If you make use of this file or have any inquiries about it, please let us know at leyre-castroruiz@uiowa.edu We include four data files: Exp1_HumanTRAIN.txt Exp1_HumanTEST.txt Exp2_PigeonTRAIN.txt Exp2_PigeonTEST.txt All files use a long format (header included), in which each row represents one trial. For each file, the columns represent: Exp1_HumanTRAIN.txt Participant: Participant’s identification code Date: Date of the session TrialN: Trial number within a session Stimulus: Name of the specific image presented Category: The category that the stimulus belongs to (CatA, CatB) Accuracy: Evaluation of the subject's response (1 if correct, 0 if incorrect) D_location: Location of the deterministic feature in the image (Center when it is located in the center, Side when it is located in one of the sides) Exp1_HumanTEST.txt Participant: Participant’s identification code Date: Date of the session TrialN: Trial number within a session Type: Type of trial (t for training trial, test for testing trial) Stimulus: Name of the specific image presented Category: The category that the stimulus belongs to (CatA, CatB) TestStimulus: The specific type of testing stimulus (names used by the program) TestType: The specific type of testing stimulus (names recoded for clarity purposes) RT: Reaction time to choose the response (in ms) Accuracy: Evaluation of the subject's response (1 if correct, 0 if incorrect) D_location: Location of the deterministic feature in the image (Center when it is located in the center, Side when it is located in one of the sides) Exp2_PigeonTRAIN.txt Bird: Bird’s name Date: Date of the session TrialN: Trial number within a session Stimulus: Name of the specific image presented Category: The category that the stimulus belongs to (CatA, CatB) Accuracy: Evaluation of the subject's response (1 if correct, 0 if incorrect) D_location: Location of the deterministic feature in the image (Center when it is located in the center, Side when it is located in one of the sides) Exp2_PigeonTEST.txt Bird: Bird’s name Date: Date of the session TrialN: Trial number within a session Type: Type of trial (w for warmup [first 12 trials within a sessions during which no testing stimulus is presented], t for training trial, test for testing trial) Stimulus: Name of the specific image presented Category: The category that the stimulus belongs to (CatA, CatB) TestStimulus: The specific type of testing stimulus (names used by the program) TestType: The specific type of testing stimulus (names recoded for clarity purposes) RT: Reaction time to choose the response (in ms) Accuracy: Evaluation of the subject's response (1 if correct, 0 if incorrect) D_location: Location of the deterministic feature in the image (Center when it is located in the center, Side when it is located in one of the sides)