AnimaliaColeopteraHydrophilidaeGirónJennifer C.ShortAndrew Edward Z.Review of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Tobochares Short & García, 2007 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae): new lineages, new species, and new recordsZookeys222202110199314010.3897/zookeys.1019.598818D05A782-189D-587D-8060-4D432D27B950 Tobochares benettii sp. nov.Figs 4A–C, 11A, 13, 14A, B Tobochares sp. B: Short et al. (2021).Type material examined.

Holotype (male): “Brazil: Amazonas: Rio Preto da Eva; -2.678466, -59.401714, 25 m; ca. 32 Km W of Rio Preto da Eva; seepage on sandstone with algae;; leg. Benetti and team; BR17-0610-01A” (INPA). Paratypes (8 exs.): Brazil: Amazonas: Same data as holotype (8, INPA, SEMC including DNA voucher SLE1264).

Differential diagnosis.

Tobochares benettii can be easily recognized from all other Tobochares species in the sulcatus species group by its elytral punctures seemingly uniformly distributed, not forming clear longitudinal rows, therefore completely lacking elytral striae (Fig. 4A). This character makes it similar to Tobochares goias, from which it can be distinguished by its uniform orange brown coloration along pronotum and elytra, with dark brown head (Fig. 4A–C), the posterior elevation of the mesoventrite forming a curved transverse ridge, which is medially prominent and acute and by characters of the aedeagus (Fig. 11A).


Habitus of Tobochares spp. in the sulcatus species group A–CT. benettiiA dorsal view B lateral view C ventral view D–FT. goiasD dorsal view E lateral view F ventral view. Scale bars: 1 mm.

Size and form: Body length 1.6–2.0 mm. Body elongate oval, strongly convex (Fig. 4A, B). Color and punctation. Head dark brown, pronotum and elytra uniformly orange brown; antennae, mouthparts and legs orange to yellowish brown, with paler tarsi (Fig. 4C). Ground punctation on head, pronotum and elytra moderately marked. Head: Eyes in dorsal view with anterior margin oblique, posteriorly directed, and outer margins continuous with outline of head (as in Fig. 2A); in lateral view, eyes emarginate to about half the length of eye (as in Fig. 2B). Maxillary palps slender, nearly as long as the width of the head, uniformly yellow in color (as in Fig. 2A). Thorax: Elytra with slightly defined rows of punctures, not forming grooves (Fig. 4A). Elevation of mesoventrite forming a somewhat transverse bulge (Fig. 4C). Metaventrite with distinct median, broad, ovoid glabrous area extending along posterior two thirds (Fig. 4C). Abdomen: Abdominal ventrites uniformly and very densely pubescent. Aedeagus (Fig. 11A) with basal piece 0.25 × the length of a paramere; widest point of parameres (near base) nearly 2/3 greatest width of median lobe (near base), with outer margins slightly sinuate, and rounded apex; median lobe roughly triangular, dorsally concave, apical region nearly half as wide as base, broadly rounded at apex; gonopore situated at apex of median lobe.


Named after Cesar J. Benetti, Brazilian specialist on aquatic beetles, in honor of his contributions to Neotropical beetle taxonomy and for all his assistance in the field.


Only known from the type locality in Amazonas State, Brazil, situated slightly north of the Amazon River (Fig. 13).

Life history.

This only known series was collected on a vertical seepage on sedimentary rock (Fig. 14A, B).


Aedeagi of Tobochares spp. AT. benettiiBT. goiasCT. fususDT. luteomargoET. pemonFT. anthonyaeGT. aturesHT. communisIT. micropsJT. romanoaeKT. akoerioLT. kappelMT. arawakNT. canaima. Scale bars: 0.5 mm (A–D); 0.1 mm (E–N).

Distribution of Tobochares spp.

Tobochares habitat in Brazil A, B type locality and habitat for T. benettii, seepage near Rio Preto de Eva (collecting event BR17-0610-01A) C type locality and habitat for T. goias, margin of Balneario Lejas (collecting event BR18-0304-02B) D habitat of T. kusad and T. sipaliwini, State of Roraima, near Usina de Jatapú reservoir (collecting Event BR18-0117-01A) E habitat and type locality of T. romanoae, and habitat of T. sipaliwini, State of Roraima, Serra do Tepequém, Igarape Preto Negro, Cachoeira Leje Preta (collecting event BR18-0114-04B) F type locality and habitat of T. fusus, State of Amapá, Calcoene (collecting event BR18-0721-02B).

Heads of Tobochares spp. A, BT. goias, black mark pointing to canthus emarginating the eye A dorsal view B anterolateral view CT. fususD, ET. luteomargo, black mark pointing to straight anterior margin of the eye D dorsal view E anterolateral view FT. romanoaeGT. pemonHT. communisIT. microps.
ShortAEZGirónJCToussaintEFA (2021) Evolution and biogeography of acidocerine water scavenger beetles (Coleoptera: Hydrophilidae) shaped by Gondwanan vicariance and Cenozoic isolation of South America. Systematic Entomology.