library(mstate) # function for preparing data set for mstate package source("ext_mstate.R") # Data preparation------------------------------------------------------------- # Data from Grein et al. # State 0: Censored # State 1: ECMO # State 2: mechanical ventilation # State 3: Non-invasive oxygen support # State 4: Ambient Air # State 5: Dead # State 6: Discharged # read data set <- read.csv(file = 'Example2_Extended_Data.csv') # Set transition matrix for mstate tra <- transMat(x = list(c(2,3), c(1,3,4,5,6), c(2,4,5,6), c(3,6),c(),c()), names = c("ECMO", "MV", "Non-Inv Oxy","Ambient", "Dead","Discharged")) # Add transition vectors$trans <- NA for (i in 1:nrow(tra)) { for (j in 1:ncol(tra)) {$trans[which($from == i &$to ==j)] <- tra[i, j] } } # Add status vector, indicates observed transition$status <- 1 # Status vector for censored observations set to '0'$status[$to == 0] <- 0 # Rename 'to' == 0 to 'cens' for use in 'ext_mstate' function$to[$to == 0] <- 'cens' # Create data frame with all possible transitions for when a patient is at risk my.data_ext <- ext_mstate(, tra) # Analysis ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Cox model stratified by transition cG <- coxph(Surv(entry, exit, status) ~ strata(trans), data= my.data_ext, method = "breslow") # msfit calculates baseline hazards msfG <- msfit(cG, newdata = newd, trans = tra) # probtrans calculates transition probabilities, prediction from day 0 ptG <- probtrans(msfG, predt = 0) # ELOS gives expected length of stay in the states for patients in the states at day 0 LOS_matG <- ELOS(ptG, 28) rownames(LOS_matG) <- c("from ECMO", "from MV", "from NI Oxy", "from Ambient", "from Death", "from Discharge") colnames(LOS_matG) <- c("to ECMO", "to MV", "to NI Oxy", "to Ambient", "to Death", "to Discharge") print(LOS_matG) # Distribution of the patients in the 6 states at day 0 init_dis <- c(0.0754717, 0.5660377, 0.3207547, 0.03773585, 0, 0) # Multiply LOS_matG with initial distribution to get weighted average of expected lengths of stay for entire cohort LOS_cohort_G <- (init_dis %*% LOS_matG) print(LOS_cohort_G) ## Create weighted average of transition probabilities for progress of entire cohort pt.acc <- ptG acc <- ((pt.acc[[1]] * 0.0754717) + (pt.acc[[2]] * 0.5660377) + (pt.acc[[3]] * 0.3207547) + (pt.acc[[4]] * 0.03773585)) pt.acc[[1]] <- acc ## Plot of transition probabilities plot(pt.acc, from = 1, ord = c(5,1,2,3,4,6),type= "filled", cols = c("indianred1","darkgoldenrod1","khaki2", "bisque2", "gray","cornflowerblue"), lwd= 2, xlab = "Days Since Treatment Initiation", ylab = "Predicted Probabilities", cex.lab = 1.25,main= "Predicted Proportions Over Time (Grein et al.)", legend = c("", "", "", "", "", "")) text(5, 0.04, "ECMO", cex=1) text(5, 0.70, "Noninvasive Ventilation", cex=1) text(5, 0.37, "Invasive Ventilation", cex=1) text(11, 0.78, "Ambient Air", cex=1) text(25, 0.8, "Discharge", cex=1) text(25, 0.08, "Death", cex=1)