Supplementary Materials

Cardiolipin content controls mitochondrial coupling and energetic efficiency in muscle

Alexandre Prola, Jordan Blondelle, Aymeline Vandestienne, Jérôme Piquereau, Raphaël G. P. Denis, Stéphane Guyot, Hadrien Chauvin, Arnaud Mourier, Marie Maurer, Céline Henry, Nahed Khadhraoui, Cindy Gallerne, Thibaut Molinié, Guillaume Courtin, Laurent Guillaud, Mélanie Gressette, Audrey Solgadi, Florent Dumont, Julien Castel, Julien Ternacle, Jean Demarquoy, Alexandra Malgoyre, Nathalie Koulmann, Geneviève Derumeaux, Marie-France Giraud, Frédéric Joubert, Vladimir Veksler, Serge Luquet, Frédéric Relaix, Laurent Tiret, Fanny Pilot-Storck

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  • Tables S1 to S7
  • Supplementary Listing S1
  • Figs. S1 to S6

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