module main; PARENTAL_PIN_PROMT_SCREEN = 12; MG_ERROR_SCREEN = 21; INSTANT_UPGRADE_SCREEN = 23; TUNING_FAILED_SCREEN = 41; REC_FAIL_SCREEN = 58; DVR_FAIL_SCREEN_FIRST = 81; DVR_FAIL_SCREEN_LAST = 84; ERROR_REASON = 28; APP_LAUNCH_REASON = 39; AVN_SERVER_ERROR_REASON = 180; // start of AVN server errors REC_NO_EPG_FAIL_REASON = 200; REC_NO_SPACE_FAIL_REASON = 201; BLACK_SCREEN_NOT_AUTHORIZED = 0; // synthetic reason BLACK_SCREEN_PARENTAL_PIN = 1; // synthetic reason BLACK_SCREEN_TUNING_FAILED = 2; // synthetic reason AVN_APPLICATION = 5; // id of avn client application in dc event SEND_DELTA_TIME = 60; // time delta between sending // event types REGISTRATION_EVENT = 1; NOEPG_EVENT = 2; NOAVN_EVENT = 3; NODVR_EVENT = 4; REC_FAIL_EVENT = 5; BLACK_SCREEN_EVENT = 6; SDV_ERROR_EVENT = 7; EPG_ERROR_POPUP_EVENT = 8; REBOOT_EVENT = 9; ECHO_EVENT = 10; LAST_EVENT = 11; eventsInfo = [last_time] * LAST_EVENT; start() { echo("v 1.9"); if (_docsisDownstreamFrequencyTuned == -1 && _docsisUpstreamFrequencyTuned == -1) { echo("[W] Not a docsis environment, unloading"); eventsInfo.last_time[LAST_EVENT] := 0; // bounds check error -> unload module } register("dc:AppLaunch(int screen, int startTime, int timestampPartMsec, int reason, int channel)", AppLaunch); register("dc:AppSessionComplete(int app, int appEndTime, int timestampPartMsec, int sessionId, int reason, int clientSessionId)", AppSessionComplete); register("dc:EpgDataError(int date,int type,int error)", EpgDataError); register("dc:BlackScreen(int reason)", BlackScreen); register("dc:SdvError(int reason)", SdvError); register("dc:MgOverlay(int startTime, int timestampPartMsec, int screen, int sessionId, int reason)", MgOverlay); register("c", Console); eventsInfo.last_time[REGISTRATION_EVENT] := _currentTime; mkPersistentNs(); reportInt(REGISTRATION_EVENT); reportInt(eventsInfo.last_time[REGISTRATION_EVENT]); reportInt(_hubId); reportInt(_nodeId); reportStr(_uiFlashVersion); reportStr(_uiRomVersion); reportStr(_uiBuildNum); SendReboots(); } Console(p) { if (sEnds(p, 0, "echo")) // "module is active" signal SendAlertCommon(ECHO_EVENT); } SendAlertCommon(event_id) { alertTime = _currentTime; if ((alertTime - eventsInfo.last_time[event_id]) >= SEND_DELTA_TIME) { reportInt(event_id); reportInt(alertTime); eventsInfo.last_time[event_id] := alertTime; return true; } echo("event "_ i2s(event_id) _" not sent: too often"); return false; } SendBlackScreen(screen, reason) { black_screen_reason = screen == -1 ? reason : screen == TUNING_FAILED_SCREEN && reason == APP_LAUNCH_REASON ? BLACK_SCREEN_TUNING_FAILED : screen == INSTANT_UPGRADE_SCREEN && reason == APP_LAUNCH_REASON ? BLACK_SCREEN_NOT_AUTHORIZED : screen == PARENTAL_PIN_PROMT_SCREEN && reason == APP_LAUNCH_REASON ? BLACK_SCREEN_PARENTAL_PIN : -1; if (black_screen_reason == -1) return false; if (SendAlertCommon(BLACK_SCREEN_EVENT)) reportInt(black_screen_reason); return true; } SendReboots() { reboots = _getLastReboots(20); rcount = count(reboots); if (rcount == 0) return; reportInt(REBOOT_EVENT); reportInt(rcount); for (i = 0; i < rcount; i++) { reportInt([i]); reportInt(reboots.reason[i]); reportInt(reboots.subreason[i]); reportInt(reboots.offTime[i]); reportInt(reboots.onTime[i]); } } AppLaunch(params) { screen = intArg(); start_time = intArg(); timestampPartMsec = intArg(); reason = intArg(); channel = intArg(); if (SendBlackScreen(screen, reason)) return; if ((reason == REC_NO_SPACE_FAIL_REASON && screen == REC_FAIL_SCREEN) || (reason == ERROR_REASON && screen >= DVR_FAIL_SCREEN_FIRST && screen <= DVR_FAIL_SCREEN_LAST)) { if (SendAlertCommon(NODVR_EVENT)) reportInt(screen); return; } if (screen == REC_FAIL_SCREEN && reason == REC_NO_EPG_FAIL_REASON) { if (SendAlertCommon(REC_FAIL_EVENT)) reportInt(channel); return; } echo("AppLaunch event ignored"); } AppSessionComplete(params) { app = intArg(); end_time = intArg(); timestampPartMsec = intArg(); session_id = intArg(); reason = intArg(); clientSessionId = intArg(); if (app == AVN_APPLICATION && reason >= AVN_SERVER_ERROR_REASON && SendAlertCommon(NOAVN_EVENT)) { reportInt(_avnServerIp); reportInt(_avnServerPort); reportInt(reason - AVN_SERVER_ERROR_REASON); // error } } BlackScreen(params) { SendBlackScreen(-1, intArg()); } SdvError(params) { if (SendAlertCommon(SDV_ERROR_EVENT)) reportInt(intArg()); } EpgDataError(params) { if (SendAlertCommon(NOEPG_EVENT)) { fileDate = intArg(); srcType = intArg(); reason = intArg(); reportInt(srcType); reportInt(fileDate); reportInt(reason); } } MgOverlay(params) { startTime = intArg(); timestampPartMsec = intArg(); screen = intArg(); sessionId = intArg(); reason = intArg(); if (MG_ERROR_SCREEN == screen && ERROR_REASON == reason && SendAlertCommon(EPG_ERROR_POPUP_EVENT)) { reportInt(sessionId); } }