Publication (1b),Clinical population,Clinical group size ,ROI,Strategy (3b),Transfer run(s) and success,"Control/comparison group (2a, 2b)",Regulation direction and success (5a),Experimental vs control regulation (5c),Regulation plots per run/session (5b),Symptom measures (6a),Regulation and clinical correlation (6b),Follow-up,Registered trial (1a) "(Canterberry et al., 2013)",Addiction,9,ACC,No,No,-,(down) Yes,-,Sess,Beh ~,No,-,- "(Hanlon et al., 2013)",Addiction,15,vACC and dmPFC,No,No,-,(down) Yes,-,-,Beh -,-,-,- "(Li et al., 2013) $",Addiction,12,ACC and mPFC,No,No,-,(up&down-diff) Yes (ACC),-,-,Beh (imp),Yes,-,- "(Karch et al., 2015) $",Addiction,13,"ACC, dlPFC, or insula",No,No,"Multi. Healthy NFB & SHAM, Clin SHAM (not succ)",(down) Yes,"No, two groups",-,Clin (no imp),-,-,- "(Karch et al., 2019)",Addiction,22 (Before splitting into relapsed (12) and non-relapsed group (10)),"ACC, dlPFC, or insula",No,No,Clin Diff ROI -,n.a.,n.a.,-,Clin (no imp),-,-,- "(Kim et al., 2015)",Addiction,7,"# Bilateral ACC, medial pFC and OFC",No,Yes (succ),Clin Diff con (succ),(up)Yes,No (con>exp),Sess,Beh (no imp),-,-,- "(Hartwell et al., 2016)",Addiction,21,PFC,Sug,No,Clin No NFB (not succ),(down) Yes,Yes,Sess,Clin ~,-,-,- "(Kirschner et al., 2018)",Addiction,22,# VTA and SN,Yes,Yes (not succ),Healthy NFB (succ),(up)Yes,No,Yes,-,-,-,- "(Zilverstand et al., 2017) $",ADHD,7,dACC,Yes,Yes (succ),* Clin Unaware (succ),(up)Yes,No,Sess,Clin (imp),-,-,ISRCTN12390961 "(Alegria et al., 2017; Rubia et al., 2019) $",ADHD,18,# rIFG,No,Yes (succ),* Clin Diff ROI (succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Pre-post,Clin (imp),Yes,>5m - clin (stable),ISRCTN12800253 "(Buyukturkoglu et al., 2015) $",Anxiety,3,Bilateral AI,No,Yes (succ),-,(down) Yes,-,Yes,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Zilverstand et al., 2015)",Anxiety,9,Insula and dlPFC,Yes,No,* Clin Unaware (succ),(up&down-diff) Yes,Yes,Yes,Clin (imp),Yes,3m - clin (stable),- "(Scheinost et al., 2013)",Anxiety,12,OFC,Yes,Yes (succ),Clin Yoked (not succ),(up&down-same) Yes,No,Pre-post,Beh (imp),Yes,-,- "(Scheinost et al., 2014) $",Anxiety,5,OFC,Yes,Yes -,Healthy NFB -,(up&down-same) -,-,-,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Sreedharan et al., 2019b, 2019a)",Aphasia,4,Broca and Wernicke's areas,Sug,No,Multi. Healthy NFB and Clin No training (succ),(up)Yes,-,Sess,Beh (no imp),-,-,- "(Ramot et al., 2017) $",Autistic disorder,17,"STS, SSC and IPL (based on a previous study)",No,No,* Clin Diff con (not succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Sess,Clin (no imp),-,5-56w - conn (stable),NCT01031407 "(Paret et al., 2016) $",BPD,10,Bilateral amygdala,No,Yes (not succ),-,(down) Yes,-,Sess,Clin (no imp),-,-,- "(Zaehringer et al., 2019) ^",BPD,25,# Right amygdala,No,No,-,(down) Yes,-,Sess,Clin (imp),No,6w - clin (stable),NCT02866110 DRKS00009363 "(Liew et al., 2016) $",Brain damage,4,M1 and ipsilateral thalamus,Sug,Yes (succ) (in 2/4 participants),-,(up)Yes (3/4),-,Pre-post,-,-,-,- "(Sitaram et al., 2012) $",Brain damage,2,PMv,No,Yes (succ),Healthy NFB (succ),(up)Yes,-,Sess,Beh (TMS) (no imp),-,-,- "(Robineau et al., 2019) $",Brain damage,6,V1,Sug,No,Clin Diff con (not succ),(up)Yes,-,Sess,Clin (imp),No,-,- "(DeCharms et al., 2005)",Chronic pain,8,rACC,Sug,No,"Multi. Clin NFB and healthy No NFB, No NFB diff str, NFB diff ROI, yoked (succ)",(up&down-same) Yes,-,Yes,Beh (imp),Yes,-,- "(Guan et al., 2015)",Chronic pain,8,rACC,Sug,No,** Clin Diff ROI (not succ),(up&down-same) Yes,Yes,-,Beh (imp),No,-,- "(MacDuffie et al., 2018) $",Depression,13,ACC,Yes,No,Clin WS -,"(down) n.a.(yes, but not the main aim)",n.a.,n.a.,-,-,-,- "(Hamilton et al., 2016) $",Depression,12,Fronto-insular cortex and dACC,Yes,Yes (succ),* Clin Yoked (succ),(down) Yes,No,Pre-post,-,-,-,- "(Yuan et al., 2014)",Depression,14,# Left amygdala,Yes,Yes -,** Multi. Healthy NFB and Clin Diff ROI -,(up)-,-,-,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Young et al., 2014) $",Depression,14,# Left amygdala,Yes,Yes (succ),** Clin Diff ROI (not succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Yes,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Young et al., 2018, 2017b, 2017a)",Depression,19,# Left amygdala,Yes,Yes (succ),** Clin Diff ROI (succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Yes,Clin (imp),Yes,-,NCT02079610 "(Zotev et al., 2016) $",Depression,13,# Left amygdala,Yes,Yes (succ),** Clin Diff ROI (not succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Yes,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Zotev et al., 2019) ^$",Depression,16,# Left amygdala and left rACC,Yes,Yes (succ),* Clin SHAM-C NFB (not succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Yes,Clin (imp),Yes,-,- "(Linden et al., 2012) $",Depression,8,"Various regions: dlPFC, vlPFC, insula",No,No,Clin MR -,(up)Yes,-,Yes,Clin (imp),Yes,-,- "(PeciƱa et al., 2018)",Depression (placebo),24,-,-,No,* -,n.a.,-,n.a.,-,-,-,- "(Mehler et al., 2018)@",Depression,16,Mainly anterior brain areas such as insula and striatum,Sug,Yes (not succ),* Clin Diff str (succ),(up)Yes,No,Sess,Clin (imp),-,18w - clin (stable),NCT01544205 "(Jaeckle et al., 2019) ^@$",Depression,19,rSATL and pSCC,No,No,* Clin Diff str (succ),(down) Yes,-,Yes,Clin (imp),No,-,ISRCTN10526888 "(Zahn et al., 2019) $",Depression (remitted),14,aSCC and aSTC,No,No,** Clin Diff con (not succ),(up)Yes,Yes,Pre-post,Clin -,-,-,NCT01920490 "(Rance et al., 2018)",Misc,"10 (anxiety), 20 (Tourette's) ","OFC (A), SMA (TS)",Yes,-,** Clin Yoked -,(up&down-same) -,-,-,Clin (imp),-,"2, 4, 6, 8w - clin (stable)",NCT02206945 NCT01702077 "(McDonald et al., 2017)",Misc,76 (121 before excluding the participants who fell asleep),DMN,Yes,No,-,(up&down-same) Yes,-, - (n.a.),-,-,-,- "(Skouras and Scharnowski, 2019)@",Misc,74,DMN,Yes,No,Healthy NFB (succ),(up&down-same) Yes,Yes,Yes,-,-,-,- "(Hohenfeld et al., 2017) $",ND-A,10,PHG,Yes,No,Multi. Healthy NFB & SHAM (succ),(up)Yes,No,Yes,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Papoutsi et al., 2018b) $",ND-H,10,SMA,Sug,No,-,(up)Yes,-,"Sess, pre-post",Beh (no imp),-,-,- "(Papoutsi et al., 2018a) ^$",ND-H,8 (activity) & 8 (connectivity),SMA,Sug,Yes (succ),* Multi. Clin 2x SHAM (activity (succ) and connectivity (not succ)),"(up) Yes (activity, but not con. group)",No,Yes,Beh (no imp),-,"3x: 2, 4-6 and 8-10w (beh & trans (diminished))",- "(Tinaz et al., 2018) $",ND-P,8,Right insula and dlPFC,Yes,Yes (succ),Clin No NFB -,(up)Yes,-,Yes,Clin (no imp),-,-,- "(Subramanian et al., 2011) $",ND-P,5,SMA,Sug,No,Clin No NFB (succ),(up)Yes,-,Yes,Clin (imp),-,2w (beh (stable)),- "(Buyukturkoglu et al., 2013) $",ND-P,1,SMA,Sug,No,Healthy NFB (succ),(up)Yes,-,-,Beh (no imp),-,-,- "(Subramanian et al., 2016)",ND-P,15,SMA,Yes,Yes (succ),Clin No NFB -,(up)Yes,-,Sess,Clin (imp),No,-,NCT01867827 "(Frank et al., 2012)",Obesity,10,# Bilateral AI,Sug,No,Healthy NFB (succ),(up)Yes,Yes,-,-,-,-,- "(Spetter et al., 2017) $",Obesity,8,dlPFC and vmPFC,Sug,No,-,(up)Yes,-,Sess,Beh (no imp),-,-,- "(Kohl et al., 2019b)",Obesity,17,Left dlPFC,No,No,* Clin Diff ROI (succ),(up)Yes,No,Yes,Beh (imp),Yes,4w (beh (stable)),NCT02148770 "(Sitaram et al., 2014) $",PP,4,Left AI,Sug,No,-,(up)No (1 participant could with more sessions),-,Yes,Beh ~,-,-,- "(Zweerings et al., 2018)",PTSD,9,# ACC,Sug,Yes (succ),Healthy NFB (succ),(up)Yes,No (cont>exp),-,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Gerin et al., 2016) $",PTSD,3,Amygdala,No,No,-,(down) Yes,-,-,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Nicholson et al., 2017)",PTSD,10,Bilateral amygdala,No,Yes (succ),-,(down) Yes,-,Yes,-,-,-,- "(Nicholson et al., 2018)",PTSD,14,Bilateral amygdala,No,Yes (succ),-,(down) Yes,-,Yes,-,-,-,- "(Misaki et al., 2018)",PTSD,16,# Left amygdala,Sug,Yes -,* Multi. Clin Diff ROI and healthy veterans NFB (succ),(up)Yes,-,Yes,Clin (imp),-,-,- "(Zotev et al., 2018b)",PTSD,15,# Left amygdala,Sug,Yes (not succ),* Clin Diff ROI (not succ),(up)Yes,No,Yes,Clin (imp),Yes,-,- "(Cordes et al., 2015)",Schizophrenia,11,# ACC,Sug,No,Healthy NFB (succ),(up)Yes,Yes,-,-,-,-,- "(Dyck et al., 2016) $",Schizophrenia,3,# ACC,Sug,Yes (succ) (in 1/3 participants),-,(up)Yes,-,Sess,Clin ~,-,-,- "(Zweerings et al., 2019)",Schizophrenia,21,Left IFG and left pSTG,No,No,** Healthy NFB (succ),(up&down-same) Yes,No,-,Beh -,-,-,- "(Ruiz et al., 2013)",Schizophrenia,9,Bilateral AI,Sug,Yes (not succ),-,(up)Yes,-,Yes,Beh (imp),Yes,-,- "(Orlov et al., 2018) $",Schizophrenia,12,Left STG,No,Yes (succ),-,(down) Yes,-,Yes,Clin (no imp),-,-,- "(Emmert et al., 2017) $",Tinnitus,7,AC,Sug,Yes -,Clin NFB (inter (not succ)),(down) Yes (only the continuous feedback group),No,Sess,Clin ~,-,6w (clin (diminished)),- "(Haller et al., 2010) $",Tinnitus,6,AC,No,No,-,(down) Yes (5/6),-,Yes,Beh ~,-,-,- ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Publication: ^ = not peer-reviewed at the time of the search; @ = sample size calculation, $ = pilot, feasibility, or proof-of-principle;",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clinical population: ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; Aphasia = Expressive (Brocas) aphasia; BPD = borderline personality disorder; PP = psychopathy; Misc = miscellaneous; ND-A = neurodegenerative disease (Alzheimers disease); ND-H = neurodegenerative disease (Huntingtons disease); ND-P = neurodegenerative disease (Parkinsons disease); PTSD = post-traumatic stress disorder;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Clinical Group Size: The size of the experimental group (one arm only);,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ROI: # anatomical localizer;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Strategy: Sug = suggestions;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Transfer run(s) and success: (succ) for yes, (not succ) for no, minus (-) for not stated;",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Control/comparison group: Comparison group refers to healthy participants, who do not control for the effects of neurofeedback; * = single-blinded, ** = double-blinded; regulation success: (succ) for yes, (no succ) for no, minus (-) for not stated; Clin = the same clinical population; NFB = neurofeedback; Multi = more than one control group; Diff ROI = different region of interest; diff str = different strategy; diff con = different connectivity; RM = mental rehearsal; SHAM-C = computer generated SHAM;",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Regulation Success: (down) = down-regulation; (up) = up-regulation; (down&up-diff) = bidirectional regulation of a different region; (down&up-same) = bidirectional regulation of the same region; ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Experimental vs Control: cont>exp = control group significantly better regulated than the experimental group;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Plots: Sess = average session regulation; Pre-post = regulation before and after training; Yes = runs and session were represented; - = no plots;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, "Symptom measures: Clin = clinical measure; Beh = behavioral measure; - = not reported; (imp) = improvement; (no imp) = no improvement; ~ = mixed results (some participants improved or there was an improvement over each session, but not across sessions);",,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Correlation: Correlation between symptom improvement and regulation success;,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Follow-up: duration between the last session and follow-up session expressed in weeks (w) or months (m); clin = clinical measure; beh = behavioral measure; trans = transfer run; conn = connectivity changes; ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, Registered: the registration identifier.,,,,,,,,,,,,,