Statistical power and sensitivity for clinical measures of individual studies. ,,,,,,,,, "Power is estimated (in percentage) for small, medium, and large effects (based on Cohen’s d of 0.2, 0.5, and 0.8, respectively). Sensitivity, or estimation of detected effect size (based on Cohen’s d) with a certain power, is calculated for the power of 80 and 95%. Power and sensitivity calculations for clinical measures include only studies performing a group analysis of clinical improvement. Only studies that performed a group analysis and reported sufficient information to perform a power analysis are included in the table. Two calculations are presented at the bottom of the table: the results stating ""no pilot"" in brackets exclude pilot, proof-of-principle, and feasibility studies (N=11); the results ""all"" include all studies that performed a group analysis (N=27). Pilot, feasibility, and proof-of-principle studies are marked with ""Y"" in the column ""Pilot?"".",,,,,,,,, ,,,,,Power,,,Sensitivity (in Cohen's d), Publication,Pilot?,Test,Criterion,N,d = 0.2,d = 0.5,d = 0.8,Power = 80%,Power = 95% "(Karch et al., 2015)",Y,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group (patients true rtfMRI & controls true rtfMRI) X time (before NF & after NF),27,0.35,0.98,1,0.35,0.46 "(Karch et al., 2019)",N,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time (pre-post),22,0.29,0.94,1,0.4,0.51 "(Hartwell et al., 2016)",N,2x3 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time (3 visits),44,0.61,1,1,0.25,0.31 "(Zilverstand et al., 2017)",Y,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time,13,0.18,0.74,0.99,0.54,0.7 "(Alegria et al., 2017; Rubia et al., 2019)",Y,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time,31,0.4,0.99,1,0.33,0.42 "(Zilverstand et al., 2015)",N,2x4 mixed ANOVA,"Group X Time (screening, post- fMRI, 2-week, 3-month)",18,0.3,0.98,1,0.36,0.46 "(Paret et al., 2016)",Y,RM ANOVA,4 RM,10,0.17,0.8,1,0.5,0.63 "(Zaehringer et al., 2019)",N,RM ANOVA,3 RM,25,0.37,0.99,1,0.33,0.42 "(Robineau et al., 2019)",Y,RM ANOVA#,3 RM,6,0.1,0.43,0.83,0.77,0.97 "(Yuan et al., 2014)",N,Independent t-test*,Group difference,27,0.08,0.24,0.51,1.12,1.45 "(Young et al., 2014)",Y,Independent t-test (1-tailed)*,Group difference,21,0.11,0.27,0.51,1.19,1.58 "(Young, Misaki, et al., 2017; Young et al., 2018; Young, Siegle, et al., 2017)",N,2x4 mixed ANOVA,Group X Visit (4),36,0.58,1,1,0.25,0.31 "(Zotev et al., 2016)",Y,Independent t-test*,Group difference,24,0.08,0.21,0.46,1.2,1.55 "(Zotev et al., 2019)",Y,Independent t-test*,Group difference,24,0.07,0.2,0.42,1.27,1.63 "(Linden et al., 2012)",Y,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time (pre-post),16,0.22,0.84,1,0.48,0.61 "(Mehler et al., 2018)",N,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time (pre-post),32,0.41,0.99,1,0.32,0.42 "(Jaeckle et al., 2019)",Y,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time (pre-post),40,0.5,1,1,0.29,0.37 "(Zahn et al., 2019)",Y,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time,28,0.36,0.98,1,0.35,0.45 "(Rance et al., 2018)",N,2x2 mixed ANOVA,Group X Time (pre-post),37,0.46,1,1,0.3,0.39 "(Hohenfeld et al., 2017)",Y,Paired t-test*,Pre-post,10,0.09,0.29,0.62,1,1.29 "(Tinaz et al., 2018)",Y,Paired t-test#,Pre-post,8,0.08,0.23,0.5,1.16,1.5 "(Subramanian et al., 2011)",Y,Paired t-test (one-tailed) #,Pre-post,5,0.1,0.24,0.44,1.36,1.82 "(Subramanian et al., 2016)",N,ANCOVA,Group difference,30,0.08,0.26,0.56,1.06,1.37 "(Zweerings et al., 2018)",N,Paired t-test,Group difference,8,0.08,0.23,0.5,1.16,1.5 "(Zotev et al., 2018b)",N,Paired t-test#,Pre-post,15,0.11,0.44,0.82,0.78,1 "(Orlov et al., 2018)",Y,Paired t-test,Pre-post,11,0.09,0.32,0.67,0.94,1.21 "(Emmert et al., 2017)",Y,2x3 mixed ANOVA,"Group X Time (pre, post, follow up)",14,0.21,0.87,1,0.46,0.58 Mean (no pilot),,,,26.7,0.31,0.73,0.85,0.58,0.74 Median (no pilot),,,,27,0.3,0.98,>0.99,0.36,0.46 Mean (all),,,,21.6,0.24,0.65,0.81,0.69,0.88 Median (all),,,,22,0.18,0.8,1,0.5,0.63 "Note. * = test inferred; # = no group comparison. All tests were performed two-tailed, unless otherwise specified. The estimations are not based on actual outcome measures, but rather on sample sizes, liberal assumptions (no multiple comparison correction, high correlations between repeated measures (0.8)) and (mostly) simplified statistical tests.",,,,,,,,,