Analysis of anaemia againsnt potential risk factors ==================================================== *****Note that the important variable here is intervention_conntrol. But this is related to sp_grp and takingsp. This why you get those odd results when all of them are in the model. We have removed nad intervention grroup from ***** . noi logistic anaemia i.mp0 i.mp36 i.agenew1 i.resid_class i.educlev i.relig i.ethni > c i.sp_grp i.deworm i.trimest i.sleep_itn i.anaemia0 i.lbw Logistic regression Number of obs = 729 LR chi2(20) = 130.41 Prob > chi2 = 0.0000 Log likelihood = -422.61954 Pseudo R2 = 0.1337 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ anaemia | Odds Ratio Std. Err. z P>|z| [95% Conf. Interval] -------------------+---------------------------------------------------------------- mp0 | Yes | .7829412 .3409194 -0.56 0.574 .3334931 1.83811 | mp36 | Yes | 2.358409 .4969598 4.07 0.000 1.56047 3.56437 | agenew1 | 25-29 | .8918772 .1942959 -0.53 0.599 .5819295 1.36691 30-34 | .6894222 .1681613 -1.52 0.127 .4274284 1.112006 35+ | .7605856 .2112975 -0.99 0.325 .4412418 1.311051 | resid_class | Rural | 1.165052 .3723059 0.48 0.633 .6227786 2.179499 Urban | .8555651 .1894957 -0.70 0.481 .554273 1.320633 | educlev | PRIMARY | .6077505 .1385587 -2.18 0.029 .3887436 .9501396 SECONDARY | .7936629 .1984493 -0.92 0.355 .4861829 1.295605 COLLEGE/UNI OR .. | .3960418 .1005356 -3.65 0.000 .2408034 .6513575 | relig | Christian | 1.009686 .3137989 0.03 0.975 .5490891 1.856651 | ethnic | Dagomba | .6907861 .1671555 -1.53 0.126 .4299035 1.109983 | sp_grp | <3 | 1.027689 .2601451 0.11 0.914 .6257371 1.687841 3+ | .8934787 .2207012 -0.46 0.648 .550587 1.449915 | deworm | Yes | 1.484691 .4539273 1.29 0.196 .815438 2.703219 | trimest | 2nd trimester | .9694871 .172074 -0.17 0.861 .6846404 1.372845 3rd trimester | 2.851859 1.896779 1.58 0.115 .7744464 10.50182 | sleep_itn | Yes | .9281632 .1639883 -0.42 0.673 .6564983 1.312245 | anaemia0 | Yes | 3.318968 .5761684 6.91 0.000 2.361759 4.664128 | lbw | Yes | 1.383981 .3658793 1.23 0.219 .8243285 2.323593 _cons | 1.455182 .9800988 0.56 0.578 .388699 5.447801 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .