B1 moderate;moderate;moderate;high;moderate;high;moderate;high;high;moderate;moderate;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;high;high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene phantom is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelphm (CG6578, FBgn0004959). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:18685766..18688433. It has the cytological map location 17D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: ecdysteroid 25-hydroxylase activity; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: embryonic development via the syncytial blastoderm; oogenesis; border follicle cell migration; ecdysone biosynthetic process; oxidation-reduction process. 19 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval hindgut; midgut primordium; sensory system neuron; presumptive embryonic/larval central nervous system; external sensory organ; tract; presumptive embryonic/larval nervous system; external sensillum; presumptive embryonic/larval digestive system; cell cluster organ; presumptive embryonic/larval integumentary system; segmental subdivision of integument; embryonic head; epithelial cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; phenotype; increased mortality during development; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0031182 Cyp6t1 -0.697198057 0.000642528 0.020334125 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp6t1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6t1 (CG1644, FBgn0031182). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:21517434..21519218. It has the cytological map location 20A1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes yes no
FBgn0036576 CG5151 -0.696140262 0.000769499 0.023776481 NA LDLRAD4 low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5151 (FBgn0036576). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:16137802..16164701. It has the cytological map location 72D9. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0034052 CG8299 -0.695470923 0.001981129 0.050192257 NA PRSS36;PRSS53 low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8299 (FBgn0034052). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:15940610..15941483. It has the cytological map location 52D3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0030999 Mur18B -0.694430722 0.03267052 0.394201287 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Mucin related 18B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMur18B (CG7874, FBgn0030999). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:19213254..19214938. It has the cytological map location 18B1. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: extracellular matrix structural constituent; chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0031313 CG5080 -0.689991522 0.004820757 0.09930326 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5080 (FBgn0031313). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:1160290..1163886. It has the cytological map location 21F1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0051781 CR31781 -0.688946894 0.011572817 0.195285948 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR31781 (FBgn0051781). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 2L:16869346..16878300. It has the cytological map location 36B3. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: lateral inhibition. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039207 CG5789 -0.688100669 0.009328632 0.165348186 NA ABCC4;ABCC6;ABCC3;ABCC8;ABCC9;ABCC10;ABCC2;ABCC1;CFTR;ABCC12;ABCC11;ABCC5 moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5789 (FBgn0039207). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:24536204..24543914. It has the cytological map location 96A6-96A7. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter type 1, transmembrane domain; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0040942 CG12643 -0.685718892 0.000476941 0.016055781 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12643 (FBgn0040942). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:10264233..10265263. It has the cytological map location 9B5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period. no no no
FBgn0030098 CG12057 -0.682274438 0.000316501 0.011176502 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12057 (FBgn0030098). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:9191657..9192548. It has the cytological map location 8C17. Protein features are: Protein of unknown function DUF725. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0004893 bowl -0.681288859 0.005641822 0.111930814 NA OSR2;OSR1 moderate;low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(zf-C2H2) NA NA "The gene brother of odd with entrails limited is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelbowl (CG10021, FBgn0004893). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3771700..3784121. It has the cytological map location 24C3-24C4. Protein features are: Zinc finger C2H2-type. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: hindgut morphogenesis; terminal region determination; glucose metabolic process; animal organ development; anterior/posterior axis specification; regulation of cellular carbohydrate metabolic process; single-organism cellular process; imaginal disc-derived leg segmentation; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; hindgut development; blastoderm segmentation. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult external mesothorax; eye disc; proventriculus primordium; prepupa; pupa; pretarsus; photoreceptor; primordium; presumptive embryonic/larval integumentary system; prothoracic tarsal segment. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; female sterile; viable; visible; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; some die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0015929 dpa -0.679639132 0.023515217 0.318622478 NA MCM4 high NA NA NA "The gene disc proliferation abnormal is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldpa (CG1616, FBgn0015929). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7496702..7500145. It has the cytological map location 43C6-43C7. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; MCM N-terminal domain; MCM OB domain; MCM domain; Mini-chromosome maintenance complex protein 4; Mini-chromosome maintenance protein; Mini-chromosome maintenance, conserved site; Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; 3'-5' DNA helicase activity; DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitotic spindle organization; DNA replication; DNA replication initiation. 18 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: central nervous system; chromosome, centromeric region; imaginal disc; trichogen cell; mitotic metaphase; mitotic cell cycle; mesothoracic tergum; spindle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible; some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; wild-type. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0036553 CG17027 -0.679313578 0.022802536 0.314084334 NA IMPA1;IMPA2 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17027 (FBgn0036553). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:15980100..15981888. It has the cytological map location 72C1. Protein features are: Inositol monophosphatase; Inositol monophosphatase, Lithium-sensitive; Inositol monophosphatase, conserved site; Inositol monophosphatase, metal-binding site; Inositol monophosphatase-like. Its molecular function is described by: inositol monophosphate 1-phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: phosphatidylinositol phosphorylation; inositol metabolic process; dephosphorylation; inositol phosphate dephosphorylation; signal transduction. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; pain response defective; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal; short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0035607 CG4835 -0.677535405 0.011656436 0.196334742 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4835 (FBgn0035607). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:5479790..5483663. It has the cytological map location 64D2. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0262028 CR42839 -0.67560945 0.003144675 0.072446339 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR42839 (FBgn0262028). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3R:16004321..16008073. It has the cytological map location 89A12. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0051864 Qtzl -0.675319618 0.003650962 0.081443157 NA NFS1;SCLY moderate;high NA NA NA "The gene Quetzalcoatl is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelQtzl (CG31864, FBgn0051864).The gene has a gene model, but the supporting evidence is inconclusive. It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:11995740..11996723. It has the cytological map location 33B5. Protein features are: Aminotransferase class V domain; Cysteine desulfurase IscS; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, major region, subdomain 1. Its molecular function is described by: cysteine desulfurase activity; pyridoxal phosphate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: [2Fe-2S] cluster assembly. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of allele include: sterile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0039358 CG5028 -0.667961778 0.000596241 0.019134117 IDH3G IDH3G;IDH3B high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5028 (FBgn0039358). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25680845..25683780. It has the cytological map location 96E9. Protein features are: Isocitrate dehydrogenase NAD-dependent; Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: tricarboxylic acid cycle. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0261504 7SLRNA:CR42652 -0.665370947 0.031701426 0.387679924 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Signal recognition particle 7SL RNA CR42652 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel7SLRNA:CR42652 (CR42652, FBgn0261504). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3R:6820133..6820431. It has the cytological map location 84A5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039042 CG13837 -0.66392179 0.026326967 0.343489926 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13837 (FBgn0039042). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23043990..23044661. It has the cytological map location 94D10. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0036192 Pldn -0.663116937 0.004475007 0.09387252 NA BLOC1S6 high NA NA NA "The gene Pallidin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPldn (CG14133, FBgn0036192). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:11689631..11691399. It has the cytological map location 68D2. Protein features are: BLOC-1 complex, pallidin subunit; Snapin/Pallidin/Snn1. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: intracellular transport; synaptic vesicle recycling via endosome; eye pigment granule organization. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: NMJ bouton; synaptic vesicle; synapse; tubular endosome; presynaptic endosome. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; fertile; neurophysiology defective; eye color defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0038082 CG5724 -0.662970783 0.001916331 0.048957437 UGT1A3 UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT1A1;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT3A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT2B7 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5724 (FBgn0038082). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12739642..12741417. It has the cytological map location 87C8. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during embryonic stage; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; lethal; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. yes yes yes
FBgn0031693 Cyp4ac1 -0.662599768 0.000584302 0.018816988 NA CYP4V2;CYP4A11;CYP4Z1;CYP4B1;CYP4F11;CYP4X1;CYP4F12;CYP4A22;CYP4F8;CYP19A1;CYP4F3;CYP4F2;CYP4F22 moderate;low;low;low;moderate;low;low;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp4ac1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp4ac1 (CG14032, FBgn0031693). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:5264001..5265899. It has the cytological map location 25D2. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0031689 Cyp28d1 -0.659616652 0.000216383 0.008315305 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp28d1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp28d1 (CG10833, FBgn0031689). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:5210460..5212445. It has the cytological map location 25C10. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." yes yes no
FBgn0032706 Irk3 -0.659152544 0.038565936 0.431730787 NA KCNJ15;KCNJ10;KCNJ9;KCNJ12;KCNJ2;KCNJ8;KCNJ1;KCNJ18;KCNJ14;KCNJ4;KCNJ11;KCNJ3;KCNJ16;KCNJ13;KCNJ6;KCNJ5 moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Inwardly rectifying potassium channel 3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIrk3 (CG10369, FBgn0032706). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18711071..18713748. It has the cytological map location 37A1. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin E-set; Potassium channel, inwardly rectifying, Kir; Potassium channel, inwardly rectifying, Kir, cytoplasmic. Its molecular function is described by: inward rectifier potassium channel activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc development; regulation of membrane potential; potassium ion transport; potassium ion import. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing hinge; wing; wing vein. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: size defective; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes yes
FBgn0030348 CG10352 -0.659053992 0.042050203 0.452993114 NA PGP;PDXP moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10352 (FBgn0030348). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:11875306..11877168. It has the cytological map location 10F2. Protein features are: HAD-like domain; HAD-superfamily hydrolase, subfamily IIA. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatase activity; phosphoprotein phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: dephosphorylation; protein dephosphorylation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0001341 l(1)1Bi -0.658923428 0.029782111 0.370091284 NA MYBBP1A high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "The gene lethal (1) 1Bi is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmell(1)1Bi (CG6189, FBgn0001341). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:629773..633633. It has the cytological map location 1B12. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; DNA polymerase V. Its molecular function is described by: DNA-directed DNA polymerase activity; DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: transcription, DNA-templated. 21 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: macrochaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of larval stage; increased mortality; phenotype; viable; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0004169 up -0.658183016 0.00053269 0.017462316 NA TNNT2;TNNT1;TNNT3 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene upheld is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelup (CG7107, FBgn0004169). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 18 annotated transcripts and 18 polypeptides (15 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13593474..13602578. It has the cytological map location 12A7. Protein features are: Troponin; Troponin T. Its molecular function is described by: calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of muscle contraction; skeletal muscle thin filament assembly; mitochondrion organization; myofibril assembly; sarcomere organization; mesoderm development; muscle cell cellular homeostasis; muscle organ morphogenesis; cellular calcium ion homeostasis. 18 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: tagmatic subdivision of integument; intracellular membrane-bounded organelle; cuticle; A band; organ system subdivision; depressor muscle; endoplasmic reticulum; endomembrane system; lateral oblique dorsal muscle; M band; dorsal medial muscle; prepupal integumentary system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; viable; increased mortality; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages." no yes no
FBgn0032713 CG17323 -0.657704013 0.029703026 0.370091284 NA UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT1A1;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT3A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT2B7 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17323 (FBgn0032713). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18823548..18826716. It has the cytological map location 37B1. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: inter-male aggressive behavior; metabolic process. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." yes yes yes
FBgn0028886 CG15279 -0.657186696 0.018510337 0.273941 NA SLC6A5 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15279 (FBgn0028886). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:14844993..14851749. It has the cytological map location 35B6. Protein features are: Sodium:neurotransmitter symporter. Its molecular function is described by: neurotransmitter:sodium symporter activity; cation:amino acid symporter activity; neurotransmitter transporter activity; transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport; amino acid transmembrane import; neurotransmitter transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0031491 alpha4GT1 -0.655585638 0.00977074 0.171193844 A4GALT A4GALT;A4GNT high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene ??4GT1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??4GT1 (CG17223, FBgn0031491). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:3021309..3023141. It has the cytological map location 23C4. Protein features are: Alpha 1,4-glycosyltransferase domain; Glycosyltransferase, DXD sugar-binding motif; Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases. Its molecular function is described by: alpha-1,4-N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity; acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glycosphingolipid biosynthetic process; glycolipid biosynthetic process; positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway; negative regulation of apoptotic process. 16 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0029588 CG14798 -0.653359812 0.035116125 0.40757878 NA ALKBH7 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14798 (FBgn0029588). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:1692824..1693843. It has the cytological map location 2B7. Protein features are: Alpha-ketoglutarate-dependent dioxygenase alkB homologue 7. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of mitochondrial membrane permeability involved in programmed necrotic cell death; cellular response to DNA damage stimulus. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0034782 CG12490 -0.652729665 0.026521059 0.345529354 NA SLC17A4;SLC17A3;SLC17A1;SLC17A5;SLC17A2;SLC17A6;SLC17A8;SLC17A7 high;high;high;moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12490 (FBgn0034782). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:22834647..22836701. It has the cytological map location 59B2. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: anion transport; transmembrane transport. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no yes
FBgn0014141 cher -0.652246678 0.018955946 0.277838279 NA FLNA;FLNC;FLNB high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene cheerio is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelcher (CG3937, FBgn0014141). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 10 annotated transcripts and 10 polypeptides (8 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:17091533..17125389. It has the cytological map location 89E12-89F1. Protein features are: Actinin-type actin-binding domain, conserved site; Calponin homology domain; Filamin/ABP280 repeat; Filamin/ABP280 repeat-like; Immunoglobulin E-set; Immunoglobulin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 16 unique terms, many of which group under: learning or memory; response to chemical; macromolecule localization; response to alcohol; immune system development; regulation of cytoskeleton organization; multicellular organism aging; chemosensory behavior; behavioral response to ethanol; positive regulation of biological process; tissue development. 41 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: nurse cell ring canal; indirect flight muscle; intersegmental nerve; non-connected functional system; I band; female germline cell; eye; mesothoracic segment; lamellocyte; skeletal muscle of thorax; embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; phenotype; fertile; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0038100 Paip2 -0.652057984 0.003261138 0.074237615 NA PAIP2B;PAIP2 high;high NA NA NA "The gene polyA-binding protein interacting protein 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPaip2 (CG12358, FBgn0038100). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12980792..12985488. It has the cytological map location 87D6-87D7. Protein features are: Ataxin-2, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of translation; regulation of cell growth. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing disc; ommatidium; wing; indirect flight muscle; sarcomere; myofibril; embryonic/larval fat body; Z disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; visible; increased mortality; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030051 spirit -0.650634544 0.014269532 0.225794357 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Serine Protease Immune Response Integrator is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelspirit (CG2056, FBgn0030051). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:8571099..8573593. It has the cytological map location 7F5. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Proteinase, regulatory CLIP domain; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of Toll signaling pathway; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; proteolysis; defense response to fungus; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; innate immune response. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: immune response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0062928 hpRNA:CR33940 -0.648516555 0.005607995 0.111501567 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene hairpin RNA:CR33940 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelhpRNA:CR33940 (CR33940, FBgn0062928). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3L:19486745..19488439. It has the cytological map location 76B4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0038366 CG4576 -0.648382203 0.046470582 0.479165665 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4576 (FBgn0038366). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:15825747..15830321. It has the cytological map location 89A5. Protein features are: Acyltransferase 3. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0000046 Act87E -0.645974397 0.001051029 0.031008758 NA ACTB;ACTA2;ACTC1;ACTG2;ACTA1;ACTBL2;ACTG1;POTEI;POTEJ;POTEF;ACTRT3;ACTR1B;ACTR1A;POTEE moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Actin 87E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAct87E (CG18290, FBgn0000046). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:13425983..13428375. It has the cytological map location 87E11. Protein features are: Actin family; Actin, conserved site; Actin/actin-like conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of cytoskeleton. It is involved in the biological process described with: histone exchange; histone acetylation; cytoskeleton organization. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0029898 CG14439 -0.645439516 0.03813489 0.429256253 NA SPNS1;SPNS2;SPNS3 low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14439 (FBgn0029898). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:6747544..6755752. It has the cytological map location 6C11-6C12. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033391 CG8026 -0.645155108 0.001358894 0.037099827 NA SLC25A32 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8026 (FBgn0033391). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9186670..9192096. It has the cytological map location 45B3. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial carrier protein; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: FAD transmembrane transporter activity; folic acid transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; folic acid transport; mitochondrial transport. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0264721 CR43989 -0.645108825 0.045038668 0.472253389 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR43989 (FBgn0264721). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3L:11163849..11164801. It has the cytological map location 68A9. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0263046 CG43341 -0.643185453 0.045201305 0.472253389 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43341 (FBgn0263046). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7632841..7633880. It has the cytological map location 43E6. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0035558 CG11357 -0.641356346 0.01365642 0.218741893 NA B3GNT8;B3GNT6;B3GALT4;B3GNT9;B3GNT7;B3GNT2;B3GNT4;B3GNT3;B3GALT1 high;moderate;high;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11357 (FBgn0035558). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4542051..4553457. It has the cytological map location 64B9. Protein features are: Glycosyl transferase, family 31. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring glycosyl groups; galactosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein glycosylation. 14 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: learning defective; viable; fertile; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0011556 zetaTry -0.639869306 0.000522874 0.017264281 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;HPN;PRSS48 low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene ??Trypsin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??Try (CG12387, FBgn0011556). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11339186..11340132. It has the cytological map location 47F3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0038790 MtnC -0.638179111 0.001205473 0.034028579 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Metallothionein C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMtnC (CG5097, FBgn0038790). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:20360308..20360634. It has the cytological map location 92E4. Protein features are: Metallothionein, family 5, Diptera. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: metal ion homeostasis; response to metal ion. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0014427 CG11899 -0.637173038 0.00120265 0.034028579 NA PSAT1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11899 (FBgn0014427). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:29200454..29201770. It has the cytological map location 99A1. Protein features are: Aminotransferase class V domain; Aminotransferase class-V, pyridoxal-phosphate binding site; Phosphoserine aminotransferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, major region, subdomain 1; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, subdomain 2. Its molecular function is described by: O-phospho-L-serine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: L-serine biosynthetic process. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0085819 28SrRNA-Psi:CR41609 -0.63622248 0.006073522 0.118440163 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene 28S ribosomal RNA pseudogene:CR41609 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel28SrRNA-??:CR41609 (CR41609, FBgn0085819). It is a pseudogene_attribute from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:23261772..23262666. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: No expression detected at any stage of development." no no no
FBgn0036454 CG17839 -0.63476347 0.032594941 0.393808895 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17839 (FBgn0036454). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:14805136..14882224. It has the cytological map location 70F7-71A1. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DB; Fibronectin type III; Immunoglobulin; Immunoglobulin subtype; Immunoglobulin subtype 2; Immunoglobulin-like domain; Immunoglobulin-like fold. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 16 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0260722 CR42549 -0.63367005 0.001321351 0.036667013 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR42549 (FBgn0260722). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3R:9548104..9551806. It has the cytological map location 85D23-85D24. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0028949 CG15254 -0.632949677 0.000626752 0.019973066 NA BMP1;CUBN;TLL1;MEP1B;MEP1A;ASTL;TLL2 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15254 (FBgn0028949). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:15613905..15614828. It has the cytological map location 35D3. Protein features are: Astacin-like metallopeptidase domain; Metallopeptidase, catalytic domain; Peptidase M12A; Peptidase, metallopeptidase. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metalloendopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis; sensory perception of pain. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." yes yes no
FBgn0034299 CG5757 -0.630493516 0.013581095 0.217917014 DTYMK DTYMK high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5757 (FBgn0034299). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:18093723..18094900. It has the cytological map location 55B4. Protein features are: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Thymidylate kinase; Thymidylate kinase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; uridylate kinase activity; thymidylate kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: dUDP biosynthetic process; dTTP biosynthetic process; dTDP biosynthetic process. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0038846 CG5697 -0.62997153 0.045477715 0.473734835 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5697 (FBgn0038846). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:21015949..21017120. It has the cytological map location 93B4. Protein features are: Solute carrier family 3 member 2, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; some die during pupal stage; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0032405 firl -0.62956969 0.040605849 0.444235755 NA HSD17B11;HSD17B13;DHRS3;SDR16C5;RDH10 moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene firelighter is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelfirl (CG14946, FBgn0032405). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:12063457..12066775. It has the cytological map location 33C2. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; heat stress response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0034711 Alp2 -0.628466302 0.00232344 0.056667158 NA ALPPL2;ALPI;ALPP;ALPL moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA NA yes yes no
FBgn0053265 Muc68E -0.625259525 0.002039511 0.050965491 NA MUC17 high NA NA NA "The gene Mucin 68E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMuc68E (CG33265, FBgn0053265). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:11967343..11972979. It has the cytological map location 68E4. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: extracellular matrix structural constituent; chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033274 CG14757 -0.62277132 0.032250366 0.392236502 SDHAF2 SDHAF2 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14757 (FBgn0033274). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8172364..8173613. It has the cytological map location 44B8. Protein features are: Flavinator of succinate dehydrogenase; Succinate dehydrogenase assembly factor 2, mitochondrial. Its molecular function is described by: copper ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial electron transport, succinate to ubiquinone; copper ion homeostasis; protein-FAD linkage; tricarboxylic acid cycle; mitochondrial respiratory chain complex II assembly. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0261258 rgn -0.622233405 0.004237079 0.091181933 NA REG1A high NA NA NA "The gene regeneration is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelrgn (CG6014, FBgn0261258). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:21382501..21424416. It has the cytological map location 78C9-78D1. Protein features are: C-type lectin fold; C-type lectin-like; C-type lectin-like/link domain. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: tissue regeneration. 21 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0002174 l(2)tid -0.621382453 0.003257978 0.074237615 NA DNAJA3 high NA NA NA "The gene lethal (2) tumorous imaginal discs is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmell(2)tid (CG5504, FBgn0002174). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23706913..23709026. It has the cytological map location 59F6. Protein features are: Chaperone DnaJ; Chaperone DnaJ, C-terminal; DnaJ domain; DnaJ domain, conserved site; HSP40/DnaJ peptide-binding; Heat shock protein DnaJ, cysteine-rich domain. Its molecular function is described by: unfolded protein binding; patched binding; ATP binding; heat shock protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrion organization; sleep; response to heat; smoothened signaling pathway; protein folding. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing disc; imaginal disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; wild-type; tumorigenic; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0028480 CG17841 -0.620706102 0.001769403 0.046105306 NA FAM57B;FAM57A high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17841 (FBgn0028480). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:10368052..10383580. It has the cytological map location 9B12-9B14. Protein features are: TRAM/LAG1/CLN8 homology domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal; fertile; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0030941 wgn -0.61711794 0.010662037 0.183486472 NA TNFRSF4 low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene wengen is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelwgn (CG6531, FBgn0030941). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:18624042..18634908. It has the cytological map location 17C5-17C6. Protein features are: TNFR/NGFR cysteine-rich region. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; tumor necrosis factor-activated receptor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of neuromuscular synaptic transmission; neuron cellular homeostasis; apoptotic process; photoreceptor cell axon guidance; cell surface receptor signaling pathway. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: photoreceptor cell R4; photoreceptor cell R2; medulla; lamina plexus; lamina; photoreceptor cell R5; photoreceptor cell R3; photoreceptor cell R8. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0034093 CG15706 -0.616426819 0.003003441 0.069791923 NA MFSD6L high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15706 (FBgn0034093). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:16223218..16230680. It has the cytological map location 52F11. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily associated domain; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0014343 mirr -0.611663456 0.045047123 0.472253389 NA IRX6;IRX5;IRX4;IRX1;IRX3;IRX2 moderate;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(Homeobox) NA NA "The gene mirror is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmirr (CG10601, FBgn0014343). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12693639..12710249. It has the cytological map location 69D3-69D4. Protein features are: Homeobox KN domain; Homeobox domain; Homeobox domain-like; Homeobox, conserved site; Iroquois-class homeodomain protein. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding; protein homodimerization activity; sequence-specific DNA binding; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: generation of neurons; cellular developmental process; positive regulation of RNA metabolic process; negative regulation of cellular metabolic process; chorion-containing eggshell formation; cellular component morphogenesis; negative regulation of growth; cellular response to stimulus; instar larval or pupal morphogenesis; growth; post-embryonic animal organ development. 40 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: egg operculum; nervous system; cell; dendrite; external encapsulating structure; trichome field; chorion; cell periphery; epithelial cell; somatodendritic compartment; embryonic abdomen. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage; phenotype; increased mortality during development; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0033214 CG1941 -0.609264919 0.001815007 0.047030992 MOGAT2 MOGAT2;DGAT2L6;AWAT2;DGAT2;MOGAT1;AWAT1;MOGAT3;DGAT2L7P moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1941 (FBgn0033214). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7709873..7711981. It has the cytological map location 43E12. Protein features are: Diacylglycerol acyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal; partially lethal - majority die; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no yes yes
FBgn0031629 Clect27 -0.608301544 0.012589128 0.205946939 NA SELL low NA NA NA "The gene C-type lectin 27kD is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelClect27 (CG3244, FBgn0031629). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:4796600..4801923. It has the cytological map location 25A6. Protein features are: C-type lectin fold; C-type lectin, conserved site; C-type lectin-like; C-type lectin-like/link domain. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; anterior crossvein. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; lethal; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0011695 EbpIII -0.60748101 0.000740807 0.02304566 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Ejaculatory bulb protein III is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelEbpIII (CG11390, FBgn0011695). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:24026172..24027518. It has the cytological map location 60B4. Protein features are: Insect odorant-binding protein A10/Ejaculatory bulb-specific protein 3. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to virus; post-mating behavior; metamorphosis. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0003502 Btk29A -0.607374953 0.048299066 0.491371808 NA TEC;ITK;TXK;BMX;BTK;LCK;FRK;HCK;LYN;SRC;BLK;ABL1;ABL2;FYN;FGR;SRMS high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Btk family kinase at 29A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelBtk29A (CG8049, FBgn0003502). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 8 annotated transcripts and 8 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8258373..8301079. It has the cytological map location 29A1-29A3. Protein features are: PH domain-like; Pleckstrin homology domain; Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; SH2 domain; SH3 domain; Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase, catalytic domain; Tyrosine-protein kinase, active site; Tyrosine-protein kinase, catalytic domain; Zinc finger, Btk motif. Its molecular function is described by: protein tyrosine kinase activity; ATP binding; non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 27 unique terms, many of which group under: behavior; peptidyl-tyrosine phosphorylation; actin filament-based process; defense response; cell proliferation; imaginal disc-derived appendage development; chromosome organization; spiracle morphogenesis, open tracheal system; actin cytoskeleton organization; regulation of cell proliferation; cell surface receptor signaling pathway; instar larval or pupal development; neurological system process; mating behavior. 64 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: foregut; embryonic/larval cuticle; muscle attachment site; dorsal closure embryo; adult abdomen; spectrosome; karyosome; epithelial cell; egg; ring canal; apodeme. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0037045 CG10584 -0.606807069 0.025170826 0.333158279 NA METTL22 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10584 (FBgn0037045). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:21030280..21031360. It has the cytological map location 78A2-78A5. Protein features are: Lysine methyltransferase; S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: Z disc; myofibril; sarcomere; embryonic/larval hemocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0046689 Takl1 -0.60464455 0.00357541 0.080543599 NA MAP3K7;MLKL moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Tak1-like 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTakl1 (CG31421, FBgn0046689). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:20770828..20772601. It has the cytological map location 92F13. Protein features are: Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase kinase kinase 7; Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase, catalytic domain; Serine/threonine-protein kinase, active site. Its molecular function is described by: magnesium ion binding; signal transducer activity; ATP binding; protein kinase activity; MAP kinase kinase kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: intracellular signal transduction; protein phosphorylation. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036381 CG8745 -0.604288804 0.005022544 0.10230777 ETNPPL ETNPPL;PHYKPL high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8745 (FBgn0036381). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:13860027..13866905. It has the cytological map location 70C5. Protein features are: Aminotransferase class-III; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, major region, subdomain 1; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, subdomain 2. Its molecular function is described by: pyridoxal phosphate binding; alanine-glyoxylate transaminase activity; identical protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: arginine catabolic process to glutamate; response to nicotine. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0038914 fit -0.601123148 0.047141932 0.484220776 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene female-specific independent of transformer is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelfit (CG17820, FBgn0038914). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21883924..21884454. It has the cytological map location 93F14. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: feeding behavior defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0027657 glob1 -0.599908347 0.002113772 0.052534124 NA CYGB;HBG2;HBA2;HBE1;HBG1;HBZ;MB;HBQ1;HBB;HBD;HBM;HBA1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene globin 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelglob1 (CG9734, FBgn0027657). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:15896926..15904521. It has the cytological map location 89A8. Protein features are: Globin; Globin-like. Its molecular function is described by: iron ion binding; heme binding; oxygen binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxygen transport; sleep. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval tracheal system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; stress response defective; increased mortality; some die during larval stage; lethal - all die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0032640 Sgt -0.597824014 0.002594509 0.062268906 SGTB SGTB;SGTA high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene small glutamine-rich tetratricopeptide containing protein is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSgt (CG5094, FBgn0032640). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:17471603..17474773. It has the cytological map location 36C9. Protein features are: SGTA, homodimerisation domain; Tetratricopeptide repeat; Tetratricopeptide repeat 1; Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing domain; Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of protein oligomerization; positive regulation of chaperone-mediated protein folding. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neurophysiology defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0037845 CG14694 -0.597520005 0.017780744 0.26791217 SLC19A3 SLC19A3;SLC19A1;SLC19A2;C2orf83 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14694 (FBgn0037845). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10858202..10859813. It has the cytological map location 86C7. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Reduced folate carrier. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes. no no no
FBgn0000152 Axs -0.59734023 0.038029307 0.429256253 ANO10 ANO10;ANO8 high;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Abnormal X segregation is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAxs (CG9703, FBgn0000152). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:16680089..16683895. It has the cytological map location 15A1. Protein features are: Anoctamin. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: meiotic spindle organization; female meiosis chromosome segregation; distributive segregation. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: meiotic cell cycle defective; visible; viable; flight defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0023197 Jon74E -0.596635088 0.000517115 0.017135983 NA C1S;F9;PROC low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 74E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon74E (CG6298, FBgn0023197). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:17546739..17549127. It has the cytological map location 74D3-74D4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0032869 CG17470 -0.596525121 0.016666332 0.255212609 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17470 (FBgn0032869). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:20642306..20643244. It has the cytological map location 38D2. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: mesoderm development. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038845 CG10827 -0.596382693 0.001815213 0.047030992 ALPI ALPL;ALPP;ALPPL2;ALPI high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10827 (FBgn0038845). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21005160..21006990. It has the cytological map location 93B3. Protein features are: Alkaline phosphatase; Alkaline phosphatase, active site; Alkaline phosphatase-like, alpha/beta/alpha; Alkaline-phosphatase-like, core domain. Its molecular function is described by: alkaline phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: dephosphorylation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." yes yes no
FBgn0023171 rnh1 -0.593836195 0.015228188 0.23848803 NA RNASEH1 high NA NA NA "The gene ribonuclease H1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelrnh1 (CG8729, FBgn0023171). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7931054..7932380. It has the cytological map location 43F2. Protein features are: Ribonuclease H domain; Ribonuclease H-like domain; Ribonuclease H1, N-terminal; Ribonuclease H1, eukaryote; Ribosomal protein L9/RNase H1, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; magnesium ion binding; RNA-DNA hybrid ribonuclease activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: DNA replication, removal of RNA primer. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: imaginal disc; prepupa; melanotic mass; embryonic/larval central nervous system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; increased mortality; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039487 gb -0.591302921 0.041776187 0.451468942 NA SLC7A7;SLC7A6;SLC7A8;SLC7A9;SLC7A5;SLC7A10;SLC7A11 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene genderblind is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelgb (CG6070, FBgn0039487). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:27108467..27112270. It has the cytological map location 97E2. Protein features are: Amino acid/polyamine transporter I. Its molecular function is described by: L-amino acid transmembrane transporter activity; antiporter activity; amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: courtship behavior; phagocytosis; glutamate secretion; taurine transport; glutamine transport; defense response to bacterium; chemosensory behavior; amino acid transmembrane transport; male courtship behavior; L-glutamate transport. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; behavior defective; short lived; phenotype; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no yes yes
FBgn0262733 Src64B -0.59092238 0.009548797 0.168272248 NA SRC;FYN;FGR;FRK;YES1;LCK;HCK;LYN;BLK;SLA;SLA2;PTK6;TYK2;JAK1;JAK2;JAK3;BMX;BTK;TEC;TXK;ABL1;ABL2;SRMS;ITK high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Src oncogene at 64B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSrc64B (CG7524, FBgn0262733). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4592447..4626196. It has the cytological map location 64B11-64B12. Protein features are: Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; SH2 domain; SH3 domain; Serine-threonine/tyrosine-protein kinase, catalytic domain; Tyrosine-protein kinase, active site; Tyrosine-protein kinase, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: receptor binding; protein tyrosine kinase activity; non-membrane spanning protein tyrosine kinase activity; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 35 unique terms, many of which group under: synaptic signaling; olfactory behavior; cell motility; immune response; salivary gland development; cell junction assembly; parallel actin filament bundle assembly; biological adhesion; negative regulation of cellular process; JNK cascade. 65 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: follicle cell; adult labral segment; neuromere; cell junction; mushroom body alpha-lobe; egg; plasma membrane bounded cell projection; prepupa; pericardial cell; cell periphery; supramolecular complex. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; fertile; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of second instar larval stage; cell shape defective; semi-sterile; cell death defective." no yes yes
FBgn0036975 CG5618 -0.589712304 0.002022476 0.050817489 NA GADL1;CSAD;GAD2 moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5618 (FBgn0036975). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20353449..20356632. It has the cytological map location 77B5. Protein features are: Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent decarboxylase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, major region, subdomain 1; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, subdomain 2. Its molecular function is described by: carboxy-lyase activity; pyridoxal phosphate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: carboxylic acid metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0031461 daw -0.58929368 0.038704631 0.432410214 NA TGFB1;INHBE;INHBC;TGFB2;INHBB;INHBA;TGFB3 high;low;low;moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene dawdle is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldaw (CG16987, FBgn0031461). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2805261..2812376. It has the cytological map location 23B1-23B2. Protein features are: Cystine-knot cytokine; TGF-beta, propeptide; Transforming growth factor beta, conserved site; Transforming growth factor-beta, C-terminal; Transforming growth factor-beta-related. Its molecular function is described by: cytokine activity; growth factor activity; transforming growth factor beta receptor binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: multicellular organismal process; activin receptor signaling pathway; secretion by cell; apoptotic process; cellular response to chemical stimulus; negative regulation of metabolic process; regulation of protein localization; aging; cell differentiation; regulation of peptide secretion; anatomical structure development; negative regulation of catabolic process. 31 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: multi-cell-component structure; adult; peripheral nervous system; cell component; abdomen; ganglion; circulatory system; neuromuscular junction; somatic muscle; region of integument; embryonic/larval digestive system; organ system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; phenotype; some die during larval stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0266486 CG45085 -0.589252658 0.005573912 0.111065362 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG45085 (FBgn0266486). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9186670..9192096. It has the cytological map location 45B3. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0029843 Nep1 -0.588518048 0.011956614 0.199553262 NA MMEL1;MME;ECE2;PHEX;ECE1;ECEL1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Neprilysin 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNep1 (CG5905, FBgn0029843). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:6091205..6103971. It has the cytological map location 5D4-5D5. Protein features are: Metallopeptidase, catalytic domain; Neprilysin-21; Peptidase M13; Peptidase M13, C-terminal domain; Peptidase M13, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is described by: metallopeptidase activity; metalloendopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; female semi-sterile; viable; lethal; male semi-sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0011224 heph -0.588515624 0.033022709 0.39635918 NA PTBP1;PTBP2;PTBP3 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene hephaestus is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelheph (CG31000, FBgn0011224). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 25 annotated transcripts and 25 polypeptides (10 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:31846987..32015520. It has the cytological map location 100D3-100E2. Protein features are: HnRNP-L/PTB; Polypyrimidine tract-binding protein1/2/3, RNA recognition motif 2; RNA recognition motif domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: translation repressor activity, nucleic acid binding; mRNA 3'-UTR binding; mRNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: imaginal disc-derived wing margin morphogenesis; imaginal disc-derived wing vein morphogenesis; sperm individualization; spermatid development; negative regulation of oskar mRNA translation; mRNA processing; oocyte microtubule cytoskeleton polarization. 127 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryo; germline cyst; sensory organ cell; cuticular specialization; spermatid; cuticle; macrochaeta; head; individualization stage spermatid; male germline cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: female fertile; visible; phenotype; fertile; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0038416 CG17930 -0.582716401 0.009882257 0.172027868 NA SLC2A12;SLC2A13;SLC2A8;SLC2A6;SLC2A10 low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17930 (FBgn0038416). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:16327849..16329622. It has the cytological map location 89B12. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; flight defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0034585 Rbpn-5 -0.582498518 0.024574493 0.328008933 NA RABEP1;EEA1;RABEP2 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Rabaptin-5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRbpn-5 (CG4030, FBgn0034585). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:21088386..21091004. It has the cytological map location 57B19. Protein features are: FYVE zinc finger; Rabaptin, GTPase-Rab5 binding domain; Zinc finger, FYVE-related; Zinc finger, FYVE/PHD-type; Zinc finger, RING-type; Zinc finger, RING-type, conserved site; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metal ion binding; Rab GTPase binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of endosome size. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: notal microchaeta; trichogen cell; wing hair; early endosome; trichome; wing disc; wing vein. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: developmental rate defective; visible; viable; neoplasia; planar polarity defective; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0010358 deltaTry -0.582331178 0.004533017 0.094655188 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;PRSS1;PRSS3 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??Trypsin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??Try (CG12351, FBgn0010358). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11355319..11356128. It has the cytological map location 47F5. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0015575 alpha-Est7 -0.582151873 0.004809777 0.099300717 NA CES3 high NA NA NA "The gene ??-Esterase-7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??-Est7 (CG1112, FBgn0015575). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:7519563..7523753. It has the cytological map location 84D9. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase type B, active site; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to organophosphorus; determination of adult lifespan; lipid storage. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: electrophoretic variant; chemical sensitive; chemical resistant; short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." yes yes no
FBgn0033048 CG7881 -0.580640813 0.009893577 0.172027868 NA SLC17A3;SLC17A4;SLC17A1;SLC17A5 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7881 (FBgn0033048). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:5960275..5966856. It has the cytological map location 42A4. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: anion transport; transmembrane transport. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; body color defective; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0000251 cad -0.579535586 0.004888258 0.099794655 NA CDX2;CDX1;CDX4 high;moderate;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(Homeobox) NA NA "The gene caudal is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelcad (CG1759, FBgn0000251). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:20770731..20783135. It has the cytological map location 38E9-38E10. Protein features are: Helix-turn-helix motif; Homeobox domain; Homeobox domain, metazoa; Homeobox domain-like; Homeobox, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 16 unique terms, many of which group under: hindgut development; tube morphogenesis; segment specification; peptide metabolic process; animal organ morphogenesis; single-organism cellular process; axis specification; regulation of antimicrobial peptide biosynthetic process; renal tubule morphogenesis; analia development. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic abdominal segment; adult head; sensillum; embryonic/larval gut; melanotic mass; genital disc primordium; adult external thorax; female analia; cuboidal/columnar epithelium; embryonic imaginal precursor; adult thorax; head capsule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; increased cell number; lethal; short lived; melanotic mass phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0011297 l(2)not -0.579366786 0.008419705 0.152790914 ALG3 ALG3 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene lethal (2) neighbor of tid is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmell(2)not (CG4084, FBgn0011297). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:23705439..23709792. It has the cytological map location 59F6. Protein features are: Glycosyltransferase, ALG3. Its molecular function is described by: alpha-1,3-mannosyltransferase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0038928 Fadd -0.579326016 0.030895478 0.381336093 NA PIDD1;FADD low;low NA NA NA "The gene Fas-associated death domain is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelFadd (CG12297, FBgn0038928). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:22034455..22035617. It has the cytological map location 94A1. Protein features are: Death domain; Death-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; CARD domain binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: peptidoglycan recognition protein signaling pathway; positive regulation of innate immune response; sperm individualization; positive regulation of antibacterial peptide biosynthetic process; activation of cysteine-type endopeptidase activity involved in apoptotic process; apoptotic process; immune response; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; positive regulation of defense response to virus by host. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: spermatid. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; wild-type; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0001296 kar -0.578868635 0.018259096 0.271983219 NA SLC16A10;SLC16A2 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene karmoisin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelkar (CG12286, FBgn0001296). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12682186..12689367. It has the cytological map location 87C5. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain; Monocarboxylate transporter 8. Its molecular function is described by: thyroid hormone transmembrane transporter activity; monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; ommochrome biosynthetic process; thyroid hormone transport. 34 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: pigment cell; wing; ocellus; ocellus pigment granule; Malpighian tubule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; eye color defective; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0038922 Idh3b -0.576143715 0.00288563 0.067498645 NA IDH3B;IDH3G high;low NA NA NA "The gene Isocitrate dehydrogenase 3b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIdh3b (CG6439, FBgn0038922). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:22016391..22019382. It has the cytological map location 93F14-94A1. Protein features are: Isocitrate dehydrogenase NAD-dependent; Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: tricarboxylic acid cycle; ecdysone-mediated induction of salivary gland cell autophagic cell death; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval salivary gland; salivary gland; embryonic head; embryonic/larval midgut; nucleus; pupa; mitochondrion; embryo. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; viable; some die during P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037328 RpL35A -0.573683121 0.001322995 0.036667013 NA RPL35A high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L35A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL35A (CG2099, FBgn0037328). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:5465630..5467101. It has the cytological map location 83A4. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L35A; Ribosomal protein L35Ae, conserved site; Translation protein, beta-barrel domain. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: cytoplasmic translation; positive regulation of peptide hormone secretion; positive regulation of multicellular organism growth; ribosomal large subunit biogenesis; translation. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sarcomere; embryonic/larval somatic muscle; Z disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: small body; lethal - all die during larval stage; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0039764 CG15535 -0.571268805 0.034407761 0.403970962 NA CCDC59 high NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15535 (FBgn0039764). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30423032..30423929. It has the cytological map location 99F4. Protein features are: Fyv7/TAP26. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0030067 Rbm13 -0.569771145 0.020463272 0.292273181 NA MAK16 high NA NA NA "The gene RNA-binding motif protein 13 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRbm13 (CG10648, FBgn0030067). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:8901699..8903761. It has the cytological map location 8B7. Protein features are: Mak16 protein; Ribosomal L28e/Mak16. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: maturation of LSU-rRNA; maturation of 5.8S rRNA; positive regulation of multicellular organism growth. 2 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during pupal stage; lethal; viable; neuroanatomy defective; small body. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032020 strat -0.569669592 0.028355739 0.358206616 NA RABIF high NA NA NA "The gene stratum is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelstrat (CG7787, FBgn0032020). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8320328..8321285. It has the cytological map location 29A4. Protein features are: Mss4; Mss4-like. Its molecular function is described by: guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity; zinc ion binding; Rab guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of GTPase activity; small GTPase mediated signal transduction; post-Golgi vesicle-mediated transport; polarized secretion of basement membrane proteins in epithelium. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: follicle cell; ovarian basement membrane. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die; exocytosis defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0035040 CG4741 -0.569513671 0.009767846 0.171193844 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4741 (FBgn0035040). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:24610801..24615158. It has the cytological map location 60D9. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033661 CG13185 -0.569306772 0.033604691 0.399153897 NA MDN1 high Maybe TF NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13185 (FBgn0033661). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11867876..11885585. It has the cytological map location 48C5. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ATPase, dynein-related, AAA domain; Midasin; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; von Willebrand factor, type A. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; ATPase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ribosomal large subunit assembly; rRNA processing; cellular response to starvation. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during larval stage; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0015904 ara -0.566804789 0.027718975 0.353581231 NA IRX6;IRX4;IRX3;IRX5;IRX1;IRX2 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(Homeobox) NA NA "The gene araucan is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelara (CG10571, FBgn0015904). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12580672..12596018. It has the cytological map location 69C8-69C10. Protein features are: Homeobox KN domain; Homeobox domain; Homeobox domain-like; Homeobox, conserved site; Iroquois-class homeodomain protein; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: sequence-specific DNA binding; transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis; equator specification; muscle cell fate commitment; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; dendrite morphogenesis; compound eye morphogenesis; negative regulation of growth; positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; notum cell fate specification; imaginal disc-derived wing vein specification. 28 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mouthpart; postalar bristle; cell; eye disc; prepupa; dendritic tree; central nervous system; cell part; pupa; embryonic/larval brain; neuron part; optic lobe neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: sterile; increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0038774 CG5023 -0.564699313 0.013228289 0.213379064 CNN1 TAGLN2;CNN1;TAGLN3;TAGLN;CNN3;CNN2 moderate;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5023 (FBgn0038774). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:20169435..20174872. It has the cytological map location 92D2-92D3. Protein features are: Calponin homology domain; Calponin repeat; Calponin/LIMCH1; Smooth muscle protein/calponin. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: actomyosin structure organization. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sarcomere; myofibril; indirect flight muscle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flightless; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no yes
FBgn0036030 CG6767 -0.563791993 0.006244522 0.121515732 PRPS1 PRPS1;PRPS2;PRPS1L1 high;high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6767 (FBgn0036030). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (6 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:9683579..9696700. It has the cytological map location 67C4-67C5. Protein features are: Phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase, conserved site; Phosphoribosyltransferase domain; Phosphoribosyltransferase-like; Ribose-phosphate diphosphokinase; Ribose-phosphate pyrophosphokinase, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is described by: magnesium ion binding; ribose phosphate diphosphokinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ribonucleoside monophosphate biosynthetic process; nucleoside metabolic process; nucleotide biosynthetic process. 22 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0031636 CG12194 -0.561789305 0.008758104 0.157061991 NA MFSD1 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12194 (FBgn0031636). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:4838347..4841465. It has the cytological map location 25A8. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0040658 CG13516 -0.560538123 0.048640158 0.49420299 NA LITAF moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13516 (FBgn0040658). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:22669145..22670622. It has the cytological map location 58F7. Protein features are: LPS-induced tumour necrosis factor alpha factor. Its molecular function is described by: signal transducer activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: apoptotic process; signal transduction. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037290 CG1124 -0.558962513 0.001685424 0.044168741 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1124 (FBgn0037290). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:4965445..4968485. It has the cytological map location 82E4. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; circadian rhythm. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0085813 18SrRNA-Psi:CR41602 -0.558556256 0.019645806 0.282879354 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene 18S ribosomal RNA pseudogene:CR41602 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel18SrRNA-??:CR41602 (CR41602, FBgn0085813). It is a pseudogene_attribute from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:23211192..23213166. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely low expression to a trough of no expression detected. , at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0032224 Sps2 -0.554665123 0.027340974 0.350224863 NA SEPHS1;SEPHS2 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Selenophosphate synthetase 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSps2 (CG5025, FBgn0032224). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:10342594..10344223. It has the cytological map location 31D9. Protein features are: AIR synthase-related protein, C-terminal domain; PurM-like, N-terminal domain; Selenophosphate synthetase; Selenophosphate synthetase, class I. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; purine nucleotide binding; selenide, water dikinase activity; catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: selenocysteine biosynthetic process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; viable; song defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0032701 CG10341 -0.554341472 0.012085248 0.20060196 NA NAF1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10341 (FBgn0032701). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18698714..18700645. It has the cytological map location 37A1. Protein features are: H/ACA ribonucleoprotein complex, subunit Gar1/Naf1; Translation protein, beta-barrel domain. Its molecular function is described by: RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: ribosome biogenesis; pseudouridine synthesis. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during embryonic stage; neuroanatomy defective; viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0261015 Pif1A -0.549235971 0.007800366 0.142499452 NA CCDC157 low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "The gene PFTAIRE-interacting factor 1A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPif1A (CG42599, FBgn0261015). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:8774286..8801176. It has the cytological map location 85B1. Protein features are: Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 157; Janus kinase and microtubule-interacting protein, C-terminal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 15 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: spermatid. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: male sterile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0262057 Spn77Ba -0.546338616 0.049477119 0.497272228 NA SERPINI2;SERPINF1;SERPINI1;SERPINF2;AGT;SERPIND1;SERPINB7 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Serpin 77Ba is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSpn77Ba (CG6680, FBgn0262057). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20317190..20320116. It has the cytological map location 77A1-77B9. Protein features are: Serpin domain; Serpin family. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of proteolysis; negative regulation of melanization defense response. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trachea; pupal tracheal system; adult tracheal system; embryonic/larval tracheal system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype." no yes yes
FBgn0043841 vir-1 -0.546090588 0.00752356 0.139011066 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene virus-induced RNA 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelvir-1 (CG31764, FBgn0043841). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:12403270..12423439. It has the cytological map location 33E3-33E4. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to virus. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval salivary gland. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0025366 Ip259 -0.544797929 0.004300377 0.091504323 NA NSA2 high NA NA NA "The gene Intronic Protein 259 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIp259 (CG5277, FBgn0025366). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:10408352..10409610. It has the cytological map location 31E1. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S8e/ribosomal biogenesis NSA2. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: phagocytosis; maturation of 5.8S rRNA; maturation of LSU-rRNA. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; partially lethal; lethal - all die during larval stage; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0041233 Gr59e -0.54416428 0.021902171 NA NA ASIC3;SCNN1A;ASIC2;SCNN1G;ASIC1;SCNN1D;ASIC5;ASIC4;SCNN1B low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein GPCR "The gene Gustatory receptor 59e is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGr59e (CG33151, FBgn0041233). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:23541054..23542379. It has the cytological map location 59E3. Protein features are: 7TM chemoreceptor. Its molecular function is described by: taste receptor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sensory perception of taste; detection of chemical stimulus involved in sensory perception of taste. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0036152 CG6175 -0.541992274 0.045638941 0.474873438 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6175 (FBgn0036152). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:11287936..11295919. It has the cytological map location 68C1-68C2. Protein features are: MADF domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: inter-male aggressive behavior; regulation of cell cycle. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-18 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0034406 Jheh3 -0.540903795 0.002702358 0.064030485 NA EPHX1 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase 3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJheh3 (CG15106, FBgn0034406). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18860375..18862078. It has the cytological map location 55F8. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Epoxide hydrolase; Epoxide hydrolase, N-terminal; Epoxide hydrolase-like. Its molecular function is described by: cis-stilbene-oxide hydrolase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0034935 Orcokinin -0.540797275 0.009516307 0.16802344 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Orcokinin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelOrcokinin (CG13565, FBgn0034935). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23946959..23949076. It has the cytological map location 60A13. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0036024 CG18180 -0.539148563 0.004377126 0.09266943 NA C1S;PROC low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18180 (FBgn0036024). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:9641013..9641913. It has the cytological map location 67C3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0085484 Pdxk -0.538988731 0.002817645 0.066247243 NA PDXK;LOC105372824 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Pyridoxal kinase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPdxk (CG34455, FBgn0085484). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:9360316..9362042. It has the cytological map location 67B2. Protein features are: Pyridoxamine kinase/Phosphomethylpyrimidine kinase; Pyridoxine kinase; Ribokinase-like. Its molecular function is described by: pyridoxal kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular response to monosaccharide stimulus; pyridoxal 5'-phosphate salvage. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; DNA repair defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0014342 mia -0.538003349 0.043337785 0.460892307 NA TAF6;TAF6L moderate;high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "The gene meiosis I arrest is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmia (CG10390, FBgn0014342). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:5548115..5551168. It has the cytological map location 83B1. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Histone-fold; TAF6, C-terminal HEAT repeat domain. Its molecular function is described by: transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding; protein heterodimerization activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: spermatogenesis; spermatid development; regulation of gene expression; regulation of sequence-specific DNA binding transcription factor activity; meiotic cell cycle; spermatid differentiation; male meiosis I; transcription initiation from RNA polymerase II promoter. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: testis; spermatocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; male sterile; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0042103 CG18746 -0.536501106 0.02597073 0.340298425 NA ARRDC2;ARRDC4;TXNIP;ARRDC3;ARRDC1;ARRDC5 moderate;high;moderate;moderate;low;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18746 (FBgn0042103). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:7788282..7790187. It has the cytological map location 84E1. Protein features are: Arrestin C-terminal-like domain; Arrestin-like, N-terminal; Immunoglobulin E-set. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0005278 Sam-S -0.533694016 0.00429493 0.091504323 NA MAT2A;MAT1A high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene S-adenosylmethionine Synthetase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSam-S (CG2674, FBgn0005278). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 12 annotated transcripts and 12 polypeptides (6 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:106903..114432. It has the cytological map location 21B2. Protein features are: S-adenosylmethionine synthetase; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase superfamily; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, C-terminal; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, N-terminal; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, central domain; S-adenosylmethionine synthetase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; methionine adenosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc development; determination of adult lifespan; S-adenosylmethionine biosynthetic process; chaeta development. 18 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: macrochaeta; scutellar bristle; eye; trichogen cell; mesothoracic tergum; male genitalia; tergite. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0023541 Cyp4d14 -0.532958946 0.015826552 0.246172859 NA CYP4V2;CYP4A11;CYP4Z1;CYP4B1;CYP4F11;CYP4X1;CYP4F12;CYP4A22;CYP4F8;CYP46A1;CYP4F3;CYP4F2;CYP4F22 moderate;low;low;low;moderate;low;low;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Cyp4d14 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp4d14 (CG3540, FBgn0023541). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:2173415..2175315. It has the cytological map location 2E1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0052280 CG32280 -0.532920999 0.011066878 0.188487269 NA CDIP1 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32280 (FBgn0052280). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:3165181..3169080. It has the cytological map location 63B8. Protein features are: LPS-induced tumour necrosis factor alpha factor. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0035313 CG13810 -0.532541273 0.035167745 0.407660573 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13810 (FBgn0035313). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:2185930..2187676. It has the cytological map location 62D2. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0030882 GSS -0.530371433 0.006055042 0.118440163 NA GSS high NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione Synthetase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGSS (CG6835, FBgn0030882). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is X:17889547..17898603. It has the cytological map location 16F1. Protein features are: Glutathione synthase; Glutathione synthase domain; Glutathione synthase, N-terminal, eukaryotic; Glutathione synthase, alpha-helical, eukaryotic; Glutathione synthase, substrate-binding, eukaryotic; Pre-ATP-grasp domain. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; glutathione synthase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione biosynthetic process; detoxification of arsenic-containing substance; cellular response to DNA damage stimulus; response to ethanol. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0052495 CG32495 -0.530371433 0.006055042 0.118440163 GSS GSS high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32495 (FBgn0052495). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is X:17899702..17906025. It has the cytological map location 16F1. Protein features are: Glutathione synthase; Glutathione synthase domain; Glutathione synthase, N-terminal, eukaryotic; Glutathione synthase, alpha-helical, eukaryotic; Glutathione synthase, substrate-binding, eukaryotic; Pre-ATP-grasp domain. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione synthase activity; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: detoxification of arsenic-containing substance; glutathione biosynthetic process; cellular response to DNA damage stimulus. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0003312 sad -0.52644717 0.043149718 0.459426448 NA CYP24A1;CYP27C1;CYP27A1;CYP27B1;CYP11B1;CYP11A1;CYP11B2 moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene shadow is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsad (CG14728, FBgn0003312). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:11877235..11879754. It has the cytological map location 87A1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; ecdysteroid 2-hydroxylase activity; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: dorsal closure; midgut development; ecdysone biosynthetic process; central nervous system development; head involution; motor neuron axon guidance; oxidation-reduction process. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval digestive system; presumptive embryonic/larval nervous system; acellular anatomical structure; membrane-bounded organelle; embryonic/larval foregut; cytoplasm; embryonic head; fused midgut primordium; presumptive embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system; sensory neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; viable; locomotor behavior defective; some die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0050489 Cyp12d1-p -0.525551641 0.007600823 0.140155503 NA CYP27A1;CYP24A1;CYP27C1;CYP27B1 moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Cyp12d1-p is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp12d1-p (CG30489, FBgn0050489). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:11117225..11121884. It has the cytological map location 47D4. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; response to insecticide; response to DDT. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: chemical resistant. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no yes no
FBgn0030412 Tomosyn -0.525081484 0.045797473 0.475441187 NA STXBP5;STXBP5L high;high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Tomosyn is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTomosyn (CG17762, FBgn0030412). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is X:12631605..12653442. It has the cytological map location 11B6-11B7. Protein features are: Lethal giant larvae homologue 2; Lethal(2) giant larvae protein; Synaptobrevin; WD40 repeat; WD40 repeat, conserved site; WD40-repeat-containing domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: GTPase activator activity; SNARE binding; Rab GTPase binding; syntaxin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of neuromuscular synaptic transmission; neurotransmitter secretion; synaptic vesicle exocytosis; regulation of exocytosis; synaptic vesicle priming; Golgi to plasma membrane transport; establishment or maintenance of cell polarity; long-term memory; exocytosis; regulation of protein secretion. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: intersegmental nerve; embryonic/larval hemocyte; embryonic/larval neuroblast; ganglion mother cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: memory defective; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; viable; phenotype; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0032684 CG10178 -0.523507059 0.022198526 0.308552759 UGT1A1 UGT2B10;UGT1A3;UGT1A1;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT2B7;UGT8;UGT2B28;UGT3A1;UGT3A2;UGT1A4;UGT1A10;UGT1A7;UGT1A5;UGT1A9;UGT1A6;UGT1A8 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10178 (FBgn0032684). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18509560..18513512. It has the cytological map location 36F6. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0031359 Rim2 -0.520653536 0.013851809 0.221097106 NA SLC25A36;SLC25A33 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Replication in mitochondria 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRim2 (CG18317, FBgn0031359). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:1716244..1724388. It has the cytological map location 22B1. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier UCP-like; Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: pyrimidine nucleotide transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transcription from mitochondrial promoter; mitochondrial pyrimidine nucleotide import; deoxynucleotide transport; mitochondrial transport; mitochondrion organization; locomotion; mitochondrion distribution; cellular respiration. 13 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; long lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0015268 Nap1 -0.519167107 0.004648703 0.096849745 NAP1L1 NAP1L1;NAP1L4;NAP1L2;NAP1L3;NAP1L5 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Nucleosome assembly protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNap1 (CG5330, FBgn0015268). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23905175..23907294. It has the cytological map location 60A9. Protein features are: Nucleosome assembly protein (NAP). Its molecular function is described by: histone binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chromatin remodeling; sperm chromatin decondensation; telomere maintenance; sperm chromatin condensation; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; nucleosome assembly. 29 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; eye; investment cone; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0033769 CG8768 -0.516222239 0.028213692 0.35750134 SDR39U1 SDR39U1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8768 (FBgn0033769). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:12691308..12692690. It has the cytological map location 49C1. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF1731; Epimerase family protein SDR39U1; NAD(P)-binding domain; NAD-dependent epimerase/dehydratase. Its molecular function is described by: coenzyme binding; catalytic activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0052512 CG32512 -0.515191367 0.031550859 0.386815219 NA TMEM205 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32512 (FBgn0052512). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is X:21062277..21067540. It has the cytological map location 19E7. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF4149. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die during larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0011296 l(2)efl -0.514087957 0.03508439 0.40757878 NA CRYAB;LOC102724652;HSPB1;HSPB6;CRYAA;HSPB8;HSPB2;HSPB3;HSPB7 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene lethal (2) essential for life is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmell(2)efl (CG4533, FBgn0011296). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23684651..23685543. It has the cytological map location 59F6. Protein features are: Alpha crystallin/Heat shock protein; Alpha crystallin/Hsp20 domain; HSP20-like chaperone; Small heat shock protein HSP20. Its molecular function is described by: unfolded protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to heat; regulation of translational initiation by eIF2 alpha phosphorylation; sarcomere organization; protein refolding; chaperone-mediated protein folding. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult heart; segment border muscle; ventral longitudinal muscle 4; embryonic/larval hypodermal muscle; ventral longitudinal muscle 3; mitochondrion. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; increased mortality during development; locomotor behavior defective; long lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0035665 Jon65Aiii -0.513519941 0.003117048 0.071991207 NA CTRB1 low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 65Aiii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon65Aiii (CG6483, FBgn0035665). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6050757..6051690. It has the cytological map location 65A3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: endopeptidase activity; serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0035083 Tina-1 -0.512983405 0.003625179 0.081065747 NA GGACT moderate NA NA NA "The gene Troponin C-akin-1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTina-1 (CG2803, FBgn0035083). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:24940625..24942413. It has the cytological map location 60E5-60E8. Protein features are: Gamma-glutamyl cyclotransferase-like; Gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase, AIG2-like. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of muscle. It is involved in the biological process described with: heart development. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0052267 CG32267 -0.509995288 0.019461065 0.281665837 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32267 (FBgn0052267). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:3471555..3472113. It has the cytological map location 63E2. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0066084 RpL41 -0.509445339 0.00663159 0.127471553 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L41 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL41 (CG30425, FBgn0066084). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:24903416..24903935. It has the cytological map location 60E5. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L41. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; cytoplasmic translation. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030484 GstT4 -0.509361496 0.003695962 0.082246386 NA GSTT2;GSTT2B;GSTT1 moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase T4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstT4 (CG1681, FBgn0030484). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:13404749..13409323. It has the cytological map location 11F4. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: . 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; flightless; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages." yes no no
FBgn0053969 CG33969 -0.508425832 0.023404734 0.318016634 NA FBXW4 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33969 (FBgn0053969). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20391685..20393553. It has the cytological map location 77C1. Protein features are: Leucine-rich repeat domain, L domain-like; Six-bladed beta-propeller, TolB-like; WD40-repeat-containing domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0026261 bonsai -0.506245763 0.030521337 0.378762754 NA MRPS15 high NA NA NA "The gene bonsai is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelbonsai (CG4207, FBgn0026261). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:22637770..22638868. It has the cytological map location 58F3. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S15; Ribosomal protein S15, bacterial-type; S15/NS1, RNA-binding. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of growth; translation; mitochondrial translation. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; adult; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of larval stage; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032726 CG10621 -0.506027527 0.023372757 0.318016634 NA BHMT2;BHMT;MTR low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10621 (FBgn0032726). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18952206..18954431. It has the cytological map location 37B7. Protein features are: Homocysteine-binding domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0037270 eIF3f1 -0.505970632 0.007331388 0.136341015 NA EIF3F high NA NA NA "The gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit f1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmeleIF3f1 (CG9769, FBgn0037270). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:4712882..4714182. It has the cytological map location 82D2. Protein features are: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit F; JAB1/MPN/MOV34 metalloenzyme domain; Rpn11/EIF3F, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: thiol-dependent ubiquitin-specific protease activity; translation initiation factor activity; translation initiation factor binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein deubiquitination; positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death; translational initiation; autophagic cell death. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing margin bristle; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during larval stage; some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of larval stage; lethal; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Very high expression at all stages of development." no no no
FBgn0022709 Adk1 -0.505957548 0.018767668 0.276589778 NA AK1;AK5;CMPK1 high;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Adenylate kinase 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAdk1 (CG17146, FBgn0022709). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12200322..12204082. It has the cytological map location 69A2. Protein features are: Adenylate kinase, conserved site; Adenylate kinase, isozyme 1/5; Adenylate kinase/UMP-CMP kinase; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; adenylate kinase activity; uridylate kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: 'de novo' pyrimidine nucleobase biosynthetic process; nucleobase-containing compound metabolic process; ATP metabolic process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037478 CG2656 -0.505899208 0.036963155 0.422653679 NA GPN3 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG2656 (FBgn0037478). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:7144724..7151270. It has the cytological map location 84C6. Protein features are: GPN-loop GTPase; GPN-loop GTPase 3; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: GTPase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuron projection morphogenesis; RNA polymerase III complex localization to nucleus; RNA polymerase II complex import to nucleus. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; ganglion mother cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; lethal; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0050069 CG30069 -0.505626312 0.014231484 0.225794357 NA TXN;TXNDC2;AHNAK;TXNDC8;AHNAK2 low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG30069 (FBgn0050069). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14185204..14198368. It has the cytological map location 50E1-50E3. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc development. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; lethal; some die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0050118 Ttd14 -0.504564703 0.013706321 0.219157362 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA no no no
FBgn0029804 CG3097 -0.50449175 0.025555533 0.337274036 CPA6 CPA4;CPA6;CPA2;CPA5;CPA1;CPB2;CPA3;CPO;CPB1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3097 (FBgn0029804). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:5765855..5770780. It has the cytological map location 5B8-5C2. Protein features are: Carboxypeptidase, activation peptide; Insect gut carboxypeptidase-like, carboxypeptidase domain; Peptidase M14, carboxypeptidase A; Protease propeptides/proteinase inhibitor I9. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metallocarboxypeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages." no yes no
FBgn0035917 Zasp66 -0.504352599 0.006278366 0.121656649 NA LDB3;PDLIM7;PDLIM3;PDLIM1 moderate;low;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Z band alternatively spliced PDZ-motif protein 66 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelZasp66 (CG6416, FBgn0035917). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 12 annotated transcripts and 12 polypeptides (11 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:8624371..8638813. It has the cytological map location 66D9. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF4749; LIM and senescent cell antigen-like-containing domain protein 1; PDZ domain; Zasp-like motif. Its molecular function is described by: protein phosphatase 1 binding; muscle alpha-actinin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mesoderm development; myofibril assembly. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: M band; indirect flight muscle; myofibril; Z disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; majority die during pupal stage; fertile; flightless; lethal; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0011822 Pgcl -0.504178778 0.016048494 0.248357918 NA CTSE;PGC;PGA5;REN;CTSD;NAPSA;PGA4;PGA3 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Pepsinogen C-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPgcl (CG13374, FBgn0011822). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:436139..437448. It has the cytological map location 1B2. Protein features are: Aspartic peptidase A1 family; Aspartic peptidase domain; Aspartic peptidase, active site; Cathepsin E; Peptidase family A1 domain. Its molecular function is described by: aspartic-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein catabolic process; establishment of imaginal disc-derived wing hair orientation; protein autoprocessing; proteolysis; Wnt signaling pathway. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing hair; wing margin. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: planar polarity defective; lethal - all die during larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0053258 CG33258 -0.503437911 0.018114532 0.271465633 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33258 (FBgn0053258). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:16082551..16083638. It has the cytological map location 72D1. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes. no no no
FBgn0033434 CG1902 -0.503336645 0.004765405 0.098607218 NA TTPAL;CLVS1;RLBP1;CLVS2;TTPA moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1902 (FBgn0033434). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9594045..9605624. It has the cytological map location 45F6. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033246 ACC -0.500944433 0.018623862 0.275175842 NA ACACA;ACACB high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Acetyl-CoA carboxylase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelACC (CG11198, FBgn0033246). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7974115..7991862. It has the cytological map location 44A1-44A2. Protein features are: ATP-grasp fold; ATP-grasp fold, subdomain 1; Acetyl-CoA carboxylase; Acetyl-CoA carboxylase, central domain; Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxyltransferase, C-terminal; Acetyl-coenzyme A carboxyltransferase, N-terminal; Biotin carboxylase, C-terminal; Biotin carboxylase-like, N-terminal domain; Biotin carboxylation domain; Biotin-binding site; Biotin/lipoyl attachment; Carbamoyl-phosphate synthetase large subunit-like, ATP-binding domain; ClpP/crotonase-like domain; Pre-ATP-grasp domain; Rudiment single hybrid motif; Single hybrid motif. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; metal ion binding; biotin carboxylase activity; acetyl-CoA carboxylase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glycogen metabolic process; fatty acid biosynthetic process; cell morphogenesis; regulation of cellular protein localization; response to sucrose; triglyceride biosynthetic process; cellular response to sucrose stimulus; regulation of Notch signaling pathway; regulation of Wnt signaling pathway; regulation of growth. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; embryonic/larval tracheal system; embryonic/larval trachea; wing disc; lipid particle; adult oenocyte; embryonic/larval spiracle; embryonic/larval oenocyte; embryonic/larval fat body; embryonic/larval brain. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: behavior defective; visible; phenotype; stress response defective; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0261560 Thor -0.497953817 0.005518277 0.11063931 NA EIF4EBP2;EIF4EBP1;EIF4EBP3 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Thor is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelThor (CG8846, FBgn0261560). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3478434..3479612. It has the cytological map location 23F3-23F6. Protein features are: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E binding. Its molecular function is described by: eukaryotic initiation factor 4E binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: response to stimulus; immune system process; immune response; single-organism process; regulation of cellular component size; syncytium formation by plasma membrane fusion; response to bacterium; determination of adult lifespan; regulation of cell growth; lipid metabolic process. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryo; abdominal adult fat mass; cell projection part; imaginal precursor; adult sense organ; embryonic/larval imaginal precursor; presynapse; developing embryonic structure; appendage; presumptive embryonic/larval system; A1-7 dorsal acute muscle 1; neuron part. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: behavior defective; chemical resistant; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0014906 Hydr2 -0.497810514 0.007461941 0.138431862 ABHD2 ABHD2 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene ??/?_ hydrolase2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHydr2 (CG3488, FBgn0014906). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3163645..3169462. It has the cytological map location 23D4. Protein features are: AB hydrolase 4 family; AB hydrolase 4, conserved site; Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-1. Its molecular function is described by: lipase activity; acylglycerol lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc development; steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway; sperm capacitation; acylglycerol catabolic process; lipid metabolic process; chaeta development. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038196 CG9922 -0.497154258 0.033499077 0.398935629 NA HYPK high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9922 (FBgn0038196). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:14035018..14036398. It has the cytological map location 88A4. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0259979 CG17337 -0.494100269 0.005872588 0.115506862 NA CNDP2;CNDP1 high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17337 (FBgn0259979). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:5697872..5700212. It has the cytological map location 41F9-41F11. Protein features are: ArgE/DapE/ACY1/CPG2/YscS, conserved site; Cytosolic nonspecific dipeptidase/DUG1; Peptidase M20; Peptidase M20, dimerisation domain. Its molecular function is described by: dipeptidase activity; metallopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0004795 retn -0.493954708 0.038470436 0.431189475 NA ARID3A;ARID3C;ARID3B;ARID5A;ARID4B;ARID4A high;moderate;moderate;low;low;low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(ARID) NA NA "The gene retained is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelretn (CG5403, FBgn0004795). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:23632610..23654820. It has the cytological map location 59F5. Protein features are: ARID DNA-binding domain; Armadillo-like helical; REKLES domain. Its molecular function is described by: transcription regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; DNA binding; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding; RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; repressing transcription factor binding; transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II transcription regulatory region sequence-specific binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: animal organ development; single-organism carbohydrate metabolic process; monosaccharide metabolic process; regulation of biological quality; regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; movement of cell or subcellular component; pattern specification process; embryo development; reproduction; gamete generation; response to stimulus; gland development; small molecule metabolic process. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: neuron part; developing material anatomical entity; abdominal sensory neuron; alimentary canal; embryonic/larval hypodermal muscle; eo-type sensillum; cell projection; embryonic/larval nervous system; abdominal ventral multidendritic neuron; labial segment. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: behavior defective; increased mortality; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0037144 CG7458 -0.49040301 0.023308374 0.318016634 NA SLC22A4;SLC22A5 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7458 (FBgn0037144). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:21955110..21958041. It has the cytological map location 79A4. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like; Sugar transporter, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: organic anion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0032404 RpL7-like -0.489627876 0.018208285 0.271969636 NA RPL7;RPL7L1 moderate;low Co-factor NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L7-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL7-like (CG5317, FBgn0032404). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:12056326..12058251. It has the cytological map location 33C1. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L30, ferredoxin-like fold domain; Ribosomal protein L7, eukaryotic. Its molecular function is described by: RNA binding; structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: maturation of LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA); cytoplasmic translation. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval salivary gland; ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0037822 CG14683 -0.489120886 0.026324088 0.343489926 METTL15 METTL15;METTL15P1 high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14683 (FBgn0037822). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10696647..10698976. It has the cytological map location 86C4. Protein features are: Ribosomal RNA small subunit methyltransferase H; S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase; S-adenosyl-L-methionine-dependent methyltransferase, MraW, recognition domain. Its molecular function is described by: rRNA (cytosine-N4-)-methyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: rRNA base methylation. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0028990 Spn27A -0.488689335 0.043691637 0.463124183 NA SERPINI2;SERPINF1;SERPINI1;SERPINF2;AGT;SERPIND1;SERPINB7;SERPINA3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Serpin 27A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSpn27A (CG11331, FBgn0028990). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:6671065..6673347. It has the cytological map location 26F6. Protein features are: Serpin domain; Serpin family; Serpin, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: enzyme inhibitor activity; serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: response to stimulus; multicellular organismal process; phenol-containing compound metabolic process; response to external biotic stimulus; cell communication; behavior; axis specification; immune system process; adult behavior; defense response to fungus; response to wounding; anatomical structure development. 19 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/first instar larval cuticle; trachea; wing; embryonic/larval hemolymph; melanotic mass. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of P-stage; visible; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0004028 wupA -0.488316301 0.006752293 0.128391832 NA TNNI2;TNNI1;TNNI3 high;high;high NA NA NA NA no no no
FBgn0031453 Bacc -0.487021886 0.007153344 0.133792408 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Bacchus is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelBacc (CG9894, FBgn0031453). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2752445..2757975. It has the cytological map location 23A3. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: behavioral response to ethanol; inter-male aggressive behavior. 66 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; flight defective; fertile; behavior defective; chemical resistant; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0030481 CG1662 -0.486468704 0.023680227 0.320383666 MPV17L2 MPV17L2;PXMP2;MPV17 high;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1662 (FBgn0030481). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13387563..13389332. It has the cytological map location 11F1. Protein features are: Mpv17/PMP22. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial ribosome assembly. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0032494 CG5945 -0.484375358 0.018916373 0.277838279 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5945 (FBgn0032494). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:13239989..13241773. It has the cytological map location 34A11-34B1. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: circadian rhythm; multicellular organism reproduction. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0052301 CG32301 -0.484288531 0.033816153 NA NA ADCY7;ADCY4;ADCY2;ADCY8;ADCY1;ADCY3 moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32301 (FBgn0052301). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2244478..2248614. It has the cytological map location 62D3-62D4. Protein features are: Adenylyl cyclase class-3/4/guanylyl cyclase; Adenylyl cyclase class-4/guanylyl cyclase, conserved site; Nucleotide cyclase. Its molecular function is described by: adenylate cyclase activity; guanylate cyclase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: intracellular signal transduction; notum development; signal transduction; cGMP biosynthetic process; chaeta development. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: macrochaeta; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; body color defective; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0028468 rtet -0.4839202 0.017710942 0.267300782 NA MFSD10 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene tetracycline resistance is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelrtet (CG5760, FBgn0028468). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21108446..21110834. It has the cytological map location 93B12. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain; Sugar transporter, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: tetracycline transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oogenesis; transmembrane transport; tetracycline transport. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ovariole; egg. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; lethal - all die before end of larval stage; female sterile; lethal; some die during larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-18 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0022959 yps -0.483344406 0.01592754 0.247287202 NA YBX3;YBX1;YBX2 high;moderate;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "The gene ypsilon schachtel is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelyps (CG5654, FBgn0022959). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12121274..12125150. It has the cytological map location 68F4. Protein features are: Cold shock domain; Cold-shock conserved site; Cold-shock protein, DNA-binding; Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold. Its molecular function is described by: mRNA binding; DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oogenesis; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; mRNA splicing, via spliceosome. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable; lethal; fertile; female fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0000559 eEF2 -0.482123467 0.007003113 0.131250968 NA EEF2;EFTUD2 high;low NA NA NA "The gene eukaryotic translation elongation factor 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmeleEF2 (CG2238, FBgn0000559). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:21677913..21682164. It has the cytological map location 39E7. Protein features are: EF-G domain III/V-like; Elongation factor EFG, domain V-like; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-type fold; Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-type fold, subgroup; Small GTP-binding protein domain; Tr-type G domain, conserved site; Transcription factor, GTP-binding domain; Translation elongation factor EFG/EF2, domain IV; Translation elongation factor EFTu-like, domain 2; Translation protein, beta-barrel domain. Its molecular function is described by: GTPase activity; GTP binding; translation elongation factor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: translational elongation. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0031736 CG11030 -0.481953906 0.032416496 0.392690432 NGDN NGDN high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11030 (FBgn0031736). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5724656..5762420. It has the cytological map location 25F3-25F4. Protein features are: Sas10/Utp3/C1D. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: maturation of SSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA). 23 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; lethal; fertile; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0261599 RpS29 -0.480743074 0.009170353 0.163175183 NA RPS29;LOC100288910 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein S29 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpS29 (CG8495, FBgn0261599). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:9778042..9779528. It has the cytological map location 85E11-85E13. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S14; Ribosomal protein S14, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuron development; cytoplasmic translation; translation. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval neuroblast; ganglion mother cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of P-stage; increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0012036 Aldh -0.480379984 0.012563961 0.205931878 NA ALDH2;ALDH1B1;ALDH1A1;ALDH1A2;ALDH1A3;ALDH16A1;ALDH8A1;ALDH1L2;ALDH1L1;ALDH9A1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Aldehyde dehydrogenase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAldh (CG3752, FBgn0012036). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:9387389..9391567. It has the cytological map location 30B1. Protein features are: Aldehyde dehydrogenase N-terminal domain; Aldehyde dehydrogenase domain; Aldehyde dehydrogenase, cysteine active site; Aldehyde dehydrogenase, glutamic acid active site; Aldehyde/histidinol dehydrogenase. Its molecular function is described by: acetaldehyde dehydrogenase (acetylating) activity; aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of neuron death; acetaldehyde metabolic process; response to ethanol; oxidation-reduction process; pyruvate metabolic process. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; olfactory receptor neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; stress response defective; phenotype; increased mortality during development; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes yes yes
FBgn0030572 mRpS25 -0.480227164 0.033254282 0.397054389 MRPS25 MRPS25 high NA NA NA "The gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S25 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelmRpS25 (CG14413, FBgn0030572). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:14582136..14582982. It has the cytological map location 12F1. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein/NADH dehydrogenase domain; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial translation; translation. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0032187 CG4839 -0.479507141 0.023812161 0.321692799 NA PRKG1;PRKG2 moderate;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4839 (FBgn0032187). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:10144776..10156407. It has the cytological map location 31A3. Protein features are: AGC-kinase, C-terminal; Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain; Cyclic nucleotide-binding, conserved site; Cyclic nucleotide-binding-like; Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase-like domain; RmlC-like jelly roll fold; Serine/threonine-protein kinase, active site; cGMP-dependent protein kinase, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein serine/threonine kinase activity; cGMP-dependent protein kinase activity; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein phosphorylation. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0039941 CG17167 -0.479008516 0.012134174 0.201049199 NA SLC24A5;SLC24A3;SLC24A4 moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17167 (FBgn0039941). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:23068301..23081144. Protein features are: Sodium/calcium exchanger membrane region; Sodium/potassium/calcium exchanger. Its molecular function is described by: potassium ion binding; sodium ion binding; calcium channel activity; calcium, potassium:sodium antiporter activity; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular calcium ion homeostasis; transmembrane transport. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0038680 Cyp12a5 -0.477818506 0.019650438 0.282879354 NA CYP27A1;CYP24A1;CYP27C1;CYP27B1 moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Cyp12a5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp12a5 (CG11821, FBgn0038680). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:19132648..19134704. It has the cytological map location 91F2-91F3. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes no
FBgn0086906 sls -0.477802932 0.01844128 0.273365745 NA HMCN1;OBSCN;OBSL1;TTN;SPEG high;high;moderate;low;low NA NA NA "The gene sallimus is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsls (CG1915, FBgn0086906). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 13 annotated transcripts and 13 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2039681..2115611. It has the cytological map location 62C2-62C4. Protein features are: Fibronectin type III; Immunoglobulin I-set; Immunoglobulin subtype; Immunoglobulin subtype 2; Immunoglobulin-like domain; Immunoglobulin-like fold; Invertebrate Titin, immunoglobulin (Ig) repeats; SH3 domain; Titin, invertebrate. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of muscle; actin binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 12 unique terms, many of which group under: nuclear chromosome segregation; sister chromatid segregation; muscle organ development; cytoskeleton organization; mesoderm development; single-multicellular organism process; regulation of cellular process; locomotion; somatic muscle development; cell cycle. 75 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult mesothoracic segment; Z disc; embryonic segment; muscle tendon junction; midgut primordium; single-organism process; myosin II complex; embryonic/larval digestive system; eo-type sensillum; organ system subdivision. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality; stress response defective; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0262580 CG43120 -0.474485276 0.022086514 0.3079318 NA BTBD2;BTBD3;BTBD6;BTBD17;BTBD1 low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43120 (FBgn0262580). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:14381913..14383299. It has the cytological map location 70D6. Protein features are: BTB/POZ domain; SKP1/BTB/POZ domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0039115 CG10214 -0.473583795 0.029779132 0.370091284 REXO2 REXO2 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10214 (FBgn0039115). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23766519..23767488. It has the cytological map location 95B1. Protein features are: Exonuclease, RNase T/DNA polymerase III; Oligoribonuclease; Ribonuclease H-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: 3'-5'-exoribonuclease activity; oligonucleotidase activity; nucleic acid binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis; cellular response to starvation. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0003274 RpLP2 -0.473430363 0.008554133 0.154008072 NA RPLP2 high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein LP2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpLP2 (CG4918, FBgn0003274). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:16586129..16586732. It has the cytological map location 53C9. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L12 family. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translational elongation; cytoplasmic translation. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0020618 Rack1 -0.473015861 0.011830035 0.198527522 GNB2L1 RACK1 high NA NA NA "The gene Receptor of activated protein kinase C 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRack1 (CG7111, FBgn0020618). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7825347..7827315. It has the cytological map location 28D1. Protein features are: G-protein beta WD-40 repeat; WD40 repeat; WD40 repeat, conserved site; WD40-repeat-containing domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: reproductive process; cap-independent translational initiation; sexual reproduction; positive regulation of viral process; mRNA metabolic process; cellular protein complex assembly; cell communication; macromolecule modification; regulation of carbohydrate biosynthetic process; locomotory behavior; autophagy. 18 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: glycogen granule; egg; oocyte; embryonic/larval fat body; autophagosome; trichogen cell; ovary. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0025620 CG13360 -0.472908518 0.028260821 0.35750134 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13360 (FBgn0025620). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:787855..790089. It has the cytological map location 1C4. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no no
FBgn0050160 CG30160 -0.472358226 0.006724657 0.128132729 NA CD63 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG30160 (FBgn0050160). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7005157..7006136. It has the cytological map location 42E4-42E5. Protein features are: Tetraspanin; Tetraspanin, EC2 domain; Tetraspanin/Peripherin. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038307 mRpS10 -0.46900579 0.04420806 0.467429963 NA MRPS10 high NA NA NA "The gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S10 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelmRpS10 (CG4247, FBgn0038307). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:15229665..15230516. It has the cytological map location 88E3. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S10 domain. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial translation; translation. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die during P-stage; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0036538 CG15715 -0.467514357 0.016686764 0.255212609 NA ZNF706 high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15715 (FBgn0036538). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:15835693..15837482. It has the cytological map location 72A2. Protein features are: At2g23090-like; Uncharacterised protein family SERF. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0031514 CG3332 -0.464439258 0.027830892 0.354514401 NA OTOP2;OTOP1;OTOP3 moderate;moderate;high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3332 (FBgn0031514). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3275800..3280534. It has the cytological map location 23E1. Protein features are: Otopetrin. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0011764 Dsp1 -0.464372901 0.028617217 0.360513863 NA HMGB2;HMGB3;HMGB1;HMGB4;HMGB3P27;HMG20B;HMG20A high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA NA NA NA no yes no
FBgn0040398 CG14629 -0.463703183 0.012632447 0.205947172 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14629 (FBgn0040398). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:1051525..1052631. It has the cytological map location 1E1. Protein features are: Protein of unknown function DUF1397. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; lethal - all die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037912 sea -0.46266924 0.01710935 0.260369576 NA SLC25A1 high NA NA NA "The gene scheggia is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsea (CG6782, FBgn0037912). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:11559896..11567054. It has the cytological map location 86E10. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: citrate transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial transport; citrate transport; mitochondrial citrate transport. 17 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval neuroblast; condensed chromosome. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable; mitotic cell cycle defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0030932 Ggt-1 -0.461562876 0.028697158 0.361023663 NA GGT1;GGT2;GGT5;GGTLC2;GGTLC1;GGT7;GGT3P;GGT6;GGTLC3 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene ?_-glutamyl transpeptidase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGgt-1 (CG6461, FBgn0030932). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:18505883..18512521. It has the cytological map location 17C1. Protein features are: Gamma-glutamyltranspeptidase; Nucleophile aminohydrolases, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; glutathione catabolic process; response to light stimulus; glutathione metabolic process. 15 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; behavior defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0039760 CG9682 -0.458335803 0.021134727 0.298760758 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9682 (FBgn0039760). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30250928..30252830. It has the cytological map location 99E3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0001332 PRAS40 -0.457934039 0.0178848 0.269036816 NA AKT1S1 low NA NA NA NA no no no
FBgn0040253 Ugt86Dg -0.45730208 0.039988106 0.440407068 NA UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT2A3;UGT2B7;UGT1A1;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT8;UGT1A6;UGT2B28;UGT3A1;UGT3A2;UGT1A4;UGT1A10;UGT1A7;UGT1A5;UGT1A9;UGT1A8 high;moderate;moderate;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Ugt86Dg is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUgt86Dg (CG17200, FBgn0040253). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:11164423..11166074. It has the cytological map location 86D5. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase; UDP-glycosyltransferase family, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." yes yes yes
FBgn0266350 CR44999 -0.457235185 0.034977617 0.407505064 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44999 (FBgn0266350). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:3373159..3522787. It has the cytological map location 3D2-3D5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 23 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0267519 28SrRNA-Psi:CR45859 -0.456132009 0.037831752 0.429198698 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene 28S ribosomal RNA pseudogene:CR45859 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel28SrRNA-??:CR45859 (CR45859, FBgn0267519). It is a pseudogene_attribute from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:23214452..23217140. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported." no no no
FBgn0005666 bt -0.456084926 0.024408321 0.32684993 NA TTN;OBSCN;IGSF22;OBSL1 high;low;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene bent is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelbt (CG32019, FBgn0005666). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 4:724400..776474. It has the cytological map location 102D5-102E1. Protein features are: Fibronectin type III; Immunoglobulin I-set; Immunoglobulin subtype; Immunoglobulin subtype 2; Immunoglobulin-like domain; Immunoglobulin-like fold; Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; Serine/threonine-protein kinase, active site. Its molecular function is described by: actin filament binding; structural molecule activity conferring elasticity; protein serine/threonine kinase activity; structural constituent of muscle; muscle alpha-actinin binding; ATP binding; protein kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: muscle thin filament assembly; mesoderm development; sarcomere organization; protein phosphorylation; striated muscle contraction; striated muscle myosin thick filament assembly. 56 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: Z disc; leg; sarcomere; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during larval stage; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033782 sug -0.454872425 0.048831778 0.494590742 NA GLIS2 high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(zf-C2H2) NA NA "The gene sugarbabe is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsug (CG3850, FBgn0033782). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12924567..12930644. It has the cytological map location 49E1. Protein features are: Zinc finger C2H2-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; insulin-like growth factor receptor signaling pathway; cellular response to nutrient; negative regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; positive regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; response to starvation. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: developmental rate defective; starvation stress response defective; lethal; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0040529 COX7A -0.453920415 0.010135474 0.175899523 NA COX7A1;COX7A2;COX7A2L;COX7A2P2 moderate;high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 7A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCOX7A (CG9603, FBgn0040529). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:8339944..8341043. It has the cytological map location 84F13. Protein features are: Cytochrome c oxidase, subunit VIIa. Its molecular function is described by: cytochrome-c oxidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial electron transport, cytochrome c to oxygen. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; bang sensitive; locomotor behavior defective; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes no no
FBgn0050339 CG30339 -0.452439338 0.020985208 0.297434231 NA TTPAL;CLVS1;RLBP1;CLVS2;TTPA moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG30339 (FBgn0050339). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:9601431..9602901. It has the cytological map location 45F6. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain; Cellular retinaldehyde binding/alpha-tocopherol transport. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0004117 Tm2 -0.447867303 0.01508489 0.23666778 NA TPM3;TPM2;TPM1;TPM4 high;high;moderate;high NA NA NA "The gene Tropomyosin 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTm2 (CG4843, FBgn0004117). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:15310193..15315197. It has the cytological map location 88E13. Protein features are: Tropomyosin. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding; structural constituent of muscle; actin filament binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: heart development; actin filament organization; muscle contraction; positive regulation of sarcomere organization. 37 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: Z disc; dorsal oblique muscle; skeletal muscle of thorax; sensory system; adult mesothoracic segment; lateral transverse muscle 1; embryonic myoblast; mesothoracic segment; lateral longitudinal muscle 1; non-connected functional system; myoblast; indirect flight muscle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during embryonic stage; increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033638 CG9005 -0.447271994 0.034239111 0.402687456 NA FAM214A;FAM214B high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9005 (FBgn0033638). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:11619479..11640941. It has the cytological map location 48A3-48B2. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF4210; Protein FAM214/SPAC3H8.04, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: response to endoplasmic reticulum stress. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; body color defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0039751 CG1983 -0.446183597 0.042732151 0.456204195 PROSC PROSC high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1983 (FBgn0039751). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30175786..30177700. It has the cytological map location 99E1. Protein features are: Alanine racemase, N-terminal; PLP-binding barrel; Pyridoxal phosphate homeostasis protein. Its molecular function is described by: pyridoxal phosphate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0026428 HDAC6 -0.44561443 0.045283864 0.472253389 HDAC6 HDAC6;HDAC10;HDAC4;HDAC5;HDAC7;HDAC9 high;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Histone deacetylase 6 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHDAC6 (CG6170, FBgn0026428). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:15333310..15340360. It has the cytological map location 13B6. Protein features are: Histone deacetylase domain; Histone deacetylase superfamily; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type; Zinc finger, UBP-type. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; deacetylase activity; histone deacetylase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: tricarboxylic acid cycle; neurotransmitter secretion; histone deacetylation; respiratory electron transport chain; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated. 21 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: t-bar; synapse; eye; synaptic vesicle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; fertile; neurophysiology defective; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0042641 frc -0.444672548 0.019346424 0.281307456 NA SLC35D1;SLC35D2;SLC35D3 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene fringe connection is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelfrc (CG3874, FBgn0042641). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:17428936..17433190. It has the cytological map location 74B5-74C1. Protein features are: Sugar phosphate transporter domain. Its molecular function is described by: UDP-glucose transmembrane transporter activity; UDP-xylose transmembrane transporter activity; antiporter activity; UDP-galactose transmembrane transporter activity; UDP-glucuronic acid transmembrane transporter activity; UDP-N-acetylglucosamine transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: single-organism developmental process; sensory organ development; multicellular organism development; pattern specification process; system development; post-embryonic animal morphogenesis; single-multicellular organism process; compound eye development; tube morphogenesis; UDP-glucose transport; developmental process. 22 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic segment; non-connected developing system; head segment; denticle field; wing margin; embryonic/first instar larval cuticle; denticle belt; presumptive embryonic/larval nervous system; early extended germ band embryo; antennal segment. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: embryonic/larval segmentation phenotype; partially lethal; increased mortality; visible; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0002567 Rab32 -0.444369644 0.027168982 0.349152563 NA RAB32;RAB38;RAB29 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Rab32 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRab32 (CG8024, FBgn0002567). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9177864..9186342. It has the cytological map location 45B2-45B3. Protein features are: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Ras-related protein Rab29/Rab38/Rab32; Small GTP-binding protein domain; Small GTPase superfamily. Its molecular function is described by: GTP binding; protein binding; GTPase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 13 unique terms, many of which group under: establishment of localization; ocellus pigment metabolic process; regulation of catabolic process; regulation of lipid localization; transport; cognition; neurological system process; system process; multicellular organismal process; developmental pigmentation. 25 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: primary pigment cell pigment granule; Malpighian tubule; secondary pigment cell pigment granule; ocellus pigment granule; dopaminergic PPM1 neuron; dopaminergic PPL1 neuron; tertiary pigment cell pigment granule; pigment cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; memory defective; viable; eye color defective; visible; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0262116 RNASEK -0.442292735 0.02387817 0.322108765 NA RNASEK high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Ribonuclease kappa is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRNASEK (CG40127, FBgn0262116). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:4186835..4188127. Protein features are: Ribonuclease kappa. Its molecular function is described by: endoribonuclease activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: nucleic acid phosphodiester bond hydrolysis; cellular response to virus. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: lethal." no no no
FBgn0051522 CG31522 -0.441199652 0.033686296 0.39925854 NA ELOVL7;ELOVL1;ELOVL4;ELOVL2;ELOVL5 moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31522 (FBgn0051522). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:4441415..4462883. It has the cytological map location 82B1-82B2. Protein features are: ELO family. Its molecular function is described by: fatty acid elongase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: fatty acid elongation, polyunsaturated fatty acid; fatty acid elongation; fatty acid elongation, monounsaturated fatty acid; very long-chain fatty acid biosynthetic process; fatty acid elongation, saturated fatty acid; sphingolipid biosynthetic process. 19 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036191 Sugb -0.44001382 0.025723812 0.338031583 NA MFSD6L high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Sugar baby is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSugb (CG7334, FBgn0036191). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:11683980..11690155. It has the cytological map location 68D2. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily associated domain; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: determination of adult lifespan. 14 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: long lived; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0038056 CG5961 -0.439447025 0.048830461 0.494590742 FBXO9 FBXO9 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5961 (FBgn0038056). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12458421..12460294. It has the cytological map location 87B11. Protein features are: F-box domain; MIT; Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: ubiquitin-protein transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: interommatidial bristle; eye; ommatidium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0039849 CG11334 -0.435713668 0.044906633 0.472087432 MRI1 MRI1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11334 (FBgn0039849). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:31459822..31463037. It has the cytological map location 100C4. Protein features are: Initiation factor 2B alpha/beta/delta; Initiation factor 2B-related; Methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase; Methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase-like, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is described by: S-methyl-5-thioribose-1-phosphate isomerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: L-methionine salvage from methylthioadenosine; wing disc development. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032810 CG13077 -0.435438127 0.037048279 0.423025665 NA CYB561D2;CYB561D1 moderate;high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13077 (FBgn0032810). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:19565863..19567359. It has the cytological map location 37F1-37F2. Protein features are: Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030518 CG11134 -0.433705184 0.030573862 0.378900464 APIP APIP high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11134 (FBgn0030518). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13737942..13739177. It has the cytological map location 12B4. Protein features are: Class II aldolase/adducin N-terminal; Methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase; Methylthioribulose-1-phosphate dehydratase, eukaryotes. Its molecular function is described by: methylthioribulose 1-phosphate dehydratase activity; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: L-methionine salvage from methylthioadenosine. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval hemocyte. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0003863 alphaTry -0.426878439 0.012823231 0.207945514 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;PRSS45;PRSS8;PRSS27;PRSS22;TPSG1;PRSS33;PRSS38;KLK1;KLK2;PRSS48;CMA1;PRSS1;PRSS3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??Trypsin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??Try (CG18444, FBgn0003863). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11344260..11345119. It has the cytological map location 47F4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0034988 cN-IIIB -0.426213446 0.022994159 0.31624748 NA NT5C3B;NT5C3A high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene cytosolic 5'-nucleotidase IIIB is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelcN-IIIB (CG3362, FBgn0034988). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:24195498..24197027. It has the cytological map location 60C2. Protein features are: HAD-like domain; Pyrimidine 5'-nucleotidase, eukaryotic. Its molecular function is described by: 5'-nucleotidase activity; magnesium ion binding; nucleotidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ribonucleoside monophosphate catabolic process; dephosphorylation; guanosine-containing compound catabolic process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0031012 CG8051 -0.423557511 0.038949257 0.432481767 NA SLC16A12;SLC16A6;SLC16A1 moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8051 (FBgn0031012). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:19301330..19307925. It has the cytological map location 18C1. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: monocarboxylic acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no yes yes
FBgn0032774 CG17549 -0.420239854 0.042703257 0.456204195 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17549 (FBgn0032774). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:19387050..19390075. It has the cytological map location 37D4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: chaeta; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable; lethal - all die during P-stage; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038294 Mf -0.418555514 0.023208601 0.318016634 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Myofilin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMf (CG6803, FBgn0038294). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 17 annotated transcripts and 17 polypeptides (11 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:15170625..15181510. It has the cytological map location 88E2. Protein features are: Myofilin. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc development; chaeta development. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die during P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0027291 l(1)G0156 -0.41832071 0.035264359 0.408263068 NA IDH3A high NA NA NA "The gene lethal (1) G0156 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmell(1)G0156 (CG12233, FBgn0027291). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:19518428..19521810. It has the cytological map location 18C8. Protein features are: Isocitrate dehydrogenase NAD-dependent; Isocitrate/isopropylmalate dehydrogenase, conserved site; Isopropylmalate dehydrogenase-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: NAD binding; isocitrate dehydrogenase (NAD+) activity; magnesium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: tricarboxylic acid cycle. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; lethal; lethal - all die during pupal stage; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0259937 Nop60B -0.418317699 0.045985639 0.476313314 NA DKC1;MIR664B;TRUB1 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Nucleolar protein at 60B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNop60B (CG3333, FBgn0259937). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:24174877..24186343. It has the cytological map location 60C1-60C2. Protein features are: Dyskerin-like; PUA domain; PUA-like domain; Pseudouridine synthase II, N-terminal; Pseudouridine synthase, catalytic domain; tRNA pseudouridine synthase B family; tRNA pseudouridylate synthase B, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: pseudouridine synthase activity; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular response to starvation; box H/ACA snoRNA 3'-end processing; pseudouridine synthesis; germ cell development; rRNA processing; snRNA pseudouridine synthesis; ribosome biogenesis; wing disc development; mRNA pseudouridine synthesis; rRNA pseudouridine synthesis. 25 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: somatic precursor cell; somatic cell of testis; egg chamber; embryo; adult thoracic sensillum; developmental compartment; male fusome; dorsal mesothorax; somatic stem cell; female reproductive system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: sterile; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of larval stage; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0039620 wat -0.418255797 0.037917401 0.429198698 NA FAR2;FAR1 moderate;high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene waterproof is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelwat (CG1443, FBgn0039620). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:28992977..29020406. It has the cytological map location 98F5. Protein features are: Fatty acyl-CoA reductase; Fatty acyl-CoA reductase, C-terminal; Male sterility, NAD-binding; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: long-chain-fatty-acyl-CoA reductase activity; fatty-acyl-CoA reductase (alcohol-forming) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: long-chain fatty-acyl-CoA metabolic process; liquid clearance, open tracheal system; wax biosynthetic process; lumen formation, open tracheal system; oxidation-reduction process. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: tracheal lumen; taenidium; tracheal branch primordium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; short lived; fertile; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0002772 Mlc1 -0.415490051 0.021217709 0.299109119 NA MYL4;MYL6B;MYL1;MYL3;MYL6 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Myosin alkali light chain 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMlc1 (CG5596, FBgn0002772). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:27657078..27660177. It has the cytological map location 98A14-98A15. Protein features are: EF-hand domain; EF-hand domain pair. Its molecular function is described by: microfilament motor activity; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mesoderm development; muscle contraction. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; visible; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0031143 CG1532 -0.414933504 0.041030203 0.447806965 GLOD4 GLOD4 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1532 (FBgn0031143). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:21026125..21028361. It has the cytological map location 19E7. Protein features are: Glyoxalase/Bleomycin resistance protein/Dihydroxybiphenyl dioxygenase. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval neuroblast; ganglion mother cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; neuroanatomy defective; viable; lethal - all die during P-stage; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0002789 Mp20 -0.413705285 0.027125065 0.349152563 NA TAGLN2;CNN2;TAGLN3;CNN3;CNN1;TAGLN moderate;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Muscle protein 20 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMp20 (CG4696, FBgn0002789). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:13246670..13248880. It has the cytological map location 49F13. Protein features are: Calponin homology domain; Calponin repeat; Smooth muscle protein/calponin. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: myoblast fusion; regulation of myoblast fusion. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: dorsal transverse muscle; segment border muscle; trichogen cell; tormogen cell; embryonic myoblast; dorsal acute muscle 1; nucleus; ventral acute muscle 2. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0033980 Cyp6a20 -0.41306553 0.030746943 0.380529829 TBXAS1 TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp6a20 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a20 (CG10245, FBgn0033980). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14882118..14884046. It has the cytological map location 51D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: aggressive behavior; oxidation-reduction process; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." yes yes no
FBgn0003517 sta -0.412983365 0.024466148 0.327145308 NA RPSA;RPSAP58 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene stubarista is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsta (CG14792, FBgn0003517). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:1481797..1483413. It has the cytological map location 2B1. Protein features are: 40S ribosomal protein SA, C-terminal domain; Ribosomal protein S2; Ribosomal protein S2, conserved site; Ribosomal protein S2, eukaryotic; Ribosomal protein S2, eukaryotic/archaeal; Ribosomal protein S2, flavodoxin-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: ribosome binding; structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: ribosomal small subunit assembly; cytoplasmic translation; endonucleolytic cleavage in ITS1 to separate SSU-rRNA from 5.8S rRNA and LSU-rRNA from tricistronic rRNA transcript (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA); translation; rRNA export from nucleus; endonucleolytic cleavage to generate mature 3'-end of SSU-rRNA from (SSU-rRNA, 5.8S rRNA, LSU-rRNA). 32 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: arista; sarcomere; macrochaeta; primary lobe of embryonic/larval lymph gland; Z disc; antenna; embryonic/larval lymph gland; embryonic/larval somatic muscle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype; sterile; wild-type. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0028539 CG31731 -0.412325283 0.048088728 0.490322752 NA ABCA2;ABCA3;ABCA12;ABCA5;ABCA10;ABCA4;ABCA13;ABCA1;ABCA6;ABCA8;ABCA7;ABCA9 high;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31731 (FBgn0028539). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:13784084..13790562. It has the cytological map location 34D1. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter A, ABCA; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances; transporter activity; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport; lipid transport. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; some die during pupal stage; fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0028662 VhaPPA1-1 -0.409767553 0.022593867 0.312622548 NA ATP6V0B high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Vacuolar H+ ATPase PPA1 subunit 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelVhaPPA1-1 (CG7007, FBgn0028662). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:14902330..14904061. It has the cytological map location 88D6. Protein features are: V-ATPase proteolipid subunit; V-ATPase proteolipid subunit C-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism; hydrogen ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport; vacuolar acidification; terminal branching, open tracheal system. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: terminal tracheal cell; sarcomere; Z disc; tracheal stalk cell; mesothoracic tergum; chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0028494 CG6424 -0.409621032 0.047453423 0.486012326 NA FAM13C;FAM13A;FAM13B high;high;moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6424 (FBgn0028494). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:17703335..17719346. It has the cytological map location 54E1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 21 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no yes
FBgn0051265 CG31265 -0.4074953 0.028830174 0.362198856 NA PRSS37 low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31265 (FBgn0051265). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:17128212..17129120. It has the cytological map location 89F1. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0050159 CG30159 -0.406946946 0.049413436 0.497272228 NA C3orf33 high NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG30159 (FBgn0050159). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:6992681..6994306. It has the cytological map location 42E4. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of MAPK cascade. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0030616 RpL37a -0.406503765 0.019304543 0.281145468 RPL37 RPL37 high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L37a is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL37a (CG9091, FBgn0030616). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:15137870..15139367. It has the cytological map location 13B1. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L37ae/L37e; Ribosomal protein L37e; Ribosomal protein L37e, conserved site; Zinc-binding ribosomal protein. Its molecular function is described by: RNA binding; structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; cytoplasmic translation. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0033196 CG1358 -0.406141304 0.045281674 0.472253389 NA FLVCR2;FLVCR1;MFSD7 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1358 (FBgn0033196). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7595265..7620711. It has the cytological map location 43E3-43E5. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 17 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor rhythm defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0010053 Jheh1 -0.404933266 0.043527667 0.462374034 NA EPHX1 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJheh1 (CG15101, FBgn0010053). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18853434..18855087. It has the cytological map location 55F7-55F8. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Epoxide hydrolase; Epoxide hydrolase, N-terminal; Epoxide hydrolase-like. Its molecular function is described by: cis-stilbene-oxide hydrolase activity; juvenile hormone epoxide hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: juvenile hormone catabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0038552 CG18012 -0.404643749 0.034248902 0.402687456 ALG1 ALG1;ALG1L;ALG1L2 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18012 (FBgn0038552). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:17809401..17811134. It has the cytological map location 90C6. Protein features are: Chitobiosyldiphosphodolichol beta-mannosyltransferase ALG1-like; Glycosyltransferase subfamily 4-like, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is described by: mannosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein glycosylation. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0261608 RpL37A -0.403562123 0.022479202 0.311507245 NA RPL37A high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L37A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL37A (CG5827, FBgn0261608). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5070957..5072055. It has the cytological map location 25C4. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L37ae; Ribosomal protein L37ae/L37e; Zinc-binding ribosomal protein. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; cytoplasmic translation. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval somatic muscle; Z disc; macrochaeta; sarcomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during larval stage; increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0000556 eEF1alpha1 -0.403555934 0.022370378 0.310469618 NA EEF1A2;EEF1A1;EEF1A1P5 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA NA no no no
FBgn0000044 Act57B -0.402866828 0.024865691 0.330554659 NA ACTB;ACTG1;ACTC1;ACTG2;ACTA1;ACTA2;ACTBL2;POTEI;POTEJ;POTEF;ACTRT3;ACTR1B;ACTR1A;POTEE moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;low;moderate;low;moderate;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Actin 57B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAct57B (CG10067, FBgn0000044). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:20944021..20946431. It has the cytological map location 57B5. Protein features are: Actin family; Actin, conserved site; Actin/actin-like conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of cytoskeleton. It is involved in the biological process described with: cytoskeleton organization; mitotic cytokinesis; regulation of synapse organization; neuromuscular junction development, skeletal muscle fiber; heart development. 17 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cytoskeleton; intrinsic component of membrane; embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction; sarcomere; somatic muscle; supramolecular fiber; membrane-bounded organelle; material anatomical entity; ion channel complex; synapse; embryo; adult. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0026415 Idgf4 -0.40085131 0.048987622 0.495072697 NA CHIT1 moderate NA NA NA "The gene Imaginal disc growth factor 4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIdgf4 (CG1780, FBgn0026415). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:9927973..9930948. It has the cytological map location 9A3. Protein features are: Chitinase II; Chitinase insertion domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 18, catalytic domain; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Imaginal disc growth factor. Its molecular function is described by: chitinase activity; imaginal disc growth factor receptor binding; chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: imaginal disc development; chitin catabolic process; wound healing; chitin-based cuticle development; ecdysis, chitin-based cuticle; carbohydrate metabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval cuticle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable; some die during larval stage; wound healing defective; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0028694 Rpn11 -0.400768306 0.036144444 0.415820229 PSMD14 PSMD14 high NA NA NA "The gene Regulatory particle non-ATPase 11 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpn11 (CG18174, FBgn0028694). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:5058404..5059790. It has the cytological map location 25C3. Protein features are: 26S Proteasome non-ATPase regulatory subunit 14; JAB1/MPN/MOV34 metalloenzyme domain; Rpn11/EIF3F, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: Lys63-specific deubiquitinase activity; thiol-dependent ubiquitin-specific protease activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein deubiquitination; proteasome-mediated ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing margin bristle; eye; wing; rhabdomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0015288 RpL22 -0.39726279 0.038050549 0.429256253 NA RPL22;RPL22L1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L22 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL22 (CG7434, FBgn0015288). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:762560..765130. It has the cytological map location 1C4. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L22e. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; positive regulation of multicellular organism growth; cytoplasmic translation. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: class IV dendritic arborizing neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; small body; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0011509 SrpRbeta -0.39693897 0.039379561 0.436035667 NA SRPRB high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Signal recognition particle receptor ?_ is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSrpR?_ (CG33162, FBgn0011509). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:8718949..8720225. It has the cytological map location 66D11. Protein features are: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Signal recognition particle receptor, beta subunit. Its molecular function is described by: signal recognition particle binding; GTPase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: SRP-dependent cotranslational protein targeting to membrane; larval chitin-based cuticle development; chitin-based larval cuticle pattern formation. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0005585 Calr -0.396593004 0.024003879 0.323327656 NA CALR;CALR3 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Calreticulin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCalr (CG9429, FBgn0005585). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:9628691..9630851. It has the cytological map location 85E1. Protein features are: Calreticulin; Calreticulin/calnexin; Calreticulin/calnexin, P domain; Calreticulin/calnexin, conserved site; Concanavalin A-like lectin/glucanase domain. Its molecular function is described by: unfolded protein binding; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: olfactory behavior; central nervous system development; sleep; peripheral nervous system development; protein folding. 40 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; presumptive embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system; neuron; macrochaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: sleep defective; chemical resistant; chemical sensitive; fertile; increased mortality; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0261995 CG42813 -0.396219197 0.031311648 0.385432478 NA NUDT14 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42813 (FBgn0261995). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:27227070..27228561. It has the cytological map location 97E10. Protein features are: NUDIX hydrolase domain; NUDIX hydrolase domain-like; Nucleoside diphosphate pyrophosphatase. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on acid anhydrides, in phosphorus-containing anhydrides; metal ion binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available." no no no
FBgn0262515 VhaAC45 -0.394646029 0.026743427 0.346452386 NA ATP6AP1;ATP6AP1L high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Vacuolar H+ ATPase AC45 accessory subunit is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelVhaAC45 (CG8029, FBgn0262515). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9207561..9209774. It has the cytological map location 45B4. Protein features are: ATPase, V1 complex, subunit S1. Its molecular function is described by: proton-transporting ATP synthase activity, rotational mechanism; proton-transporting ATPase activity, rotational mechanism. It is involved in the biological process described with: ATP hydrolysis coupled proton transport. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sarcomere; Z disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable; lethal; lethal - all die during larval stage." no no no
FBgn0037678 CG16749 -0.394612027 0.024675599 0.328505141 NA KLK3;KLK10;KLK5;KLK1;KLK6 high;high;high;high;high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG16749 (FBgn0037678). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:9330885..9331885. It has the cytological map location 85D11. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no yes
FBgn0039882 CG11576 -0.392229903 0.046796416 0.481439839 SLC52A3 SLC52A3;SLC52A2;SLC52A1 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11576 (FBgn0039882). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:31806867..31810186. It has the cytological map location 100D2. Protein features are: Solute carrier family 52, riboflavin transporter. Its molecular function is described by: riboflavin transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: riboflavin transport. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal; fertile; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes no
FBgn0011284 RpS4 -0.391876626 0.038845821 0.432481767 NA RPS4X;RPS4Y1;RPS4Y2 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein S4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpS4 (CG11276, FBgn0011284). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:13041756..13044234. It has the cytological map location 69F6. Protein features are: 40S ribosomal protein S4, C-terminal domain; KOW; RNA-binding S4 domain; Ribosomal protein S4e; Ribosomal protein S4e, N-terminal; Ribosomal protein S4e, N-terminal, conserved site; Ribosomal protein S4e, central region. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cytoplasmic translation; translation. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sarcomere; Z disc; embryonic/larval somatic muscle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; lethal - all die during larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032727 CG10623 -0.391701672 0.039631499 0.438294669 NA BHMT2;BHMT;MTR low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10623 (FBgn0032727). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18955481..18957311. It has the cytological map location 37B7. Protein features are: Betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase, BHMT; Homocysteine-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; betaine-homocysteine S-methyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: methionine biosynthetic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0035154 CG3344 -0.391009996 0.026656633 0.34581782 SCPEP1 SCPEP1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3344 (FBgn0035154). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:685942..687958. It has the cytological map location 61C8. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Peptidase S10, serine carboxypeptidase. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type carboxypeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis involved in cellular protein catabolic process. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: paralytic; viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0010425 epsilonTry -0.389661593 0.026259846 0.343489926 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;ELANE;PRSS1;PRSS3 low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??Trypsin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??Try (CG18681, FBgn0010425). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11345237..11346066. It has the cytological map location 47F4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no yes no
FBgn0020545 kraken -0.388215732 0.038172753 0.429256253 SERHL2 SERHL2;SERHL high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene kraken is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelkraken (CG3943, FBgn0020545). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:852768..854539. It has the cytological map location 21E2. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-1. Its molecular function is described by: serine hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to toxic substance; digestion. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0010198 RpS15Aa -0.386903375 0.029303676 0.367138937 NA RPS15A high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein S15Aa is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpS15Aa (CG2033, FBgn0010198). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13335637..13337705. It has the cytological map location 11E11-11E12. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S8. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; cytoplasmic translation. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: Z disc; adult heart; embryonic/larval somatic muscle; sarcomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; lethal - all die during larval stage; viable; partially lethal - majority die; size defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0013771 Cyp6a9 -0.384418366 0.036120335 0.415820229 TBXAS1 TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cytochrome P450-6a9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a9 (CG10246, FBgn0013771). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14879356..14881372. It has the cytological map location 51D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; electron carrier activity; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes yes no
FBgn0015568 alpha-Est1 -0.383692422 0.04889791 0.4947127 NA ACHE;CES4A;CES2;NLGN2;CES5A;CES1;CEL;NLGN4X;NLGN1;NLGN3;NLGN4Y;CES3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??-Esterase-1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??-Est1 (CG1031, FBgn0015568). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:7545733..7549124. It has the cytological map location 84D9. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: sensory perception of pain. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes yes no
FBgn0035321 CG1275 -0.381995158 0.047172612 0.484220776 NA CYBRD1;CYB561;CYB561A3 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1275 (FBgn0035321). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2252744..2257423. It has the cytological map location 62D4. Protein features are: Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; body color defective; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no yes
FBgn0022023 eIF3h -0.380135789 0.046272492 0.477661638 NA EIF3H high NA NA NA "The gene eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit h is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmeleIF3h (CG9124, FBgn0022023). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5051193..5053094. It has the cytological map location 25C3. Protein features are: Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit H; JAB1/MPN/MOV34 metalloenzyme domain. Its molecular function is described by: translation initiation factor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: translational initiation; positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; wing; embryonic/larval somatic muscle; Z disc; wing margin bristle; sarcomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Very high expression at all stages of development." no no no
FBgn0040832 CG8012 -0.379334551 0.042224419 0.45427183 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8012 (FBgn0040832). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:8215280..8216198. It has the cytological map location 66C1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0011455 ND-SGDH -0.378944631 0.033170135 0.396567387 NA NDUFB5 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) SGDH subunit is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelND-SGDH (CG9762, FBgn0011455). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12137496..12138584. It has the cytological map location 68F5. Protein features are: NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, NDUFB5/SGDH subunit. Its molecular function is described by: NADH dehydrogenase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to reactive oxygen species; mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone; determination of adult lifespan. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: adult heart. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; female semi-fertile; aging defective; stress response defective; lethal; long lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0052473 CG32473 -0.37721698 0.038768464 0.432410214 NA ENPEP;ANPEP;TRHDE;LVRN;LNPEP;ERAP1;ERAP2;NPEPPS moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32473 (FBgn0052473). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:13302648..13312785. It has the cytological map location 87E5. Protein features are: Aminopeptidase A; Aminopeptidase N-type; ERAP1-like C-terminal domain; Peptidase M1, alanine aminopeptidase/leukotriene A4 hydrolase; Peptidase M1, membrane alanine aminopeptidase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metalloaminopeptidase activity; peptide binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis; peptide catabolic process; angiotensin maturation. 16 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0038414 CG6901 -0.376308069 0.0481677 0.490581056 NA SLC2A12;SLC2A13;SLC2A8;SLC2A6;SLC2A10 low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6901 (FBgn0038414). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:16323415..16325128. It has the cytological map location 89B12. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; sensory perception of pain. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0038964 Nop56 -0.376284612 0.049442579 0.497272228 NOP56 NOP56 high NA NA NA "The gene Nop56 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNop56 (CG13849, FBgn0038964). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:22419095..22421068. It has the cytological map location 94A12. Protein features are: NOP5, N-terminal; NOSIC; Nop domain; Winged helix-turn-helix DNA-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: snoRNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular response to starvation; rRNA modification. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval neuroblast; ganglion mother cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; lethal - all die during embryonic stage; lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0039359 RpL27 -0.374886748 0.036736193 0.421607368 RPL27 RPL27 high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L27 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL27 (CG4759, FBgn0039359). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25683623..25685051. It has the cytological map location 96E9-96E10. Protein features are: KOW; Ribosomal protein L2 domain 2; Ribosomal protein L27e; Ribosomal protein L27e, conserved site; Translation protein SH3-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: cytoplasmic translation; translation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; lethal - all die during larval stage; viable; some die during larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0036367 CG10116 -0.374430718 0.046218063 0.477638879 NA PNLIPRP2;PNLIP;LIPH;PLA1A;PNLIPRP1;LIPI;PNLIPRP3;LIPG;LPL;LIPC low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10116 (FBgn0036367). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:13456208..13457238. It has the cytological map location 70B1. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family. Its molecular function is described by: lipase activity; carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030837 CG8661 -0.373567244 0.038204088 0.429256253 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8661 (FBgn0030837). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:17283762..17284500. It has the cytological map location 15F7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of allele includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no no
FBgn0000100 RpLP0 -0.372232929 0.042747321 0.456204195 NA RPLP0;RPLP0P6 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein LP0 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpLP0 (CG7490, FBgn0000100). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:22075867..22077487. It has the cytological map location 79B2. Protein features are: 60S acidic ribosomal protein P0; Ribosomal protein L10P. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: ribosome biogenesis; cytoplasmic translation. 15 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0261602 RpL8 -0.371716699 0.038883586 0.432481767 NA RPL8;MIR6850 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L8 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL8 (CG1263, FBgn0261602). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2587456..2588883. It has the cytological map location 62E7. Protein features are: Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold; Ribosomal Proteins L2, RNA binding domain; Ribosomal protein L2; Ribosomal protein L2 domain 2; Ribosomal protein L2, C-terminal; Ribosomal protein L2, conserved site; Ribosomal protein L2, domain 3; Translation protein SH3-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; insulin receptor signaling pathway; cytoplasmic translation; regulation of cell size; compound eye development. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ommatidium; Z disc; eye; wing margin bristle; sarcomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0003279 RpL4 -0.368173868 0.047244968 0.48441982 NA RPL4 high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL4 (CG5502, FBgn0003279). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27922821..27924888. It has the cytological map location 98B6. Protein features are: 60S ribosomal protein L4, C-terminal domain; Ribosomal protein L4 domain; Ribosomal protein L4/L1e; Ribosomal protein L4/L1e, eukaryotic/archaeal, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cytoplasmic translation; translation. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during larval stage; lethal; some die during larval stage; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0015756 RpL9 -0.365718799 0.036969489 0.422653679 NA RPL9 high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein L9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpL9 (CG6141, FBgn0015756). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:11002758..11004189. It has the cytological map location 32C1. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein L6; Ribosomal protein L6, alpha-beta domain; Ribosomal protein L6, conserved site-2. Its molecular function is described by: rRNA binding; structural constituent of ribosome; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; cytoplasmic translation. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: macrochaeta; eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of P-stage; lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0027547 CG1927 -0.363357319 0.045730302 0.475283339 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1927 (FBgn0027547). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1966725..1970079. It has the cytological map location 62B12. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0029161 slmo -0.36264826 0.045948461 0.476313314 NA PRELID3B;PRELID3A high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene slowmo is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelslmo (CG9131, FBgn0029161). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:6046516..6048706. It has the cytological map location 26B3. Protein features are: PRELI/MSF1 domain. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatidic acid transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: peristalsis; germarium-derived oocyte differentiation; larval locomotory behavior; spermatogenesis. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; wing; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; increased mortality; visible; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0051267 CG31267 -0.36262977 0.044067021 0.466477981 NA CFD;KLK14;KLK13 low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31267 (FBgn0051267). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:17134197..17135283. It has the cytological map location 89F1. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sensory perception of pain; proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable; flightless. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no yes no
FBgn0003942 RpS27A -0.360805863 0.039697499 0.43849435 NA RPS27A high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein S27A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpS27A (CG5271, FBgn0003942). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:10408352..10410456. It has the cytological map location 31E1. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S27a; Ubiquitin; Ubiquitin conserved site; Ubiquitin domain; Ubiquitin-related domain; Zinc-binding ribosomal protein. Its molecular function is described by: protein tag; structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein ubiquitination; cytoplasmic translation; translation. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: macrochaeta; spermatid. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; male sterile; lethal - all die during larval stage; female sterile; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0017545 RpS3A -0.353030493 0.04108132 0.447830461 NA RPS3A high NA NA NA "The gene Ribosomal protein S3A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRpS3A (CG2168, FBgn0017545). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 4:65225..67207. It has the cytological map location 101F1. Protein features are: 40S ribosomal protein S1/3, eukaryotes; Ribosomal protein S3Ae; Ribosomal protein S3Ae, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: cytoplasmic translation; translation. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: nurse cell; adult; follicle cell; egg chamber; adult heart; macrochaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: size defective; Minute; increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0043470 lambdaTry -0.352369218 0.046178791 0.477638879 NA TMPRSS4;CTSG;ELANE;GZMA;AZU1;PRSS1;PRSS3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??Try is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??Try (CG12350, FBgn0043470). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11336840..11337791. It has the cytological map location 47F3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0036419 CG13482 0.34948272 0.047617464 0.4866026 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13482 (FBgn0036419). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:14329346..14329885. It has the cytological map location 70D5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038292 CG3987 0.358106979 0.039174002 0.434285355 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3987 (FBgn0038292). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:15139958..15141715. It has the cytological map location 88E2. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: mesoderm development. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0036738 CG7542 0.363261755 0.034606054 0.404740374 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7542 (FBgn0036738). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:17549826..17550980. It has the cytological map location 74D4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033663 ERp60 0.368073105 0.040111424 0.440407068 NA PDIA3;P4HB;PDIA4 high;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene ERp60 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelERp60 (CG8983, FBgn0033663). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:11887568..11890979. It has the cytological map location 48C5. Protein features are: Disulphide isomerase; Protein disulphide isomerase; Thioredoxin domain; Thioredoxin, conserved site; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: protein disulfide isomerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to endoplasmic reticulum stress; cell redox homeostasis; protein folding. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0032451 spict 0.373586585 0.041230187 0.447921544 NIPA2 NIPA2;NIPAL1;NIPAL4;NIPA1;NIPAL3;NIPAL2 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene spichthyin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelspict (CG12292, FBgn0032451). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:12704725..12706683. It has the cytological map location 33F3. Protein features are: Magnesium transporter NIPA. Its molecular function is described by: magnesium ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction; negative regulation of BMP signaling pathway; magnesium ion transport; positive regulation of axon extension involved in regeneration. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: posterior crossvein; type I bouton; bouton; axon; wing; embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction; dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaE. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: wound healing defective; size defective; neuroanatomy defective; viable; developmental rate defective; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no yes yes
FBgn0053346 CG33346 0.376207568 0.032389579 0.392690432 NA ENDOG moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33346 (FBgn0053346). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:28669233..28670452. It has the cytological map location 98E1. Protein features are: DNA/RNA non-specific endonuclease; DNA/RNA non-specific endonuclease, active site; Extracellular Endonuclease, subunit A. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; hydrolase activity; metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: apoptotic DNA fragmentation. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0053127 CG33127 0.376513003 0.034151355 0.402687456 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33127 (FBgn0053127). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:322101..323091. It has the cytological map location 21B8. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0014133 bif 0.376768892 0.045210582 0.472253389 NA TMEM57 low NA NA NA "The gene bifocal is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelbif (CG1822, FBgn0014133). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:11678970..11694740. It has the cytological map location 10D4-10D5. Protein features are: WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding; microtubule binding; actin filament binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: female meiosis chromosome segregation; axon guidance; negative regulation of axon extension. 37 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sensory system; cell; supramolecular complex; sensory system neuron; cytoskeleton; rhabdomere; anlage; supramolecular polymer; sensory neuron; macrochaeta; plasma membrane bounded cell projection. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: meiotic cell cycle defective; visible; viable; fertile; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0035770 pst 0.376797957 0.034553563 0.404740374 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene pastrel is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelpst (CG8588, FBgn0035770). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7357275..7360263. It has the cytological map location 65F6-65F7. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF4781. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: olfactory learning; protein secretion; long-term memory; learning or memory. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: stress response defective; memory defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037718 P58IPK 0.377437505 0.048685425 0.49420299 NA DNAJC3 high NA NA NA "The gene P58IPK is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelP58IPK (CG8286, FBgn0037718). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:9586942..9589581. It has the cytological map location 85D27. Protein features are: DnaJ domain; Tetratricopeptide repeat; Tetratricopeptide repeat 1; Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing domain; Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during embryonic stage; viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no yes yes
FBgn0039006 Cyp6d4 0.377757746 0.038964025 0.432481767 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp6d4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6d4 (CG12800, FBgn0039006). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:22698319..22700307. It has the cytological map location 94C1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen. It is involved in the biological process described with: chaeta development; oxidation-reduction process; wing disc development. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0035360 CG1246 0.385954792 0.034854017 0.406600558 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1246 (FBgn0035360). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2648048..2650205. It has the cytological map location 62E8. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0030329 prtp 0.387449141 0.03756441 0.428384159 NA TXNDC5 high NA NA NA "The gene pretaporter is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelprtp (CG1837, FBgn0030329). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:11716756..11719894. It has the cytological map location 10D7. Protein features are: Disulphide isomerase; Thioredoxin domain; Thioredoxin, conserved site; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: protein disulfide isomerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cell redox homeostasis; response to endoplasmic reticulum stress; positive regulation of apoptotic cell clearance; protein folding; apoptotic cell clearance. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval glial cell; embryonic hemocyte. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes yes
FBgn0036007 path 0.389360146 0.038417636 0.431126005 NA SLC36A3;SLC36A2;SLC36A1;SLC36A4 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene pathetic is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelpath (CG3424, FBgn0036007). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:9494555..9505328. It has the cytological map location 67B10. Protein features are: Amino acid transporter, transmembrane domain. Its molecular function is described by: amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: dendrite morphogenesis; amino acid transmembrane transport; dendrite extension; regulation of cell projection size; regulation of imaginal disc-derived wing size; growth. 20 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult peripheral nervous system; adult adipose system; pupa; cell projection; neuron part; foregut; cell part; plasma membrane bounded cell projection; abdominal dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body size defective; cell number defective; sterile; behavior defective; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0029093 cathD 0.39206724 0.025093466 0.332615707 NA CTSD;NAPSA;REN;CTSE;PGC;PGA3;PGA4;PGA5;BACE2;BACE1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene cathD is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelcathD (CG1548, FBgn0029093). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7815339..7823569. It has the cytological map location 43E18. Protein features are: Aspartic peptidase A1 family; Aspartic peptidase domain; Aspartic peptidase, N-terminal; Aspartic peptidase, active site; Cathepsin D; Peptidase family A1 domain. Its molecular function is described by: aspartic-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; proteolysis; apoptotic process; autophagic cell death; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death; protein catabolic process; nurse cell apoptotic process. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: male germline cell; eye; egg chamber; nurse cell; adult brain; spermatogonial cyst. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: decreased cell death; increased cell death; cell death defective; viable; short lived; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0053126 NLaz 0.392681919 0.038152428 0.429256253 NA APOD high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Neural Lazarillo is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNLaz (CG33126, FBgn0053126). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:1359837..1361821. It has the cytological map location 22A1. Protein features are: Calycin; Invertebrate colouration protein; Lipocalin, ApoD type; Lipocalin/cytosolic fatty-acid binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: pigment binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; determination of adult lifespan; response to oxidative stress; carbohydrate homeostasis; triglyceride homeostasis. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; phenotype; stress response defective; short lived; starvation stress response defective; behavior defective; long lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0021953 Fatp 0.39310162 0.028231309 0.35750134 NA SLC27A4;SLC27A1;SLC27A6;SLC27A5;SLC27A2;SLC27A3 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA NA no no yes
FBgn0026619 Taz 0.396001373 0.038725863 0.432410214 TAZ TAZ high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Tafazzin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTaz (CG8766, FBgn0026619). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12753026..12756414. It has the cytological map location 49C2. Protein features are: Phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase; Tafazzin. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups; phosphatidylcholine:cardiolipin O-linoleoyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial membrane organization; inner mitochondrial membrane organization; phospholipid metabolic process; sperm individualization; cardiolipin metabolic process; cardiolipin biosynthetic process; cardiolipin acyl-chain remodeling. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: spermatid cyst; individualization stage spermatid; mitochondrion; mesothoracic tergum; mitochondrial crista. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; body color defective; viable; male sterile; flight defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0035715 CG10103 0.398698287 0.042292587 0.45427183 IST1 IST1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10103 (FBgn0035715). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:6754017..6756497. It has the cytological map location 65C3-65C4. Protein features are: Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein Ist1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: protein transport; endosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0026593 CG5707 0.401445567 0.044711913 0.470581306 NA SERHL2;SERHL moderate;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5707 (FBgn0026593). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2189160..2192221. It has the cytological map location 62D2. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes. no no no
FBgn0032087 CG9568 0.401550926 0.022736864 0.313652131 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9568 (FBgn0032087). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:9010583..9011358. It has the cytological map location 29F7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during late larval stages." yes no yes
FBgn0267408 AOX1 0.40210071 0.020999428 0.297434231 NA AOX1;XDH low;low NA NA NA "The gene Aldehyde oxidase 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAOX1 (CG18522, FBgn0267408). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:15532137..15537292. It has the cytological map location 89A1-89A2. Protein features are: 2Fe-2S ferredoxin, iron-sulphur binding site; 2Fe-2S ferredoxin-type iron-sulfur binding domain; Aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase; Aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase, a/b hammerhead; Aldehyde oxidase/xanthine dehydrogenase, molybdopterin binding; Beta-grasp domain; CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein, C-terminal; CO dehydrogenase flavoprotein-like, FAD-binding, subdomain 2; FAD-binding, type 2; FAD-binding, type 2, subdomain 1; Molybdopterin dehydrogenase, FAD-binding; [2Fe-2S]-binding. Its molecular function is described by: xanthine dehydrogenase activity; electron carrier activity; pyridoxal oxidase activity; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors; iron ion binding; 2 iron, 2 sulfur cluster binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; xanthine catabolic process; pyridoxal metabolic process. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: electrophoretic variant." no no no
FBgn0033127 Tsp42Ef 0.405740372 0.041627898 0.450566575 NA TSPAN15;TSPAN5;TSPAN17 low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Tetraspanin 42Ef is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTsp42Ef (CG12845, FBgn0033127). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7025010..7028082. It has the cytological map location 42E5. Protein features are: Tetraspanin; Tetraspanin, EC2 domain; Tetraspanin/Peripherin. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: determination of adult lifespan; cell surface receptor signaling pathway. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: gravitaxis defective; long lived; short lived; starvation stress response defective; viable; temperature response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0036948 CG7298 0.406471366 0.042035285 0.452993114 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7298 (FBgn0036948). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:20202070..20203687. It has the cytological map location 77A2. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0013680 mt:ND2 0.407627027 0.049042151 0.495076724 NA ND2 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene mitochondrial NADH-ubiquinone oxidoreductase chain 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmt:ND2 (CG34063, FBgn0013680). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is mitochondrion_genome:240..1265. Protein features are: NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2, C-terminal; NADH:quinone oxidoreductase/Mrp antiporter, membrane subunit; NADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase, chain 2. Its molecular function is described by: NADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial electron transport, NADH to ubiquinone. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; short lived; stress response defective; bang sensitive; heat stress response defective; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0004657 mys 0.407702335 0.024988914 0.331710612 NA ITGB1;ITGB2;ITGB7;ITGB3;ITGB4;ITGB5;ITGB6;ITGB8;ITGBL1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene myospheroid is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmys (CG1560, FBgn0004657). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:8061645..8070237. It has the cytological map location 7D5. Protein features are: EGF-like domain, extracellular; Integrin beta subunit; Integrin beta subunit, VWA domain; Integrin beta subunit, cytoplasmic domain; Integrin beta subunit, tail; Integrin domain; von Willebrand factor, type A. Its molecular function is described by: extracellular matrix protein binding; cell adhesion molecule binding; protein heterodimerization activity; receptor activity; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 37 unique terms, many of which group under: biological adhesion; actin filament organization; central nervous system development; developmental growth involved in morphogenesis; calcium-dependent cell-matrix adhesion; immune system development; system process; actin filament bundle organization; negative regulation of cell migration; heterophilic cell-cell adhesion via plasma membrane cell adhesion molecules. 158 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: presumptive embryonic salivary gland; somatic precursor cell; pupal/adult digestive system; synapse; adult abdominal segment; cell component; hub cell; lobe system of adult mushroom body; abdominal 2 lateral longitudinal muscle 1; external encapsulating structure; stage 8 embryo; actomyosin; muscle tendon junction; cell projection; cardioblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: wound healing defective; chemical sensitive; wild-type; flightless; lethal; phenotype; increased mortality during development; smell perception defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0038973 Pebp1 0.408536234 0.033120513 0.396492426 NA PEBP1;PEBP4 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPebp1 (CG18594, FBgn0038973). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:22466034..22466679. It has the cytological map location 94A16. Protein features are: Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; regulation of antimicrobial humoral response. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0035498 Fit1 0.40916913 0.036050447 0.415784855 NA FERMT2;FERMT1;FERMT3 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Fermitin 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelFit1 (CG14991, FBgn0035498). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4103564..4107116. It has the cytological map location 64A6. Protein features are: Band 4.1 domain; FERM central domain; FERM/acyl-CoA-binding protein, 3-helical bundle; PH domain-like; Pleckstrin homology domain. Its molecular function is described by: cell adhesion molecule binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cell-matrix adhesion; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; cardiac muscle tissue development. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during larval stage; some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0015221 Fer2LCH 0.409419658 0.018013613 0.270529561 NA FTMT moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ferritin 2 light chain homologue is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelFer2LCH (CG1469, FBgn0015221). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30387804..30390584. It has the cytological map location 99F2. Protein features are: Ferritin; Ferritin-like diiron domain; Ferritin-like superfamily; Ferritin-related; Ferritin/DPS protein domain. Its molecular function is described by: ferrous iron binding; iron ion binding; ferric iron binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: intracellular sequestering of iron ion; locomotor rhythm; cellular iron ion homeostasis; detoxification of iron ion; hemolymph coagulation; iron ion import across plasma membrane; chaeta development; response to fungus. 54 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: germ band; embryonic/larval cuticle; embryonic brain; ventral nerve cord; embryonic ganglion mother cell; axon; neuroblast; embryonic/larval central nervous system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; lethal; increased mortality; fertile; developmental rate defective; locomotor rhythm defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Very high expression at all stages of development." no no no
FBgn0086691 UK114 0.409774863 0.024353679 0.326596398 NA RIDA high NA NA NA "The gene UK114 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUK114 (CG15261, FBgn0086691). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:15274181..15275091. It has the cytological map location 35D1. Protein features are: Endoribonuclease L-PSP/chorismate mutase-like; RidA family; RidA, conserved site; YjgF/YER057c/UK114 family. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein folding. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no yes no
FBgn0031914 CG5973 0.411467783 0.036768481 0.421607368 NA TTPAL moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5973 (FBgn0031914). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7437492..7445882. It has the cytological map location 27F4-28A1. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain; Cellular retinaldehyde binding/alpha-tocopherol transport. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sleep; transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; some die during pupal stage; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0262872 milt 0.411662278 0.043699559 0.463124183 NA TRAK1;TRAK2;HAP1 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene milton is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmilt (CG43227, FBgn0262872). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7037823..7056010. It has the cytological map location 27D6. Protein features are: HAP1, N-terminal; Trafficking kinesin-binding protein domain. Its molecular function is described by: myosin binding; microtubule motor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: establishment of mitochondrion localization; oocyte dorsal/ventral axis specification; sperm mitochondrion organization; mitochondrion distribution; phototransduction; Nebenkern assembly; axonal transport of mitochondrion. 27 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cell part; neuron; glial cell; intracellular vesicle; intracellular; photoreceptor cell; axon; thoracic segment; cell projection; neuron part. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during larval stage; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype." no no no
FBgn0040349 CG3699 0.412953705 0.024221496 0.325300731 NA HSD17B14;HSD17B8;CBR4;DECR2;BDH2 high;low;low;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3699 (FBgn0040349). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:946662..947500. It has the cytological map location 1D2-1D3. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: 2,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase (NADPH) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: fatty acid beta-oxidation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0000261 Cat 0.413511574 0.029735665 0.370091284 NA CAT high NA NA NA "The gene Catalase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCat (CG6871, FBgn0000261). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:18822604..18828188. It has the cytological map location 75E1. Protein features are: Catalase active site; Catalase core domain; Catalase haem-binding site; Catalase immune-responsive domain; Catalase, mono-functional, haem-containing; Catalase, mono-functional, haem-containing, clades 1 and 3; Catalase-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; antioxidant activity; catalase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 12 unique terms, many of which group under: response to stimulus; cellular metabolic process; cellular process; reactive oxygen species metabolic process; aging; homeostatic process; cellular response to stress; single-organism metabolic process; regulation of immune system process; developmental process; response to ethanol. 32 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: enteroendocrine cell; adult midgut; intestinal stem cell; trichogen cell; lamellocyte; adult heart; enterocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: decreased cell number; wild-type; locomotor behavior defective; viable; increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; flightless. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0011202 dia 0.413712626 0.033566023 0.399153897 NA DIAPH2;DIAPH3;DIAPH1;GRID2IP high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene diaphanous is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldia (CG1768, FBgn0011202). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:20758144..20768053. It has the cytological map location 38E7-38E8. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; DRF autoregulatory; Diaphanous autoregulatory (DAD) domain; Formin, FH2 domain; Formin, FH3 domain; Formin, GTPase-binding domain; Formin, protein diaphanous; Rho GTPase-binding/formin homology 3 (GBD/FH3) domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate binding; Rho GTPase binding; actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 26 unique terms, many of which group under: sensory perception of mechanical stimulus; salivary gland morphogenesis; phenol-containing compound metabolic process; maintenance of protein location; respiratory system development; endomembrane system organization; regulation of response to stimulus; spermatogenesis; sensory perception; animal organ morphogenesis; positive regulation of wound healing; plasma membrane organization; immune system process. 44 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: plasma membrane bounded cell projection; cell projection; spermatocyte cyst; germ layer; compound sense organ; stage 7 embryo; trichome field; somatic cell of testis; embryonic/larval trachea; morphogenetic furrow; eo-type sensillum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; male sterile; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes yes
FBgn0038466 CG8907 0.415370224 0.020484049 0.292273181 NA EPS8L2;EPS8;EPS8L1;EPS8L3 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8907 (FBgn0038466). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:17008269..17012533. It has the cytological map location 89E8. Protein features are: Epidermal growth factor receptor kinase substrate, phosphotyrosine-binding domain; Eps8, SH3 domain; PH domain-like; SH3 domain; Tensin/EPS8 phosphotyrosine-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: olfactory behavior. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0010288 Uch 0.416122909 0.043123634 0.459426448 UCHL3 UCHL3;UCHL1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUch (CG4265, FBgn0010288). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2212738..2214211. It has the cytological map location 22D4. Protein features are: Peptidase C12, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: thiol-dependent ubiquitin-specific protease activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process; protein deubiquitination. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0032068 LManV 0.416397969 0.019671033 0.282879354 NA MAN2B1;MAN2B2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysosomal ??-mannosidase V is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLManV (CG9466, FBgn0032068). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8772946..8776263. It has the cytological map location 29F1. Protein features are: Galactose mutarotase-like domain; Glycoside hydrolase 38/57, N-terminal domain; Glycoside hydrolase families 57/38, central domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 38, N-terminal domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 38, central domain; Glycoside hydrolase/deacetylase, beta/alpha-barrel; Glycosyl hydrolase family 38, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: alpha-mannosidase activity; carbohydrate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mannose metabolic process; protein deglycosylation. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0001316 klar 0.418288125 0.032001498 0.389727969 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene klarsicht is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelklar (CG17046, FBgn0001316). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:434083..540614. It has the cytological map location 61C1-61C3. Protein features are: KASH domain. Its molecular function is described by: kinesin binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 17 unique terms, many of which group under: tube morphogenesis; locomotion; organelle organization; flight; negative regulation of oocyte development; lipid transport; larval visceral muscle development; cuticle pigmentation; organelle transport along microtubule; nucleus localization. 88 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cell component; lipid particle; multi-tissue structure; abdominal tergite 6; cell part; developing material anatomical entity; adult abdominal segment 6; oocyte nucleus; A1-7 dorsal acute muscle 2; rhabdomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; semi-sterile; fertile; increased mortality; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0030263 CG2076 0.418987492 0.023406484 0.318016634 GHITM GHITM high NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG2076 (FBgn0030263). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:11090210..11092098. It has the cytological map location 10A4. Protein features are: Bax inhibitor 1-related. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no no
FBgn0051673 CG31673 0.419636756 0.029223502 0.366636695 NA GRHPR moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31673 (FBgn0051673). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:20829609..20831161. It has the cytological map location 38F1. Protein features are: D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD-binding domain; D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD-binding domain conserved site; D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, catalytic domain; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: glyoxylate reductase (NADP) activity; NAD binding; hydroxypyruvate reductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0037239 Sfxn1-3 0.419697304 0.02710275 0.349152563 NA SFXN1;SFXN3;SFXN5 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Sideroflexin 1/3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSfxn1-3 (CG11739, FBgn0037239). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:4378600..4381210. It has the cytological map location 82A5. Protein features are: Tricarboxylate/iron carrier. Its molecular function is described by: ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; ion transport. 14 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0063491 GstE9 0.419828775 0.025383881 0.335492738 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;GSTT2 moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase E9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstE9 (CG17534, FBgn0063491). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18409048..18409835. It has the cytological map location 55C8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0264776 CG44014 0.422305011 0.016780136 0.256212228 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG44014 (FBgn0264776). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:15507940..15508886. It has the cytological map location 88F7. Protein features are: Calycin. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. no no no
FBgn0261113 Xrp1 0.423516076 0.015952269 0.247287202 NA NA NA DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(AT_hook) NA NA "The gene Xrp1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelXrp1 (CG17836, FBgn0261113). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:18914968..18926989. It has the cytological map location 91D3-91D5. Its molecular function is described by: protein dimerization activity; P-element binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: double-strand break repair; negative regulation of cell proliferation; olfactory behavior; chromosome organization; cellular process. 40 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; antenna; eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable; smell perception defective; visible; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0037782 Npc2d 0.426770909 0.018228448 0.271969636 NA NPC2 moderate NA NA NA "The gene Niemann-Pick type C-2d is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNpc2d (CG12813, FBgn0037782). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10055356..10056083. It has the cytological map location 85F8. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin E-set; MD-2-related lipid-recognition domain; ML domain, Npc2 like. Its molecular function is described by: sterol binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: sterol transport; intracellular cholesterol transport. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0000416 Sap-r 0.427756146 0.014255241 0.225794357 NA PSAP;PSAPL1;SFTPB high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Saposin-related is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSap-r (CG12070, FBgn0000416). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30883464..30889062. It has the cytological map location 100A6-100A7. Protein features are: Saposin; Saposin A-type domain; Saposin B type domain; Saposin B type, region 2; Saposin-like; Saposin-like type B, region 1. Its molecular function is described by: G-protein coupled receptor binding; enzyme activator activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sphingolipid metabolic process; dsRNA transport. 18 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cytoplasm; cell; membrane-bounded organelle; intracellular membrane-bounded organelle; neuropil; intracellular part; circulatory system; antennal lobe; mitochondrion; neuron part; tracheal system; adult brain. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell size defective; increased cell death; behavior defective; increased mortality; phenotype; neurophysiology defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0035265 PIG-Wb 0.429845435 0.021499378 0.300662559 NA PIGW moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class W b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPIG-Wb (CG18173, FBgn0035265). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1735853..1738106. It has the cytological map location 62B1. Protein features are: GWT1. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups. It is involved in the biological process described with: GPI anchor biosynthetic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0053120 CG33120 0.432460391 0.04757742 0.4866026 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33120 (FBgn0053120). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:18841400..18844579. It has the cytological map location 37B1. Protein features are: O-acyltransferase WSD1, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: diacylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity; long-chain-alcohol O-fatty-acyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: triglyceride biosynthetic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0014903 CG14630 0.433667095 0.022631197 0.31266606 NA BBOX1 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14630 (FBgn0014903). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:1031496..1033165. It has the cytological map location 1E1. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF971; RNAse P, Rpr2/Rpp21 subunit; TauD/TfdA-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0032387 CG16965 0.434335596 0.017388778 0.263744216 ATHL1 PGGHG high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG16965 (FBgn0032387). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:11981591..11984380. It has the cytological map location 33B5. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase, family 65, central catalytic; Six-hairpin glycosidase-like. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0263260 sel 0.434494716 0.033086669 0.396492426 NA CNPY2;CNPY1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene seele is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsel (CG12918, FBgn0263260). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:10050862..10052167. It has the cytological map location 46D9. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF3456. Its molecular function is described by: chaperone binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of protein processing; polarity specification of dorsal/ventral axis; maternal specification of dorsal/ventral axis, oocyte, germ-line encoded; tissue development; regulation of protein secretion; enzyme linked receptor protein signaling pathway; chaperone-mediated protein folding. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: denticle belt; filzkorper; male accessory gland secondary cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during embryonic stage; decreased cell number; female sterile; viable; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage." no no no
FBgn0001291 Jra 0.435347911 0.037686633 0.429198698 NA JUN;JUND;JUNB high;high;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(bZIP) NA NA "The gene Jun-related antigen is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJra (CG2275, FBgn0001291). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:10096480..10098556. It has the cytological map location 46E4-46E5. Protein features are: Basic-leucine zipper domain; Jun-like transcription factor; Transcription factor Jun; Transcription factor JunD; Transcription factor, Skn-1-like, DNA-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: transcription coactivator activity; RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific DNA binding; RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding; protein heterodimerization activity; protein binding; transcription factor binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 28 unique terms, many of which group under: signal transduction; response to chemical; response to drug; response to cytokine; positive regulation of multicellular organismal process; response to mechanical stimulus; endocytosis; regulation of multi-organism process; response to lipopolysaccharide; MAPK cascade; response to abiotic stimulus. 31 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cell component; cell projection; circulatory system; midline crossing tract; embryonic/larval cuticle; neuron part; micropyle; neuromuscular junction; chorionic specialization; cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0036203 Muc68D 0.436273864 0.021618312 0.301864241 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Mucin 68D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMuc68D (CG6004, FBgn0036203). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:11767299..11772157. It has the cytological map location 68D4. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: extracellular matrix structural constituent; chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0034031 CG12963 0.438247841 0.019896074 0.284772295 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12963 (FBgn0034031). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 13 annotated transcripts and 13 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:15555446..15562436. It has the cytological map location 52A11-52A12. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0031580 CG15423 0.442066707 0.010789581 0.185143534 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15423 (FBgn0031580). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:4006041..4006606. It has the cytological map location 24D3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0051694 CG31694 0.447273394 0.019555304 0.282547883 NA IFRD2;IFRD1 high;high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31694 (FBgn0051694). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:2868627..2874489. It has the cytological map location 23B7-23B8. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; Interferon-related developmental regulator, C-terminal; Interferon-related developmental regulator, N-terminal. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of JAK-STAT cascade. 17 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0001218 Hsc70-3 0.447924266 0.010833878 0.185555515 NA HSPA5;HSPA1L;HSPA8;HSPA2;HSPA1A;HSPA6;HSPA1B high;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Heat shock 70-kDa protein cognate 3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHsc70-3 (CG4147, FBgn0001218). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:11801696..11807117. It has the cytological map location 10E3-10E4. Protein features are: Heat shock protein 70 family; Heat shock protein 70, conserved site; Heat shock protein 70kD, C-terminal domain; Heat shock protein 70kD, peptide-binding domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to endoplasmic reticulum stress; regulation of glucose metabolic process; sleep; RNA interference; intestinal stem cell homeostasis. 44 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: larva; ommatidium; rhabdomere R7; pupa; eye; adult antennal lobe projection neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during larval stage; increased mortality; viable; increased mortality during development; lethal - all die during P-stage; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0020236 ATPCL 0.45223248 0.016484945 0.253823754 NA ACLY high NA NA NA "The gene ATP citrate lyase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelATPCL (CG8322, FBgn0020236). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:15993531..16001290. It has the cytological map location 52D9-52D11. Protein features are: ATP-citrate lyase/succinyl-CoA ligase; ATP-citrate lyase/succinyl-CoA ligase, active site; ATP-citrate lyase/succinyl-CoA ligase, conserved site; ATP-citrate synthase; ATP-citrate synthase, citrate-binding domain; ATP-grasp fold, succinyl-CoA synthetase-type; Citrate synthase; Citrate synthase-like, large alpha subdomain; Citrate synthase-like, small alpha subdomain; CoA-binding; FAM91, C-terminal domain; FAM91, N-terminal domain; NAD(P)-binding domain; Succinyl-CoA synthetase, beta subunit, conserved site; Succinyl-CoA synthetase-like. Its molecular function is described by: cofactor binding; ATP citrate synthase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: citrate metabolic process; fatty acid biosynthetic process; acetyl-CoA biosynthetic process; regulation of glucose metabolic process. 15 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; egg chamber; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; increased cell death; some die during pupal stage; lethal; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0264983 CR44134 0.452266264 0.046253954 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44134 (FBgn0264983). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3R:4436356..4437230. It has the cytological map location 82B1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0029826 CG6041 0.452544832 0.011926315 0.199411479 NA KLK10;AZU1;CFD;PRSS55 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6041 (FBgn0029826). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:5948160..5950208. It has the cytological map location 5C10. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0265186 CG44251 0.454322004 0.014510773 0.228819873 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG44251 (FBgn0265186). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12948348..12952293. It has the cytological map location 49E4. Protein features are: DM9 repeat; Domain of unknown function DUF3421. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0037327 PEK 0.454893881 0.042522573 0.455933704 NA EIF2AK3;EIF2AK2 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene pancreatic eIF-2?? kinase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPEK (CG2087, FBgn0037327). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:5458563..5464753. It has the cytological map location 83A4. Protein features are: Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; Pyrrolo-quinoline quinone beta-propeller repeat; Quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase-like superfamily; Serine/threonine-protein kinase, active site. Its molecular function is described by: protein kinase activity; ATP binding; elongation factor-2 kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of G2/M transition of mitotic cell cycle; positive regulation of JNK cascade; positive regulation of autophagy; PERK-mediated unfolded protein response; protein phosphorylation. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: abdominal dorsal multidendritic neuron ddaC; eye disc posterior to the morphogenetic furrow; eye; adult gut; eye disc; dendrite. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of P-stage; viable; increased mortality during development; phenotype; mitotic cell cycle defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0035298 SCOT 0.456370814 0.028613897 0.360513863 NA OXCT1;OXCT2 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid CoA transferase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSCOT (CG1140, FBgn0035298). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1963143..1966805. It has the cytological map location 62B11-62B12. Protein features are: 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase, subunit A; 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase, subunit B; Coenzyme A transferase active site; Coenzyme A transferase binding site; Coenzyme A transferase family I. Its molecular function is described by: 3-oxoacid CoA-transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ketone body catabolic process. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; body color defective; visible; viable; flight defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." yes no no
FBgn0052676 stx 0.457451265 0.021265408 0.299182565 NA MIDN high NA NA NA "The gene stuxnet is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelstx (CG32676, FBgn0052676). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:10711163..10744943. It has the cytological map location 9E1-9E2. Protein features are: Ubiquitin domain; Ubiquitin-related domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: lateral inhibition; proteasomal ubiquitin-independent protein catabolic process. 49 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: antenna; tergite; chaeta; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0002932 neur 0.457512892 0.034254411 0.402687456 NA NEURL1B;NEURL1;NEURL3 high;high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene neuralized is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelneur (CG11988, FBgn0002932). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:9020348..9039471. It has the cytological map location 85C2-85C3. Protein features are: Neuralized homology repeat (NHR) domain; Zinc finger, RING-type. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; zinc ion binding; ubiquitin protein ligase activity; phosphatidylinositol phosphate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 24 unique terms, many of which group under: behavior; hemocyte differentiation; formation of anatomical boundary; protein modification process; protein localization; cellular component organization; stem cell population maintenance; cell division; appendage morphogenesis; larval lymph gland hemopoiesis; localization; positive regulation of Notch signaling pathway; asymmetric cell division; protein modification by small protein conjugation or removal; cognition; protein complex subunit organization; regulation of anatomical structure morphogenesis; ectoderm development. 115 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult labral segment; cell part; exit glial cell; external sensory organ precursor cell IIb; somatic stem cell; compartment boundary; neurosecretory neuron; embryonic/larval lymph gland; eo neuron; tormogen cell; pigment cell; crystal cell; synaptic neuropil subdomain; syncytium; embryonic/larval glial cell; ovariole; plasma membrane bounded cell projection. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0030964 Pvf1 0.458402594 0.032394878 0.392690432 NA PDGFA;PDGFB;VEGFA;PGF;VEGFC;VEGFD;VEGFB high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene PDGF- and VEGF-related factor 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPvf1 (CG7103, FBgn0030964). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:18832682..18842901. It has the cytological map location 17E1. Protein features are: Cystine-knot cytokine; PDGF/VEGF domain. Its molecular function is described by: receptor binding; growth factor receptor binding; vascular endothelial growth factor receptor binding; growth factor activity; heparin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: Malpighian tubule development; urogenital system development; tube development; embryonic organ development; negative regulation of cellular process; positive regulation of cell proliferation; cellular component biogenesis; phosphorylation; columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell differentiation; cell death; columnar/cuboidal epithelial cell development; cell projection organization; cellular protein metabolic process; single organism signaling. 27 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: female germline stem cell; ejaculatory bulb; adult external abdomen; male terminalia; embryonic dorsal epidermis; border follicle cell; embryonic anterior Malpighian tubule; intersegmental nerve. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during P-stage; increased mortality; fertile; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0023129 aay 0.459716243 0.028021149 0.356135746 NA PSPH high NA NA NA "The gene astray is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelaay (CG3705, FBgn0023129). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:9423253..9424781. It has the cytological map location 67B5. Protein features are: HAD-like domain; Phosphoserine phosphatase, domain 2. Its molecular function is described by: phosphoserine phosphatase activity; magnesium ion binding; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: behavioral response to ethanol; L-serine biosynthetic process; male courtship behavior, veined wing generated song production; peripheral nervous system development; sleep; axon guidance; L-serine metabolic process. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryo; intersegmental nerve. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0260632 dl 0.459930479 0.04959855 0.497945484 NA RELA;REL;RELB;NFKB1 high;moderate;moderate;low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(RHD|TIG) NA NA "The gene dorsal is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldl (CG6667, FBgn0260632). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:17436830..17450364. It has the cytological map location 36C8-36C9. Protein features are: Dorsal-related immunity factor Dif; IPT domain; Immunoglobulin E-set; Immunoglobulin-like fold; NF-kappa-B/Dorsal; NFkappaB IPT domain; Rel homology dimerisation domain; Rel homology domain (RHD), DNA-binding domain; Rel homology domain, conserved site; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain; p53-like transcription factor, DNA-binding. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; repressing transcription factor binding; transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific binding; transcription factor activity, RNA polymerase II distal enhancer sequence-specific binding; sequence-specific DNA binding; chromatin binding; high mobility group box 1 binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 31 unique terms, many of which group under: nervous system development; signal transduction; RNA processing; cell motility; response to cytokine; single-organism carbohydrate metabolic process; cell development; regulation of multicellular organismal process; hemocyte differentiation; reproductive process; response to organic substance; circulatory system development. 145 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: neuron part; epithelial tube; macrochaeta; ventral furrow; embryonic imaginal precursor; embryonic head; endoderm; nerve; tracheal system; compound sense organ; cell projection. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype; sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0031450 Hrs 0.46067776 0.032985659 0.39635918 NA HGS high NA NA NA "The gene Hepatocyte growth factor regulated tyrosine kinase substrate is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHrs (CG2903, FBgn0031450). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2739986..2743377. It has the cytological map location 23A3. Protein features are: ENTH/VHS; FYVE zinc finger; Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate, helical domain; Ubiquitin binding protein, Hrs/VPS27; Ubiquitin interacting motif; VHS domain; Zinc finger, FYVE-related; Zinc finger, FYVE/PHD-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding; ubiquitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 26 unique terms, many of which group under: macromolecule modification; endosomal transport; sexual reproduction; positive regulation of protein metabolic process; cytosolic transport; endocytosis; RNA metabolic process; organelle organization; regulation of biosynthetic process; regulation of peptide transport; endosome transport via multivesicular body sorting pathway; vesicle-mediated transport between endosomal compartments; regulation of phosphorus metabolic process; cellular response to organic substance. 24 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eo-type sensillum; germline cyst; larval thoracic segment; glial cell; gamete; extracellular organelle; nucleus; plasma membrane bounded cell projection; gland; mesothoracic bristle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0035941 CG13313 0.462302398 0.033700808 0.39925854 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13313 (FBgn0035941). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:8958857..8960921. It has the cytological map location 66E5. Protein features are: CUB domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no no
FBgn0030060 CG2004 0.462568874 0.023199216 0.318016634 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG2004 (FBgn0030060). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:8712472..8714924. It has the cytological map location 8A2. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0011672 Mvl 0.463117982 0.012016246 0.199819244 SLC11A2 SLC11A2;SLC11A1 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Malvolio is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMvl (CG3671, FBgn0011672). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:21051383..21060800. It has the cytological map location 93B7-93B8. Protein features are: NRAMP family. Its molecular function is described by: symporter activity; iron ion transmembrane transporter activity; manganese ion transmembrane transporter activity; copper ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transition metal ion homeostasis; transition metal ion transport; divalent metal ion transport; multicellular organismal iron ion homeostasis; positive regulation of iron ion transmembrane transport; copper ion homeostasis; sensory perception of sweet taste; viral entry into host cell; copper ion import; iron assimilation. 26 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: sensory perception defective; phenotype; increased mortality; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no yes
FBgn0051636 CG31636 0.465348236 0.021224778 0.299109119 NA TTPAL;CLVS1;RLBP1;CLVS2;TTPA moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31636 (FBgn0051636). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:6656459..6658152. It has the cytological map location 26F5. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain; Cellular retinaldehyde binding/alpha-tocopherol transport. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0037996 CG4830 0.465713559 0.035020663 0.407505064 NA ACSF3 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4830 (FBgn0037996). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12208159..12210360. It has the cytological map location 87B2. Protein features are: AMP-binding enzyme, C-terminal domain; AMP-binding, conserved site; AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sensory perception of pain; metabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0035371 AhcyL1 0.468317697 0.016554919 0.254472753 NA AHCYL1;AHCYL2;AHCY high;high;low NA NA NA "The gene Adenosylhomocysteinase like 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAhcyL1 (CG9977, FBgn0035371). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:2768466..2772325. It has the cytological map location 62F3. Protein features are: Adenosylhomocysteinase-like; NAD(P)-binding domain; S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase, NAD binding domain; S-adenosyl-L-homocysteine hydrolase, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: adenosylhomocysteinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: one-carbon metabolic process; S-adenosylmethionine cycle. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: long lived; aging defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0002641 mal 0.470363063 0.044636723 0.470581306 MOCOS MOCOS high NA NA NA "The gene maroon-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmal (CG1692, FBgn0002641). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:20429675..20433210. It has the cytological map location 19D1. Protein features are: Aminotransferase class V domain; MOSC, N-terminal beta barrel; Molybdenum cofactor sulfurase; Molybdenum cofactor sulfurase, C-terminal; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, major region, subdomain 1; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, subdomain 2; Pyruvate kinase-like, insert domain. Its molecular function is described by: Mo-molybdopterin cofactor sulfurase activity; molybdenum ion binding; pyridoxal phosphate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: Mo-molybdopterin cofactor biosynthetic process; ommochrome biosynthetic process; molybdopterin cofactor metabolic process. 42 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: pigment cell; Malpighian tubule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: male fertile; fertile; stress response defective; phenotype; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0036316 CG10960 0.470610053 0.010276276 0.178005345 NA SLC2A8;SLC2A6 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10960 (FBgn0036316). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12824880..12843106. It has the cytological map location 69E5-69E6. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like; Sugar transporter, conserved site; Sugar/inositol transporter. Its molecular function is described by: sugar:proton symporter activity; glucose transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of JAK-STAT cascade; hexose transmembrane transport; glucose import. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0004552 Akh 0.470849224 0.034808235 0.406585082 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Adipokinetic hormone is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAkh (CG1171, FBgn0004552). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:4141467..4142070. It has the cytological map location 64A7. Protein features are: Adipokinetic hormone, conserved site; Adipokinetic hormone/red pigment-concentrating hormone. Its molecular function is described by: adipokinetic hormone receptor binding; neuropeptide hormone activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid homeostasis; response to starvation; regulation of glucose metabolic process; carbohydrate homeostasis; neuropeptide signaling pathway. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult fat body; lipid particle; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: size defective; viable; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0016076 vri 0.470910749 0.021314392 0.299182565 NA NFIL3 high DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(bZIP) NA NA "The gene vrille is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelvri (CG14029, FBgn0016076). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5288944..5311223. It has the cytological map location 25D4-25D5. Protein features are: Basic-leucine zipper domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein heterodimerization activity; protein homodimerization activity; transcriptional repressor activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 13 unique terms, many of which group under: rhythmic process; behavior; epidermis development; regulation of heart contraction; rhythmic behavior; imaginal disc-derived appendage development; circadian behavior; carbohydrate metabolic process; positive regulation of heart contraction; circadian rhythm. 43 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sensory system neuron; row; adult circulatory system; filzkorper; embryonic/larval salivary gland; presumptive embryonic/larval integumentary system; embryonic/larval digestive system; egg; embryonic/larval tracheal system; developing embryonic structure. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; viable; circadian behavior defective; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of larval stage; partially lethal; cell death defective; cell size defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0032018 CG7806 0.471783485 0.023435733 0.318016634 ABCC10 ABCC10;ABCC8;ABCC9;ABCC4;ABCC6;ABCC2;ABCC3;ABCC1;ABCC12;ABCC11;ABCC5 high;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7806 (FBgn0032018). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8311399..8317011. It has the cytological map location 29A3-29A4. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter type 1, transmembrane domain; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no yes
FBgn0052407 CG32407 0.471829938 0.015812838 0.246172859 NA MOSPD2 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32407 (FBgn0052407). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:5922055..5923567. It has the cytological map location 64F5. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0030529 Clic 0.478663623 0.006623164 0.127471553 NA CLIC5;CLIC2;CLIC4;CLIC3;CLIC1;CLIC6 high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Chloride intracellular channel is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelClic (CG10997, FBgn0030529). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13812971..13822307. It has the cytological map location 12C5-12C6. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: lipid binding; calcium ion binding; chloride channel activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: chloride transport; response to alcohol; negative gravitaxis. 25 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; fertile; visible; viable; partially lethal - majority die; gravitaxis defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no yes yes
FBgn0035495 CG14989 0.480303564 0.015086083 0.23666778 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14989 (FBgn0035495). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4087581..4092706. It has the cytological map location 64A5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0038037 Cyp9f2 0.485761461 0.005096831 0.103360573 NA CYP3A4;TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Cyp9f2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp9f2 (CG11466, FBgn0038037). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12403340..12406028. It has the cytological map location 87B9. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc development; oxidation-reduction process. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing margin. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0027561 CG18659 0.488452509 0.031370841 0.38564209 NA DENND1B;DENND1C;DENND1A high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18659 (FBgn0027561). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (6 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9123304..9132030. It has the cytological map location 45A9-45A10. Protein features are: DENN domain; dDENN domain; uDENN domain. Its molecular function is described by: Rab guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: endocytosis; regulation of Rab protein signal transduction. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0040212 Dhap-at 0.489313372 0.018780041 0.276589778 NA GNPAT high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelDhap-at (CG4625, FBgn0040212). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25485618..25490936. It has the cytological map location 96E2. Protein features are: Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase; Glycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase/Dihydroxyacetone phosphate acyltransferase; Phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: glycerone-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ether lipid biosynthetic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0030318 rho-4 0.489557782 0.012431762 0.204498005 NA RHBDL2;RHBDL3;RHBDL1 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene rhomboid-4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelrho-4 (CG1697, FBgn0030318). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:11599838..11606288. It has the cytological map location 10C10. Protein features are: EF-Hand 1, calcium-binding site; EF-hand domain; EF-hand domain pair; Peptidase S54, rhomboid; Peptidase S54, rhomboid domain; Peptidase S54, rhomboid, metazoan. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type peptidase activity; serine-type endopeptidase activity; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein processing; proteolysis. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; wing vein. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; locomotor behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0051363 Jupiter 0.490452291 0.032520252 0.393426219 NA HN1L;HN1 high;high NA NA NA "The gene Jupiter is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJupiter (CG31363, FBgn0051363). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:11590386..11619906. It has the cytological map location 86E11-86E13. Protein features are: Microtubule-associated protein Jupiter. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of cytoskeleton; microtubule binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of microtubule polymerization. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; lethal - all die during P-stage; fertile; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0040959 Peritrophin-15a 0.491144061 0.01067295 0.183486472 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Peritrophin-15a is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPeritrophin-15a (CG17814, FBgn0040959). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8395665..8396096. It has the cytological map location 29C1. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0040069 vanin-like 0.492814339 0.009270874 0.164643517 NA BTD;VNN2;VNN1;VNN3 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene vanin-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelvanin-like (CG32754, FBgn0040069). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:6200188..6202559. It has the cytological map location 5E1. Protein features are: Biotinidase-like, eukaryotic; Carbon-nitrogen hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds; hydrolase activity; hydrolase activity, acting on carbon-nitrogen (but not peptide) bonds, in linear amides. It is involved in the biological process described with: nitrogen compound metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0032074 Tsp29Fa 0.49383832 0.004302084 0.091504323 CD63 CD63 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Tetraspanin 29Fa is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTsp29Fa (CG9494, FBgn0032074). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8933962..8936096. It has the cytological map location 29F4. Protein features are: Tetraspanin; Tetraspanin, EC2 domain; Tetraspanin, conserved site; Tetraspanin/Peripherin. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: cell surface receptor signaling pathway. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0035995 CG3529 0.49500221 0.012316745 0.203008699 TOM1L2 TOM1L2;TOM1;TOM1L1;GGA3;GGA2;GGA1 high;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3529 (FBgn0035995). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:9446864..9450785. It has the cytological map location 67B7. Protein features are: ENTH/VHS; GAT domain; Target of Myb protein 1; Target of Myb1-like 2; VHS domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: intracellular protein transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0053109 CG33109 0.495066692 0.044492208 0.469891153 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33109 (FBgn0053109). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:14220560..14221584. It has the cytological map location 88A12. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages. no no no
FBgn0004574 Rop 0.495738548 0.00733433 0.136341015 NA STXBP1;STXBP2;STXBP3 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ras opposite is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRop (CG15811, FBgn0004574). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:4136359..4138996. It has the cytological map location 64A7. Protein features are: Sec1-like protein. Its molecular function is described by: SNARE binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 13 unique terms, many of which group under: transport; developmental maturation; positive regulation of neurogenesis; response to stimulus; cytokinesis; response to abiotic stimulus; signal release; exocytosis; regulation of reproductive process; response to light stimulus. 25 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: central nervous system; oocyte; class IV dendritic arborizing neuron; embryonic/first instar larval cuticle; egg; tracheal branch primordium; class I dendritic arborizing neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0024352 Stip1 0.499709495 0.011497589 0.194735089 NA STIP1 high NA NA NA "The gene Stress induced phosphoprotein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelStip1 (CG2720, FBgn0024352). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:295122..297449. It has the cytological map location 21B8. Protein features are: Heat shock chaperonin-binding; Tetratricopeptide repeat; Tetratricopeptide repeat 1; Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing domain; Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: wild-type; lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0036106 CG6409 0.499734329 0.025899459 0.339851433 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6409 (FBgn0036106). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:10880699..10882386. It has the cytological map location 67F1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0037387 CG1213 0.500232389 0.016208839 0.249993328 NA SLC2A8;SLC2A6;SLC2A12 moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1213 (FBgn0037387). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:5841170..5846568. It has the cytological map location 83C5. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like; Sugar transporter, conserved site; Sugar/inositol transporter. Its molecular function is described by: sugar:proton symporter activity; glucose transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucose import; hexose transmembrane transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0263336 CR43417 0.500467454 0.049323932 0.497272228 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR43417 (FBgn0263336). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 2R:16817519..16819240. It has the cytological map location 53D10-53D11. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0036279 Ncc69 0.50076498 0.031762113 0.387845505 NA SLC12A2;SLC12A1;SLC12A3 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene sodium chloride cotransporter 69 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNcc69 (CG4357, FBgn0036279). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12368646..12391444. It has the cytological map location 69B3. Protein features are: Amino acid permease/ SLC12A domain; Na/K/Cl co-transporter; SLC12A transporter family; SLC12A transporter, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: sodium:potassium:chloride symporter activity; amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: chloride transport; amino acid transmembrane transport; potassium ion transport. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: abdominal nerve; neuropil; reticular neuropil associated glial cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; paralytic; viable; neuroanatomy defective; locomotor behavior defective; bang sensitive. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0038916 dnd 0.506281625 0.036785773 0.421607368 ARL3 ARL3 high NA NA NA "The gene dead end is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldnd (CG6560, FBgn0038916). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21885676..21887355. It has the cytological map location 93F14. Protein features are: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Small GTP-binding protein domain; Small GTPase superfamily, ARF type; Small GTPase superfamily, ARF/SAR type. Its molecular function is described by: GTP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cilium assembly; branch fusion, open tracheal system; small GTPase mediated signal transduction. 19 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: dorsal trunk primordium; dorsal branch primordium; terminal tracheal cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; cell shape defective; wild-type. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0046302 CG10650 0.506931777 0.003776185 0.083221653 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10650 (FBgn0046302). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18993360..18995934. It has the cytological map location 37B8. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF753. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0044030 mRpS14 0.512113606 0.024130505 0.324555297 NA MRPS14 high NA NA NA "The gene mitochondrial ribosomal protein S14 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelmRpS14 (CG32531, FBgn0044030). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:19479382..19480238. It has the cytological map location 18C7. Protein features are: Ribosomal protein S14. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of ribosome. It is involved in the biological process described with: translation; mitochondrial translation. One allele is reported. The phenotype of this allele manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of allele include: pain response defective; viable; visible; lethal - all die during larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0260866 dnr1 0.517998556 0.00848431 0.153611013 NA MYLIP high NA NA NA "The gene defense repressor 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldnr1 (CG12489, FBgn0260866). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:22563152..22592964. It has the cytological map location 58E9-58F1. Protein features are: Band 4.1 domain; FERM central domain; FERM domain; FERM, C-terminal PH-like domain; FERM, N-terminal; FERM/acyl-CoA-binding protein, 3-helical bundle; PH domain-like; Ubiquitin-related domain; Zinc finger, RING-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; ubiquitin-protein transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sleep; negative regulation of biosynthetic process of antibacterial peptides active against Gram-negative bacteria; protein ubiquitination; protein ubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process. 24 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: adult brain. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; gravitaxis defective; short lived; viable; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0032633 Lrch 0.518175488 0.037913746 0.429198698 NA LRCH3;LRCH2;LRCH1;LRCH4 high;high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Leucine-rich-repeats and calponin homology domain protein is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLrch (CG6860, FBgn0032633). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:17367511..17384115. It has the cytological map location 36C7. Protein features are: Calponin homology domain; Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain; Leucine-rich repeat; Leucine-rich repeat domain, L domain-like; Leucine-rich repeat, typical subtype. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: signal transduction. 20 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0010397 LamC 0.518539841 0.018310987 0.272312667 NA LMNA;LMNB1;LMNB2;LMNTD1;MIR7108 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Lamin C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLamC (CG10119, FBgn0010397). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:14570810..14575771. It has the cytological map location 51B1. Protein features are: Intermediate filament protein; Lamin Tail Domain. Its molecular function is described by: structural molecule activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: male meiosis cytokinesis; chromatin silencing; muscle tissue morphogenesis; nuclear pore distribution; regulation of actin filament polymerization; tendon development; chromatin organization. 57 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: nuclear membrane; dorsal medial muscle; sense organ; digestive system; sclerite; anterior-posterior compartment boundary of imaginal disc; nuclear periphery; ventral thoracic disc; A1-7 ventral longitudinal muscle 4; NMJ bouton; salivary gland; membrane-enclosed lumen; tendon cell; macromolecular complex; A band; mitochondrial membrane. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; some die during prepupal stage; increased mortality; some die during pupal stage; melanotic mass phenotype; size defective; behavior defective; partially lethal - majority die; suppressor of variegation; increased cell death. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0003328 scb 0.520384019 0.004008938 0.087507746 NA ITGA4;ITGAL;ITGAE;ITGAM;ITGA2;ITGAD;ITGA11;ITGA10;ITGA1;ITGAX;ITGA9 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene scab is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelscb (CG8095, FBgn0003328). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:15248784..15258498. It has the cytological map location 51E10-51E11. Protein features are: Integrin alpha beta-propellor; Integrin alpha chain; Integrin alpha chain, C-terminal cytoplasmic region, conserved site; Integrin alpha-2; Integrin domain. Its molecular function is described by: receptor activity; cell adhesion molecule binding; protein heterodimerization activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 26 unique terms, many of which group under: biological adhesion; cell adhesion; tissue morphogenesis; cognition; cell-substrate adhesion; single-organism transport; cell-cell adhesion; neurological system process; pericardium morphogenesis; multi-organism reproductive process; exocrine system development; response to oxygen-containing compound; negative regulation of multicellular organismal process; regulation of localization; neuron projection development. 41 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: synapse; fascicle; embryonic dorsal epidermis; gland; pericardial cell; cell leading edge; peripheral nervous system; stage 7 embryo; polymeric cytoskeletal fiber; hemocoel. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; viable; increased mortality during development; memory defective; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0034664 CG4377 0.521045912 0.005219263 0.105376121 NA LYNX1;LY6D low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4377 (FBgn0034664). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:21835448..21836357. It has the cytological map location 58A2. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF753. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. yes no no
FBgn0052641 CG32641 0.522194888 0.019759547 0.283706152 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32641 (FBgn0052641). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:13184478..13184996. It has the cytological map location 11E3. Protein features are: DnaJ domain; DnaJ domain, conserved site. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0035603 Pfdn4 0.523044803 0.04528205 0.472253389 NA PFDN4 high NA NA NA "The gene Prefoldin 4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPfdn4 (CG10635, FBgn0035603). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:5367341..5368008. It has the cytological map location 64C13-64C14. Protein features are: Prefoldin beta-like; Prefoldin, subunit 4. Its molecular function is described by: chaperone binding; unfolded protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein folding. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: type II neuroblast; type I neuroblast; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable; body color defective; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0033402 Myd88 0.523512049 0.013133618 0.212226276 NA MYD88 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Myd88 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMyd88 (CG2078, FBgn0033402). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9302823..9308722. It has the cytological map location 45C5. Protein features are: Death-like domain; Toll/interleukin-1 receptor homology (TIR) domain. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate binding; Toll binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: dorsal/ventral pattern formation; positive regulation of antifungal peptide production; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; antifungal peptide production; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; innate immune response; response to fungus; immune response; defense response to fungus; Toll signaling pathway. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: filzkorper; denticle belt; embryonic epidermis. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: immune response defective; female fertile; phenotype; increased mortality; female sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0051810 CG31810 0.523892689 0.005868318 0.115506862 NA HSDL1;HSD17B12;HSD17B3 high;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31810 (FBgn0051810). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:16849018..16852368. It has the cytological map location 36B2. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0058160 CG40160 0.524463863 0.011757629 0.197675146 NA KLK1;KLKB1;KLK3;F11;KLK11;KLK2;TPSAB1;F9 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG40160 (FBgn0058160). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:26215815..26229433. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0027581 CG6191 0.525128742 0.01946346 0.281665837 NA CABLES1;CABLES2 high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6191 (FBgn0027581). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:13580313..13593339. It has the cytological map location 50B3-50B4. Protein features are: CDK5 and ABL1 enzyme substrate 1/2; Cyclin, N-terminal; Cyclin-like; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: phagocytosis; regulation of imaginal disc-derived wing size; regulation of cell cycle. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: size defective; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0015222 Fer1HCH 0.52532796 0.002251521 0.055655153 NA FTH1;FTHL17;FTMT moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ferritin 1 heavy chain homologue is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelFer1HCH (CG2216, FBgn0015222). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30385573..30388178. It has the cytological map location 99F2. Protein features are: Ferritin; Ferritin-like diiron domain; Ferritin-like superfamily; Ferritin-related; Ferritin/DPS protein domain. Its molecular function is described by: iron ion binding; ferrous iron binding; ferric iron binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: post-embryonic development; sleep; response to fungus; iron ion import across plasma membrane; detoxification of iron ion; cellular iron ion homeostasis; cell proliferation; intracellular sequestering of iron ion. 49 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: somatic cell; organ system; central nervous system; cell part; adult integumentary system; larva; cell cluster organ; germline cell; thoracic segment; developing material anatomical entity; brain; germarium; trichogen cell; plasma membrane bounded cell projection; multicellular structure; germ band. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; developmental rate defective; increased mortality during development; viable; lethal - all die during P-stage; phenotype; some die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Very high expression at all stages of development." no no no
FBgn0015591 AstA 0.527317412 0.027232073 0.349319135 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Allatostatin A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAstA (CG13633, FBgn0015591). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:24760530..24765071. It has the cytological map location 96A20. Protein features are: Allatostatin. Its molecular function is described by: hormone activity; receptor binding; neuropeptide receptor binding; neuropeptide hormone activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuropeptide signaling pathway; negative regulation of juvenile hormone biosynthetic process. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; feeding behavior defective; long lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0025692 Lfg 0.528798136 0.003361762 0.075917707 NA GRINA;TMBIM4;TMBIM1;FAIM2 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Lifeguard is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLfg (CG3814, FBgn0025692). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12875164..12876966. It has the cytological map location 49D6. Protein features are: Bax inhibitor 1-related. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; visible; viable; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0263235 Phae2 0.528935391 0.002390394 0.057990824 NA PRSS36;PRSS53;PRSS57;PRSS33 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Phaedra 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPhae2 (CG16997, FBgn0263235). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:12111110..12112256. It has the cytological map location 33C4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable." no no no
FBgn0263445 CR43468 0.53048609 0.03411336 0.402687456 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR43468 (FBgn0263445). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2R:12875164..12877280. It has the cytological map location 49D6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0031516 CG9663 0.532002907 0.009805028 0.171466122 NA ABCG1;ABCG4 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9663 (FBgn0031516). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:3294926..3303130. It has the cytological map location 23E1-23E3. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; ABC-2 type transporter; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; cholesterol transporter activity; sterol-transporting ATPase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0026756 Ugt37a1 0.533513428 0.040100229 0.440407068 NA UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT1A1;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT3A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT2B7 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene UDP-glycosyltransferase 37a1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUgt37a1 (CG11012, FBgn0026756). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:20372409..20374083. It has the cytological map location 38C5. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity; UDP-glycosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: UDP-glucose metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0001128 Gpdh 0.535511789 0.002567912 0.061805588 GPD1 GPD1;GPD1L high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glycerol 3 phosphate dehydrogenase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGpdh (CG9042, FBgn0001128). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5943643..5948968. It has the cytological map location 26A3. Protein features are: 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase C-terminal domain-like; 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, domain 2; Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent; Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent, C-terminal; Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent, N-terminal; Glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, NAD-dependent, eukaryotic; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein homodimerization activity; glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase [NAD+] activity; NAD binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process; glycerol-3-phosphate catabolic process; response to hyperoxia; oxidation-reduction process; flight behavior; triglyceride metabolic process; ethanol metabolic process. 147 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval hemocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; stress response defective; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0051004 mesh 0.536705265 0.001992641 0.050205759 NA SUSD2 high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene mesh is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmesh (CG31004, FBgn0051004). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:31178389..31195762. It has the cytological map location 100B5. Protein features are: AMOP domain; Immunoglobulin E-set; Immunoglobulin-like fold; NIDO domain; Sushi/SCR/CCP domain; von Willebrand factor, type D domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cell-matrix adhesion; smooth septate junction assembly. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: smooth septate junction; embryonic/larval midgut. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; short lived; some die during first instar larval stage; viable; lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0028920 CG8997 0.541877771 0.001991665 0.050205759 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8997 (FBgn0028920). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:13843915..13845325. It has the cytological map location 34D7. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0038482 CG4053 0.544218651 0.004449008 0.093757197 NA KLK14;KLK6 low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG4053 (FBgn0038482). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:17131211..17132198. It has the cytological map location 89F1. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: No temporal expression data available due to processing error. This will be corrected the next time these data and summaries are processed." no no no
FBgn0001941 ifc 0.545208542 0.001958957 0.049768401 DEGS2 DEGS2;DEGS1 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene infertile crescent is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelifc (CG9078, FBgn0001941). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5986348..5988854. It has the cytological map location 26B2. Protein features are: Fatty acid desaturase domain; Sphingolipid delta4-desaturase; Sphingolipid delta4-desaturase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: sphingolipid delta-4 desaturase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: spindle assembly involved in male meiosis; spermatogenesis; ceramide biosynthetic process; phototransduction; photoreceptor cell maintenance. 33 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: intracellular organelle; microtubule cytoskeleton; organelle; adult adipose system; meiotic cell cycle; intracellular; cell cycle; multi-tissue structure; reproduction; male germline cyst. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell cycle defective; increased mortality; starvation stress response defective; phenotype; male sterile; increased mortality during development; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032264 Lip4 0.54528541 0.030841738 0.381187207 LIPM LIPM;LIPK;LIPF;LIPA;LIPJ;LIPN high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Lipase 4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLip4 (CG6113, FBgn0032264). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:10527572..10531778. It has the cytological map location 31F5. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Alpha/beta hydrolase fold-1; Lipase, eukaryotic. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: ovariole. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; flightless. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0024187 syd 0.547711567 0.019131108 0.279509761 NA SPAG9;MAPK8IP3 high;high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene sunday driver is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsyd (CG8110, FBgn0024187). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 11 annotated transcripts and 11 polypeptides (10 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7916650..7936120. It has the cytological map location 66A20. Protein features are: JNK-interacting protein, leucine zipper II; JNK/Rab-associated protein-1, N-terminal; Quinoprotein amine dehydrogenase, beta chain-like; RH1 domain; RH2 domain; Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: MAP-kinase scaffold activity; JUN kinase binding; receptor signaling complex scaffold activity; kinesin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: vesicle-mediated transport; axo-dendritic transport; regulation of JNK cascade; activation of JUN kinase activity. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: abdominal segmental nerve; larva; NMJ bouton; synaptic vesicle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; viable; lethal - all die before end of larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0013995 Calx 0.548956541 0.010519784 0.181878906 NA SLC8A3;SLC8A1;SLC8A2 high;high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Na/Ca-exchange protein is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCalx (CG5685, FBgn0013995). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (7 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:20978183..21015613. It has the cytological map location 93A4-93B3. Protein features are: Na-Ca exchanger/integrin-beta4; Sodium/calcium exchanger domain, C-terminal extension; Sodium/calcium exchanger membrane region; Sodium/calcium exchanger protein. Its molecular function is described by: calcium:sodium antiporter activity; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; neuromuscular process controlling posture; calcium ion transport; phototransduction; response to endoplasmic reticulum stress. 23 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: rhabdomere; eye photoreceptor cell; eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: uncoordinated; neuroanatomy defective; viable; neurophysiology defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0035280 Cpr62Bb 0.551000046 0.040743387 0.44520791 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cuticular protein 62Bb is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCpr62Bb (CG13935, FBgn0035280). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1832636..1835164. It has the cytological map location 62B6. Protein features are: Chitin-binding type R&R consensus; Insect cuticle protein. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of chitin-based larval cuticle; structural constituent of cuticle. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin-based cuticle development. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0261611 CG42700 0.552938892 0.023265528 0.318016634 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42700 (FBgn0261611). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 8 annotated transcripts and 8 polypeptides (6 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12279771..12300795. It has the cytological map location 48F6. Protein features are: WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0032997 CG17486 0.554566844 0.011906063 0.199411479 NA ASNSD1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17486 (FBgn0032997). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:4619030..4620833. It has the cytological map location 41B1. Protein features are: Asparagine synthase; Glutamine amidotransferase type 2 domain; Nucleophile aminohydrolases, N-terminal; Rossmann-like alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold. Its molecular function is described by: asparagine synthase (glutamine-hydrolyzing) activity; protein homodimerization activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: asparagine biosynthetic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0030858 IntS2 0.554597188 0.025683791 0.337991293 INTS2 INTS2 high NA NA NA "The gene Integrator 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIntS2 (CG8211, FBgn0030858). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:17652761..17656818. It has the cytological map location 16B10. Protein features are: Integrator complex subunit 2; Integrator complex subunit 2, metazoa. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: snRNA processing; snRNA 3'-end processing. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; neuroanatomy defective; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0042712 HBS1 0.55552925 0.014106484 0.224378955 NA HBS1L high NA NA NA "The gene HBS1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHBS1 (CG1898, FBgn0042712). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1862881..1865240. It has the cytological map location 62B7. Protein features are: HBS1-like protein, N-terminal; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Transcription factor, GTP-binding domain; Translation elongation factor EF1A/initiation factor IF2gamma, C-terminal; Translation elongation factor EFTu-like, domain 2; Translation elongation factor EFTu/EF1A, C-terminal; Translation protein, beta-barrel domain. Its molecular function is described by: GTPase activity; protein binding; GTP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of innate immune response; translation; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; posttranscriptional gene silencing. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die; visible; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0039544 CG12877 0.556626231 0.040310038 0.442057085 NA REXO1;REXO1L1P;LOC81691 high;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12877 (FBgn0039544). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27707100..27710857. It has the cytological map location 98B2. Protein features are: Elongin A binding-protein 1; Exonuclease, RNase T/DNA polymerase III; RNA exonuclease 1-like, exonuclease domain; Ribonuclease H-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0033236 CG14764 0.558042385 0.009000918 0.160785921 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14764 (FBgn0033236). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7942043..7955882. It has the cytological map location 43F4-43F7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0053116 CG33116 0.558044675 0.00669106 0.127758743 NA SELENOI;CEPT1 high;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33116 (FBgn0053116). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:19533479..19537363. It has the cytological map location 37F1. Protein features are: CDP-alcohol phosphatidyltransferase; Choline/ethanolamine phosphotransferase. Its molecular function is described by: phosphotransferase activity, for other substituted phosphate groups. It is involved in the biological process described with: phospholipid biosynthetic process. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0027932 Akap200 0.559214758 0.003263013 0.074237615 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene A kinase anchor protein 200 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAkap200 (CG13388, FBgn0027932). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8415690..8431297. It has the cytological map location 29C3-29C4. Its molecular function is described by: protein kinase A binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: behavioral response to ethanol; negative regulation of Ras protein signal transduction; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death; regulation of establishment of planar polarity; autophagic cell death. 42 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: antenna; wing; wing vein; outer nurse cell ring canal rim; inner nurse cell ring canal rim. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; increased mortality; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0003943 Ubi-p63E 0.559951303 0.002370097 0.05765135 UBC UBC;UBB;UBD;ISG15 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ubiquitin-63E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUbi-p63E (CG11624, FBgn0003943). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:3899259..3903184. It has the cytological map location 63F5. Protein features are: Ubiquitin; Ubiquitin conserved site; Ubiquitin domain; Ubiquitin-related domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein tag. It is involved in the biological process described with: phagocytosis; larval midgut cell programmed cell death; protein ubiquitination; autophagy. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: testis; spermatocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; meiotic cell cycle defective; viable; male sterile; female fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0030607 dob 0.563045949 0.041262694 0.447921544 NA PNPLA2;PNPLA3;PNPLA5;PNPLA1;PNPLA4 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene doppelganger von brummer is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldob (CG5560, FBgn0030607). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:15067007..15069091. It has the cytological map location 13A8. Protein features are: Acyl transferase/acyl hydrolase/lysophospholipase; Patatin-like phospholipase domain; Patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein. Its molecular function is described by: triglyceride lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid homeostasis; triglyceride catabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; embryonic/larval hemocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; fertile; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0034354 GstE11 0.563644009 0.018441577 0.273365745 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase E11 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstE11 (CG5224, FBgn0034354). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:18503608..18505025. It has the cytological map location 55D1. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; lethal; fertile; flightless; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0037506 Mics1 0.563927381 0.041155963 0.447921544 NA GHITM moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Mitochondrial morphology and cristae structure 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMics1 (CG1287, FBgn0037506). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:7500951..7502376. It has the cytological map location 84D9. Protein features are: Bax inhibitor 1-related. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body size defective; developmental rate defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033945 CG12868 0.564514703 0.006680542 0.127758743 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12868 (FBgn0033945). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14604549..14605297. It has the cytological map location 51B6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0085205 CG34176 0.564949112 0.002600779 0.062268906 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34176 (FBgn0085205). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:4004080..4004480. It has the cytological map location 24D3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0031561 IM33 0.567921901 0.033390881 0.398165576 NA TFPI2;WFIKKN1;EPPIN-WFDC6 high;high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Immune induced molecule 33 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelIM33 (CG16712, FBgn0031561). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3696218..3696658. It has the cytological map location 24B3. Protein features are: Pancreatic trypsin inhibitor Kunitz domain; Proteinase inhibitor I2, Kunitz, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase inhibitor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to bacterium. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0261393 alpha-Est5 0.569313386 0.002893012 0.067498691 NA CES4A;CES2;NLGN2;CES5A;CES1;CEL;NLGN4X;NLGN1;NLGN3;NLGN4Y;CES3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??-Esterase-5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??-Est5 (CG1089, FBgn0261393). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:7533496..7536390. It has the cytological map location 84D4-84D5. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 22 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: electrophoretic variant; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0034160 CG5550 0.569884622 0.005115895 0.103517647 FCN1 FCN3;FCN2;FCN1;TNR;TNXB;TNC;ANGPTL4;FGB;TNN;ANGPTL7;FGL1;FIBCD1;MFAP4;ANGPTL5;ANGPTL3;ANGPTL1;FGG;ANGPTL2;ANGPT4;ANGPTL6;FGA;ANGPT1;ANGPT2;FGL2 high;high;high;high;low;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;moderate;low;low;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5550 (FBgn0034160). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:16816589..16817577. It has the cytological map location 53D10. Protein features are: Fibrinogen, alpha/beta/gamma chain, C-terminal globular domain; Fibrinogen, alpha/beta/gamma chain, C-terminal globular, subdomain 1; Fibrinogen, alpha/beta/gamma chain, C-terminal globular, subdomain 2; Fibrinogen, conserved site. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0031456 Tnpo-SR 0.570626926 0.039885717 0.440041935 NA TNPO3 high Maybe TF transmembrane protein NA "The gene Transportin-Serine/Arginine rich is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTnpo-SR (CG2848, FBgn0031456). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2759924..2763889. It has the cytological map location 23A3-23A5. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; Exportin-1/Importin-beta-like; Importin-beta, N-terminal domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; protein transporter activity; Ran GTPase binding; nuclear localization sequence binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein import into nucleus; regulation of mRNA splicing, via spliceosome; splicing factor protein import into nucleus. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0031381 Npc2a 0.571931876 0.011332419 0.192651123 NA NPC2;MIR4709 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Niemann-Pick type C-2a is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNpc2a (CG7291, FBgn0031381). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:1988290..1988940. It has the cytological map location 22B8. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin E-set; MD-2-related lipid-recognition domain; ML domain, Npc2 like. Its molecular function is described by: sterol binding; lipid antigen binding; lipoteichoic acid binding; peptidoglycan binding; lipopolysaccharide binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: peptidoglycan recognition protein signaling pathway; sterol transport; ecdysteroid biosynthetic process; intracellular cholesterol transport; sterol homeostasis; synaptic target recognition. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: Malpighian tubule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0041184 Socs36E 0.572491744 0.006853894 0.129515931 NA SOCS4;SOCS5 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Suppressor of cytokine signaling at 36E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSocs36E (CG15154, FBgn0041184). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18138675..18152417. It has the cytological map location 36E6. Protein features are: SH2 domain; SOCS box domain; Suppressor of cytokine signalling 5. Its molecular function is described by: cytokine receptor binding; protein kinase inhibitor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 18 unique terms, many of which group under: dedifferentiation; notum morphogenesis; behavior; regulation of ERBB signaling pathway; stem cell population maintenance; sexual reproduction; pigmentation; ameboidal-type cell migration; regulation of cell fate commitment; neurological system process; negative regulation of protein kinase activity. 28 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sensory system; epithelial cell; somatic cell of testis; male reproductive system; crossvein; sensory neuron; pigment cell; developing material anatomical entity; male organism; stem cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; increased mortality during development; phenotype; memory defective; increased mortality; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no yes yes
FBgn0023535 arg 0.573070559 0.040047783 0.440407068 NA ARG1;ARG2 high;high NA NA NA "The gene arginase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelarg (CG18104, FBgn0023535). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:509435..528028. It has the cytological map location 1B7-1B8. Protein features are: Arginase; Ureohydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: arginase activity; metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: arginine catabolic process to ornithine. 42 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; fertile; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0036847 CNPYb 0.573448926 0.026558878 0.345529873 NA CNPY4;CNPY3 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Canopy b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCNPYb (CG11577, FBgn0036847). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:19094890..19096217. It has the cytological map location 75F7. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF3456. Its molecular function is described by: chaperone binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chaperone-mediated protein folding. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032048 Dh31 0.573776984 0.031880139 0.388767663 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Diuretic hormone 31 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelDh31 (CG13094, FBgn0032048). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8491868..8506845. It has the cytological map location 29D1-29D3. Protein features are: Peptide hormone DH31-like. Its molecular function is described by: diuretic hormone activity; G-protein coupled receptor binding; neuropeptide hormone activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway; positive regulation of adenylate cyclase activity involved in G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway; body fluid secretion; positive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, wakefulness; neuropeptide signaling pathway. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: circadian rhythm defective; fertile; viable; temperature response defective; sleep defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0034275 CG5002 0.575883097 0.003901195 0.085359649 NA SLC26A11;SLC26A6;SLC26A5;SLC26A4;SLC26A3;SLC26A9;SLC26A1;SLC26A2;SLC26A8 high;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5002 (FBgn0034275). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:17750293..17753214. It has the cytological map location 54E8. Protein features are: SLC26A/SulP transporter; SLC26A/SulP transporter domain; STAS domain. Its molecular function is described by: secondary active sulfate transmembrane transporter activity; sulfate transmembrane transporter activity; chloride channel activity; oxalate transmembrane transporter activity; bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity; anion:anion antiporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of membrane potential; sulfate transport; chloride transmembrane transport; bicarbonate transport; regulation of intracellular pH. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0036038 defl 0.57817367 0.031467332 0.386309023 INTS7 INTS7 high NA NA NA "The gene deflated is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldefl (CG18176, FBgn0036038). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:9723423..9726706. It has the cytological map location 67C5. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; Integrator complex subunit 7. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: snRNA 3'-end processing; snRNA processing. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: chorion; dorsal appendage; humeral bristle; mesothoracic tergum; adult abdomen; wing; wing vein L5; anterior crossvein; tergite; genitalia. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: female fertile; viable; visible; some die during second instar larval stage; lethal - all die before end of second instar larval stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0033787 CG13321 0.578428155 0.001023274 0.030287588 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13321 (FBgn0033787). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12953112..12955712. It has the cytological map location 49E4. Protein features are: DM9 repeat; Domain of unknown function DUF3421. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0028533 CG7953 0.579030684 0.001111956 0.03208185 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7953 (FBgn0028533). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:13847925..13849223. It has the cytological map location 34D7-34D8. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0040309 Jafrac1 0.579852039 0.001341463 0.036872612 NA PRDX1;PRDX2;PRDX3;PRDX4 high;high;low;low NA NA NA "The gene thioredoxin peroxidase 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJafrac1 (CG1633, FBgn0040309). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:13329824..13331994. It has the cytological map location 11E11. Protein features are: Alkyl hydroperoxide reductase subunit C/ Thiol specific antioxidant; Peroxiredoxin, AhpC-type; Peroxiredoxin, C-terminal; Thioredoxin domain; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: thioredoxin peroxidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 11 unique terms, many of which group under: response to stress; metabolic process; response to stimulus; localization; response to extracellular stimulus; biological adhesion; aging; cellular catabolic process; cell adhesion; response to oxidative stress; single-organism metabolic process; response to external stimulus; cellular response to DNA damage stimulus; primary metabolic process. 22 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: germline cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: stress response defective; cell adhesion defective; phenotype; chemosensitive behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes no no
FBgn0000256 capu 0.58197411 0.013269905 0.213673502 NA FMN2;FMN1 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene cappuccino is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelcapu (CG3399, FBgn0000256). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3872646..3902860. It has the cytological map location 24C8-24C9. Protein features are: Formin homology family, Cappuccino subfamily; Formin, FH2 domain. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding; microtubule binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: actin nucleation; pole plasm assembly; pole plasm oskar mRNA localization; oogenesis; pole plasm RNA localization; actin filament organization; actin filament-based process; chorion-containing eggshell formation. 47 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic segment; supramolecular polymer; oocyte nucleus; intracellular part; acellular anatomical structure; intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle; blastoderm embryo; external encapsulating structure; cell periphery; embryonic abdominal segment; pole plasm; dorsal appendage; nurse cell ring canal. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: sterile; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0030600 hiw 0.583432669 0.007846336 0.142953363 NA MYCBP2 high NA NA NA "The gene highwire is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelhiw (CG32592, FBgn0030600). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:15010137..15063429. It has the cytological map location 13A5-13A8. Protein features are: APC10/DOC domain; Filamin/ABP280 repeat-like; Galactose-binding domain-like; Immunoglobulin E-set; Immunoglobulin-like fold; PHR; Regulator of chromosome condensation 1/beta-lactamase-inhibitor protein II; Regulator of chromosome condensation, RCC1; Zinc finger, RING-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: ubiquitin-protein transferase activity; protein binding; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: single-organism behavior; cellular catabolic process; sensory perception; adult locomotory behavior; locomotion; response to wounding; negative regulation of metabolic process; autophagy; detection of abiotic stimulus; walking behavior. 78 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: synapse; cell; neuron projection; synapse; nerve; neuromuscular junction; axon part; endomembrane system; giant fiber neuron; synapse part. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: stress response defective; phenotype; neurophysiology defective; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0032889 CG9331 0.583983136 0.001080719 0.031680318 NA GRHPR moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9331 (FBgn0032889). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 12 annotated transcripts and 12 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:20822828..20827744. It has the cytological map location 38F1. Protein features are: D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD-binding domain; D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD-binding domain conserved site; D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, catalytic domain; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: glyoxylate reductase (NADP) activity; NAD binding; hydroxypyruvate reductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; viable; fertile; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0062412 Ctr1B 0.58411767 0.003797359 0.083487134 NA SLC31A1;SLC31A2 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Copper transporter 1B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCtr1B (CG7459, FBgn0062412). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:8317612..8319205. It has the cytological map location 84F11. Protein features are: Ctr copper transporter. Its molecular function is described by: copper uptake transmembrane transporter activity; copper ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular copper ion homeostasis; response to metal ion; copper ion transmembrane transport; copper ion transport. 20 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eye; ommatidium; wing; adult cuticle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; visible; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0027508 Tnks 0.587253659 0.019869188 0.284772295 NA TNKS;TNKS2 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene tankyrase is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTnks (CG4719, FBgn0027508). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25653091..25661286. It has the cytological map location 96E7-96E8. Protein features are: Ankyrin repeat; Ankyrin repeat-containing domain; Poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase, catalytic domain; Sterile alpha motif domain; Sterile alpha motif/pointed domain; Tankyrase-1; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: scaffold protein binding; NAD+ ADP-ribosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: canonical Wnt signaling pathway; wing disc development; spindle assembly; positive regulation of protein ubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process; chaeta development; positive regulation of telomere maintenance via telomerase; protein ADP-ribosylation; protein poly-ADP-ribosylation; positive regulation of proteolysis; regulation of proteasome assembly. 17 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: enteroblast; adult midgut; intestinal stem cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; short lived; increased cell number. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0025680 cry 0.58769912 0.003172293 0.072898983 NA CRY2;CRY1 moderate;low NA transmembrane protein GPCR "The gene cryptochrome is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelcry (CG3772, FBgn0025680). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:19212154..19215442. It has the cytological map location 91F11. Protein features are: Cryptochrome/DNA photolyase class 1; Cryptochrome/DNA photolyase, FAD-binding domain; DNA photolyase, N-terminal; Rossmann-like alpha/beta/alpha sandwich fold. Its molecular function is described by: photoreceptor activity; G-protein coupled photoreceptor activity; FAD binding; blue light photoreceptor activity; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 20 unique terms, many of which group under: response to abiotic stimulus; rhythmic behavior; response to blue light; circadian rhythm; single-organism behavior; protein targeting to nucleus; response to magnetism; phototransduction; cellular response to light stimulus; cellular response to radiation. 38 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: cytoplasmic part; intracellular; supramolecular fiber; organelle; adult pacemaker neuron; sense organ; head segment; embryo; contractile fiber; scutellum; late embryo. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: behavior defective; increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0051674 CG31674 0.588931395 0.004319563 0.091662934 NA GRHPR moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31674 (FBgn0051674). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:20831262..20832859. It has the cytological map location 38F1. Protein features are: D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD-binding domain; D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, NAD-binding domain conserved site; D-isomer specific 2-hydroxyacid dehydrogenase, catalytic domain; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: NAD binding; glyoxylate reductase (NADP) activity; hydroxypyruvate reductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0015576 alpha-Est8 0.590638452 0.006634207 0.127471553 NA CES1 moderate NA NA NA "The gene ??-Esterase-8 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??-Est8 (CG1121, FBgn0015576). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:7509343..7515670. It has the cytological map location 84D9. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase type B, active site; Carboxylesterase type B, conserved site; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038147 CCHa2 0.596091037 0.002884353 0.067498645 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene CCHamide-2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCCHa2 (CG14375, FBgn0038147). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:13389059..13395197. It has the cytological map location 87E8. Its molecular function is described by: neuropeptide hormone activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuropeptide signaling pathway. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: mating behavior defective; body size defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0039269 veli 0.596121101 0.019076039 0.279151127 NA LIN7B;LIN7C;LIN7A;PDZD11 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene veli is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelveli (CG7662, FBgn0039269). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:25064418..25065591. It has the cytological map location 96B19. Protein features are: L27 domain; L27 domain, C-terminal; PDZ domain; Protein lin-7. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: establishment or maintenance of cell polarity; border follicle cell migration; regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction; protein localization to basolateral plasma membrane; maintenance of epithelial cell apical/basal polarity; neurotransmitter secretion. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: neuromuscular junction; chaeta; border follicle cell; eye photoreceptor cell; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; fertile; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0052786 CG32786 0.596225052 0.037825592 0.429198698 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32786 (FBgn0052786). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:3940847..3944265. It has the cytological map location 3F8-3F9. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0243512 puc 0.598951968 0.001949185 0.049658062 NA DUSP10;DUSP8;DUSP16;SSH3;SSH2;DUSP4;DUSP1;DUSP6;DUSP18;DUSP7;DUSP2;DUSP27;SSH1;STYX;DUSP5;DUSP3;DUSP19;DUPD1;DUSP13 high;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;moderate;low;low;low;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene puckered is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelpuc (CG7850, FBgn0243512). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:8105332..8122294. It has the cytological map location 84E12-84E13. Protein features are: Dual specificity phosphatase; Dual specificity phosphatase, catalytic domain; Dual specificity protein phosphatase domain; Protein-tyrosine phosphatase, active site; Protein-tyrosine phosphatase-like; Tyrosine specific protein phosphatases domain. Its molecular function is described by: JUN kinase phosphatase activity; phosphoprotein phosphatase activity; MAP kinase tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity; protein tyrosine phosphatase activity; protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 33 unique terms, many of which group under: response to oxidative stress; positive regulation of metabolic process; embryonic organ morphogenesis; cuticle development; determination of bilateral symmetry; organic substance transport; positive regulation of organelle organization; positive regulation of cell differentiation; sensory organ development; compound eye development. 69 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: larva; embryonic/larval digestive system; larval thoracic segment; pupa; germline cell; presumptive embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system; bouton; optic lobe neuron; cell part; midline; adult labral segment; synapse. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; stress response defective; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes yes
FBgn0034488 CG11208 0.601288058 0.00091895 0.02755646 NA HACL1;ILVBL high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11208 (FBgn0034488). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:20242752..20245388. It has the cytological map location 56F11. Protein features are: DHS-like NAD/FAD-binding domain; Thiamin diphosphate-binding fold; Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, C-terminal TPP-binding; Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, N-terminal TPP-binding domain; Thiamine pyrophosphate enzyme, central domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity; thiamine pyrophosphate binding; magnesium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: fatty acid alpha-oxidation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0264821 CR44029 0.601749496 0.042317909 0.45427183 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44029 (FBgn0264821). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 4:879374..884752. It has the cytological map location 102E5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0023407 B4 0.603169243 0.010930187 0.186855119 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene B4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelB4 (CG9239, FBgn0023407). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:13500624..13549328. It has the cytological map location 34C3-34C4. Protein features are: CABIT domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: imaginal disc development; circadian rhythm. 51 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eye; eye photoreceptor cell; trichogen cell; imaginal disc; wing vein; wing; ommatidium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of P-stage; visible; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0053192 MtnD 0.606755297 0.046529544 0.479233339 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Metallothionein D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMtnD (CG33192, FBgn0053192). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:20534962..20535301. It has the cytological map location 92F1. Protein features are: Metallothionein, family 5, Diptera. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to metal ion; response to copper ion; metal ion homeostasis. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0034736 gas 0.607427793 0.001154326 0.032992082 NA CES4A high NA NA NA "The gene gasoline is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelgas (CG6018, FBgn0034736). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:22550094..22552113. It has the cytological map location 58E8. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: detection of temperature stimulus involved in sensory perception of pain. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: heat stress response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0035663 CG6462 0.609880072 0.040548678 0.444141564 NA F2;PRSS12;ST14;TMPRSS6;F12;F9;HABP2;PLAT;MST1;F10;PLAU;PLG;HGF;TMPRSS11E;HGFAC;MASP1;MST1L low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6462 (FBgn0035663). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6037111..6038188. It has the cytological map location 65A3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes yes
FBgn0003356 Jon99Cii 0.612622184 0.001256507 0.035251566 NA C1S;HABP2;PROC low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 99Cii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon99Cii (CG31034, FBgn0003356). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:29923754..29924615. It has the cytological map location 99C7. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: male accessory gland secondary cell; vacuole. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: cell shape defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0265499 CR44368 0.614998507 0.044687483 0.470581306 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44368 (FBgn0265499). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 2R:14168844..14170917. It has the cytological map location 50E1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0002569 Mal-A2 0.615945351 0.00134654 0.036872612 NA SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Maltase A2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-A2 (CG8694, FBgn0002569). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8453627..8455782. It has the cytological map location 44D1. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0026602 Ady43A 0.617130387 0.029702379 0.370091284 NA ADK moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ady43A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAdy43A (CG1851, FBgn0026602). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7243024..7245776. It has the cytological map location 43A1-43A2. Protein features are: Carbohydrate kinase PfkB; Carbohydrate/puine kinase, PfkB, conserved site; Ribokinase-like. Its molecular function is described by: adenosine kinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: adenosine salvage. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; lethal - all die during embryonic stage; some die during pupal stage; fertile; lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0034856 yellow-d2 0.618598185 0.033771029 0.399572872 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene yellow-d2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelyellow-d2 (CG9891, FBgn0034856). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:23381197..23382591. It has the cytological map location 59D9. Protein features are: Major royal jelly protein/protein yellow; Six-bladed beta-propeller, TolB-like. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: cuticle pigmentation; melanin biosynthetic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0040297 Nhe2 0.618928512 0.003331358 0.075417329 NA SLC9A5;SLC9A3;SLC9A2;SLC9A1;SLC9A4 high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Na+/H+ hydrogen exchanger 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNhe2 (CG9256, FBgn0040297). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 12 annotated transcripts and 12 polypeptides (11 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:21104568..21134255. It has the cytological map location 39A2-39A3. Protein features are: Cation/H+ exchanger; Cation/H+ exchanger, CPA1 family; Na+/H+ exchanger. Its molecular function is described by: potassium:proton antiporter activity; sodium:proton antiporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: potassium ion transmembrane transport; sodium ion import across plasma membrane; compound eye morphogenesis; cellular ion homeostasis; regulation of intracellular pH; regulation of cellular pH. 37 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mechanosensory sensory organ; embryonic/larval adipose system; thorax; embryonic/larval digestive system; eye disc; secondary pigment cell; microchaeta; embryonic/larval fat body; digestive system; fat body; primary pigment cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell number defective; some die during larval stage; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0002973 numb 0.619301553 0.004761887 0.098607218 NA NUMBL;NUMB high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene numb is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelnumb (CG3779, FBgn0002973). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:9437469..9464184. It has the cytological map location 30B3-30B5. Protein features are: NUMB domain; Numb/numb-like; PH domain-like; PTB/PI domain. Its molecular function is described by: Notch binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 29 unique terms, many of which group under: organic substance metabolic process; regulation of localization; muscle cell fate commitment; cellular localization; stem cell fate determination; rhythmic behavior; macromolecule localization; behavior; neuroblast fate commitment; microtubule organizing center localization; cellular component organization or biogenesis; Malpighian tubule tip cell differentiation; protein localization; stem cell differentiation; macromolecule metabolic process; muscle structure development; rhythmic process. 97 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval glial cell; adult somatic muscle; organelle part; type I neuroblast; abdominal 7 ventral acute muscle 1; dorsal abdominal cluster; abdominal 6 ventral adult muscle precursor cell; neuroblast of ventral nerve cord primordium; abdominal 7 lateral longitudinal muscle 1; serotonergic abdominal medial neuron; dorsal closure embryo; aCC neuron; abdominal 7 dorsal oblique muscle 5. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell number defective; cell death defective; size defective; lethal; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0031974 CG12560 0.620700152 0.002030432 0.050877608 NA GLYATL3;GLYAT;GLYATL1;GLYATL2 high;low;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12560 (FBgn0031974). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8008302..8009477. It has the cytological map location 28D3. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase; FR47-like; GNAT domain. Its molecular function is described by: N-acetyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: histone acetylation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0035679 CG10467 0.622232646 0.000887128 0.026866451 NA GALM high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10467 (FBgn0035679). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:6093204..6094747. It has the cytological map location 65A6. Protein features are: Aldose 1-/Glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase; Aldose 1-epimerase; Aldose 1-epimerase, conserved site; Galactose mutarotase-like domain; Glycoside hydrolase-type carbohydrate-binding. Its molecular function is described by: aldose 1-epimerase activity; carbohydrate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucose metabolic process; galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036770 Prestin 0.622770197 0.001843379 0.047625824 SLC26A5 SLC26A5;SLC26A6;SLC26A4;SLC26A3;SLC26A9;SLC26A1;SLC26A2;SLC26A7;SLC26A11;SLC26A8;SLC26A10;MIR6824 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Prestin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPrestin (CG5485, FBgn0036770). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:17898889..17907812. It has the cytological map location 75A8. Protein features are: SLC26A/SulP transporter; SLC26A/SulP transporter domain; STAS domain. Its molecular function is described by: formate transmembrane transporter activity; inorganic anion exchanger activity; calcium ion transmembrane transporter activity; secondary active sulfate transmembrane transporter activity; sulfate transmembrane transporter activity; oxalate transmembrane transporter activity; chloride channel activity; anion:anion antiporter activity; bicarbonate transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: bicarbonate transport; regulation of intracellular pH; oxalate transport; sulfate transport; chloride transmembrane transport; calcium ion transmembrane transport; formate transport; regulation of membrane potential. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0032809 CG13078 0.623464993 0.005423783 0.109024003 NA CYB561D2;CYB561D1 moderate;high NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13078 (FBgn0032809). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:19563930..19565158. It has the cytological map location 37F1. Protein features are: Cytochrome b561/ferric reductase transmembrane. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0266212 CR44907 0.624181386 0.032783798 0.39504692 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44907 (FBgn0266212). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2L:20068793..20069318. It has the cytological map location 38B2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0003888 betaTub60D 0.624806791 0.001861186 0.047950432 TUBB4A TUBB6;TUBB4B;TUBB4A;TUBB3;TUBB;TUBB1;TUBB2A;TUBB2B;TUBB8 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene ?_-Tubulin at 60D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel?_Tub60D (CG3401, FBgn0003888). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:24305881..24313099. It has the cytological map location 60C6. Protein features are: Beta tubulin; Beta tubulin, autoregulation binding site; Tubulin; Tubulin, conserved site; Tubulin/FtsZ, 2-layer sandwich domain; Tubulin/FtsZ, C-terminal; Tubulin/FtsZ, GTPase domain. Its molecular function is described by: GTPase activity; structural constituent of cytoskeleton; GTP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: axon guidance; heart development; response to light stimulus; axonogenesis; microtubule-based process; larval behavior. 25 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: sense organ; intracellular part; intracellular non-membrane-bounded organelle; somatic precursor cell; cell component; dorsal mesothorax; single-organism cellular process; non-membrane-bounded organelle; neuromuscular junction; cellular process; tagmatic subdivision of integument. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality; lethal; sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0016034 mael 0.627281894 0.047758215 0.487496246 MAEL MAEL high NA NA NA "The gene maelstrom is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelmael (CG11254, FBgn0016034). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:22721203..22726234. It has the cytological map location 80A1. Protein features are: High mobility group box domain; Maelstrom domain. Its molecular function is described by: sequence-specific DNA binding; transcription regulatory region DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 22 unique terms, many of which group under: cytoskeleton organization; regulation of intracellular mRNA localization; protein localization; germ-line stem cell population maintenance; heterocycle metabolic process; spermatogenesis; regulation of multicellular organismal development; nucleobase-containing compound biosynthetic process; organelle fission; epithelial cell development; male meiotic nuclear division; oocyte fate commitment. 25 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: karyosome; chorion; material anatomical entity; somatic cell of ovary; external encapsulating structure; germinal proliferation center; dorsal appendage; portion of tissue; cell part; cell component; cystoblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: female semi-sterile; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; viable; female sterile; wild-type; some die during embryonic stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0265101 Sgt1 0.627646305 0.004164309 0.09025302 NA SUGT1 high NA NA NA "The gene suppressor-of-G2-allele-of-skp1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSgt1 (CG9617, FBgn0265101). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:8304190..8305274. It has the cytological map location 84F10. Protein features are: CS domain; HSP20-like chaperone; SGS domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding, bridging; chaperone binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: centrosome cycle; maintenance of neuroblast polarity; neuroblast proliferation; protein stabilization. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: centrosome; centriole; neuroblast; spindle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; partially lethal; lethal; cell cycle defective; fertile; cell polarity defective; mitotic cell cycle defective; viable; increased mortality during development; phenotype." no no no
FBgn0001987 Gli 0.627823893 0.001281649 0.035846969 NA NLGN2;NLGN4X;NLGN1;NLGN3;NLGN4Y;CEL moderate;low;low;low;low;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Gliotactin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGli (CG3903, FBgn0001987). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:15756002..15762758. It has the cytological map location 35D4. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase type B, conserved site; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity; receptor activity; neurexin family protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: biological regulation; biological adhesion; cell-cell junction organization; presynaptic membrane organization; vesicle-mediated transport; imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis; regulation of biological process; single organismal cell-cell adhesion; cell junction assembly; male gamete generation; neuron cell-cell adhesion; cell cycle; heart development; establishment of synaptic vesicle localization; imaginal disc morphogenesis. 59 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: apical junction complex; adult thoracic sensillum; cell-cell junction; follicle cell; intracellular organelle; larval mesothoracic segment; extended germ band embryo; gland; adult sensillum; pleated septate junction; segmental nerve branch SNa of A1-7; intracellular; foregut; presumptive embryonic/larval system; embryonic/first instar larval cuticle; tormogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; increased mortality during development; phenotype; cell death defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0039528 dsd 0.633935627 0.002074126 0.051689255 ATRN ATRN;ATRNL1 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene distracted is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldsd (CG5634, FBgn0039528). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:27597563..27607396. It has the cytological map location 98A10. Protein features are: CUB domain; EGF-like domain; EGF-like, conserved site; Galactose oxidase, beta-propeller; Kelch-type beta propeller; Laminin EGF domain; PSI domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: synaptic target recognition. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-18 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0003357 Jon99Ciii 0.634585742 0.000579029 0.018713073 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 99Ciii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon99Ciii (CG31362, FBgn0003357). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:29922216..29923455. It has the cytological map location 99C7. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0004045 Yp1 0.634588787 0.003276674 0.074363416 NA PNLIPRP2;PNLIP;LIPH;PLA1A;PNLIPRP1;LIPI;PNLIPRP3;LIPG;LPL;LIPC low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Yolk protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelYp1 (CG2985, FBgn0004045). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:10053811..10055498. It has the cytological map location 9A5. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sex differentiation. 35 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; egg; adult fat body. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: electrophoretic variant; body color defective; flightless; female sterile; viable; female sterile soma-dependent. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0032945 CG8665 0.635568932 0.002283688 0.056181258 ALDH1L2 ALDH1L2;ALDH1L1;ALDH8A1;ALDH2;ALDH1A2;ALDH1A3;ALDH1B1;ALDH1A1;ALDH9A1 high;high;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8665 (FBgn0032945). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:21371227..21377995. It has the cytological map location 39D2. Protein features are: 10-formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase; Aldehyde dehydrogenase N-terminal domain; Aldehyde dehydrogenase domain; Aldehyde dehydrogenase, cysteine active site; Aldehyde dehydrogenase, glutamic acid active site; Aldehyde/histidinol dehydrogenase; Formyl transferase, C-terminal; Formyl transferase, C-terminal-like; Formyl transferase, N-terminal; Phosphopantetheine binding ACP domain; Phosphoribosylglycinamide formyltransferase, active site. Its molecular function is described by: hydroxymethyl-, formyl- and related transferase activity; formyltetrahydrofolate dehydrogenase activity; aldehyde dehydrogenase (NAD) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: 10-formyltetrahydrofolate catabolic process; one-carbon metabolic process; oxidation-reduction process; biosynthetic process. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0038325 Atg4b 0.638831437 0.008499222 0.153611013 NA ATG4D;ATG4C;ATG4B;ATG4A high;moderate;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Autophagy-related 4b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAtg4b (CG6194, FBgn0038325). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:15353720..15356924. It has the cytological map location 88F1. Protein features are: Peptidase C54. Its molecular function is described by: cysteine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: autophagic cell death; autophagy; C-terminal protein lipidation; protein delipidation; mitophagy; protein targeting to membrane; nucleophagy; autophagosome assembly; salivary gland cell autophagic cell death. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0035205 Ctr9 0.638974125 0.005702593 0.112891598 NA CTR9 high NA NA NA "The gene Ctr9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCtr9 (CG2469, FBgn0035205). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1307224..1311805. It has the cytological map location 61F5-61F6. Protein features are: Methylthioribose-1-phosphate isomerase-like, N-terminal domain; RNA polymerase-associated protein Ctr9; Tetratricopeptide repeat; Tetratricopeptide repeat 2; Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing domain; Tetratricopeptide-like helical domain. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II core binding; SH2 domain binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; regulation of gene expression; negative regulation of neuroblast proliferation; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; regulation of histone H3-K4 methylation; ventral cord development; germ cell development. 10 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: neuroblast NB5-6 of thorax; embryonic/larval neuroblast; germ cell nucleus; germarium; female germline cell; egg chamber; neuroblast NB3-3; apterous-expressing neuron of the lateral cluster of the thorax Ap4; apterous-expressing neuron of the lateral cluster of the thorax; ventral nerve cord primordium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: decreased cell number; neuroanatomy defective; cell number defective; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0003512 Sry-delta 0.641396046 0.010987978 0.187492627 NA ZNF200;ZNF449;GZF1 low;low;low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(zf-C2H2) NA NA "The gene Serendipity ?? is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSry-?? (CG17958, FBgn0003512). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:30043341..30044886. It has the cytological map location 99D3. Protein features are: Zinc finger C2H2-type. Its molecular function is described by: DNA binding; transcriptional activator activity, RNA polymerase II core promoter proximal region sequence-specific binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: bicoid mRNA localization; anterior/posterior axis specification, embryo; positive regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; multicellular organism reproduction; oogenesis. 23 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; gonad; spermatozoon; embryonic/first instar larval cuticle; cephalopharyngeal skeleton; testis; telson. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: wild-type; lethal; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0020622 Pi3K21B 0.643285975 0.002796435 0.065918038 NA PIK3R3;PIK3R1;PIK3R2 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Pi3K21B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPi3K21B (CG2699, FBgn0020622). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:297880..305233. It has the cytological map location 21B8. Protein features are: PI3K p85 subunit, C-terminal SH2 domain; PI3K p85 subunit, N-terminal SH2 domain; PI3K p85 subunit, inter-SH2 domain; PI3K p85/p55 subunit; SH2 domain. Its molecular function is described by: 1-phosphatidylinositol-3-kinase regulator activity; kinase binding; phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase regulator activity; insulin receptor substrate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: phosphatidylinositol phosphorylation; positive regulation of growth; regulation of cell size; insulin receptor signaling pathway; positive regulation of cell size; regulation of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase activity; regulation of organ growth; protein phosphorylation; regulation of cell proliferation; lipid phosphorylation. 15 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; cell cycle; mushroom body neuroblast; egg chamber; embryonic/larval neuroblast; embryonic/larval ganglionic branch; embryonic/larval salivary gland; embryonic/larval fat body. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body size defective; some die during embryonic stage; cell size defective; chemical sensitive; wild-type; increased mortality; visible; viable; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0267617 CR45955 0.643838036 0.041285574 0.447921544 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR45955 (FBgn0267617). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3L:21636643..21637314. It has the cytological map location 78E1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0001223 Hsp22 0.646680132 0.042703327 0.456204195 NA HSPB8;HSPB1;HSPB2;HSPB3;HSPB7;HSPB6;CRYAB;CRYAA high;low;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Heat shock protein 22 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHsp22 (CG4460, FBgn0001223). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:9372931..9374964. It has the cytological map location 67B2. Protein features are: Alpha crystallin/Heat shock protein; Alpha crystallin/Hsp20 domain; HSP20-like chaperone; Small heat shock protein HSP20. Its molecular function is described by: unfolded protein binding; identical protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chaperone-mediated protein folding; response to heat; determination of adult lifespan; response to oxidative stress. 13 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; temperature response defective; increased mortality; stress response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no yes
FBgn0032839 CG10659 0.647803512 0.000931374 0.027837729 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10659 (FBgn0032839). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:20024975..20025811. It has the cytological map location 38B1. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase; GNAT domain. Its molecular function is described by: N-acetyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: nitrogen compound metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no no
FBgn0028534 CG7916 0.650802965 0.000657598 0.020739289 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7916 (FBgn0028534). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:13846752..13847799. It has the cytological map location 34D7. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0045800 Uhg1 0.652126245 0.026654039 0.34581782 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene U snoRNA host gene 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUhg1 (CR32886, FBgn0045800). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 2R:17699097..17703344. It has the cytological map location 54D6-54E1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; male fertile; developmental rate defective; female sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0040532 CG8369 0.653508712 0.031144082 0.383886485 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8369 (FBgn0040532). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:8822008..8822838. It has the cytological map location 85B2. Protein features are: Kazal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: wing disc dorsal/ventral pattern formation. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0028532 CG7968 0.656204003 0.000265112 0.009660225 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7968 (FBgn0028532). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:13849400..13850329. It has the cytological map location 34D8. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0035189 CG9119 0.658291174 0.00165879 0.043721296 C11orf54 C11orf54 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9119 (FBgn0035189). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:1203316..1204795. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF1907. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: . 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0040087 p115 0.659083437 0.004254961 0.091351809 NA USO1 high NA NA NA "The gene p115 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelp115 (CG1422, FBgn0040087). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:7894031..7896991. It has the cytological map location 7C2. Protein features are: Armadillo; Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; Uso1/p115-like vesicle tethering protein, C-terminal; Vesicle tethering protein Uso1/P115-like , head domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: Golgi vesicle docking; transcytosis; intracellular protein transport; regulation of cell cycle; ER to Golgi vesicle-mediated transport; vesicle fusion with Golgi apparatus; Golgi organization; membrane fusion. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; body color defective; viable; flight defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0000043 Act42A 0.659305688 0.001226031 0.034502411 POTEI ACTB;ACTG1;POTEI;ACTC1;ACTG2;ACTA1;ACTA2;ACTBL2;POTEJ;POTEF;ACTRT3;ACTR1B;ACTR1A;POTEE high;high;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Actin 42A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAct42A (CG12051, FBgn0000043). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:6013910..6015689. It has the cytological map location 42A7. Protein features are: Actin family; Actin, conserved site; Actin/actin-like conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: structural constituent of cytoskeleton. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitotic cytokinesis; cytoskeleton organization; phagocytosis. 13 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing sensillum; mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell; chaeta; external sensory organ. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal; lethal; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of high expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." yes no yes
FBgn0037515 Sp7 0.66187214 0.041809993 0.451468942 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Serine protease 7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelSp7 (CG3066, FBgn0037515). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:7759786..7763947. It has the cytological map location 84D14-84E1. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Proteinase, regulatory CLIP domain; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of melanization defense response; melanization defense response; proteolysis. 19 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: melanotic mass; embryonic/larval hemolymph. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; increased mortality; lethal; wound healing defective; immune response defective; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0027356 Amph 0.662393149 0.007309205 0.136341015 NA BIN1;AMPH;BIN2 high;high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Amphiphysin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAmph (CG8604, FBgn0027356). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12593604..12612068. It has the cytological map location 49B7-49B8. Protein features are: Amphiphysin; Arfaptin homology (AH) domain/BAR domain; BAR domain; SH3 domain. Its molecular function is described by: phospholipid binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: rhabdomere development; exocytosis; protein localization; rhabdomere membrane biogenesis; regulation of muscle contraction. 32 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: motor neuron; neuromuscular junction; rhabdomere; indirect flight muscle; macrochaeta; NMJ bouton; T-tubule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; neurophysiology defective; fertile; flightless; hypoactive; neuroanatomy defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0085232 CG34203 0.662791552 0.034603909 0.404740374 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34203 (FBgn0085232). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:21281063..21281656. It has the cytological map location 57D6-57D7. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030041 CG12116 0.66436278 0.041405317 0.448688426 NA SPR moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12116 (FBgn0030041). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:8467443..8469012. It has the cytological map location 7F1. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no no
FBgn0035358 CG14949 0.665841351 0.023240367 0.318016634 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14949 (FBgn0035358). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:2642184..2643424. It has the cytological map location 62E8. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0039800 Npc2g 0.669160778 0.031706165 0.387679924 NA NPC2 moderate NA NA NA "The gene Niemann-Pick type C-2g is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNpc2g (CG11314, FBgn0039800). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30744605..30745263. It has the cytological map location 100A3. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin E-set; MD-2-related lipid-recognition domain; ML domain, Npc2 like. Its molecular function is described by: sterol binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: hemolymph coagulation; intracellular cholesterol transport; mesoderm development; sterol transport. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: myofibril. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; flightless. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030421 CG3812 0.669538796 0.037847444 0.429198698 AGPAT1 AGPAT1;AGPAT2 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3812 (FBgn0030421). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:12765266..12772851. It has the cytological map location 11B16-11C1. Protein features are: 1-acyl-sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferase; Phospholipid/glycerol acyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: acylglycerol O-acyltransferase activity; 1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: phospholipid biosynthetic process. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages. no no yes
FBgn0051950 CG31950 0.670588206 0.013081001 0.211750151 NA NAA38 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31950 (FBgn0051950). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2878344..2879001. It has the cytological map location 23C1. Protein features are: LSM domain; LSM domain containing 1; LSM domain, eukaryotic/archaea-type. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0265590 CR44417 0.670739588 0.011992785 0.199792366 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44417 (FBgn0265590). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2R:17869027..17869857. It has the cytological map location 54F4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0030777 CG9672 0.67225088 0.000241005 0.008996881 NA PROZ;PROC low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9672 (FBgn0030777). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:16705971..16706874. It has the cytological map location 15A3. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0260767 CG42565 0.674488552 0.002442964 0.059109393 NA LITAF moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42565 (FBgn0260767). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:22657901..22661389. It has the cytological map location 58F4. Protein features are: LPS-induced tumour necrosis factor alpha factor. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed in adult female stages. no no yes
FBgn0000318 cl 0.676366152 0.000364449 0.012673957 NA TXNDC17 high NA NA NA "The gene clot is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelcl (CG11024, FBgn0000318). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5520135..5521382. It has the cytological map location 25E5. Protein features are: Protein of unknown function DUF953, thioredoxin-like; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: protein-disulfide reductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: eye pigment biosynthetic process. 19 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: pigment cell; Malpighian tubule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; eye color defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0033327 PGRP-SC1b 0.67657043 0.004042408 0.088028237 PGLYRP4 PGLYRP1;PGLYRP4;PGLYRP3;PGLYRP2 moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Peptidoglycan recognition protein SC1b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPGRP-SC1b (CG8577, FBgn0033327). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:8713446..8715094. It has the cytological map location 44E2. Protein features are: N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase domain; Peptidoglycan recognition protein; Peptidoglycan recognition protein family domain, metazoa/bacteria; Peptidoglycan recognition protein, PGRP-S. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase activity; peptidoglycan binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: innate immune response; peptidoglycan catabolic process. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: immune response defective; short lived; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0086895 pea 0.677540547 0.027180912 0.349152563 NA DHX8;DHX16;DHX15;DHX38;DHX33 high;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene peanuts is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelpea (CG8241, FBgn0086895). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14153153..14157106. It has the cytological map location 50E1. Protein features are: DNA/RNA helicase, ATP-dependent, DEAH-box type, conserved site; Domain of unknown function DUF1605; Helicase superfamily 1/2, ATP-binding domain; Helicase, C-terminal; Helicase-associated domain; Nucleic acid-binding, OB-fold; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; RNA-binding domain, S1; S1 domain. Its molecular function is described by: ATP-dependent RNA helicase activity; RNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: spermatid development; regulation of alternative mRNA splicing, via spliceosome; mRNA splicing, via spliceosome; ventral cord development; chromatin organization; oogenesis. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; nurse cell; spliceosomal complex; chromatin; egg chamber; apterous-expressing neuron of the lateral cluster of the thorax Ap4. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; lethal; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0028387 chm 0.679283719 0.027416385 0.350699663 NA KAT7;KAT6B;KAT6A;KAT5;KAT8 high;low;low;low;low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(zf-C2HC) NA NA "The gene chameau is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelchm (CG5229, FBgn0028387). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7412417..7422736. It has the cytological map location 27F3-27F4. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase; Histone acetyltransferase domain, MYST-type; Zinc finger, C2HC-type. Its molecular function is described by: histone acetyltransferase activity; H3 histone acetyltransferase activity; zinc ion binding; H4 histone acetyltransferase activity; transcription factor binding; transcription coactivator activity; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 15 unique terms, many of which group under: neuron differentiation; negative regulation of developmental process; neuron projection morphogenesis; dorsal/ventral pattern formation, imaginal disc; cell fate determination; post-embryonic animal organ development; carbohydrate metabolic process; negative regulation of cell fate commitment; instar larval or pupal morphogenesis; gene silencing. 22 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: adult thorax. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: suppressor of variegation; some die during pupal stage; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; wild-type; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0040299 Myo28B1 0.679804311 0.000281175 0.010164536 NA MYO7B;MYO7A;MYO15A;MYO10 moderate;moderate;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Myosin 28B1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMyo28B1 (CG6976, FBgn0040299). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:7666047..7689459. It has the cytological map location 28C1. Protein features are: Band 4.1 domain; FERM central domain; FERM domain; FERM, N-terminal; FERM/acyl-CoA-binding protein, 3-helical bundle; IQ motif, EF-hand binding site; MyTH4 domain; Myosin head, motor domain; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; PH domain-like; Ubiquitin-related domain. Its molecular function is described by: microfilament motor activity; actin-dependent ATPase activity; motor activity; actin binding; ATPase activity, coupled; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: actin filament-based movement. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; male genitalia. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036837 CG18135 0.68023659 0.000107313 0.004502236 NA GPCPD1 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18135 (FBgn0036837). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:18990026..18998283. It has the cytological map location 75F2. Protein features are: Carbohydrate binding module family 20; Carbohydrate-binding-like fold; Glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase GPCPD1, CBM20 domain; Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase Gde1; Glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain; Immunoglobulin-like fold; PLC-like phosphodiesterase, TIM beta/alpha-barrel domain; Phosphatidylinositol-specific phospholipase C, X domain. Its molecular function is described by: glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase activity; glycerophosphocholine phosphodiesterase activity; starch binding; myosin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: glycerophospholipid catabolic process; cellular phosphate ion homeostasis; multicellular organism reproduction. 13 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0053995 CG33995 0.682436444 0.035791371 0.413318025 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33995 (FBgn0053995). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5043270..5048365. It has the cytological map location 25C1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0039476 CG6271 0.682734156 0.015729736 0.245501982 NA LPL high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6271 (FBgn0039476). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27024968..27026109. It has the cytological map location 97D14. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, N-terminal; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family; Vespid venom allergen phospholipase A1. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatidylcholine 1-acylhydrolase activity; lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0034140 Lst 0.683468457 0.035585365 0.411458596 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Limostatin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLst (CG8317, FBgn0034140). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:16574579..16576586. It has the cytological map location 53C8. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucose homeostasis; regulation of calcium-mediated signaling; cellular response to starvation; cellular response to carbohydrate stimulus; triglyceride homeostasis; negative regulation of peptide hormone secretion. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; developmental rate defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0265369 CR44310 0.6844765 0.006064913 0.118440163 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44310 (FBgn0265369). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2L:3616296..3617619. It has the cytological map location 24A1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0032066 LManIII 0.685821165 0.000204244 0.007949015 NA MAN2B1;MAN2B2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysosomal ??-mannosidase III is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLManIII (CG9463, FBgn0032066). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8765273..8768710. It has the cytological map location 29F1. Protein features are: Galactose mutarotase-like domain; Glycoside hydrolase 38/57, N-terminal domain; Glycoside hydrolase families 57/38, central domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 38, N-terminal domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 38, central domain; Glycoside hydrolase/deacetylase, beta/alpha-barrel; Glycosyl hydrolase family 38, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: alpha-mannosidase activity; carbohydrate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: mannose metabolic process; protein deglycosylation. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0262146 MtnE 0.687147164 0.018135305 0.271465633 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Metallothionein E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMtnE (CG42872, FBgn0262146). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:20534021..20534704. It has the cytological map location 92F1. Protein features are: Metallothionein, family 5, Diptera. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: detoxification of cadmium ion; response to copper ion; response to silver ion; response to zinc ion; response to mercury ion. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available." no no no
FBgn0030847 CG12991 0.693434556 0.00152581 0.04104429 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12991 (FBgn0030847). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is X:17579861..17599314. It has the cytological map location 16B6-16B7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0033366 Ance-4 0.693760822 0.032961597 0.39635918 NA ACE;TMEM27;ACE2 moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Ance-4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAnce-4 (CG8196, FBgn0033366). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:9039728..9042142. It has the cytological map location 45A1. Protein features are: Peptidase M2, peptidyl-dipeptidase A. Its molecular function is described by: peptidyl-dipeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0025726 unc-13 0.69413257 0.001558838 0.041687533 NA UNC13B;UNC13A;UNC13C high;high;high NA NA NA "The gene unc-13 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelunc-13 (CG2999, FBgn0025726). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (6 unique). Gene sequence location is 4:867824..912331. It has the cytological map location 102E5-102F1. Protein features are: C2 domain; Calcium-dependent secretion activator domain; Mammalian uncoordinated homology 13, domain 2; Mammalian uncoordinated homology 13, subgroup, domain 2; Munc13 homology 1; Protein kinase C-like, phorbol ester/diacylglycerol-binding domain; Uncoordinated protein 13 (Unc-13). Its molecular function is described by: syntaxin-1 binding; diacylglycerol binding; protein N-terminus binding; calmodulin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: lateral inhibition; synaptic vesicle exocytosis; synaptic vesicle priming; intracellular signal transduction; neurotransmitter secretion; chemical synaptic transmission. 17 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: chaeta; synaptic vesicle; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; fertile; phenotype; feeding behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0003996 w 0.698799057 0.000687621 0.021611625 NA ABCG2;ABCG4;ABCG1;ABCG8 high;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene white is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelw (CG2759, FBgn0003996). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:2790599..2796466. It has the cytological map location 3B6. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; ABC-2 type transporter; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Pigment precursor permease. Its molecular function is described by: eye pigment precursor transporter activity; synaptic vesicle amine transmembrane transporter activity; guanine-transporting ATPase activity; ATP binding; 3',5'-cyclic GMP transmembrane-transporting ATPase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with 12 unique terms, many of which group under: behavior; amine metabolic process; compound eye pigmentation; histamine uptake; locomotion; multi-organism process; transmembrane transport; neurological system process; gravitaxis; amine transport. 2317 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: epithelium; pigment granule; pigment cell; gonad; acellular anatomical structure; excretory system; reproductive system; testis; testis sheath; photoreceptor cell; gonadal sheath; Malpighian tubule segment; embryonic/larval excretory system. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; visible; fertile; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0037000 ZnT77C 0.700733263 0.003721464 0.082612887 NA SLC30A1;SLC30A10 moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Zinc transporter 77C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelZnT77C (CG5130, FBgn0037000). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20484293..20494921. It has the cytological map location 77C4-77C6. Protein features are: Cation efflux protein; Cation efflux protein, cytoplasmic domain. Its molecular function is described by: zinc efflux transmembrane transporter activity; zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of sequestering of zinc ion; zinc II ion transmembrane transport; detoxification of zinc ion. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0034187 CG6967 0.700986894 0.008928593 0.159806084 NA MOV10;MOV10L1 high;moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6967 (FBgn0034187). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:17062775..17066546. It has the cytological map location 53F4. Protein features are: P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; Probable RNA helicase SDE3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0054010 Glyat 0.702501669 0.027024854 0.349152563 NA GLYATL3 moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34010 (FBgn0054010). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8009603..8010652. It has the cytological map location 28D3. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase; FR47-like; GNAT domain. Its molecular function is described by: N-acetyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0050360 Mal-A6 0.706610608 0.00020757 0.008044227 NA SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Maltase A6 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-A6 (CG30360, FBgn0050360). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:8465158..8467595. It has the cytological map location 44D1. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0086254 CG6084 0.710995967 5.35E-05 0.002434049 NA AKR1B10;AKR1B1;AKR1B15;AKR1E2;AKR1D1;AKR1A1;AKR1C2;AKR1C1;AKR1C3;AKR1C4 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6084 (FBgn0086254). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:11620535..11624381. It has the cytological map location 68C15. Protein features are: Aldo/keto reductase; Aldo/keto reductase, conserved site; NADP-dependent oxidoreductase domain. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0035923 CG6511 0.711719425 0.027060511 0.349152563 EDRF1 EDRF1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6511 (FBgn0035923). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:8721324..8726108. It has the cytological map location 66D11-66D12. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0031741 CG11034 0.711909326 0.00013959 0.005649076 DPP4 DPP4;FAP;DPP10;DPP6 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11034 (FBgn0031741). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:5805395..5809063. It has the cytological map location 25F5. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Dipeptidylpeptidase IV, N-terminal domain; Peptidase S9, prolyl oligopeptidase, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type peptidase activity; dipeptidyl-peptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0052581 CG32581 0.714549371 0.001000313 0.029800845 RNF185 RNF185;RNF5 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32581 (FBgn0052581). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:15796908..15799162. It has the cytological map location 13F1. Protein features are: Zinc finger, RING-type; Zinc finger, RING-type, conserved site; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is described by: ubiquitin protein ligase activity involved in ERAD pathway; zinc ion binding; ubiquitin-protein transferase activity; ubiquitin-like protein conjugating enzyme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: ER-associated misfolded protein catabolic process; protein ubiquitination; protein ubiquitination involved in ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038034 Cyp9f3 0.715275833 0.000260434 0.009543185 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Cyp9f3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp9f3 (CG17875, FBgn0038034). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12396007..12398929. It has the cytological map location 87B9. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0045842 yuri 0.715440698 0.007726188 0.142180522 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene yuri gagarin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelyuri (CG31732, FBgn0045842). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 8 annotated transcripts and 8 polypeptides (6 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:15257267..15264692. It has the cytological map location 35C5. Protein features are: Yuri gagarin. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: gravitaxis; ciliary basal body organization; sperm individualization. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: spermatid cyst; ciliary basal body; investment cone; filamentous actin; spermatozoon; spermatid. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: gravitaxis defective; auditory perception defective; sterile; viable; flight defective; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0265185 CG44250 0.717574455 0.000124637 0.005158059 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG44250 (FBgn0265185). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:12950404..12952293. It has the cytological map location 49E4. Protein features are: DM9 repeat; Domain of unknown function DUF3421. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. no no no
FBgn0265979 CR44758 0.718332224 0.027506287 0.35135824 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44758 (FBgn0265979). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2R:22312876..22316604. It has the cytological map location 58D3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0038975 Nrx-1 0.718874354 0.006958895 0.130837667 NA NRXN1;NRXN3;NRXN2 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Neurexin 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNrx-1 (CG7050, FBgn0038975). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:22468512..22486969. It has the cytological map location 94A16-94B1. Protein features are: C-type lectin-like/link domain; Concanavalin A-like lectin/glucanase domain; EGF-like domain; Laminin G domain. Its molecular function is described by: neurexin family protein binding; protein kinase binding; neuroligin family protein binding; apolipoprotein binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 16 unique terms, many of which group under: locomotion; regulation of locomotion; carboxylic acid transport; single-organism behavior; associative learning; regulation of clathrin-dependent endocytosis; terminal button organization; system process; monocarboxylic acid transport; positive regulation of biological process; neuromuscular junction development; presynapse assembly. 30 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: synapse; cell; synapse part; embryonic/larval peripheral nervous system; endomembrane system; larval tagma; postsynaptic specialization; neuromuscular junction; NMJ bouton; larval head. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality; fertile; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0036493 CG7255 0.721069984 0.001138481 0.032743858 SLC7A2 SLC7A2;SLC7A3;SLC7A1;SLC7A4 moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7255 (FBgn0036493). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:15304255..15311195. It has the cytological map location 71C2. Protein features are: Amino acid/polyamine transporter I; Cationic amino acid transporter, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: amino acid transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: amino acid transmembrane transport. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-12 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0015038 Cyp9b1 0.72119516 0.003198397 0.073314632 CYP3A5 CYP3A5;CYP3A43;TBXAS1;CYP3A4;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Cytochrome P450-9b1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp9b1 (CG4485, FBgn0015038). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7127838..7129808. It has the cytological map location 42F2. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group IV; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; monooxygenase activity; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0033635 Prip 0.721576858 0.000238719 0.008948045 NA AQP1;AQP2;AQP8;AQP4;AQP5;AQP6;MIP high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Prip is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPrip (CG7777, FBgn0033635). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:11436243..11442216. It has the cytological map location 47F12-47F13. Protein features are: Aquaporin transporter; Aquaporin-like; Major intrinsic protein. Its molecular function is described by: water channel activity; channel activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ion transmembrane transport; transmembrane transport. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0039768 CG15533 0.722186492 0.000304242 0.010912131 NA SMPD1 moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15533 (FBgn0039768). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:30428820..30431362. It has the cytological map location 99F4. Protein features are: Calcineurin-like phosphoesterase domain, ApaH type; Metallo-dependent phosphatase-like; Saposin B type domain; Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase. Its molecular function is described by: sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: sphingomyelin catabolic process. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0043576 PGRP-SC1a 0.723532835 0.0002891 0.010409887 NA PGLYRP1;PGLYRP4;PGLYRP3;PGLYRP2 moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Peptidoglycan recognition protein SC1a is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPGRP-SC1a (CG14746, FBgn0043576). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8709733..8710320. It has the cytological map location 44E2. Protein features are: N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase domain; Peptidoglycan recognition protein; Peptidoglycan recognition protein family domain, metazoa/bacteria; Peptidoglycan recognition protein, PGRP-S. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; peptidoglycan binding; N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of innate immune response; innate immune response; peptidoglycan catabolic process; immune response. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0032603 CG17928 0.726377545 0.007805841 0.142499452 NA FADS1;FADS2;FADS3 high;high;high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17928 (FBgn0032603). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:16791568..16793444. It has the cytological map location 36B1. Protein features are: Cytochrome b5-like heme/steroid binding domain; Fatty acid desaturase; Fatty acid desaturase domain. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lateral inhibition; lipid metabolic process. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: chaeta. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; visible; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0027558 pgant3 0.726838263 0.0015996 0.042652901 NA GALNT1;POC1B-GALNT4;GALNTL5;GALNT6;GALNT12;GALNT5;GALNT13;GALNT11;GALNT7;GALNT3;GALNTL6;GALNT4;GALNT10 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene polypeptide GalNAc transferase 3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelpgant3 (CG4445, FBgn0027558). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:7057654..7061732. It has the cytological map location 42E7. Protein features are: Glycosyltransferase 2-like; Nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases; Ricin B, lectin domain. Its molecular function is described by: acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity; transferase activity, transferring glycosyl groups; polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: O-glycan processing; protein O-linked glycosylation; oligosaccharide biosynthetic process; cell-substrate adhesion; regulation of cell adhesion mediated by integrin; extracellular matrix constituent secretion. 14 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing blade; wing disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; visible; viable; lethal; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages." no yes yes
FBgn0034759 CG13511 0.729698062 0.000578144 0.018713073 NA CDIP1;LITAF moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13511 (FBgn0034759). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:22657901..22661389. It has the cytological map location 58F4. Protein features are: LPS-induced tumour necrosis factor alpha factor. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no yes
FBgn0031420 Atxn7 0.733387342 0.012729467 0.207159613 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Ataxin 7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAtxn7 (CG9866, FBgn0031420). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2375841..2380506. It has the cytological map location 22E1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of histone H2B ubiquitination; SAGA complex assembly. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult brain; retina; eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; majority die during prepupal stage; neuroanatomy defective; locomotor behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0003429 slo 0.736350856 0.00446145 0.093803271 NA KCNMA1;KCNU1 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene slowpoke is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelslo (CG10693, FBgn0003429). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 23 annotated transcripts and 23 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:24662491..24711595. It has the cytological map location 96A14-96A17. Protein features are: Calcium-activated potassium channel Slo-1; Ion transport domain; NAD(P)-binding domain; Potassium channel, BK, alpha subunit; Voltage-gated potassium channel. Its molecular function is described by: protein binding; calcium-activated potassium channel activity; large conductance calcium-activated potassium channel activity; voltage-gated potassium channel activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: potassium ion transport; circadian rhythm; circadian behavior; response to drug; regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction; male courtship behavior, veined wing generated song production; transmembrane transport; negative regulation of neuromuscular synaptic transmission. 54 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: neuron; visceral muscle fiber; embryonic/larval midgut; adult olfactory receptor neuron ab11a; neuromuscular junction; antennal basiconic sensillum ab12; indirect flight muscle; NMJ bouton. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: circadian rhythm defective; phenotype; increased mortality during development; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0259237 CG42335 0.739064832 0.000129683 0.00531874 NA TRHDE;LVRN;ANPEP;ENPEP;LNPEP;ERAP1;ERAP2 moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42335 (FBgn0259237). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:21758764..21769301. It has the cytological map location 93F9. Protein features are: Aminopeptidase N-type; ERAP1-like C-terminal domain; Peptidase M1, alanine aminopeptidase/leukotriene A4 hydrolase; Peptidase M1, membrane alanine aminopeptidase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; metalloaminopeptidase activity; peptide binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: peptide catabolic process; proteolysis. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0002571 Mal-A3 0.739847861 0.00024491 0.009105468 NA SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Maltase A3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-A3 (CG8695, FBgn0002571). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8455909..8457892. It has the cytological map location 44D1. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0031913 CG5958 0.740840872 0.000512985 0.017060964 RLBP1 TTPAL;RLBP1 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5958 (FBgn0031913). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:7430530..7433516. It has the cytological map location 27F4. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain; Cellular retinaldehyde binding/alpha-tocopherol transport. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0031412 CG16995 0.740960393 0.004866824 0.099794655 NA GLIPR2;PI16;CRISPLD2;CRISPLD1 moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG16995 (FBgn0031412). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:2307948..2308872. It has the cytological map location 22E1. Protein features are: Allergen V5/Tpx-1-related, conserved site; CAP domain; Cysteine-rich secretory protein, allergen V5/Tpx-1-related; Golgi-associated plant pathogenesis-related protein 1, SCP domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0011770 Gip 0.743348567 0.000323576 0.0113824 HYI HYI high NA NA NA "The gene GIP-like is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGip (CG2227, FBgn0011770). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:10328877..10329872. It has the cytological map location 9B7. Protein features are: Hydroxypyruvate isomerase-like; Xylose isomerase-like, TIM barrel domain. Its molecular function is described by: hydroxypyruvate isomerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glyoxylate metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0035888 CG7120 0.745271298 0.016078773 0.248406179 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7120 (FBgn0035888). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:8396000..8402295. It has the cytological map location 66C11. Protein features are: Alkaline phosphatase-like, alpha/beta/alpha; Alkaline-phosphatase-like, core domain; Protein of unknown function DUF229. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process; multicellular organism reproduction. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable; visible; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0030955 CG6891 0.746660023 7.27E-05 0.00321122 COTL1 COTL1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6891 (FBgn0030955). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:18775228..18781345. It has the cytological map location 17D4-17D5. Protein features are: ADF-H/Gelsolin-like domain; Actin-depolymerising factor homology domain; Coactosin-like protein. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0000120 Arr1 0.746911135 0.021328125 0.299182565 NA ARRB1;SAG;ARRB2;ARR3 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Arrestin 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelArr1 (CG5711, FBgn0000120). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:18078269..18081307. It has the cytological map location 36E3. Protein features are: Arrestin; Arrestin C-terminal-like domain; Arrestin, N-terminal; Arrestin, conserved site; Arrestin-like, N-terminal; Immunoglobulin E-set. Its molecular function is described by: opsin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: deactivation of rhodopsin mediated signaling; sensory perception of smell; photoreceptor cell maintenance; endocytosis; metarhodopsin inactivation; desensitization of G-protein coupled receptor protein signaling pathway by arrestin. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eye photoreceptor cell; rhabdomere. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: smell perception defective; viable; increased cell death; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0040850 CG15210 0.74699795 0.000175554 0.006950732 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15210 (FBgn0040850). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:10839230..10839895. It has the cytological map location 9F4-9F5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0039154 Npc2f 0.749531088 3.17E-05 0.001567247 NA NPC2 moderate NA NA NA "The gene Niemann-Pick type C-2f is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNpc2f (CG6164, FBgn0039154). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:24137895..24140936. It has the cytological map location 95E1. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin E-set; MD-2-related lipid-recognition domain; ML domain, Npc2 like. Its molecular function is described by: sterol binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: sterol transport; intracellular cholesterol transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0028916 CG33090 0.750218879 0.002720808 0.064301066 NA GBA2 high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33090 (FBgn0028916). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:14334158..14345795. It has the cytological map location 35A4. Protein features are: Beta-glucosidase GBA2-type; Glycosyl-hydrolase family 116, N-terminal; Glycosyl-hydrolase family 116, catalytic region; Six-hairpin glycosidase-like. Its molecular function is described by: glucosylceramidase activity; beta-glucosidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: bile acid metabolic process; glucosylceramide catabolic process; glycoside catabolic process. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0036835 CG14075 0.750805038 0.0058229 0.115024287 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14075 (FBgn0036835). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:18984961..18985634. It has the cytological map location 75F2. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: sensory perception of pain. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0052636 CR32636 0.754033391 0.018926166 0.277838279 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR32636 (FBgn0052636).The gene has a gene model, but the supporting evidence is inconclusive. It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is X:13332374..13333857. It has the cytological map location 11E11. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported." no no no
FBgn0266853 CR45314 0.754577293 0.020594507 0.292935244 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR45314 (FBgn0266853). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2R:18057915..18059075. It has the cytological map location 55B2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0264748 CG44006 0.755880756 0.016965569 0.258611828 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG44006 (FBgn0264748). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:18068728..18070150. It has the cytological map location 75B6. Protein features are: Leucine-rich repeat domain, L domain-like. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available." no no no
FBgn0035756 unc-13-4A 0.758758542 0.019230783 0.280517927 NA BAIAP3;UNC13D high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene unc-13-4A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelunc-13-4A (CG32381, FBgn0035756). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7266192..7312896. It has the cytological map location 65E10-65F4. Protein features are: C2 domain; Mammalian uncoordinated homology 13, domain 2; Munc13 homology 1; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: neurotransmitter secretion; synaptic vesicle priming. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0004429 LysP 0.760116825 0.017224499 0.261686494 NA LYZ;SPACA5B;LYZL1;SPACA3;LALBA;SPACA5;LYZL2;LYZL4;LYZL6 high;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysozyme P is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLysP (CG9116, FBgn0004429). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:1218082..1218696. It has the cytological map location 61F4. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase, family 22; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, conserved site; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, lysozyme; Lysozyme-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: lysozyme activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; cell wall macromolecule catabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0025678 CaBP1 0.761930701 7.03E-05 0.00312198 NA PDIA6 high NA NA NA "The gene calcium-binding protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCaBP1 (CG5809, FBgn0025678). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:16354886..16356735. It has the cytological map location 35F12. Protein features are: Disulphide isomerase; Thioredoxin domain; Thioredoxin, conserved site; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: protein disulfide isomerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein folding; sleep; response to endoplasmic reticulum stress; cell redox homeostasis; positive regulation of apoptotic cell clearance. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during early pupal stages." no yes yes
FBgn0028526 CG15293 0.762847261 0.017536268 0.265101988 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15293 (FBgn0028526). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:14108057..14109447. It has the cytological map location 34F4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0034756 Cyp6d2 0.767541278 0.000248821 0.009184241 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Cyp6d2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6d2 (CG4373, FBgn0034756). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:22652573..22654530. It has the cytological map location 58F4. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to camptothecin; oxidation-reduction process. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: chemical sensitive; partially lethal; some die during embryonic stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0263220 Hk 0.769223384 0.004403207 0.093006314 NA KCNAB1;KCNAB2;KCNAB3 high;high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Hyperkinetic is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHk (CG43388, FBgn0263220). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (8 unique). Gene sequence location is X:10233347..10263485. It has the cytological map location 9B5. Protein features are: NADP-dependent oxidoreductase domain; Potassium channel, voltage-dependent, beta subunit, KCNAB; Potassium channel, voltage-dependent, beta subunit, KCNAB-related; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is described by: voltage-gated potassium channel activity; potassium channel regulator activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep; potassium ion transport; flight behavior; circadian sleep/wake cycle, sleep; protein oligomerization. 20 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: leg. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; phenotype; increased mortality; fertile; behavior defective." no no no
FBgn0261387 CG17528 0.769479129 0.001151588 0.032992082 NA DCLK1;DCLK2;DCX;DCLK3;CAMK4 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17528 (FBgn0261387). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:4815426..4824319. It has the cytological map location 41C2. Protein features are: Calcium/calmodulin-dependent/calcium-dependent protein kinase; Doublecortin domain; Protein kinase domain; Protein kinase, ATP binding site; Protein kinase-like domain; Serine/threonine-protein kinase, active site. Its molecular function is described by: microtubule binding; protein serine/threonine kinase activity; calmodulin-dependent protein kinase activity; calcium-dependent protein serine/threonine kinase activity; calmodulin binding; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: peptidyl-serine phosphorylation; protein autophosphorylation; microtubule-based process; intracellular signal transduction; protein phosphorylation. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: female semi-sterile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-18 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0031004 CG7992 0.774472384 2.94E-05 0.001485082 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7992 (FBgn0031004). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:19245158..19247250. It has the cytological map location 18B4-18B5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0250869 CG42240 0.779820864 0.000430523 0.014692412 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42240 (FBgn0250869). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is X:6330842..6333028. It has the cytological map location 5F1-5F2. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0063667 CG32335 0.782789212 0.013894557 0.221393069 NA C11orf54 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32335 (FBgn0063667). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:1201871..1203036. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF1907. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion binding; hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0002570 Mal-A1 0.785373115 5.83E-05 0.002624565 NA SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Maltase A1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-A1 (CG8696, FBgn0002570). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8449664..8451904. It has the cytological map location 44D1. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0038083 CG5999 0.789749832 8.26E-05 0.003598193 UGT1A3 UGT1A3;UGT2B10;UGT1A1;UGT3A1;UGT8;UGT2B4;UGT2B15;UGT2B28;UGT2A2;UGT3A2;UGT2B17;UGT2B11;UGT2A3;UGT2B7 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5999 (FBgn0038083). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12741958..12743680. It has the cytological map location 87C8. Protein features are: UDP-glucuronosyl/UDP-glucosyltransferase. Its molecular function is described by: glucuronosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die during P-stage; lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033778 CG3790 0.791508724 0.014996326 0.236069534 NA SLC22A16;SLC22A4;SLC22A5;SLC22A3 moderate;moderate;moderate;high NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3790 (FBgn0033778). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:12872787..12875012. It has the cytological map location 49D6. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like. Its molecular function is described by: organic anion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; response to ethanol. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; developmental rate defective; fertile; chemical sensitive. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0086708 stv 0.794626907 8.67E-05 0.003707009 NA BAG3;BAG4;BAG5 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene starvin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelstv (CG32130, FBgn0086708). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:13477541..13483515. It has the cytological map location 70B2. Protein features are: BAG domain. Its molecular function is described by: heat shock protein binding; chaperone binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: lateral inhibition; positive regulation of protein lipidation. 20 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: Z disc; chaeta; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; visible; increased mortality; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0034247 CG6484 0.796552287 1.80E-05 0.000987651 NA SLC2A8;SLC2A6 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6484 (FBgn0034247). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:17582007..17584012. It has the cytological map location 54C10. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like; Sugar transporter, conserved site; Sugar/inositol transporter. Its molecular function is described by: sugar:proton symporter activity; glucose transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucose import; hexose transmembrane transport. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0033204 CG2065 0.798735375 0.001089951 0.031848867 RDH11 RDH11;RDH12;RDH13;RDH14;DHRS13;DHRSX;DHRS12 high;high;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG2065 (FBgn0033204). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:7663786..7665269. It has the cytological map location 43E8-43E9. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0032456 MRP 0.798812011 1.63E-05 0.000912597 ABCC3 ABCC3;ABCC1;ABCC6;ABCC2;ABCC8;ABCC9;ABCC4;ABCC10;ABCC12;ABCC11;ABCC5 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Multidrug-Resistance like Protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMRP (CG6214, FBgn0032456). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 18 annotated transcripts and 18 polypeptides (17 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:12719045..12766546. It has the cytological map location 33F3-33F5. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter type 1, transmembrane domain; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; Canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1; Multi drug resistance-associated protein; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATP binding; ATPase activity, coupled to movement of substances; organic anion transmembrane transporter activity; ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane transport; renal tubular secretion; response to toxic substance. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0030774 spheroide 0.800756975 5.71E-06 0.000347924 NA PRSS38 low NA NA NA "The gene spheroide is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelspheroide (CG9675, FBgn0030774). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:16700446..16701972. It has the cytological map location 15A1-15A2. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of Toll signaling pathway; defense response to fungus; proteolysis; innate immune response; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: immune response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0039748 CG15529 0.807431853 0.00935537 0.165501384 NA BLNK high NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15529 (FBgn0039748). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:30152059..30153699. It has the cytological map location 99D9-99E1. Protein features are: SH2 domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: immune response; transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway; intracellular signal transduction. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult female stages. yes yes no
FBgn0262003 CG42821 0.811472322 0.004734823 0.098419762 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42821 (FBgn0262003). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:17413077..17413639. It has the cytological map location 90A6. Protein features are: Kazal domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0036196 CG11658 0.817317727 4.28E-05 0.002028485 NA FBXO25;FBXO32 high;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11658 (FBgn0036196). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:11699496..11708553. It has the cytological map location 68D2. Protein features are: F-box domain. Its molecular function is described by: ubiquitin-protein transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: SCF-dependent proteasomal ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process. 15 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0040837 CG8620 0.821619297 0.003814935 0.083672406 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8620 (FBgn0040837). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7158099..7158874. It has the cytological map location 65E6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0028476 Usp1 0.823903973 0.000829882 0.025470135 NA USP1 high NA NA NA "The gene Ubiquitin specific protease 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelUsp1 (CG15817, FBgn0028476). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:29229161..29235302. It has the cytological map location 99A1. Protein features are: Peptidase C19, ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase; Ubiquitin specific peptidase 1; Ubiquitin specific protease domain; Ubiquitin specific protease, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: cysteine-type endopeptidase activity; thiol-dependent ubiquitin-specific protease activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: regulation of DNA repair; ubiquitin-dependent protein catabolic process; protein deubiquitination. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; fertile; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0266084 Fhos 0.824001877 0.000619872 0.019822914 NA FHOD3;FHOD1 high;high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Formin homology 2 domain containing is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelFhos (CG42610, FBgn0266084). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (8 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:8753619..8798719. It has the cytological map location 66D12-66D15. Protein features are: Armadillo-like helical; Armadillo-type fold; Diaphanous autoregulatory (DAD) domain; Formin, FH2 domain; Rho GTPase-binding/formin homology 3 (GBD/FH3) domain. Its molecular function is described by: actin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: positive regulation of stress fiber assembly; imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis; muscle cell cellular homeostasis; wound healing, spreading of cells; muscle system process; trachea morphogenesis; salivary gland histolysis; positive regulation of cell migration; positive regulation of substrate adhesion-dependent cell spreading; programmed cell death involved in cell development. 41 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval salivary gland; sarcomere; myofibril; macrophage; wing disc; actin filament bundle; stress fiber; indirect flight muscle. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; phenotype; increased mortality during development; stress response defective." no no no
FBgn0038734 CG11453 0.824666082 5.30E-05 0.002425426 NA ACSBG1;AACS;ACSF3 low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG11453 (FBgn0038734). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:19783522..19785519. It has the cytological map location 92B2. Protein features are: AMP-binding enzyme, C-terminal domain; AMP-binding, conserved site; AMP-dependent synthetase/ligase. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0031418 CG3609 0.828138772 3.17E-06 0.000207333 DHDH DHDH high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3609 (FBgn0031418). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:2372455..2374627. It has the cytological map location 22E1. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Oxidoreductase, C-terminal; Oxidoreductase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 10 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0034470 Obp56d 0.828285594 0.009864784 0.172027868 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Odorant-binding protein 56d is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelObp56d (CG11218, FBgn0034470). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:19702924..19703915. It has the cytological map location 56E2. Protein features are: Pheromone/general odorant binding protein. Its molecular function is described by: odorant binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: sensory perception of chemical stimulus; response to pheromone; sensory perception of smell; olfactory behavior. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0027596 Kank 0.828761598 0.000511445 0.017060964 NA KANK1;KANK2;KANK4;KANK3 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Kank is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelKank (CG10249, FBgn0027596). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:14901475..14928425. It has the cytological map location 51D2. Protein features are: Ankyrin repeat; Ankyrin repeat-containing domain; Kank N-terminal motif. Its molecular function is described by: microtubule plus-end binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: neuron projection morphogenesis. 9 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: lysosome; vacuole; embryonic/larval pericardial cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile; cell shape defective; endocytosis defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036716 CG13728 0.829280854 0.010590775 0.182760816 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13728 (FBgn0036716). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:17380026..17382728. It has the cytological map location 74A6. Protein features are: WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0264603 CR43952 0.829736968 0.007519679 0.139011066 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR43952 (FBgn0264603). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3L:6036490..6036915. It has the cytological map location 65A3. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0036844 Mkp3 0.830338473 0.000458134 0.015576564 NA DUSP7;DUSP6;DUSP9;SSH3;SSH2;DUSP8;DUSP4;DUSP18;DUSP16;DUSP1 high;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatase 3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMkp3 (CG14080, FBgn0036844). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:19066155..19086426. It has the cytological map location 75F6. Protein features are: Dual specificity phosphatase; Dual specificity phosphatase, catalytic domain; Dual specificity protein phosphatase domain; Mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase phosphatase; Protein-tyrosine phosphatase-like; Rhodanese-like domain; Tyrosine specific protein phosphatases domain. Its molecular function is described by: MAP kinase tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity; protein tyrosine/serine/threonine phosphatase activity; phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of MAPK cascade; imaginal disc-derived wing vein specification; mucosal immune response; protein dephosphorylation; regulation of cell proliferation; cell-cell adhesion; primary branching, open tracheal system; maintenance of epithelial integrity, open tracheal system. 50 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: photoreceptor cell R4; chaeta; photoreceptor cell R7; eo-type sensillum; adult external mesothorax; inner photoreceptor cell; mechanosensory chaeta; epithelium; tracheal system; macrochaeta; dorsal branch primordium; adult gut. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; increased mortality; cell shape defective; lethal - all die before end of pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages." no yes no
FBgn0031170 CG1718 0.835063485 8.73E-06 0.000518557 ABCA3 ABCA3;ABCA5;ABCA10;ABCA6;ABCA8;ABCA9;ABCA12;ABCA2;ABCA4;ABCA13;ABCA1;ABCA7 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1718 (FBgn0031170). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:21292308..21306665. It has the cytological map location 19F3. Protein features are: AAA+ ATPase domain; ABC transporter A, ABCA; ABC transporter, conserved site; ABC transporter-like; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase. Its molecular function is described by: ATPase activity, coupled to transmembrane movement of substances; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid transport; transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0023076 Clk 0.846236497 0.003758222 0.083221653 NA CLOCK;NPAS2;PASD1 high;moderate;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(HLH) NA NA "The gene Clock is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelClk (CG7391, FBgn0023076). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (4 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7763233..7775603. It has the cytological map location 66A12. Protein features are: Myc-type, basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) domain; Nuclear translocator; PAC motif; PAS domain. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; protein heterodimerization activity; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding; DNA binding; chromatin binding; transcription factor binding; protein binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 14 unique terms, many of which group under: single-organism process; multicellular organismal process; positive regulation of gene expression; positive regulation of macromolecule metabolic process; regulation of circadian rhythm; rhythmic behavior; regulation of cell death; eclosion; regulation of heart contraction; response to temperature stimulus; single-organism behavior. 39 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: larval LN period neuron; adult heart; pupal Pdf neuron; wing; head; Pdf neuron. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: circadian behavior defective; circadian rhythm defective; phenotype; increased mortality during development; increased cell death; behavior defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0029710 CG3568 0.847642262 0.004272491 0.091504323 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3568 (FBgn0029710). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:4542630..4544497. It has the cytological map location 4C7. Protein features are: Protein of unknown function DUF4804. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0054040 CG34040 0.848434653 0.006815076 0.129049033 NA LYNX1;LY6D low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34040 (FBgn0054040). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:21832501..21833551. It has the cytological map location 58A2. Protein features are: Domain of unknown function DUF753. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. yes no no
FBgn0030148 CG3106 0.855551054 1.66E-06 0.000117752 NA PTPN9 low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3106 (FBgn0030148). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:9659095..9662903. It has the cytological map location 8F6. Protein features are: Acyltransferase 3; Nose resistant-to-fluoxetine protein, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal - majority die; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0261575 tobi 0.859901782 0.007773722 0.142499452 NA KIAA1161 high NA NA NA "The gene target of brain insulin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeltobi (CG11909, FBgn0261575). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:25344761..25346921. It has the cytological map location 96D2. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase family 31; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, hydrolyzing O-glycosyl compounds. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die before end of embryonic stage; short lived; lethal; some die during embryonic stage; small body. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0262108 CR42861 0.863996981 0.001891808 0.048466327 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR42861 (FBgn0262108). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is X:13744928..13745476. It has the cytological map location 12B4. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0033905 CG18324 0.86610109 0.000135498 0.005532443 SLC25A34 SLC25A34;SLC25A35 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18324 (FBgn0033905). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:14168786..14170233. It has the cytological map location 50E1. Protein features are: Mitochondrial carrier domain; Mitochondrial substrate/solute carrier. Its molecular function is described by: transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: mitochondrial transport. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0010226 GstS1 0.867367794 1.59E-06 0.000113593 NA HPGDS;GSTA3 high;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase S1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstS1 (CG8938, FBgn0010226). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:17093246..17099501. It has the cytological map location 53F7-53F8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity; glutathione peroxidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process; metabolic process; response to oxidative stress. 63 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: wing; macrochaeta; embryonic/larval hemocyte; eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; phenotype; viable; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of moderately high expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0015577 alpha-Est9 0.868017656 8.37E-05 0.003629498 NA BCHE;CES4A;CES2;NLGN2;CES5A;CES1;CEL;NLGN4X;NLGN1;NLGN3;NLGN4Y;CES3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene ??-Esterase-9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmel??-Est9 (CG1128, FBgn0015577). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:7493921..7505098. It has the cytological map location 84D9. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase type B, active site; Carboxylesterase, type B; Cholinesterase. Its molecular function is described by: cholinesterase activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0034289 CG10910 0.871051237 2.87E-05 0.001456295 NA MAGED4B;MAGED2;MAGED4;TRO;MAGED1;CDA low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10910 (FBgn0034289). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18020268..18022406. It has the cytological map location 55B1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period. no no yes
FBgn0029155 Men-b 0.87269906 1.06E-05 0.00061803 NA ME3;ME1;ME2 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Malic enzyme b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMen-b (CG5889, FBgn0029155). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:27151662..27157603. It has the cytological map location 97E5. Protein features are: Malic enzyme, N-terminal domain; Malic enzyme, NAD-binding; Malic enzyme, conserved site; Malic oxidoreductase; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: NAD binding; malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NAD+) activity; malate dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) (NADP+) activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; pyruvate metabolic process; malate metabolic process; regulation of glucose metabolic process. 21 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable; fertile; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0004644 hh 0.879576502 0.002542054 0.061344658 NA SHH;DHH;IHH high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene hedgehog is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelhh (CG4637, FBgn0004644). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23128169..23141906. It has the cytological map location 94E1. Protein features are: Hedgehog protein; Hedgehog protein, Hint domain; Hedgehog signalling/DD-peptidase zinc-binding domain; Hedgehog, N-terminal signalling domain; Hedgehog/Intein (Hint) domain; Hint domain C-terminal; Hint domain N-terminal; Intein N-terminal splicing region. Its molecular function is described by: patched binding; morphogen activity; protein binding; peptidase activity; smoothened binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 67 unique terms, many of which group under: cell projection assembly; protein localization to cell surface; telencephalon development; ventral midline development; pigmentation; progression of morphogenetic furrow involved in compound eye morphogenesis; protein processing; germ cell attraction; periodic partitioning; neuron fate specification; anterior/posterior lineage restriction, imaginal disc; immune system process; cytoneme morphogenesis; neuron projection development; gonad development; analia development. 179 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic midline of ventral nerve cord; trichome; larval abdominal segment 4; embryonic primordium of adult eye; cell component; abdominal segment 10; integumentary process; anterior commissure; anatomical space; basal apodeme of penis; embryonic brain; trunk mesoderm; penis; embryonic/larval ganglionic branch; internal sense organ; spectrosome; VUM neuron; embryonic small intestine. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell death defective; size defective; behavior defective; stress response defective; increased mortality; mitotic cell cycle defective; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0015240 Hr96 0.882339947 2.02E-05 0.001098046 NR1I2 NR1I2;PPARG;PPARA;PPARD;VDR;NR1H3;NR1I3 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate DNA-binding with transcription factor activity(zf-C4) NA NA "The gene Hormone receptor-like in 96 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHr96 (CG11783, FBgn0015240). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:25025235..25029351. It has the cytological map location 96B16-96B17. Protein features are: Nuclear hormone receptor, ligand-binding domain; Zinc finger, NHR/GATA-type; Zinc finger, nuclear hormone receptor-type. Its molecular function is described by: RNA polymerase II transcription factor activity, ligand-activated sequence-specific DNA binding; RNA polymerase II regulatory region sequence-specific DNA binding; zinc ion binding; transcription factor activity, sequence-specific DNA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: steroid hormone mediated signaling pathway; regulation of glycogen metabolic process; response to starvation; regulation of glucose metabolic process; regulation of transcription from RNA polymerase II promoter; triglyceride homeostasis; cholesterol homeostasis. 17 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult fat body; lipid particle; adult midgut epithelium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: chemical resistant; cell size defective; viable; phenotype; increased mortality; stress response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0037151 CG7130 0.897867706 0.004886858 0.099794655 NA DNAJB5;DNAJB4;DNAJB1;DNAJC22;DNAJB8 moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7130 (FBgn0037151). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:22075056..22075756. It has the cytological map location 79B2. Protein features are: DnaJ domain; DnaJ domain, conserved site. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0263400 CG43446 0.898071707 0.001653381 0.043704689 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43446 (FBgn0263400). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:20986504..20987936. It has the cytological map location 93B3. Protein features are: Zinc finger, FYVE/PHD-type; Zinc finger, RING/FYVE/PHD-type. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported." no no yes
FBgn0033458 CG18446 0.903603932 0.004210393 0.090821345 NA ZBTB24 low DNA-binding with transcription factor activity NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG18446 (FBgn0033458). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:9871470..9873646. It has the cytological map location 46C1. Protein features are: Zinc finger C2H2-type. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0033296 Mal-A7 0.910545671 6.96E-05 0.003105254 NA SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Maltase A7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-A7 (CG11669, FBgn0033296). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:8468646..8471663. It has the cytological map location 44D1. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0033696 Cyp6g2 0.913390929 0.005044778 0.10253232 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp6g2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6g2 (CG8859, FBgn0033696). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:12188338..12190377. It has the cytological map location 48E7. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group IV; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; monooxygenase activity; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: response to insecticide; oxidation-reduction process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: chemical resistant; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0085195 CG34166 0.916861669 0.00488202 0.099794655 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34166 (FBgn0085195). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:14743193..14743879. It has the cytological map location 35B5. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: segment of leg; leg. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0264815 Pde1c 0.918923088 0.000225069 0.008577009 NA PDE1A;PDE1B;PDE1C high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Phosphodiesterase 1c is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPde1c (CG44007, FBgn0264815). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 9 annotated transcripts and 9 polypeptides (8 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:11814156..11928572. It has the cytological map location 33A3-33A5. Protein features are: 3'5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase; 3'5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase N-terminal; 3'5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, catalytic domain; 3'5'-cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase, conserved site; HD/PDEase domain. Its molecular function is described by: 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity; calmodulin binding; calcium- and calmodulin-regulated 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity; 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; cAMP metabolic process; male mating behavior; signal transduction; cGMP metabolic process. 38 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: myofibril; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; short lived; viable; male sterile; phenotype; mating defective; visible; pain response defective." no no no
FBgn0053470 CG33470 0.921103639 0.004503473 0.094253465 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33470 (FBgn0053470). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:13411739..13413085. It has the cytological map location 50A5. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0028940 Cyp28a5 0.924599191 5.50E-06 0.00033983 NA TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A4;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P moderate;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp28a5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp28a5 (CG8864, FBgn0028940). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:13977302..13979569. It has the cytological map location 34E5. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group IV; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: monooxygenase activity; heme binding; iron ion binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; electron carrier activity; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0030593 CG9512 0.928413783 8.02E-05 0.00351133 NA CHDH moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9512 (FBgn0030593). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:14901844..14905549. It has the cytological map location 13A1. Protein features are: FAD/NAD(P)-binding domain; Glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase; Glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase, C-terminal; Glucose-methanol-choline oxidoreductase, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on CH-OH group of donors; flavin adenine dinucleotide binding; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; ecdysteroid metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0027660 blot 0.929207819 0.002627202 0.062491055 NA SLC6A8 low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene bloated tubules is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelblot (CG3897, FBgn0027660). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:17396031..17421514. It has the cytological map location 74B1-74B2. Protein features are: Sodium:neurotransmitter symporter. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity; neurotransmitter:sodium symporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: morphogenesis of an epithelium; neurotransmitter transport; transport. 16 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: denticle; ovariole; embryo; pole cell; Malpighian tubule. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; increased mortality; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0262357 CG43055 0.930330346 1.07E-06 8.06E-05 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43055 (FBgn0262357). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:4411155..4411824. It has the cytological map location 24F1. Protein features are: C-type lectin fold; C-type lectin, conserved site; C-type lectin-like; C-type lectin-like/link domain. Its molecular function is described by: galactose binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: induction of bacterial agglutination. No alleles are reported." no no no
FBgn0033928 Arc2 0.936878498 3.93E-05 0.001880539 NA OARD1;ARC low;low NA NA NA "The gene Arc2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelArc2 (CG13941, FBgn0033928). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14361924..14362825. It has the cytological map location 50F6. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body color defective; visible; lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in adult female stages." no no yes
FBgn0266634 CR45141 0.948373013 0.003609698 0.081065747 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR45141 (FBgn0266634). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2R:12881445..12883253. It has the cytological map location 49D7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0265081 CR44192 0.953218551 0.000231437 0.008710776 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44192 (FBgn0265081). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3R:10052846..10054298. It has the cytological map location 85F8. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0038530 AttD 0.95988315 0.001303776 0.036354689 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Attacin-D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAttD (CG7629, FBgn0038530). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:17625268..17626086. It has the cytological map location 90B6. Protein features are: Attacin, C-terminal; Attacin, N-terminal. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to Gram-positive bacterium. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0063494 GstE6 0.964849427 1.22E-07 1.06E-05 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;GSTT2 moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase E6 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstE6 (CG17530, FBgn0063494). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18406011..18406761. It has the cytological map location 55C7. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult female stages." no no yes
FBgn0033303 Cyp6a15Psi 0.971582999 0.000834356 0.025521815 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Cyp6a15?? is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a15?? (CR14753, FBgn0033303). It is a pseudogene_attribute from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 2R:8569137..8570306. It has the cytological map location 44D3. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0051741 CG31741 0.978393678 0.000907143 0.027291863 NA SCARB1;SCARB2;CD36 moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31741 (FBgn0051741). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:18084256..18086714. It has the cytological map location 36E3. Protein features are: CD36 family. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: hemocyte. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: short lived; viable; immune response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages. no no no
FBgn0038180 Cht5 0.980513229 0.001102058 0.031896899 NA CHIA;OVGP1;CHI3L2;CHI3L1;CHIT1 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Chitinase 5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCht5 (CG9307, FBgn0038180). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:13767549..13770732. It has the cytological map location 87F13. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain; Chitinase II; Chitinase insertion domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 18, catalytic domain; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycoside hydrolase, chitinase active site. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding; chitinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ecdysis, chitin-based cuticle; chitin-based cuticle development; carbohydrate metabolic process; wound healing; chitin catabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval cuticle; pupal cuticle; wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; increased mortality; some die during P-stage; increased mortality during development; phenotype. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0035146 CG13893 0.990236712 2.26E-06 0.000152096 SEC14L4 SEC14L3;SEC14L4;SEC14L2;SEC14L6;SEC14L1;MTFP1;SEC14L5 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13893 (FBgn0035146). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:599094..604008. It has the cytological map location 61C6. Protein features are: CRAL-TRIO lipid binding domain; CRAL/TRIO, N-terminal domain; Cellular retinaldehyde binding/alpha-tocopherol transport; GOLD domain. Its molecular function is described by: transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: transport. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable; partially lethal. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0043005 prt 0.994126965 0.001746231 0.045631516 NA SLC18A2;SLC18A1 moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene portabella is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelprt (CG10251, FBgn0043005). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23696372..23699027. It has the cytological map location 95A7-95A8. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily; Major facilitator superfamily domain. Its molecular function is described by: serotonin transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: male mating behavior; aminergic neurotransmitter loading into synaptic vesicle; olfactory learning; transmembrane transport. 12 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: sex comb tooth. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: learning defective; courtship behavior defective; fertile; mating defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0027560 Tps1 0.997007973 0.000148746 0.005940751 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Trehalose-6-phosphate synthase 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTps1 (CG4104, FBgn0027560). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:4388327..4392778. It has the cytological map location 24E4-24E5. Protein features are: Glycosyl transferase, family 20; HAD-like domain; HAD-superfamily hydrolase, subfamily IIB; Trehalose-phosphatase. Its molecular function is described by: trehalose-phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: photoreceptor cell maintenance; trehalose biosynthetic process; trehalose metabolism in response to stress. 22 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: retina; ommatidium; eye photoreceptor cell; eye; embryonic/larval hemolymph; rhabdomere of eye photoreceptor cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; phenotype; stress response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0036806 Cyp12c1 0.999789917 4.28E-08 4.30E-06 NA CYP24A1;CYP27C1;CYP27B1;CYP27A1;CYP11A1 high;moderate;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Cyp12c1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp12c1 (CG4120, FBgn0036806). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:18684259..18686319. It has the cytological map location 75D6. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die before end of pupal stage; some die during pupal stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0051414 Gba1b 1.010546087 0.001096839 0.031867673 NA GBA moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glucocerebrosidase 1b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGba1b (CG31414, FBgn0051414). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:23704804..23708512. It has the cytological map location 95A9-95A10. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase family 30; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase family 30, TIM-barrel domain; Glycosyl hydrolase family 30, beta sandwich domain. Its molecular function is described by: glucosylceramidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucosylceramide catabolic process; cellular response to unfolded protein; neuron cellular homeostasis; adult locomotory behavior; determination of adult lifespan; memory. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ommatidium; mitochondrion; adult brain; rhabdomere; lysosome. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: oxidative stress response defective; viable; phenotype; stress response defective; behavior defective; sleep defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0039474 CG6283 1.01292415 3.40E-08 3.46E-06 NA LPL high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6283 (FBgn0039474). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27020238..27021378. It has the cytological map location 97D14. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, N-terminal; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family; Vespid venom allergen phospholipase A1. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatidylcholine 1-acylhydrolase activity; lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flight defective; viable; visible; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0000592 Est-6 1.020386614 0.001454907 0.039368568 NA CES4A;CES2;NLGN2;CES5A;CES1;CEL;NLGN4X;NLGN1;NLGN3;NLGN4Y;CES3 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Esterase 6 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelEst-6 (CG6917, FBgn0000592). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12188818..12190705. It has the cytological map location 69A1. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Carboxylesterase type B, active site; Carboxylesterase type B, conserved site; Carboxylesterase, type B. Its molecular function is described by: carboxylic ester hydrolase activity; short-chain carboxylesterase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: ovulation; courtship behavior; sperm storage; multicellular organism reproduction; regulation of female receptivity, post-mating; regulation of oviposition; organic substance catabolic process; pheromone biosynthetic process; mating. 86 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; partially lethal - majority die; electrophoretic variant; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0031602 CG15431 1.022752134 0.000527783 0.017363684 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15431 (FBgn0031602). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:4403992..4441282. It has the cytological map location 24F1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; body color defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0262484 CG43074 1.022820639 0.001623987 0.043177282 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43074 (FBgn0262484). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:3483832..3484653. It has the cytological map location 63E2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0031654 Jon25Bii 1.02360438 6.65E-08 6.20E-06 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 25Bii is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon25Bii (CG8869, FBgn0031654). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:4952243..4953136. It has the cytological map location 25B4. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; mesothoracic tergum; embryonic/larval neuroblast. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; increased mortality during development; flight defective; phenotype; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0033978 Cyp6a23 1.026714173 1.28E-08 1.34E-06 TBXAS1 TBXAS1;CYP3A4;CYP3A43;CYP3A5;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;CYP3A7 moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyp6a23 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a23 (CG10242, FBgn0033978). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14875829..14877654. It has the cytological map location 51D1. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding; oxidoreductase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0040729 CG15126 1.030805629 2.43E-05 0.00127676 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15126 (FBgn0040729). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:19690798..19691078. It has the cytological map location 56E2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages. no no no
FBgn0032067 LManIV 1.037067089 3.86E-05 0.001858702 NA MAN2B1;MAN2B2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysosomal ??-mannosidase IV is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLManIV (CG9465, FBgn0032067). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8769159..8772344. It has the cytological map location 29F1. Protein features are: Galactose mutarotase-like domain; Glycoside hydrolase 38/57, N-terminal domain; Glycoside hydrolase families 57/38, central domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 38, N-terminal domain; Glycoside hydrolase family 38, central domain; Glycoside hydrolase/deacetylase, beta/alpha-barrel; Glycosyl hydrolase family 38, C-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding; alpha-mannosidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: protein deglycosylation; mannose metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0040104 lectin-24A 1.041912901 0.000551378 0.017946285 NA SFTPA1;SFTPA2;SFTPD;COLEC11 high;high;moderate;high NA NA NA "The gene lectin-24A is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmellectin-24A (CG3410, FBgn0040104). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:3716800..3717773. It has the cytological map location 24C1. Protein features are: C-type lectin fold; C-type lectin-like; C-type lectin-like/link domain. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding; galactose binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0051809 CG31809 1.044117662 0.000865109 0.026286666 HSDL1 HSDL1;HSD17B12;HSD17B3 moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31809 (FBgn0051809). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:16853620..16858714. It has the cytological map location 36B2. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages. no no yes
FBgn0261788 Ank2 1.045426823 2.50E-05 0.001293341 NA ANK2;ANK3;ANK1 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Ankyrin 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAnk2 (CG42734, FBgn0261788). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 20 annotated transcripts and 20 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7655389..7718395. It has the cytological map location 66A10-66A9. Protein features are: Ankyrin repeat; Ankyrin repeat-containing domain; Death domain; Death-like domain; ZU5 domain. Its molecular function is described by: cytoskeletal protein binding; spectrin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: signal transduction; neuron cellular homeostasis; neuromuscular junction development; microtubule cytoskeleton organization; negative regulation of neuromuscular synaptic transmission; axon extension; sensory perception of sound; short-term memory; positive regulation of synaptic growth at neuromuscular junction. 41 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: NMJ bouton; type Ib motor neuron; synapse; microtubule; embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction; axon; neuromuscular junction. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; stress response defective; neurophysiology defective; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; phenotype; increased mortality during development." no no no
FBgn0037786 CG5361 1.045530158 0.000203055 0.007936519 NA ALPPL2;ALPI;ALPP;ALPL moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG5361 (FBgn0037786). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10073821..10075373. It has the cytological map location 85F9. Protein features are: Alkaline phosphatase; Alkaline phosphatase-like, alpha/beta/alpha; Alkaline-phosphatase-like, core domain. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0259715 CG42369 1.054677415 0.001193524 0.033900519 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42369 (FBgn0259715). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:6395853..6397249. It has the cytological map location 26D1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 3 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0039475 CG6277 1.054693894 3.35E-08 3.44E-06 NA LIPH;LIPG high;high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6277 (FBgn0039475). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27022071..27023217. It has the cytological map location 97D14. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, N-terminal; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family; Vespid venom allergen phospholipase A1. Its molecular function is described by: lipase activity; phosphatidylcholine 1-acylhydrolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: ganglion mother cell; embryonic/larval neuroblast; indirect flight muscle; sarcomere; myofibril; trichogen cell; Z disc. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; visible; viable; lethal; flightless. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0038257 smp-30 1.057111192 1.39E-07 1.20E-05 RGN RGN high NA NA NA "The gene Senescence marker protein-30 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelsmp-30 (CG7390, FBgn0038257). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:14745901..14751246. It has the cytological map location 88D2. Protein features are: SMP-30/Gluconolactonase/LRE-like region; Senescence marker protein-30 (SMP-30); Six-bladed beta-propeller, TolB-like. Its molecular function is described by: gluconolactonase activity; calcium ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: negative regulation of imaginal disc-derived wing size; regulation of cell proliferation involved in imaginal disc-derived wing morphogenesis; L-ascorbic acid biosynthetic process; cold acclimation. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: size defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0036262 CG6910 1.062836488 0.000540068 0.017640922 MIOX MIOX high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6910 (FBgn0036262). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:12184984..12187860. It has the cytological map location 69A1. Protein features are: Inositol oxygenase. Its molecular function is described by: iron ion binding; inositol oxygenase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process; inositol catabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0030737 CG9914 1.06433896 6.08E-08 5.85E-06 CRYL1 CRYL1 high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9914 (FBgn0030737). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:16306912..16308667. It has the cytological map location 14B9. Protein features are: 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-terminal; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, NAD binding; 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, conserved site; 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase C-terminal domain-like; 6-phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, domain 2; NAD(P)-binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity; NAD+ binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: fatty acid metabolic process; oxidation-reduction process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0063497 GstE3 1.091023561 2.09E-09 2.55E-07 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;GSTT2 moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase E3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstE3 (CG17524, FBgn0063497). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18400713..18401467. It has the cytological map location 55C7. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0033096 Zip42C.1 1.095617744 0.000311503 0.011067946 NA SLC39A3;SLC39A1;SLC39A2 high;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Zinc/iron regulated transporter-related protein 42C.1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelZip42C.1 (CG9428, FBgn0033096). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:6716342..6717707. It has the cytological map location 42C6. Protein features are: Zinc/iron permease. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: detoxification of zinc ion; zinc II ion transmembrane import; zinc ion homeostasis; determination of adult lifespan; adult locomotory behavior. 7 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: eye; melanotic mass. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; some die during larval stage; phenotype; short lived; increased mortality. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no yes
FBgn0039323 CG10559 1.101474421 3.85E-06 0.000246434 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10559 (FBgn0039323). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:25314494..25316116. It has the cytological map location 96D1. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0032086 CG17906 1.109693305 0.000277285 0.010063675 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17906 (FBgn0032086). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:8994391..8995617. It has the cytological map location 29F7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0259896 NimC1 1.127774385 0.000472956 0.016020941 NA ANGPTL5;ANGPTL3;TNXB;FGG;TNC;ANGPTL2;TNN;ANGPTL7;ANGPT2;TNR;ANGPTL1;FCN3;ANGPTL4;FIBCD1;FGB;ANGPT4;FGA;ANGPTL6;ANGPT1;FGL1;FGL2;FCN2;TNFRSF21;TNFRSF1B;TNFRSF11B;MEGF10;SCARF1;SCARF2;MEGF6;TNFAIP6;PEAR1;MEGF11;DKK2 low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Nimrod C1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNimC1 (CG8942, FBgn0259896). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:13973158..13976769. It has the cytological map location 34E5. Protein features are: EGF-like domain; EGF-like, conserved site; EMI domain; Growth factor receptor cysteine-rich domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: phagocytosis; defense response to bacterium. 8 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: immune response defective; viable; short lived. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0085227 CG34198 1.129615316 7.83E-08 7.09E-06 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34198 (FBgn0085227). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:19682446..19682977. It has the cytological map location 56E1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0030332 CG9360 1.131462612 0.000477495 0.016055781 NA DHRS11 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG9360 (FBgn0030332). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:11763474..11764590. It has the cytological map location 10E2. Protein features are: NAD(P)-binding domain; Short-chain dehydrogenase/reductase SDR. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of allele includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0262563 CG43103 1.136621574 3.38E-05 0.001660757 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43103 (FBgn0262563). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:17139450..17139931. It has the cytological map location 54A1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0024836 stan 1.146866002 0.000335674 0.011762747 NA CELSR2;CELSR1;CELSR3;MIR4793 high;moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein GPCR "The gene starry night is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelstan (CG11895, FBgn0024836). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 7 annotated transcripts and 7 polypeptides (5 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:10673345..10721138. It has the cytological map location 47B6-47B7. Protein features are: Cadherin; Cadherin conserved site; Cadherin-like; Concanavalin A-like lectin/glucanase domain; EGF-like calcium-binding domain; EGF-like domain; EGF-like, conserved site; GAIN domain, N-terminal; GPCR, family 2, extracellular hormone receptor domain; GPCR, family 2, secretin-like; GPCR, family 2-like; GPS motif; Laminin EGF domain; Laminin G domain. Its molecular function is described by: receptor activity; signal transducer activity, downstream of receptor; calcium ion binding; transmembrane signaling receptor activity; G-protein coupled receptor activity; cell adhesion molecule binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 28 unique terms, many of which group under: cell adhesion; regulation of organ morphogenesis; open tracheal system development; synapse organization; head development; biological adhesion; cell-cell adhesion via plasma-membrane adhesion molecules; cell-cell adhesion; segmentation; central nervous system development. 69 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: neuromuscular junction; neuron part; photoreceptor cell R4; developing material anatomical entity; cuticle; synapse; mushroom body calyx; developing embryonic structure; cell projection; wing hair; plasma membrane bounded cell projection; adult external mesothorax. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; phenotype; lethal - all die before end of first instar larval stage; visible; increased mortality; fertile; some die during embryonic stage; planar polarity defective; neuroanatomy defective; body size defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-18 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no yes yes
FBgn0039151 CG13607 1.149491752 2.45E-05 0.001282391 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13607 (FBgn0039151). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:24114043..24116322. It has the cytological map location 95E1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of allele includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0004374 neb 1.150995905 4.54E-05 0.00212491 NA KIF14 high NA NA NA "The gene nebbish is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelneb (CG10718, FBgn0004374). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:20075757..20089698. It has the cytological map location 38B3-38B5. Protein features are: Forkhead-associated (FHA) domain; Kinesin motor domain; Kinesin motor domain, conserved site; P-loop containing nucleoside triphosphate hydrolase; SMAD/FHA domain. Its molecular function is described by: protein phosphatase 1 binding; ATP binding; ATP-dependent microtubule motor activity, plus-end-directed; microtubule motor activity; microtubule binding; chromatin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: meiotic cell cycle; mitotic chromosome condensation; microtubule-based movement; mitotic cell cycle, embryonic; chromosome segregation; oogenesis; ovarian follicle cell development; mitotic sister chromatid segregation; regulation of cell cycle. 52 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: internal sense organ; central nervous system; embryonic/larval integumentary system; dorsal closure embryo; larva; embryonic segment; egg; appendage; sensory neuron; acellular anatomical structure; embryonic/larval brain; blastoderm embryo; male organism; centrosome. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: cell cycle defective; increased mortality; phenotype; behavior defective; wild-type. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0085345 CG34316 1.156019294 3.15E-05 0.001567247 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34316 (FBgn0085345). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:15230585..15231686. It has the cytological map location 88E3. Protein features are: Haemolymph juvenile hormone binding. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; circadian rhythm. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout embryogenesis, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in adult female stages. This gene is annotated by FlyBase as a dicistronic gene, meaning that some or all of its transcripts encode two or more polypeptide-coding open reading frames (ORFs) , with each ORF assigned to a different gene. The distribution of RNA-Seq coverage data amongst the different encoded genes cannot be determined." no no no
FBgn0051955 CG31955 1.164317873 4.94E-05 0.002283111 NA CHTF18 low Maybe TF NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG31955 (FBgn0051955). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:3711881..3713105. It has the cytological map location 24C1. Its molecular function is described by: . The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: wing. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: pain response defective; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0035282 CNMa 1.165673718 4.92E-06 0.000312334 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene CNMamide is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCNMa (CG13936, FBgn0035282). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1850915..1855591. It has the cytological map location 62B7. Its molecular function is described by: neuropeptide hormone activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell; mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: mating behavior defective; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0033294 Mal-A4 1.168196117 5.77E-11 8.52E-09 NA SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Maltase A4 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-A4 (CG8693, FBgn0033294). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8458815..8460884. It has the cytological map location 44D1. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0001233 Hsp83 1.170216246 1.20E-07 1.06E-05 NA HSP90AB1;HSP90AA1;HSP90AB3P;HSP90AB2P;HSP90AB4P;HSP90AA4P;HSP90AA5P;HSP90B1 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Heat shock protein 83 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHsp83 (CG1242, FBgn0001233). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:3192969..3197059. It has the cytological map location 63B11. Protein features are: Heat shock protein Hsp90 family; Heat shock protein Hsp90, N-terminal; Heat shock protein Hsp90, conserved site; Histidine kinase-like ATPase, C-terminal domain; Ribosomal protein S5 domain 2-type fold. Its molecular function is described by: unfolded protein binding; TPR domain binding; ATP binding. It is involved in the biological process described with 16 unique terms, many of which group under: response to stress; regulation of cellular process; response to heat; protein targeting; organelle organization; regulation of multicellular organismal process; cellular biosynthetic process; male gamete generation; nervous system development; regulation of circadian rhythm; cold acclimation; transposition; organic substance transport; microtubule cytoskeleton organization; protein folding. 59 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: supramolecular fiber; intracellular membrane-bounded organelle; cellular process; gamete; contractile fiber; abdominal segment; single-organism cellular process; spermatozoon; primary spermatocyte; syncytium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; lethal - all die before end of prepupal stage; fertile; locomotor behavior defective; female fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of very high expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 hour embryonic stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0063368 Gpb5 1.174255443 0.000312216 0.011067946 NA GPHB5;FSHB;CGB8;LHB;TSHB;CGB2 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glycoprotein hormone beta 5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGpb5 (CG40041, FBgn0063368). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:23311700..23312464. Protein features are: Cystine-knot cytokine; Glycoprotein hormone subunit beta; Gonadotropin, beta subunit. Its molecular function is described by: hormone activity; protein heterodimerization activity; G-protein coupled receptor binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathway; hormone-mediated signaling pathway; cell-cell signaling. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0063493 GstE7 1.174782516 9.18E-09 9.99E-07 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;GSTT2 moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase E7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstE7 (CG17531, FBgn0063493). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:18406924..18407688. It has the cytological map location 55C7. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 7 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0260006 drd 1.177614458 0.000105596 0.004450612 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene drop dead is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmeldrd (CG33968, FBgn0260006). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:15125753..15137311. It has the cytological map location 13A12-13B1. Protein features are: Acyltransferase 3; Nose resistant-to-fluoxetine protein, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin-based cuticle development; defecation; digestive system process; digestion; oogenesis. 20 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: adult brain; egg chamber; wing; abdomen; optic lobe; crop. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; behavior defective; small body. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0034045 CG8249 1.180408784 6.12E-08 5.85E-06 NA SLC2A8;SLC2A6 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8249 (FBgn0034045). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:15842760..15847362. It has the cytological map location 52C8. Protein features are: Major facilitator superfamily domain; Major facilitator, sugar transporter-like; Sugar transporter, conserved site; Sugar/inositol transporter. Its molecular function is described by: glucose transmembrane transporter activity; sugar:proton symporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucose import; hexose transmembrane transport. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0010387 Dbi 1.20769252 2.27E-10 2.96E-08 NA DBI;ACBD7;ACBD4;ACBD6;ACBD5 moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Diazepam-binding inhibitor is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelDbi (CG8627, FBgn0010387). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7131863..7133463. It has the cytological map location 65E4. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA-binding protein, ACBP; Acyl-CoA-binding protein, ACBP, conserved site; FERM/acyl-CoA-binding protein, 3-helical bundle. Its molecular function is described by: fatty-acyl-CoA binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular acyl-CoA homeostasis. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0266346 CngB 1.208589632 0.000117756 0.004917787 NA CNGB1;CNGB3 high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Cyclic nucleotide-gated ion channel subunit B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCngB (CG17922, FBgn0266346). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:21692691..21697152. It has the cytological map location 57F9. Protein features are: Cyclic nucleotide-binding domain; Cyclic nucleotide-binding, conserved site; Cyclic nucleotide-binding-like; Ion transport domain; RmlC-like jelly roll fold. Its molecular function is described by: intracellular cyclic nucleotide activated cation channel activity; voltage-gated potassium channel activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cyclic-nucleotide-mediated signaling; regulation of membrane potential; transmembrane transport; cation transport. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable." no no no
FBgn0035359 CG1143 1.208941196 5.39E-05 0.00243911 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG1143 (FBgn0035359). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:2645368..2647192. It has the cytological map location 62E8. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; lethal - all die during P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages. no no no
FBgn0003358 Jon99Ci 1.209521983 3.65E-12 5.96E-10 NA PROC low NA NA NA "The gene Jonah 99Ci is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelJon99Ci (CG31039, FBgn0003358). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:29925226..29926189. It has the cytological map location 99C7. Protein features are: Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site; Serine proteases, trypsin family, serine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity; endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0038702 CG3739 1.219989329 2.77E-09 3.21E-07 NA PRSS16 moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG3739 (FBgn0038702). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:19393360..19395188. It has the cytological map location 92A3. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Peptidase S28. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type peptidase activity; dipeptidyl-peptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 2 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no yes
FBgn0050371 CG30371 1.221180196 0.000128893 0.005310161 NA TMPRSS7;ST14;TMPRSS6;F10 low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG30371 (FBgn0050371). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8267643..8269334. It has the cytological map location 44C3. Protein features are: CUB domain; Peptidase S1, PA clan; Peptidase S1A, chymotrypsin family; Serine proteases, trypsin domain; Serine proteases, trypsin family, histidine active site. Its molecular function is described by: serine-type endopeptidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: proteolysis. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: antenna; leg. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no yes
FBgn0033301 CG12780 1.234708387 3.75E-11 5.62E-09 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG12780 (FBgn0033301). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:8551859..8552290. It has the cytological map location 44D2. Protein features are: Beta-1,3-glucan-binding protein, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to virus; detection of biotic stimulus. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0040958 Peritrophin-15b 1.235891013 9.42E-07 7.12E-05 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Peritrophin-15b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelPeritrophin-15b (CG31893, FBgn0040958). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:8394446..8394940. It has the cytological map location 29C1. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; pain response defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0263241 Mocs1 1.262416298 2.21E-06 0.000151014 NA MOCS1 high NA NA NA "The gene Molybdenum cofactor synthesis 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMocs1 (CG33048, FBgn0263241). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:11070526..11073348. It has the cytological map location 68A3-68A5. Protein features are: Aldolase-type TIM barrel; Elongator protein 3/MiaB/NifB; Main SPASM domain-containing; MoaA/nifB/pqqE, iron-sulphur binding, conserved site; Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis C; Molybdenum cofactor biosynthesis protein A; Molybdenum cofactor synthesis C-terminal; Molybdopterin cofactor biosynthesis C (MoaC) domain; Radical SAM. Its molecular function is described by: metal ion binding; 4 iron, 4 sulfur cluster binding; catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: Mo-molybdopterin cofactor biosynthetic process. 27 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: pigment cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: eye color defective; viable; lethal." no no no
FBgn0037850 CG14695 1.272509451 3.75E-05 0.001816407 NA ERP27;DNAJC10;TXNDC16;PDILT;PDIA6;TXNDC5;PDIA5 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14695 (FBgn0037850). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10878204..10879319. It has the cytological map location 86C7. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: viable; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no yes yes
FBgn0010043 GstD7 1.299278349 3.06E-05 0.001528251 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D7 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD7 (CG4371, FBgn0010043). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12378500..12379255. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: flightless; viable; visible. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0039094 CG10184 1.302712082 7.27E-08 6.65E-06 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10184 (FBgn0039094). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23602507..23605495. It has the cytological map location 95A4. Protein features are: Aromatic amino acid beta-eliminating lyase/threonine aldolase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, major region, subdomain 1; Pyridoxal phosphate-dependent transferase, subdomain 2; Threonine aldolase. Its molecular function is described by: L-allo-threonine aldolase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glycine biosynthetic process; threonine catabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0033789 CG13324 1.305006695 6.88E-10 8.73E-08 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13324 (FBgn0033789). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:13049146..13049656. It has the cytological map location 49F1. Protein features are: Transcription activator MBF2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of allele includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages. no no no
FBgn0000078 Amy-d 1.32159162 8.40E-14 1.60E-11 NA AMY2B;AMY1C;AMY1B;AMY2A;AMY1A moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Amylase distal is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAmy-d (CG17876, FBgn0000078). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:17124764..17126369. It has the cytological map location 53F12. Protein features are: Alpha amylase; Alpha-amylase, C-terminal domain; Alpha-amylase/branching enzyme, C-terminal all beta; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: calcium ion binding; cation binding; alpha-amylase activity; catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 20 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: electrophoretic variant. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0033999 CG8093 1.327569915 2.88E-14 6.08E-12 NA LIPM;LIPK;LIPF;LIPA;LIPJ;LIPN high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8093 (FBgn0033999). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:15214060..15215686. It has the cytological map location 51E7. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, eukaryotic; Partial AB-hydrolase lipase domain. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds; lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: multicellular organism reproduction; lipid metabolic process. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0026374 Rhp 1.332054045 8.39E-08 7.53E-06 RHPN2 RHPN2;RHPN1;RHPN2P1 high;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Rhophilin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRhp (CG8497, FBgn0026374). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is X:15788897..15793632. It has the cytological map location 13E18. Protein features are: BRO1 domain; HR1 rho-binding repeat; PDZ domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: signal transduction. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 06-24 hour embryonic stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036952 CG6933 1.351954324 2.29E-06 0.000152825 NA MATN2 low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG6933 (FBgn0036952). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20218500..20220420. It has the cytological map location 77A2. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: body color defective; viable; partially lethal - majority die; some die during pupal stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0023495 Lip3 1.36066195 1.36E-05 0.000769498 NA LIPA;LIPK;LIPF;LIPM;LIPJ;LIPN high;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Lip3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLip3 (CG8823, FBgn0023495). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:13370240..13371904. It has the cytological map location 87E8. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, eukaryotic; Partial AB-hydrolase lipase domain. Its molecular function is described by: hydrolase activity, acting on ester bonds. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0063492 GstE8 1.361380945 1.04E-10 1.47E-08 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;GSTT2 moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase E8 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstE8 (CG17533, FBgn0063492). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:18407834..18408955. It has the cytological map location 55C7-55C8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0010041 GstD5 1.373210382 2.49E-05 0.001291787 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D5 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD5 (CG12242, FBgn0010041). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12375733..12376572. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0267472 CR45822 1.378293228 1.71E-05 0.000945739 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR45822 (FBgn0267472). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts. Gene sequence location is 3L:7355717..7356598. It has the cytological map location 65F6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0259994 CG42492 1.389797352 2.23E-06 0.000151014 NA OTOP2;OTOP1;OTOP3 high;high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42492 (FBgn0259994). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 6 annotated transcripts and 6 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:5625676..5648487. It has the cytological map location 5A9. Protein features are: Otopetrin. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages. no no no
FBgn0034200 Gbp2 1.390796838 1.03E-08 1.09E-06 NA SAT2;QRICH2;SATL1 low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Growth-blocking peptide 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGbp2 (CG11395, FBgn0034200). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:17137240..17139595. It has the cytological map location 54A1. Protein features are: Diamine acetyltransferase 2. Its molecular function is described by: cytokine activity; N-acetyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: signal transduction. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality during development; phenotype; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0036320 CG10943 1.416842982 2.87E-13 5.25E-11 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10943 (FBgn0036320). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:12861717..12862920. It has the cytological map location 69E6. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0033926 Arc1 1.416857356 1.44E-14 3.28E-12 NA OARD1;ARC low;low NA NA NA "The gene Activity-regulated cytoskeleton associated protein 1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelArc1 (CG12505, FBgn0033926). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:14357927..14360297. It has the cytological map location 50F6. Protein features are: Zinc finger, CCHC-type. Its molecular function is described by: nucleic acid binding; zinc ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: muscle system process; behavioral response to starvation. 9 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: locomotor behavior defective; stress response defective; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0039473 CG17191 1.426511607 2.11E-06 0.000146317 NA PNLIPRP1 moderate NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG17191 (FBgn0039473). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:27018608..27019751. It has the cytological map location 97D14. Protein features are: Alpha/Beta hydrolase fold; Lipase, N-terminal; Lipase/vitellogenin; Triacylglycerol lipase family; Vespid venom allergen phospholipase A1. Its molecular function is described by: phosphatidylcholine 1-acylhydrolase activity; lipase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: lipid catabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0004428 LysE 1.439621468 5.23E-06 0.000327883 NA LYZ;LYZL1;SPACA5B;SPACA3;LALBA;LYZL2;SPACA5;LYZL4;LYZL6 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysozyme E is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLysE (CG1180, FBgn0004428). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:1212827..1213406. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase, family 22; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, conserved site; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, lysozyme; Lysozyme-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: lysozyme activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cell wall macromolecule catabolic process; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; negative regulation of innate immune response; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0052279 Drsl2 1.453959143 5.07E-06 0.000319796 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Drosomycin-like 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelDrsl2 (CG32279, FBgn0052279). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:3314349..3314681. It has the cytological map location 63D1. Protein features are: Knottin, scorpion toxin-like. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to protozoan; defense response to fungus. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0043783 CG32444 1.472597649 6.35E-14 1.26E-11 NA GALM moderate NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32444 (FBgn0043783). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:21636947..21639060. It has the cytological map location 78E1-78E2. Protein features are: Aldose 1-/Glucose-6-phosphate 1-epimerase; Aldose 1-epimerase; Galactose mutarotase-like domain; Glycoside hydrolase-type carbohydrate-binding. Its molecular function is described by: carbohydrate binding; aldose 1-epimerase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glucose metabolic process; galactose catabolic process via UDP-galactose. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed in adult male stages. no no no
FBgn0053510 CG33510 1.484471991 3.38E-07 2.79E-05 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG33510 (FBgn0053510). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:21082643..21084326. It has the cytological map location 39A1. Protein features are: CHK kinase-like; Protein kinase-like domain; Protein of unknown function DUF227. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages. no no no
FBgn0020506 Amyrel 1.505781597 1.21E-10 1.68E-08 NA AMY1C;AMY1B;AMY2B;AMY2A;AMY1A moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Amyrel is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAmyrel (CG8221, FBgn0020506). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2R:16651095..16652699. It has the cytological map location 53C14. Protein features are: Alpha amylase; Alpha-amylase, C-terminal domain; Alpha-amylase/branching enzyme, C-terminal all beta; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: cation binding; catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0004425 LysB 1.555955268 8.73E-07 6.71E-05 NA LYZ;LALBA;SPACA5B;LYZL1;SPACA5;LYZL2;SPACA3;LYZL4;LYZL6 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysozyme B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLysB (CG1179, FBgn0004425). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:1207371..1207981. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase, family 22; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, conserved site; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, lysozyme; Lysozyme-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: lysozyme activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; cell wall macromolecule catabolic process. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0264991 CG44142 1.572441827 1.12E-06 8.27E-05 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG44142 (FBgn0264991). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:13312855..13313188. It has the cytological map location 87E5. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0261675 Npc1b 1.607452164 8.15E-19 2.66E-16 NA NPC1;NPC1L1 moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Niemann-Pick type C-1b is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNpc1b (CG12092, FBgn0261675). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:20934869..20939503. It has the cytological map location 19E4. Protein features are: Niemann-Pick C1, N-terminal; Protein patched/dispatched; Sterol-sensing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: peripheral nervous system development; dorsal closure; intestinal cholesterol absorption; central nervous system development. 38 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/first instar larval cuticle; embryo; embryonic head; trichogen cell. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: phenotype; increased mortality during development; increased mortality; lethal - all die before end of P-stage. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no no
FBgn0031277 CG13947 1.613505033 4.28E-07 3.43E-05 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13947 (FBgn0031277). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:779173..779655. It has the cytological map location 21E2. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of allele includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0004427 LysD 1.624214555 3.06E-07 2.54E-05 NA LYZ;LALBA;SPACA5B;LYZL1;SPACA5;LYZL2;SPACA3;LYZL4;LYZL6 moderate;low;low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Lysozyme D is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLysD (CG9118, FBgn0004427). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:1210717..1211196. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase, family 22; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, conserved site; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, lysozyme; Lysozyme-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: lysozyme activity; chitinase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: defense response to Gram-positive bacterium; defense response to Gram-negative bacterium; cell wall macromolecule catabolic process. One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0051148 Gba1a 1.640178878 9.40E-20 3.58E-17 NA GBA high NA NA NA "The gene Glucocerebrosidase 1a is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGba1a (CG31148, FBgn0051148). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:23700621..23702605. It has the cytological map location 95A8. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase family 30; Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase family 30, TIM-barrel domain; Glycosyl hydrolase family 30, beta sandwich domain. Its molecular function is described by: glucosylceramidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: cellular response to unfolded protein; glucosylceramide catabolic process; adult locomotory behavior; determination of adult lifespan; neuron cellular homeostasis; memory. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: long lived; sleep defective; visible; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0031791 AANATL2 1.651285383 1.49E-16 3.79E-14 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Arylalkylamine N-acyltransferase-like 2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelAANATL2 (CG9486, FBgn0031791). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:6255859..6256822. It has the cytological map location 26C1. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase; GNAT domain. Its molecular function is described by: aralkylamine N-acetyltransferase activity; acyl-CoA N-acyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: nitrogen compound metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval fat body; lipid particle. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0038412 Zip89B 1.678001479 4.44E-12 7.12E-10 NA SLC39A2;SLC39A1;SLC39A3 high;high;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Zinc/iron regulated transporter-related protein 89B is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelZip89B (CG6898, FBgn0038412). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:16305758..16308700. It has the cytological map location 89B12. Protein features are: Zinc/iron permease. Its molecular function is described by: zinc ion transmembrane transporter activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: zinc II ion transmembrane transport; detoxification of zinc ion. 8 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: eye. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: developmental rate defective; short lived; visible; viable; long lived; chemical resistant. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during late larval stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0038165 Task6 1.68864839 1.76E-07 1.48E-05 NA KCNK9;KCNK3;KCNK15 moderate;moderate;moderate NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ channel 6 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelTask6 (CG9637, FBgn0038165). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:13667046..13674542. It has the cytological map location 87F7. Protein features are: Potassium channel domain; Two pore domain potassium channel; Two pore domain potassium channel, TASK family. Its molecular function is described by: potassium channel activity; potassium ion leak channel activity; protein heterodimerization activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: stabilization of membrane potential; potassium ion transmembrane transport. 6 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: mesothoracic tergum. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal - all die during P-stage; viable; visible; lethal; some die during pupal stage; partially lethal - majority die. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0264295 CG43773 1.718840162 1.92E-19 6.76E-17 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG43773 (FBgn0264295). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:4007690..4007984. It has the cytological map location 24D3. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . One allele is reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. no no no
FBgn0031033 CG14219 1.740099941 4.38E-17 1.14E-14 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG14219 (FBgn0031033). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:19587348..19590170. It has the cytological map location 18D3. Protein features are: Acyltransferase 3; Nose resistant-to-fluoxetine protein, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0264994 CR44145 1.742825843 2.34E-12 3.89E-10 NA NA NA NA NA NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCR44145 (FBgn0264994). It is a non_protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 2L:11736402..11737541. It has the cytological map location 33A1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0261681 CG42728 1.830054577 5.91E-12 9.32E-10 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG42728 (FBgn0261681). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:15527620..15528196. It has the cytological map location 71D4-71E1. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. No alleles are reported. no no no
FBgn0038098 CG7381 1.842506858 2.22E-21 9.25E-19 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7381 (FBgn0038098). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 5 annotated transcripts and 5 polypeptides (3 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12967775..12977471. It has the cytological map location 87D5-87D6. Protein features are: EB domain. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 12 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages. no no no
FBgn0038832 CG15695 1.843604895 8.05E-10 1.01E-07 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15695 (FBgn0038832). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:20842140..20844981. It has the cytological map location 93A2. Protein features are: Alkaline phosphatase-like, alpha/beta/alpha; Alkaline-phosphatase-like, core domain; Protein of unknown function DUF229. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: metabolic process; multicellular organism reproduction. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages." no no no
FBgn0036951 CG7017 1.877122681 2.41E-09 2.90E-07 NA MATN2 low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG7017 (FBgn0036951). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:20210292..20212122. It has the cytological map location 77A2. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: partially lethal; some die during pupal stage; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, during early pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0033668 exp 1.90969318 4.17E-09 4.71E-07 NA SMAD2 low Maybe TF NA NA "The gene expansion is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelexp (CG13188, FBgn0033668). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:11939557..11967435. It has the cytological map location 48D3-48D5. Protein features are: SMAD domain, Dwarfin-type; SMAD domain-like; SMAD/FHA domain; WD40/YVTN repeat-like-containing domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine phosphatase signaling pathway; regulation of transcription, DNA-templated; chitin biosynthetic process; trachea morphogenesis; cuticle chitin biosynthetic process. 11 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval dorsal branch; embryonic/larval ganglionic branch; cephalopharyngeal skeleton; embryonic/larval trachea; embryonic/larval lateral trunk; embryonic/larval mouth. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: lethal; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the pupal period." no no no
FBgn0028853 CG15263 1.934636956 1.77E-14 3.94E-12 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG15263 (FBgn0028853). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:15285000..15286047. It has the cytological map location 35D1. Its molecular function is unknown. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0052368 CG32368 2.048828749 7.34E-14 1.43E-11 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG32368 (FBgn0052368). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:7915437..7915846. It has the cytological map location 66A19. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages, during early pupal stages, in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0051410 Npc2e 2.214967716 2.25E-36 1.87E-33 NA NPC2 moderate NA NA NA "The gene Niemann-Pick type C-2e is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelNpc2e (CG31410, FBgn0051410). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:10053332..10054348. It has the cytological map location 85F8. Protein features are: Immunoglobulin E-set; MD-2-related lipid-recognition domain. Its molecular function is described by: lipid antigen binding; lipoteichoic acid binding; lipopolysaccharide binding; peptidoglycan binding; sterol binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: sterol transport; peptidoglycan recognition protein signaling pathway. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no no no
FBgn0030613 Rab3-GEF 2.271898163 3.20E-19 1.08E-16 NA MADD high NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene Rab3 GDP-GTP exchange factor is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelRab3-GEF (CG5627, FBgn0030613). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 10 annotated transcripts and 10 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is X:15089682..15113762. It has the cytological map location 13A10-13A12. Protein features are: DENN domain; dDENN domain; uDENN domain. Its molecular function is described by: Rab guanyl-nucleotide exchange factor activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: neurotransmitter secretion; regulation of cell cycle; cytoskeletal matrix organization at active zone; vesicle-mediated transport; activation of MAPK activity; regulation of extrinsic apoptotic signaling pathway via death domain receptors; regulation of Rab protein signal transduction. 15 alleles are reported. The phenotype of these alleles manifest in: embryonic/larval neuromuscular junction. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: neuroanatomy defective; viable; neurophysiology defective; fertile. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 12-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0028583 lcs 2.276783452 2.91E-30 1.90E-27 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene la costa is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmellcs (CG12794, FBgn0028583). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:21396727..21397316. It has the cytological map location 20A1. Its molecular function is described by: . It is involved in the biological process described with: . 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adults stages of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0004426 LysC 2.334090223 7.84E-13 1.38E-10 NA LYZ moderate NA NA NA "The gene Lysozyme C is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelLysC (CR9111, FBgn0004426). It is a pseudogene_attribute from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript. Gene sequence location is 3L:1210485..1210726. It has the cytological map location 61F3. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase, family 22; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, conserved site; Glycoside hydrolase, family 22, lysozyme; Lysozyme-like domain. Its molecular function is described by: lysozyme activity. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 2 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed within 12-18 embryonic stages, during early larval stages, during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0250836 CG8628 2.438340844 5.72E-25 2.75E-22 NA ACBD7;ACBD4;ACBD6;ACBD5;DBI moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG8628 (FBgn0250836). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:7130874..7131505. It has the cytological map location 65E4. Protein features are: Acyl-CoA-binding protein, ACBP; Acyl-CoA-binding protein, ACBP, conserved site; FERM/acyl-CoA-binding protein, 3-helical bundle. Its molecular function is described by: fatty-acyl-CoA binding. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 3 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period." no no no
FBgn0001149 GstD1 2.485847925 9.67E-40 9.82E-37 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD1 (CG10045, FBgn0001149). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12367817..12369268. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: DDT-dehydrochlorinase activity; glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 11 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of moderate expression. Peak expression observed within 00-06 and 12-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period, at stages throughout the pupal period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no yes
FBgn0010044 GstD8 2.513098467 8.06E-34 6.14E-31 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D8 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD8 (CG4421, FBgn0010044). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12380008..12380815. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity; glutathione peroxidase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0042206 GstD10 2.56744786 3.60E-27 2.06E-24 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D10 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD10 (CG18548, FBgn0042206). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12364776..12365735. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0030615 Cyp4s3 2.622102436 3.40E-26 1.83E-23 NA CYP4A11;CYP4A22;CYP4Z1;CYP4B1;CYP4X1;CYP4V2;CYP4F11;CYP4F12;CYP19A1;CYP4F8;CYP4F3;CYP4F2;CYP4F22 high;high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;moderate;low;moderate;moderate;low;low;moderate NA NA NA "The gene Cyp4s3 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp4s3 (CG9081, FBgn0030615). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is X:15113302..15116542. It has the cytological map location 13A12. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: heme binding; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the larval period, in stages of adults of both sexes." no no no
FBgn0032381 Mal-B1 2.638701553 4.22E-17 1.13E-14 SLC3A1 SLC3A1;SLC3A2 moderate;low NA NA NA "The gene Maltase B1 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelMal-B1 (CG14934, FBgn0032381). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 2L:11847226..11849169. It has the cytological map location 33A3-33A4. Protein features are: Glycoside hydrolase superfamily; Glycosyl hydrolase, family 13, catalytic domain. Its molecular function is described by: catalytic activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: carbohydrate metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no yes
FBgn0000180 bib 2.66614241 2.93E-18 8.92E-16 NA AQP2;AQP1;AQP4;AQP6;AQP5;MIP;AQP8 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low;low NA transmembrane protein NA "The gene big brain is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol Dmelbib (CG4722, FBgn0000180). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (all unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:9984645..9995538. It has the cytological map location 30F5. Protein features are: Aquaporin transporter; Aquaporin-like; Major intrinsic protein; Major intrinsic protein, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: cation channel activity; channel activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: Notch signaling pathway; ectoderm development; mesoderm development; transmembrane transport; lateral inhibition; ovarian follicle cell development; regulation of imaginal disc-derived wing size; nervous system development; cell-cell adhesion. 31 alleles are reported. The phenotypes of these alleles manifest in: head segment; foregut; sensory organ cell; plasma membrane bounded cell projection; dorsal closure embryo; nerve; stomatogastric nervous system; proneural cluster; cell part; syncytium. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: increased mortality; visible; phenotype; increased mortality during development. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed within 00-12 hour embryonic stages." no yes no
FBgn0033792 CG13325 2.74000288 5.91E-46 6.75E-43 NA NA NA NA transmembrane protein NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG13325 (FBgn0033792). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 4 annotated transcripts and 4 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:13110769..13126014. It has the cytological map location 49F2. Protein features are: Acyltransferase 3; Nose resistant-to-fluoxetine protein, N-terminal. Its molecular function is described by: transferase activity, transferring acyl groups other than amino-acyl groups. The biological processes in which it is involved are not known. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed in adult female stages." no no no
FBgn0085480 CG34451 2.761941425 1.01E-19 3.71E-17 NA C1GALT1;C1GALT1C1 moderate;high NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG34451 (FBgn0085480). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 3 annotated transcripts and 3 polypeptides (2 unique). Gene sequence location is 3L:15688517..15692047. It has the cytological map location 71F1. Protein features are: C1GALT1. Its molecular function is described by: galactosyltransferase activity; glycoprotein-N-acetylgalactosamine 3-beta-galactosyltransferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: O-glycan processing, core 1; protein glycosylation. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderate expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late larval stages." no yes yes
FBgn0013278 Hsp70Bb 2.988238614 2.20E-28 1.34E-25 NA HSPA1A;HSPA1B;HSPA1L;HSPA6;HSPA8;HSPA2;HSPA5 high;moderate;moderate;moderate;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Heat-shock-protein-70Bb is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelHsp70Bb (CG31359, FBgn0013278). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12505793..12508139. It has the cytological map location 87B14. Protein features are: Heat shock protein 70 family; Heat shock protein 70, conserved site; Heat shock protein 70kD, C-terminal domain; Heat shock protein 70kD, peptide-binding domain. Its molecular function is unknown. It is involved in the biological process described with: heat shock-mediated polytene chromosome puffing; response to hypoxia; response to heat; response to unfolded protein. 17 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: aging defective. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of very low expression. Peak expression observed at stages throughout the pupal period." no no yes
FBgn0038020 GstD9 3.04664228 3.89E-51 5.08E-48 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D9 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD9 (CG10091, FBgn0038020). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 3R:12366163..12367564. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of moderately high expression to a trough of low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages, during late pupal stages, in adult male stages." no no yes
FBgn0010038 GstD2 3.277187678 5.50E-33 3.87E-30 NA GSTT2B;GSTT1;MARS;VARS;GSTT2;EEF1G;EEF1E1 low;low;low;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Glutathione S transferase D2 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelGstD2 (CG4181, FBgn0010038). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3R:12371971..12372704. It has the cytological map location 87B8. Protein features are: Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal; Glutathione S-transferase, C-terminal-like; Glutathione S-transferase, N-terminal; Thioredoxin-like fold. Its molecular function is described by: glutathione peroxidase activity; glutathione transferase activity. It is involved in the biological process described with: glutathione metabolic process. 6 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic classes of alleles include: fertile; viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed during early larval stages." no no yes
FBgn0033302 Cyp6a14 3.526036017 1.14E-54 2.08E-51 CYP3A7-CYP3AP1 CYP3A4;CYP3A7-CYP3A51P;TBXAS1;CYP3A43;CYP3A5;CYP3A7 moderate;moderate;low;low;low;low NA NA NA "The gene Cyp6a14 is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCyp6a14 (CG8687, FBgn0033302). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2R:8564187..8567202. It has the cytological map location 44D3. Protein features are: Cytochrome P450; Cytochrome P450, E-class, group I; Cytochrome P450, conserved site. Its molecular function is described by: oxidoreductase activity; oxidoreductase activity, acting on paired donors, with incorporation or reduction of molecular oxygen; iron ion binding; heme binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: oxidation-reduction process. 5 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. No phenotypic class data is available. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of low expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, during late larval stages, in adult male stages." no no no
FBgn0005664 Crys 3.705580843 8.84E-53 1.35E-49 NA NA NA NA NA NA "The gene Crystallin is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCrys (CG16963, FBgn0005664). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has 2 annotated transcripts and 2 polypeptides (1 unique). Gene sequence location is 2L:11944129..11947131. It has the cytological map location 33B2. Protein features are: Chitin-binding type R&R consensus; Insect cuticle protein. Its molecular function is described by: calcium ion binding; structural constituent of eye lens; structural constituent of cuticle. It is involved in the biological process described with: visual perception; compound eye corneal lens development. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of extremely high expression to a trough of no expression detected. Peak expression observed during late pupal stages." no no no
FBgn0036362 CG10725 3.722830448 8.93E-75 4.08E-71 NA NA NA NA NA NA "This gene is referred to in FlyBase by the symbol DmelCG10725 (FBgn0036362). It is a protein_coding_gene from Drosophila melanogaster. It has one annotated transcript and one polypeptide. Gene sequence location is 3L:13437954..13439009. It has the cytological map location 70B1. Protein features are: Chitin binding domain. Its molecular function is described by: chitin binding. It is involved in the biological process described with: chitin metabolic process. 4 alleles are reported. No phenotypic data is available. The phenotypic class of alleles includes: viable. Summary of modENCODE Temporal Expression Profile: Temporal profile ranges from a peak of very high expression to a trough of extremely low expression. Peak expression observed within 18-24 hour embryonic stages, at stages throughout the larval period." no no no