Variable_Name,Informations,Unit anatomy_measures,Measures related to corpus callosum (CCvol) and to grey (GM) and white matter (WM) mean volumes and asymmetries (defined as Left minus Right) in the 4 analyzed groups., TYP_CONGRUENT_mean,Average values of TYP_CONGRUENT particpants for the corresponding Variable.,Cubic centimetre TYP_CONGRUENT_sd,Standard-deviation of the mean for the corresponding Variable in TYP_CONGRUENT.,Cubic centimetre TYP_CROSSED_mean,Average values of TYP_CROSSED particpants for the corresponding Variable.,Cubic centimetre TYP_CROSSED_sd,Standard-deviation of the mean for the corresponding Variable in TYP_CROSSED.,Cubic centimetre ATYP_CONGRUENT_mean,Average values of ATYP_CONGRUENT particpants for the corresponding Variable.,Cubic centimetre ATYP_CONGRUENT_sd,Standard-deviation of the mean for the corresponding Variable in ATYP_CONGRUENT.,Cubic centimetre ATYP_CROSSED_mean,Average values of ATYP_CROSSED particpants for the corresponding Variable.,Cubic centimetre ATYP_CROSSED_sd,Standard-deviation of the mean for the corresponding Variable in ATYP_CROSSED.,Cubic centimetre