AnimaliaColeopteraHydrophilidaeGirónJennifer C.ShortAndrew Edward Z.Review of the Neotropical water scavenger beetle genus Tobochares Short & García, 2007 (Coleoptera, Hydrophilidae, Acidocerinae): new lineages, new species, and new recordsZookeys222202110199314010.3897/zookeys.1019.59881B8A4BDC0-2CC7-58F4-9A78-635F7623A4C4 Tobochares kusad Kohlenberg & Short, 2017Figs 12, 14DNew material examined.

Brazil: Roraima: Caroebe Municipality, Reservoir by Usina de Jatapú, 0.872953°, -59.282170°, 185 m, 17.i.2018, large wall seep with algae, leg. Short, Benetti, and Santana, BR18-0117-01A (7, INPA, SEMC including DNA Voucher SLE1501).


Distribution of Tobochares spp., including all previous (red) and new (yellow) records.

Tobochares habitat in Brazil A, B type locality and habitat for T. benettii, seepage near Rio Preto de Eva (collecting event BR17-0610-01A) C type locality and habitat for T. goias, margin of Balneario Lejas (collecting event BR18-0304-02B) D habitat of T. kusad and T. sipaliwini, State of Roraima, near Usina de Jatapú reservoir (collecting Event BR18-0117-01A) E habitat and type locality of T. romanoae, and habitat of T. sipaliwini, State of Roraima, Serra do Tepequém, Igarape Preto Negro, Cachoeira Leje Preta (collecting event BR18-0114-04B) F type locality and habitat of T. fusus, State of Amapá, Calcoene (collecting event BR18-0721-02B).