AnimaliaBlattodeaBlaberidaeWangYi-ShuChenRongJinDu-TingCheYan-LiWangZong-QingNew record of Cyrtonotula Uvarov, 1939 (Blaberidae, Epilamprinae) from China, with three new species based on morphological and COI dataZookeys0232021102112714310.3897/zookeys.1021.595264821DB9B-9A01-5B30-8CD4-CE9023250C2A Cyrtonotula epunctata Wang & Wangsp. nov.Figs 2A–L, 5AType material.

Holotype. China • male; Hainan Prov., Lingshui County, Diaoluoshan Mountain; 916 m; 16 Apr. 2015; Lu Qiu & Qi-Kun Bai leg.; SWU-B-BB100101.

Paratypes. China • 1 male & 2 females; same collection data as holotype; 18 Apr. 2015; SWU-B-BB100102 to 100104 • 1 female; Hainan Prov., Wuzhishan Nature Reserve; 795 m; 18 May 2014; Xin-Ran Li, Shun-Hua Gui & Jian-Yue Qiu leg.; SWU-B-BB100105 • 1 female; Hainan Prov., Diaoluoshan Mountain; 275 m; 25 May 2014; Xin-Ran Li, Shun-Hua Gui & Jian-Yue Qiu leg.; SWU-B-BB100106.

Differential diagnosis.

The new species readily differs from all its congeners in the spination of hind tarsi. Cyrtonotula epunctata sp. nov. resembles C. lata Hanitsch, 1929 in testaceous body color and the length of hind metatarsus, but the new species can be distinguished from C. lata by the following characters: the coloration of facial part black, with clypeo-labral area yellowish brown, and vertex without visible lines (vs deep testaceous and vertex with three longitudinal dark lines in C. lata), and tegmina only reaching to the posterior margin of the third abdominal segment (vs reaching over the sixth abdominal tergite in C. lata).


Measurements (mm). Overall length: male 20.7–21.0, female 28.9–39.5; pronotum length × width: male 6.3–6.5 × 9.3–9.5, female 8.5 × 11.3; tegmen length: male 9.3–9.6 × 5.6–5.9, female 13.0–18.6 × 8.0–11.9.

Male. Colouration testaceous. Surfaces smooth and glossy (Fig. 2A). Eyes black. Ocellar spots yellow white. Vertex, frons black; clypeus and labrum yellowish brown (Fig. 2B). Pronotum deep testaceous, without spots (Fig. 2E). Tegmina auburn, moderately punctured (Fig. 2G). Legs ferruginous. Abdomen and cerci dark brown (Fig. 2B).


Cyrtonotula epunctata Wang & Wang, sp. nov. A, B, E–L male C, D female A paratype, dorsal view B paratype, ventral view C paratype, dorsal view D paratype, ventral view E pronotum, dorsal view F front femur, ventral view G tegmen H supra-anal plate, ventral view I subgenital plate, dorsal view J right phallomere, dorsal view K median phallomere (sclerite L2D), dorsal view L left phallomere (sclerite L3), dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 cm (C, D); 5.0 mm (A, B, E, G); 1.0 mm (F, H, I); 0.5 mm (J–L).

Vertex concealed. Interocular space same as the width between the antennal sockets, slightly greater than ocellar distance. Pronotum nearly semicircular, anterior margin parabolic, posterior margin obtusely angled (Fig. 2E). Tegmina reduced, reaching up the 4th abdominal tergite only; apex rounded; venation distinct, all main veins (Sc, R, and CuP) present, Sc thickened (easily visible on ventral side of tegmen) (Fig. 2A, G). Wings vestigial, only reaching to the posterior margin of the 3rd abdominal segment, completely covered by tegmina. Front femur Type B2 (Fig. 2F). Hind metatarsus depressed-cylindrical, nearly equal to the succeeding segments combined, with single complete row of spines along ventral margin and several additional spines on inner side; four proximal tarsomeres with pulvilli terminal, the one on the second tarsomere occupying practically the whole length of the segment; claws symmetrical and simple; arolium present (Fig. 5A). Abdominal tergites unspecialized; knobs along the posterior margin indistinct; weak spiracle-bearing outgrowths of tergite VIII with distinct spiracle. Supra-anal plate with the posterior margin widely rounded and a weak mesal incision. Cerci distinctly segmented, densely covered with bristles. Paraprocts of blaberid type, asymmetrical (Fig. 2H). Subgenital plate rounded, slightly asymmetrical; the base of the inner plate bifurcated. Styli cylindrical, apically rounded (Fig. 2I).

Male genitalia. Right phallomere with caudal part of sclerite R1T rectangular in shape; cranial part of R1T more or less straight; R2 curved; R3 long; R4 irregular plate-like; R5 large, fused with sclerite R3 in caudal part (Fig. 2J). “chaetae-bearing membranous area” absent. Sclerite L2D not divided into basal and apical parts, slender and rod-like, with basal end tapering and a bifurcated outgrowth born near the basal end (Fig. 2K). Sclerite L3 hooked, apex slightly rounded, with a small tooth on the inner margin less distinct; folded structure present, with bristles. Sclerite L4U distinct (Fig. 2L).

Female. Similar to the male but body somewhat larger.


Derived from the Latin word epunctatus, referring to the lack of visible spots on the body.


Hind tarsi ACyrtonotula epunctata Wang & Wang, sp. nov., female, paratype BCyrtonotula maculosa Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male, holotype CCyrtonotula longialata Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male, holotype. Scale bars: 2.0 mm.