AnimaliaColeopteraCoccinellidaeNestor-ArriolaJorge IsmaelToledo-HernándezVíctor HugoSolísÁngelGonzálezGuillermoVětrovecJaroslavThe Brachiacantha Dejean, 1837 (Coleoptera, Coccinellidae) of Central AmericaZookeys1632021102415719610.3897/zookeys.1024.56927477D7086-0D1E-55ED-819E-0194624AC020 Brachiacantha invertita Nestor-Arriola, Toledo-Hernández & Solíssp. nov.Figures 59–64Holotype.

Male, pinned, with genitalia in a separate microvial. Original labels: “COSTA RICA, PUNTARENAS, A. C. Arenal, Buen Amigo, San Luis, 1000–1350 m, May 1994, col. Z. Fuentes, L N 250850_449250, #2926” (MNCR).


Costa Rica • 1♂; Cartago, Birrisito; 1400 m; 07 Aug. 1980; D. R. Whitehead leg. (USNMNH). 1♀; Cartago, Turrialba, Tayutic, P. N. Barbilla, Sector Cerro Tigre; 1500–1600 m; 22 June-22 July 2001; W. Arana leg.; malaise trap; L_N_211700_602500, #64679 (MNCR); 1♀; Cartago, P. N. Tapantí, Quebrada Segunda; 1250 m; Oct. 1992; G. Mora leg.; L-N 194000_560000 (MNCR). 1♀; Guanacaste, R. F. Cord. Guanacaste, Rio San Lorenzo, Tierras Morenas; 1050 m; Dec. 1991; C. Alvarado leg.; L-N 287800_427600 (MNCR). 2♂; same data; ene.1992 (MNCR). 1♀; Guanacaste, Est. Cacao, SW side Volcán Cacao; 1000–1400 m; Apr. 1988; GNP. Biodiv. Survey exped.; 323300_375700 (MNCR). 1♂; same data; malaise trap; 1988–1989 (MNCR). 1♀, 1♂; Guanacaste, A. C. Guanacaste, Sect. Las Pailas; 800 m; 6–26 June 1994; K. Taylor leg.; L N 309500_389500, #3063 (MNCR). 1♀; Guanacaste, Tierras Morenas; 650 m; 8–10 Feb 1994; Z. Fuentes leg.; L S 283950_424500, #2616 (MNCR). 1♀; Guanacaste, P. N. Rincon de la Vieja, Est. Las Pailas; 800 m; 10–21 Nov. 1993; M. A. Zumbado and D. G. García leg.; L N 306300_388600, #2559 (MNCR). 2♀, 6♂; Guanacaste, sect. Las Pailas, 4.5 km SW Rincón de la Vieja volcano; 800 m; 12 Apr.-4 May 1995; K. Taylor leg.; L_N_306300_388600, #6194 (MNCR). 1♂; Guanacaste, Z. P. Tenorio, Rio San Lorenzo, Tierras Morenas; 1050 m; Aug. 1992; G. Rodriguez leg.; L-N 287800_427600 (MNCR). 1♀; same data, Oct. 1992 (MNCR). 1♂; Guanacaste, Z. P. Tenorio, Rio San Lorenzo, Tierras Morenas; 1050 m; 28 Mar.-21 Apr. 1992; M. Segura leg.; L-N 287800_427600 (MNCR). 1♀; Puntarenas, Monteverde, San Luis; 1000–1350 m, Feb. 1994; Z. Fuentes leg.; L-N 449250_250850, #2615 (MNCR). 1♀, 1♂; Puntarenas, Monteverde, San Luis; 1040 m; 24 Aug.-15 Sep. 1992; F. A. Quesada leg.; L-N 250850_449250 (MNCR). 1♀; Puntarenas, R. B. Monteverde, est. La Casona; 1520 m; July 1992; N. Obando leg.; L N 253200_449700 (MNCR). 1♀; San José, Moravia, San Jeronimo; 1400 m; 05 Dec. 2008; A. S. Saenz leg.; L N 222050_535800, #95353 (MNCR).


Dorsal color yellow with black spots. Male abdomen with several ventrites depressed and emarginate. Penis guide of male genitalia with an apical triangular projection, penis with long slender alae.


Holotype. Male. Length 3.6 mm, width 2.0 mm; body oval, convex. Dorsal color yellow except pronotum, with a small basal black spot on each side of the disk center, a small black basal spot and a black subquadrate spot on each side at ½ from the lateral margin; scutellar shield black; each elytron with five black spots: scutellar spot slightly oval, sub-humeral spot large and oval, mid-lateral spot at the apical half of the elytron, discal and sub-apical spots rounded, the spots do not touch the elytral margin, the elytral suture or the anterior border (Fig. 59). Ventral surface with head, prosternum, metaventrite and abdomen black; legs, mouthparts, and antennae yellow. Head punctures small, separated by their diameter, each puncture slightly larger than an eye facet; pronotal punctures larger than head punctures, separated by their diameter; elytral punctures as large as pronotal punctures, separated by their diameter; metaventral punctures larger than elytral punctures, separated by more than three diameters at center, about one diameter on sides. Clypeus straight. Carinae on prosternal process curved, divergent, not joined, larger than half the prosternum. Protibia not flanged, basal tooth small. Basal abdominal ventrite without setal tuft. Abdomen with postcoxal line on basal abdominal ventrite slightly flattened along posterior ventrite margin; ventrite with sparse, long pubescence and small, dense punctures. Ventrites III-VI depressed and emarginated (Fig. 60). Ventrites II-VI pubescent throughout, punctures fine, dense; third ventrite with a tubercle on each side of middle. Genitalia with penis guide as long as parameres, symmetrical, sides slightly convergent, apex almost truncated but with a triangular appendage (Fig. 61); parameres narrowed to apex, apex acute, setae rising from the convex side border (Fig. 62); penis curved in basal ½, apex with long slender alae, basal capsule crested, inner arm of basal capsule long and slender (Figs 63, 64).

Female. Similar to male except abdominal characters. Genitalia not examined.


Males. Length 2.9–3.1 mm, width 2.2–2.7 mm. Females. Length 2.6–3.8 mm, width 2–2.9 mm.


From the Latin inversos (= invert). The name refers to the dorsal color pattern, yellow with five black spots, the inverse of that of many Brachiacantha species (black with five yellow spots).

Type locality.

Costa Rica, Puntarenas: Monteverde, San Luis, 10°17'11"N, 84°48'5"W.


Costa Rica.


This species is easily identifiable by the dorsal coloration, yellow with black spots.


Brachiacantha invertita sp. nov., male 59 Dorsal view 60 Abdomen 61 Tegmen 62 Tegmen lateral view 63 Penis 64 Penis apex.