library(sf) library(raster) library(exactextractr) library(magrittr) library(dplyr) # Import EU grid and Biographical regions shapefiles eu_grid <- st_read("data/europe_10km.shp") %>% st_set_crs(3035) bio_reg <- st_read("data/BiogeoRegions2016.shp") %>% st_set_crs(3035) # First feature of EBRs is alpine, as coverage_fraction() assigns empty cells to the first feature rasterized # we need to process the Alpine BR separately alp_reg <- bio_reg[bio_reg$short_name == "alpine", ] # Empty raster necessary for coverage_fraction() r <- raster(ext = extent(eu_grid), crs = crs(eu_grid), res = 10000) # Rasterize the EBRs by weighting the identity of a cell on the area of the features therein bio_reg_lst <- coverage_fraction(r, bio_reg) bio_reg_st <- raster::stack(bio_reg_lst) bio_reg_eu <- bio_reg_st[[c(1:9, 11:12)]] # by rasterizing "outside" separately we can assign every cells on the outer boundary to the EBR with largest extent therein bio_reg_rast <- calc(bio_reg_eu, which.max) values(bio_reg_rast)[values(bio_reg_rast) == 11] <- 12 values(bio_reg_rast)[values(bio_reg_rast) == 10] <- 11 sea_mask <- calc(bio_reg_st, function(x, ...) {all(x == 0)}) # correcting the sea values by using NAs values instead of first feature (i.e. Alpine BR) values(bio_reg_rast)[values(sea_mask) == 1] <- NA outside_mask <- calc(bio_reg_st[[10]], function(x, ...) x > 0) alp_reg_lst <- coverage_fraction(r, alp_reg) values(outside_mask)[values(alp_reg_lst[[1]]) > 0] <- FALSE values(bio_reg_rast)[values(bio_reg_rast) == 1 & values(outside_mask) == TRUE] <- 10 # Convert the raster file to a table format where each row corresponds to the centroid of a cell # In columns cells ID (according to European grid), centroids of the cell (EPSG: 3035) and # biogeographical region bio_reg_pnts <- rasterToPoints(bio_reg_rast) %>% %>% st_as_sf(., coords = c("x", "y")) %>% st_set_crs(3035) bio_reg_pnts <- st_join(bio_reg_pnts, eu_grid) lkp_tab <- data.frame(layer = 1:12, biogeographical_region = c("Alpine", "Anatolian", "Arctic", "Atlantic", "Black Sea", "Boreal", "Continental", "Macaronesian", "Mediterranean", "Outside", "Pannonian", "Steppic")) bio_reg_pnts <- left_join(bio_reg_pnts, lkp_tab) bio_reg_tab <-[, c(2, 5)]), st_coordinates(bio_reg_pnts))