CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt CIPRES_THREADSPP=1 CIPRES_NP=8 paramfile=paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt running: /projects/ps-ngbt/opt/comet/mrbayes.centos7/3.2.7a.openmpi/mb < paramfile.txt MrBayes 3.2.7a x86_64 (Bayesian Analysis of Phylogeny) (Parallel version) (8 processors available) Distributed under the GNU General Public License Type "help" or "help " for information on the commands that are available. Type "about" for authorship and general information about the program. MrBayes > Setting autoclose to yes MrBayes > Setting nowarnings to yes MrBayes > Setting usebeagle to no MrBayes > Executing file "infile.nex" UNIX line termination Longest line length = 2649 Parsing file Expecting NEXUS formatted file Reading data block Allocated taxon set Allocated matrix Defining new matrix with 98 taxa and 2603 characters Data is Dna Gaps coded as - Missing data coded as ? Taxon 1 -> Arthrinium_aquaticum_S_642 Taxon 2 -> Arthrinium_arundinis_CBS_133509 Taxon 3 -> Arthrinium_arundinis_CBS_449_92 Taxon 4 -> Arthrinium_aureum_CBS_244_83 Taxon 5 -> Arthrinium_balearicum_CBS_145129 Taxon 6 -> Arthrinium_bambusae_LC7106 Taxon 7 -> Arthrinium_bambusae_LC7124 Taxon 8 -> Arthrinium_bambusicola Taxon 9 -> Arthrinium_camelliaesinensis_LC5007 Taxon 10 -> Arthrinium_camelliaesinensis_LC8181 Taxon 11 -> Arthrinium_caricicola_CBS_145127 Taxon 12 -> Arthrinium_chinense_CFCC_53036 Taxon 13 -> Arthrinium_chinense_CFCC_53037 Taxon 14 -> Arthrinium_chromolaenae_MFLUCC_17_1505 Taxon 15 -> Arthrinium_descalsii_CBS_145130 Taxon 16 -> Arthrinium_dichotomanthi_LC4950 Taxon 17 -> Arthrinium_dichotomanthi_LC8175 Taxon 18 -> Arthrinium_esporlense_CBS_145136 Taxon 19 -> Arthrinium_euphorbiae_IMI_285638b Taxon 20 -> Arthrinium_gaoyouense_CFCC_52301 Taxon 21 -> Arthrinium_gaoyouense_CFCC_52302 Taxon 22 -> Arthrinium_garethjonesii_KUMCC_16_0202 Taxon 23 -> Arthrinium_guizhouense_LC5318 Taxon 24 -> Arthrinium_guizhouense_LC5322 Taxon 25 -> Arthrinium_gutiae_CBS_135835 Taxon 26 -> Arthrinium_hispanicum_IMI_326877 Taxon 27 -> Arthrinium_hydei_CBS_114990 Taxon 28 -> Arthrinium_hydei_KUMCC_16_0204 Taxon 29 -> Arthrinium_hyphopodii_KUMCC_16_0201 Taxon 30 -> Arthrinium_hyphopodii_MFLUCC_15_0003 Taxon 31 -> Arthrinium_hysterinum_CBS_145133 Taxon 32 -> Arthrinium_hysterinum_ICPM6889 Taxon 33 -> Arthrinium_ibericum_CBS_145137 Taxon 34 -> Arthrinium_italicum_CBS_145138 Taxon 35 -> Arthrinium_italicum_CBS_145139 Taxon 36 -> Arthrinium_japonicum_IFO_31098 Taxon 37 -> Arthrinium_japonicum_IFO30500 Taxon 38 -> Arthrinium_jatrophae_AMH_9556 Taxon 39 -> Arthrinium_jatrophae_AMH_9557 Taxon 40 -> Arthrinium_jiangxiense_LC4494 Taxon 41 -> Arthrinium_jiangxiense_LC4577 Taxon 42 -> Arthrinium_kogelbergense_CBS_113332 Taxon 43 -> Arthrinium_kogelbergense_CBS_113333 Taxon 44 -> Arthrinium_locuta_pollinis_LC11683 Taxon 45 -> Arthrinium_locuta_pollinis_LC11688 Taxon 46 -> Arthrinium_longistromum_MFLUCC_11_0479 Taxon 47 -> Arthrinium_longistromum_MFLUCC_11_0481 Taxon 48 -> Arthrinium_malaysianum_CBS_102053 Taxon 49 -> Arthrinium_marii_CBS_497_90 Taxon 50 -> Arthrinium_mediterranei_IMI_326875 Taxon 51 -> Arthrinium_minus_AP25418 Taxon 52 -> Arthrinium_minus_CBS_145131 Taxon 53 -> Arthrinium_mytilomorphum_DAOM_214595 Taxon 54 -> Arthrinium_neogarethjonesii_DQD_2019a Taxon 55 -> Arthrinium_neosubglobosa_JHB006 Taxon 56 -> Arthrinium_neosubglobosa_KUMCC_16_0203 Taxon 57 -> Arthrinium_obovatum_LC4940 Taxon 58 -> Arthrinium_obovatum_LC8177 Taxon 59 -> Arthrinium_ovatum_CBS_115042 Taxon 60 -> Arthrinium_paraphaeospermum_MFLUCC_13_0644 Taxon 61 -> Arthrinium_phaeospermum_CBS_114317 Taxon 62 -> Arthrinium_phaeospermum_CBS_114318 Taxon 63 -> Arthrinium_phragmitis_CPC_18900 Taxon 64 -> Arthrinium_phyllostachium_MFLUCC_18_1101 Taxon 65 -> Arthrinium_piptatheri_CBS_145149 Taxon 66 -> Arthrinium_pseudoparenchymaticum_LC7234 Taxon 67 -> Arthrinium_pseudoparenchymaticum_LC8173 Taxon 68 -> Arthrinium_pseudosinense_CPC_21546 Taxon 69 -> Arthrinium_pseudospegazzinii_CBS_102052 Taxon 70 -> Arthrinium_pterospermum_CBS_123185 Taxon 71 -> Arthrinium_pterospermum_CPC_20193 Taxon 72 -> Arthrinium_puccinioides_CBS_549_86 Taxon 73 -> Arthrinium_qinlingense_CFCC_52303 Taxon 74 -> Arthrinium_qinlingense_CFCC_52304 Taxon 75 -> Arthrinium_rasikravindrae_LC8179 Taxon 76 -> Arthrinium_rasikravindrae_NFCCI_2144 Taxon 77 -> Arthrinium_sacchari_CBS_372_67 Taxon 78 -> Arthrinium_sacchari_CBS_664_74 Taxon 79 -> Arthrinium_saccharicola_CBS_191_73 Taxon 80 -> Arthrinium_saccharicola_CBS_831_71 Taxon 81 -> Arthrinium_serenense_IMI_326869 Taxon 82 -> Arthrinium_setostromum_KUMCC_19_0217 Taxon 83 -> Arthrinium_sporophleum_CBS_145154 Taxon 84 -> Arthrinium_subglobosum_MFLUCC_11_0397 Taxon 85 -> Arthrinium_subroseum_LC7291 Taxon 86 -> Arthrinium_subroseum_LC7292 Taxon 87 -> Arthrinium_thailandicum_MFLUCC_15_0199 Taxon 88 -> Arthrinium_thailandicum_MFLUCC_15_0202 Taxon 89 -> Arthrinium_trachycarpum_CFCC_53038 Taxon 90 -> Arthrinium_trachycarpum_CFCC_53039 Taxon 91 -> Arthrinium_urticae_IMI_326344 Taxon 92 -> Arthrinium_vietnamense_IMI_99670 Taxon 93 -> Arthrinium_xenocordella_CBS_478_86 Taxon 94 -> Arthrinium_xenocordella_CBS_595_66 Taxon 95 -> Arthrinium_yunnanum_DDQ00281 Taxon 96 -> Arthrinium_yunnanum_MFLUCC_15_1002 Taxon 97 -> Seiridium_phylicae_CPC_19962 Taxon 98 -> Seiridium_phylicae_CPC_19965 Successfully read matrix Setting default partition (does not divide up characters) Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 1596002167 Setting output file names to "" Reading mrbayes block Logging screen output to file "11bayes.txt" Setting outgroup to taxon "Seiridium_phylicae_CPC_19962" Setting outgroup to taxon "Seiridium_phylicae_CPC_19965" Defining charset called 'LSU' Defining charset called 'ITS' Defining charset called 'TEF' Defining charset called 'TUB2' Defining partition called 'matrices' Setting matrices as the partition, dividing characters into 4 parts. Setting model defaults Seed (for generating default start values) = 971256219 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 1 Setting Nst to 6 for partition 2 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 1 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 2 Successfully set likelihood model parameters to partitions 1 and 2 (if applicable) Setting Nst to 2 for partition 3 Setting Nst to 2 for partition 4 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 3 Setting Rates to Invgamma for partition 4 Successfully set likelihood model parameters to partitions 3 and 4 (if applicable) Setting Statefreqpr to Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) for partition 1 Setting Statefreqpr to Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) for partition 2 Setting Statefreqpr to Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) for partition 3 Setting Statefreqpr to Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) for partition 4 Successfully set prior model parameters to all applicable data partitions Unlinking Setting number of generations to 10000000 Setting print frequency to 1000 Setting heating parameter to 0.150000 Setting sample frequency to 1000 Setting number of chains to 4 Using stopping rule. Setting burnin fraction to 0.25 Running Markov chain MCMC stamp = 9964484274 Seed = 994979615 Swapseed = 1596002167 Model settings: Settings for partition 1 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Settings for partition 2 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 6 Substitution rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Settings for partition 3 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 2 Transition and transversion rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Beta(1.00,1.00) prior Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Settings for partition 4 -- Datatype = DNA Nucmodel = 4by4 Nst = 2 Transition and transversion rates, expressed as proportions of the rate sum, have a Beta(1.00,1.00) prior Covarion = No # States = 4 State frequencies have a Dirichlet prior (1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Rates = Invgamma The distribution is approximated using 4 categories. Shape parameter is exponentially distributed with parameter (1.00). Proportion of invariable sites is uniformly dist- ributed on the interval (0.00,1.00). Active parameters: Partition(s) Parameters 1 2 3 4 ------------------------------ Tratio . . 1 1 Revmat 2 3 . . Statefreq 4 5 6 7 Shape 8 9 10 11 Pinvar 12 13 14 15 Ratemultiplier 16 16 16 16 Topology 17 17 17 17 Brlens 18 18 18 18 ------------------------------ Parameters can be linked or unlinked across partitions using 'link' and 'unlink' 1 -- Parameter = Tratio{3,4} Type = Transition and transversion rates Prior = Beta(1.00,1.00) Partitions = 3 and 4 2 -- Parameter = Revmat{1} Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Partition = 1 3 -- Parameter = Revmat{2} Type = Rates of reversible rate matrix Prior = Dirichlet(1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00,1.00) Partition = 2 4 -- Parameter = Pi{1} Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet Partition = 1 5 -- Parameter = Pi{2} Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet Partition = 2 6 -- Parameter = Pi{3} Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet Partition = 3 7 -- Parameter = Pi{4} Type = Stationary state frequencies Prior = Dirichlet Partition = 4 8 -- Parameter = Alpha{1} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) Partition = 1 9 -- Parameter = Alpha{2} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) Partition = 2 10 -- Parameter = Alpha{3} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) Partition = 3 11 -- Parameter = Alpha{4} Type = Shape of scaled gamma distribution of site rates Prior = Exponential(1.00) Partition = 4 12 -- Parameter = Pinvar{1} Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) Partition = 1 13 -- Parameter = Pinvar{2} Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) Partition = 2 14 -- Parameter = Pinvar{3} Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) Partition = 3 15 -- Parameter = Pinvar{4} Type = Proportion of invariable sites Prior = Uniform(0.00,1.00) Partition = 4 16 -- Parameter = Ratemultiplier{all} Type = Partition-specific rate multiplier Prior = Fixed(1.0) Partitions = All 17 -- Parameter = Tau{all} Type = Topology Prior = All topologies equally probable a priori Partitions = All Subparam. = V{all} 18 -- Parameter = V{all} Type = Branch lengths Prior = Unconstrained:GammaDir(1.0,0.1000,1.0,1.0) Partitions = All Number of chains per MPI processor = 1 The MCMC sampler will use the following moves: With prob. Chain will use move 1.54 % Dirichlet(Tratio{3,4}) 0.77 % Dirichlet(Revmat{1}) 0.77 % Slider(Revmat{1}) 0.77 % Dirichlet(Revmat{2}) 0.77 % Slider(Revmat{2}) 0.77 % Dirichlet(Pi{1}) 0.77 % Slider(Pi{1}) 0.77 % Dirichlet(Pi{2}) 0.77 % Slider(Pi{2}) 0.77 % Dirichlet(Pi{3}) 0.77 % Slider(Pi{3}) 0.77 % Dirichlet(Pi{4}) 0.77 % Slider(Pi{4}) 1.54 % Multiplier(Alpha{1}) 1.54 % Multiplier(Alpha{2}) 1.54 % Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 1.54 % Multiplier(Alpha{4}) 1.54 % Slider(Pinvar{1}) 1.54 % Slider(Pinvar{2}) 1.54 % Slider(Pinvar{3}) 1.54 % Slider(Pinvar{4}) 7.69 % ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 7.69 % ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 7.69 % NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 7.69 % ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 30.77 % Multiplier(V{all}) 10.77 % Nodeslider(V{all}) 4.62 % TLMultiplier(V{all}) Division 1 has 140 unique site patterns Division 2 has 334 unique site patterns Division 3 has 292 unique site patterns Division 4 has 606 unique site patterns Initializing conditional likelihoods Using standard FMA likelihood calculator for division 1 (single-precision) Using standard FMA likelihood calculator for division 2 (single-precision) Using standard FMA likelihood calculator for division 3 (single-precision) Using standard FMA likelihood calculator for division 4 (single-precision) Initializing invariable-site conditional likelihoods Initial log likelihoods and log prior probs for run 1: Chain 1 -- -67098.296381 -- 162.646873 There are 7 more chains on other processor(s) Using a relative burnin of 25.0 % for diagnostics Chain results (10000000 generations requested): 0 -- [-67098.296] [...7 remote chains...] 1000 -- (-41853.744) [...7 remote chains...] -- 8:19:57 2000 -- (-35229.922) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:56:35 3000 -- (-31578.932) [...7 remote chains...] -- 7:24:18 4000 -- (-29776.599) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:56:30 5000 -- (-28275.290) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:39:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.161849 6000 -- (-27484.596) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:56:25 7000 -- (-26936.069) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:44:28 8000 -- (-26579.230) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:35:31 9000 -- (-26223.156) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:28:32 10000 -- (-26137.943) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:39:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.117228 11000 -- (-26096.710) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:33:30 12000 -- (-26037.835) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:28:25 13000 -- (-25976.064) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:24:06 14000 -- (-25935.492) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:20:25 15000 -- (-25955.845) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:28:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.192072 16000 -- (-25826.505) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:24:48 17000 -- (-25635.345) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:21:42 18000 -- (-25602.159) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:18:56 19000 -- (-25568.475) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:25:13 20000 -- (-25586.571) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:22:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.196654 21000 -- (-25586.785) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:20:09 22000 -- (-25582.772) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:17:57 23000 -- (-25631.921) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:23:10 24000 -- (-25640.914) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:21:01 25000 -- (-25622.507) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:19:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.181512 26000 -- (-25618.711) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:17:13 27000 -- (-25601.225) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:15:31 28000 -- (-25562.447) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:57 29000 -- (-25567.135) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:18:12 30000 -- (-25585.391) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:16:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.194230 31000 -- (-25578.875) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:15:10 32000 -- (-25569.418) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:48 33000 -- (-25557.670) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:30 34000 -- (-25562.165) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:16:10 35000 -- (-25526.795) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:14:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.187885 36000 -- (-25562.190) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:39 37000 -- (-25561.780) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:29 38000 -- (-25595.561) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:15:45 39000 -- (-25550.700) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:14:36 40000 -- (-25557.274) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.185914 41000 -- (-25564.118) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:27 42000 -- (-25541.395) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:11:26 43000 -- (-25562.313) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:14:21 44000 -- (-25535.742) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:21 45000 -- (-25541.136) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.168319 46000 -- (-25531.852) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:11:28 47000 -- (-25568.484) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:35 48000 -- (-25547.232) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:12 49000 -- (-25511.720) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:18 50000 -- (-25532.647) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:11:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.150001 51000 -- (-25531.435) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:38 52000 -- (-25512.050) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:13:03 53000 -- (-25507.092) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:13 54000 -- (-25527.902) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:11:26 55000 -- (-25317.500) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.149781 56000 -- (-25297.892) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:56 57000 -- (-25217.696) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:12:08 58000 -- (-25183.251) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:11:23 59000 -- (-25207.993) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:40 60000 -- (-25191.221) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.149965 61000 -- (-25164.979) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:19 62000 -- (-25192.175) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:40 63000 -- (-25191.424) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:39 64000 -- (-25187.726) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:00 65000 -- (-25171.508) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.148249 66000 -- (-25203.127) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:45 67000 -- (-25179.551) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:38 68000 -- (-25166.064) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:00 69000 -- (-25169.696) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:24 70000 -- (-25180.377) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.151945 71000 -- (-25156.754) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:35 72000 -- (-25153.742) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:10:00 73000 -- (-25139.429) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:25 74000 -- (-25150.306) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:52 75000 -- (-25159.396) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.150350 76000 -- (-25163.142) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:58 77000 -- (-25154.270) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:25 78000 -- (-25131.514) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:53 79000 -- (-25136.359) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:22 80000 -- (-25121.960) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.155871 81000 -- (-25116.107) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:24 82000 -- (-25137.336) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:54 83000 -- (-25156.451) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:24 84000 -- (-25145.278) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:54 85000 -- (-25115.134) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:09:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.158351 86000 -- (-25112.704) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:53 87000 -- (-25103.621) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:24 88000 -- (-25128.550) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:56 89000 -- (-25118.621) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:29 90000 -- (-25103.083) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.156925 91000 -- (-25097.937) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:24 92000 -- (-25105.549) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:57 93000 -- (-25114.541) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:31 94000 -- (-25110.921) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:50 95000 -- (-25121.483) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.155196 96000 -- (-25117.578) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:57 97000 -- (-25114.480) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:32 98000 -- (-25105.323) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:47 99000 -- (-25109.654) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:22 100000 -- (-25122.458) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.149911 101000 -- (-25126.675) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:32 102000 -- (-25135.465) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:07 103000 -- (-25117.157) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:20 104000 -- (-25093.142) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:55 105000 -- (-25121.069) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.144187 106000 -- (-25131.504) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:08 107000 -- (-25127.686) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:08:17 108000 -- (-25122.673) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:53 109000 -- (-25121.200) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:30 110000 -- (-25150.678) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.142896 111000 -- (-25128.772) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:45 112000 -- (-25118.964) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:51 113000 -- (-25117.651) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:28 114000 -- (-25120.508) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:06 115000 -- (-25126.749) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.140593 116000 -- (-25168.674) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:23 117000 -- (-25159.405) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:26 118000 -- (-25126.689) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:05 119000 -- (-25104.468) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:43 120000 -- (-25123.082) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.139523 121000 -- (-25119.943) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:02 122000 -- (-25121.326) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:07:03 123000 -- (-25156.280) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:42 124000 -- (-25108.267) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:22 125000 -- (-25102.518) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.136165 126000 -- (-25119.826) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:42 127000 -- (-25116.003) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:40 128000 -- (-25127.849) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:20 129000 -- (-25159.484) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:06:01 130000 -- (-25181.060) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.134731 131000 -- (-25172.659) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:22 132000 -- (-25167.178) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:03 133000 -- (-25140.033) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:59 134000 -- (-25140.101) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:40 135000 -- (-25116.814) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.133460 136000 -- (-25128.430) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:03 137000 -- (-25124.963) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:57 138000 -- (-25137.299) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:39 139000 -- (-25124.188) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:21 140000 -- (-25124.519) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.137743 141000 -- (-25118.000) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:45 142000 -- (-25108.880) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:37 143000 -- (-25127.837) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:19 144000 -- (-25146.800) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:02 145000 -- (-25128.644) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.135893 146000 -- (-25102.493) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:27 147000 -- (-25103.940) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:17 148000 -- (-25111.016) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:05:00 149000 -- (-25125.288) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:43 150000 -- (-25114.541) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.135831 151000 -- (-25140.940) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:10 152000 -- (-25140.420) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:58 153000 -- (-25148.359) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:42 154000 -- (-25135.736) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:25 155000 -- (-25099.305) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.133573 156000 -- (-25084.685) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:53 157000 -- (-25090.666) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:40 158000 -- (-25084.954) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:24 159000 -- [-25056.941] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:08 160000 -- [-25067.399] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.130632 161000 -- [-25073.460] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:36 162000 -- [-25070.420] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:22 163000 -- [-25080.052] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:06 164000 -- (-25077.774) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:51 165000 -- [-25059.178] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.126875 166000 -- [-25039.049] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:20 167000 -- [-25049.758] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:04 168000 -- [-25038.049] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:49 169000 -- [-25029.755] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:34 170000 -- [-25038.690] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.123703 171000 -- [-25057.356] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:04:02 172000 -- [-25041.725] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:47 173000 -- [-25045.669] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:32 174000 -- [-25040.613] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:17 175000 -- [-25043.900] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.121167 176000 -- [-25045.095] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:44 177000 -- [-25061.039] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:30 178000 -- [-25041.473] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:16 179000 -- [-25033.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:01 180000 -- [-25024.408] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.118089 181000 -- [-25026.964] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:27 182000 -- [-25024.970] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:13 183000 -- [-25022.781] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:59 184000 -- [-25030.211] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:45 185000 -- [-25033.505] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.114161 186000 -- [-25047.649] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:11 187000 -- [-25055.274] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:57 188000 -- [-25048.621] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:43 189000 -- [-25050.386] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:30 190000 -- [-25050.889] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.110875 191000 -- [-25057.156] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:54 192000 -- [-25043.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:41 193000 -- [-25028.164] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:28 194000 -- [-25040.709] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:14 195000 -- [-25035.413] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.104963 196000 -- [-25046.313] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:48 197000 -- [-25046.394] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:25 198000 -- [-25063.845] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:12 199000 -- [-25048.408] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:59 200000 -- [-25039.685] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.101383 201000 -- [-25034.675] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:23 202000 -- [-25042.412] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:10 203000 -- [-25045.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:57 204000 -- [-25038.484] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:44 205000 -- [-25044.716] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.096287 206000 -- [-25060.940] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:07 207000 -- [-25062.828] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:54 208000 -- [-25072.283] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:42 209000 -- [-25075.431] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:30 210000 -- [-25052.967] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.092855 211000 -- [-25054.837] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:52 212000 -- [-25045.947] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:39 213000 -- [-25049.351] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:27 214000 -- (-25065.370) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:15 215000 -- [-25055.133] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.091160 216000 -- [-25049.548] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:36 217000 -- [-25059.600] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:24 218000 -- [-25038.591] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:12 219000 -- (-25053.870) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:01 220000 -- [-25050.073] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.089637 221000 -- [-25048.805] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:21 222000 -- [-25055.601] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:10 223000 -- [-25057.008] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:58 224000 -- [-25046.131] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:46 225000 -- [-25053.097] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.087618 226000 -- [-25046.825] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:23 227000 -- [-25050.321] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:55 228000 -- [-25066.494] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:44 229000 -- [-25063.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:32 230000 -- [-25073.890] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.085545 231000 -- [-25069.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:10 232000 -- [-25073.225] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:41 233000 -- [-25074.138] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:29 234000 -- [-25096.883] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:18 235000 -- [-25092.832] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.083055 236000 -- (-25094.385) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:56 237000 -- [-25082.592] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:26 238000 -- [-25076.961] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:15 239000 -- [-25065.845] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:04 240000 -- [-25056.064] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.081417 241000 -- [-25047.060] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:43 242000 -- [-25057.450] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:12 243000 -- [-25062.452] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:01 244000 -- [-25063.814] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:51 245000 -- [-25082.066] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.079740 246000 -- [-25074.974] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:29 247000 -- [-25051.163] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:58 248000 -- [-25063.203] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:48 249000 -- [-25066.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:37 250000 -- [-25071.424] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.077231 251000 -- [-25062.909] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:16 252000 -- [-25072.442] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:44 253000 -- [-25060.180] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:34 254000 -- [-25069.065] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:23 255000 -- [-25060.139] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.075777 256000 -- [-25054.094] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:03 257000 -- [-25054.619] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:31 258000 -- [-25046.047] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:20 259000 -- [-25058.100] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:10 260000 -- [-25049.516] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.074126 261000 -- [-25030.291] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:50 262000 -- [-25027.279] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:40 263000 -- [-25043.616] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:07 264000 -- [-25050.526] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:57 265000 -- [-25036.734] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.072084 266000 -- [-25057.109] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:37 267000 -- [-25055.048] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:27 268000 -- [-25056.636] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:53 269000 -- [-25070.717] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:43 270000 -- [-25053.292] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.070671 271000 -- [-25057.418] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:24 272000 -- [-25079.983] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:50 273000 -- [-25045.165] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:40 274000 -- [-25058.634] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:30 275000 -- [-25034.005] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.068025 276000 -- [-25044.802] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:11 277000 -- [-25043.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:36 278000 -- [-25033.915] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:27 279000 -- [-25041.766] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:17 280000 -- [-25040.921] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.066384 281000 -- [-25043.487] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:58 282000 -- [-25043.452] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:23 283000 -- [-25044.796] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:14 284000 -- [-25049.389] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:04 285000 -- [-25041.172] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.064447 286000 -- [-25053.742] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:45 287000 -- [-25056.032] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:10 288000 -- [-25028.985] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:01 289000 -- [-25029.746] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:51 290000 -- [-25052.193] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.062167 291000 -- [-25046.208] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:33 292000 -- [-25064.203] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:57 293000 -- [-25054.470] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:48 294000 -- [-25067.520] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:38 295000 -- [-25069.055] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.060692 296000 -- [-25053.020] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:20 297000 -- [-25060.691] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:11 298000 -- [-25041.359] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:35 299000 -- (-25056.099) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:26 300000 -- (-25043.975) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.060466 301000 -- [-25047.380] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:08 302000 -- [-25046.932] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:59 303000 -- [-25032.736] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:50 304000 -- [-25037.565] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:13 305000 -- [-25053.778] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.058389 306000 -- [-25057.156] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:55 307000 -- [-25059.483] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:46 308000 -- [-25056.132] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:37 309000 -- [-25061.215] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:00 310000 -- [-25050.984] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.055939 311000 -- [-25058.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:43 312000 -- [-25057.417] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:34 313000 -- [-25058.537] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:25 314000 -- [-25060.965] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:17 315000 -- [-25060.386] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.053751 316000 -- [-25061.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:30 317000 -- [-25070.041] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:22 318000 -- (-25059.437) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:13 319000 -- [-25039.676] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:35 320000 -- [-25048.073] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.053707 321000 -- [-25042.000] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:18 322000 -- [-25062.595] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:09 323000 -- [-25063.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:01 324000 -- [-25054.060] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:52 325000 -- [-25075.161] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.052040 326000 -- [-25060.768] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:05 327000 -- [-25062.551] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:57 328000 -- [-25054.647] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:49 329000 -- [-25053.130] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:10 330000 -- [-25065.976] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.051006 331000 -- [-25048.071] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:53 332000 -- [-25052.758] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:45 333000 -- [-25045.870] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:37 334000 -- [-25034.489] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:28 335000 -- [-25023.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.049920 336000 -- [-25046.069] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:41 337000 -- [-25030.380] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:33 338000 -- [-25051.795] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:25 339000 -- [-25036.254] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:16 340000 -- (-25053.283) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.048677 341000 -- [-25051.724] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:29 342000 -- [-25043.624] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:21 343000 -- [-25043.546] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:12 344000 -- [-25056.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:33 345000 -- [-25060.948] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.047770 346000 -- [-25060.219] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:16 347000 -- [-25052.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:08 348000 -- [-25057.036] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:00 349000 -- [-25064.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:20 350000 -- [-25060.122] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.046883 351000 -- [-25057.549] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:04 352000 -- [-25059.696] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:56 353000 -- [-25043.633] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:48 354000 -- [-25055.140] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:41 355000 -- [-25053.739] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.045871 356000 -- [-25040.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:25 357000 -- [-25060.980] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:17 358000 -- [-25061.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:10 359000 -- [-25067.642] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:29 360000 -- [-25042.126] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.045421 361000 -- [-25046.781] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:13 362000 -- [-25039.968] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:06 363000 -- [-25052.770] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:58 364000 -- [-25078.378] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:17 365000 -- [-25098.396] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.044530 366000 -- [-25075.362] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:02 367000 -- [-25073.460] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:54 368000 -- [-25061.508] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:47 369000 -- [-25077.046] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:05 370000 -- [-25074.746] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.043431 371000 -- [-25059.251] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:50 372000 -- [-25041.990] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:43 373000 -- [-25042.386] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:35 374000 -- [-25065.700] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:28 375000 -- [-25057.990] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.042608 376000 -- [-25067.797] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:38 377000 -- [-25052.644] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:31 378000 -- [-25044.435] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:24 379000 -- [-25032.983] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:16 380000 -- [-25041.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.041901 381000 -- (-25062.148) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:27 382000 -- [-25031.946] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:19 383000 -- [-25052.388] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:12 384000 -- [-25057.776] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:05 385000 -- [-25054.127] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.041433 386000 -- [-25045.707] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:15 387000 -- [-25043.618] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:08 388000 -- [-25057.976] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:01 389000 -- [-25049.426] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:53 390000 -- [-25046.360] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.041331 391000 -- [-25071.002] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:04 392000 -- [-25089.869] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:56 393000 -- [-25053.893] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:49 394000 -- [-25048.859] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:42 395000 -- [-25047.696] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.040144 396000 -- [-25043.927] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:28 397000 -- [-25034.419] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:45 398000 -- [-25052.772] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:38 399000 -- [-25034.469] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:31 400000 -- [-25034.302] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.039484 401000 -- [-25043.165] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:16 402000 -- [-25043.652] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:33 403000 -- [-25047.389] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:26 404000 -- [-25061.992] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:19 405000 -- [-25047.710] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.039234 406000 -- [-25052.340] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:05 407000 -- [-25051.883] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:58 408000 -- [-25047.829] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:15 409000 -- [-25046.755] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:08 410000 -- [-25050.377] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.038937 411000 -- [-25049.881] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:54 412000 -- [-25064.673] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:47 413000 -- [-25065.786] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:03 414000 -- [-25050.090] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:56 415000 -- [-25033.618] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.038389 416000 -- [-25046.670] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:43 417000 -- [-25045.431] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:36 418000 -- [-25062.126] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:52 419000 -- [-25074.434] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:45 420000 -- [-25067.207] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.038970 421000 -- [-25050.260] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:32 422000 -- [-25053.752] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:25 423000 -- [-25052.856] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:41 424000 -- [-25061.755] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:34 425000 -- [-25067.016] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.039724 426000 -- (-25071.923) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:20 427000 -- [-25055.922] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:14 428000 -- [-25072.769] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:07 429000 -- [-25047.827] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:22 430000 -- [-25047.129] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.039351 431000 -- [-25039.097] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:09 432000 -- [-25055.408] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:02 433000 -- [-25050.260] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:56 434000 -- [-25054.440] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:11 435000 -- [-25046.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.038092 436000 -- [-25048.952] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:58 437000 -- [-25067.378] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:51 438000 -- [-25051.767] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:45 439000 -- [-25071.159] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:00 440000 -- [-25040.967] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.037451 441000 -- [-25050.976] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:47 442000 -- [-25046.864] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:40 443000 -- [-25046.750] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:34 444000 -- [-25041.877] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:49 445000 -- [-25026.205] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.036044 446000 -- [-25024.479] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:35 447000 -- [-25017.098] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:29 448000 -- [-25022.069] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:22 449000 -- [-25026.244] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:37 450000 -- [-25027.282] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.034625 451000 -- [-25040.995] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:24 452000 -- [-25060.570] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:18 453000 -- (-25053.097) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:11 454000 -- [-25052.334] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:26 455000 -- [-25049.822] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.033530 456000 -- [-25048.821] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:13 457000 -- [-25054.351] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:07 458000 -- [-25060.269] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:00 459000 -- [-25082.932] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:15 460000 -- (-25086.441) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.032192 461000 -- [-25048.808] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:02 462000 -- [-25059.820] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:55 463000 -- [-25052.281] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:49 464000 -- [-25045.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:03 465000 -- (-25068.351) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.031401 466000 -- [-25051.244] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:51 467000 -- (-25065.713) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:44 468000 -- (-25066.718) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:38 469000 -- (-25053.235) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:32 470000 -- [-25059.995] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.030976 471000 -- (-25077.524) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:39 472000 -- (-25099.805) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:33 473000 -- (-25075.615) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:27 474000 -- (-25072.125) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:21 475000 -- [-25062.096] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.030716 476000 -- [-25055.502] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:28 477000 -- [-25049.422] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:22 478000 -- [-25042.508] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:16 479000 -- [-25047.289] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:10 480000 -- (-25051.538) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.030106 481000 -- [-25060.750] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:57 482000 -- [-25042.184] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:11 483000 -- [-25035.153] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:05 484000 -- [-25055.899] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:59 485000 -- [-25060.802] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029669 486000 -- [-25021.544] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:46 487000 -- [-25032.758] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:00 488000 -- [-25038.400] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:54 489000 -- [-25053.728] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:48 490000 -- [-25047.179] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029076 491000 -- [-25058.550] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:35 492000 -- [-25052.821] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:49 493000 -- [-25053.601] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:43 494000 -- [-25054.884] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:37 495000 -- [-25046.334] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028438 496000 -- [-25032.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:24 497000 -- [-25026.619] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:18 498000 -- [-25043.713] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:32 499000 -- [-25018.819] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:26 500000 -- [-25033.712] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027754 501000 -- [-25071.898] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:14 502000 -- [-25067.916] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:08 503000 -- [-25048.612] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:20 504000 -- [-25045.326] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:14 505000 -- [-25071.116] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027243 506000 -- [-25064.757] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:03 507000 -- (-25067.162) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:57 508000 -- [-25061.023] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:51 509000 -- [-25051.888] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:03 510000 -- [-25037.881] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027288 511000 -- [-25047.814] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:52 512000 -- [-25056.569] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:46 513000 -- [-25063.352] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:40 514000 -- [-25058.433] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:34 515000 -- (-25077.240) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026156 516000 -- [-25063.050] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:41 517000 -- [-25068.404] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:35 518000 -- [-25071.270] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:29 519000 -- [-25045.457] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:41 520000 -- [-25061.282] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025000 521000 -- (-25056.942) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:30 522000 -- [-25060.699] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:24 523000 -- (-25063.919) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:18 524000 -- [-25064.597] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:30 525000 -- (-25091.663) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024423 526000 -- [-25078.056] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:19 527000 -- (-25061.755) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:31 528000 -- [-25058.848] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:25 529000 -- [-25063.822] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:19 530000 -- [-25059.109] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023362 531000 -- [-25058.028] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:26 532000 -- [-25034.250] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:20 533000 -- [-25028.489] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:14 534000 -- [-25022.899] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:08 535000 -- [-25061.847] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022713 536000 -- [-25050.507] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:14 537000 -- [-25043.011] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:09 538000 -- [-25039.775] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:21 539000 -- [-25024.722] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:15 540000 -- [-25033.642] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022088 541000 -- [-25048.597] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:03 542000 -- [-25070.124] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:15 543000 -- [-25049.328] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:09 544000 -- [-25053.849] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:04 545000 -- [-25056.585] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021827 546000 -- [-25060.474] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:09 547000 -- [-25040.322] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:04 548000 -- (-25052.587) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:58 549000 -- (-25052.966) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:10 550000 -- (-25084.792) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022245 551000 -- [-25056.970] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:58 552000 -- [-25047.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:10 553000 -- [-25037.755] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:04 554000 -- [-25037.935] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:15 555000 -- [-25032.091] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022031 556000 -- [-25047.292] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:21 557000 -- [-25036.157] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:15 558000 -- [-25034.939] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:09 559000 -- [-25059.047] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:21 560000 -- [-25049.288] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022144 561000 -- (-25063.101) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:26 562000 -- [-25055.166] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:20 563000 -- [-25061.376] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:15 564000 -- [-25048.698] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:09 565000 -- [-25060.624] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021959 566000 -- [-25045.125] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:14 567000 -- [-25040.069] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:25 568000 -- [-25044.238] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:36 569000 -- [-25052.553] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:30 570000 -- [-25058.877] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021560 571000 -- [-25069.821] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:36 572000 -- [-25053.713] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:30 573000 -- [-25040.413] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:24 574000 -- [-25033.272] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:19 575000 -- [-25028.571] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021423 576000 -- [-25037.148] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:24 577000 -- [-25028.863] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:34 578000 -- [-25047.919] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:45 579000 -- [-25037.022] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:55 580000 -- [-25044.878] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021395 581000 -- [-25035.228] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:16 582000 -- [-25039.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:27 583000 -- [-25034.304] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:37 584000 -- [-25026.831] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:31 585000 -- [-25044.663] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021198 586000 -- [-25053.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:36 587000 -- [-25044.761] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:30 588000 -- [-25042.405] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:40 589000 -- [-25031.800] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:35 590000 -- [-25032.105] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020755 591000 -- [-25027.729] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:55 592000 -- [-25030.979] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:49 593000 -- [-25037.114] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:59 594000 -- [-25047.789] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:09 595000 -- [-25044.493] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020998 596000 -- [-25048.883] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:45 597000 -- [-25046.599] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:55 598000 -- [-25056.708] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:05 599000 -- [-25041.956] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:14 600000 -- [-25040.961] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021040 601000 -- [-25044.448] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:34 602000 -- [-25043.808] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:44 603000 -- [-25064.838] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:38 604000 -- [-25047.173] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:47 605000 -- [-25045.608] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021018 606000 -- [-25055.543] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:51 607000 -- [-25044.717] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:00 608000 -- [-25027.829] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:54 609000 -- [-25030.813] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:04 610000 -- [-25033.425] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021046 611000 -- [-25039.135] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:22 612000 -- [-25032.920] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:32 613000 -- [-25051.863] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:56 614000 -- [-25037.618] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:50 615000 -- [-25035.221] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021156 616000 -- [-25044.149] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:39 617000 -- [-25060.044] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:03 618000 -- [-25052.622] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:12 619000 -- [-25037.921] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:21 620000 -- [-25059.628] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021403 621000 -- [-25043.288] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:39 622000 -- [-25053.985] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:48 623000 -- [-25066.371] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:42 624000 -- (-25090.199) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:51 625000 -- (-25104.698) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021564 626000 -- (-25063.850) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:08 627000 -- [-25052.913] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:17 628000 -- [-25059.532] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:11 629000 -- [-25078.579] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:34 630000 -- [-25047.427] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021443 631000 -- [-25045.406] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:51 632000 -- [-25050.205] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:00 633000 -- [-25075.887] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:54 634000 -- [-25058.886] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:02 635000 -- (-25063.527) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021067 636000 -- [-25054.981] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:34 637000 -- [-25064.640] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:11 638000 -- (-25086.509) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:19 639000 -- [-25077.520] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:28 640000 -- [-25046.071] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020760 641000 -- [-25053.523] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:29 642000 -- [-25056.409] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:38 643000 -- [-25047.347] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:46 644000 -- [-25072.675] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:54 645000 -- [-25069.256] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020518 646000 -- [-25060.834] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:10 647000 -- [-25067.430] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:32 648000 -- [-25076.246] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:26 649000 -- [-25065.580] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:33 650000 -- (-25062.762) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020221 651000 -- [-25047.631] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:49 652000 -- [-25027.520] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:57 653000 -- [-25051.314] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:05 654000 -- [-25043.990] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:12 655000 -- [-25043.547] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020296 656000 -- [-25032.418] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:14 657000 -- [-25040.705] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:35 658000 -- [-25070.307] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:29 659000 -- [-25050.038] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:05 660000 -- [-25032.948] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020399 661000 -- [-25046.295] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:06 662000 -- [-25036.448] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:13 663000 -- [-25045.640] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:21 664000 -- [-25047.642] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:28 665000 -- [-25044.385] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020928 666000 -- [-25055.434] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:43 667000 -- [-25061.285] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:50 668000 -- [-25058.115] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:57 669000 -- [-25047.714] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:04 670000 -- [-25048.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021022 671000 -- [-25059.004] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:33 672000 -- [-25051.954] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:26 673000 -- [-25051.371] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:33 674000 -- [-25047.437] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:40 675000 -- [-25056.509] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021033 676000 -- [-25034.638] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:54 677000 -- [-25050.345] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:01 678000 -- [-25052.982] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:08 679000 -- [-25039.881] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:15 680000 -- [-25058.023] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020991 681000 -- [-25065.662] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:29 682000 -- [-25047.391] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:36 683000 -- [-25075.429] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:29 684000 -- [-25064.686] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:22 685000 -- [-25062.905] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021160 686000 -- [-25069.580] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:36 687000 -- (-25063.036) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:43 688000 -- [-25050.151] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:49 689000 -- [-25050.456] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:56 690000 -- [-25057.062] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020997 691000 -- [-25057.236] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:23 692000 -- [-25061.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:16 693000 -- [-25053.165] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:23 694000 -- [-25040.772] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:16 695000 -- [-25043.461] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021280 696000 -- [-25053.288] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:29 697000 -- [-25050.775] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:35 698000 -- [-25056.772] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:42 699000 -- [-25038.039] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:48 700000 -- [-25045.026] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021391 701000 -- [-25061.998] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:03:01 702000 -- [-25055.338] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:54 703000 -- (-25081.044) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:47 704000 -- [-25074.911] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:41 705000 -- (-25072.683) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021293 706000 -- (-25080.173) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:40 707000 -- (-25092.316) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:33 708000 -- (-25077.774) [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:26 709000 -- [-25048.111] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:33 710000 -- [-25061.005] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021452 711000 -- [-25043.040] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:19 712000 -- [-25046.306] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:12 713000 -- [-25044.858] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:06 714000 -- [-25044.324] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:12 715000 -- [-25029.369] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:02:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021595 716000 -- [-25039.597] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:58 717000 -- [-25031.487] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:52 718000 -- [-25043.373] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:45 719000 -- [-25052.929] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:51 720000 -- [-25041.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021752 721000 -- [-25037.389] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:38 722000 -- [-25033.692] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:31 723000 -- [-25030.588] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:24 724000 -- [-25040.833] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:30 725000 -- [-25032.307] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021814 726000 -- [-25046.063] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:17 727000 -- [-25027.324] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:11 728000 -- [-25036.831] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:04 729000 -- [-25047.241] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:10 730000 -- [-25045.990] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:01:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022246 731000 -- [-25050.161] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:57 732000 -- [-25052.557] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:50 733000 -- [-25047.575] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:44 734000 -- [-25039.788] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:37 735000 -- [-25054.824] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022986 736000 -- [-25028.682] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:36 737000 -- [-25057.298] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:30 738000 -- [-25029.526] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:23 739000 -- [-25048.871] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:17 740000 -- [-25054.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023282 741000 -- [-25063.999] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:16 742000 -- [-25056.732] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:10 743000 -- [-25063.342] [...7 remote chains...] -- 6:00:03 744000 -- [-25060.856] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:57 745000 -- [-25049.472] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023543 746000 -- [-25041.682] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:56 747000 -- [-25050.896] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:50 748000 -- [-25056.118] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:43 749000 -- [-25053.880] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:37 750000 -- [-25049.623] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023872 751000 -- [-25049.869] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:36 752000 -- [-25053.720] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:30 753000 -- [-25053.926] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:24 754000 -- [-25051.020] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:17 755000 -- [-25066.554] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024329 756000 -- [-25043.549] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:17 757000 -- [-25043.550] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:10 758000 -- [-25064.904] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:59:04 759000 -- [-25046.970] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:57 760000 -- [-25036.384] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024588 761000 -- [-25040.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:57 762000 -- [-25029.655] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:51 763000 -- [-25033.590] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:44 764000 -- [-25043.531] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:38 765000 -- [-25062.342] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024693 766000 -- [-25069.382] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:25 767000 -- [-25065.133] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:31 768000 -- [-25056.456] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:25 769000 -- (-25059.972) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:18 770000 -- (-25088.456) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024933 771000 -- [-25076.371] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:06 772000 -- (-25069.352) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:00 773000 -- [-25049.569] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:58:05 774000 -- [-25048.899] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:59 775000 -- [-25034.358] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025071 776000 -- [-25056.456] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:47 777000 -- [-25057.594] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:52 778000 -- [-25058.146] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:46 779000 -- [-25060.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:40 780000 -- [-25062.834] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025235 781000 -- [-25061.659] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:28 782000 -- [-25041.489] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:33 783000 -- [-25042.723] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:27 784000 -- [-25069.533] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:21 785000 -- (-25083.917) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025282 786000 -- (-25075.011) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:08 787000 -- [-25077.739] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:14 788000 -- [-25066.523] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:08 789000 -- [-25068.059] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:57:02 790000 -- [-25050.967] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025254 791000 -- (-25056.792) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:50 792000 -- [-25052.684] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:55 793000 -- [-25072.083] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:49 794000 -- [-25059.331] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:43 795000 -- [-25059.887] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025409 796000 -- [-25060.701] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:31 797000 -- [-25048.409] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:36 798000 -- [-25055.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:30 799000 -- [-25040.379] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:24 800000 -- [-25023.318] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025464 801000 -- [-25045.181] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:12 802000 -- [-25067.364] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:17 803000 -- [-25062.333] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:11 804000 -- [-25065.275] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:56:05 805000 -- [-25058.367] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025472 806000 -- [-25057.413] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:53 807000 -- [-25058.348] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:59 808000 -- [-25049.583] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:53 809000 -- [-25050.010] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:47 810000 -- [-25030.961] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025710 811000 -- [-25049.082] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:35 812000 -- [-25062.184] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:40 813000 -- [-25044.467] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:34 814000 -- [-25040.052] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:28 815000 -- [-25029.863] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025558 816000 -- [-25039.669] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:16 817000 -- [-25029.548] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:22 818000 -- [-25038.096] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:16 819000 -- [-25048.997] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:10 820000 -- [-25053.146] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025658 821000 -- [-25057.700] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:58 822000 -- [-25059.171] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:55:03 823000 -- [-25042.772] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:57 824000 -- [-25049.736] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:51 825000 -- [-25054.055] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025812 826000 -- [-25047.024] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:51 827000 -- [-25053.481] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:45 828000 -- [-25042.538] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:39 829000 -- [-25039.934] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:33 830000 -- [-25050.799] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025954 831000 -- [-25064.832] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:32 832000 -- [-25064.340] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:27 833000 -- [-25055.087] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:21 834000 -- [-25058.904] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:15 835000 -- [-25063.972] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026128 836000 -- [-25067.243] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:03 837000 -- [-25041.830] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:08 838000 -- [-25044.177] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:54:03 839000 -- [-25037.539] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:57 840000 -- [-25033.562] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026617 841000 -- [-25051.292] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:45 842000 -- [-25036.026] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:50 843000 -- [-25047.588] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:45 844000 -- [-25043.766] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:39 845000 -- [-25031.506] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027215 846000 -- [-25047.921] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:27 847000 -- (-25071.995) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:32 848000 -- (-25068.965) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:27 849000 -- (-25080.328) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:21 850000 -- (-25079.877) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027125 851000 -- (-25061.820) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:09 852000 -- [-25033.585] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:15 853000 -- [-25047.146] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:09 854000 -- [-25036.001] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:53:03 855000 -- [-25041.867] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027685 856000 -- [-25035.586] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:52 857000 -- [-25041.047] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:46 858000 -- [-25031.470] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:40 859000 -- [-25046.771] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:35 860000 -- [-25041.920] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028022 861000 -- [-25038.929] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:23 862000 -- [-25029.839] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:28 863000 -- [-25025.928] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:23 864000 -- [-25035.388] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:17 865000 -- [-25036.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028302 866000 -- [-25036.743] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:06 867000 -- [-25036.979] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:11 868000 -- [-25039.923] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:05 869000 -- [-25052.028] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:52:00 870000 -- [-25049.318] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028146 871000 -- [-25063.364] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:48 872000 -- [-25054.167] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:43 873000 -- [-25028.323] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:48 874000 -- [-25043.720] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:42 875000 -- [-25065.727] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028112 876000 -- [-25064.419] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:31 877000 -- [-25052.301] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:36 878000 -- [-25035.402] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:30 879000 -- [-25054.859] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:25 880000 -- [-25050.976] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027882 881000 -- [-25049.133] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:14 882000 -- [-25052.013] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:08 883000 -- [-25071.788] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:13 884000 -- [-25065.480] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:07 885000 -- [-25052.644] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:51:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027536 886000 -- [-25053.329] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:56 887000 -- [-25047.725] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:51 888000 -- [-25044.887] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:56 889000 -- [-25055.060] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:50 890000 -- [-25050.281] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026847 891000 -- [-25049.278] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:39 892000 -- [-25041.940] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:34 893000 -- [-25042.406] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:38 894000 -- [-25048.916] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:33 895000 -- [-25041.710] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026595 896000 -- [-25071.700] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:22 897000 -- [-25046.849] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:17 898000 -- [-25042.962] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:21 899000 -- [-25043.346] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:16 900000 -- (-25055.773) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026209 901000 -- [-25061.924] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:05 902000 -- [-25055.733] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:00 903000 -- [-25042.560] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:50:04 904000 -- [-25036.046] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:59 905000 -- [-25049.168] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025972 906000 -- [-25081.541] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:48 907000 -- [-25067.007] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:43 908000 -- [-25061.730] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:47 909000 -- [-25062.848] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:42 910000 -- [-25063.340] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025406 911000 -- (-25073.876) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:31 912000 -- (-25056.357) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:26 913000 -- (-25041.241) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:30 914000 -- (-25047.723) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:25 915000 -- [-25045.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025164 916000 -- [-25032.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:14 917000 -- [-25032.133] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:09 918000 -- [-25037.546] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:13 919000 -- [-25025.554] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:08 920000 -- [-25055.350] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:49:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025046 921000 -- [-25071.226] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:57 922000 -- [-25049.478] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:52 923000 -- [-25035.073] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:57 924000 -- [-25048.692] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:51 925000 -- [-25046.467] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024951 926000 -- [-25039.885] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:41 927000 -- [-25054.599] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:45 928000 -- [-25056.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:40 929000 -- [-25052.697] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:35 930000 -- [-25059.555] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025041 931000 -- [-25059.736] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:24 932000 -- [-25063.134] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:19 933000 -- [-25060.354] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:23 934000 -- [-25071.405] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:18 935000 -- [-25077.550] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025158 936000 -- (-25071.565) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:07 937000 -- (-25069.431) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:12 938000 -- [-25063.682] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:07 939000 -- [-25060.890] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:48:01 940000 -- (-25078.092) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024999 941000 -- [-25080.563] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:51 942000 -- [-25071.815] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:55 943000 -- [-25072.707] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:50 944000 -- [-25063.740] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:45 945000 -- [-25066.181] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025073 946000 -- (-25082.103) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:34 947000 -- (-25075.003) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:29 948000 -- (-25065.780) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:33 949000 -- (-25065.452) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:28 950000 -- (-25069.023) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025314 951000 -- [-25046.898] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:18 952000 -- [-25037.612] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:13 953000 -- [-25047.620] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:08 954000 -- [-25050.339] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:12 955000 -- [-25049.181] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025272 956000 -- [-25052.407] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:47:02 957000 -- [-25037.267] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:56 958000 -- [-25043.890] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:51 959000 -- [-25059.275] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:46 960000 -- [-25073.990] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025228 961000 -- [-25057.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:45 962000 -- [-25066.338] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:40 963000 -- [-25071.812] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:44 964000 -- [-25055.277] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:39 965000 -- [-25058.631] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024922 966000 -- [-25056.020] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:29 967000 -- [-25031.821] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:24 968000 -- [-25068.036] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:19 969000 -- [-25045.527] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:23 970000 -- [-25048.532] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024730 971000 -- [-25028.666] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:13 972000 -- [-25024.740] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:08 973000 -- [-25050.521] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:46:03 974000 -- [-25052.987] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:57 975000 -- [-25055.332] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024425 976000 -- [-25038.176] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:57 977000 -- [-25028.254] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:51 978000 -- [-25034.921] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:46 979000 -- [-25050.568] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:41 980000 -- [-25036.722] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024042 981000 -- [-25040.021] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:40 982000 -- [-25044.678] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:35 983000 -- [-25045.694] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:30 984000 -- [-25049.180] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:25 985000 -- [-25047.578] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023881 986000 -- [-25056.736] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:24 987000 -- [-25052.813] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:19 988000 -- [-25052.289] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:14 989000 -- (-25049.947) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:18 990000 -- [-25059.226] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023892 991000 -- [-25061.537] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:08 992000 -- [-25053.918] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:03 993000 -- [-25060.856] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:07 994000 -- [-25050.829] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:45:02 995000 -- [-25065.302] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023834 996000 -- [-25065.606] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:52 997000 -- [-25060.725] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:47 998000 -- [-25068.941] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:51 999000 -- [-25088.865] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:46 1000000 -- [-25058.911] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023776 1001000 -- [-25051.208] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:37 1002000 -- [-25060.163] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:32 1003000 -- [-25045.678] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:27 1004000 -- [-25043.612] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:31 1005000 -- [-25043.407] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023719 1006000 -- [-25059.262] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:21 1007000 -- [-25060.127] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:16 1008000 -- [-25077.873] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:11 1009000 -- [-25061.193] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:06 1010000 -- [-25044.981] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024087 1011000 -- [-25067.792] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:05 1012000 -- [-25050.034] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:44:00 1013000 -- [-25037.366] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:55 1014000 -- [-25051.394] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:50 1015000 -- [-25049.036] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024825 1016000 -- [-25050.719] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:49 1017000 -- (-25052.443) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:44 1018000 -- [-25055.722] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:39 1019000 -- [-25049.099] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:34 1020000 -- [-25054.477] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024953 1021000 -- [-25050.198] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:33 1022000 -- [-25059.645] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:28 1023000 -- [-25035.330] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:24 1024000 -- [-25059.184] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:19 1025000 -- [-25039.677] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025356 1026000 -- [-25040.318] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:18 1027000 -- [-25048.278] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:13 1028000 -- [-25064.545] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:08 1029000 -- [-25050.970] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:03 1030000 -- [-25057.135] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025544 1031000 -- [-25062.385] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:43:02 1032000 -- (-25060.907) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:57 1033000 -- [-25064.955] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:52 1034000 -- [-25047.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:48 1035000 -- [-25041.937] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025633 1036000 -- [-25030.500] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:47 1037000 -- [-25028.703] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:42 1038000 -- [-25042.734] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:37 1039000 -- [-25067.799] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:32 1040000 -- [-25059.467] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025430 1041000 -- [-25047.790] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:31 1042000 -- [-25049.559] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:26 1043000 -- [-25050.071] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:21 1044000 -- [-25059.632] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:17 1045000 -- [-25035.927] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025536 1046000 -- [-25043.726] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:07 1047000 -- [-25042.493] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:11 1048000 -- [-25049.089] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:06 1049000 -- [-25050.488] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:42:01 1050000 -- [-25045.660] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025506 1051000 -- [-25073.674] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:52 1052000 -- [-25055.260] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:55 1053000 -- [-25047.485] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:50 1054000 -- [-25045.717] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:46 1055000 -- [-25052.355] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025615 1056000 -- [-25055.939] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:36 1057000 -- [-25053.146] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:31 1058000 -- [-25054.761] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:35 1059000 -- [-25047.631] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:30 1060000 -- [-25051.844] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025946 1061000 -- [-25071.421] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:21 1062000 -- [-25053.166] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:16 1063000 -- [-25048.856] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:20 1064000 -- [-25046.234] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:15 1065000 -- (-25068.760) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026124 1066000 -- (-25080.588) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:06 1067000 -- [-25068.829] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:01 1068000 -- [-25064.620] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:56 1069000 -- [-25056.580] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:41:00 1070000 -- [-25051.342] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025822 1071000 -- [-25053.326] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:50 1072000 -- [-25056.530] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:46 1073000 -- [-25055.406] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:49 1074000 -- [-25042.566] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:45 1075000 -- [-25040.535] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026048 1076000 -- [-25047.430] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:35 1077000 -- [-25046.914] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:39 1078000 -- [-25039.399] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:34 1079000 -- [-25066.677] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:29 1080000 -- [-25059.378] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026508 1081000 -- [-25044.298] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:20 1082000 -- [-25043.060] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:15 1083000 -- [-25023.542] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:19 1084000 -- [-25024.116] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:14 1085000 -- [-25040.760] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026896 1086000 -- [-25057.207] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:05 1087000 -- [-25058.089] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:08 1088000 -- [-25055.998] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:40:04 1089000 -- [-25059.658] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:59 1090000 -- [-25064.881] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027148 1091000 -- [-25050.849] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:50 1092000 -- [-25059.795] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:53 1093000 -- [-25055.823] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:49 1094000 -- (-25093.599) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:44 1095000 -- (-25094.320) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027541 1096000 -- [-25081.522] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:35 1097000 -- [-25065.323] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:38 1098000 -- [-25046.506] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:34 1099000 -- [-25052.369] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:29 1100000 -- [-25057.716] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027923 1101000 -- [-25057.687] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:20 1102000 -- (-25076.182) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:15 1103000 -- [-25072.623] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:19 1104000 -- [-25050.113] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:14 1105000 -- [-25056.080] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028230 1106000 -- [-25052.090] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:05 1107000 -- [-25042.127] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:00 1108000 -- [-25047.034] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:39:04 1109000 -- [-25049.134] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:59 1110000 -- [-25038.639] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028508 1111000 -- [-25069.150] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:50 1112000 -- [-25063.217] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:45 1113000 -- [-25052.015] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:49 1114000 -- [-25038.999] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:44 1115000 -- [-25057.967] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028858 1116000 -- [-25088.508] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:35 1117000 -- [-25068.462] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:30 1118000 -- [-25077.024] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:34 1119000 -- [-25055.309] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:29 1120000 -- [-25070.870] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029121 1121000 -- [-25078.690] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:20 1122000 -- [-25070.205] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:15 1123000 -- (-25079.411) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:19 1124000 -- [-25074.202] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:14 1125000 -- (-25081.567) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029229 1126000 -- (-25092.615) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:05 1127000 -- (-25084.853) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:38:01 1128000 -- (-25067.256) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:56 1129000 -- [-25051.965] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:59 1130000 -- (-25064.430) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029435 1131000 -- (-25082.327) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:50 1132000 -- [-25072.044] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:46 1133000 -- (-25087.259) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:41 1134000 -- (-25083.802) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:45 1135000 -- (-25087.444) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029634 1136000 -- (-25074.208) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:36 1137000 -- (-25090.317) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:31 1138000 -- [-25060.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:27 1139000 -- [-25058.965] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:30 1140000 -- [-25059.901] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029161 1141000 -- [-25059.124] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:21 1142000 -- [-25054.978] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:16 1143000 -- [-25064.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:12 1144000 -- [-25058.471] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:15 1145000 -- [-25058.651] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028817 1146000 -- [-25080.738] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:06 1147000 -- [-25069.175] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:02 1148000 -- [-25091.380] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:05 1149000 -- (-25088.370) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:37:00 1150000 -- [-25076.800] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028547 1151000 -- [-25083.990] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:52 1152000 -- [-25074.380] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:47 1153000 -- [-25072.370] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:50 1154000 -- [-25067.428] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:46 1155000 -- [-25047.280] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028565 1156000 -- [-25052.672] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:37 1157000 -- [-25039.062] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:32 1158000 -- [-25065.114] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:36 1159000 -- [-25057.075] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:31 1160000 -- [-25052.412] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028408 1161000 -- [-25041.310] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:22 1162000 -- [-25041.053] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:25 1163000 -- [-25050.781] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:21 1164000 -- [-25045.100] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:17 1165000 -- [-25032.238] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028541 1166000 -- [-25034.619] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:15 1167000 -- [-25051.723] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:11 1168000 -- [-25048.201] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:06 1169000 -- [-25037.225] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:36:02 1170000 -- [-25017.877] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028698 1171000 -- [-25033.344] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:53 1172000 -- (-25060.519) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:56 1173000 -- [-25054.330] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:52 1174000 -- [-25054.759] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:47 1175000 -- [-25061.053] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028931 1176000 -- [-25046.208] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:39 1177000 -- [-25055.673] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:42 1178000 -- [-25071.917] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:37 1179000 -- [-25074.287] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:33 1180000 -- [-25058.804] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.029149 1181000 -- [-25075.299] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:24 1182000 -- [-25058.125] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:20 1183000 -- [-25073.539] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:23 1184000 -- [-25055.038] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:18 1185000 -- [-25061.644] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028898 1186000 -- [-25064.764] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:10 1187000 -- [-25059.099] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:05 1188000 -- [-25049.430] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:08 1189000 -- [-25066.473] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:04 1190000 -- (-25067.575) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:35:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028531 1191000 -- [-25062.220] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:55 1192000 -- [-25043.467] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:51 1193000 -- [-25015.767] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:47 1194000 -- [-25019.304] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:42 1195000 -- [-25045.607] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.028247 1196000 -- [-25059.391] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:41 1197000 -- [-25050.606] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:37 1198000 -- [-25041.406] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:32 1199000 -- [-25043.140] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:28 1200000 -- [-25036.915] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027705 1201000 -- [-25036.480] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:26 1202000 -- [-25046.674] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:22 1203000 -- [-25053.680] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:18 1204000 -- [-25056.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:14 1205000 -- [-25052.533] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.027210 1206000 -- [-25059.897] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:12 1207000 -- [-25057.738] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:08 1208000 -- [-25042.682] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:34:04 1209000 -- [-25049.324] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:59 1210000 -- [-25048.813] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026825 1211000 -- [-25050.533] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:51 1212000 -- [-25040.246] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:54 1213000 -- [-25048.826] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:49 1214000 -- [-25042.545] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:45 1215000 -- [-25060.632] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026558 1216000 -- [-25043.208] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:36 1217000 -- [-25056.312] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:39 1218000 -- [-25045.979] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:35 1219000 -- [-25054.708] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:31 1220000 -- [-25048.243] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.026124 1221000 -- [-25049.224] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:22 1222000 -- [-25064.566] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:25 1223000 -- [-25072.364] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:21 1224000 -- [-25053.658] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:16 1225000 -- [-25046.251] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025900 1226000 -- [-25048.588] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:08 1227000 -- [-25048.400] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:11 1228000 -- [-25040.194] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:07 1229000 -- [-25046.619] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:33:02 1230000 -- [-25041.085] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025254 1231000 -- [-25044.198] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:54 1232000 -- [-25047.144] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:49 1233000 -- [-25043.817] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:52 1234000 -- [-25035.788] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:48 1235000 -- [-25041.792] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.025093 1236000 -- [-25031.919] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:40 1237000 -- [-25024.653] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:42 1238000 -- [-25034.313] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 1239000 -- [-25050.712] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:34 1240000 -- [-25049.728] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024827 1241000 -- [-25048.061] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 1242000 -- [-25052.305] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 1243000 -- [-25047.202] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 1244000 -- [-25040.735] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 1245000 -- [-25054.593] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024715 1246000 -- [-25051.510] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 1247000 -- [-25051.593] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:07 1248000 -- [-25073.035] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 1249000 -- [-25059.215] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 1250000 -- (-25062.786) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024513 1251000 -- (-25084.208) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:57 1252000 -- [-25063.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:53 1253000 -- [-25046.385] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:56 1254000 -- [-25053.392] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:52 1255000 -- [-25059.735] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.024243 1256000 -- [-25067.035] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:43 1257000 -- [-25058.440] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:39 1258000 -- [-25066.141] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:35 1259000 -- [-25060.485] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:38 1260000 -- [-25038.708] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023806 1261000 -- [-25041.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:29 1262000 -- [-25039.526] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:25 1263000 -- [-25042.415] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:21 1264000 -- [-25051.789] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:24 1265000 -- [-25050.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023505 1266000 -- (-25064.524) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:15 1267000 -- (-25086.073) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:11 1268000 -- (-25093.545) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:07 1269000 -- (-25102.135) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:10 1270000 -- (-25104.712) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.023277 1271000 -- (-25094.659) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:01 1272000 -- [-25089.599] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:57 1273000 -- (-25091.217) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:53 1274000 -- (-25091.641) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:56 1275000 -- [-25080.660] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022870 1276000 -- [-25066.426] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:47 1277000 -- [-25042.248] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:43 1278000 -- [-25039.091] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:39 1279000 -- [-25058.992] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:42 1280000 -- [-25066.470] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022378 1281000 -- [-25050.173] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 1282000 -- [-25051.159] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:29 1283000 -- [-25059.385] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:25 1284000 -- [-25064.234] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:28 1285000 -- [-25069.296] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022070 1286000 -- [-25078.963] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:19 1287000 -- [-25071.025] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:15 1288000 -- [-25063.305] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:11 1289000 -- [-25073.150] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:14 1290000 -- [-25067.323] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021985 1291000 -- [-25072.674] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:06 1292000 -- [-25054.705] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:01 1293000 -- [-25042.622] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:04 1294000 -- [-25048.566] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:00 1295000 -- [-25041.458] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021986 1296000 -- [-25057.620] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:52 1297000 -- [-25071.338] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:48 1298000 -- (-25076.242) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:43 1299000 -- (-25087.486) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:46 1300000 -- [-25077.506] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021959 1301000 -- [-25087.101] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:38 1302000 -- [-25055.481] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:34 1303000 -- [-25054.401] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:30 1304000 -- [-25050.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:32 1305000 -- [-25042.970] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021835 1306000 -- [-25053.588] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:24 1307000 -- [-25056.382] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:20 1308000 -- [-25048.975] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:16 1309000 -- [-25042.254] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:18 1310000 -- [-25052.474] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021912 1311000 -- [-25056.977] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:10 1312000 -- [-25070.686] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:06 1313000 -- [-25062.659] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:02 1314000 -- [-25071.351] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:05 1315000 -- (-25078.681) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022129 1316000 -- (-25082.844) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:56 1317000 -- (-25070.668) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:52 1318000 -- [-25059.293] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:48 1319000 -- [-25054.582] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:51 1320000 -- [-25067.675] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.022176 1321000 -- [-25054.793] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:43 1322000 -- [-25067.023] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:39 1323000 -- [-25055.670] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:35 1324000 -- [-25052.604] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:37 1325000 -- [-25082.802] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021901 1326000 -- [-25068.641] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:29 1327000 -- [-25057.318] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:25 1328000 -- (-25062.363) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:21 1329000 -- (-25063.045) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:17 1330000 -- (-25085.253) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021771 1331000 -- (-25069.733) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:15 1332000 -- (-25054.410) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:11 1333000 -- [-25074.582] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:07 1334000 -- (-25076.212) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:10 1335000 -- [-25067.482] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021623 1336000 -- (-25064.250) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:02 1337000 -- [-25061.788] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:58 1338000 -- [-25075.124] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:54 1339000 -- (-25067.541) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:56 1340000 -- [-25067.929] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021564 1341000 -- (-25075.436) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:48 1342000 -- (-25084.673) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:44 1343000 -- (-25081.563) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:40 1344000 -- (-25088.465) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:42 1345000 -- [-25063.063] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021397 1346000 -- [-25048.703] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:34 1347000 -- (-25079.804) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:30 1348000 -- [-25057.700] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:33 1349000 -- [-25057.464] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:29 1350000 -- [-25062.437] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021422 1351000 -- [-25063.381] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:21 1352000 -- [-25069.590] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:17 1353000 -- [-25073.370] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:19 1354000 -- [-25049.069] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:15 1355000 -- [-25028.721] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021652 1356000 -- [-25030.609] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:07 1357000 -- [-25054.444] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:03 1358000 -- [-25055.554] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:05 1359000 -- [-25039.370] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:01 1360000 -- [-25027.677] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021561 1361000 -- [-25034.144] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:53 1362000 -- [-25030.679] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:49 1363000 -- [-25024.378] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:52 1364000 -- [-25039.830] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:48 1365000 -- [-25023.843] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021413 1366000 -- [-25045.068] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:40 1367000 -- [-25050.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:36 1368000 -- [-25060.227] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:38 1369000 -- [-25062.779] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:34 1370000 -- (-25055.479) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021399 1371000 -- (-25065.725) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:26 1372000 -- [-25054.400] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:22 1373000 -- [-25042.627] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:18 1374000 -- [-25037.689] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:21 1375000 -- (-25039.884) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021428 1376000 -- [-25062.022] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:13 1377000 -- [-25052.652] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:09 1378000 -- [-25043.515] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:05 1379000 -- [-25054.291] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:01 1380000 -- [-25063.929] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.021361 1381000 -- [-25066.075] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:53 1382000 -- [-25068.085] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:49 1383000 -- [-25078.125] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:45 1384000 -- [-25064.134] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:41 1385000 -- [-25056.450] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020897 1386000 -- [-25047.996] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:39 1387000 -- [-25052.119] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:36 1388000 -- [-25049.892] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:32 1389000 -- (-25063.269) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:28 1390000 -- [-25053.732] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020637 1391000 -- [-25059.698] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:26 1392000 -- [-25041.780] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:22 1393000 -- [-25044.867] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:18 1394000 -- [-25031.203] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:14 1395000 -- [-25049.481] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020388 1396000 -- [-25057.882] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:13 1397000 -- (-25079.251) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:09 1398000 -- [-25045.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:05 1399000 -- [-25043.370] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:01 1400000 -- [-25040.420] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.020205 1401000 -- [-25050.086] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:53 1402000 -- [-25044.516] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:55 1403000 -- [-25045.615] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:51 1404000 -- [-25030.381] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:47 1405000 -- [-25050.626] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019976 1406000 -- [-25046.941] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:40 1407000 -- [-25051.721] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:42 1408000 -- [-25067.250] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:38 1409000 -- [-25043.728] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:34 1410000 -- [-25045.705] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.019411 1411000 -- [-25041.620] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:26 1412000 -- [-25052.561] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:28 1413000 -- [-25050.613] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:25 1414000 -- [-25038.330] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:21 1415000 -- [-25059.085] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018722 1416000 -- [-25051.736] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:13 1417000 -- [-25063.357] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:15 1418000 -- [-25049.536] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:11 1419000 -- [-25044.596] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:07 1420000 -- [-25052.931] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.018317 1421000 -- [-25069.026] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:00 1422000 -- [-25061.327] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:02 1423000 -- [-25083.666] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:58 1424000 -- [-25066.803] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:54 1425000 -- [-25059.452] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017911 1426000 -- (-25079.606) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:46 1427000 -- [-25044.338] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:42 1428000 -- [-25071.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:45 1429000 -- [-25050.101] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:41 1430000 -- [-25053.278] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017548 1431000 -- [-25049.632] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:33 1432000 -- [-25038.458] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:35 1433000 -- [-25040.393] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:31 1434000 -- [-25049.718] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:27 1435000 -- [-25034.758] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017308 1436000 -- [-25052.274] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:20 1437000 -- [-25047.031] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:16 1438000 -- [-25052.531] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:18 1439000 -- [-25039.966] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:14 1440000 -- [-25038.594] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017090 1441000 -- [-25042.127] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:06 1442000 -- [-25048.702] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:03 1443000 -- [-25055.232] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:05 1444000 -- [-25047.014] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:01 1445000 -- [-25036.032] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017196 1446000 -- [-25041.946] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:53 1447000 -- [-25050.832] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:49 1448000 -- [-25053.373] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:46 1449000 -- [-25038.481] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:42 1450000 -- [-25050.656] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017225 1451000 -- [-25044.424] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:40 1452000 -- [-25055.882] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:36 1453000 -- [-25045.365] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:32 1454000 -- [-25036.934] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:28 1455000 -- [-25019.855] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017234 1456000 -- [-25037.278] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:27 1457000 -- [-25040.223] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:23 1458000 -- [-25059.091] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:19 1459000 -- [-25057.647] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:15 1460000 -- [-25054.520] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017221 1461000 -- [-25056.418] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:14 1462000 -- [-25071.625] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:10 1463000 -- [-25036.786] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:06 1464000 -- [-25056.347] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:02 1465000 -- [-25051.950] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017189 1466000 -- [-25051.131] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:00 1467000 -- [-25030.600] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:57 1468000 -- [-25029.632] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:53 1469000 -- [-25018.588] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:49 1470000 -- [-25024.549] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017273 1471000 -- [-25033.536] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:41 1472000 -- [-25050.154] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:43 1473000 -- [-25056.238] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:40 1474000 -- [-25055.642] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:36 1475000 -- [-25053.219] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017241 1476000 -- [-25065.652] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:28 1477000 -- [-25056.140] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:30 1478000 -- [-25067.276] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:26 1479000 -- [-25049.941] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:23 1480000 -- [-25060.997] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017024 1481000 -- [-25066.017] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:15 1482000 -- [-25065.967] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:11 1483000 -- [-25054.202] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:13 1484000 -- [-25061.280] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:10 1485000 -- [-25073.327] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016993 1486000 -- [-25054.238] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:02 1487000 -- [-25052.858] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:04 1488000 -- [-25038.536] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:00 1489000 -- [-25048.451] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:56 1490000 -- [-25056.074] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016882 1491000 -- [-25051.960] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:49 1492000 -- [-25044.413] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:51 1493000 -- [-25039.741] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:47 1494000 -- [-25053.287] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:43 1495000 -- [-25039.425] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016822 1496000 -- [-25055.710] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:36 1497000 -- [-25047.218] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:32 1498000 -- [-25050.319] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:34 1499000 -- [-25052.249] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:30 1500000 -- [-25065.992] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016753 1501000 -- [-25063.591] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:23 1502000 -- [-25049.222] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:25 1503000 -- [-25054.435] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:21 1504000 -- [-25047.444] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:17 1505000 -- [-25050.599] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016644 1506000 -- [-25045.094] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:10 1507000 -- [-25060.051] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:12 1508000 -- [-25044.414] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:08 1509000 -- [-25037.320] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:04 1510000 -- [-25057.910] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016512 1511000 -- [-25039.286] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:57 1512000 -- [-25050.720] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:59 1513000 -- [-25070.700] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:55 1514000 -- [-25059.584] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:51 1515000 -- [-25041.166] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016402 1516000 -- [-25051.155] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:49 1517000 -- [-25050.962] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:46 1518000 -- [-25019.957] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:42 1519000 -- [-25030.984] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:38 1520000 -- [-25042.384] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016211 1521000 -- [-25051.558] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:31 1522000 -- (-25066.982) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:32 1523000 -- [-25072.916] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:29 1524000 -- (-25058.467) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:25 1525000 -- [-25034.507] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016199 1526000 -- [-25050.110] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:18 1527000 -- [-25044.616] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:19 1528000 -- [-25053.121] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:16 1529000 -- [-25058.207] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:12 1530000 -- [-25062.200] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016220 1531000 -- [-25058.141] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:05 1532000 -- [-25045.953] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:01 1533000 -- [-25044.072] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:03 1534000 -- [-25045.564] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:59 1535000 -- [-25055.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016232 1536000 -- (-25077.346) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:52 1537000 -- [-25077.713] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:48 1538000 -- [-25069.319] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:50 1539000 -- [-25062.576] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:46 1540000 -- [-25077.705] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016161 1541000 -- (-25101.954) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:39 1542000 -- [-25090.817] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:35 1543000 -- [-25075.587] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:31 1544000 -- [-25062.534] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:28 1545000 -- [-25062.485] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016071 1546000 -- [-25049.062] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:26 1547000 -- [-25062.548] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:22 1548000 -- [-25063.409] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:18 1549000 -- [-25053.060] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:15 1550000 -- [-25047.415] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016040 1551000 -- [-25051.303] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:13 1552000 -- [-25043.312] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:09 1553000 -- [-25042.029] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:05 1554000 -- [-25054.531] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:02 1555000 -- [-25057.503] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016140 1556000 -- [-25066.443] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:00 1557000 -- [-25047.312] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:56 1558000 -- [-25040.657] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:53 1559000 -- [-25051.292] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:49 1560000 -- [-25053.572] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016209 1561000 -- [-25064.191] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:47 1562000 -- [-25053.460] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:43 1563000 -- [-25045.177] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:40 1564000 -- [-25046.428] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:36 1565000 -- [-25063.213] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016201 1566000 -- [-25073.357] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:34 1567000 -- [-25069.968] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:30 1568000 -- [-25074.954] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:27 1569000 -- [-25052.875] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:23 1570000 -- [-25064.064] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016052 1571000 -- [-25065.106] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:21 1572000 -- [-25052.803] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:18 1573000 -- (-25075.368) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:14 1574000 -- (-25069.660) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:10 1575000 -- [-25066.232] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016063 1576000 -- [-25051.051] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:08 1577000 -- [-25053.560] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:05 1578000 -- [-25035.536] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:01 1579000 -- [-25057.217] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:57 1580000 -- [-25048.254] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016037 1581000 -- [-25047.613] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:55 1582000 -- [-25036.831] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:52 1583000 -- [-25024.960] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:48 1584000 -- [-25041.514] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:45 1585000 -- [-25036.615] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015959 1586000 -- [-25036.832] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:43 1587000 -- [-25038.397] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:39 1588000 -- [-25048.364] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:35 1589000 -- [-25064.984] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:32 1590000 -- [-25058.647] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015827 1591000 -- (-25075.755) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:30 1592000 -- [-25060.218] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:26 1593000 -- (-25080.666) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:23 1594000 -- [-25070.294] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:19 1595000 -- (-25065.528) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015843 1596000 -- (-25097.104) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:17 1597000 -- (-25080.934) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:13 1598000 -- (-25094.520) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:10 1599000 -- (-25092.206) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:06 1600000 -- (-25088.153) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015700 1601000 -- (-25088.488) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:04 1602000 -- (-25081.570) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:01 1603000 -- [-25074.491] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:57 1604000 -- [-25063.617] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:53 1605000 -- [-25043.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015555 1606000 -- (-25061.361) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:46 1607000 -- [-25063.951] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:48 1608000 -- [-25072.719] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:44 1609000 -- [-25061.076] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:41 1610000 -- [-25036.664] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015527 1611000 -- [-25049.929] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:39 1612000 -- [-25046.552] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:35 1613000 -- [-25048.842] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:31 1614000 -- [-25043.443] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:28 1615000 -- [-25032.873] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015519 1616000 -- [-25035.828] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:26 1617000 -- [-25040.757] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:22 1618000 -- [-25047.867] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:19 1619000 -- [-25057.934] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:15 1620000 -- [-25068.712] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015474 1621000 -- [-25051.837] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:13 1622000 -- [-25046.189] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:09 1623000 -- [-25040.152] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:06 1624000 -- [-25043.446] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:02 1625000 -- [-25051.801] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015548 1626000 -- [-25047.587] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:00 1627000 -- [-25057.608] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:57 1628000 -- [-25054.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:53 1629000 -- [-25063.595] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:49 1630000 -- [-25053.166] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015404 1631000 -- [-25069.367] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:47 1632000 -- [-25062.451] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:44 1633000 -- [-25028.595] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:40 1634000 -- [-25036.058] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:37 1635000 -- [-25050.426] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015514 1636000 -- [-25043.818] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:30 1637000 -- [-25035.837] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:31 1638000 -- [-25046.385] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:28 1639000 -- [-25054.349] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:24 1640000 -- [-25047.922] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015682 1641000 -- [-25034.649] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:17 1642000 -- [-25054.724] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:18 1643000 -- [-25067.143] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:15 1644000 -- [-25056.621] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:11 1645000 -- (-25062.368) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015709 1646000 -- [-25039.613] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:04 1647000 -- [-25047.336] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:01 1648000 -- [-25027.430] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:02 1649000 -- [-25050.832] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:59 1650000 -- [-25061.294] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015803 1651000 -- [-25071.516] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:52 1652000 -- [-25062.399] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:48 1653000 -- [-25054.111] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:49 1654000 -- [-25041.436] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:46 1655000 -- [-25059.710] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015756 1656000 -- [-25063.744] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:39 1657000 -- [-25042.930] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:40 1658000 -- [-25035.690] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:37 1659000 -- [-25043.876] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:33 1660000 -- [-25072.635] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015768 1661000 -- [-25066.655] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:26 1662000 -- [-25053.758] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:23 1663000 -- [-25051.452] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:24 1664000 -- [-25043.904] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:21 1665000 -- [-25034.730] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015938 1666000 -- [-25044.372] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:14 1667000 -- [-25059.409] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:10 1668000 -- [-25057.946] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:11 1669000 -- [-25051.305] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:08 1670000 -- [-25060.614] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015974 1671000 -- [-25069.999] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:01 1672000 -- [-25045.260] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:57 1673000 -- [-25055.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:54 1674000 -- [-25073.120] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:55 1675000 -- [-25064.178] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016090 1676000 -- [-25076.444] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:48 1677000 -- (-25082.892) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:45 1678000 -- [-25087.570] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:41 1679000 -- [-25093.108] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:38 1680000 -- [-25085.029] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016275 1681000 -- [-25067.567] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:36 1682000 -- [-25068.626] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:32 1683000 -- [-25070.993] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:29 1684000 -- [-25064.392] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:25 1685000 -- [-25060.737] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016474 1686000 -- [-25045.622] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:23 1687000 -- [-25055.078] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:19 1688000 -- [-25062.722] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:16 1689000 -- [-25064.716] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:12 1690000 -- [-25042.682] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016655 1691000 -- [-25054.003] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:10 1692000 -- [-25062.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:07 1693000 -- (-25087.511) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:03 1694000 -- (-25093.939) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:00 1695000 -- (-25126.388) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017118 1696000 -- (-25146.601) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:58 1697000 -- (-25142.240) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:54 1698000 -- (-25127.989) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:51 1699000 -- (-25120.349) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:47 1700000 -- (-25112.976) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017289 1701000 -- (-25085.648) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:45 1702000 -- [-25070.969] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:42 1703000 -- (-25058.623) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:38 1704000 -- (-25093.232) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:35 1705000 -- (-25100.793) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:31 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017417 1706000 -- (-25073.042) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:33 1707000 -- (-25072.798) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:29 1708000 -- (-25066.402) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:26 1709000 -- [-25073.352] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:22 1710000 -- [-25046.761] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017401 1711000 -- [-25037.648] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:20 1712000 -- [-25036.741] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:17 1713000 -- [-25038.898] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:13 1714000 -- [-25035.041] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:10 1715000 -- [-25031.845] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017361 1716000 -- [-25034.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:07 1717000 -- [-25032.158] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:04 1718000 -- [-25044.976] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:01 1719000 -- [-25041.109] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:57 1720000 -- [-25045.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017428 1721000 -- (-25058.256) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:55 1722000 -- [-25039.765] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:51 1723000 -- [-25047.682] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:48 1724000 -- [-25045.803] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:45 1725000 -- [-25055.605] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017452 1726000 -- [-25038.958] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:42 1727000 -- [-25032.004] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:39 1728000 -- [-25035.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:35 1729000 -- [-25052.565] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:32 1730000 -- [-25059.294] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017317 1731000 -- [-25045.988] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:25 1732000 -- [-25044.753] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:26 1733000 -- [-25039.552] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:23 1734000 -- [-25049.702] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:19 1735000 -- [-25055.928] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017264 1736000 -- [-25071.465] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:13 1737000 -- [-25072.011] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:14 1738000 -- [-25056.613] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:10 1739000 -- [-25028.359] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:07 1740000 -- [-25030.132] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:03 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017267 1741000 -- [-25032.630] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:00 1742000 -- [-25059.855] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:01 1743000 -- [-25054.011] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:58 1744000 -- [-25047.986] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:54 1745000 -- [-25045.487] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017298 1746000 -- [-25041.164] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:48 1747000 -- [-25049.763] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:44 1748000 -- [-25038.238] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:41 1749000 -- [-25054.529] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:42 1750000 -- [-25041.296] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017229 1751000 -- [-25023.253] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:35 1752000 -- [-25055.749] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:32 1753000 -- [-25061.571] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:28 1754000 -- [-25070.415] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:29 1755000 -- [-25074.736] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017360 1756000 -- (-25070.428) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:23 1757000 -- [-25076.545] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:19 1758000 -- [-25064.210] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:16 1759000 -- [-25077.534] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:17 1760000 -- [-25056.977] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017365 1761000 -- [-25071.776] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:10 1762000 -- [-25069.469] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:07 1763000 -- [-25050.452] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:03 1764000 -- [-25071.443] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:05 1765000 -- [-25054.189] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017333 1766000 -- [-25052.929] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:58 1767000 -- (-25064.600) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:54 1768000 -- [-25055.559] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:55 1769000 -- [-25045.694] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:52 1770000 -- [-25043.310] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017392 1771000 -- [-25034.648] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:45 1772000 -- [-25046.538] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:42 1773000 -- [-25041.517] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:43 1774000 -- [-25038.676] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:40 1775000 -- [-25032.915] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017433 1776000 -- [-25027.424] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:33 1777000 -- [-25031.584] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:29 1778000 -- [-25050.253] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:31 1779000 -- [-25056.869] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:27 1780000 -- [-25048.818] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017428 1781000 -- [-25054.743] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:20 1782000 -- [-25055.813] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:17 1783000 -- [-25048.066] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:18 1784000 -- [-25040.754] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:15 1785000 -- [-25038.540] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017502 1786000 -- [-25052.928] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:08 1787000 -- [-25066.263] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:04 1788000 -- [-25054.464] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:06 1789000 -- [-25041.189] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:02 1790000 -- [-25055.038] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017441 1791000 -- [-25050.042] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:55 1792000 -- (-25053.924) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:52 1793000 -- [-25051.081] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:53 1794000 -- [-25055.717] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:50 1795000 -- [-25053.112] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017286 1796000 -- [-25054.175] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:43 1797000 -- [-25065.780] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:40 1798000 -- [-25060.023] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:41 1799000 -- [-25046.296] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:37 1800000 -- [-25060.776] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017134 1801000 -- [-25072.523] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:31 1802000 -- (-25065.864) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:27 1803000 -- [-25058.319] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:28 1804000 -- [-25073.257] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:25 1805000 -- [-25060.247] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.017025 1806000 -- [-25047.620] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:18 1807000 -- [-25079.563] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:19 1808000 -- (-25081.218) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:16 1809000 -- [-25065.742] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:13 1810000 -- [-25059.389] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016891 1811000 -- [-25052.287] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:10 1812000 -- [-25058.299] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:07 1813000 -- [-25039.825] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:04 1814000 -- [-25037.632] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:00 1815000 -- [-25059.594] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016618 1816000 -- [-25055.921] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:58 1817000 -- [-25064.982] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:55 1818000 -- [-25056.611] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:51 1819000 -- [-25036.781] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:48 1820000 -- [-25056.155] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016478 1821000 -- [-25055.050] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:46 1822000 -- [-25067.684] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:42 1823000 -- (-25079.344) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:39 1824000 -- [-25060.365] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:36 1825000 -- (-25075.126) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016384 1826000 -- [-25079.366] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:33 1827000 -- [-25079.032] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:30 1828000 -- [-25042.477] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:27 1829000 -- [-25024.628] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:23 1830000 -- [-25037.844] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016217 1831000 -- [-25033.241] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:21 1832000 -- [-25039.689] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:18 1833000 -- [-25047.985] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:14 1834000 -- [-25056.156] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:11 1835000 -- [-25054.176] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.016108 1836000 -- [-25069.225] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:09 1837000 -- [-25060.762] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:05 1838000 -- [-25059.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:02 1839000 -- [-25054.585] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:58 1840000 -- [-25061.945] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:55 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015926 1841000 -- [-25055.392] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:56 1842000 -- [-25044.020] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:53 1843000 -- [-25034.337] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:49 1844000 -- [-25028.465] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:51 1845000 -- [-25030.042] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015696 1846000 -- [-25032.911] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:48 1847000 -- [-25032.737] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:49 1848000 -- [-25042.697] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:46 1849000 -- [-25049.216] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:56 1850000 -- [-25060.498] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015627 1851000 -- [-25059.635] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:53 1852000 -- [-25060.621] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:05:50 1853000 -- [-25052.120] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:04 1854000 -- [-25056.867] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:01 1855000 -- [-25041.387] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015625 1856000 -- [-25036.619] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:12 1857000 -- [-25050.008] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:35 1858000 -- [-25062.169] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:31 1859000 -- [-25044.659] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:41 1860000 -- [-25042.422] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015483 1861000 -- [-25028.335] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:47 1862000 -- [-25038.884] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:44 1863000 -- [-25042.003] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:45 1864000 -- [-25023.217] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:42 1865000 -- [-25024.875] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015419 1866000 -- [-25034.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:43 1867000 -- [-25039.922] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:40 1868000 -- [-25049.245] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:37 1869000 -- [-25034.881] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:46 1870000 -- [-25050.464] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015403 1871000 -- [-25058.059] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:52 1872000 -- [-25032.805] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:49 1873000 -- [-25029.065] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:59 1874000 -- [-25030.179] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:55 1875000 -- [-25033.469] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015366 1876000 -- [-25054.790] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:57 1877000 -- [-25045.860] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:54 1878000 -- [-25046.944] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:06:55 1879000 -- [-25037.030] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:08 1880000 -- [-25041.406] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015303 1881000 -- [-25070.203] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:15 1882000 -- (-25069.914) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:11 1883000 -- [-25053.322] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:25 1884000 -- [-25048.212] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:21 1885000 -- [-25049.276] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015323 1886000 -- [-25064.724] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:23 1887000 -- [-25063.573] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:28 1888000 -- [-25063.411] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:25 1889000 -- [-25047.738] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:34 1890000 -- [-25047.470] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015185 1891000 -- [-25032.083] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:45 1892000 -- [-25066.252] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:07:45 1893000 -- [-25070.269] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:12 1894000 -- [-25068.506] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:08 1895000 -- [-25055.942] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015165 1896000 -- [-25052.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:31 1897000 -- (-25079.042) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:36 1898000 -- (-25085.638) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:37 1899000 -- [-25074.543] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:46 1900000 -- [-25064.317] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015134 1901000 -- [-25083.909] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:01 1902000 -- [-25062.791] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:08:57 1903000 -- [-25045.022] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:19 1904000 -- [-25033.207] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:20 1905000 -- [-25041.056] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015151 1906000 -- [-25050.342] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:17 1907000 -- [-25061.054] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:39 1908000 -- (-25090.855) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:35 1909000 -- (-25090.987) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:36 1910000 -- (-25069.672) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015168 1911000 -- [-25078.478] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:46 1912000 -- (-25083.705) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:42 1913000 -- [-25070.876] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:52 1914000 -- [-25053.535] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:48 1915000 -- [-25057.403] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015097 1916000 -- (-25068.110) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:45 1917000 -- [-25062.362] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:54 1918000 -- [-25044.423] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:51 1919000 -- [-25043.656] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:55 1920000 -- [-25046.476] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015016 1921000 -- [-25064.360] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:01 1922000 -- [-25074.106] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:57 1923000 -- [-25075.207] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:02 1924000 -- [-25059.354] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:09:59 1925000 -- [-25057.336] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014966 1926000 -- [-25061.117] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:17 1927000 -- [-25045.432] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:17 1928000 -- [-25058.298] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:14 1929000 -- [-25046.214] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:18 1930000 -- [-25053.617] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014937 1931000 -- [-25042.325] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:24 1932000 -- [-25028.103] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:20 1933000 -- [-25049.258] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:29 1934000 -- [-25049.962] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:26 1935000 -- [-25057.305] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014777 1936000 -- [-25055.227] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:27 1937000 -- [-25043.639] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:27 1938000 -- [-25051.108] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:24 1939000 -- [-25051.283] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:41 1940000 -- [-25056.737] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014678 1941000 -- [-25051.694] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:46 1942000 -- [-25051.611] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:10:42 1943000 -- [-25041.480] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:08 1944000 -- [-25047.840] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:08 1945000 -- [-25038.039] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014626 1946000 -- [-25040.532] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:05 1947000 -- [-25043.616] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:14 1948000 -- [-25028.680] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:10 1949000 -- [-25045.955] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:15 1950000 -- [-25060.200] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014660 1951000 -- [-25064.589] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:37 1952000 -- [-25074.952] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:33 1953000 -- [-25055.377] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:46 1954000 -- [-25056.977] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:42 1955000 -- [-25048.288] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014676 1956000 -- [-25049.987] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:11:47 1957000 -- [-25053.052] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:04 1958000 -- [-25053.147] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:00 1959000 -- [-25057.910] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:05 1960000 -- [-25046.263] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014544 1961000 -- [-25052.141] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:06 1962000 -- [-25040.033] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:02 1963000 -- [-25050.623] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:07 1964000 -- [-25033.567] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:03 1965000 -- [-25049.460] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014382 1966000 -- [-25031.830] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:08 1967000 -- [-25045.046] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:25 1968000 -- (-25072.429) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:21 1969000 -- [-25062.451] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:21 1970000 -- [-25057.643] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014370 1971000 -- [-25064.916] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:38 1972000 -- [-25044.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:35 1973000 -- [-25060.761] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:35 1974000 -- [-25054.456] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:31 1975000 -- [-25038.541] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014260 1976000 -- [-25054.636] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:44 1977000 -- [-25054.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:49 1978000 -- [-25047.833] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:12:45 1979000 -- [-25058.911] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:01 1980000 -- [-25069.052] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014195 1981000 -- [-25061.754] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:06 1982000 -- [-25067.902] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:02 1983000 -- [-25049.793] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:07 1984000 -- [-25060.379] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:03 1985000 -- [-25054.403] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014127 1986000 -- [-25051.241] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:08 1987000 -- [-25060.658] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:16 1988000 -- [-25069.232] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:12 1989000 -- [-25040.860] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:25 1990000 -- [-25042.206] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014055 1991000 -- [-25055.723] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:25 1992000 -- [-25050.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:21 1993000 -- [-25059.507] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:26 1994000 -- [-25037.478] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:26 1995000 -- [-25041.358] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014004 1996000 -- [-25038.448] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:22 1997000 -- [-25036.606] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:23 1998000 -- [-25038.743] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:23 1999000 -- [-25048.717] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:35 2000000 -- [-25045.840] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013993 2001000 -- [-25037.680] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:32 2002000 -- [-25027.999] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:32 2003000 -- [-25057.164] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:52 2004000 -- [-25049.306] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:48 2005000 -- [-25039.479] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013975 2006000 -- [-25033.707] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:49 2007000 -- [-25040.480] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:49 2008000 -- [-25045.952] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:49 2009000 -- [-25049.139] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:45 2010000 -- [-25047.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013915 2011000 -- [-25050.752] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:02 2012000 -- [-25062.203] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:13:58 2013000 -- [-25053.259] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:10 2014000 -- [-25052.915] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:06 2015000 -- [-25038.434] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013880 2016000 -- [-25026.395] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:11 2017000 -- [-25027.622] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:15 2018000 -- [-25041.036] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:11 2019000 -- [-25019.010] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:11 2020000 -- [-25044.337] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013732 2021000 -- [-25043.035] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:19 2022000 -- [-25039.763] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:16 2023000 -- [-25041.621] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:24 2024000 -- [-25039.382] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:24 2025000 -- [-25044.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013692 2026000 -- [-25040.169] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:40 2027000 -- [-25050.932] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:48 2028000 -- [-25045.923] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:14:48 2029000 -- [-25062.687] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:04 2030000 -- [-25046.383] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:04 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013545 2031000 -- [-25040.595] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:16 2032000 -- [-25044.593] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:16 2033000 -- [-25035.940] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:20 2034000 -- [-25047.857] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:20 2035000 -- [-25057.033] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013362 2036000 -- [-25074.261] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:28 2037000 -- [-25061.395] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:47 2038000 -- [-25066.793] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:47 2039000 -- [-25077.823] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:51 2040000 -- [-25069.566] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:15:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012910 2041000 -- [-25058.660] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:07 2042000 -- [-25063.187] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:03 2043000 -- (-25069.159) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:07 2044000 -- [-25057.091] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:07 2045000 -- [-25049.029] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013289 2046000 -- [-25056.820] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:07 2047000 -- [-25059.883] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:26 2048000 -- [-25040.108] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:23 2049000 -- [-25038.569] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:30 2050000 -- [-25041.959] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013277 2051000 -- [-25053.908] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:34 2052000 -- [-25058.528] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:38 2053000 -- [-25056.742] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:46 2054000 -- (-25068.798) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:46 2055000 -- (-25098.547) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013339 2056000 -- (-25073.542) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:16:53 2057000 -- [-25060.857] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:13 2058000 -- [-25040.272] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:16 2059000 -- [-25028.278] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:20 2060000 -- [-25048.573] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013344 2061000 -- [-25040.953] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:20 2062000 -- [-25045.183] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:16 2063000 -- [-25040.437] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:28 2064000 -- [-25059.547] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:27 2065000 -- [-25066.920] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013226 2066000 -- [-25060.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:17:50 2067000 -- [-25025.962] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:09 2068000 -- [-25031.710] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:05 2069000 -- [-25038.671] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:17 2070000 -- [-25057.108] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013181 2071000 -- [-25041.485] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:24 2072000 -- [-25044.112] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:24 2073000 -- [-25050.972] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:35 2074000 -- [-25064.909] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:35 2075000 -- [-25053.024] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013108 2076000 -- [-25030.749] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:18:46 2077000 -- [-25030.841] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:01 2078000 -- [-25036.805] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:01 2079000 -- [-25045.013] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:09 2080000 -- [-25050.793] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012772 2081000 -- [-25037.862] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:39 2082000 -- [-25030.395] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:38 2083000 -- [-25026.220] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:38 2084000 -- [-25034.657] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:38 2085000 -- [-25032.334] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012838 2086000 -- [-25046.975] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:19:49 2087000 -- [-25037.945] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:04 2088000 -- [-25038.517] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:04 2089000 -- [-25052.843] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:07 2090000 -- [-25058.454] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012795 2091000 -- [-25054.841] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:18 2092000 -- [-25050.372] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:14 2093000 -- [-25030.363] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:32 2094000 -- [-25041.142] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:36 2095000 -- [-25034.220] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012982 2096000 -- [-25050.503] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:47 2097000 -- (-25057.293) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:54 2098000 -- [-25038.037] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:54 2099000 -- [-25062.463] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:20:57 2100000 -- [-25037.910] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013143 2101000 -- (-25048.081) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:23 2102000 -- [-25043.955] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:22 2103000 -- [-25048.629] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:30 2104000 -- [-25043.591] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:25 2105000 -- [-25053.560] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013190 2106000 -- [-25039.486] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:28 2107000 -- [-25051.903] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:32 2108000 -- [-25054.733] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:28 2109000 -- [-25040.509] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:27 2110000 -- [-25028.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013312 2111000 -- [-25040.993] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:49 2112000 -- [-25040.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:45 2113000 -- [-25056.506] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:56 2114000 -- [-25034.675] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:21:55 2115000 -- [-25043.306] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013443 2116000 -- (-25050.061) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:02 2117000 -- [-25033.479] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:13 2118000 -- [-25047.707] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:09 2119000 -- [-25049.159] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:12 2120000 -- [-25049.304] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013557 2121000 -- [-25061.841] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:30 2122000 -- [-25057.417] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:26 2123000 -- [-25051.206] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:25 2124000 -- [-25061.647] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:21 2125000 -- [-25055.974] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013740 2126000 -- [-25060.867] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:16 2127000 -- [-25057.260] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:20 2128000 -- [-25053.723] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:15 2129000 -- [-25043.087] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:22 2130000 -- [-25062.720] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013878 2131000 -- [-25064.752] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:29 2132000 -- [-25064.034] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:25 2133000 -- [-25049.106] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:28 2134000 -- [-25049.877] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:24 2135000 -- [-25045.186] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013834 2136000 -- [-25063.910] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:34 2137000 -- [-25078.718] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:44 2138000 -- [-25068.018] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:40 2139000 -- [-25069.062] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:44 2140000 -- [-25068.050] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013735 2141000 -- [-25055.533] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:43 2142000 -- [-25064.151] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:38 2143000 -- [-25059.925] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:38 2144000 -- [-25056.544] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:34 2145000 -- [-25041.276] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013683 2146000 -- [-25036.173] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:36 2147000 -- [-25032.480] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:32 2148000 -- (-25054.851) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:28 2149000 -- [-25069.917] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:28 2150000 -- [-25057.280] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013588 2151000 -- [-25049.450] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:30 2152000 -- [-25036.949] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:26 2153000 -- (-25058.920) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:25 2154000 -- [-25055.550] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:21 2155000 -- [-25064.250] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013577 2156000 -- [-25055.400] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:20 2157000 -- [-25060.753] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:45 2158000 -- [-25064.206] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:41 2159000 -- [-25049.717] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:48 2160000 -- [-25048.219] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013487 2161000 -- [-25062.160] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:43 2162000 -- [-25057.121] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:39 2163000 -- [-25066.607] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:42 2164000 -- [-25059.422] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:38 2165000 -- [-25065.935] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013489 2166000 -- [-25055.245] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:37 2167000 -- [-25051.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:51 2168000 -- (-25056.940) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:46 2169000 -- [-25046.406] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:53 2170000 -- [-25044.756] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:22:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013474 2171000 -- [-25030.241] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:10 2172000 -- [-25026.209] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:06 2173000 -- [-25031.806] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:09 2174000 -- [-25035.127] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:05 2175000 -- [-25037.276] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013403 2176000 -- [-25040.425] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:14 2177000 -- [-25048.984] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:39 2178000 -- [-25052.264] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:34 2179000 -- [-25047.620] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:45 2180000 -- [-25070.669] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:40 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013388 2181000 -- (-25087.020) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:47 2182000 -- [-25059.797] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:43 2183000 -- [-25062.280] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:38 2184000 -- [-25054.801] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:38 2185000 -- [-25071.523] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:37 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013356 2186000 -- [-25060.707] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:37 2187000 -- [-25065.142] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:39 2188000 -- (-25065.987) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:35 2189000 -- [-25046.775] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:42 2190000 -- [-25038.365] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013379 2191000 -- [-25035.118] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:44 2192000 -- [-25048.301] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:40 2193000 -- [-25052.426] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:43 2194000 -- [-25047.831] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:38 2195000 -- [-25044.002] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013334 2196000 -- [-25039.859] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:37 2197000 -- [-25044.507] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:47 2198000 -- (-25047.348) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:46 2199000 -- [-25054.683] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:46 2200000 -- [-25058.321] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013444 2201000 -- [-25052.512] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:02 2202000 -- [-25035.034] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:58 2203000 -- [-25045.484] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:01 2204000 -- [-25047.508] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:23:56 2205000 -- [-25056.000] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013540 2206000 -- (-25051.672) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:06 2207000 -- [-25054.979] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:05 2208000 -- [-25044.975] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:01 2209000 -- [-25042.069] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:18 2210000 -- [-25054.520] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013670 2211000 -- [-25057.587] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:16 2212000 -- (-25072.903) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:12 2213000 -- (-25079.555) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:22 2214000 -- [-25051.953] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:17 2215000 -- [-25048.023] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013765 2216000 -- [-25059.601] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:12 2217000 -- [-25067.809] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:15 2218000 -- [-25044.342] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:15 2219000 -- [-25060.364] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:28 2220000 -- [-25053.691] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013937 2221000 -- [-25043.293] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:23 2222000 -- [-25042.144] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:19 2223000 -- [-25041.709] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:32 2224000 -- [-25055.814] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:27 2225000 -- [-25053.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:34 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014070 2226000 -- [-25043.571] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:29 2227000 -- [-25060.838] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:36 2228000 -- [-25062.505] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:31 2229000 -- [-25068.837] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:31 2230000 -- [-25053.506] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014185 2231000 -- [-25056.648] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:32 2232000 -- (-25090.756) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:32 2233000 -- (-25092.642) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:34 2234000 -- [-25067.973] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:30 2235000 -- (-25087.127) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014305 2236000 -- [-25076.870] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:42 2237000 -- [-25056.053] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:52 2238000 -- [-25051.744] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:51 2239000 -- [-25072.507] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:57 2240000 -- [-25046.097] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014388 2241000 -- [-25046.715] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:03 2242000 -- [-25043.531] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:24:58 2243000 -- [-25049.967] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:25 2244000 -- [-25050.483] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:21 2245000 -- [-25052.116] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014523 2246000 -- [-25063.615] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:40 2247000 -- [-25052.891] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:39 2248000 -- [-25060.815] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:35 2249000 -- [-25054.317] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:34 2250000 -- [-25032.500] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014646 2251000 -- [-25024.064] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:36 2252000 -- [-25044.218] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:31 2253000 -- [-25056.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:48 2254000 -- [-25048.255] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:43 2255000 -- [-25042.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:53 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014774 2256000 -- (-25060.094) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:52 2257000 -- (-25075.047) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:54 2258000 -- [-25058.587] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:53 2259000 -- [-25051.133] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:03 2260000 -- [-25052.076] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:25:58 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014808 2261000 -- [-25047.298] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:08 2262000 -- [-25046.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:07 2263000 -- [-25059.597] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:16 2264000 -- [-25044.707] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:15 2265000 -- [-25049.404] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014984 2266000 -- [-25045.974] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:13 2267000 -- [-25071.777] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:26 2268000 -- [-25059.352] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:22 2269000 -- [-25047.235] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:24 2270000 -- [-25073.430] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.015006 2271000 -- [-25048.542] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:19 2272000 -- [-25035.360] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:18 2273000 -- [-25039.182] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:20 2274000 -- [-25035.786] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:20 2275000 -- [-25057.377] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014953 2276000 -- [-25052.959] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:14 2277000 -- [-25032.636] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:10 2278000 -- [-25044.000] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:06 2279000 -- [-25048.854] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:18 2280000 -- [-25066.966] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014797 2281000 -- [-25059.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:30 2282000 -- [-25035.331] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:25 2283000 -- [-25041.601] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:31 2284000 -- [-25041.966] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:27 2285000 -- [-25049.484] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014776 2286000 -- [-25048.285] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:35 2287000 -- [-25038.575] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:54 2288000 -- [-25040.813] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:50 2289000 -- [-25033.108] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:52 2290000 -- [-25040.834] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014795 2291000 -- [-25038.762] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:57 2292000 -- [-25049.226] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:53 2293000 -- [-25054.099] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:58 2294000 -- [-25032.609] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:26:54 2295000 -- [-25038.140] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014857 2296000 -- [-25061.211] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:05 2297000 -- [-25057.440] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:18 2298000 -- [-25059.130] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:13 2299000 -- [-25070.955] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:32 2300000 -- [-25038.691] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014869 2301000 -- [-25035.978] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:37 2302000 -- [-25049.330] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:32 2303000 -- [-25059.896] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:31 2304000 -- [-25063.239] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:27 2305000 -- [-25046.357] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014781 2306000 -- [-25050.839] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:28 2307000 -- [-25051.192] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:54 2308000 -- [-25047.668] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:49 2309000 -- [-25044.917] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:52 2310000 -- [-25046.546] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014704 2311000 -- [-25053.462] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:56 2312000 -- [-25059.381] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:52 2313000 -- [-25046.670] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:01 2314000 -- [-25048.314] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:27:56 2315000 -- [-25054.731] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014568 2316000 -- [-25063.324] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:04 2317000 -- [-25049.810] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:09 2318000 -- [-25054.694] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:05 2319000 -- [-25056.162] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:37 2320000 -- [-25052.783] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014482 2321000 -- [-25057.913] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:45 2322000 -- [-25051.468] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:40 2323000 -- [-25049.110] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:52 2324000 -- [-25047.961] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:48 2325000 -- [-25037.302] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014399 2326000 -- [-25038.456] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:28:59 2327000 -- [-25050.636] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:17 2328000 -- (-25068.514) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:16 2329000 -- [-25052.650] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:15 2330000 -- [-25056.018] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014332 2331000 -- [-25061.949] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:26 2332000 -- (-25056.188) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:21 2333000 -- [-25059.766] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:27 2334000 -- [-25052.803] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:26 2335000 -- [-25063.770] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014248 2336000 -- [-25065.946] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:20 2337000 -- [-25058.130] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:22 2338000 -- [-25058.431] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:21 2339000 -- [-25044.028] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:20 2340000 -- [-25033.725] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:15 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014143 2341000 -- [-25041.537] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:30 2342000 -- [-25057.859] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:26 2343000 -- (-25059.762) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:28 2344000 -- [-25045.112] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:23 2345000 -- [-25049.800] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013996 2346000 -- [-25048.280] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:47 2347000 -- [-25049.910] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:46 2348000 -- (-25053.076) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:41 2349000 -- [-25071.237] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:50 2350000 -- [-25043.037] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.014003 2351000 -- [-25079.947] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:44 2352000 -- [-25052.242] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:40 2353000 -- [-25059.578] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:48 2354000 -- [-25048.027] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:44 2355000 -- [-25052.578] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013976 2356000 -- [-25031.818] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:44 2357000 -- [-25043.215] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:43 2358000 -- [-25041.939] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:39 2359000 -- [-25047.476] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:47 2360000 -- [-25033.262] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013918 2361000 -- [-25038.723] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:45 2362000 -- [-25039.921] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:40 2363000 -- [-25024.583] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:42 2364000 -- [-25038.647] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:38 2365000 -- [-25054.715] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013887 2366000 -- [-25048.981] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:38 2367000 -- [-25062.337] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:40 2368000 -- [-25046.539] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:36 2369000 -- [-25050.580] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:54 2370000 -- [-25050.324] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:49 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013849 2371000 -- [-25040.831] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:58 2372000 -- [-25062.556] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:29:53 2373000 -- (-25071.378) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:08 2374000 -- [-25057.471] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:03 2375000 -- [-25072.037] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013797 2376000 -- [-25075.315] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:20 2377000 -- [-25048.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:22 2378000 -- [-25051.798] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:17 2379000 -- [-25040.897] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:16 2380000 -- [-25064.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013740 2381000 -- [-25055.196] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:13 2382000 -- [-25056.756] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:09 2383000 -- [-25052.770] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 2384000 -- [-25048.536] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:25 2385000 -- [-25058.120] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013687 2386000 -- (-25056.539) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:26 2387000 -- [-25046.571] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:34 2388000 -- [-25075.468] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 2389000 -- [-25069.357] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:31 2390000 -- [-25063.482] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013715 2391000 -- [-25069.896] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:29 2392000 -- [-25057.229] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:24 2393000 -- [-25068.860] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:32 2394000 -- [-25051.757] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:28 2395000 -- [-25047.204] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013708 2396000 -- [-25045.082] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:28 2397000 -- [-25035.289] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:40 2398000 -- [-25036.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:35 2399000 -- [-25035.101] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:43 2400000 -- (-25030.974) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013616 2401000 -- [-25035.992] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:50 2402000 -- [-25037.074] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:45 2403000 -- [-25051.378] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:57 2404000 -- [-25045.913] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:52 2405000 -- [-25051.302] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013589 2406000 -- [-25059.552] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:52 2407000 -- [-25070.889] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:51 2408000 -- [-25052.409] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:47 2409000 -- [-25056.820] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:01 2410000 -- [-25045.038] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013559 2411000 -- [-25043.213] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:14 2412000 -- [-25050.672] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:09 2413000 -- [-25040.873] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:17 2414000 -- [-25043.433] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:13 2415000 -- [-25059.256] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013505 2416000 -- [-25041.474] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:13 2417000 -- [-25062.783] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:18 2418000 -- [-25055.064] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:13 2419000 -- [-25055.716] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:15 2420000 -- [-25049.346] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013532 2421000 -- [-25050.272] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:09 2422000 -- [-25044.553] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:04 2423000 -- [-25036.625] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:06 2424000 -- [-25032.923] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:01 2425000 -- [-25046.055] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:00 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013570 2426000 -- (-25058.631) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:59 2427000 -- (-25061.225) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:07 2428000 -- [-25037.474] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:05 2429000 -- [-25032.757] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:04 2430000 -- [-25044.750] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:59 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013540 2431000 -- [-25032.749] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:58 2432000 -- [-25043.649] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:53 2433000 -- [-25033.947] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:55 2434000 -- [-25043.193] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:53 2435000 -- [-25028.286] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013537 2436000 -- [-25050.536] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:50 2437000 -- [-25043.120] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:08 2438000 -- [-25038.781] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:03 2439000 -- [-25038.607] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:14 2440000 -- [-25052.900] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013498 2441000 -- [-25050.067] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:14 2442000 -- [-25058.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:13 2443000 -- [-25032.476] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:08 2444000 -- [-25039.143] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:06 2445000 -- [-25034.533] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013478 2446000 -- [-25062.523] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:31 2447000 -- [-25044.191] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:30 2448000 -- (-25062.783) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:25 2449000 -- (-25061.227) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:24 2450000 -- [-25067.000] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013477 2451000 -- [-25052.637] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:30 2452000 -- [-25053.339] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:25 2453000 -- [-25049.762] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:30 2454000 -- [-25039.072] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:28 2455000 -- [-25042.442] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:45 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013477 2456000 -- [-25060.692] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:41 2457000 -- [-25053.937] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:48 2458000 -- [-25059.160] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:44 2459000 -- [-25051.257] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:45 2460000 -- [-25055.144] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013407 2461000 -- [-25041.400] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:39 2462000 -- [-25023.933] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:35 2463000 -- [-25041.708] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:33 2464000 -- [-25061.431] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:29 2465000 -- [-25063.573] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013425 2466000 -- [-25060.317] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:29 2467000 -- [-25063.814] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:39 2468000 -- [-25063.276] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:35 2469000 -- [-25068.954] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:45 2470000 -- [-25053.516] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:41 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013327 2471000 -- [-25067.802] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:54 2472000 -- (-25070.049) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2473000 -- (-25062.806) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:03 2474000 -- [-25060.045] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2475000 -- [-25056.558] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013227 2476000 -- (-25072.835) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:05 2477000 -- [-25045.830] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2478000 -- [-25051.971] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2479000 -- [-25052.022] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2480000 -- [-25049.153] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013187 2481000 -- [-25030.101] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 2482000 -- [-25051.944] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:19 2483000 -- [-25049.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 2484000 -- [-25056.753] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:13 2485000 -- [-25048.903] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013121 2486000 -- [-25039.255] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:31 2487000 -- [-25058.300] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:30 2488000 -- [-25060.716] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 2489000 -- [-25059.809] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 2490000 -- [-25056.082] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013015 2491000 -- [-25056.601] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2492000 -- [-25074.070] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:34 2493000 -- (-25088.016) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2494000 -- [-25080.675] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:36 2495000 -- [-25077.587] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012960 2496000 -- (-25107.606) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:30 2497000 -- [-25075.307] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:34 2498000 -- (-25055.390) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 2499000 -- [-25046.331] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:40 2500000 -- [-25047.870] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012920 2501000 -- [-25047.328] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:52 2502000 -- [-25052.765] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:50 2503000 -- (-25055.974) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:46 2504000 -- [-25040.530] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:41 2505000 -- [-25049.294] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:48 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012958 2506000 -- [-25054.500] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:47 2507000 -- [-25041.431] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:45 2508000 -- [-25051.296] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:40 2509000 -- [-25036.480] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:48 2510000 -- [-25059.689] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012853 2511000 -- [-25053.645] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:41 2512000 -- [-25074.210] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:37 2513000 -- [-25054.605] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:35 2514000 -- [-25033.065] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:30 2515000 -- [-25043.426] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:35 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012824 2516000 -- [-25038.488] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 2517000 -- [-25031.956] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:31 2518000 -- [-25045.791] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2519000 -- [-25053.728] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:31 2520000 -- [-25069.556] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012891 2521000 -- [-25053.373] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 2522000 -- [-25051.714] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:23 2523000 -- [-25056.866] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:42 2524000 -- [-25068.150] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:37 2525000 -- (-25066.751) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012877 2526000 -- [-25059.141] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:37 2527000 -- [-25057.229] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2528000 -- [-25055.037] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 2529000 -- [-25041.034] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2530000 -- [-25042.659] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012846 2531000 -- [-25043.637] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:28 2532000 -- [-25045.628] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2533000 -- [-25032.607] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 2534000 -- [-25044.730] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 2535000 -- [-25026.932] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012829 2536000 -- [-25036.817] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 2537000 -- [-25053.420] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 2538000 -- [-25039.998] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:13 2539000 -- (-25043.335) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 2540000 -- [-25058.408] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012893 2541000 -- (-25050.626) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:17 2542000 -- [-25038.888] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:12 2543000 -- [-25052.496] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:14 2544000 -- [-25046.765] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:12 2545000 -- (-25056.543) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012921 2546000 -- [-25058.234] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 2547000 -- [-25038.831] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 2548000 -- [-25050.084] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 2549000 -- [-25046.603] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 2550000 -- [-25038.289] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012973 2551000 -- [-25057.410] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 2552000 -- [-25045.798] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 2553000 -- [-25042.874] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 2554000 -- [-25050.702] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 2555000 -- [-25044.333] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012980 2556000 -- [-25045.129] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2557000 -- [-25046.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2558000 -- [-25046.382] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2559000 -- [-25036.290] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 2560000 -- [-25045.654] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013025 2561000 -- [-25049.598] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 2562000 -- [-25052.289] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2563000 -- [-25060.082] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2564000 -- [-25045.788] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:09 2565000 -- (-25062.900) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013025 2566000 -- [-25056.806] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2567000 -- [-25051.914] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2568000 -- [-25038.867] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 2569000 -- [-25055.861] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:30 2570000 -- [-25040.889] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.013007 2571000 -- [-25056.443] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:29 2572000 -- [-25034.314] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 2573000 -- [-25042.850] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:37 2574000 -- [-25041.411] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:32 2575000 -- [-25028.913] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012978 2576000 -- [-25032.264] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:34 2577000 -- [-25024.471] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2578000 -- [-25033.089] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:34 2579000 -- [-25040.145] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:35 2580000 -- [-25059.062] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012957 2581000 -- [-25061.663] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:31 2582000 -- [-25041.553] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2583000 -- [-25033.186] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 2584000 -- [-25036.524] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 2585000 -- [-25046.108] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012897 2586000 -- [-25044.225] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2587000 -- [-25030.515] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:29 2588000 -- [-25040.095] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 2589000 -- [-25038.375] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:23 2590000 -- [-25033.544] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012904 2591000 -- [-25044.260] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2592000 -- [-25047.880] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:23 2593000 -- [-25045.191] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 2594000 -- [-25033.828] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2595000 -- [-25043.492] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012923 2596000 -- [-25042.511] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2597000 -- [-25039.471] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2598000 -- [-25056.970] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 2599000 -- [-25039.474] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 2600000 -- [-25034.876] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:17 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012878 2601000 -- [-25016.950] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2602000 -- [-25035.948] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2603000 -- [-25035.769] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:14 2604000 -- [-25040.504] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2605000 -- [-25055.192] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:19 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012822 2606000 -- [-25036.141] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:14 2607000 -- [-25059.600] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2608000 -- [-25037.359] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2609000 -- [-25039.276] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2610000 -- [-25036.800] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012793 2611000 -- [-25035.756] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:14 2612000 -- (-25076.711) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:09 2613000 -- (-25054.798) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:07 2614000 -- (-25068.823) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:02 2615000 -- (-25077.893) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012827 2616000 -- (-25085.755) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2617000 -- [-25053.466] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 2618000 -- (-25052.507) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2619000 -- [-25064.186] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2620000 -- [-25061.176] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012842 2621000 -- [-25056.575] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:26 2622000 -- [-25049.688] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 2623000 -- [-25050.374] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 2624000 -- [-25034.036] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:18 2625000 -- [-25039.076] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012781 2626000 -- [-25034.700] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 2627000 -- [-25037.244] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:23 2628000 -- [-25026.810] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:19 2629000 -- [-25040.331] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:28 2630000 -- [-25037.955] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:23 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012708 2631000 -- [-25046.923] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 2632000 -- [-25052.012] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 2633000 -- [-25059.709] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 2634000 -- [-25040.980] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2635000 -- [-25047.821] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:14 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012641 2636000 -- [-25058.313] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:09 2637000 -- [-25067.827] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2638000 -- [-25076.210] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:05 2639000 -- [-25056.103] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 2640000 -- [-25060.568] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:02 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012625 2641000 -- [-25054.960] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:03 2642000 -- [-25063.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:58 2643000 -- [-25067.045] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2644000 -- [-25058.321] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:54 2645000 -- [-25063.786] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:20 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012593 2646000 -- [-25072.235] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2647000 -- [-25057.218] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2648000 -- [-25044.907] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:12 2649000 -- [-25050.483] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2650000 -- [-25046.148] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:08 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012571 2651000 -- [-25037.468] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 2652000 -- [-25044.752] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 2653000 -- [-25057.979] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:05 2654000 -- [-25057.669] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:00 2655000 -- [-25043.237] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012508 2656000 -- [-25034.834] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:02 2657000 -- [-25028.446] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:16 2658000 -- [-25029.316] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:12 2659000 -- [-25041.520] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:15 2660000 -- [-25054.760] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012555 2661000 -- [-25045.364] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2662000 -- [-25032.619] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:07 2663000 -- [-25049.000] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:08 2664000 -- [-25063.505] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:03 2665000 -- [-25051.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012492 2666000 -- [-25052.148] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2667000 -- [-25026.638] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2668000 -- (-25054.430) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 2669000 -- [-25054.062] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2670000 -- [-25055.671] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012396 2671000 -- [-25033.174] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:09 2672000 -- [-25042.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:04 2673000 -- [-25031.811] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:07 2674000 -- [-25042.501] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:03 2675000 -- [-25070.494] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012305 2676000 -- [-25066.238] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2677000 -- [-25065.158] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:13 2678000 -- [-25059.992] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2679000 -- (-25062.930) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:09 2680000 -- [-25030.130] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:07 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012247 2681000 -- [-25051.326] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:11 2682000 -- [-25062.810] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 2683000 -- [-25053.767] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2684000 -- [-25055.279] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:05 2685000 -- [-25067.673] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012157 2686000 -- [-25054.072] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 2687000 -- [-25036.283] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:04 2688000 -- [-25038.067] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:00 2689000 -- [-25049.852] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 2690000 -- [-25060.227] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012181 2691000 -- [-25050.803] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:57 2692000 -- [-25070.092] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:52 2693000 -- [-25068.230] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:55 2694000 -- [-25056.424] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:53 2695000 -- [-25061.908] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:54 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012206 2696000 -- [-25068.052] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:49 2697000 -- [-25037.348] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:47 2698000 -- [-25061.006] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:43 2699000 -- [-25038.255] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:49 2700000 -- [-25042.595] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012247 2701000 -- [-25055.610] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2702000 -- [-25053.202] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:46 2703000 -- [-25064.589] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:52 2704000 -- [-25059.414] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:47 2705000 -- [-25049.996] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:56 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012172 2706000 -- [-25044.343] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:51 2707000 -- [-25043.430] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:57 2708000 -- [-25060.559] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:55 2709000 -- [-25050.926] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:12 2710000 -- [-25071.297] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:13 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012199 2711000 -- (-25071.864) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2712000 -- [-25075.511] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 2713000 -- [-25064.865] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:28 2714000 -- [-25055.153] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:23 2715000 -- [-25072.104] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:24 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012203 2716000 -- [-25061.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:22 2717000 -- [-25067.116] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:41 2718000 -- [-25069.874] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:39 2719000 -- [-25052.514] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:35 2720000 -- [-25059.274] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012131 2721000 -- [-25055.983] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:36 2722000 -- [-25053.650] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:31 2723000 -- [-25046.972] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:37 2724000 -- [-25038.174] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:32 2725000 -- [-25038.010] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012057 2726000 -- [-25044.109] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:39 2727000 -- [-25060.784] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:45 2728000 -- [-25054.142] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:40 2729000 -- [-25064.375] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2730000 -- [-25075.579] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012008 2731000 -- [-25058.304] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:45 2732000 -- [-25064.888] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:45 2733000 -- [-25060.904] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:43 2734000 -- [-25051.706] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:38 2735000 -- [-25056.370] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:39 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011991 2736000 -- (-25080.865) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:34 2737000 -- (-25101.974) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:32 2738000 -- [-25067.566] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:27 2739000 -- [-25070.727] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:25 2740000 -- [-25049.719] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012032 2741000 -- [-25050.500] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:21 2742000 -- [-25039.495] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:17 2743000 -- [-25028.252] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:14 2744000 -- [-25036.164] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 2745000 -- [-25036.555] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:10 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.012036 2746000 -- [-25049.870] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:08 2747000 -- [-25048.930] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:06 2748000 -- [-25054.460] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 2749000 -- [-25055.121] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2750000 -- [-25034.121] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:57 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011943 2751000 -- [-25037.732] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:03 2752000 -- [-25060.656] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:32:01 2753000 -- [-25070.050] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2754000 -- (-25066.769) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:57 2755000 -- [-25058.497] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011840 2756000 -- (-25045.225) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2757000 -- [-25045.264] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:53 2758000 -- [-25052.897] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:48 2759000 -- [-25045.537] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:49 2760000 -- [-25049.635] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011695 2761000 -- [-25057.705] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:45 2762000 -- [-25046.948] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:40 2763000 -- [-25073.150] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:41 2764000 -- [-25062.519] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:36 2765000 -- (-25068.474) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:47 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011614 2766000 -- [-25055.184] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:42 2767000 -- (-25068.795) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:40 2768000 -- [-25080.554] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:38 2769000 -- [-25058.243] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:49 2770000 -- [-25060.096] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:44 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011658 2771000 -- [-25061.209] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2772000 -- [-25057.586] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:45 2773000 -- (-25060.408) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:59 2774000 -- [-25052.589] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:54 2775000 -- [-25047.743] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011669 2776000 -- [-25059.954] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2777000 -- [-25053.172] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:55 2778000 -- [-25035.408] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:51 2779000 -- [-25045.353] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:51 2780000 -- [-25039.938] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:46 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011630 2781000 -- [-25047.295] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:55 2782000 -- [-25054.416] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2783000 -- [-25034.458] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:53 2784000 -- [-25022.632] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:48 2785000 -- [-25024.553] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011646 2786000 -- [-25041.570] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:52 2787000 -- [-25032.821] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:55 2788000 -- [-25030.597] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:50 2789000 -- [-25032.783] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:56 2790000 -- [-25037.366] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011632 2791000 -- [-25054.950] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:51 2792000 -- [-25055.742] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:49 2793000 -- [-25058.348] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:47 2794000 -- [-25058.939] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:42 2795000 -- [-25067.315] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:43 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011627 2796000 -- (-25076.880) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:41 2797000 -- [-25068.465] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:39 2798000 -- [-25080.496] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:34 2799000 -- [-25068.400] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:37 2800000 -- [-25071.830] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011498 2801000 -- [-25076.716] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:32 2802000 -- [-25061.439] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:28 2803000 -- [-25042.645] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:26 2804000 -- [-25038.812] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:21 2805000 -- [-25054.834] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011459 2806000 -- [-25050.484] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:19 2807000 -- [-25040.236] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:22 2808000 -- [-25043.556] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:17 2809000 -- [-25064.114] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:25 2810000 -- [-25056.764] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:21 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011296 2811000 -- (-25051.850) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:26 2812000 -- [-25041.855] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:22 2813000 -- [-25065.440] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:27 2814000 -- [-25071.065] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:22 2815000 -- [-25039.089] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:25 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011171 2816000 -- [-25041.162] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:21 2817000 -- [-25018.261] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:18 2818000 -- [-25015.110] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:14 2819000 -- [-25035.058] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:17 2820000 -- [-25041.780] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:12 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011112 2821000 -- [-25041.870] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:20 2822000 -- [-25054.268] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:15 2823000 -- [-25043.927] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:13 2824000 -- [-25046.570] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:11 2825000 -- [-25055.486] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:09 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011159 2826000 -- [-25035.591] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:04 2827000 -- [-25048.039] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:09 2828000 -- [-25041.539] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:05 2829000 -- [-25044.847] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:10 2830000 -- [-25057.003] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:05 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011154 2831000 -- [-25060.735] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:31:03 2832000 -- [-25054.179] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:58 2833000 -- [-25048.558] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:59 2834000 -- [-25049.946] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:54 2835000 -- [-25039.805] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:52 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011222 2836000 -- [-25047.797] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:50 2837000 -- [-25054.978] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:57 2838000 -- [-25048.390] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:53 2839000 -- [-25044.915] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:56 2840000 -- [-25051.974] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:51 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011150 2841000 -- [-25041.556] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:49 2842000 -- [-25029.818] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:46 2843000 -- [-25035.124] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:52 2844000 -- (-25074.369) [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:47 2845000 -- [-25046.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.011035 2846000 -- [-25050.206] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:40 2847000 -- [-25054.804] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:40 2848000 -- [-25055.290] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 2849000 -- [-25053.657] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:34 2850000 -- [-25037.080] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:29 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010979 2851000 -- [-25040.791] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:29 2852000 -- [-25055.815] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:24 2853000 -- [-25058.426] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:25 2854000 -- [-25031.460] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:23 2855000 -- [-25058.946] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:28 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010864 2856000 -- [-25042.423] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:23 2857000 -- [-25033.337] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 2858000 -- [-25053.405] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:31 2859000 -- [-25043.525] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:29 2860000 -- [-25040.377] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:27 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010657 2861000 -- [-25051.582] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:34 2862000 -- [-25056.508] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 2863000 -- [-25064.033] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:35 2864000 -- [-25045.143] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 2865000 -- [-25041.848] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010591 2866000 -- [-25059.187] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:28 2867000 -- [-25067.189] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:41 2868000 -- [-25069.452] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 2869000 -- [-25069.482] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:46 2870000 -- [-25074.560] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:42 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010475 2871000 -- [-25053.662] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:42 2872000 -- [-25047.199] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:40 2873000 -- [-25041.312] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:38 2874000 -- [-25038.764] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 2875000 -- [-25051.281] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010370 2876000 -- [-25052.178] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 2877000 -- [-25037.318] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 2878000 -- [-25041.472] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:29 2879000 -- [-25032.302] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 2880000 -- [-25027.548] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:32 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010343 2881000 -- [-25027.871] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:39 2882000 -- [-25041.077] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:35 2883000 -- [-25035.973] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:40 2884000 -- [-25033.545] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:35 2885000 -- [-25033.256] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:33 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010205 2886000 -- [-25047.781] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 2887000 -- [-25051.143] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:45 2888000 -- [-25060.640] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:41 2889000 -- [-25057.874] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:41 2890000 -- [-25050.752] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.010090 2891000 -- [-25038.032] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:36 2892000 -- [-25030.930] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:32 2893000 -- [-25028.711] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:32 2894000 -- [-25044.816] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:27 2895000 -- [-25048.863] [...7 remote chains...] -- 5:30:30 Average standard deviation of split frequencies: 0.009965 Analysis stopped because convergence diagnostic hit stop value. Analysis completed in 2 hours 14 mins 40 seconds Analysis used 6376.55 seconds of CPU time on processor 0 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 1 was -25005.21 Likelihood of best state for "cold" chain of run 2 was -25019.19 Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 1: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 23.4 % ( 16 %) Dirichlet(Tratio{3,4}) 33.5 % ( 29 %) Dirichlet(Revmat{1}) 43.7 % ( 27 %) Slider(Revmat{1}) 26.4 % ( 26 %) Dirichlet(Revmat{2}) 33.3 % ( 28 %) Slider(Revmat{2}) 25.2 % ( 18 %) Dirichlet(Pi{1}) 26.6 % ( 25 %) Slider(Pi{1}) 24.5 % ( 21 %) Dirichlet(Pi{2}) 25.7 % ( 31 %) Slider(Pi{2}) 24.6 % ( 23 %) Dirichlet(Pi{3}) 26.3 % ( 28 %) Slider(Pi{3}) 21.3 % ( 18 %) Dirichlet(Pi{4}) 24.9 % ( 24 %) Slider(Pi{4}) 25.7 % ( 25 %) Multiplier(Alpha{1}) 26.1 % ( 18 %) Multiplier(Alpha{2}) 27.4 % ( 19 %) Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 26.0 % ( 36 %) Multiplier(Alpha{4}) 30.2 % ( 33 %) Slider(Pinvar{1}) 32.2 % ( 23 %) Slider(Pinvar{2}) 31.9 % ( 26 %) Slider(Pinvar{3}) 28.1 % ( 31 %) Slider(Pinvar{4}) 4.4 % ( 5 %) ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 3.5 % ( 4 %) ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 6.2 % ( 12 %) NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 3.0 % ( 6 %) ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 25.9 % ( 30 %) Multiplier(V{all}) 27.4 % ( 26 %) Nodeslider(V{all}) 24.4 % ( 32 %) TLMultiplier(V{all}) Acceptance rates for the moves in the "cold" chain of run 2: With prob. (last 100) chain accepted proposals by move 23.3 % ( 18 %) Dirichlet(Tratio{3,4}) 33.1 % ( 24 %) Dirichlet(Revmat{1}) 43.4 % ( 25 %) Slider(Revmat{1}) 26.0 % ( 24 %) Dirichlet(Revmat{2}) 33.3 % ( 21 %) Slider(Revmat{2}) 25.3 % ( 27 %) Dirichlet(Pi{1}) 26.6 % ( 25 %) Slider(Pi{1}) 24.6 % ( 22 %) Dirichlet(Pi{2}) 26.0 % ( 34 %) Slider(Pi{2}) 24.8 % ( 25 %) Dirichlet(Pi{3}) 26.5 % ( 17 %) Slider(Pi{3}) 21.6 % ( 22 %) Dirichlet(Pi{4}) 25.1 % ( 25 %) Slider(Pi{4}) 26.0 % ( 29 %) Multiplier(Alpha{1}) 26.2 % ( 28 %) Multiplier(Alpha{2}) 27.4 % ( 38 %) Multiplier(Alpha{3}) 25.8 % ( 28 %) Multiplier(Alpha{4}) 30.0 % ( 27 %) Slider(Pinvar{1}) 32.5 % ( 27 %) Slider(Pinvar{2}) 32.2 % ( 25 %) Slider(Pinvar{3}) 28.1 % ( 26 %) Slider(Pinvar{4}) 4.3 % ( 4 %) ExtSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 3.4 % ( 3 %) ExtTBR(Tau{all},V{all}) 6.1 % ( 5 %) NNI(Tau{all},V{all}) 2.9 % ( 2 %) ParsSPR(Tau{all},V{all}) 26.0 % ( 21 %) Multiplier(V{all}) 27.2 % ( 30 %) Nodeslider(V{all}) 24.4 % ( 33 %) TLMultiplier(V{all}) Chain swap information for run 1: 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------- 1 | 0.08 0.00 0.00 2 | 482191 0.21 0.02 3 | 483545 480907 0.21 4 | 482585 482269 483503 Chain swap information for run 2: 1 2 3 4 ---------------------------------- 1 | 0.13 0.00 0.00 2 | 482888 0.14 0.01 3 | 483199 480559 0.24 4 | 482458 482915 482981 Upper diagonal: Proportion of successful state exchanges between chains Lower diagonal: Number of attempted state exchanges between chains Chain information: ID -- Heat ----------- 1 -- 1.00 (cold chain) 2 -- 0.87 3 -- 0.77 4 -- 0.69 Heat = 1 / (1 + T * (ID - 1)) (where T = 0.15 is the temperature and ID is the chain number) Using relative burnin (a fraction of samples discarded). Setting burnin fraction to 0.25 Summarizing parameters in files infile.nex.run1.p and infile.nex.run2.p Writing summary statistics to file infile.nex.pstat Using relative burnin ('relburnin=yes'), discarding the first 25 % of samples Below are rough plots of the generation (x-axis) versus the log probability of observing the data (y-axis). You can use these graphs to determine what the burn in for your analysis should be. When the log probability starts to plateau you may be at station- arity. Sample trees and parameters after the log probability plateaus. Of course, this is not a guarantee that you are at sta- tionarity. Also examine the convergence diagnostics provided by the 'sump' and 'sumt' commands for all the parameters in your model. Remember that the burn in is the number of samples to dis- card. There are a total of ngen / samplefreq samples taken during a MCMC analysis. Overlay plot for both runs: (1 = Run number 1; 2 = Run number 2; * = Both runs) +------------------------------------------------------------+ -25040.33 | 12 | | 2 2 1 | | 1 1 2 1 2 | | 22 2 2 2 2 | | 2 2 2 1| |1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 * 1 2*2| | 1 1 2 1 1 * 2212 21 11 1 | |2 1 2 1 1 * 2 1 1 1 12 1 1 122 2 1 | | 2 22 2 1 12 2 12 2 22 2 2 | | 22 11 12 2 1 212 1 1 1 112 | | 2 1 1 | | 1 1 1 | | 1 | | 2 1 1 22 1 | | 2 1 1 | +------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+ -25063.63 ^ ^ 724000 2895000 Estimated marginal likelihoods for runs sampled in files "infile.nex.run1.p" and "infile.nex.run2.p": (Use the harmonic mean for Bayes factor comparisons of models) (Values are saved to the file infile.nex.lstat) Run Arithmetic mean Harmonic mean -------------------------------------- 1 -25022.17 -25103.76 2 -25018.51 -25089.91 -------------------------------------- TOTAL -25019.18 -25103.06 -------------------------------------- Model parameter summaries over the runs sampled in files "infile.nex.run1.p" and "infile.nex.run2.p": Summaries are based on a total of 4344 samples from 2 runs. Each run produced 2896 samples of which 2172 samples were included. Parameter summaries saved to file "infile.nex.pstat". 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median min ESS* avg ESS PSRF+ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TL{all} 5.669773 0.050328 5.252346 6.114177 5.661532 405.92 429.44 1.001 kappa{3,4} 3.365120 0.018670 3.105872 3.636550 3.361270 1623.97 1689.57 1.000 r(A<->C){1} 0.104504 0.000484 0.064132 0.150471 0.102840 1028.17 1199.64 1.001 r(A<->G){1} 0.216565 0.002418 0.131549 0.316936 0.211003 560.21 574.33 1.000 r(A<->T){1} 0.052322 0.000229 0.024693 0.082058 0.051451 1359.67 1423.01 1.000 r(C<->G){1} 0.029066 0.000140 0.007406 0.052262 0.027780 1174.68 1215.24 1.000 r(C<->T){1} 0.509874 0.003163 0.401385 0.622249 0.511805 445.84 520.88 1.000 r(G<->T){1} 0.087668 0.000281 0.056506 0.121386 0.086648 1328.87 1361.07 1.001 r(A<->C){2} 0.093890 0.000171 0.067512 0.118907 0.092779 1154.85 1161.20 1.000 r(A<->G){2} 0.218331 0.000552 0.171317 0.263261 0.217592 543.31 579.08 1.001 r(A<->T){2} 0.117265 0.000209 0.089795 0.145714 0.116695 851.96 924.05 1.000 r(C<->G){2} 0.080937 0.000145 0.057981 0.104687 0.080241 894.71 1056.90 1.000 r(C<->T){2} 0.394866 0.000768 0.341160 0.447380 0.394506 392.20 460.19 1.000 r(G<->T){2} 0.094710 0.000156 0.069615 0.118421 0.094362 763.81 919.71 1.000 pi(A){1} 0.246607 0.000200 0.220488 0.275114 0.246568 1379.96 1515.88 1.000 pi(C){1} 0.218432 0.000160 0.195399 0.245224 0.218019 1352.11 1506.05 1.000 pi(G){1} 0.300383 0.000242 0.268592 0.329762 0.300371 852.66 1044.93 1.001 pi(T){1} 0.234578 0.000179 0.208966 0.260961 0.234559 1128.31 1267.40 1.000 pi(A){2} 0.207996 0.000162 0.184104 0.233141 0.207996 760.69 939.66 1.000 pi(C){2} 0.284176 0.000193 0.256880 0.311580 0.284069 571.40 617.26 1.001 pi(G){2} 0.258936 0.000194 0.231647 0.285433 0.258676 765.72 852.11 1.000 pi(T){2} 0.248892 0.000164 0.224646 0.274694 0.248406 805.03 890.68 1.000 pi(A){3} 0.239021 0.000140 0.215236 0.261543 0.238892 1502.21 1538.22 1.000 pi(C){3} 0.302718 0.000163 0.279026 0.328727 0.302314 1378.20 1437.33 1.000 pi(G){3} 0.182336 0.000102 0.162372 0.201236 0.182158 1879.02 1901.02 1.000 pi(T){3} 0.275926 0.000151 0.251776 0.299614 0.276015 1518.67 1627.43 1.001 pi(A){4} 0.230630 0.000064 0.214615 0.245750 0.230695 1706.79 1752.09 1.000 pi(C){4} 0.299993 0.000085 0.281822 0.317296 0.299743 1171.82 1501.71 1.000 pi(G){4} 0.212101 0.000059 0.197602 0.227478 0.211959 1457.43 1672.40 1.000 pi(T){4} 0.257276 0.000071 0.240383 0.273760 0.257244 1631.92 1771.56 1.000 alpha{1} 0.218249 0.000340 0.183754 0.253997 0.216822 1115.17 1192.33 1.000 alpha{2} 0.375937 0.002300 0.290486 0.467735 0.369453 887.66 972.14 1.000 alpha{3} 1.210093 0.101699 0.638455 1.868356 1.193116 673.88 676.09 1.002 alpha{4} 1.438632 0.047228 1.028789 1.859115 1.432728 989.36 1228.67 1.001 pinvar{1} 0.634857 0.000730 0.581466 0.685458 0.635596 1176.90 1258.53 1.000 pinvar{2} 0.196137 0.002093 0.105917 0.285219 0.197320 1195.99 1320.53 1.000 pinvar{3} 0.262348 0.003994 0.123544 0.364143 0.272167 599.30 618.93 1.001 pinvar{4} 0.165144 0.000905 0.103903 0.220913 0.167411 950.29 1190.58 1.000 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Convergence diagnostic (ESS = Estimated Sample Size); min and avg values correspond to minimal and average ESS among runs. ESS value below 100 may indicate that the parameter is undersampled. + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. Using relative burnin (a fraction of samples discarded). Setting burnin fraction to 0.25 Summarizing trees in files "infile.nex.run1.t" and "infile.nex.run2.t" Using relative burnin ('relburnin=yes'), discarding the first 25 % of sampled trees Writing statistics to files infile.nex. Examining first file ... Found one tree block in file "infile.nex.run1.t" with 2896 trees in last block Expecting the same number of trees in the last tree block of all files Tree reading status: 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v-------v ********************************************************************************* Read a total of 5792 trees in 2 files (sampling 4344 of them) (Each file contained 2896 trees of which 2172 were sampled) General explanation: In an unrooted tree, a taxon bipartition (split) is specified by removing a branch, thereby dividing the species into those to the left and those to the right of the branch. Here, taxa to one side of the removed branch are denoted '.' and those to the other side are denoted '*'. Specifically, the '.' symbol is used for the taxa on the same side as the outgroup. In a rooted or clock tree, the tree is rooted using the model and not by reference to an outgroup. Each bipartition therefore corresponds to a clade, that is, a group that includes all the descendants of a particular branch in the tree. Taxa that are included in each clade are denoted using '*', and taxa that are not included are denoted using the '.' symbol. The output first includes a key to all the bipartitions with frequency larger or equual to (Minpartfreq) in at least one run. Minpartfreq is a parameter to sumt command and currently it is set to 0.10. This is followed by a table with statistics for the informative bipartitions (those including at least two taxa), sorted from highest to lowest probability. For each bipartition, the table gives the number of times the partition or split was observed in all runs (#obs) and the posterior probability of the bipartition (Probab.), which is the same as the split frequency. If several runs are summarized, this is followed by the minimum split frequency (Min(s)), the maximum frequency (Max(s)), and the standard deviation of frequencies (Stddev(s)) across runs. The latter value should approach 0 for all bipartitions as MCMC runs converge. This is followed by a table summarizing branch lengths, node heights (if a clock model was used) and relaxed clock parameters (if a relaxed clock model was used). The mean, variance, and 95 % credible interval are given for each of these parameters. If several runs are summarized, the potential scale reduction factor (PSRF) is also given; it should approach 1 as runs converge. Node heights will take calibration points into account, if such points were used in the analysis. Note that Stddev may be unreliable if the partition is not present in all runs (the last column indicates the number of runs that sampled the partition if more than one run is summarized). The PSRF is not calculated at all if the partition is not present in all runs.The PSRF is also sensitive to small sample sizes and it should only be considered a rough guide to convergence since some of the assumptions allowing one to interpret it as a true potential scale reduction factor are violated in MrBayes. List of taxa in bipartitions: 1 -- Arthrinium_aquaticum_S_642 2 -- Arthrinium_arundinis_CBS_133509 3 -- Arthrinium_arundinis_CBS_449_92 4 -- Arthrinium_aureum_CBS_244_83 5 -- Arthrinium_balearicum_CBS_145129 6 -- Arthrinium_bambusae_LC7106 7 -- Arthrinium_bambusae_LC7124 8 -- Arthrinium_bambusicola 9 -- Arthrinium_camelliaesinensis_LC5007 10 -- Arthrinium_camelliaesinensis_LC8181 11 -- Arthrinium_caricicola_CBS_145127 12 -- Arthrinium_chinense_CFCC_53036 13 -- Arthrinium_chinense_CFCC_53037 14 -- Arthrinium_chromolaenae_MFLUCC_17_1505 15 -- Arthrinium_descalsii_CBS_145130 16 -- Arthrinium_dichotomanthi_LC4950 17 -- Arthrinium_dichotomanthi_LC8175 18 -- Arthrinium_esporlense_CBS_145136 19 -- Arthrinium_euphorbiae_IMI_285638b 20 -- Arthrinium_gaoyouense_CFCC_52301 21 -- Arthrinium_gaoyouense_CFCC_52302 22 -- Arthrinium_garethjonesii_KUMCC_16_0202 23 -- Arthrinium_guizhouense_LC5318 24 -- Arthrinium_guizhouense_LC5322 25 -- Arthrinium_gutiae_CBS_135835 26 -- Arthrinium_hispanicum_IMI_326877 27 -- Arthrinium_hydei_CBS_114990 28 -- Arthrinium_hydei_KUMCC_16_0204 29 -- Arthrinium_hyphopodii_KUMCC_16_0201 30 -- Arthrinium_hyphopodii_MFLUCC_15_0003 31 -- Arthrinium_hysterinum_CBS_145133 32 -- Arthrinium_hysterinum_ICPM6889 33 -- Arthrinium_ibericum_CBS_145137 34 -- Arthrinium_italicum_CBS_145138 35 -- Arthrinium_italicum_CBS_145139 36 -- Arthrinium_japonicum_IFO_31098 37 -- Arthrinium_japonicum_IFO30500 38 -- Arthrinium_jatrophae_AMH_9556 39 -- Arthrinium_jatrophae_AMH_9557 40 -- Arthrinium_jiangxiense_LC4494 41 -- Arthrinium_jiangxiense_LC4577 42 -- Arthrinium_kogelbergense_CBS_113332 43 -- Arthrinium_kogelbergense_CBS_113333 44 -- Arthrinium_locuta_pollinis_LC11683 45 -- Arthrinium_locuta_pollinis_LC11688 46 -- Arthrinium_longistromum_MFLUCC_11_0479 47 -- Arthrinium_longistromum_MFLUCC_11_0481 48 -- Arthrinium_malaysianum_CBS_102053 49 -- Arthrinium_marii_CBS_497_90 50 -- Arthrinium_mediterranei_IMI_326875 51 -- Arthrinium_minus_AP25418 52 -- Arthrinium_minus_CBS_145131 53 -- Arthrinium_mytilomorphum_DAOM_214595 54 -- Arthrinium_neogarethjonesii_DQD_2019a 55 -- Arthrinium_neosubglobosa_JHB006 56 -- Arthrinium_neosubglobosa_KUMCC_16_0203 57 -- Arthrinium_obovatum_LC4940 58 -- Arthrinium_obovatum_LC8177 59 -- Arthrinium_ovatum_CBS_115042 60 -- Arthrinium_paraphaeospermum_MFLUCC_13_0644 61 -- Arthrinium_phaeospermum_CBS_114317 62 -- Arthrinium_phaeospermum_CBS_114318 63 -- Arthrinium_phragmitis_CPC_18900 64 -- Arthrinium_phyllostachium_MFLUCC_18_1101 65 -- Arthrinium_piptatheri_CBS_145149 66 -- Arthrinium_pseudoparenchymaticum_LC7234 67 -- Arthrinium_pseudoparenchymaticum_LC8173 68 -- Arthrinium_pseudosinense_CPC_21546 69 -- Arthrinium_pseudospegazzinii_CBS_102052 70 -- Arthrinium_pterospermum_CBS_123185 71 -- Arthrinium_pterospermum_CPC_20193 72 -- Arthrinium_puccinioides_CBS_549_86 73 -- Arthrinium_qinlingense_CFCC_52303 74 -- Arthrinium_qinlingense_CFCC_52304 75 -- Arthrinium_rasikravindrae_LC8179 76 -- Arthrinium_rasikravindrae_NFCCI_2144 77 -- Arthrinium_sacchari_CBS_372_67 78 -- Arthrinium_sacchari_CBS_664_74 79 -- Arthrinium_saccharicola_CBS_191_73 80 -- Arthrinium_saccharicola_CBS_831_71 81 -- Arthrinium_serenense_IMI_326869 82 -- Arthrinium_setostromum_KUMCC_19_0217 83 -- Arthrinium_sporophleum_CBS_145154 84 -- Arthrinium_subglobosum_MFLUCC_11_0397 85 -- Arthrinium_subroseum_LC7291 86 -- Arthrinium_subroseum_LC7292 87 -- Arthrinium_thailandicum_MFLUCC_15_0199 88 -- Arthrinium_thailandicum_MFLUCC_15_0202 89 -- Arthrinium_trachycarpum_CFCC_53038 90 -- Arthrinium_trachycarpum_CFCC_53039 91 -- Arthrinium_urticae_IMI_326344 92 -- Arthrinium_vietnamense_IMI_99670 93 -- Arthrinium_xenocordella_CBS_478_86 94 -- Arthrinium_xenocordella_CBS_595_66 95 -- Arthrinium_yunnanum_DDQ00281 96 -- Arthrinium_yunnanum_MFLUCC_15_1002 97 -- Seiridium_phylicae_CPC_19962 98 -- Seiridium_phylicae_CPC_19965 Key to taxon bipartitions (saved to file ""): ID -- Partition -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -- *...................................................................... 2 -- .*..................................................................... 3 -- ..*.................................................................... 4 -- ...*................................................................... 5 -- ....*.................................................................. 6 -- .....*................................................................. 7 -- ......*................................................................ 8 -- .......*............................................................... 9 -- ........*.............................................................. 10 -- .........*............................................................. 11 -- ..........*............................................................ 12 -- ...........*........................................................... 13 -- ............*.......................................................... 14 -- .............*......................................................... 15 -- ..............*........................................................ 16 -- ...............*....................................................... 17 -- ................*...................................................... 18 -- .................*..................................................... 19 -- ..................*.................................................... 20 -- ...................*................................................... 21 -- ....................*.................................................. 22 -- .....................*................................................. 23 -- ......................*................................................ 24 -- .......................*............................................... 25 -- ........................*.............................................. 26 -- .........................*............................................. 27 -- ..........................*............................................ 28 -- ...........................*........................................... 29 -- ............................*.......................................... 30 -- .............................*......................................... 31 -- ..............................*........................................ 32 -- ...............................*....................................... 33 -- ................................*...................................... 34 -- .................................*..................................... 35 -- ..................................*.................................... 36 -- ...................................*................................... 37 -- ....................................*.................................. 38 -- .....................................*................................. 39 -- ......................................*................................ 40 -- .......................................*............................... 41 -- ........................................*.............................. 42 -- .........................................*............................. 43 -- ..........................................*............................ 44 -- ...........................................*........................... 45 -- ............................................*.......................... 46 -- .............................................*......................... 47 -- ..............................................*........................ 48 -- ...............................................*....................... 49 -- ................................................*...................... 50 -- .................................................*..................... 51 -- ..................................................*.................... 52 -- ...................................................*................... 53 -- ....................................................*.................. 54 -- .....................................................*................. 55 -- ......................................................*................ 56 -- .......................................................*............... 57 -- ........................................................*.............. 58 -- .........................................................*............. 59 -- ..........................................................*............ 60 -- ...........................................................*........... 61 -- ............................................................*.......... 62 -- .............................................................*......... 63 -- ..............................................................*........ 64 -- ...............................................................*....... 65 -- ................................................................*...... 66 -- .................................................................*..... 67 -- ..................................................................*.... 68 -- ...................................................................*... 69 -- ....................................................................*.. 70 -- .....................................................................*. 71 -- ......................................................................* 72 -- ....................................................................... 73 -- ....................................................................... 74 -- ....................................................................... 75 -- ....................................................................... 76 -- ....................................................................... 77 -- ....................................................................... 78 -- ....................................................................... 79 -- ....................................................................... 80 -- ....................................................................... 81 -- ....................................................................... 82 -- ....................................................................... 83 -- ....................................................................... 84 -- 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*********************************************************************** 109 -- ............................**......................................... 110 -- .....................................................*................. 111 -- ...................**.**.*.................****.**..............*...... 112 -- .**.................................................................... 113 -- ...................................**.................................. 114 -- .**..........*...**..............**......**....*...............*....... 115 -- .**..........*....*..............**............*...............*....... 116 -- .............*....*..............**............*...............*....... 117 -- ....................................................................... 118 -- ....................................................................... 119 -- ...................**.................................................. 120 -- .....**..............*..............................**................. 121 -- .......................................**.............................. 122 -- ....*.........*...............................................*........ 123 -- ..................................................**................... 124 -- .........................................**............................ 125 -- ....................................................................... 126 -- .......................................**...............**............. 127 -- .....**................................................................ 128 -- ........................................................**............. 129 -- ...*......................**........................................... 130 -- ...**......**.*...........**...............................*..*........ 131 -- .....................................**................................ 132 -- ...................................**.................................. 133 -- ...................**.**.*.................****.**..............*...*.. 134 -- ............................................................**......... 135 -- .................*.......................**............................ 136 -- ...........**.......................................................... 137 -- ..........*........................**.............**................... 138 -- .................................**.................................... 139 -- ...*.......**.............**...............................*........... 140 -- ...............**...................................................... 141 -- ......................................................**............... 142 -- *..............**...............*...........................**......... 143 -- ....................................................................... 144 -- ....................................................................... 145 -- ......................**............................................... 146 -- ..................*............................*....................... 147 -- *...........................................................**......... 148 -- ...........................................................*........... 149 -- .****......****..**.......**.....**......**....*...........*..**....... 150 -- .......*................*.............................................. 151 -- .................................**.................................... 152 -- *...........................................................**......... 153 -- .............*....*............................*...............*....... 154 -- ..............................**..........................*............ 155 -- ...........**..............................................*........... 156 -- ....................................................................... 157 -- ....................................................................... 158 -- ....*.........*........................................................ 159 -- ............................................................**......... 160 -- *.......**.....**...............*......**...............**..**......... 161 -- *.......**.....**..**.**.*......*......**..****.**......**..**..*...*.. 162 -- ..........................**........................................... 163 -- ....................................................................... 164 -- .....**..............*......**......................**...........**.... 165 -- ...................**....*.................**...**..................... 166 -- ......................................................**.............** 167 -- ...........................................**.......................... 168 -- 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.....**..............*......****....................****..*......***.** 181 -- ..................*............................*....................... 182 -- ...................**.**.*.................**...**..............*...... 183 -- ......................**............................................... 184 -- .******....****..**..*....******.**......**....*....****..**..**.***.** 185 -- .............................................**........................ 186 -- .........................*......................**..................... 187 -- .....................*..............................*.................. 188 -- *******.**.*************.**********....***********..******************* 189 -- ...................**.**.*.................**...**..................... 190 -- **********.************************....***********..******************* 191 -- ....................................................*.................. 192 -- ........**.............................**...............**............. 193 -- ....................................................................... 194 -- ...........................................................*........... 195 -- .....................*................................................. 196 -- *..............**...............*......**...............**..**......... 197 -- ......................**........................................*...... 198 -- ...................**...........................*...................... 199 -- .......*................*............**................................ 200 -- .....**..............*......****.....**.............****..*......***.** 201 -- .*******...****..**..*..*.******.**..**..**....*....****..**..**.***.** 202 -- .............................................**.................*...... 203 -- .........................*.................**....*..................... 204 -- .******....****..**..*....******.**..**..**....*....****..**..**.***.** 205 -- .....................*...............................*................. 206 -- *.......**.....**...............*...........................**......... 207 -- ...................**.**.*.................***..**..............*...... 208 -- .............*....*............................*....................... 209 -- ...........................................................*........... 210 -- ...................**.**.*.................**.*.**..............*...... 211 -- ................................................................*...... 212 -- .....................................**...............**...........*.** 213 -- *..............**...........................................**......... 214 -- ..........*........................**.............**................... 215 -- *******.**.*************.**********..*************..******************* 216 -- ......................**.....................**.................*...... 217 -- .............*......................................................... 218 -- ..................*............................*...............*....... 219 -- .....................*..............................*.................. 220 -- .....................................**............................*... 221 -- ...................**....*.......................*..................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ID -- Partition (continued) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 -- ........................... 2 -- ........................... 3 -- ........................... 4 -- ........................... 5 -- ........................... 6 -- ........................... 7 -- ........................... 8 -- ........................... 9 -- ........................... 10 -- ........................... 11 -- ........................... 12 -- ........................... 13 -- ........................... 14 -- ........................... 15 -- ........................... 16 -- ........................... 17 -- ........................... 18 -- ........................... 19 -- ........................... 20 -- ........................... 21 -- ........................... 22 -- ........................... 23 -- ........................... 24 -- ........................... 25 -- ........................... 26 -- ........................... 27 -- ........................... 28 -- ........................... 29 -- ........................... 30 -- ........................... 31 -- ........................... 32 -- ........................... 33 -- ........................... 34 -- ........................... 35 -- ........................... 36 -- ........................... 37 -- ........................... 38 -- ........................... 39 -- ........................... 40 -- 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........................... 70 -- ........................... 71 -- ........................... 72 -- *.......................... 73 -- .*......................... 74 -- ..*........................ 75 -- ...*....................... 76 -- ....*...................... 77 -- .....*..................... 78 -- ......*.................... 79 -- .......*................... 80 -- ........*.................. 81 -- .........*................. 82 -- ..........*................ 83 -- ...........*............... 84 -- ............*.............. 85 -- .............*............. 86 -- ..............*............ 87 -- ...............*........... 88 -- ................*.......... 89 -- .................*......... 90 -- ..................*........ 91 -- ...................*....... 92 -- ....................*...... 93 -- .....................*..... 94 -- ......................*.... 95 -- .......................*... 96 -- ........................*.. 97 -- .........................*. 98 -- 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.....**.................... 183 -- .....**.................... 184 -- .****.....*.*****...*****.. 185 -- ........................... 186 -- ........................... 187 -- .............**............ 188 -- .**********.*****...*****.. 189 -- .....**.................... 190 -- .**********.*****...*****.. 191 -- .............**............ 192 -- ........................... 193 -- ...**...................... 194 -- ...*....................... 195 -- .............**............ 196 -- .......***................. 197 -- .....**.................... 198 -- ........................... 199 -- ........................... 200 -- ..........*.***........**.. 201 -- .****.....*.*****...*****.. 202 -- ........................... 203 -- ........................... 204 -- .****.....*.*****...*****.. 205 -- ..........*..**............ 206 -- .......***................. 207 -- .....**.................... 208 -- ........................... 209 -- ....*...................... 210 -- .....**.................... 211 -- .....**.................... 212 -- ............*.............. 213 -- .......***................. 214 -- ...........*............... 215 -- .**********.*****...*****.. 216 -- .....**.................... 217 -- ....................*...... 218 -- ....................*...... 219 -- ........................... 220 -- ........................... 221 -- ........................... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Summary statistics for informative taxon bipartitions (saved to file "infile.nex.tstat"): ID #obs Probab. Sd(s)+ Min(s) Max(s) Nruns ----------------------------------------------------------------- 99 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 100 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 101 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 102 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 103 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 104 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 105 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 106 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 107 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 108 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 109 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 110 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 111 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 112 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 113 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 114 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 115 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 116 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 117 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 118 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 119 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 120 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 121 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 122 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 123 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 124 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 125 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 126 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 127 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 128 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 129 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 130 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 131 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 132 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 133 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 134 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 135 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 136 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 137 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 138 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 139 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 140 4344 1.000000 0.000000 1.000000 1.000000 2 141 4343 0.999770 0.000326 0.999540 1.000000 2 142 4343 0.999770 0.000326 0.999540 1.000000 2 143 4343 0.999770 0.000326 0.999540 1.000000 2 144 4342 0.999540 0.000000 0.999540 0.999540 2 145 4342 0.999540 0.000651 0.999079 1.000000 2 146 4341 0.999309 0.000326 0.999079 0.999540 2 147 4340 0.999079 0.000651 0.998619 0.999540 2 148 4339 0.998849 0.000977 0.998158 0.999540 2 149 4338 0.998619 0.001302 0.997698 0.999540 2 150 4336 0.998158 0.001953 0.996777 0.999540 2 151 4333 0.997468 0.003581 0.994936 1.000000 2 152 4332 0.997238 0.000651 0.996777 0.997698 2 153 4330 0.996777 0.001953 0.995396 0.998158 2 154 4327 0.996087 0.005534 0.992173 1.000000 2 155 4327 0.996087 0.000326 0.995856 0.996317 2 156 4326 0.995856 0.001302 0.994936 0.996777 2 157 4320 0.994475 0.000000 0.994475 0.994475 2 158 4301 0.990101 0.000326 0.989871 0.990331 2 159 4267 0.982274 0.005534 0.978361 0.986188 2 160 4207 0.968462 0.029626 0.947514 0.989411 2 161 4206 0.968232 0.029951 0.947053 0.989411 2 162 4201 0.967081 0.006186 0.962707 0.971455 2 163 4199 0.966621 0.006837 0.961786 0.971455 2 164 4192 0.965009 0.016278 0.953499 0.976519 2 165 4185 0.963398 0.007488 0.958103 0.968692 2 166 4165 0.958794 0.043950 0.927716 0.989871 2 167 4135 0.951888 0.000326 0.951657 0.952118 2 168 4092 0.941989 0.011720 0.933702 0.950276 2 169 4083 0.939917 0.005534 0.936004 0.943831 2 170 3950 0.909300 0.000651 0.908840 0.909761 2 171 3840 0.883978 0.010418 0.876611 0.891344 2 172 3697 0.851059 0.008790 0.844843 0.857274 2 173 3688 0.848987 0.010418 0.841621 0.856354 2 174 3611 0.831262 0.022463 0.815378 0.847145 2 175 3608 0.830571 0.003907 0.827808 0.833333 2 176 3558 0.819061 0.038416 0.791897 0.846225 2 177 3501 0.805939 0.010743 0.798343 0.813536 2 178 3394 0.781308 0.022789 0.765193 0.797422 2 179 3235 0.744705 0.008790 0.738490 0.750921 2 180 3158 0.726980 0.072273 0.675875 0.778085 2 181 3113 0.716621 0.020510 0.702118 0.731123 2 182 3105 0.714779 0.019208 0.701197 0.728361 2 183 3082 0.709484 0.056647 0.669429 0.749540 2 184 3066 0.705801 0.083342 0.646869 0.764733 2 185 2811 0.647099 0.024417 0.629834 0.664365 2 186 2810 0.646869 0.001302 0.645948 0.647790 2 187 2720 0.626151 0.002604 0.624309 0.627993 2 188 2613 0.601519 0.050461 0.565838 0.637201 2 189 2221 0.511280 0.068692 0.462707 0.559853 2 190 2132 0.490792 0.034509 0.466390 0.515193 2 191 2097 0.482735 0.017254 0.470534 0.494936 2 192 1999 0.460175 0.010743 0.452578 0.467772 2 193 1829 0.421041 0.002930 0.418969 0.423112 2 194 1791 0.412293 0.003581 0.409761 0.414825 2 195 1604 0.369245 0.007162 0.364180 0.374309 2 196 1501 0.345534 0.001628 0.344383 0.346685 2 197 1476 0.339779 0.030602 0.318140 0.361418 2 198 1118 0.257366 0.019533 0.243554 0.271179 2 199 1062 0.244475 0.001302 0.243554 0.245396 2 200 967 0.222606 0.027021 0.203499 0.241713 2 201 910 0.209484 0.003907 0.206722 0.212247 2 202 901 0.207413 0.020510 0.192910 0.221915 2 203 890 0.204880 0.025393 0.186924 0.222836 2 204 843 0.194061 0.038090 0.167127 0.220994 2 205 806 0.185543 0.004558 0.182320 0.188766 2 206 760 0.174954 0.005209 0.171271 0.178637 2 207 749 0.172422 0.022463 0.156538 0.188306 2 208 736 0.169429 0.021487 0.154236 0.184622 2 209 724 0.166667 0.006511 0.162063 0.171271 2 210 682 0.156998 0.001302 0.156077 0.157919 2 211 667 0.153545 0.020510 0.139042 0.168048 2 212 627 0.144337 0.030277 0.122928 0.165746 2 213 584 0.134438 0.006511 0.129834 0.139042 2 214 572 0.131676 0.009767 0.124770 0.138582 2 215 527 0.121317 0.043299 0.090700 0.151934 2 216 498 0.114641 0.027347 0.095304 0.133978 2 217 495 0.113950 0.000977 0.113260 0.114641 2 218 454 0.104512 0.014976 0.093923 0.115101 2 219 436 0.100368 0.012371 0.091621 0.109116 2 220 404 0.093002 0.011720 0.084715 0.101289 2 221 380 0.087477 0.021487 0.072284 0.102670 2 ----------------------------------------------------------------- + Convergence diagnostic (standard deviation of split frequencies) should approach 0.0 as runs converge. Summary statistics for branch and node parameters (saved to file "infile.nex.vstat"): 95% HPD Interval -------------------- Parameter Mean Variance Lower Upper Median PSRF+ Nruns -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- length{all}[1] 0.004559 0.000010 0.000096 0.010846 0.003972 1.000 2 length{all}[2] 0.001647 0.000001 0.000069 0.003644 0.001456 1.000 2 length{all}[3] 0.002306 0.000001 0.000418 0.004653 0.002110 1.000 2 length{all}[4] 0.016994 0.000012 0.010508 0.024115 0.016737 1.000 2 length{all}[5] 0.015532 0.000014 0.008285 0.022591 0.015208 1.004 2 length{all}[6] 0.000676 0.000000 0.000000 0.001991 0.000465 1.000 2 length{all}[7] 0.001315 0.000001 0.000045 0.003156 0.001133 1.000 2 length{all}[8] 0.090929 0.000228 0.061824 0.121510 0.090574 1.002 2 length{all}[9] 0.006240 0.000004 0.002596 0.010309 0.006055 1.002 2 length{all}[10] 0.002671 0.000002 0.000505 0.005548 0.002423 1.001 2 length{all}[11] 0.071796 0.000224 0.043899 0.100724 0.071169 1.000 2 length{all}[12] 0.000772 0.000001 0.000000 0.002285 0.000543 1.001 2 length{all}[13] 0.000757 0.000001 0.000001 0.002227 0.000517 1.000 2 length{all}[14] 0.002268 0.000005 0.000001 0.006892 0.001563 1.000 2 length{all}[15] 0.010047 0.000009 0.004394 0.016108 0.009706 1.000 2 length{all}[16] 0.000568 0.000000 0.000001 0.001683 0.000406 1.000 2 length{all}[17] 0.002204 0.000001 0.000422 0.004371 0.002021 1.000 2 length{all}[18] 0.028955 0.000052 0.017040 0.044438 0.028447 1.000 2 length{all}[19] 0.002382 0.000002 0.000168 0.005029 0.002142 1.000 2 length{all}[20] 0.000579 0.000000 0.000000 0.001754 0.000411 1.000 2 length{all}[21] 0.000567 0.000000 0.000000 0.001706 0.000405 1.001 2 length{all}[22] 0.014160 0.000035 0.004836 0.026582 0.013248 1.000 2 length{all}[23] 0.000555 0.000000 0.000000 0.001651 0.000392 1.000 2 length{all}[24] 0.001106 0.000001 0.000038 0.002633 0.000937 1.000 2 length{all}[25] 0.084160 0.000178 0.058447 0.110783 0.083527 1.002 2 length{all}[26] 0.000754 0.000001 0.000001 0.002242 0.000525 1.000 2 length{all}[27] 0.003397 0.000009 0.000001 0.009323 0.002618 1.000 2 length{all}[28] 0.002297 0.000005 0.000001 0.006862 0.001616 1.001 2 length{all}[29] 0.002945 0.000008 0.000000 0.008636 0.002086 1.000 2 length{all}[30] 0.007030 0.000025 0.000028 0.016537 0.005880 1.000 2 length{all}[31] 0.002129 0.000003 0.000004 0.005370 0.001735 1.001 2 length{all}[32] 0.001045 0.000001 0.000000 0.003109 0.000728 1.000 2 length{all}[33] 0.023410 0.000021 0.014526 0.032102 0.023180 1.000 2 length{all}[34] 0.002114 0.000001 0.000175 0.004424 0.001885 1.000 2 length{all}[35] 0.002367 0.000002 0.000292 0.005181 0.002098 1.003 2 length{all}[36] 0.001018 0.000001 0.000000 0.003083 0.000677 1.000 2 length{all}[37] 0.000994 0.000001 0.000001 0.002986 0.000702 1.000 2 length{all}[38] 0.003183 0.000011 0.000001 0.009659 0.002114 1.000 2 length{all}[39] 0.003118 0.000010 0.000002 0.009691 0.002139 1.000 2 length{all}[40] 0.001703 0.000001 0.000203 0.003724 0.001532 1.000 2 length{all}[41] 0.001120 0.000001 0.000002 0.002639 0.000954 1.000 2 length{all}[42] 0.001289 0.000001 0.000032 0.003141 0.001090 1.000 2 length{all}[43] 0.001656 0.000001 0.000015 0.003529 0.001494 1.000 2 length{all}[44] 0.000841 0.000001 0.000000 0.002508 0.000593 1.000 2 length{all}[45] 0.001509 0.000001 0.000024 0.003617 0.001263 1.000 2 length{all}[46] 0.002028 0.000004 0.000001 0.006096 0.001410 1.000 2 length{all}[47] 0.001996 0.000004 0.000000 0.006097 0.001411 1.001 2 length{all}[48] 0.000737 0.000001 0.000000 0.002242 0.000527 1.000 2 length{all}[49] 0.000550 0.000000 0.000000 0.001620 0.000389 1.001 2 length{all}[50] 0.000757 0.000001 0.000000 0.002287 0.000529 1.000 2 length{all}[51] 0.000921 0.000001 0.000000 0.002619 0.000667 1.000 2 length{all}[52] 0.000935 0.000001 0.000000 0.002759 0.000654 1.002 2 length{all}[53] 0.022872 0.000135 0.004322 0.045749 0.020463 1.000 2 length{all}[54] 0.002182 0.000005 0.000000 0.006697 0.001511 1.001 2 length{all}[55] 0.002105 0.000004 0.000000 0.006066 0.001498 1.000 2 length{all}[56] 0.002200 0.000005 0.000000 0.006372 0.001530 1.000 2 length{all}[57] 0.000564 0.000000 0.000000 0.001748 0.000374 1.000 2 length{all}[58] 0.001094 0.000001 0.000026 0.002533 0.000939 1.000 2 length{all}[59] 0.052328 0.000046 0.039004 0.065975 0.052046 1.008 2 length{all}[60] 0.027786 0.000068 0.013478 0.044514 0.027341 1.000 2 length{all}[61] 0.000541 0.000000 0.000001 0.001589 0.000376 1.002 2 length{all}[62] 0.000555 0.000000 0.000000 0.001647 0.000388 1.001 2 length{all}[63] 0.013265 0.000011 0.006998 0.019682 0.012856 1.003 2 length{all}[64] 0.011620 0.000007 0.006898 0.017066 0.011418 1.000 2 length{all}[65] 0.024077 0.000058 0.009396 0.038515 0.023342 1.000 2 length{all}[66] 0.000633 0.000000 0.000000 0.001906 0.000435 1.000 2 length{all}[67] 0.001845 0.000001 0.000219 0.003831 0.001666 1.000 2 length{all}[68] 0.047894 0.000132 0.024774 0.069335 0.047125 1.001 2 length{all}[69] 0.038975 0.000026 0.028545 0.048367 0.038659 1.001 2 length{all}[70] 0.002178 0.000002 0.000090 0.004702 0.001924 1.000 2 length{all}[71] 0.002404 0.000002 0.000392 0.004881 0.002201 1.000 2 length{all}[72] 0.158902 0.000397 0.118728 0.196732 0.158296 1.001 2 length{all}[73] 0.000616 0.000000 0.000000 0.001823 0.000430 1.000 2 length{all}[74] 0.000599 0.000000 0.000000 0.001749 0.000435 1.000 2 length{all}[75] 0.004697 0.000017 0.000000 0.013053 0.003498 1.001 2 length{all}[76] 0.008956 0.000027 0.000797 0.019308 0.007982 1.000 2 length{all}[77] 0.000537 0.000000 0.000000 0.001629 0.000379 1.000 2 length{all}[78] 0.000535 0.000000 0.000000 0.001597 0.000358 1.000 2 length{all}[79] 0.006417 0.000004 0.002926 0.010687 0.006169 1.001 2 length{all}[80] 0.004800 0.000003 0.001809 0.007971 0.004632 1.000 2 length{all}[81] 0.001588 0.000001 0.000078 0.003817 0.001336 1.001 2 length{all}[82] 0.004300 0.000008 0.000072 0.009765 0.003698 1.000 2 length{all}[83] 0.007905 0.000013 0.001433 0.014977 0.007452 1.001 2 length{all}[84] 0.483878 0.004181 0.366740 0.617974 0.479503 1.000 2 length{all}[85] 0.000573 0.000000 0.000001 0.001733 0.000386 1.000 2 length{all}[86] 0.000586 0.000000 0.000000 0.001744 0.000403 1.001 2 length{all}[87] 0.002122 0.000004 0.000001 0.006198 0.001536 1.000 2 length{all}[88] 0.002176 0.000005 0.000000 0.006470 0.001511 1.001 2 length{all}[89] 0.000971 0.000001 0.000000 0.002917 0.000646 1.000 2 length{all}[90] 0.000934 0.000001 0.000000 0.002826 0.000645 1.000 2 length{all}[91] 0.591717 0.004065 0.471843 0.713360 0.592045 1.000 2 length{all}[92] 0.001493 0.000002 0.000001 0.004568 0.001037 1.000 2 length{all}[93] 0.002755 0.000007 0.000001 0.008179 0.001956 1.000 2 length{all}[94] 0.002314 0.000005 0.000000 0.006841 0.001573 1.000 2 length{all}[95] 0.002054 0.000004 0.000001 0.006087 0.001452 1.000 2 length{all}[96] 0.002093 0.000004 0.000000 0.006398 0.001432 1.002 2 length{all}[97] 0.000740 0.000000 0.000001 0.002091 0.000533 1.000 2 length{all}[98] 0.001097 0.000001 0.000001 0.002740 0.000892 1.001 2 length{all}[99] 0.059586 0.000135 0.035388 0.080380 0.059444 1.000 2 length{all}[100] 0.009349 0.000005 0.005056 0.013979 0.009149 1.000 2 length{all}[101] 0.045206 0.000046 0.032023 0.058421 0.045221 1.000 2 length{all}[102] 0.144021 0.001515 0.064759 0.214709 0.146452 1.001 2 length{all}[103] 0.019992 0.000013 0.013405 0.027407 0.019777 1.003 2 length{all}[104] 0.041521 0.000101 0.023069 0.060486 0.041271 1.000 2 length{all}[105] 0.128648 0.000683 0.078148 0.178531 0.127026 1.003 2 length{all}[106] 0.154458 0.001253 0.091034 0.227164 0.153126 1.000 2 length{all}[107] 0.023491 0.000028 0.014096 0.034612 0.023264 1.000 2 length{all}[108] 0.293096 0.001147 0.225271 0.358092 0.292219 1.000 2 length{all}[109] 0.037468 0.000135 0.017342 0.061725 0.036276 1.004 2 length{all}[110] 0.013314 0.000023 0.004151 0.022208 0.013099 1.000 2 length{all}[111] 0.012673 0.000028 0.003582 0.023099 0.012182 1.007 2 length{all}[112] 0.022335 0.000018 0.014051 0.030606 0.022082 1.000 2 length{all}[113] 0.112057 0.000233 0.082652 0.142008 0.110850 1.000 2 length{all}[114] 0.054337 0.000054 0.040389 0.069180 0.054213 1.000 2 length{all}[115] 0.033389 0.000034 0.022170 0.045053 0.033133 1.000 2 length{all}[116] 0.015120 0.000013 0.007895 0.022236 0.014998 1.001 2 length{all}[117] 0.103050 0.000110 0.084036 0.124924 0.102330 1.006 2 length{all}[118] 0.233235 0.002704 0.132572 0.331849 0.233304 1.000 2 length{all}[119] 0.007678 0.000005 0.003842 0.011916 0.007552 1.001 2 length{all}[120] 0.085273 0.000090 0.067226 0.103284 0.084990 1.000 2 length{all}[121] 0.025319 0.000017 0.017092 0.033806 0.024943 1.003 2 length{all}[122] 0.033459 0.000033 0.022637 0.044203 0.033330 1.000 2 length{all}[123] 0.104719 0.000234 0.076643 0.137052 0.103295 1.001 2 length{all}[124] 0.098544 0.000110 0.077827 0.118505 0.098345 1.002 2 length{all}[125] 0.047135 0.000046 0.034719 0.060473 0.046729 1.000 2 length{all}[126] 0.005010 0.000004 0.001652 0.008835 0.004749 1.000 2 length{all}[127] 0.025413 0.000024 0.015705 0.034734 0.025089 1.000 2 length{all}[128] 0.015619 0.000011 0.009571 0.022026 0.015306 1.001 2 length{all}[129] 0.020143 0.000016 0.012999 0.028256 0.019891 1.003 2 length{all}[130] 0.026779 0.000026 0.017297 0.037130 0.026574 1.001 2 length{all}[131] 0.217957 0.001811 0.134021 0.300487 0.216723 1.001 2 length{all}[132] 0.023328 0.000031 0.012161 0.034352 0.023021 1.000 2 length{all}[133] 0.014447 0.000012 0.007972 0.021350 0.014162 1.000 2 length{all}[134] 0.002087 0.000002 0.000214 0.004479 0.001846 1.000 2 length{all}[135] 0.026108 0.000068 0.010219 0.041409 0.025822 1.000 2 length{all}[136] 0.042541 0.000038 0.030033 0.053634 0.042347 1.001 2 length{all}[137] 0.275712 0.001171 0.209474 0.342830 0.274929 1.001 2 length{all}[138] 0.015503 0.000022 0.006748 0.025054 0.015357 1.000 2 length{all}[139] 0.032290 0.000030 0.022067 0.043389 0.031960 1.003 2 length{all}[140] 0.010605 0.000007 0.005808 0.015543 0.010321 1.001 2 length{all}[141] 0.228167 0.001673 0.150537 0.306912 0.226377 1.004 2 length{all}[142] 0.018261 0.000013 0.011900 0.025387 0.017908 1.001 2 length{all}[143] 0.010881 0.000032 0.001796 0.022113 0.010021 1.001 2 length{all}[144] 0.096896 0.001859 0.015248 0.178562 0.093662 1.002 2 length{all}[145] 0.005707 0.000004 0.002422 0.009829 0.005554 1.000 2 length{all}[146] 0.004112 0.000007 0.000217 0.009102 0.003592 1.000 2 length{all}[147] 0.005620 0.000004 0.002290 0.009546 0.005485 1.000 2 length{all}[148] 0.015130 0.000032 0.003940 0.025204 0.015143 1.000 2 length{all}[149] 0.013002 0.000017 0.005184 0.021014 0.012658 1.002 2 length{all}[150] 0.055302 0.000310 0.021311 0.088130 0.054703 1.000 2 length{all}[151] 0.010004 0.000018 0.002108 0.017628 0.009606 1.001 2 length{all}[152] 0.008575 0.000012 0.002348 0.015396 0.008446 1.000 2 length{all}[153] 0.006639 0.000006 0.002052 0.011356 0.006494 1.000 2 length{all}[154] 0.044722 0.000056 0.031476 0.060682 0.044658 1.002 2 length{all}[155] 0.005992 0.000007 0.001343 0.011293 0.005767 1.001 2 length{all}[156] 0.007753 0.000020 0.000743 0.016331 0.007034 1.001 2 length{all}[157] 0.005689 0.000005 0.001271 0.009905 0.005655 1.001 2 length{all}[158] 0.004530 0.000005 0.000700 0.008512 0.004241 1.000 2 length{all}[159] 0.005579 0.000011 0.000211 0.011822 0.005126 1.000 2 length{all}[160] 0.010042 0.000009 0.004348 0.015888 0.009852 1.004 2 length{all}[161] 0.046266 0.000096 0.025849 0.064912 0.046844 1.000 2 length{all}[162] 0.008416 0.000012 0.002020 0.015193 0.008403 1.000 2 length{all}[163] 0.013701 0.000050 0.000135 0.025234 0.013730 1.000 2 length{all}[164] 0.018377 0.000036 0.007217 0.030357 0.018130 1.000 2 length{all}[165] 0.006752 0.000005 0.002521 0.011172 0.006611 1.000 2 length{all}[166] 0.018453 0.000068 0.005237 0.033335 0.017340 1.003 2 length{all}[167] 0.005576 0.000006 0.000099 0.009936 0.005451 1.002 2 length{all}[168] 0.017820 0.000055 0.004254 0.032185 0.017027 1.000 2 length{all}[169] 0.010534 0.000126 0.000008 0.030594 0.007569 1.002 2 length{all}[170] 0.004398 0.000007 0.000007 0.009043 0.003972 1.000 2 length{all}[171] 0.015549 0.000060 0.000257 0.029074 0.015161 1.000 2 length{all}[172] 0.026249 0.000118 0.007085 0.048657 0.025582 1.001 2 length{all}[173] 0.007005 0.000015 0.000260 0.014374 0.006464 1.000 2 length{all}[174] 0.007629 0.000017 0.000001 0.014498 0.007505 1.000 2 length{all}[175] 0.002571 0.000002 0.000063 0.005405 0.002322 1.000 2 length{all}[176] 0.051699 0.000141 0.029006 0.077784 0.052990 1.000 2 length{all}[177] 0.001451 0.000001 0.000013 0.003481 0.001225 1.000 2 length{all}[178] 0.002976 0.000003 0.000364 0.006102 0.002764 1.000 2 length{all}[179] 0.010909 0.000023 0.001672 0.019742 0.010561 1.000 2 length{all}[180] 0.029446 0.000039 0.018785 0.042579 0.028887 1.009 2 length{all}[181] 0.005912 0.000017 0.000008 0.013189 0.005340 1.000 2 length{all}[182] 0.006533 0.000014 0.000229 0.013573 0.006116 1.000 2 length{all}[183] 0.006516 0.000008 0.000035 0.010997 0.006646 1.000 2 length{all}[184] 0.011774 0.000019 0.004132 0.020416 0.011484 1.000 2 length{all}[185] 0.004905 0.000015 0.000002 0.012369 0.004086 1.000 2 length{all}[186] 0.001105 0.000001 0.000001 0.002691 0.000934 1.002 2 length{all}[187] 0.006544 0.000019 0.000003 0.014649 0.005955 1.003 2 length{all}[188] 0.022655 0.000106 0.003490 0.042174 0.022086 1.000 2 length{all}[189] 0.005753 0.000012 0.000171 0.012207 0.005132 1.000 2 length{all}[190] 0.047730 0.000911 0.000075 0.102714 0.044620 1.009 2 length{all}[191] 0.010359 0.000047 0.000004 0.023014 0.009381 1.000 2 length{all}[192] 0.001324 0.000001 0.000001 0.003426 0.001052 1.000 2 length{all}[193] 0.004652 0.000017 0.000003 0.013069 0.003472 1.001 2 length{all}[194] 0.004952 0.000017 0.000005 0.013128 0.003943 1.000 2 length{all}[195] 0.006176 0.000019 0.000003 0.014883 0.005155 1.003 2 length{all}[196] 0.001310 0.000001 0.000004 0.003505 0.001052 0.999 2 length{all}[197] 0.006638 0.000007 0.001539 0.011948 0.006638 1.000 2 length{all}[198] 0.001915 0.000002 0.000002 0.004425 0.001711 0.999 2 length{all}[199] 0.021813 0.000220 0.000167 0.050111 0.018163 0.999 2 length{all}[200] 0.029189 0.000041 0.016562 0.042165 0.028742 0.999 2 length{all}[201] 0.015165 0.000069 0.000096 0.031916 0.013658 1.002 2 length{all}[202] 0.005258 0.000014 0.000016 0.012473 0.004528 0.999 2 length{all}[203] 0.003198 0.000004 0.000026 0.006495 0.002977 1.007 2 length{all}[204] 0.010190 0.000019 0.002879 0.018575 0.009645 1.011 2 length{all}[205] 0.004893 0.000012 0.000041 0.011771 0.004283 1.003 2 length{all}[206] 0.000807 0.000001 0.000002 0.002328 0.000564 0.999 2 length{all}[207] 0.002034 0.000004 0.000004 0.005929 0.001371 0.999 2 length{all}[208] 0.002078 0.000004 0.000007 0.005939 0.001540 0.999 2 length{all}[209] 0.002409 0.000005 0.000002 0.007302 0.001775 0.999 2 length{all}[210] 0.001960 0.000004 0.000001 0.005646 0.001379 1.000 2 length{all}[211] 0.003131 0.000005 0.000001 0.007041 0.002844 1.007 2 length{all}[212] 0.048581 0.000154 0.017333 0.067169 0.050918 1.043 2 length{all}[213] 0.001730 0.000002 0.000006 0.004235 0.001426 0.998 2 length{all}[214] 0.027089 0.000167 0.002236 0.052452 0.026574 1.000 2 length{all}[215] 0.017469 0.000156 0.000051 0.041242 0.015068 1.002 2 length{all}[216] 0.006049 0.000009 0.000625 0.011295 0.006030 1.008 2 length{all}[217] 0.001624 0.000003 0.000005 0.005003 0.001039 0.998 2 length{all}[218] 0.002612 0.000005 0.000003 0.007311 0.002021 1.000 2 length{all}[219] 0.003539 0.000009 0.000016 0.009429 0.002920 0.999 2 length{all}[220] 0.014526 0.000060 0.000633 0.027190 0.014246 1.000 2 length{all}[221] 0.001173 0.000001 0.000000 0.003035 0.000949 1.002 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + Convergence diagnostic (PSRF = Potential Scale Reduction Factor; Gelman and Rubin, 1992) should approach 1.0 as runs converge. NA is reported when deviation of parameter values within all runs is 0 or when a parameter value (a branch length, for instance) is not sampled in all runs. Summary statistics for partitions with frequency >= 0.10 in at least one run: Average standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.009965 Maximum standard deviation of split frequencies = 0.083342 Average PSRF for parameter values (excluding NA and >10.0) = 1.001 Maximum PSRF for parameter values = 1.043 Clade credibility values: Subtree rooted at node 175: /---------------- Arthrinium_aqua~ (1) | | /----- Arthrinium_pha~ (61) /-100+ /-100-+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_pha~ (62) | \-98-+ /-100+ \----------- Arthrinium_ser~ (81) | | | | /----- Arthrinium_sac~ (79) /--83-+ \------100------+ | | \----- Arthrinium_sac~ (80) | | /-100+ \-------------------------- Arthrinium_ibe~ (33) | | | | /----- Arthrinium_dic~ (16) | \------------100-----------+ | \----- Arthrinium_dic~ (17) | | /----- Arthrinium_came~ (9) /----97---+--------------100--------------+ | | \----- Arthrinium_cam~ (10) | | | | /----- Arthrinium_jia~ (40) | | /-100-+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_jia~ (41) | \-----------100-----------+ | | /----- Arthrinium_obo~ (57) | \-100-+ | \----- Arthrinium_obo~ (58) | | /----- Arthrinium_gao~ (20) | /----100---+ | | \----- Arthrinium_gao~ (21) | | | /-78-+ /----- Arthrinium_his~ (26) | | | /--81-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_med~ (50) /--97-+ | \-65-+ | | /-96-+ \----------- Arthrinium_mar~ (49) | | | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_loc~ (44) | | | \-------95------+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_loc~ (45) | | /--51-+ | | | | /----- Arthrinium_gui~ (23) | | | | /-100-+ | | | | | \----- Arthrinium_gui~ (24) | | | \------71------+ | | /-71-+ | /----- Arthrinium_sac~ (77) | | | | \--99-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_sac~ (78) | | | | | | /-100+ \-------------------------------- Arthrinium_pip~ (65) | | | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_lon~ (46) | \-100+ \---------------65--------------+ | | \----- Arthrinium_lon~ (47) | | | \------------------------------------------ Arthrinium_pse~ (69) | | /----- Arthrinium_arun~ (2) | /------------100-----------+ | | \----- Arthrinium_arun~ (3) | | | | /---------------- Arthrinium_chr~ (14) | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_eup~ (19) | | /-83-+ /-100-+ | /-100+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_mal~ (48) | | | | \-72-+ | | | /-100+ \----------- Arthrinium_vie~ (92) | | | | | | | | | \--------------------- Arthrinium_phy~ (64) | | | | | | \-100-+ /----- Arthrinium_ita~ (34) | | | /-100-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_ita~ (35) | | \------100-----+ | | | /----- Arthrinium_tha~ (87) | /-100+ \-100-+ --60-+ | | \----- Arthrinium_tha~ (88) | | | | | | /---------------- Arthrinium_esp~ (18) | | | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_kog~ (42) | | | /-100+ /-100-+ | | | | | | \----- Arthrinium_kog~ (43) | | | | \-88-+ | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_xen~ (93) | | \------100------+ \-100-+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_xen~ (94) | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_qin~ (73) | | \------100------+ | /-100+ \----- Arthrinium_qin~ (74) | | | | | | /----------- Arthrinium_aure~ (4) | | | | | | | /-100+ /----- Arthrinium_hyd~ (27) | | | | \--97-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_hyd~ (28) | | | | | | | /-100+ /----- Arthrinium_chi~ (12) | | | | | /-100-+ | | | | | | \----- Arthrinium_chi~ (13) | | | | | | | | | | \-100+ /----- Arthrinium_par~ (60) | | | | | | | | | | \-100-+----- Arthrinium_ras~ (75) | | \---------100--------+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_ras~ (76) | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_bale~ (5) | | | /--99-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_des~ (15) | | \---100---+ | | \----------- Arthrinium_phr~ (63) | | | | /----- Arthrinium_bamb~ (6) | | /------100------+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_bamb~ (7) | | | \--71-+ | /----------- Arthrinium_gar~ (22) | | | | /-100+ |----------- Arthrinium_myt~ (53) | | | /-63-+ | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_sub~ (85) | | | | \--97-+ | | \-85-+ \----- Arthrinium_sub~ (86) | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_neo~ (54) | /--97-+ \----100---+ | | | \----- Arthrinium_set~ (82) | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_hyp~ (29) | | | /-100-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_hyp~ (30) | | \------100-----+ | | | /----- Arthrinium_pse~ (66) | | \-100-+ | /-74-+ \----- Arthrinium_pse~ (67) | | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_hys~ (31) | | | /--91-+ | | | | \----- Arthrinium_hys~ (32) | | | /-100+ | | | | | /----- Arthrinium_yun~ (95) | | | | \-100-+ | | \------100------+ \----- Arthrinium_yun~ (96) | | | \----73---+ \---------------- Arthrinium_ova~ (59) | | /----- Arthrinium_neo~ (55) | /-100-+ | | \----- Arthrinium_neo~ (56) | /-100+ | | \----------- Arthrinium_sub~ (84) | /-96-+ | | | /----- Arthrinium_pte~ (70) | | \----94----+ \-------82------+ \----- Arthrinium_pte~ (71) | \--------------------- Arthrinium_pse~ (68) Root part of tree: /---------------------------------------------------------- Seiridium_phyl~ (98) | |---------------------------------------------------------- Seiridium_phyl~ (97) | | /-------------- (175) | | | | /------- Arthrinium_bamb~ (8) | |--100-+ | /-------------100------------+ \------- Arthrinium_gut~ (25) | | | | | | /------- Arthrinium_jat~ (38) | | \--100-+ + | \------- Arthrinium_jat~ (39) | | | /--100--+ /------------------------------------ Arthrinium_car~ (11) | | | | | | | | /------- Arthrinium_jap~ (36) | | | | /--100-+ | | | | | \------- Arthrinium_jap~ (37) | | \--100-+ /--100--+ | | | | \-------------- Arthrinium_spo~ (83) | | | /--94--+ | | | | | /------- Arthrinium_min~ (51) \--100-+ | | \------100-----+ | \--85--+ \------- Arthrinium_min~ (52) | | | \----------------------------- Arthrinium_puc~ (72) | | /------- Arthrinium_tra~ (89) | /--100-+ | | \------- Arthrinium_tra~ (90) \-----------------100----------------+ \-------------- Arthrinium_urt~ (91) Phylogram (based on average branch lengths): / Seiridium_phyl~ (98) | | Seiridium_phyl~ (97) | | / Arthrinium_aqua~ (1) | | | | Arthrinium_pha~ (61) | | | | Arthrinium_pha~ (62) | | | /+ Arthrinium_ser~ (81) | || | || Arthrinium_sac~ (79) | || | |\ Arthrinium_sac~ (80) | | | |- Arthrinium_ibe~ (33) | | | |/ Arthrinium_dic~ (16) | |+ | |\ Arthrinium_dic~ (17) | | | |- Arthrinium_came~ (9) | /+ | ||- Arthrinium_cam~ (10) | || | ||/ Arthrinium_jia~ (40) | ||+ | ||\ Arthrinium_jia~ (41) | || | || Arthrinium_obo~ (57) | || | |\ Arthrinium_obo~ (58) | | | | / Arthrinium_gao~ (20) | | | | | | Arthrinium_gao~ (21) | | | | | | Arthrinium_his~ (26) | | | | | | Arthrinium_med~ (50) | /-+ | | | | | Arthrinium_mar~ (49) | | | | | | | | Arthrinium_loc~ (44) | | | | | | | | Arthrinium_loc~ (45) | | | | | | | | Arthrinium_gui~ (23) | | | | | | | | Arthrinium_gui~ (24) | | | | | | |/+ Arthrinium_sac~ (77) | | ||| | | ||| Arthrinium_sac~ (78) | | ||| | | ||\- Arthrinium_pip~ (65) | | || | | ||- Arthrinium_lon~ (46) | | \+ | | |- Arthrinium_lon~ (47) | | | | | \- Arthrinium_pse~ (69) | | | | / Arthrinium_arun~ (2) | | /+ | | |\ Arthrinium_arun~ (3) | | | | | |/ Arthrinium_chr~ (14) | | || | | ||- Arthrinium_eup~ (19) | | || | | /+| Arthrinium_mal~ (48) | | ||| | | ||+ Arthrinium_vie~ (92) | | ||| | | ||\ Arthrinium_phy~ (64) | | || | | || / Arthrinium_ita~ (34) | | ||/+ | | |||\ Arthrinium_ita~ (35) | | |\+ | | | | Arthrinium_tha~ (87) | |/--+ | | /+| | \ Arthrinium_tha~ (88) | ||| | | ||| | /- Arthrinium_esp~ (18) + ||| | | | ||| | | / Arthrinium_kog~ (42) | ||| |-+---+ | ||| | | \ Arthrinium_kog~ (43) | ||| | | | ||| | | / Arthrinium_xen~ (93) | ||| | \---+ | ||| | \ Arthrinium_xen~ (94) | ||| | | ||| | / Arthrinium_qin~ (73) | ||| \-+ | ||| \ Arthrinium_qin~ (74) | ||| | ||| / Arthrinium_aure~ (4) | ||| | | ||| /+ Arthrinium_hyd~ (27) | ||| || | ||| |\ Arthrinium_hyd~ (28) | ||| | | |||/-+ / Arthrinium_chi~ (12) | |||| |-+ | |||| | \ Arthrinium_chi~ (13) | |||| | | |||| |/- Arthrinium_par~ (60) | |||| || | |||| \+ Arthrinium_ras~ (75) | |||+ | | |||| \ Arthrinium_ras~ (76) | |||| | |||| /- Arthrinium_bale~ (5) | |||| | | |||| | Arthrinium_des~ (15) | |||\-+ | ||| \ Arthrinium_phr~ (63) | ||| | ||| / Arthrinium_bamb~ (6) | ||| /+ | ||| |\ Arthrinium_bamb~ (7) | ||| | | |\+ |- Arthrinium_gar~ (22) | | | | | | | /---+- Arthrinium_myt~ (53) | /-----+ | | | | | | | | |/ Arthrinium_sub~ (85) | | | | | |+ | | | | | |\ Arthrinium_sub~ (86) | | | | | | | | | | | |- Arthrinium_neo~ (54) | | | |/+ | | | | ||| \- Arthrinium_set~ (82) | | | ||| | | | ||| / Arthrinium_hyp~ (29) | | | ||| /+ | | | ||| |\ Arthrinium_hyp~ (30) | | | ||\--+ | | | || |/ Arthrinium_pse~ (66) | | | || \+ | | | || \ Arthrinium_pse~ (67) | | | || | | | || / Arthrinium_hys~ (31) | | | || | | | | || | Arthrinium_hys~ (32) | | | || /-+ | | | || | |/ Arthrinium_yun~ (95) | | | || | \+ | | | ||-+ \ Arthrinium_yun~ (96) | | | || | | | | \+ \-- Arthrinium_ova~ (59) | /----+ | | | | | | | / Arthrinium_neo~ (55) | | | | | /------+ | | | | | | \ Arthrinium_neo~ (56) | | | | | /--------+ | | | | | | \-------------------- Arthrinium_sub~ (84) | | | | | /+ | | | | | || Arthrinium_pte~ (70) | | | | | || | | | | \-+\ Arthrinium_pte~ (71) | | | | | | | | | \-- Arthrinium_pse~ (68) | | | | | | | | /--- Arthrinium_bamb~ (8) | | | |--+ | | | | \--- Arthrinium_gut~ (25) | | | | | | | | / Arthrinium_jat~ (38) | | | \--------+ \-----------+ | \ Arthrinium_jat~ (39) | | | | /--- Arthrinium_car~ (11) | | | | | | / Arthrinium_jap~ (36) | | | /+ | | | |\ Arthrinium_jap~ (37) | \-----------+/----+ | || \ Arthrinium_spo~ (83) | || | || / Arthrinium_min~ (51) | ||----+ | \+ \ Arthrinium_min~ (52) | | | \------ Arthrinium_puc~ (72) | | / Arthrinium_tra~ (89) | /---+ | | \ Arthrinium_tra~ (90) \---------+ \------------------------ Arthrinium_urt~ (91) |-------| 0.200 expected changes per site Calculating tree probabilities... Credible sets of trees (4269 trees sampled): 50 % credible set contains 2097 trees 90 % credible set contains 3835 trees 95 % credible set contains 4052 trees 99 % credible set contains 4226 trees Terminating log output Exiting mrbayes block Reached end of file MrBayes > Deleting previously defined characters Deleting previously defined taxa Quitting program