library(metafor) ############################## pb.hybrid.nonbinary <- function(y, s2, n = NA, methods = "reg", iter.resam = 1000, theo.pval = TRUE){ pval.rank <- pval.reg <- pval.reg.het <- pval.skew <- pval.skew.het <- pval.inv.sqrt.n <- pval.trimfill <- NA pval.rank.theo <- pval.reg.theo <- pval.reg.het.theo <- pval.skew.theo <- pval.skew.het.theo <- pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo <- pval.trimfill.theo <- NA if(is.element("rank", methods)){ rank <- pb.rank(y, s2) stat.rank <- rank$stat if(theo.pval) pval.rank.theo <- rank$pval } if(is.element("reg", methods)){ reg <- pb.reg(y, s2) stat.reg <- reg$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.theo <- reg$pval } if(is.element("reg.het", methods)){ reg.het <- pb.reg.het(y, s2) stat.reg.het <- reg.het$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.het.theo <- reg.het$pval } if(is.element("skew", methods)){ skew <- pb.skew(y, s2) stat.skew <- skew$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.theo <- skew$pval } if(is.element("skew.het", methods)){ skew.het <- pb.skew.het(y, s2) stat.skew.het <- skew.het$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.het.theo <- skew.het$pval } if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)){ inv.sqrt.n <- pb.inv.sqrt.n(y, s2, n) stat.inv.sqrt.n <- inv.sqrt.n$stat if(theo.pval) pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo <- inv.sqrt.n$pval } if(is.element("trimfill", methods)){ options(warn = -1) rma <- rma(yi = y, vi = s2, method = "DL") trimfill <- pb.trimfill(rma, estimator = "R0") stat.trimfill <- trimfill$k0 if(theo.pval) pval.trimfill.theo <- trimfill$pval options(warn = 0) } N <- length(y) w <- 1/s2 theta.hat <- sum(w*y)/sum(w) Q <- sum(w*(y - theta.hat)^2) tau2.hat <- (Q - N + 1)/(sum(w) - sum(w^2)/sum(w)) tau2.hat <- max(c(0, tau2.hat)) w <- 1/(s2 + tau2.hat) theta.hat <- sum(w*y)/sum(w) if(all( n <- rep(NA, N) stat.rank.resam <- stat.reg.resam <- stat.reg.het.resam <- stat.skew.resam <- stat.skew.het.resam <- stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam <- stat.trimfill.resam <- stat.hybrid.resam <- stat.hybrid.theo.resam <- rep(NA, iter.resam) pval.rank.theo.resam <- pval.reg.theo.resam <- pval.reg.het.theo.resam <- pval.skew.theo.resam <- pval.skew.het.theo.resam <- pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo.resam <- pval.trimfill.theo.resam <- rep(NA, iter.resam) for(i in 1:iter.resam){ idx <- sample(1:N, replace = TRUE) s2.resam <- s2[idx] n.resam <- n[idx] y.resam <- rnorm(n = N, mean = theta.hat, sd = sqrt(s2.resam + tau2.hat)) if(is.element("rank", methods)){ rank.resam <- pb.rank(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.rank.resam[i] <- rank.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.rank.theo.resam[i] <- rank.resam$pval } if(is.element("reg", methods)){ reg.resam <- pb.reg(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.reg.resam[i] <- reg.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.theo.resam[i] <- reg.resam$pval } if(is.element("reg.het", methods)){ reg.het.resam <- pb.reg.het(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.reg.het.resam[i] <- reg.het.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.het.theo.resam[i] <- reg.het.resam$pval } if(is.element("skew", methods)){ skew.resam <- pb.skew(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.skew.resam[i] <- skew.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.theo.resam[i] <- skew.resam$pval } if(is.element("skew.het", methods)){ skew.het.resam <- pb.skew.het(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.skew.het.resam[i] <- skew.het.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.het.theo.resam[i] <- skew.het.resam$pval } if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)){ inv.sqrt.n.resam <- pb.inv.sqrt.n(y.resam, s2.resam, n.resam) stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i] <- inv.sqrt.n.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo.resam[i] <- inv.sqrt.n.resam$pval } if(is.element("trimfill", methods)){ options(warn = -1) rma.resam <- rma(yi = y.resam, vi = s2.resam, method = "DL") trimfill.resam <- pb.trimfill(rma.resam, estimator = "R0") stat.trimfill.resam[i] <- trimfill.resam$k0 if(theo.pval) pval.trimfill.theo.resam[i] <- trimfill.resam$pval options(warn = 0) } } if(is.element("rank", methods)) pval.rank <- (sum(abs(stat.rank.resam) >= abs(stat.rank)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("reg", methods)) pval.reg <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.resam) >= abs(stat.reg)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("reg.het", methods)) pval.reg.het <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.het.resam) >= abs(stat.reg.het)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("skew", methods)) pval.skew <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.resam) >= abs(stat.skew)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("skew.het", methods)) pval.skew.het <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.het.resam) >= abs(stat.skew.het)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)) pval.inv.sqrt.n <- (sum(abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam) >= abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("trimfill", methods)) pval.trimfill <- (sum(abs(stat.trimfill.resam) >= abs(stat.trimfill)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(length(methods) == 1){ if(!theo.pval) out <- get(paste0("pval.", methods)) if(theo.pval){ out <- list(get(paste0("pval.", methods)), get(paste0("pval.", methods, ".theo"))) names(out) <- c(paste0("pval.", methods), paste0("pval.", methods, ".theo")) } } if(length(methods) > 1){ stat.hybrid <- min(c(pval.rank, pval.reg, pval.reg.het, pval.skew, pval.skew.het, pval.inv.sqrt.n, pval.trimfill), na.rm = TRUE) if(theo.pval) stat.hybrid.theo <- min(c(pval.rank.theo, pval.reg.theo, pval.reg.het.theo, pval.skew.theo, pval.skew.het.theo, pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo, pval.trimfill.theo), na.rm = TRUE) pval.rank.resam <- pval.reg.resam <- pval.reg.het.resam <- pval.skew.resam <- pval.skew.het.resam <- pval.inv.sqrt.n.resam <- pval.trimfill.resam <- rep(NA, iter.resam) for(i in 1:iter.resam){ if(theo.pval) stat.hybrid.theo.resam[i] <- min(c(pval.rank.theo.resam[i], pval.reg.theo.resam[i], pval.reg.het.theo.resam[i], pval.skew.theo.resam[i], pval.skew.het.theo.resam[i], pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo.resam[i], pval.trimfill.theo.resam[i]), na.rm = TRUE) if(is.element("rank", methods)) pval.rank.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.rank.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.rank.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("reg", methods)) pval.reg.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.reg.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("reg.het", methods)) pval.reg.het.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.het.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.reg.het.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("skew", methods)) pval.skew.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.skew.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("skew.het", methods)) pval.skew.het.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.het.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.skew.het.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)) pval.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("trimfill", methods)) pval.trimfill.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.trimfill.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.trimfill.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam stat.hybrid.resam[i] <- min(c(pval.rank.resam[i], pval.reg.resam[i], pval.reg.het.resam[i], pval.skew.resam[i], pval.skew.het.resam[i], pval.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i], pval.trimfill.resam[i]), na.rm = TRUE) } pval.hybrid <- (sum(stat.hybrid.resam <= stat.hybrid) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(!theo.pval){ out <- list(pval.rank = pval.rank, pval.reg = pval.reg, pval.reg.het = pval.reg.het, pval.skew = pval.skew, pval.skew.het = pval.skew.het, pval.inv.sqrt.n = pval.inv.sqrt.n, pval.trimfill = pval.trimfill, pval.hybrid = pval.hybrid) } if(theo.pval){ pval.hybrid.theo <- (sum(stat.hybrid.theo.resam <= stat.hybrid.theo) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) out <- list(pval.rank = pval.rank, pval.rank.theo = pval.rank.theo, pval.reg = pval.reg, pval.reg.theo = pval.reg.theo, pval.reg.het = pval.reg.het, pval.reg.het.theo = pval.reg.het.theo, pval.skew = pval.skew, pval.skew.theo = pval.skew.theo, pval.skew.het = pval.skew.het, pval.skew.het.theo = pval.skew.het.theo, pval.inv.sqrt.n = pval.inv.sqrt.n, pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo = pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo, pval.trimfill = pval.trimfill, pval.trimfill.theo = pval.trimfill.theo, pval.hybrid = pval.hybrid, pval.hybrid.theo = pval.hybrid.theo) } na.test <- which( if(length(na.test) > 0) out <- out[-na.test] } return(out) } ############################## pb.hybrid.binary <- function(y = NA, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11, methods = "reg", iter.resam = 1000, theo.pval = TRUE){ pval.rank <- pval.reg <- pval.reg.het <- pval.skew <- pval.skew.het <- pval.inv.sqrt.n <- pval.trimfill <- pval.n <- pval.inv.n <- <- <- <- pval.smoothed <- pval.smoothed.het <- pval.score <- pval.count <- NA pval.rank.theo <- pval.reg.theo <- pval.reg.het.theo <- pval.skew.theo <- pval.skew.het.theo <- pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo <- pval.trimfill.theo <- pval.n.theo <- pval.inv.n.theo <- <- <- <- pval.smoothed.theo <- pval.smoothed.het.theo <- pval.score.theo <- pval.count.theo <- NA n00.ori <- n00 n01.ori <- n01 n10.ori <- n10 n11.ori <- n11 counts <- check.counts(n00, n01, n10, n11) n00 <- counts$n00 n01 <- counts$n01 n10 <- counts$n10 n11 <- counts$n11 y <- log(n11/n10*n00/n01) s2 <- 1/n00 + 1/n01 + 1/n10 + 1/n11 n <- n00 + n01 + n10 + n11 pi0 <- n01/(n00 + n01) n0Sum <- n00 + n01 n1Sum <- n10 + n11 if(is.element("rank", methods)){ rank <- pb.rank(y, s2) stat.rank <- rank$stat if(theo.pval) pval.rank.theo <- rank$pval } if(is.element("reg", methods)){ reg <- pb.reg(y, s2) stat.reg <- reg$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.theo <- reg$pval } if(is.element("reg.het", methods)){ reg.het <- pb.reg.het(y, s2) stat.reg.het <- reg.het$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.het.theo <- reg.het$pval } if(is.element("skew", methods)){ skew <- pb.skew(y, s2) stat.skew <- skew$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.theo <- skew$pval } if(is.element("skew.het", methods)){ skew.het <- pb.skew.het(y, s2) stat.skew.het <- skew.het$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.het.theo <- skew.het$pval } if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)){ inv.sqrt.n <- pb.inv.sqrt.n(y, s2, n) stat.inv.sqrt.n <- inv.sqrt.n$stat if(theo.pval) pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo <- inv.sqrt.n$pval } if(is.element("trimfill", methods)){ options(warn = -1) rma <- rma(yi = y, vi = s2, method = "DL") trimfill <- pb.trimfill(rma, estimator = "R0") stat.trimfill <- trimfill$k0 if(theo.pval) pval.trimfill.theo <- trimfill$pval options(warn = 0) } if(is.element("n", methods)){ pbn <- pb.n(y = y, n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) stat.n <- pbn$stat if(theo.pval) pval.n.theo <- pbn$pval } if(is.element("inv.n", methods)){ inv.n <- pb.inv.n(y = y, n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) stat.inv.n <- inv.n$stat if(theo.pval) pval.inv.n.theo <- inv.n$pval } if(is.element("as.rank", methods)){ as.rank <- = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) <- as.rank$stat if(theo.pval) <- as.rank$pval } if(is.element("as.reg", methods)){ as.reg <- = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) <- as.reg$stat if(theo.pval) <- as.reg$pval } if(is.element("as.reg.het", methods)){ as.reg.het <- = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) <- as.reg.het$stat if(theo.pval) <- as.reg.het$pval } if(is.element("smoothed", methods)){ smoothed <- pb.smoothed(y = y, n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) stat.smoothed <- smoothed$stat if(theo.pval) pval.smoothed.theo <- smoothed$pval } if(is.element("smoothed.het", methods)){ smoothed.het <- pb.smoothed.het(y = y, n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) stat.smoothed.het <- smoothed.het$stat if(theo.pval) pval.smoothed.het.theo <- smoothed.het$pval } if(is.element("score", methods)){ score <- pb.score(n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) stat.score <- score$stat if(theo.pval) pval.score.theo <- score$pval } if(is.element("count", methods)){ count <- pb.count(n00 = n00.ori, n01 = n01.ori, n10 = n10.ori, n11 = n11.ori) stat.count <- count$stat if(theo.pval) pval.count.theo <- count$pval } N <- length(y) w <- 1/s2 theta.hat <- sum(w*y)/sum(w) Q <- sum(w*(y - theta.hat)^2) tau2.hat <- (Q - N + 1)/(sum(w) - sum(w^2)/sum(w)) tau2.hat <- max(c(0, tau2.hat)) w <- 1/(s2 + tau2.hat) theta.hat <- sum(w*y)/sum(w) if(all( n <- rep(NA, N) stat.rank.resam <- stat.reg.resam <- stat.reg.het.resam <- stat.skew.resam <- stat.skew.het.resam <- stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam <- stat.trimfill.resam <- stat.n.resam <- stat.inv.n.resam <- <- <- <- stat.smoothed.resam <- stat.smoothed.het.resam <- stat.score.resam <- stat.count.resam <- stat.hybrid.resam <- stat.hybrid.theo.resam <- rep(NA, iter.resam) pval.rank.theo.resam <- pval.reg.theo.resam <- pval.reg.het.theo.resam <- pval.skew.theo.resam <- pval.skew.het.theo.resam <- pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo.resam <- pval.trimfill.theo.resam <- pval.n.theo.resam <- pval.inv.n.theo.resam <- <- <- <- pval.smoothed.theo.resam <- pval.smoothed.het.theo.resam <- pval.score.theo.resam <- pval.count.theo.resam <- rep(NA, iter.resam) for(i in 1:iter.resam){ idx <- sample(1:N, replace = TRUE) n0Sum.resam <- n0Sum[idx] n1Sum.resam <- n1Sum[idx] pi0.resam <- pi0[idx] s2.resam <- s2[idx] theta.resam <- rnorm(n = N, mean = theta.hat, sd = sqrt(s2.resam + tau2.hat)) n00.resam <- n01.resam <- n10.resam <- n11.resam <- rep(NA, N) for(j in 1:N){ counts.resam <- find.counts(n0. = n0Sum.resam[j], n1. = n1Sum.resam[j], lor = theta.resam[j], lor.var = s2.resam[j], p0.ori = pi0.resam[j]) n00.resam[j] <- counts.resam$n00 n01.resam[j] <- counts.resam$n01 n10.resam[j] <- counts.resam$n10 n11.resam[j] <- counts.resam$n11 } n00.ori.resam <- n00.resam n00.ori.resam <- round(n00.ori.resam) n01.ori.resam <- n01.resam n01.ori.resam <- round(n01.ori.resam) n10.ori.resam <- n10.resam n10.ori.resam <- round(n10.ori.resam) n11.ori.resam <- n11.resam n11.ori.resam <- round(n11.ori.resam) counts.resam <- check.counts(n00.resam, n01.resam, n10.resam, n11.resam) n00.resam <- counts.resam$n00 n01.resam <- counts.resam$n01 n10.resam <- counts.resam$n10 n11.resam <- counts.resam$n11 y.resam <- log(n11.resam/n10.resam*n00.resam/n01.resam) s2.resam <- 1/n00.resam + 1/n01.resam + 1/n10.resam + 1/n11.resam n.resam <- n00.resam + n01.resam + n10.resam + n11.resam if(is.element("rank", methods)){ rank.resam <- pb.rank(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.rank.resam[i] <- rank.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.rank.theo.resam[i] <- rank.resam$pval } if(is.element("reg", methods)){ reg.resam <- pb.reg(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.reg.resam[i] <- reg.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.theo.resam[i] <- reg.resam$pval } if(is.element("reg.het", methods)){ reg.het.resam <- pb.reg.het(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.reg.het.resam[i] <- reg.het.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.reg.het.theo.resam[i] <- reg.het.resam$pval } if(is.element("skew", methods)){ skew.resam <- pb.skew(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.skew.resam[i] <- skew.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.theo.resam[i] <- skew.resam$pval } if(is.element("skew.het", methods)){ skew.het.resam <- pb.skew.het(y.resam, s2.resam) stat.skew.het.resam[i] <- skew.het.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.skew.het.theo.resam[i] <- skew.het.resam$pval } if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)){ inv.sqrt.n.resam <- pb.inv.sqrt.n(y.resam, s2.resam, n.resam) stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i] <- inv.sqrt.n.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo.resam[i] <- inv.sqrt.n.resam$pval } if(is.element("trimfill", methods)){ options(warn = -1) rma.resam <- rma(yi = y.resam, vi = s2.resam, method = "DL") trimfill.resam <- pb.trimfill(rma.resam, estimator = "R0") stat.trimfill.resam[i] <- trimfill.resam$k0 if(theo.pval) pval.trimfill.theo.resam[i] <- trimfill.resam$pval options(warn = 0) } if(is.element("n", methods)){ pbn.resam <- pb.n(y = y.resam, n00 = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam) stat.n.resam[i] <- pbn.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.n.theo.resam[i] <- pbn.resam$pval } if(is.element("inv.n", methods)){ inv.n.resam <- pb.inv.n(y = y.resam, n00 = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam) stat.inv.n.resam[i] <- inv.n.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.inv.n.theo.resam[i] <- inv.n.resam$pval } if(is.element("as.rank", methods)){ as.rank.resam <- = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam)[i] <- as.rank.resam$stat if(theo.pval)[i] <- as.rank.resam$pval } if(is.element("as.reg", methods)){ as.reg.resam <- = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam)[i] <- as.reg.resam$stat if(theo.pval)[i] <- as.reg.resam$pval } if(is.element("as.reg.het", methods)){ as.reg.het.resam <- = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam)[i] <- as.reg.het.resam$stat if(theo.pval)[i] <- as.reg.het.resam$pval } if(is.element("smoothed", methods)){ smoothed.resam <- pb.smoothed(y = y.resam, n00 = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam) stat.smoothed.resam[i] <- smoothed.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.smoothed.theo.resam[i] <- smoothed.resam$pval } if(is.element("smoothed.het", methods)){ smoothed.het.resam <- pb.smoothed.het(y = y.resam, n00 = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam) stat.smoothed.het.resam[i] <- smoothed.het.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.smoothed.het.theo.resam[i] <- smoothed.het.resam$pval } if(is.element("score", methods)){ score.resam <- pb.score(n00 = n00.resam, n01 = n01.resam, n10 = n10.resam, n11 = n11.resam) stat.score.resam[i] <- score.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.score.theo.resam[i] <- score.resam$pval } if(is.element("count", methods)){ count.resam <- pb.count(n00 = n00.ori.resam, n01 = n01.ori.resam, n10 = n10.ori.resam, n11 = n11.ori.resam) stat.count.resam[i] <- count.resam$stat if(theo.pval) pval.count.theo.resam[i] <- count.resam$pval } } if(is.element("rank", methods)) pval.rank <- (sum(abs(stat.rank.resam) >= abs(stat.rank)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("reg", methods)) pval.reg <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.resam) >= abs(stat.reg)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("reg.het", methods)) pval.reg.het <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.het.resam) >= abs(stat.reg.het)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("skew", methods)) pval.skew <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.resam) >= abs(stat.skew)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("skew.het", methods)) pval.skew.het <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.het.resam) >= abs(stat.skew.het)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)) pval.inv.sqrt.n <- (sum(abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam) >= abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("trimfill", methods)) pval.trimfill <- (sum(abs(stat.trimfill.resam) >= abs(stat.trimfill)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("n", methods)) pval.n <- (sum(abs(stat.n.resam) >= abs(stat.n)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("inv.n", methods)) pval.inv.n <- (sum(abs(stat.inv.n.resam) >= abs(stat.inv.n)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("as.rank", methods)) <- (sum(abs( >= abs( + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("as.reg", methods)) <- (sum(abs( >= abs( + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("as.reg.het", methods)) <- (sum(abs( >= abs( + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("smoothed", methods)) pval.smoothed <- (sum(abs(stat.smoothed.resam) >= abs(stat.smoothed)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("smoothed.het", methods)) pval.smoothed.het <- (sum(abs(stat.smoothed.het.resam) >= abs(stat.smoothed.het)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("score", methods)) pval.score <- (sum(abs(stat.score.resam) >= abs(stat.score)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(is.element("count", methods)) pval.count <- (sum(abs(stat.count.resam) >= abs(stat.count)) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(length(methods) == 1){ if(!theo.pval) out <- get(paste0("pval.", methods)) if(theo.pval){ out <- list(get(paste0("pval.", methods)), get(paste0("pval.", methods, ".theo"))) names(out) <- c(paste0("pval.", methods), paste0("pval.", methods, ".theo")) } } if(length(methods) > 1){ stat.hybrid <- min(c(pval.rank, pval.reg, pval.reg.het, pval.skew, pval.skew.het, pval.inv.sqrt.n, pval.trimfill, pval.n, pval.inv.n,,,, pval.smoothed, pval.smoothed.het, pval.score, pval.count), na.rm = TRUE) if(theo.pval) stat.hybrid.theo <- min(c(pval.rank.theo, pval.reg.theo, pval.reg.het.theo, pval.skew.theo, pval.skew.het.theo, pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo, pval.trimfill.theo, pval.n.theo, pval.inv.n.theo,,,, pval.smoothed.theo, pval.smoothed.het.theo, pval.score.theo, pval.count.theo), na.rm = TRUE) pval.rank.resam <- pval.reg.resam <- pval.reg.het.resam <- pval.skew.resam <- pval.skew.het.resam <- pval.inv.sqrt.n.resam <- pval.trimfill.resam <- pval.n.resam <- pval.inv.n.resam <- <- <- <- pval.smoothed.resam <- pval.smoothed.het.resam <- pval.score.resam <- pval.count.resam <- rep(NA, iter.resam) for(i in 1:iter.resam){ if(theo.pval) stat.hybrid.theo.resam[i] <- min(c(pval.rank.theo.resam[i], pval.reg.theo.resam[i], pval.reg.het.theo.resam[i], pval.skew.theo.resam[i], pval.skew.het.theo.resam[i], pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo.resam[i], pval.trimfill.theo.resam[i], pval.n.theo.resam[i], pval.inv.n.theo.resam[i],[i],[i],[i], pval.smoothed.theo.resam[i], pval.smoothed.het.theo.resam[i], pval.score.theo.resam[i], pval.count.theo.resam[i]), na.rm = TRUE) if(is.element("rank", methods)) pval.rank.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.rank.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.rank.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("reg", methods)) pval.reg.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.reg.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("reg.het", methods)) pval.reg.het.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.reg.het.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.reg.het.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("skew", methods)) pval.skew.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.skew.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("skew.het", methods)) pval.skew.het.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.skew.het.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.skew.het.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("inv.sqrt.n", methods)) pval.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("trimfill", methods)) pval.trimfill.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.trimfill.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.trimfill.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("n", methods)) pval.n.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.n.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.n.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("inv.n", methods)) pval.inv.n.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.inv.n.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.inv.n.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("as.rank", methods))[i] <- (sum(abs([-i]) >= abs([i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("as.reg", methods))[i] <- (sum(abs([-i]) >= abs([i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("as.reg.het", methods))[i] <- (sum(abs([-i]) >= abs([i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("smoothed", methods)) pval.smoothed.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.smoothed.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.smoothed.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("smoothed.het", methods)) pval.smoothed.het.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.smoothed.het.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.smoothed.het.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("score", methods)) pval.score.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.score.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.score.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam if(is.element("count", methods)) pval.count.resam[i] <- (sum(abs(stat.count.resam[-i]) >= abs(stat.count.resam[i])) + 1)/iter.resam stat.hybrid.resam[i] <- min(c(pval.rank.resam[i], pval.reg.resam[i], pval.reg.het.resam[i], pval.skew.resam[i], pval.skew.het.resam[i], pval.inv.sqrt.n.resam[i], pval.trimfill.resam[i], pval.n.resam[i], pval.inv.n.resam[i],[i],[i],[i], pval.smoothed.resam[i], pval.smoothed.het.resam[i], pval.score.resam[i], pval.count.resam[i]), na.rm = TRUE) } pval.hybrid <- (sum(stat.hybrid.resam <= stat.hybrid) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) if(!theo.pval){ out <- list(pval.rank = pval.rank, pval.reg = pval.reg, pval.reg.het = pval.reg.het, pval.skew = pval.skew, pval.skew.het = pval.skew.het, pval.inv.sqrt.n = pval.inv.sqrt.n, pval.trimfill = pval.trimfill, pval.n = pval.n, pval.inv.n = pval.inv.n, =, =, =, pval.smoothed = pval.smoothed, pval.smoothed.het = pval.smoothed.het, pval.score = pval.score, pval.count = pval.count, pval.hybrid = pval.hybrid) } if(theo.pval){ pval.hybrid.theo <- (sum(stat.hybrid.theo.resam <= stat.hybrid.theo) + 1)/(iter.resam + 1) out <- list(pval.rank = pval.rank, pval.rank.theo = pval.rank.theo, pval.reg = pval.reg, pval.reg.theo = pval.reg.theo, pval.reg.het = pval.reg.het, pval.reg.het.theo = pval.reg.het.theo, pval.skew = pval.skew, pval.skew.theo = pval.skew.theo, pval.skew.het = pval.skew.het, pval.skew.het.theo = pval.skew.het.theo, pval.inv.sqrt.n = pval.inv.sqrt.n, pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo = pval.inv.sqrt.n.theo, pval.trimfill = pval.trimfill, pval.trimfill.theo = pval.trimfill.theo, pval.n = pval.n, pval.n.theo = pval.n.theo, pval.inv.n = pval.inv.n, pval.inv.n.theo = pval.inv.n.theo, =, =, =, =, =, =, pval.smoothed = pval.smoothed, pval.smoothed.theo = pval.smoothed.theo, pval.smoothed.het = pval.smoothed.het, pval.smoothed.het.theo = pval.smoothed.het.theo, pval.score = pval.score, pval.score.theo = pval.score.theo, pval.count = pval.count, pval.count.theo = pval.count.theo, pval.hybrid = pval.hybrid, pval.hybrid.theo = pval.hybrid.theo) } na.test <- which( if(length(na.test) > 0) out <- out[-na.test] } return(out) } ############################## pb.rank <- function(y, s2){ theta.hat <- sum(y/s2)/sum(1/s2) <- s2 - 1/sum(1/s2) <- (y - theta.hat)/sqrt( if(all(abs(diff([!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff([!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0) }else{ out <- cor.test(x =, y = s2, alternative = "two.sided", method = "kendall", exact = FALSE) out <- list(pval = out$p.value, stat = as.numeric(out$statistic)) } return(out) } ############################## pb.reg <- function(y, s2, n = NA, n00 = NA, n01 = NA, n10 = NA, n11 = NA){ x.reg <- sqrt(s2) y.reg <- y if(all(abs(diff(x.reg[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(y.reg[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0), std.res = y.reg/sqrt(s2)) }else{ w.reg <- 1/s2 X <- cbind(1, x.reg) Y <- as.matrix(y.reg) W <- diag(w.reg) XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X if(as.numeric(rankMatrix(XWX)) < dim(XWX)[1]){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0), std.res = y.reg/sqrt(s2)) }else{ inv <- solve(XWX) coef <- inv %*% t(X) %*% W %*% Y var.coef <- inv pval <- as.numeric(2*pnorm(-abs(coef[2, 1])/sqrt(var.coef[2, 2]))) res <- Y - X %*% coef std.res <- res/sqrt(s2) out <- list(pval = pval, stat = as.numeric(coef[2, 1]/sqrt(var.coef[2, 2])), coef = as.numeric(coef), std.res = std.res) } } return(out) } ############################## pb.reg.het <- function(y, s2, n = NA, n00 = NA, n01 = NA, n10 = NA, n11 = NA){ k <- length(y) coef <- pb.reg(y, s2)$coef x.reg <- sqrt(s2) y.reg <- y w <- 1/s2 Q <- sum(w*(y.reg - coef[1] - coef[2]*x.reg)^2) if(abs(sum(w)*sum(w*x.reg^2) - (sum(w*x.reg))^2) < 1e-5){ F <- sum(w) - (sum(w^2)*sum(w*x.reg^2) - 2*sum(w^2*x.reg)*sum(w*x.reg) + sum(w)*sum(w^2*x.reg^2))*1e5 }else{ F <- sum(w) - (sum(w^2)*sum(w*x.reg^2) - 2*sum(w^2*x.reg)*sum(w*x.reg) + sum(w)*sum(w^2*x.reg^2))/(sum(w)*sum(w*x.reg^2) - (sum(w*x.reg))^2) } tau2.hat <- (Q - (k - 2))/F tau2.hat <- max(c(0, tau2.hat)) x.reg <- sqrt(s2) y.reg <- y if(all(abs(diff(x.reg[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(y.reg[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0), std.res = y.reg/sqrt(s2 + tau2.hat)) }else{ w.reg <- 1/(s2 + tau2.hat) X <- cbind(1, x.reg) Y <- as.matrix(y.reg) W <- diag(w.reg) XWX <- t(X) %*% W %*% X if(as.numeric(rankMatrix(XWX)) < dim(XWX)[1]){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0), std.res = y.reg/sqrt(s2 + tau2.hat)) }else{ inv <- solve(XWX) coef <- inv %*% t(X) %*% W %*% Y var.coef <- inv pval <- as.numeric(2*pnorm(-abs(coef[2, 1])/sqrt(var.coef[2, 2]))) res <- Y - X %*% coef std.res <- res/sqrt(s2 + tau2.hat) out <- list(pval = pval, stat = as.numeric(coef[2, 1]/sqrt(var.coef[2, 2])), coef = as.numeric(coef), std.res = std.res, tau2.hat = tau2.hat) } } return(out) } ############################## pb.skew <- function(y, s2, n = NA, n00 = NA, n01 = NA, n10 = NA, n11 = NA){ std.res <- pb.reg(y, s2)$std.res cm2 <- var(std.res) cm3 <- mean((std.res - mean(std.res))^3) skewness <- cm3/(cm2^(1.5)) pval <- 2*pnorm(-sqrt(length(y)/6)*abs(skewness)) out <- list(pval = as.numeric(pval), stat = as.numeric(skewness)) return(out) } ############################## pb.skew.het <- function(y, s2, n = NA, n00 = NA, n01 = NA, n10 = NA, n11 = NA){ std.res <- pb.reg.het(y, s2)$std.res cm2 <- var(std.res) cm3 <- mean((std.res - mean(std.res))^3) skewness <- cm3/(cm2^(1.5)) pval <- 2*pnorm(-sqrt(length(y)/6)*abs(skewness)) out <- list(pval = as.numeric(pval), stat = as.numeric(skewness)) return(out) } ############################## pb.inv.sqrt.n <- function(y, s2 = NA, n, n00 = NA, n01 = NA, n10 = NA, n11 = NA){ x.reg <- 1/sqrt(n) y.reg <- y w.reg <- n if(all(abs(diff(x.reg[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(y.reg[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0)) }else{ out <- lm(y.reg ~ x.reg, weights = w.reg) out <- summary(out)$coefficients pval <- out["x.reg", "Pr(>|t|)"] coef <- as.numeric(out[,1]) out <- list(pval = pval, stat = as.numeric(out["x.reg", "t value"]), coef = coef) } return(out) } ############################## pb.n <- function(y, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ n <- n00 + n01 + n10 + n11 nSum0 <- n00 + n10 nSum1 <- n01 + n11 x.reg <- n y.reg <- y w.reg <- nSum0*nSum1/n if(all(abs(diff(x.reg[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(y.reg[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0)) }else{ out <- lm(y.reg ~ x.reg, weights = w.reg) out <- summary(out)$coefficients pval <- out["x.reg", "Pr(>|t|)"] coef <- as.numeric(out[,1]) out <- list(pval = pval, stat = as.numeric(out["x.reg", "t value"]), coef = coef) } return(out) } ############################## pb.inv.n <- function(y, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ n <- n00 + n01 + n10 + n11 nSum0 <- n00 + n10 nSum1 <- n01 + n11 x.reg <- 1/n y.reg <- y w.reg <- nSum0*nSum1/n if(all(abs(diff(x.reg[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(y.reg[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0)) }else{ out <- lm(y.reg ~ x.reg, weights = w.reg) out <- summary(out)$coefficients pval <- out["x.reg", "Pr(>|t|)"] coef <- as.numeric(out[,1]) out <- list(pval = pval, stat = as.numeric(out["x.reg", "t value"]), coef = coef) } return(out) } ############################## <- function(y = NA, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ delta <- asin(sqrt(n11/(n10 + n11))) - asin(sqrt(n01/(n00 + n01))) gamma <- 1/(4*(n10 + n11)) + 1/(4*(n00 + n01)) out <- pb.rank(y = delta, s2 = gamma) return(out) } ############################## <- function(y = NA, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ delta <- asin(sqrt(n11/(n10 + n11))) - asin(sqrt(n01/(n00 + n01))) gamma <- 1/(4*(n10 + n11)) + 1/(4*(n00 + n01)) out <- pb.reg(y = delta, s2 = gamma) return(out) } ############################## <- function(y = NA, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ delta <- asin(sqrt(n11/(n10 + n11))) - asin(sqrt(n01/(n00 + n01))) gamma <- 1/(4*(n10 + n11)) + 1/(4*(n00 + n01)) out <- pb.reg.het(y = delta, s2 = gamma) return(out) } ############################## pb.smoothed <- function(y, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ p01 <- mean(n01/(n00 + n01)) p00 <- 1 - p01 p11 <- mean(n11/(n10 + n11)) p10 <- 1 - p11 s2.smoothed <- 1/((n00 + n01)*p00) + 1/((n00 + n01)*p01) + 1/((n10 + n11)*p10) + 1/((n10 + n11)*p11) out <- pb.reg(y = y, s2 = s2.smoothed) return(out) } ############################## pb.smoothed.het <- function(y, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ p01 <- mean(n01/(n00 + n01)) p00 <- 1 - p01 p11 <- mean(n11/(n10 + n11)) p10 <- 1 - p11 s2.smoothed <- 1/((n00 + n01)*p00) + 1/((n00 + n01)*p01) + 1/((n10 + n11)*p10) + 1/((n10 + n11)*p11) out <- pb.reg.het(y = y, s2 = s2.smoothed) return(out) } ############################## pb.score <- function(y = NA, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ n <- n00 + n01 + n10 + n11 nSum0 <- n00 + n10 nSum1 <- n01 + n11 n0Sum <- n00 + n01 n1Sum <- n10 + n11 Z <- n11 - nSum1/n*n1Sum V <- n0Sum/n*n1Sum/n*nSum0/(n - 1)*nSum1 y.reg <- Z/V x.reg <- 1/sqrt(V) w.reg <- V if(all(abs(diff(x.reg[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(y.reg[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0, coef = c(0, 0)) }else{ out <- lm(y.reg ~ x.reg, weights = w.reg) out <- summary(out)$coefficients pval <- out["x.reg", "Pr(>|t|)"] coef <- as.numeric(out[,1]) out <- list(pval = pval, stat = as.numeric(out["x.reg", "t value"]), coef = coef) } return(out) } ############################## pb.count <- function(y = NA, s2 = NA, n = NA, n00, n01, n10, n11){ n <- n00 + n01 + n10 + n11 n1Sum <- n10 + n11 nSum1 <- n01 + n11 <- sum(n00/n*n11)/sum(n01/n*n10) N <- length(n00) n11.e <- n11.v <- rep(NA, N) for(i in 1:N){ obj <- hypergeometric(n1Sum[i], nSum1[i], n[i], n11.e[i] <- obj$mean() n11.v[i] <- obj$var() } xx <- (n11 - n11.e)/sqrt(n11.v) yy <- 1/n11.v if(all(abs(diff(xx[!])) < 1e-5) | all(abs(diff(yy[!])) < 1e-5)){ out <- list(pval = 1, stat = 0) }else{ out <- cor.test(x = xx, y = yy, alternative = "two.sided", method = "kendall", exact = FALSE) out <- list(pval = out$p.value, stat = as.numeric(out$statistic)) } return(out) } ############################## hypergeometric <- function(n1, m1, N, psi) { ## from the package "meta" n2 <- N - n1 if(n1<0 | n2<0 | m1<0 | m1 > N | psi <= 0) stop("wrong argument in hypergeometric") mode.compute <- function() { a <- psi - 1 b <- -((m1 + n1 + 2) * psi + n2 - m1) c <- psi * (n1 + 1) * (m1 + 1) q <- b + sign(b) * sqrt(b * b - 4 * a * c) q <- -q / 2 mode <- trunc(c / q) if(uu >= mode && mode >= ll) return(mode) else return(trunc(q / a)) } r.function <- function(i) (n1 - i + 1) * (m1 - i + 1) / i / (n2 - m1 + i) * psi mean <- function() sum(prob[(ll:uu) + shift] * (ll:uu)) var <- function() sum(prob[(ll:uu) + shift] * (ll:uu)^2) - mean()^2 d <- function(x) return(prob[x + shift]) p <- function(x, lower.tail = TRUE) { if(lower.tail) return(sum(prob[ll:(x + shift)])) else return(sum(prob[(x + shift):uu])) } <- function(lower.end, ran) { for(i in lower.end:uu) { if(ran <= prob[i + shift]) return(i) ran <- ran - prob[i + shift] } } <- function(upper.end, ran) { for(i in upper.end:ll) { if(ran <= prob[i + shift]) return(i) ran <- ran - prob[i + shift] } } r <- function() { ran <- runif(1) if(mode == ll) return(, ran)) if(mode == uu) return(, ran)) if(ran < prob[mode + shift]) return(mode) ran <- ran - prob[mode + shift] lower <- mode - 1 upper <- mode + 1 repeat{ if(prob[upper + shift] >= prob[lower + shift]) { if(ran < prob[upper + shift]) return(upper) ran <- ran - prob[upper + shift] if(upper == uu) return(, ran)) upper <- upper + 1 } else { if(ran < prob[lower + shift]) return(lower) ran <- ran - prob[lower + shift] if(lower == ll) return(, ran)) lower <- lower - 1 } } } ll <- max(0, m1 - n2) uu <- min(n1, m1) mode <- mode.compute() prob <- array(1, uu - ll + 1) shift <- 1 - ll if(mode < uu) #note the shift of location { r1 <- r.function((mode + 1):uu) prob[(mode + 1 + shift):(uu + shift)] <- cumprod(r1) } if(mode > ll) { r1 <- 1 / r.function(mode:(ll + 1)) prob[(mode - 1 + shift):(ll + shift)] <- cumprod(r1) } prob <- prob / sum(prob) return(list(mean = mean, var = var, d = d, p = p, r = r)) } ############################## ## adapted from the package "metafor" pb.trimfill <- function (x, side, estimator = "L0", maxiter = 100, verbose = FALSE, ...){ if (!is.element("rma.uni", class(x))) stop("Argument 'x' must be an object of class \"rma.uni\".") if (!x$int.only) stop("Trim-and-fill method only applicable for models without moderators.") if (missing(side)) side <- NULL estimator <- match.arg(estimator, c("L0", "R0", "Q0")) if (x$k == 1) stop("Stopped because k = 1.") yi <- x$yi vi <- x$vi weights <- x$weights ni <- x$ni if (is.null(side)) { res <- rma(yi, vi, weights = weights, mods = sqrt(vi), intercept = TRUE, method = x$method, weighted = x$weighted, ...) if ($b[2])) res$b[2] <- 0 if (res$b[2] < 0) { side <- "right" } else { side <- "left" } } else { side <- match.arg(side, c("left", "right")) } if (side == "right") { yi <- -1 * yi } idix <- sort(yi, index.return = TRUE)$ix yi <- yi[idix] vi <- vi[idix] weights <- weights[idix] ni <- ni[idix] k <- length(yi) k0.sav <- -1 k0 <- 0 iter <- 0 while (abs(k0 - k0.sav) > 0 & iter <= maxiter) { k0.sav <- k0 iter <- iter + 1 # if (iter > maxiter) # warning("Trim and fill algorithm did not converge.") yi.t <- yi[1:(k - k0)] vi.t <- vi[1:(k - k0)] weights.t <- weights[1:(k - k0)] res <- rma(yi.t, vi.t, weights = weights.t, intercept = TRUE, method = x$method, weighted = x$weighted, ...) b <- c(res$b) yi.c <- yi - b yi.c.r <- rank(abs(yi.c), ties.method = "first") yi.c.r.s <- sign(yi.c) * yi.c.r if (estimator == "R0") { k0 <- (k - max(-1 * yi.c.r.s[yi.c.r.s < 0])) - 1 se.k0 <- sqrt(2 * max(0, k0) + 2) } if (estimator == "L0") { Sr <- sum(yi.c.r.s[yi.c.r.s > 0]) k0 <- (4 * Sr - k * (k + 1))/(2 * k - 1) varSr <- 1/24 * (k * (k + 1) * (2 * k + 1) + 10 * k0^3 + 27 * k0^2 + 17 * k0 - 18 * k * k0^2 - 18 * k * k0 + 6 * k^2 * k0) se.k0 <- 4 * sqrt(varSr)/(2 * k - 1) } if (estimator == "Q0") { Sr <- sum(yi.c.r.s[yi.c.r.s > 0]) k0 <- k - 1/2 - sqrt(2 * k^2 - 4 * Sr + 1/4) varSr <- 1/24 * (k * (k + 1) * (2 * k + 1) + 10 * k0^3 + 27 * k0^2 + 17 * k0 - 18 * k * k0^2 - 18 * k * k0 + 6 * k^2 * k0) se.k0 <- 2 * sqrt(varSr)/sqrt((k - 1/2)^2 - k0 * (2 * k - k0 - 1)) } k0 <- max(0, k0) k0 <- round(k0) se.k0 <- max(0, se.k0) if (verbose) cat("Iteration:", iter, "\tmissing =", k0, "\t b =", ifelse(side == "right", -1 * b, b), "\n") } if (k0 > 0) { if (side == "right") { yi.c <- -1 * (yi.c - b) } else { yi.c <- yi.c - b } yi.fill <- c(x$yi.f, -1 * yi.c[(k - k0 + 1):k]) vi.fill <- c(x$vi.f, vi[(k - k0 + 1):k]) weights.fill <- c(x$weights.f, weights[(k - k0 + 1):k]) ni.fill <- c(x$ni.f, ni[(k - k0 + 1):k]) attr(yi.fill, "measure") <- x$measure res <- rma(yi.fill, vi.fill, weights = weights.fill, ni = ni.fill, intercept = TRUE, method = x$method, weighted = x$weighted, ...) res$fill <- c(rep(FALSE, k), rep(TRUE, k0)) res$ids <- c(x$ids, (x$k.f + 1):(x$k.f + k0)) if (x$slab.null) { res$slab <- c(paste("Study", x$ids), paste("Filled", seq_len(k0))) } else { res$slab <- c(x$slab, paste("Filled", seq_len(k0))) } res$slab.null <- FALSE } else { res <- x res$fill <- rep(FALSE, k) } res$k0 <- k0 res$se.k0 <- se.k0 res$side <- side res$k0.est <- estimator if (estimator == "R0") { m <- -1:(k0 - 1) res$pval <- 1 - sum(choose(0 + m + 1, m + 1) * 0.5^(0 + m + 2)) } else { res$pval <- NA } class(res) <- c("rma.uni.trimfill", class(res)) return(res) } ############################## check.counts <- function(n00, n01, n10, n11){ <- which(n00 + n10 == 0 | n01 + n11 == 0) if(length( > 0){ if(length(n00) - length( >= 5){ n00 <- n00[] n01 <- n01[] n10 <- n10[] n11 <- n11[] }else{ # avoid removing too many double-zero studies n00[] <- n00[] + 0.01 n01[] <- n01[] + 0.01 n10[] <- n10[] + 0.01 n11[] <- n11[] + 0.01 } } <- which(n00 == 0 | n01 == 0 | n10 == 0 | n11 == 0) if(length( > 0){ n00[] <- n00[] + 0.5 n01[] <- n01[] + 0.5 n10[] <- n10[] + 0.5 n11[] <- n11[] + 0.5 } out <- list(n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) return(out) } ############################## find.counts <- function(n0., n1., lor, lor.var, p0.ori){ r <- exp(lor) s <- lor.var a <- (1 - r)^2 + n1.*r*s b <- -2*(1 - r) - n1.*r*s c <- 1 + n1./n0.*r D <- b^2 - 4*a*c if(D < 0) p0 <- c(0, 1) if(D == 0){ p0 <- -b/(2*a) if(p0 < 0) p0 <- 0 if(p0 > 1) p0 <- 1 } if(D > 0){ p0.sol1 <- (-b - sqrt(D))/(2*a) p0.sol2 <- (-b + sqrt(D))/(2*a) p0 <- c(p0.sol1, p0.sol2) p0[p0 < 0] <- 0 p0[p0 > 1] <- 1 } if(length(p0) > 1){ idx <- which(p0 - p0.ori == min(p0 - p0.ori)) p0 <- p0[idx] p0 <- p0[1] } p1 <- r*p0/(1 - p0 + r*p0) n01 <- n0.*p0 n00 <- n0.*(1 - p0) n11 <- n1.*p1 n10 <- n1.*(1 - p1) out <- list(n00 = n00, n01 = n01, n10 = n10, n11 = n11) return(out) }