AnimaliaBlattodeaBlaberidaeWangYi-ShuChenRongJinDu-TingCheYan-LiWangZong-QingNew record of Cyrtonotula Uvarov, 1939 (Blaberidae, Epilamprinae) from China, with three new species based on morphological and COI dataZookeys0232021102112714310.3897/zookeys.1021.5952658743CE3-1C27-59F2-BC13-3EC14C052D7D Cyrtonotula longialata Wang & Wangsp. nov.Figs 4A–K, 5C, 6BType material.

Holotype. China • male; Hainan Prov., Limuling Mountain; 18 Apr. 2015; Xin-Ran Li & Zhi-Wei Qiu leg.; SWU-B-BB090201.

Paratypes. China • 3 males; same collection data as holotype; SWU-B-BB090202 to 090204 • 6 males & 2 females; Hainan Prov., Baoting County, Maogan Township; 549–776 m; 11–12 Apr. 2015; Xin-Ran Li, Lu Qiu, Zhi-Wei Qiu & Qi-Kun Bai leg.; SWU-B-BB090205 to 090212 • 1 male; Hainan Prov., Bawangling Mountain; 600–800 m; 29 Apr. 2015; Lu Qiu & Qi-Kun Bai leg.; SWU-B-BB090213 • 2 males; Hainan Prov., Diaoluoshan Mountain; 275m; 24 May 2014; Xin-Ran Li & Shun-Hua Gui leg.; SWU-B-BB090214 and 090215.

Differential diagnosis.

The new species principally differs from all its congeners, except for C. maculosa sp. nov., in the presence of abdominal tergal glands. From C. maculosa sp. nov., C. longialata sp. nov. differs in having the completely developed tegmina and wings extending beyond the abdominal apex, the shape of tergal glands (see description below).


Measurements (mm). Overall length: male 27.0–30.0, female 31.0; pronotum length × width: male 6.2–6.4 × 7.8–8.2, female 6.3 × 9.1; tegmen length: male 23.0–25.0 × 8.6–9.2, female 25.7 × 9.3.

Male. General colour brown (Fig. 4A). Eyes black. Ocellar spots yellow-white. Head black except for brown clypeo-labral area; facial part of head with weak transverse wrinkles and paired impressions under ocelli (Fig. 4B). Pronotum russet, reddish brown at center, speckled with small, brown patches (Fig. 4C). A few yellow spots present in tegmina (Fig. 4E); wings with costal field, radial field, mediocubital field fulvous, and anal field pale brown (Fig. 4F). Legs and abdomen dark yellowish brown. Cerci dark brown (Fig. 4B).


A–LCyrtonotula longialata Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male A holotype, dorsal view B holotype, ventral view C pronotum, dorsal view D front femur, ventral view E tegmen F wings G supra-anal plate, ventral view H subgenital plate, dorsal view I right phallomere, dorsal view J median phallomere (sclerite L2D), dorsal view K left phallomere (sclerite L3), dorsal view. Scale bars: 1.0 cm (A, B); 5.0 mm (C, E, F); 1.0 mm (D, G–K).

Vertex slightly exposed. Interocular distance as wide as inter-antennal distance, slightly greater than inter-ocellar distance. Pronotum flabellate, widely rounded along anterolateral margins, posterior margin obtusely angled (Fig. 4C). Tegmina and wings completely developed, exceeding abdominal apex; tegmina with rounded apex; venation distinct, all main veins (Sc, R, and CuP) present (Fig. 4E, F). Anterior margin of fore femur B2 (Fig. 4D). Hind metatarsus distinctly longer than other segments combined, armed with two rows of spines; pulvilli large on all proximal tarsomeres; claws symmetrical and simple; arolium present (Fig. 5C). The first abdominal tergite specialized, cap-like (Fig. 6B); tergite VIII with posterolateral angles strongly expressed. Supra-anal plate with the caudal margin widely rounded and a weak median incision. Cerci robust, segmented. Paraprocts of blaberid type, asymmetrical (Fig. 4G). Subgenital plate symmetrical, rounded. Base of inner plate bifurcated. Styli long, cylindrical, apically rounded (Fig. 4H).

Male genitalia. Right phallomere with caudal part of sclerite R1T nearly rectangular, cranial part of R1T curved; R2 arched; R3 elongate and widened apically, fused with sclerite R5 in caudal part; R4 irregular plate-like, separated (Fig. 4I). Sclerite L2D divided into basal and apical parts, basal part rod-like, widened cranially; apical part trifurcate; apical membrane covered with chaetae (Fig. 4J). Sclerite L3 hooked, apically subtruncate; inner margin with apex pointed; folded structure and bristles present; sclerite L4U distinct (Fig. 4K).

Female. Similar to the male. Abdominal tergites unspecialized.


Hind tarsi ACyrtonotula epunctata Wang & Wang, sp. nov., female, paratype BCyrtonotula maculosa Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male, holotype CCyrtonotula longialata Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male, holotype. Scale bars: 2.0 mm.

Currently, this is the only species of Cyrtonotula with fully developed tegmina and wings. This species is placed in Cyrtonotula because it closely resembles C. maculosa sp. nov. in having sclerite L3 hooked (apex nearly truncate and inner margin with a distinct point) and in the location of tergal gland.


The first abdominal tergal gland ACyrtonotula maculosa Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male, paratype BCyrtonotula longialata Wang & Wang, sp. nov., male, holotype. Scale bars: 1.0 mm.

The species epithet is derived from the Latin adjective longialatus, which refers to the well-developed wings.


Living Cytonotula species from Hainan, China A female C. epunctata sp. nov. (Diaoluoshan Mountain) B male C. epunctata sp. nov. (Diaoluoshan Mountain) C female C. maculosa sp. nov. (Yinggeling Mountain) DCyrtonotula longialata sp. nov. (Baoting County). Photos: A–C by Lu Qiu D by Xin-Ran Li.