Event Name,Please select your country.,What COVID-19 regulatory measures are in place in your country or region?,Are schools closed in your region?,How many weeks have they been closed?,Please indicate the total number of confirmed (tested positive) COVID-19 inpatients you have had in your CAP service to date.,"Today, how many confirmed (tested positive) COVID-19 inpatients are there in your CAP service?","When admitting an inpatient, how do you screen for COVID-19? ","For emergency admissions (e.g. suicidal patients ), what screening procedure do you use for a patient with infectious symptoms and/or infected household members and/or patients known or thought to be COVID-19 positive?",Please specify.,What is your procedure if an elective inpatient or day care patient starts showing clinical symptoms of a COVID-19 infection?,Please specify,How rapidly can you obtain a COVID-19 test result for an inpatient?,How do you perceive the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children and adolescents in your region?,"Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Adjustment disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Anxiety disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Obsessive compulsive disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Major depressive episodes)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Bipolar disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Psychotic disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Eating disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Substance use disorders)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Conduct problems)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Domestic violence)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Sexual abuses)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=Suicidal crises)","Compared with before the pandemic, is there a percentage increase in the amount of cases you and your team are seeing for the below disorders? (multiple answers may apply) (choice=None of the above)","Has the COVID-19 pandemic had an influence on the contents of the psychopathology your patients present with? (e.g. fear of virus contamination in OCD, anxiety, psychotic disorders)",Are you seeing changes in the number of referrals or requests for assessments?,Are you aware of any contraindication of psychotropic medication with COVID-19 infection or treatment?,Please specify.,Have you established a crisis hotline for families/adolescents with respect to COVID-19 and its implications? (e.g. social distancing/quarantine),"If yo, how many calls a day are you currently receiving?",Have your physicians/psychologists adopted the use of telemedicine to replace clinical appointments?,Was telemedicine already available in your CAP service before the pandemic?,What proportion of your physicians/psychologists are treating patients and their caregivers by telephone?,What proportion of your physicians/psychologists are treating patients and their caregivers by videoconference?,Are you using guidelines for telemedicine?,Please specify.,Have you established a specific procedure (e.g. videoconferences) to support bereaved children to deal with COVID-19-related grief or trauma?,Is your CAP service affiliated with a medical school or university? (i.e. does it teach medicine to students and undertake medical research),How have the regulatory measures placed in your country affected your clinics services? (more than one may apply) (choice=Closure of day care units),How have the regulatory measures placed in your country affected your clinics services? (more than one may apply) (choice=Closure of specific inpatient wards/units),How have the regulatory measures placed in your country affected your clinics services? (more than one may apply) (choice=Restricted access to our outpatient unit (e.g. for medically relevant cases or emergencies only)),To what extent has the pandemic affected the provisions of services to patients and their families?,Are their restrictions in place of parental access to inpatients?,What proportion of parents or caregivers regard your inpatient or day care treatment of their child as too dangerous due to risk of infection?,What are your current major concerns related to the pandemic with regard to service provisions? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We are not sufficiently in contact with patients and families in need),What are your current major concerns related to the pandemic with regard to service provisions? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We are not able to maintain specific therapeutic groups for distinct groups of patients),What are your current major concerns related to the pandemic with regard to service provisions? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Members of my team are not as attentive as usual to their patients),What are your current major concerns related to the pandemic with regard to service provisions? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Meetings to manage the crisis prevent me from doing my work),What are your current major concerns related to the pandemic with regard to service provisions? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We are running a deficit because we treat too few patients),What are your current major concerns related to the pandemic with regard to service provisions? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Other),Please specify.,Have you changed policies with respect to contacts between patients and caregivers?,Have any part of your service been closed or transformed for emergency COVID-19 use?,"On a scale of 0 to 100, how well is your team mentally equipped to handle COVID-19 positive patients? (according to your perception).","On a scale of 0 to 100, how well is the infrastructure of your service equipped to handle COVID-19 positive patients?",What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=None),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We allow for changes in the work schedule),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We allow parents to stay at home if their children are unable to attend school),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Extra childcare (which also accept schoolers) organized by your institution),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We encourage home office but do not allow patient contacts),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We encourage the use of home-based calls/video conferences to counsel/treat patients and families),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=We have measures in place to improve team-work),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Supervisions),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Mental health training program),What organization-directed interventions has your service taken to reduce the stress on your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Other),Please specify.,Are you actively pursuing therapeutic interventions to reduce COVID-19-related mental stress of your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=No),Are you actively pursuing therapeutic interventions to reduce COVID-19-related mental stress of your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Mindfulness techniques),"Are you actively pursuing therapeutic interventions to reduce COVID-19-related mental stress of your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Stress management techniques,)",Are you actively pursuing therapeutic interventions to reduce COVID-19-related mental stress of your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Cognitive behavioral techniques),Are you actively pursuing therapeutic interventions to reduce COVID-19-related mental stress of your team members? (more than one answer may apply) (choice=Other),Please specify.,Has a patient and/or staff member contracted COVID-19 from a positive patient in your clinic? (please answer affirmatively even if transmission has not been proven),"Does your team have appropriate personal protective equipment (masks, gloves, eye shields, etc.)?",Do you think your team has received sufficient training in appropriate hygiene measures?,How many of your staff members have been infected (tested positive) with COVID-19 to date?,"If applicable, how many staff have died due to the COVID-19? ","Currently (today), how many numbers of staff are on sick leave, most likely due to Covid-19?",Have you had any staff that have been re-assigned to critical care?,"If you can, please provide an approximation of the population of the catchment area served by your CAP service","If you can, please indicate the average daily number of inpatients (beds) (pertains to estimated average number of outpatients per day in 2019 irrespective of initial referrals or recontacts) at your hospital.","If you can, please indicate the average daily number of outpatients (pertains to estimated average number of outpatients per day in 2019 irrespective of initial referrals or recontacts) at your hospital.","If you can, please indicate the total number of senior (i.e. fully qualified) child & adolescent psychiatrists in your service in 2019.","Please provide today's numbers for inpatients (number of beds occupied). If you are filling the questionnaire during the weekend, estimate the average occupancy during the last week. ","Please provide today's numbers for day-care patients (number of occupied day care patients). If you are filling the questionnaire during the weekend, estimate the average occupancy during the last week. ","Please provide today's numbers for outpatients (outpatient visits). If you are filling the questionnaire during the weekend, estimate the average occupancy during the last week. ","If possible, can you explain the two major concerns you have for when the pandemic is over?",Please let us know of anything that you deem worthwhile sharing with an international CAP community. The respective items will be screened and circulated anonymously by ESCAP (250 words max.).,Complete? First assessment,France,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,3,15,8,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",We have 2 units for COVID+: one for patients with autism and challenging behaviors; the second for non ASD patients,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,10,Yes,Yes,>75%,10-24.9%,Yes,APHP,Yes,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,>75%,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,93,92,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,20 staff members received a training to deal COVID+ patients,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,More than one staff member,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,5-10%,0,< 1%,Yes,8000000,60,100,16,40,0,4,Restrictive measures have stopped day care and school,,Complete First assessment,Greece,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,4,0,0,,,,,,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Low,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",Yes,clozapine,Yes,1,Yes,No,>75%,0.1-4.9%,Yes,Adapted from AACAP,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Extremely,,,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,,No,30,20,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,150,,20,2,,,2,"1. Increase in anxiety disorders, 2. Possible Financial crisis",,Complete First assessment,Switzerland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,24-48 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,0.1-4.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,10-24.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,70,40,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,< 1%,0,10-25%,No,1400000,55,95,13,57,0,40,Icrease in mental health crisis as well as financial struggles of our clinic,,Complete First assessment,Austria,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,4,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",Yes,,Yes,8,Yes,No,>75%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,No,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,50,33,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,individual supervision by external SV,No,Partially,Partially,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,800,25,20,6,8,0,0,rebound of psychopathology; we dont know what happend within the families during this time,,Complete First assessment,Poland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,4,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,Other,,24-48 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,5.0-9.9%,Yes,There is a short Ministry of health guideline focused on client identification,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,I believe that now my patients are in relatively good state due to school cessation (e-learning is conducted but it requieres self-discipline or parental supervision). I am afraid what will happen when schools are open again.,Severe restrictions,No,50,50,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Government intorduced extra possibilities of payed child-care days for working parents,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,No,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,3000000,28,6,4,11,0,9,School problems and worsenining of educational disparity,"We are not assigned to take care of COVID patients so by now there is stable situation in our ward, even we have more time for research",Complete First assessment,Belgium,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,Immediate discharge,,24-48 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,10-25%,No,No,,Yes,5,Yes,Yes,50-74.9%,50-74.9%,No,,Yes,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,No,,,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,< 1%,0,1-5%,No,,,,,,,,"protection , group activities","new ways of therapy will persist even after pandemic: telemedecine, specific crisis intervention",Complete First assessment,Greece,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,Other,,24-48 hours,Medium,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,25-49.9%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,>75%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,90,90,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,200000,,15,2,,0,5,steep increase of referrals,"CONCERNS: As Greece, after 10 years of recession, dives into yet another crisis, this new situation involving a national lock-down threatens people's mental health and well-being; a dramatic increase of stress-related disorders, associated with increased parental psychopathology, loss of income or unemployment is anticipated; also, increased rates of internet addiction and e-gambling among young people. Provisions of services to patients and their families have been affected to a substantial degree, as community AMH and CAMH services operate with reduced staff and provide for the most part telephone consultation or counseling; few have replaced face-to-face clinical work with Skype; lack of telemedicine guidelines is a major concern. For in-patients schooling, and daily group activity and therapeutic programmes have been suspended, leading consequently to an increase of levels of distress young people experience. For out-patients, it is safe to assume that a considerable number of children and their families have ceased receiving treatment. Only a minority of those with developmental disorders, including ASDs continue to receive support either through video conferencing or through appropriate material being sent to the parents. Inadequate and fragmented PHC system creates risk of a substantial increase of unmet health needs, particularly among the most vulnerable social groups (e.g. homeless, drug addicts, undocumented migrants, Roma). The living conditions in refugee camps make extremely difficult to take necessary precautions, such as social distancing and vigilant hygiene. ""Social-distancing"" and imposed measures (e.g. wearing masks) will affect CAP clinical practice, with unknown repercussions for the quality of service delivery.",Complete First assessment,France,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,4,5,3,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive","if +, patients are maintained in a dedicated unit",Within 24 hours,Strong,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,100,Yes,Yes,10-24.9%,>75%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,Extremely,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,100,100,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,More than one staff member,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,5-10%,0,1-5%,Yes,2000000,25,30,20,12,0,10,over?? it will not be over very soon,-,Complete First assessment,Hungary,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,4,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Switzerland,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,4,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,Yes,1,Yes,Yes,>75%,>75%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,No,>75%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,No,80,85,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,< 1%,0,< 1%,No,300000,80,40,6,11,0,40,are we going to lose bed capacity,,Complete First assessment,Italy,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,4,1,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,10-24.9%,No,,No,No,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Extremely,Yes,10-24.9%,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,54,42,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,More than one staff member,Partially,Partially,5-10%,,10-25%,No,2000000,15,30,15,18,20,50,catching up with clinical need,,Complete First assessment,Ireland,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,14,10,2,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,48-72 hours,Medium,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,10-25%,No,No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,10-24.9%,Yes,HSE provided,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Extremely,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,unable to engage therapeutically in person with many,Severe restrictions,Yes,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Germany,,Yes,6,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Poland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,1,1,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive","The Department of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry (DCAP) of the Medical University of Warsaw was appointed by local authorities to hospitalize children with mental disorders and with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. In accordance with the guidelines of the Polish Ministry of Health (MoH) concerning a patient's admission to our Department , the patient must meet the criteria for admission to a psychiatric hospital in accordance with Act of 19 August 1994 on Protection of Mental Health: a patient is diagnosed with a mental disorder and the patient's current behavior endangers his own life or life and health of others and simultaneously has confirmed or suspected COVID-19.",24-48 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",Yes,"sedativs in higher doses (benzodiazepins, neuroleptics), neuroleptics in depot form",No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,10-24.9%,Yes,Polish guideliness prepraed by National Health Found,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,85,70,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,1500000,28,15,8,2,0,10,1. Increase in sucidal crises and PTSD. Delay in seeking care in medical instututions,,Complete First assessment,Italy,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Low,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,5.0 -9.9%,No,Yes,Benzodiazepne or antipsychootics may worsen respsiratory distressrer psychofor reps,Yes,15,Yes,No,10-24.9%,>75%,Yes,"APA, Royal College Physicians, ISS (Italian)",No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,25-49.9%,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,No,50,37,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,< 1%,No,160000,7,40,8,5,4,5,Socio-economic crisis,"Significant support to telemedicine (video), empowering children & adolescents (they are often becoming major players in communication with families) and strongly supporting families. Very useful to establish (video)availability for interaction with social and community services and with school personnel ( they are currently teaching in videoconference). Video communication made possible accurate assessment and significant therapeutic interventions (including psychotherapy and management of pharmacological therapies). Many severe cases have been managed with daily teleconference, preventing inpatient admission. National Society guideline were very useful to deal with hospital and health system administration: In Italy, before COVID tele-medicine was never been considered in CAP.",Complete First assessment,Denmark,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Partially,4,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Hungary,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,4,0,0,"As usual (reference 2019, no screening for COVID-19 infection)",We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,Other,,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,5.0 -9.9%,No,No,,Yes,10,Yes,No,25-49.9%,5.0-9.9%,Yes,"humgarian guidline under devekopment based on AACAP, ATA and theRoyal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists guidline ",No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,To a major degree,No,,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,severe resctriction by the government regarding elective treatment; not sufficient platfrom to run telemental health service and it's documentation,Moderate restrictions,Yes,70,70,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,< 1%,,I am not aware of a single case,No,1,35,40,8,5,0,2,"severely decompensated patients and families due to stress and unfulfilled care (elective, therapies, new patient, etc)nt)","In the health care, only emergency cases can be seen at outpatient and inpatient facilities. This is an earlier government decree to lower the contacts for social distance. Thus, our Clinic cannot provide service any other pediatric or child psychiatric patient with less severe, moderate symptoms, or chronic illness, except with telemedicine. (I did not count the telemental health visits by phone, email or videoconferences on page 8 of the Survey) Substantial proportion of the national bed capacity should be freed up and made compulsory ready for the care of coronavirus patients. This includes our 30 acut inpatient beds and we will have some matrix beds at the general pediatric ward. There is a huge risk to have more and more patients with mental health problems and with child psychiatric disorder will experience relapse and more and more family will be decompensated.....",Complete First assessment,Denmark,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Partially,4,4,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,>25%,"Yes, a decline",Yes,Not a contraindication but a potential problem: limits on outings and clinical resources to follow up on labtestning for clozapine treatment during COVID-19,No,,Yes,No,>75%,10-24.9%,Yes,GDPR and local regulations on privacy issues,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,To a major degree,Yes,,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,Yes,67,69,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,< 1%,0,< 1%,No,1200000,70,,,60,,,,,Complete First assessment,Belgium,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Hungary,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,4,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,5.0-9.9%,Yes,AACAP,No,No,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,>75%,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Hungary,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),No,,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Medium,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, an increase",No,,Yes,15,Yes,No,>75%,25-49.9%,No,,No,No,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,No,25-49.9%,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,50,40,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,,,,,0,0,0,"anxiety, isolation",,Complete First assessment,Others,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,5,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,No,,Yes,No,10-24.9%,10-24.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,No,No,60,0,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,2480000,20,30,10,5,0,15,"large number of patients,increase requests for examinations",,Complete First assessment,France,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,24-48 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,,Yes,No,25-49.9%,25-49.9%,No,,Yes,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,To a major degree,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,we noticed a reduction in our usual in-patient and out-patient activities (in particular less new patients) so there may be families not contacting us despite of needs.,Severe restrictions,Yes,60,80,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,hotline with psychologists for hospital staff,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,1-5%,0,1-5%,No,600000,15,114,9,6,5,35,Negative impact on childrens mental conditions; possible unnoticed child maltreatment,"The pandemic has revealed a lot of flexibility / creativity in most team members with consquences for the future organisation of our services; Telemedicine is well accepted by a majority of families/patients, on-site activities can sometimes be replaced by home visits or more frequent Visio/phone contacts, this should also be acknowledged by policy malers (i.e by a better valorisation of those services); we should also assess and implement e-therapies (currently doing a visio-parent program for ADHD that we will maintain to improve access of families living far away etc..); we are concerned for vulnerable families without internet access, not responding to onlin schools and services.",Complete First assessment,Slovenia,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,5,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, an increase",Yes,start with closapine therpay,Yes,5,Yes,Yes,>75%,0.1-4.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,No,21,30,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,400000,10,30,4,10,0,10,"overload with patients, not enough staff",0,Complete First assessment,Spain,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,Other,"I am not informed, we do not have inpatients",Other,,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,No,No,,No,,Yes,Yes,>75%,>75%,No,,No,No,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Extremely,No,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,46,,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Single staff member,Partially,No,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,470,0,15,3,0,0,60,Find out the consequences. Our clinics are closed and we are only provinding emergency care,,Complete First assessment,Others,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,No established procedure at this time point,,48-72 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,5.0 -9.9%,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,30,Yes,No,>75%,10-24.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,To a major degree,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,No,44,10,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,1-5%,0,1-5%,No,6982000,20,100,11,3,0,20,"patient overload, increased number of mental health problems","Schools and pre-schools and nurseries have been closed as a result of the proclaimed state of emergency. Distance learning is carried out through television and online lessons and it is their first encounter with online education. Parents have been vocal about requiring additional support, both financial and psychological. Given that persons above the age of 65 are on a complete lock-down since the state of emergency came into power, the most common babysitting option for parents is no longer available, and hence parents are required to ask their employers for time-off. In these times, most parents are worried their situation might lead to financial insecurity in terms of irregular pay, and they have been calling for employers' understanding for taking time off. In these times, children with rare and chronic diseases, as well as children with development issues are especially vulnerable. Children with autism require additional support and just two days ago, after five weeks they got a permission to walk out the home during total lock down . Still there are difficulties to continuously provide them with essential services. In general, all mental health institutions continue to function normally, with increased epidemiological measures (thorough epidemiological anamnesis of incoming patients). The only exception is the closure of day care units due to epidemiological risks.",Complete First assessment,Slovenia,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,5,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,5,Yes,Yes,>75%,50-74.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,"We lack good continuity beacuse of splitting the team in half and shifting work and home-waiting in order to prevent entire team aqcuireing infection or needing quarantine. Also, the psychotherapeutic wards are closed due to the lack of staff (shifting) and only emergency services working. To full emergency wards, not enough outpatient services due to lockdown.",Severe restrictions,Yes,37,51,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,< 1%,0,< 1%,Yes,2000000,24,10,4,12,0,7,"overburdening the sistem at once, social sistem not functioning (services for looked after children, correctional institutions, etc)","We should aim at re-instituting the functionality of all the systems at once. In our country aftre the shutdown, the first system to revive was medical, the schools and social services not following. This provides us with many children and adolescents in hospitals, waiting for outer placements that are still in lockdown... The continuity of psychotherapeutic work and especially first assessment are by my experince most severely affected. Thank you for starting this study, I belive it is a very important work.",Complete First assessment,Hungary,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Low,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,No,No,,Yes,,Yes,Yes,25-49.9%,10-24.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,No,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Yes,70,80,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,,,,,,,,,,Complete First assessment,France,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We do not have an established procedure,,No established procedure at this time point,,24-48 hours,Strong,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,0.1-4.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Extremely,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Yes,48,48,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,1-5%,0,< 1%,Yes,400000,,,10,6,0,0,,,Complete First assessment,Germany,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,4,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Low,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,0,Yes,No,>75%,0.1-4.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,70,60,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,1-5%,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,1000000,50,82,7,25,0,6,telemedicine will be more popular (I am not a fan); financial problems need to be addressed due to the incurred deficit ,what is this crisis good for? How can we instrumentalize the crisis to improve our services?,Complete First assessment,Hungary,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,6,2168,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,30,Yes,No,10-24.9%,>75%,Yes,"https://www.ranzcp.org/practice-education/telehealth-in-psychiatry, American telemedicine association practice guidelines for telemental health with children and adolescents (2017), ",No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,50,22,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Partially,< 1%,0,< 1%,Yes,5000000,50,60,7,1,0,40,major increase the number of CAP patients in the institutions vs lack of staff,,Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,1,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,24-48 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,10-24.9%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,To a minor degree only,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,Yes,70,71,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,1000000,60,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Germany,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Spain,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,1,1,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Low,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",Yes,antipsychotics,Yes,2,Yes,No,>75%,0.1-4.9%,,,No,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Germany,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,4,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,Immediate discharge,,24-48 hours,Medium,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,2,Yes,No,5.0-9.9%,50-74.9%,No,,Yes,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,50-74.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,66,33,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,< 1%,Yes,800000,46,40,10,20,0,20,dealing with many unmet needs during crisis at once,,Complete First assessment,Denmark,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Denmark,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Partially,,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,0,Yes,Yes,25-49.9%,50-74.9%,Yes,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,10-24.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,70,60,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,< 1%,0,< 1%,Yes,750000,22,200,20,17,15,200,,,Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,Other,we only have a day care unit and outpatient clinic,"Request for COVID-19 testing, discharge if tested positive",,72 hours,Strong,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, an increase",No,,Yes,5,Yes,No,25-49.9%,10-24.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,To a minor degree only,Yes,Not at all concerned that child might contact Covid-19,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,91,70,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,1-5%,No,,20,50,5,20,24,40,#NAME?,"I am really concerned that the outpatient, day-clinic and inpatient treatment capacities in most child and adolescent psychiatries are reduced while there is an increased needs for treatment of families. Sexual abuse and domestic violence are invisible and there is a lack of social controll.",Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Partially,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,48-72 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,No,,Yes,No,10-24.9%,0.1-4.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,No,< 10%,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,Yes,90,90,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,500,60,30,15,60,6,20,,,Complete First assessment,Czechia (Czech Republic),"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6.5,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,5.0 -9.9%,No,No,,Yes,5,Yes,Yes,5.0-9.9%,5.0-9.9%,No,,Yes,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,< 10%,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,62,66,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,< 1%,0,< 1%,No,800000,15,8,1,9,0,3,economic decline; other medical policy priorities than CAP (e.g. infectious diseases),,Complete First assessment,Greece,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Low,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,50-74.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,Yes,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,51,18,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,No,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,400,,15,3,,,0,it will be not over soon ,,Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,No,No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,0%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Extremely,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,50,51,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,Yes,500000,52,50,5,20,0,10,Rise in numbers of consultations. Rise in school related problems,,Complete First assessment,Germany,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,5,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,10-24.9%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,No,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,Yes,42,55,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Partially,5-10%,0,5-10%,No,800000,52,,8,40,7,,a huge increase of inpatients and outpatients that were not cared for during the crisis 2) a break down of funding because all funding is spent for Corona,I think we should remind our politicians and governments that although children are not directly threatened by the Corona crisis they should not be neglected in clinical care and research,Complete First assessment,Switzerland,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,6,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",Yes,"medications that suppress respiratory capacities, such as benzodiazepines and several antipsychotic medicines",Yes,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,50-74.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,Extremely,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,77,81,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Frequent meetings and the goal to pursue a well conducted flow of information,No,Partially,Yes,1-5%,0,1-5%,No,650000,15,250,35,11,25,100,"1. Difficult to know, when the pandemic is ""over"". 1) The oversight of important psychiatric problems during this time. 2) The deficit in the public sector that will prevent new and important projects in our field locally.",,Complete First assessment,Others,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,6,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,2,Yes,No,>75%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,55,75,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,1-5%,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,250,25,50,6,11,0,45,"How to help patients on time, whom treatment have been transfered; how to manage gap in future between extrademand of services and reduced budget due to economic decline",.,Complete First assessment,Greece,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We do not have an established procedure,,No established procedure at this time point,,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Low,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,25-49.9%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,Not at all concerned that child might contact Covid-19,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,21,23,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,300000,6,8,4,2,0,3,Increased psychopathology and inadequate services to cope.,,Complete First assessment,Spain,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,7,,,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,France,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,8,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,24-48 hours,Strong,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,,No,>75%,>75%,No,,Yes,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,10-24.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,69,68,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,independant hot line,No,Partially,Yes,1-5%,,< 1%,No,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Others,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,8,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,10,No,No,50-74.9%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,No,>75%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,Yes,70,50,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,3000000,12,40,7,7,10,15,"As one of our achievements in recent years, we consider our day care programs for children with developmental problems and emotional and behavioural difficulties, with a focus on consultations and interventions with a particularly important involvement of parents. In a situation of anti- epidemic measures, our current experience shows that the online contact cannot completely replace the direct contact. I believe that one of the upcoming professional tasks will be the careful restoration of these activities. I believe that most of the children will find it difficult to cope with the trauma and experience of a constant threat in a pandemic situation. On the other hand, changes in teaching methods and techniques (e.g. the introduction of Web-based learning) will have a long-term impact on the school functioning, especially for young children. These trends are particularly worrying given the traditionally limited resources of child psychiatry in Europe. Unfortunately, I am not optimistic about the increase in the financial resources for pediatric psychiatry against the backdrop of the general economic crisis and the impact on health systems and funds. Fast augmentation of referels from isolated families and children with haevy psychopathology and restriction of funding.nd",My colleagues and I are concerned that the real somatic and mental risks for children are underestimated at the moment. We expect that much more intensive and focused attention and efforts will be needed in the long run (including research).,Complete First assessment,Switzerland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Greece,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,,0,0,,,,,,,Strong,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,5.0 -9.9%,"Yes, an increase",No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,>75%,Yes,informed consent,Yes,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,,,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,85,50,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,No,360000,,40,4,,,5,"mental health problems, childrens' and students' educational deficits",,Complete First assessment,Spain,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,7,5,2,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,>25%,"Yes, an increase",Yes,clozapine,Yes,4,Yes,No,>75%,10-24.9%,Yes,"APA, Colegio Psicología Madrid",No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,80,82,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,More than one staff member,Partially,Yes,1-5%,,< 1%,No,600,31,150,9,31,0,90,adolescent with previous mental health and economic problems ,,Complete First assessment,Germany,,Yes,4,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,Yes,3,Yes,No,50-74.9%,25-49.9%,Yes,"data protection, patient consent",Yes,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,25-49.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,50,47,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,Yes,1000000,90,120,10,34,0,80,"Gaming Disorder, Adjustment Disorders, PTSD","Childrens' rights ought to be part ofbthe german constitution. In this case, they could not be neglected in the way they currently are",Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive","discharge also possible, transfer to pediatrics if severely ill",Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,5.0 -9.9%,"Yes, an increase",No,,Yes,1,Yes,No,,25-49.9%,No,,No,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Turkey,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,7,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Turkey,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,10,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,,,,,,,,,Medium,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, a decline",Yes,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,5,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,No established procedure at this time point,,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Strong,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,5.0 -9.9%,"Yes, an increase",No,,No,,No,No,0%,0%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,Not at all,No,Not at all concerned that child might contact Covid-19,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,70,70,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,,2,100,6,0,0,25,we could not reach the patients and we did not have telepsychiatric interviews,thank you very much for your attention and interest,Complete First assessment,Switzerland,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,5,1,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,0,Yes,No,10-24.9%,>75%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Not at all,No,25-49.9%,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Yes,57,84,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Single staff member,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,< 1%,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,,,,,,,,increase of referrals,,Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,Immediate discharge,,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,0%,Yes,internal guidelines,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,Yes,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,"as the clinic school also was closed, this is a big disadvantage for patients, as school is it a lot of cases necessary",Severe restrictions,Yes,55,26,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,"daily information, 2 or 1 meeting a week to handle the situation",Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,1-5%,No,,,,,43,0,,some school children with psychiatric disorders will have problems going back to school; home schooling and beeing all time in families is problem for children in disadvantages families,,Complete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,,,,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,,,,Medium,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,>25%,"Yes, a decline",Yes,"quetiapin, ziprasidone, pimozide, carbamazepine",Yes,2,Yes,No,>75%,0.1-4.9%,Yes,American Association of Psychiatry. Telepsychiatry. https://www.psychiatry. org/psychiatrists/practice/telepsychiatry,Yes,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,telepsychiatry may not be available to all patients or it may not be used confidentially ,,No,80,80,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,EMDR techniques,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,Yes,400,,20,2,,,4,1) financial consequences of Covid on peoples' health 2) excess demand for CAP ,I think that one of the key points is to keep your team motivated through all these difficult times.,Complete First assessment,Ireland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,Other,reuqest test,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",all rooms are single so possible to isolate,24-48 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,5.0 -9.9%,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,50-74.9%,50-74.9%,Yes,reviewed existing guidelines,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,Not at all concerned that child might contact Covid-19,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,No,50,60,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,5-10%,No,,14,7,5,14,0,20,"increase in anxiety and mental health difficulties in general, inceased suicide rate, difficulties with school re-integration",,Complete First assessment,Czechia (Czech Republic),"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,8,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Ireland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,6,0,0,,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,No established procedure at this time point,,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,0.1-4.9%,Yes,BlueEye guidelines,No,No,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,,Not applicable because imposed regulations do not allow inpatient or day care treatment (except for emergencies),Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,No,75,20,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,50000,0,20,2,0,0,0,ongoing issues with under resourcing of CAMHS service,pandemic has highlighted inequlities in society and also provision of mental health services,Complete First assessment,Spain,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,8,1,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Austria,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,Yes,8,Yes,No,10-24.9%,0.1-4.9%,Yes,checklist; support materials,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,80,85,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,1200000,33,8,9,22,0,8,loss of newly established therapeutic (online) tools,,Complete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Partially,6,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Low,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,No,No,,Yes,0,Yes,No,10-24.9%,5.0-9.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,To a minor degree only,Yes,Not at all concerned that child might contact Covid-19,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Slight restrictions,Yes,91,85,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,I am not aware of a single case,Yes,450000,38,8,6,30,8,5,,,Complete First assessment,Switzerland,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,5,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Hungary,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,10,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive","isolatin, testing",24-48 hours,Low,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,25-49.9%,No,,Yes,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,No,< 10%,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,No,63,92,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,Yes,1600000,6,10,3,4,12,12,waitinglist,"Telemedicine got into focus, which will help our work in the future also",Complete First assessment,Others,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",No,,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,10-24.9%,50-74.9%,No,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,10-24.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,73,77,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,group sessions and Psycho education and stress reduction advise,No,No,Partially,I am not aware of a single case,,1-5%,No,1267100,20,900,11,15,18,,increase of intakes and delayed diagnostics,,Complete First assessment,Denmark,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Partially,8,0,0,We require a negative COVID-19 test,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,Yes,50-74.9%,10-24.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,Yes,< 10%,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,40,75,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,"Daily meetings between members of staff and the Management including senior consultant, transparency regarding strategy and information about the interventions",Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,A mentalizing stance is good to have as a leading senior consultant,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,1,< 1%,Yes,20000,12,,15,10,,,"That adolescents, who have not seen a professional (teacher or a social worker) for a long time and has developed severe psyciatric illness.",,Complete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,8,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,24-48 hours,Medium,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,>25%,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,50-74.9%,Yes,AACAP's toolkit,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,No,>75%,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,85,80,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,"normalization by increasing the daily encounters among the team members , producing shared projects and guidelines",No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,10000000,,80,10,,,18,"to meet the needs for apointments for both followed-up patients and new admissions, especially of children with loss",We prepared guidelines for families and for doctors dealing with children during pandemia and we are on the process ofsubmitting a research project on the effects of the process of pandemia on patient groups with different diagnosis,Complete First assessment,Germany,Very strict lockdown measures (most people not allowed to go to work),Yes,7,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,24-48 hours,Low,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,5.0 -9.9%,"Yes, a decline",No,,No,,Yes,Yes,0.1-4.9%,10-24.9%,Yes,,No,Yes,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,To a minor degree only,No,10-24.9%,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,No,61,18,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,I am not aware of a single case,,< 1%,No,500000,40,50,8,40,20,50,,,Complete First assessment,Turkey,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,7,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Germany,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,8,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,I am not aware of a single patient.,No,No,,Yes,2,Yes,No,10-24.9%,25-49.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,No,10-24.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,52,62,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Yes,< 1%,0,< 1%,No,680000,60,50,15,45,0,25,,,Complete First assessment,Greece,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,,0,0,"As usual (reference 2019, no screening for COVID-19 infection)",We do not have an established procedure,,"Request for COVID-19 testing, discharge if tested positive",,"We have no experience, no inpatient has been tested by us or upon our request",Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,,,,,,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Incomplete First assessment,Germany,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,9,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,Yes,1,Yes,No,25-49.9%,10-24.9%,Yes,"Own within clinic guidelines, which are closely related to RANZCP guidelines",No,Yes,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,< 10%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Severe restrictions,Yes,75,52,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,"Yes, fully protected",Yes,I am not aware of a single case,0,5-10%,No,500000,18,6,6,21,0,6,Increased demand for mental health services,"We had 2 positive day care patients (not inpatients). This survey did not ask for day care cases, but only for inpatients tested positive for the new Corona-virus. Day programs have a high risk as regards the Corona-virus because patients have daily contact with other people in the family / at home (and it is often unclear to what degree the family members actually follow hygiene rules).",Complete First assessment,Ireland,"Strict lockdown measures (people enforced to stay at home other than for work and urgent dealings such as purchase of food, visits to physicians; restaurants and shops closed; home office encouraged)",Yes,8,0,0,"As usual (reference 2019, no screening for COVID-19 infection)",We have an established procedure with a separate ward for patients presumably or definitely positive for COVID-19,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, kept in a separate room or ward if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Strong,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,10-25%,"Yes, an increase",No,,No,,No,No,0.1-4.9%,0.1-4.9%,No,,No,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,9,3,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,No,I am not aware of a single case,,,,25,,,,,,,,,Complete First assessment,Germany,Loose lockdown measures (social distancing with public gatherings of no more than a given number of individuals enforced),Yes,6,0,0,We screen for signs of infection in a patient and their household members prior to admission,We have an established procedure with a separate room in our ward,,"Request for COVID-19 testing and isolation in separate room or separate ward, discharge if tested positive",,Within 24 hours,Medium,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,In less than 5% of patients,No,No,,No,,Yes,No,>75%,25-49.9%,No,,Yes,Yes,Checked,Checked,Checked,To a major degree,Yes,10-24.9%,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Checked,Unchecked,,Moderate restrictions,Yes,71,81,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,Checked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,Unchecked,,No,Partially,Partially,1-5%,0,I am not aware of a single case,No,800,45,25,10,30,5,10,"increase in mental disorders, school problems","We urgently need new technical diagnostic and therapeutic approaches (videoconferencing, APPS) to better deal with social distancing. ",Complete