#NEXUS [written Fri Mar 13 11:52:30 MDT 2015 by Mesquite version 3.02 (build 681) at Fowler/] BEGIN TAXA; TITLE Taxa; DIMENSIONS NTAX=28; TAXLABELS Leptoceratops_gracilis Protoceratops_andrewsi Zuniceratops_christopheri Turanoceratops_tardabilis Albertaceratops_nesmoi Centrosaurus_apertus Pachyrhinosaurus_lakustai Chasmosaurus_belli Chasmosaurus_russelli Mojoceratops_perifania Vagaceratops_irvinensis Kosmoceratops_richardsoni Agujaceratops_mariscalensis Utahceratops_gettyi Pentaceratops_sternbergii Coahuilaceratops_magnacuerna Anchiceratops_ornatus Arrhinoceratops_brachyops Ojoceratops_fowleri Torosaurus_latus Torosaurus_utahensis Eotriceratops_xerinsularis Nedoceratops_hatcheri Triceratops_horridus Triceratops_prorsus Bravoceratops_polyphemus Navajoceratops_sullivani Terminocavus_sealyi ; END; BEGIN CHARACTERS; TITLE 'Matrix in file "withoutROM1439.nex"'; DIMENSIONS NCHAR=156; FORMAT DATATYPE = STANDARD GAP = - MISSING = ? SYMBOLS = " 0 1 2 3 4 5"; CHARSTATELABELS 1 'Rostral, extent of dorsal and ventral processes(Dodson et al., 2004, character 1)' / 'triangular in lateral view, with short dorsal and ventral processes' 'elongate, with deeply concave caudal margin and hypertrophied dorsal and ventral processes', 2 'Nares, size and position (Sereno, 1999, characters 106-108, modified)' / 'small, restricted to dorsal 1/3 of premaxilla, undifferentiated, 10% or less that of basal skull length' 'large, expanded to occupy most of the depth of the premaxilla, 15% or greater than basal skull length', 3 'Premaxillary septum (Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998, character 10)' / absent present, 4 'Premaxillary septum, shape (Dodson et al., 2004, character 4)' / rostrally_elongate hemicircular, 5 'Premaxillary septum, nasal contribution (new)' / septum_formed_by_premaxilla_only septum_formed_by_premaxilla_and_nasal, 6 'Premaxilla, narial strut (Holmes et al., 2001, character 1)' / absent present, 7 'Premaxilla, narial strut orientation (Dodson et al., 2004, character 6)' / rostrally_inclined caudally_inclined, 8 'Premaxilla, septal flange (Holmes et al., 2001, character 2)' / absent present, 9 'Premaxilla, septal flange length (Forster et al., 1993, character 1)' / spans_entire_caudal_margin_of_narial_strut restricted_to_ventral_portion_of_narial_strut, 10 'Premaxilla, septal fossa (Holmes et al., 2001, character 4)' / absent present, 11 'Premaxilla, interpremaxillary fossa in premaxillary septum (Dodson et al., 2004, character 8)' / absent present, 12 'Premaxilla, accessory strut in septal fossa (new)' / no_accessory_strut strut_present, 13 'Premaxilla, triangular process (Forster, 1990, character 21)' / absent present, 14 'Premaxilla, triangular process shape (new)' / square pinched_and_triangular_with_concave_facets, 15 'Premaxilla, triangular process recess (Dodson et al., 2004, character 12)' / absent present, 16 'Premaxilla, recess along ventral portion of septum (Dodson et al., 2004, character 9)' / absent present, 17 'Premaxilla, caudoventral expansion of oral margin (Forster, 1990, character 6)' / absent present, 18 'Premaxilla, position of caudal tip of caudoventral process (Forster et al., 1993, character 7)' / inserts_into_an_embayment_in_the_nasal intervenes_between_nasal_and_maxilla, 19 'Premaxilla, distal end of caudoventral process forked (Forster, 1990, character 14)' / absent present, 20 'Premaxilla-nasal contact in dorsal view (new)' / premaxillae_insert_between_nasal nasals_insert_between_premaxillae, 21 'Accessory antorbital fenestra (Forster, 1990, character 15)' / present absent, 22 'Accessory antorbital fenestra size (new)' / 'pronounced, penetration of nasal cavity visible in lateral view' 'slight penetration, nasal cavity not visible in lateral view', 23 'External antorbital fossa, size (Forster, 1990, character 44)' / 'large, 20% or more length of body of maxilla' 'greatly reduced or absent, less than 10% length of body of maxilla', 24 'Maxilla, relation of alveolar margin to rostral edentulous margin (new)' / edentulous_portion_maxilla_elevated_above_level_of_alveoli at_same_level, 25 'Maxilla, diastema on rostral maxilla (new)' / present absent, 26 'Maxilla, maxillary cavity (new)' / absent present, 27 'Nasal, ornamentation in adult (Forster, 1990, character 26, 27, 28, 126, modified)' / absent present, 28 'Nasal, ornamentation type in adult (ORDERED) (Forster, 1990, character 26, 27, 28, 126, modified)' / 'non-pronounced' distinct_horncore pachyostotic_boss, 29 'Nasal, ornamentation position, measured perpendicular to a horizontal toothrow (Forster, 1990, character 29, modified)' / centered_dorsal_to_or_caudal_to_center_of_endonaris centered_rostal_to_center_of_endonaris, 30 'Nasal, narial spine (Forster, 1990, character 22)' / absent present, 31 'Facial skeleton, dorsoventral depth in orbital region (new)' / 'deep, alveolar process of maxilla entirely visible' 'shallow, alveolar process of maxilla obscured by jugal', 32 'Orbit, orientation (new)' / directed_rostrolaterally directed_laterally, 33 'Orbit diameter (Makovicky & Norell, 2006, character 3, modified)' / more_than_20%_of_skull_length less_than_15%_of_skull_length, 34 'Lacrimal, size (Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998, character 1)' / 'large, forms 50% or more of the rostral orbital margin' 'small, forms 40% or less of the rostral orbital', 35 'Postorbital, supraorbital ornamentation in adult (Forster, 1990, characters 56 and 57, modified)' / absent present, 36 'Postorbital, extent of cornual sinuses in base of supraorbital ornamentation (Forster, 1990, character 123, modified)' / sinus_space_invades_frontal_and_parietal sinus_space_enters_postorbital, 37 'Postorbital, position of supraorbital horncore (Lehman, 1996, character 9)' / 'centered rostrodorsal or dorsal to orbit, narrow base with caudal margin of supraorbital horncore extending to or only slightly behind caudal margin of orbit' 'centered caudodorsal to orbit, broad base with caudal margin of supraorbital horncore extending well behind caudal orbit', 38 'Postorbital, orientation of supraorbital horncore base (new)' / dorsally_directed dorsolaterally_directed, 39 'Postorbital, length of supraorbital horncore (Forster, 1990, character 58, modified)' / 'short, less than 15% basal skull length' 'present, elongate, greater than 35% basal skull length', 40 'Postorbital, curvature of supraorbital horncore in lateral view (Forster et al., 1993, character 2, modified)' / caudally_recurved rostrally_curved straight, 41 'Postorbital, curvature of supraorbital horncore in rostral view (new)' / medially_recurved_ laterally_curved_ straight, 42 'Postorbital, separation from laterotemporal fenestra (Makovicky & Norell, 2006, character 34, modified)' / narrowly_excluded_from_fenestra_by_narrow_strip_of_jugal_ 'broadly excluded from fenestra by a substantial jugal-squamosal contact ', 43 'Palpebral, shape (Forster, 1990, character 31, modified)' / 'rod-like, articulates with prefrontal only at its base and projects across dorsal orbit, ligamentous attachment ' 'blocky, fully fused into dorsal orbital margin, sutural articulation with prefrontal and frontal ', 44 'Palpebral, antorbital buttress (Sampson, 1995, character 7, modified)' / absent_ present_, 45 'Palpebral, extent of antorbital buttress (new)' / present_along_only_anterodorsal_portion_of_orbit_ present_along_entire_anterior_portion_of_orbit_, 46 'Jugal, size and orientation of jugal body (Makovicky, 2001, character 22)' / 'projects strongly caudoventrally, does not extend below the level of the maxillary tooth row ' 'projects nearly ventrally, elongated to extend below the level of the maxillary tooth row ', 47 'Jugal infratemporal process (Forster, 1990, character 62, modified)' / absent_ 'present, contacts or nearly contacts infratemporal process of squamosal ', 48 'Jugal-lacrimal contact (Makovicky and Norell, 2006, character 26)' / reduced_ expanded_, 49 'Epijugal attachment scar (Sereno 1999, character 113, modified)' / large_blade_like_triangle_with_obtuse_angle_oriented_towards_quadratojugal_ scar_roughly_equilateral_in_shape_, 50 'Epijugal length (new)' / long_ hyperlong_ short, 51 'Quadratojugal-squamosal contact (new)' / absent_ present_, 52 'Laterotemporal fenestra, size and position (Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998, character 7)' / 'relatively large, diameter 20% or greater that of basal skull length, positioned caudal to orbit ' 'greatly reduced, diameter 10% or less that of basal skull length, positioned entirely below ventral limit of orbit ', 53 'Frontal, contribution to orbital margin (Forster, 1990, character 51)' / present_ absent_, 54 'Frontal, contribution to dorsotemporal fenestra (new)' / present_ absent_, 55 'Frontal fontanelle leading into supracranial cavity complex (Forster et al., 1996, character 3, modified)' / absent_ present_, 56 'Frontal fontanelle, shape (Forster, 1990, characters 49 and 50, modified)' / 'transversely narrow, slit-like ' 'key-hole shaped, circular or elongate oval ', 57 'Parietal, anterior extent on dorsum of skull relative to occipital condyle (new)' / rostral_end_of_parietal_located_well_in_front_of_occipital_condyle_ rostral_end_of_parietal_lies_directly_over_occipital_condyle_, 58 'Squamosal, posterior expansion (new)' / absent_or_very_slight_ present_, 59 'Squamosal, shape of expanded blade (new)' / 'sub-rectangular in outline ' 'triangular in outline, posteriorly narrowed ', 60 'Squamosal, length relative to parietal (Holmes et al., 2001, character 19, modified)' / 'squamosal much shorter than parietal, large portion of posterolateral frill made up of parietal ' 'squamosal slightly shorter than parietal, pmn;y posterolaterl-most margin of frill formed by the parietal ' squamosal_and_parietal_equal_in_length, 61 'Squamosal forms part of posterior margin of frill (new)' / present_ absent_, 62 'Squamosal, rostromedial lamina forming the caudolateral floor of dorsotemporal (Penkalski and Dodson, 1999, character 9)' / absent_ present_, 63 'Squamosal-quadrate contact (Forster, 1990, character 64, modified)' / 'socket-like cotylus on ventrolateral squamosal for ball-like quadrate head ' elongate_groove_on_medial_surface_of_squamosal_to_receive_lamina_of_quadrate_, 64 'Squamosal, thickened, rounded swelling along medial margin (Forster, 1990, character 90)' / 'absent, lateral surface of squamosal flat to slightly convex ' 'present, lateral surface of squamosal slightly concave ', 65 'Parietosquamosal contact, shape in lateral view (new) (Forster, 1990, character 119)' / straight_ 'curved, medially concave ', 66 'Parietal, concave median embayment on caudal margin (new)' / absent_ present_, 67 'Parietal, shape of concave median embayment (Forster, 1990, character 83, modified) PROBLEM WITH NUMBERS ON SHEET' / 'shallow, restricted to center of margin ' 'shallow, entire transverse bar is a V-shaped embayment ' 'notch-like, restricted to center of margin', 68 'Parietal, location of caudalmost point of caudal ramus (Holmes et al., 2001, character 18, modified)' / on_midline_ 'between midline and lateral-most corner ' 'at lateral-most corner adjacent to squamosal', 69 'Parietosquamosal frill, length relative to basal skull length (Forster, 1990, characters 80, 81, 82, modified)' / 'short, .70 or less ' 'elongate, .85 or more ', 70 'Parietosquamosal frill, location of maximum transverse width (new)' / 'caudally, at rear margin of frill ' 'rostrally, in association with proximal half of frill ' widest_part_in_middle_or_frill_relatively_equal_in_width, 71 'Parietal, parietal sulci (new)' / absent_ present_, 72 'Parietal, overall shape (new)' / nearly_straight_along_midline_in_lateral_view_and_gently_arched_from_side_to_side_ '"saddle-shaped," dorsally concave in lateral view with upturned caudal margin, and arched strongly from side to side ', 73 'Parietal fenestra (Forster, 1990, character 84) ' / absent_ present_, 74 'Parietal, rim on medial margin of dorsotemporal fenestra (Forster, 1990, character 86). CORRECTED.' / absent_ 'present, well-defined, laterally projecting rim defines medial margin of fenestra ', 75 'Parietal, sharp median crest (new)' / present_ absent_, 76 'Parietal, rostrocaudal thickness of transverse bar at narrowest point (Holmes et al., 2001, character 22)' / 'narrow and straplike, less than 10% total parietal length ' 'broad, 20% or more of total parietal length ', 77 'Parietal, relative rostrocaudal depth of broad transverse bar (new)' / subequal_medial_to_lateral_ tapering_so_that_the_narrowest_point_occurs_medially_, 78 'Parietal, cross-sectional shape of median bar (Holmes et al., 2001, character 24, modified)' / 'diamond-shaped, tapers laterally ' 'rectangular or subrectangular, margin facing parietal fenestrae thick and oriented sub-perpendicular to parietal surface ' round_to_lenticular 'v-shaped, opening ventrally', 79 'Parietal, median bar, transverse width (Holmes et al., 2001, character 23)' / 'narrow and straplike, transverse width less than 10% total parietal length ' 'relatively wide, transverse width 15% or more of total parietal length ', 80 'Parietal fenestra, orientation (Forster, 1990, character 129, modified) CORRECTED' / long_axis_directed_transversely_ long_axis_directed_axially_ axial_and_transverse_axes_equal, 81 'Parietal fenestra, maximum proximodistal diameter (Forster, 1990, character 129, modified)' / 35%_or_less_total_parietal_length_ 45%_or_more_total_parietal_length_, 82 'Parietosquamosal frill, marginal undulations (Forster, 1990, characters 89, 114, modified)' / absent_ present_, 83 'Parietosquamosal frill, imbrication of undulations (Dodson et al., 2004, character 34)' / absent_ present_, 84 'Marginal dermal ossifications on parietal and squamosal (Forster, 1990, characters 91 and 92, modified)' / absent_ present_, 85 'Episquamosals on midlateral squamosal margin (new)' / 'small, less than 50 mm long in adults ' 'large and elongate, greater than 90mm long in adults ', 86 'Episquamosal, location of largest/longest example (new)' / episquamosals_subequal_in_size_ rostralmost_episquamosal_by_far_the_largest_ caudalmost_episquamosal_by_far_the_largest, 87 'Episquamosal, midlateral, shape (Dodson et al., 2004, character 45, modified)' / crescentic_or_ellipsoidal_ triangular_or_elongate_, 88 'Episquamosal locus S1 shape (new)' / small_and_crescentic_ 'low raised D-shaped process ' well_developed_larger_triangular_process elongate_hook, 89 'Episquamosal locus S2 shape (new)' / small_and_crescentic_ 'low raised D-shaped process ' well_developed_larger_triangular_process, 90 'Episquamosal locus S2 size relative to other episquamosals (new)' / subequal_ 'second only to S1 in size, larger than S3 ', 91 'Marginal ossification crossing squamosal-parietal contact (Dodson et al., 2004, character 43)' / absent present, 92 'Shape of marginal ossification (eps) crossing squamosal-parietal contact (new)' / small_and_crescentic_ present_strongly_recurved_process_or_gnarled_process_ well_developed_triangular_process 'elongate base, spindle-shaped low process sometimes with a small peak', 93 'Epiparietals, number per side (Holmes et al., 2001, character 28)' / three_ five_or_more_, 94 'Epiparietals, fused to adjacent epiparietal at base (Holmes et al., 2001, character 29)' / absent_ present_, 95 'Epiparietal P0 (new)' / absent_ present_, 96 'Epiparietal locus ep1, position (New configuration)' / absent_ 'present; locus ep1 is positioned at the lateral edge of the parietal embayment, but not within it; this is usually where there is a change of angle in the posterior bar' 'present, locus ep1 is elongate, and extends from the midline or near the midline laterally over 50% or more of each lateral ramus of the parietal posterior bar' 'present, locus ep1 is limited to the central third of the posterior bar, such that the medialmost edge of locus ep1 immediately abuts the midline (or nearly so)', 97 'Epiparietal, locus P1 shape (Sampson, 1995, character 15, modified)' / 'low D-shaped process ' anteroposteriorly_elongate_flattened_process_or_spike_ strongly_recurved_triangular_or_recurved_low_gnarled_triangular_process well_developed_triangular_process 'elongate base, spindle-shaped low process sometimes with a small peak' 'very elongate and differentiated into an array (typically 3-4) of protuberances', 98 'Epiparietal, locus P1 orientation (Sampson, 1995, character 15, modified)' / 'caudally, epiparietal oriented in the plane of the frill ' directed_rostrodorsally_, 99 'Epiparietal, locus P1 curvature (Sampson, 1995, character 15, modified)' / straight_ laterally_curved_ medially_curved dorsally_curved, 100 'Epiparietal, locus P2 shape (Sampson, 1995, character 16, modified)' / 'low D-shaped process ' anteroposteriorly_elongate_flattened_process_or_spike strongly_recurved_triangular_or_recurved_low_gnarled_triangular_process well_developed_triangular_process 'elongate base, spindle-shaped low process sometimes with a small peak', 101 'Epiparietal, locus P2 curvature (Sampson, 1995, character 16, modified)' / straight_ medially_or_laterally_curved_in_the_plane_of_the_frill_ recurved_onto_dorsal_surface_of_frill, 102 'Epiparietal locus P3 shape (new)' / 'low raised D-shaped process ' anteroposteriorly_elongate_spike strongly_recurved_triangular_or_recurved_low_gnarled_triangular_process well_developed_triangular_process 'elongate base, spindle-shaped low process sometimes with a small peak' elongate_hook, 103 'Epiparietal, locus P3 orientation (new)' / 'caudally, epiparietal oriented in the plane of the frill ' directed_rostrodorsally_, 104 'Basioccipital,contribution to occipital condyle (Forster, 1990, character 71)' / 'forms approximately 2/3 of occipital condyle ' 'forms 1/3 of the occipital condyle', 105 'Supraoccipital, contribution to foramen magnum (Forster, 1990, character 63)' / forms_dorsal_margin_of_foramen_magnum_ 'eliminated from margin by exoccipital-exoccipital contact on midline ', 106 'Supraoccipital, ventrolateral processes (Sereno, 1999, character 131)' / absent_ present_, 107 'Exoccipital, exits for cranial nerves in exoccipital (Forster, 1990, character 68)' / three_foramina_ two_foramina_, 108 'Paroccipital process, dorsoventral distal expansion (Forster, 1990, character 66)' / distal_process_only_slightly_expanded_ distal_process_expanded_to_at_least_.8_two_times_the_depth_at_its_narrowest_point_, 109 'Ectopterygoid, contributes to palate and contacts the jugal (Forster, 1990, character 32)' / present_ absent_, 110 'Secondary palate, relative contribution of maxilla (new)' / maxilla_forms_at_least_45%_of_the_secondary_palate_ 'maxilla contributes only to the posterior portion, forms 30% or less of secondary palate ', 111 'Palatine, shape and relationship to maxilla (new)' / 'palatine contacts nearly the entire medial surface of the maxilla, restricting size of choanae, rostrodorsal process embraces posterior end of vomer ' 'palatine contacts only the posterior one-third of medial surface of maxilla, contact with vomer lost, choanae enlarged ', 112 'Lower jaw, level of mandibular articulation (Forster, 1990, character 74)' / at_or_slightly_below_occlusal_surface_of_tooth_row_ depressed_well_below_level_of_occlusal_surface_of_tooth_row_, 113 'Predentary, length relative to dentary (Chinnery, 1998, character 19; polarity reversed)' / 'equal to or more than two-thirds of dentary length ' 'less than two-thirds of dentary length ', 114 'Predentary, dentary processes (new)' / ventral_processes_much_longer_than_abbreviated_dorsal_processes_ dorsal_and_ventral_processes_elongate_and_subequal_in_length_, 115 'Predentary, orientation of triturating surface (Dodson, 2004, character 57)' / nearly_horizontal_ inclined_steeply_laterally, 116 'Dentary lateral ridge confluent with cutting surface of predentary (new)' / present_ absent_, 117 'Dentary, shape of ventral margin in adults (Forster, 1990, character 73)' / strongly_convexly_bowed_ straight_, 118 'Dentary, caudal extent of tooth row (Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998, character 18)' / terminates_at_the_center_of_the_coronoid_process_ terminates_caudal_to_the_coronoid_process_, 119 'Dentary, shape of coronoid process (Forster, 1990, characters 33 and 72, modified)' / 'short, with gently convex apex, base of ascending ramus rostrocaudally expanded ' 'tall, expanded at apex into a rostrally projecting hook, base of ascending ramus rostrocaudally restricted ', 120 'Dentary, separation of body from ascending ramus of coronoid process (Makovicky, 2001, character 59, modified)' / absent_ present_, 121 'Splenial, shape (Makovicky, 2001, character 62, modified)' / 'nearly as deep as the body of the dentary, does not contact articular, angular exposed in medial view ' 'shallow, contacts articular, covers angular in medial view ', 122 'Prearticular-dentary contact (new)' / absent_ present_, 123 'Tooth, number of roots (Forster, 1990, character 34)' / one_ two_, 124 'Tooth, number of replacements per alveolus (Sereno, 1999, character 137)' / one_or_two_replacement_teeth three_or_more_replacement_teeth_, 125 'Tooth magazine, case-like alveolar slots for vertical tooth families formed by spongy bone (new)' / absent_ present_, 126 'Cheek teeth (Forster, 1990, character 37)' / spaced_ 'closely packed, roots abut ', 127 'Cervical vertebrae, formation of syncervical (Forster, 1990, character 122)' / 'C1-3 fused or tightly articulated, atlantal hypocentrum present as a ventrally placed, wedge-like bone ' 'C1-3 firmly fused, atlantal hypocentrum forms a complete ring ', 128 'Axis, neural spine shape and orientation (Sereno, 1999, character 141)' / 'blade-like and nearly vertical, overhangs only rostralmost portion of C3 ' 'blade-like morphology lost, spine steeply angled to reach caudal margin of C3 ', 129 'Atlantal rib (new)' / present_ absent_, 130 'Dorsal vertebrae, shape of centra (new)' / relatively_axially_elongate_ axially_shortened_, 131 'Sacrum, longitudinal sulcus on ventral surface (Lehman, 1989; Sereno, 1999, character 144)' / absent_ present_, 132 'Scapula, relative contribution to glenoid fossa (Sereno, 1999, character 145)' / scapula_and_coracoid_contribute_equally_ scapula_contributes_well_over_half_of_the_glenoid_, 133 'Scapula, orientation of scapular spine (new)' / runs_obliquely_across_blade_ runs_longitudinally_along_blade_, 134 'Olecranon process (Forster, 1990, character 104, modified)' / relatively_small_ 'enlarged (>one-third of ulnar length) ', 135 'Clavicle (Sereno, 1999, character 147)' / present_ absent_, 136 'Manual and pedal unguals, shape (Chinnery and Weishampel, 1998, character 64)' / taper_to_distal_tip_ dorsoventrally_flattened_with_blunt_and_rounded_distal_tips_, 137 'Manal and pedal penultimate phalanges, shape (new)' / length_exceeds_width_ width_exceeds_length, 138 'Ilium, lateral eversion of dorsal margin (Forster, 1990, characters 108-109, modified)' / absent_ present_, 139 'Ilium, relative lengths of pubic and ischial peduncles (new)' / 'pubic and ischial peduncles long, extend well below body of ilium approximately the same distance ' 'ischial peduncle reduced along ventral aspect, pubic peduncle projects further ventrally than ischial peduncle ', 140 'Pubis, prepubic process (Forster, 1990, character 111)' / short_and_unexpanded_distally_ 'elongate, distal end greatly expanded dorsoventrally ', 141 'Pubis, position and length of postpubic rod (Forster, 1990, character 110)' / 'relatively short but extends past ischial peduncle of ilium, arises ventral to acetabulum and lies along ventral and ventromedial margin of ischium ' 'very abbreviated, terminates at level of ischial peduncle, arises medial to acetabulum and passes entirely medial to ischium ', 142 'Pubis and ischium, morphology of contributions to acetabulum (new)' / 'pubic acetabular surface faces caudolaterally, pubis and pubic process of ischium contribute equally to ventral margin of acetabulum ' 'pubic acetabular surface faces laterally and forms a partial medial wall to the acetabulum, pubic process of ischium elongate and meets pubis close to anterior margin of acetabulum, ventral portion of pubic acetabular surface lies medial to pubic ramus of ', 143 'Ischium, cross-sectional shape of shaft (Forster, 1990, character 112)' / thick_and_ovoid_ 'laterally compressed and bladelike, tapered dorsally ', 144 'Ischium, orientation of shaft (Forster, 1990, character 113)' / nearly_straight_or_slightly_decurved_ broadly_and_continuously_curved_, 145 'Femur, morphology of greater and lesser trochanters (Dodson et al., 2004, character 72)' / trochanters_distinct_and_located_below_the_level_of_the_femoral_head_ trochanters_coalesced_and_level_with_the_femoral_head_, 146 'Femur, size of fourth trochanter (Sereno, 1999, character 154)' / large_and_pendant_ 'small, reduced to low prominence ', 147 'Femur-tibia proportion (Forster, 1990, character 103)' / tibia_longer_than_femur_ femur_longer_than_tibia_, 148 'Pes, metatarsal proportions (new)' / 'length of MT I two-thirds the length of MT II ' MT_I_reduced_to_one_half_or_less_the_length_of_MT_II_, 149 'Lateral ridge of dentary, situated ventral to the coronoid process' / present absent, 150 'Form of the quadratojugal-squamosal joint in lateral view' / quadratojugal_overlapped_by_squamosal_dorsally_ quadratojugal_bifurcated_with_processes_dorsal_and_ventral_to_squamosal_, 151 Form_of_the_nasal_bridge_in_dorsal_view / wide_posterior_to_the_nasal_horncore_ constricted_posterior_to_the_nasal_horncore_, 152 'Nasal horncore transverse cross-section' / 'Ellipse- or teardrop-shaped' 'Triangular (horncore with flattened rostral face and distinct caudal keel)', 153 'Parietal, position of the maximum constriction of the median bar' / 'within the anterior 2/3 of the parietal fenetra' 'within the posteriormost 1/3 of the parietal fenestra', 154 'Epiparietal, locus P1 orientation (angle of the long axis of ep1 relative to the long axis of the parietal)' / '0°-30°' '30°-60°' '60°-90°' '90°+', 155 'Parietal, thickness of transverse bar at thickest point ' / 'narrow and strap-like (1-10 % of maximum parietal width in posterior half)' 'medium thickness (11-15 % of maximum parietal width in posterior half)' 'thick (15-20 % of maximum parietal width in posterior half)' 'very thick (>20% of maximum parietal width in posterior half)', 156 'Parietal fenestrae: shape' / angular_ subangular subrounded rounded_ ; MATRIX Leptoceratops_gracilis 100??0???0??0??010001?000?0??000000??????000?0000000000?00??000000?00000000??????000???????????0????????00?0000000000000000000?000000000000?0?000000(0 1)00????? Protoceratops_andrewsi 000??0???0??0??01000010000100000000??????000?0000000000?0100110000?00000100000000000???????????0???????000000000000?00000000000000000000000000000000000-0?1(0 1 2) Zuniceratops_christopheri 111000???0??0??0?010000?000??0?1111000102111011?0??11?0???????0????????01?01000????0????????????????????11?1???1?0011011??001????1100?????????01?0??1??????? Turanoceratops_tardabilis ??????????????????????0000??????1?1?00101?1?????????1?0??????????????????????????1????????????????????????????????0???????1011?????????????????????????????? Albertaceratops_nesmoi ?111?0???0??0??????01?1011100??11?1?00112111111112111???1100111001011110111100111111000???0?1000??13030??1?1???1?11011?1???111???????????????????????00-???? Centrosaurus_apertus 011110???0??0??111001?111111010111100002111111111211111011001110010110101111001111110000000?10031120000111111111111011111111111111110111111111011111(0 1)0001211 Pachyrhinosaurus_lakustai 011110???0??0??111001?111112010111111????110?1?112?111101100111001011010111100111111??0???0?1000??2110010111111?1110111111111111?1?10??11111110111??(0 1)00-0?22 Chasmosaurus_belli 1110010101001000001001111111001111110000211111111211111111111011111210101110010111010011100?0002(2 5)132232?11111111110111111111111111210?1111111111111110001211 Chasmosaurus_russelli 1110010101001000001001111111001111110000211111111211111111111011112110101110010111010011100?0001213223(0 2)?11111??1110111111111111111210?1111111111111?10001201 Mojoceratops_perifania 1110010101001000001000011?110001111101100111111110111111111110?1112110001110020111010?11100?00012103032???????????????????1??????????????????????????0000201 Vagaceratops_irvinensis 1110011101001?0000100111111100011101?????111111112111?111112001110?211?01110000001010011101101025132230?1111???11101111111?1111111?10?1111???11??11?10001211 Kosmoceratops_richardsoni 1110011111001100001001111111000111110111211111011111111111120010111211101110001001(0 1)10212101401025132252????????11?011?111?1?11????????1?????????????10001211 Agujaceratops_mariscalensis 111001010100100000111?11111100011111011001111101111111??111?1011112?11??1110?20111010?111?0???01???????111111???110?1111??1?111111210????111?11111??10000211 Utahceratops_gettyi 11100101110?110000110?1111110001111111022111110111?1111111111011112111101110020111011212210?00033133030???1111?111011111111111???1?10??????1??11111?10000011 Pentaceratops_sternbergii 11100101110111000011011111110001111110112111110111111111111(1 2)1011112(1 2)11101110(0 1)(0 2)011101121221(0 1)200033133030?11111111110111111111111111210?1111111111?11??0000(0 1)21 Coahuilaceratops_magnacuerna 11100?1??10????00??1??11111110??1?11??11?1???????????????11??01?1??????01?1??2011101??1?????????????????????????1?0111111???11?????10???????????????1?00???? Anchiceratops_ornatus 1110011(0 1)1110110001001?1111110001111111111111110111111111111(1 2)101110?11110111100110101121220(0 1)200033133030111111111?1?01?11???111??????????????????????0000003(2 3) Arrhinoceratops_brachyops 1110011??110100001?01?1111110001111?111111111101111111(0 1)1111110111(0 1)01111011110011010110111013000140040401111111111110111111??111?1??1????????????????0001023(2 3) Ojoceratops_fowleri 11??0??????????????0??????111??1??????????111????????????11???101?????????1100???101101110??00114004040????????111011?111???11??????0???????????????1?00???? Torosaurus_latus 1110010??111???0010?1?111111100111111(0 1)112111110112111?(0 1)1111110111(0 1)0(0 1)1210111103120101101110(0 1)310014004040111111111?1????????1111???1?10????????????????(0 1)000323 Torosaurus_utahensis ?????????????????????????????????11?10112111110112?1??1??11?101110?0121011110312010110111113101?4004040????????111?11111??1?111?11??????????????????1??????3 Eotriceratops_xerinsularis 11100100?11011000??0??111111??011?111?1121?111?112???????11?1???1????????????????1011?1???1?????????????????????????????????1111???????????????????????1???? Nedoceratops_hatcheri 11100100?11111100?0?1?111?1110011?1?10112?11110?12?1?11111111?101???021?111103110101101110????????????????111????????????????1????????????????????????00???? Triceratops_horridus 11100100?111111001001?1111111001111110112111110112111111111110101(0 1)0(0 1)0211011??????101101110(0 1)3001140040401111111111101111111111111112111111111111111111(0 1)00?(2 3)?? Triceratops_prorsus 11100100?111111001001?11111110011111101121111101121111011111101010?00211011??????101101110(0 1)300114004040111111111110111111111111111??1??????????????11(0 1)00?(2 3)?? Bravoceratops_polyphemus ?1???????????????0????????111?????111011?1???10?111?????1?1???1?1???1???1?1??2011???1?1?10????????????????????????????11?????????????????????????????1100??? Navajoceratops_sullivani ?????????????????????????????????????????????????1???????11??????121?1101?101(0 2)01?101????????000331?30???????????????????????????????????????????????????0031 Terminocavus_sealyi ?????????????????????????????????????????????????1???????111?????121?1101?111(0 2)(0 1)1?101????????00033(0 1)33030?????????????????????????????????????????????????0032 ; END; BEGIN ASSUMPTIONS; OPTIONS DEFTYPE = UNORD POLYTCOUNT = MINSTEPS; TYPESET * UNTITLED = unord: 1 - 27 29 - 153, ord: 28 154 - 156; TYPESET default = unord: 1 - 27 29 - 156, ord: 28; END; begin paup; log file = DF4-log.alltaxa-alK.nex replace; outgroup Leptoceratops_gracilis; set criterion = parsimony taxlabels = full torder = right maxtrees = 5000 increase = no root = outgroup outroot = monophyl storebrlens = yes warnreset = no warntree = no warntsave = no warnroot = no warnredef = no autoclose = yes; hsearch start = stepwise hold = 2 addseq = simple limitperrep = no usenonmin = yes swap = tbr steepest = yes multrees = yes; PSet MSTaxa = Variable opt = acctran; describetrees 1 / root = outgroup plot = phylogram apolist = yes; savetrees root = yes file = DF4-tre.alltaxa-alK.nex replace format = altnex brlens = yes; contree all / strict = yes semistrict = no majrule = no adam = no root = outgroup treefile = DF4-tre.alltaxa-alK.nex append = yes; bootstrap nreps = 100 grpfreq = no conlevel = 50 search = heuristic / addseq = random nreps = 1 swap = TBR steepest = no multrees = yes; savetrees from = 1 to = 1 root = yes file = DF4-tre.alltaxa-alK.nex append = yes format = altnex savebootp = brlens; log stop; END; BEGIN NOTES; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 59 TEXT = 'This is coded as ''2'' in the Wick and Lehman 2013 matrix. Should be ''1''.'; SU C = 91 N = selected B = TRUE; TEXT TAXON = 26 CHARACTER = 98 TEXT = 'This state (2) was added by Wick and Lehman (2013), but not described'; END; BEGIN MESQUITECHARMODELS; ProbModelSet * UNTITLED = 'Mk1 (est.)': 1 - 156; END; Begin MESQUITE; MESQUITESCRIPTVERSION 2; TITLE AUTO; tell ProjectCoordinator; timeSaved 1426269150345; getEmployee #mesquite.minimal.ManageTaxa.ManageTaxa; tell It; setID 0 8444232468535787077; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; setID 0 2316730269657623777; tell It; setSelected 91; attachments ; endTell; mqVersion 302; checksumv 0 3 651444513 null getNumChars 156 numChars 156 getNumTaxa 28 numTaxa 28 short true bits 63 states 63 sumSquaresStatesOnly 22846.0 sumSquares 22846.0 longCompressibleToShort false usingShortMatrix true NumFiles 1 NumMatrices 1; mqVersion; endTell; getWindow; tell It; suppress; setResourcesState false false 100; setPopoutState 400; setExplanationSize 0; setAnnotationSize 0; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1582 976; setLocation 131 1; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; desuppress; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowCoord.BasicDataWindowCoord; tell It; showDataWindow #2316730269657623777 #mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindowMaker; tell It; getWindow; tell It; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1482 904; setLocation 131 1; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; endTell; setActive; setTool mesquite.charMatrices.BasicDataWindowMaker.BasicDataWindow.ibeam; colorCells #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; colorRowNames #mesquite.charMatrices.TaxonGroupColor.TaxonGroupColor; colorColumnNames #mesquite.charMatrices.CharGroupColor.CharGroupColor; colorText #mesquite.charMatrices.NoColor.NoColor; setBackground White; toggleShowNames off; toggleShowTaxonNames on; toggleTight off; toggleThinRows off; toggleShowChanges on; toggleSeparateLines off; toggleShowStates on; toggleAutoWCharNames on; toggleAutoTaxonNames off; toggleShowDefaultCharNames off; toggleConstrainCW on; toggleBirdsEye off; toggleShowPaleGrid off; toggleShowPaleCellColors off; toggleShowPaleExcluded off; togglePaleInapplicable on; toggleShowBoldCellText off; toggleAllowAutosize on; toggleColorsPanel off; toggleDiagonal on; setDiagonalHeight 80; toggleLinkedScrolling on; toggleScrollLinkedTables off; endTell; showWindow; getWindow; tell It; forceAutosize; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorByState.ColorByState; tell It; setStateLimit 9; toggleUniformMaximum on; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ColorCells.ColorCells; tell It; setColor Red; removeColor off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesEditor; tell It; makeWindow; tell It; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1482 904; setLocation 131 1; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; setTool mesquite.categ.StateNamesEditor.StateNamesWindow.ibeam; endTell; rowsAreCharacters on; toggleConstrainChar on; toggleConstrainCharNum 3; togglePanel off; toggleSummaryPanel off; endTell; showWindow; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.StateNamesStrip.StateNamesStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.AnnotPanel.AnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.CharReferenceStrip.CharReferenceStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.QuickKeySelector.QuickKeySelector; tell It; autotabOff; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.SelSummaryStrip.SelSummaryStrip; tell It; showStrip off; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.categ.SmallStateNamesEditor.SmallStateNamesEditor; tell It; panelOpen true; endTell; endTell; endTell; getEmployee #mesquite.charMatrices.ManageCharacters.ManageCharacters; tell It; showCharacters #2316730269657623777 #mesquite.lists.CharacterList.CharacterList; tell It; setData 0; getWindow; tell It; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.DefaultCharOrder.DefaultCharOrder; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListInclusion.CharListInclusion; newAssistant #mesquite.lists.CharListPartition.CharListPartition; newAssistant #mesquite.parsimony.CharListParsModels.CharListParsModels; newAssistant #mesquite.stochchar.CharListProbModels.CharListProbModels; setExplanationSize 30; setAnnotationSize 20; setFontIncAnnot 0; setFontIncExp 0; setSize 1482 904; setLocation 131 1; setFont SanSerif; setFontSize 10; getToolPalette; tell It; endTell; endTell; showWindow; getEmployee #mesquite.lists.CharListAnnotPanel.CharListAnnotPanel; tell It; togglePanel off; endTell; endTell; endTell; endTell; end;