require(data.table) require(xlsx) require(readxl) require(rjags) require(snow) # Importations of COVID-19 into African countries and risk of onward spread # Correspondence to: # Haoyang Sun ( # Hannah Clapham ( ##### PART A: Estimating total number of imported cases ##### # Loaded OAG flight data "flights_17" # Set Working Directory deplist = c("Italy", "United Kingdom", "United States", "France", "Spain", "Germany", "Turkey", "Switzerland", "Belgium", "Netherlands", "Austria", "Portugal") africa ="COVID-19\\For Plot\\Africa-Asia.xlsx"))[ Continent == "Africa", .(ARRCOUNTRY = Country)][order(ARRCOUNTRY)] africa = CJ(ARRCOUNTRY = africa$ARRCOUNTRY, DEPCOUNTRY = deplist) africa = flights_17[Month == 3, .(Pax = sum(Pax)), by = .(DEPCOUNTRY, ARRCOUNTRY)][ africa, on = c(DEPCOUNTRY = "DEPCOUNTRY", ARRCOUNTRY = "ARRCOUNTRY")] africa[, Pax := 0] trvban ="COVID-19\\Line list\\Africa Data - Updated on 09072020.xlsx", sheetName = "Travel restrictions", stringsAsFactors = F, encoding = "UTF-8"))[ ARRCOUNTRY %in% africa$ARRCOUNTRY, .(DEPCOUNTRY, ARRCOUNTRY, trvbant = Start_Date)] africa = trvban[africa, on = c(DEPCOUNTRY = "DEPCOUNTRY", ARRCOUNTRY = "ARRCOUNTRY")] africa = trvban[DEPCOUNTRY == "All selected DEPCOUNTRY", .(ARRCOUNTRY, trvbant)][africa, on = c(ARRCOUNTRY = "ARRCOUNTRY")] africa[, trvbant := i.trvbant] africa[, trvbant := as.Date("2020-05-01")] africa = africa[, .(ARRCOUNTRY, DEPCOUNTRY, Pax, trvbant, Date = trvbant + 9, sgARRCN = -1)] # Loaded reported number & timing of imported cases in SG "importedtoSG" for(i in 1:nrow(africa)) africa$sgARRCN[i] = round(sum(importedtoSG[Country == africa$DEPCOUNTRY[i] & Date <= africa$Date[i]]$cases)) mhelp = unique(africa[, .(DEPCOUNTRY, sgARRCN)])[order(DEPCOUNTRY, sgARRCN)][, I := .I] mhelp = flights_17[ARRCOUNTRY == "Singapore" & Month == 3, .(Pax = sum(Pax)), by = DEPCOUNTRY][ mhelp, on = c(DEPCOUNTRY = "DEPCOUNTRY")] myjagscript = " model { for(i in 1:N) { sgARRCN[i] ~ dpois(beta[i] * Pax[i]) beta[i] ~ dunif(0, 1) } } " mypoismcmc = function() { mydatajags = list(sgARRCN = mhelp$sgARRCN, Pax = mhelp$Pax, N = nrow(mhelp)) initjags = list(beta = rbeta(nrow(mhelp), 1, 10)) jagmod = jags.model(textConnection(myjagscript), inits = initjags, data = mydatajags, n.chains = 10, quiet = T) update(jagmod, n.iter = 2000, = "none") mypost = coda.samples(jagmod, c("beta"), n.iter = 15000, thin = 30) return(mypost) } ' mypost = mypoismcmc() summary(geweke.diag(mypost)[[1]]$z) summary(gelman.diag(mypost)$psrf[, c("Point est.", "Upper C.I.")]) ' myoutmcmc = as.list( africa = mhelp[, .(DEPCOUNTRY, sgARRCN, I)][africa, on = c(DEPCOUNTRY = "DEPCOUNTRY", sgARRCN = "sgARRCN")] africa = africa[, .(ARRCOUNTRY, DEPCOUNTRY, Pax, trvbant, Date, sgARRCN, I, I_africa = .I)] africa_import = rbindlist(lapply(africa$I_africa, function(x) { with(africa, data.table(ARRCOUNTRY = ARRCOUNTRY[x], DEPCOUNTRY = DEPCOUNTRY[x], ARRCN = rpois(length(myoutmcmc[[1]]), Pax[x] * myoutmcmc[[I[x]]]), I_mcmc = seq(myoutmcmc[[1]]))) })) ##### PART B: Simulating onward spread ##### myserial = list(meanX = 4.7, sdX = 2.9) myserial$meanlog = with(myserial, log((meanX^2) / (sqrt(sdX^2 + meanX^2)))) myserial$sdlog = with(myserial, sqrt(log(1 + (sdX / meanX)^2))) internalban = list() internalban[[1]] = "COVID-19\\Line list\\Africa Data - Updated on 09072020.xlsx", sheetName = "Local restrictions", stringsAsFactors = F, encoding = "UTF-8"))[ Type %in% 2:3, .(ARRCOUNTRY, Type, Start_Date = as.Date(Start_Date), End_Date = End_Date_formatted)] internalban[[2]] = internalban[[1]][Type == 2, .(ARRCOUNTRY, Start_Date)][ data.table(ARRCOUNTRY = sort(unique(africa$ARRCOUNTRY))), on = c(ARRCOUNTRY = "ARRCOUNTRY")] internalban[[2]][, Start_Date := as.Date("2020-12-31")] internalban[[3]] = rbindlist(lapply(sort(unique(africa$ARRCOUNTRY)), function(x) { tmp = internalban[[1]][Type == 3 & ARRCOUNTRY == x] if(nrow(tmp) == 0) return(data.table(ARRCOUNTRY = x, internalbant = as.Date("2020-12-31"))) tmp[End_Date == "NA", End_Date := "30/06/2020"] tmp[, End_Date := as.Date(End_Date, format = "%d/%m/%Y")] if(nrow(tmp) == 1) return(data.table(ARRCOUNTRY = x, internalbant = seq(tmp$Start_Date[1], tmp$End_Date[1], by = "days"))) return(data.table(ARRCOUNTRY = x, internalbant ="c", sapply(1:nrow(tmp), function(y) seq(tmp$Start_Date[y], tmp$End_Date[y], by = "days"))))) })) w = rep(-1, 14) for(i in seq(w)) w[i] = mean(sapply(seq(i-1, i, length = 1000), function(x) plnorm(x + 1, meanlog = myserial$meanlog, sdlog = myserial$sdlog) - plnorm(x, meanlog = myserial$meanlog, sdlog = myserial$sdlog))) my_onward_spread = function(myarr, i, exclude, rho2, rho3, dispersion) { t0s = rbindlist(lapply(deplist[!deplist %in% ifelse(rep(exclude, 2), c("United Kingdom", "United States"), "None")], function(mydep) { tmp = importedtoSG[Country == mydep & Date <= africa[ARRCOUNTRY == myarr & DEPCOUNTRY == mydep]$Date] data.table(ARRCOUNTRY = myarr, DEPCOUNTRY = mydep, Date = tmp$Date, ARRCN = c(rmultinom(1, africa_import[ DEPCOUNTRY == mydep & ARRCOUNTRY == myarr & I_mcmc == i]$ARRCN, tmp$cases))) })) t0s = internalban[[2]][t0s, on = c(ARRCOUNTRY = "ARRCOUNTRY")] if(myarr != "Congo DRC") t0s[Date - 9 >= Start_Date, ARRCN := as.integer(round(ARRCN * rho2))] else t0s[Date - 9 >= Start_Date & DEPCOUNTRY %in% c("Italy", "France", "Germany"), ARRCN := as.integer(round(ARRCN * rho2))] if(sum(t0s$ARRCN) == 0) return(data.table(Date_inf = as.Date("2020-01-01"), ARRCN = 0, LCN = 0, TCN = 0, R0 = 2.0, I_mcmc = i, I = 1)) t0s = t0s[, .(ARRCN = sum(ARRCN)), keyby = .(Date_inf = Date - 9)] onwarddt = data.table(Date_inf = min(t0s[ARRCN != 0]$Date_inf) + (-14:(as.Date("2020-06-30") - min(t0s[ARRCN != 0]$Date_inf)))) onwarddt = t0s[onwarddt, on = c(Date_inf = "Date_inf")] onwarddt[, ARRCN := 0] setkey(onwarddt, Date_inf) onwarddt[, ":="(LCN = 0, TCN = 0, R0 = 2.0, I_mcmc = i, I = .I)] onwarddt[Date_inf %in% internalban[[3]][ARRCOUNTRY == myarr]$internalbant, R0 := R0 * rho3] for(j in 15:max(onwarddt$I)) { tmp = sum(sapply(1:14, function(x) (onwarddt$ARRCN[j - x] + onwarddt$LCN[j - x]) * w[x])) if(tmp != 0) onwarddt$LCN[j] = rnbinom(1, size = tmp * dispersion, prob = 1 / (1 + onwarddt$R0[j] / dispersion)) onwarddt$TCN[j] = sum(onwarddt$LCN[1:j]) + sum(onwarddt$ARRCN[1:j]) if(onwarddt$TCN[j] >= 10000) return(onwarddt[I <= j]) } return(onwarddt[I <= j]) } arrlist = sort(unique(africa$ARRCOUNTRY)) bp_in = CJ(rho3 = c(0.75, 0.5), dispersion = c(0.58, 0.1), myarr = arrlist, i = seq(5, 5000, by = 5)) bp_in[, I_bp_in := .I] ' mycl = makeCluster(5, type = "SOCK") clusterEvalQ(mycl, {library(data.table)}) clusterExport(mycl, c("deplist", "importedtoSG", "africa_import", "africa", "internalban", "w", "my_onward_spread", "bp_in")) Sys.time() bpout = clusterApply(mycl, 1:nrow(bp_in), function(x) my_onward_spread(bp_in$myarr[x], bp_in$i[x], 1, 0.00, bp_in$rho3[x], bp_in$dispersion[x])) Sys.time() stopCluster(mycl) rm(mycl) ' bpout_guide = unique(bp_in[, .(rho3, dispersion, myarr)]) bpout_guide[, I := .I] bpout_process = function(ii, threshold_tcn = 1e4) { tmp = bp_in[rho3 == bpout_guide$rho3[ii] & dispersion == bpout_guide$dispersion[ii] & myarr == bpout_guide$myarr[ii]] tmp = rbindlist(lapply(tmp$I_bp_in, function(x) bpout[[x]])) tmp = tmp[, .(rho3 = bpout_guide$rho3[ii], dispersion = bpout_guide$dispersion[ii], ARRCOUNTRY = bpout_guide$myarr[ii], Date_inf, TCN, I_mcmc, I)] rbindlist(lapply(3:6, function(month_cutoff) { tmp2 = tmp[month(Date_inf) <= month_cutoff] tmp2[, isselected := (I == max(I)), by = I_mcmc] tmp2 = tmp2[isselected == T] if(nrow(tmp2) != 1000) print(paste0("Error! ii = ", ii)) tmp2[TCN < threshold_tcn, Date_inf := as.Date("2020-12-31")] # To facilitate sorting only (Actual value is ">06-30") tmp2 = tmp2[order(Date_inf)] tmp2 = tmp2[, .(month_cutoff = month_cutoff, risk = mean(TCN >= threshold_tcn), Date_inf025 = Date_inf[round(1000 * 0.025)], Date_inf250 = Date_inf[round(1000 * 0.250)], Date_inf500 = Date_inf[round(1000 * 0.500)], Date_inf750 = Date_inf[round(1000 * 0.750)], Date_inf975 = Date_inf[round(1000 * 0.975)]), by = .(rho3, dispersion, ARRCOUNTRY)] return(tmp2) })) } bpout2 = rbindlist(lapply(1:nrow(bpout_guide), bpout_process))