end_datetime;summary_of_case_c;decision_making_regulation;acronym;acronym_2 3/25/2020 17:58;Hotel restaurant chef presenting for 4 days dry cough, chills, joint pain, headache and runny nose. No signs of organ dysfunction or seriousness at the moment. History of smoking/ no other known comorbidities. Doubt: is there an indication to perform a diagnostic test or referral?;Keep in primary care;PR;s 3/18/2020 11:57;Female applicant, 37 years old, 23 weeks pregnant, nurse serving on the front line, doubts if she can continue working.;Keep in primary care;MT;CO 3/30/2020 14:55;Female, 36 years old, without previous comorbidities, had respiratory symptoms for +- 2 weeks, lasting for +- 5-7 days and started diarrhea for 4 days with colic. Did enterogermina and buscopam. During the day, it improves the cramps, presents with legs, has watery diarrhea, more frequent at night. Will initiate Tiofan. It has a plan to suspend isolation until 03/31/20. Can I prescribe tiorphan?;Keep in primary care;AM;N 3/18/2020 11:58;Nurse questions whether patients with recent travels in the national territory would fall into suspected cases of COVID-19.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 3/18/2020 11:58;Requester asks what are the signs and symptoms of COVID-19.;Keep in primary care;MT;CO 12/5/2020 14:07;Professional asks if all patients should follow the fast-track telecare protocol of the MS.;Not applicable;PR;s 3/25/2020 17:59;Female patient, 48 years old, presenting fever and nausea. She claims to be allergic to paracetamol and dipyrone, having had a urticarial reaction with the use of both drugs. What alternative antipyretic could be used by the patient in case of suspicion of COVID-19?;Keep in primary care;RN;HUH 3/30/2020 14:50;Physician requests sending of material to help with case management of COVID-19.;Not applicable;BA;HUH 3/30/2020 14:51;Doctor asks for what period patients with flu-like illness should be kept in isolation.;Not applicable;BA;HUH 3/30/2020 14:51;A 25-year-old patient without comorbidities started on March 19 with diarrhea, headache, cough, dyspnea, worsening since March 24. At the moment with ventilatory effort, RR 50 mm, without spO2. Did not have fever during Doubt: refer patient to emergency? activate the SAMU for transport?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;LOL;s 3/25/2020 13:01;It has been 6 days with cough, fever. He is a nurse and is away from work. Should the COVID-19 survey be collected?;Keep in primary care;MT;CO 3/20/2020 16:51;How to clean the room after treating a symptomatic respiratory patient?;Not applicable;; 3/25/2020 13:04;Female patient, 1 year and 11 months old, presents, since March 19, a dry cough. She had no fever or other symptoms. How should this patient be managed?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 8/7/2020 13:52;M, 74 years old. No smoking history. SAH. In use: losartan, AAS. 8/24 complaint of dizziness. No respiratory symptoms. Normal physical examination 08/28 sought care with respiratory complaints (cough, chills, altered taste) --> started with aziter 31/08 on D3 of aziter with severe dry cough. No other complaints. Discrete crackles in hemithorax base D. Sat 93 - 95% --> take + dexa for 5 days + aerolin TC chest 04/08 --> areas of bilateral consolidation with peripheral distribution, areas of ground-glass in right apical region Today's exam: cough today but with improvement from last exam (cough is worse in the morning), physical exam normal. BEG, sat 98%, afebrile. Note: in the investigation, covid was positive. In summary: the patient presented respiratory symptoms, positive covid, used azitro, levofloxacin, corticosteroids and inhaled b2. She presented clinical improvement, but presented CT with the findings described above. Has already completed treatment with antibiotics and steroids. Doubt: should I restart steroids/atb in this patient given the CT finding?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 3/27/2020 11:44;Female, 26th Patient with tiredness, headache, shortness of breath for two days. Contact with friends from USA 10 days ago, not suspected u confirmed. No travel history. Need to perform swab collection?;Not applicable;MG;IF 10/30/2020 14:21;A patient with a history of contact with a patient's cell phone, a positive COVID-19, is on the 9th day of isolation after this last contact. Remains asymptomatic. Can you discharge the isolation?;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 9/18/2020 15:49;Child with 1 to 6m. Symptoms of fever (Tax=38°C), diarrhea, vomiting, starting on 9/7. He consulted and the doctor advised the use of paracetamol and if the fever persisted, he returned on 12/09, he was not notified. Requester questions conduct, as he believes it may be indicative of covid.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/18/2020 14:34;Child with 1 to 6m. Symptoms of fever (Tax=38°C), diarrhea, vomiting, starting on 9/7. He consulted and the doctor advised the use of paracetamol and if the fever persisted, he returned on 12/09, he was not notified. Requester identifies symptoms that may be related to covid, wants to know which test would be indicated for the child?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/18/2020 15:43;Female patient, 31st, died with suspected covid, lives in Arambaré and SUS card is from Sentinela do Sul, died in Camaquã. Requester wants to know to which of the three locations the death must be notified.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/29/2020 19:32;M, 56 years old. He complains of burning in the throat, but no pain, for 3 days and dry cough for 2 days. There was no fever. No headache or headache. Smoker, about a pack a day. He also uses marijuana and other drugs that he didn't want to mention. Clean pulmonary auscultation. Saturation between 89 and 90% measured in two devices. There is no dyspnea at the moment. He went to the hospital on September 2, complaining of a productive cough for twenty days, weight loss and loss of appetite, in addition to chest pain. At the time it saturated 94%. How to proceed?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;DF;CO 10/2/2020 20:15;F 42 years old, obese, asthmatic, caregiver for the elderly. Patient with good asthma control, with only rescue medication without crisis for a long time. 28 days ago, she started with flu-like symptoms, performed a rapid test on the first day of symptoms with a positive result for coronavirus. Since then it has been in isolation. Patient returns today for reassessment, persists with cough without any improvement and dyspnea. Already evaluated in the emergency department in the previous week for dyspnea, having been released. Already excluded other causes of cough (GERD, drip, decompensated asthma). RR 24 / Normal SpO2 / afebrile RA without changes, without wheezing How to proceed with the absence from work considering that the patient is a caregiver for the elderly and persists with dyspnea?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/30/2020 14:24;A patient with a history of contact with a patient's cell phone, a positive COVID-19, is on the 9th day of isolation after this last contact. Remains asymptomatic. Can you perform the quick test?;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 9/18/2020 16:52;Female, 5 years old, History started on 08/13 of sore throat and fever 2 weeks ago. Afterwards, it started with arthritis (wrist and ankle), erythema in limbs. Denied constitutional symptoms. Treatment was done with penicillin G benzathine 1,200,000 IU (08/21/20). On examination, he denied changes. Laboratory (19/08): Blood count 11.8 // Platelets 568,000 // Leukotic 14000 (4% rodsPCR 93 VHS 82 Cre 0,5 ASLO 16 (normal) FR NR FAN NR Ac urico 2.2 || Laboratory (25/ 08): Hb 11.6 // Leukocytes 13200 (1% rods) // Platelets 696,000 Despite the low ASLO, a private cardiologist evaluated and requested ECG and echocardiography, which patient cannot pay privately. Re-consultation on 9/14 - maintaining arthritis in wrist and elbow with non-itchy macules Afebrile ACV RR2t bnf ss Repeated ASLO: 21, ESR 100, PCR 3.3 EQU sp normal BP Hb 12, ht36 Leuc 7000 Platelets 470mil Patient had close contact with person with COVID (doesn't know if diagnosis was by PCR or rapid tests.) Private cardiologist also raised the hypothesis of Pediatric Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome due to COVID, should I consider a suspicious case?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/29/2020 19:45;Female, 31 years old, with a suspected case of COVID-19, is awaiting collection of COVID-19. Boyfriend contact yesterday. Should I guide home isolation for the boyfriend who is asymptomatic?;Keep in primary care;PR;s 9/29/2020 15:11;Male patient, 46 years old, depressed, smoker, daughter with Down syndrome. Denies asthma, denies COPD. He was away from March until September, due to a respiratory illness that he was unable to inform, and for the care of his daughter. You want release to go back to work in person (you are teleworking). How to release?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/29/2020 15:50;Doctor has doubts regarding the provision of a health certificate for a 61-year-old patient, who is only hypertensive on enalapril BID. He asks if there is legislation that supports the leave, the patient works in a day care center and comes today for consultation to request a certificate for the leave because he is from a risk group.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/30/2020 15:24;Should I isolate asymptomatic patients whose IgG and IgM serological tests are positive?;Refer to specialized care;TO;N 9/29/2020 18:32;F, 21 years old, asymptomatic, works as a saleswoman in a clothing store, and is performing serology by indication of her work every 15 days. Have you ever had 05/09/20: IGM: R, IGG: NR, 06/09/20: IGG: R IGM: NR, 06/25/20: IGM: R IGG: R, 09/28/20: IGM: A IGG: A. Do you question whether to take the patient away from work? sinaramnogueira@gmail.com;Keep in primary care;DF;CO 9/29/2020 15:54;61 years old. She lived with her mother when her mother was diagnosed with COVID-19, moved to her brother's house. Patient denies having any symptoms. He underwent isolation for 14 days. Requester would like guidance whether to test patient after 14 days of isolation if patient is asymptomatic?;Not applicable;MG;IF 9/29/2020 20:03;F, 26 years old. He has had griapis symptoms for 5 days (headache, myalgia, anosmia, cough). Works in a nursing home. He did an igA test for covid on his own and came up with a positive result. No signs of gravity. Doubt: despite having already confirmed the diagnosis of covid by clinic + positive IGA, do I need to notify the Gercon to generate a PCR test for this patient?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/29/2020 19:31;New note on COVID-19, with guidance to test nasal and oropharyngeal swab RT-PCR in asymptomatic contacts of cases with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 (by symptoms and positive PCR). Can I release these contacts from home isolation if PCR negative?;Keep in primary care;PR;s 9/29/2020 17:04;Requester would like information regarding time of IgM and IgG seroconversion to SARS-CoV-2 e?;Not applicable;MG;IF 9/29/2020 16:09;Rapid serological tests for covid on employees are being carried out by a third-party company that does not provide a report with the test result. He says he made contact with the company, which claims to inform the health surveillance of the results. He wants to know if there is any document that informs the company's obligation to provide the report.;Not applicable;SP;IF 10/14/2020 12:35;Female, 30 years old, pregnant, 1st trimester of pregnancy, presents with flu-like syndrome for 8 days (headache, odynophagia, body pain, nasal obstruction and runny nose) without warning signs. Does she really have the flu syndrome even though she doesn't have a fever?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/30/2020 12:08;Female, 31st, grade 3 obesity, SAH. Coryza, headache and complaint for 4 days. TR (IgG and IgM) positive for COVID-19 for 2 days. Yesterday, the patient started to have generalized pruritus without lesions, starting with VO levocetirizine and topical dexamethasone. Clinically stable, no dyspnea, no changes in vital signs, complaining only of pruritus. What is the conduct?;Keep in primary care;MT;CO 10/30/2020 14:35;Male, 75 years old. HAS Denies smoking. Attended on 10/26/20, referred for 9 days, cough, headache, myalgia, headache, malaise, dyspepsia. 500mg/day azithromycin prescribed. Scheduled quick test collection for covid-19 for today, symptom 12th. Non-reactive rapid tests for COVID, wife also negative. PA 120/80 FR 15 FC 85 Sat 96% BEG, eupneic, auscultation unchanged. Sat 94-95%. On D4 of azithromycin, denies improvement in cough or fatigue. Denies dyspnea or respiratory effort. Physician requested a chest x-ray for having persistent symptoms and already asked for a new collection to discard COVID-19. Auscultation: no changes. Unreported chest X-ray: bilateral infiltrate, striae in profile and vertical opacity at base. How to proceed?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;LOL;s 9/29/2020 16:54;The municipality only has serology for coronaviruses (IgG and IgM) available, it does not have the possibility of performing RT-PCR for all symptomatic patients. When is the best time for testing?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/14/2020 12:36;Female, 30 years old, pregnant, 1st trimester of pregnancy, presents with flu-like syndrome for 8 days (headache, odynophagia, body pain, nasal obstruction and runny nose) without warning signs. SV normal. Can I use oseltamivir?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/21/2020 11:33;Male, 25 years old, physiotherapist, asymptomatic, learned that he saw a patient 4 days ago (asymptomatic - tested for being a home contact of a confirmed symptomatic case) who confirmed in the RT-PCR test that he was with COVID-19. of physiotherapy, the professional was using all the personal protective equipment. Remains asymptomatic so far. Doubt: how to handle?;Keep in primary care;; 10/14/2020 12:45;Female, 30 years old, pregnant, 1st trimester of pregnancy, presents with flu-like syndrome for 8 days (headache, odynophagia, body pain, nasal obstruction and runny nose) without warning signs. Can I perform PCR for COVID?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 6/11/2020 12:55;female, 5y, covid ha 3m, symptomatic. Now with rhinorrhea, dry cough, anorexia. no fever ha 7d. Should I order PCR?;Keep in primary care;; 10/30/2020 14:49;A patient with a positive rapid test for COVID-19 on 10/29 was a household contact of a patient with COVID-19, confirmed by a positive PCR test on 10/10. Remains asymptomatic. What is the conduct?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/1/2020 19:36;asc, 37 years old. Kidney transplant, taking tacrolimus and other medications he doesn't remember. Home contact with suspected child for covid - child with GS, waiting for PCR result. Patient started 2 days ago with headache and fever measured 38-38.5. No respiratory complaints. No skin lesions, no lymph nodes, no alterations on auscultation. No signs of meningeal irritation. How to carry out investigation?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;LOL;s 9/30/2020 17:42;M, onset of symptoms on 9/16/20, positive IGM 9/22/20, currently asymptomatic. For more than 24 afebrile hours. He works in a prison house, which is demanding a certificate for release from work that specifies that he has no risk of transmission. Do you wonder if he should give this certificate or if it is the responsibility of the occupational physician?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/1/2020 18:08;Two doctors are on leave because they are the group at higher risk for poor outcomes due to COVID-19 and will perform teleconsultations. Requester would like to know if synchronous remote calls by video or telephone need to be fully recorded.;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 9/30/2020 19:14;Doubts about the tests. Three different situations in which they performed reagent RT (very weak line), little symptomatic or asymptomatic. In the UNIMED laboratory, negative serological tests are being performed. Which test should you trust?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/1/2020 13:09;Fem, 58th. Presented COVID-19 60 days ago. The clinical picture improved but persisted with anosmia and ageusia. No other complaints. How to handle?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/30/2020 15:27;How to guide a young, asymptomatic, female patient without comorbidities, a health professional who is a household contact with a doctor with flu-like illness who is awaiting a CPA result regarding absence from work?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/11/2020 18:16;Asymptomatic patient, with no history of close or home contact with a confirmed case of COVID, underwent TR for COVID, IGG and positive IGM. Do you wonder if you should withdraw from work?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/1/2020 13:07;Professional gets in touch reporting that a professional from his health team had a confirmed result for covid-19. Mild symptoms that started two days ago. Discusses that they use EPIS in the health unit. However, do you question whether the health unit should be closed?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/21/2020 12:07;50 years old on May 21st, onset of symptoms, had fever for 12 days, was fine, did not need to be hospitalized. He is a nursing technician. new symptoms consistent with covid19, milder than the first time, starting on 10/15. Patient reports being similar to the first infection. Several technical colleagues had reinfection. How to proceed?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/20/2020 12:01;Professional asks the reason for changing the isolation time from 14 days to 10 days?;Not applicable;SP;IF 10/1/2020 17:16;Professional gets in touch reporting that there is a patient who tested positive for covid-19, traveled to Goiás on 9/11 and had contact with a family that all tested positive. Soon after, it started with symptoms, such as sore throat and myalgia. He was isolated for 10 days from his households. On the 20th, one of the children began to show symptoms, then another child, and then his wife. Questions how to proceed with the isolation of the family.;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/19/2020 11:46;I'm going to attend to a local outbreak of COVID - indigenous village. Are there any effective medications for mild cases?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/1/2020 17:22;Professional gets in touch reporting that his service technician tested positive for covid-19 (TR). It started with Saturday symptoms. Do you wonder if you should perform RT to release her from isolation later?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/11/2020 18:59;Rapid tests of Ig G and Ig M arrived in the city and a test is being carried out as a population survey. Asymptomatic patients, with rapid test with tenuous line in the Ig M. How to interpret ? ID: 161269 and what conduct to follow? should i isolate? ID 161307 Some of these asymptomatic patients are also undergoing PCR testing. If the PCR is negative, should it be removed? ID 161313 If PCR is positive, should the patient be removed? ID 161310;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/15/2020 20:51;Homeless person, onset of flu-like symptoms on 09/29, being collected PCR - positive for coronavirus. Question about testing of asymptomatic contacts.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/11/2020 18:19;Asymptomatic patient underwent RT for COVID, IGG and positive IGM. Do you wonder if there is a risk of transmission from having IGM Reagent?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/21/2020 18:13;"Male patient, 38 years old, active smoker; does not use continuous medication. Epigastric pain onset yesterday, accompanied by headache. Ventilatory-dependent chest pain, dyspnea, and dry cough onset today. Physical examination: Tax 37.4; S O2 98; FC 95; FR 18; PA 110/60. Cardiac auscultation without alterations. Pulmonary auscultation without alterations. What is the conduct?";Forward to urgent/emergency care;MG;IF 10/11/2020 18:20;Asymptomatic patient underwent RT for COVID, IGG and positive IGM. Do you wonder how long the IGM can remain positive?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/16/2020 18:59;"F, 01st. ~01 week ago she presented fever, runny nose, cough; for 03 days complaining of red eye with purulent discharge, without eye pain or change in visual acuity. At the moment with progressive improvement of flu-like symptoms, absence of fever. On physical examination, the doctor does not find red eyes or abundant purulent discharge.";Keep in primary care;; 10/20/2020 13:47;"Female, 58 years old. SAH, DM, CKD dialysis (peritoneal dialysis, overnight). Evolved yesterday with dry cough, anorexia, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting; denies dyspnoea or any other complaints. PA 110/60 mmHg, FC 60 bpm, SaO2 99% in ambient air. Normal pulmonary auscultation. Doubt: can the patient receive oseltamivir due to the fact that he has dialysis CKD?";Keep in primary care;SC;s 6/11/2020 14:53;When should I change the surgical or tissue mask?;Not applicable;GO;CO 10/21/2020 11:36;Health technician patient and in early September had positive IgM (asymptomatic) in a rapid COVID test19, started flu-like symptoms, surveillance guided PCR again. He has had a headache for 4 days, a runny nose, a cough, he had no fever. Do you really need to ask for pcr again?;Keep in primary care;ES;IF 6/11/2020 14:54;how to store the N95 mask?;Not applicable;GO;CO 10/2/2020 20:15;Asymptomatic UBS employees performed a rapid serological test (antibodies) for COVID -19. Doubt: should I drive them away?;Keep in primary care;AM;N 6/11/2020 14:50;How to wash clothes to prevent covid transmission?;Not applicable;GO;CO 10/2/2020 19:59;Asymptomatic person who was isolated for 10 days for having flu-like illness, need to maintain hygiene measures (use of mask, hand hygiene)? if so, is it due to the risk of transmitting?;Not applicable;LOL;s 6/11/2020 14:51;Is there an indication for the use of a cloth mask on top of the surgical mask?;Not applicable;GO;CO 10/2/2020 20:30;M 54 years old, SAH using chlorthalidone and losartan 50 mg. 22 days ago, he had a flu-like illness, with a positive COVID test. Good general condition, asymptomatic for 5 days, feels good, denies complaints. No signs of PTE on physical examination. 09/15 was referred to emergency due to dehydration, received serum, FR 21, with good saturation, did not require O2. Normal SpO2 / normal RF ferritin 544 / d-dimers 0.91 (VR 0.5) CT chest demonstrating mild COVID pneumonia. Is there an indication for anticoagulation?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/19/2020 12:22;women, 5th. He has been investigating DNPM delay for 2 years, agitation. Late development milestones. Walked with 1a7m, spoke with 3rd. Speech difficulty. Accompanied with Neuro Pediatrician by agreement, with suspicion of autism, referred a geneticist. Used risperidone 2.5mg, stopped due to lack of prescriptions. Mae complains of irritability, difficulty with attention. Has adequate affective interaction with the mother. He studied at a kindergarten school, removed by the pandemic. Has asthma and rhinitis. He had an asthma attack in August. Obesity from the 3rd. Weight 45.6kg, height 1.25. BMI 29. Already referred to Intellectual Rehabilitation and Nutrition. Perceive balance change during consultation. Can you go back to school? A medical report is required for return.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 6/11/2020 15:09;Female, 66 years old. SAH Rectocele Does not use vitamin D replacement Brother died yesterday - he came today due to headache, nausea, vomiting. Hypotensive. Sat 97%. No respiratory symptoms. No cough, fever or sore throat. No changes in smell or taste. Brother did not die from COVID-19. Denies known contact. On examination: Eupneic, afebrile, stable VS. AP: bilateral rales. July/20 - TFG 58, requested microalb 92 PTH 95 phosphorus 3.2 Sep/20: Creat 0.71 calcium 9 vitamin D 21.5 PTH 102.5 TFG 88 EQU sp Is the patient a suspected case of covid?;Keep in primary care;; 10/14/2020 15:20;1 year, cough for 05 days, runny nose, no fever, irritated without tachypnea (FR:24, satO2: 98, no effort) On auscultation bibasal crackling rales. Will collect SWAB today. Normal HMG The general condition is better compared to yesterday. Cough persists. Better respiratory auscultation compared to yesterday. Chest X-ray - infiltrate? change in the mediastinum is the thymus? ID 0154257 What is the conduct?;Keep in primary care;DF;CO 10/11/2020 12:41;Applicant asks what will be the guidelines for patients who will eventually be on leave/isolation during the elections - how they will proceed to vote.;Not applicable;LOL;s 10/5/2020 12:37;M, 54th. Reports cough, throat and pharynx discomfort, runny nose and body pain for 4 days. She reported dyspnea only at night, when going to bed. Denies fever, denies changes in smell or taste. An abstinent smoker for a few days, he has a history of adequately treated tuberculosis in the past. On physical examination he was eupneic, vital signs stable and adequate, Sat O2: 98%AA RR normal, no signs of respiratory effort. On pulmonary auscultation, crackles on base D. He requested a chest CT - changes suggestive of a sequelae of a previous granulomatous inflammatory process. Opacity with ground-glass attenuation and small interposed alveolar foci located in the peripheral region of the pulmonary basal pyramid D, at the level of the posterior segment, of inflammatory or infectious etiology, of a nature to be defined, is identified. RT-PCR collected, result in 2-3 days. Due to crackling and general symptoms, she started Clavulin while awaiting the results of laboratory tests. Does the patient's complaint of dyspnea at night fit into the definition of severe acute respiratory syndrome, as he does not need to have fever or other symptom associated with dyspnea by definition?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/26/2020 12:45;Asymptomatic with positive IgM in late October. New positive IgM. Need to stay in isolation?;Keep in primary care;RJ;IF 10/5/2020 13:06;F,17 years old. She has a household contact who has positive RT PCR for covid (today she is in the 13th year of symptom onset). The patient underwent a rapid test for covid 19, with no symptoms. Test result: IgM reag and IgG reagent - today. Doubt: should I maintain this patient's isolation until what date?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/14/2020 16:09;F, 49 years old. DM2,HAS. She abandoned DM2 treatment on her own at the beginning of the pandemic. Spouse tested positive for covid. Patient was in isolation together. 7 days ago started with headache, myalgia, tiredness No dyspnea, no cough. No polyuria, polydipsia. Physical examination: O2 saturation within normal limits. No fever. Eupneic. Ap: sp. Good sensory. No neurological alt. Normotensive. HGT 310 Doubt: should I handle it in emergency due to hgt and suspected covid?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/15/2020 15:44;They currently use disposable lab coats. They are evaluating the purchase of other types of aprons and want to know about the process of sterilizing waterproof TNT coats for use in the context of covid-19.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/5/2020 18:39;Asymptomatic staff nurse, her son with suspected Covid symptoms since yesterday. Asks about changes in the criteria for leaving health professionals, nurses want to go back to work. If the patient remains asymptomatic and presents negative PCR-RT, can she go back to work?;Not applicable;EC;HUH 10/5/2020 19:17;Female, 34 years old, presented with flu-like syndrome for 02 months, which in the subsequent test was confirmed as COVID 19 by serological test. The patient remained away from work for 14 days according to the protocol. She is currently without symptoms and her company has required (SIC) the presentation of a COVID 19 - negative test for her to return to work. The patient has already performed at least 3 serological tests, with a positive result. You are asymptomatic. Doubt: how to drive?;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 11/26/2020 22:42;Female, 67 years old, bariatric surgery for 15 years. Weight 90kg and 1.60m, BMI35 kg/m2, Hypothyroidism, depressive disorder. Taking 75mcg/day levothyroxine, 20mg/day paroxetine. She is the principal of the school, she does not teach. She reports dry cough for 01 day, throat irritation, headache and myalgia, denies fever, but in the last week she used analgesic/antipyretic daily due to neck pain. Denies symptoms of severity. She reports contact with a confirmed case of COVID 19, a co-worker, for 2 days, remained in the same room as her colleague, both without masks while having a snack, the interaction without mask lasted 3 hours. Live alone.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/24/2020 20:42;M, onset of respiratory symptoms on Sunday 11/22/20. Doctor states that in the notification of the GERCON system, the nurse incorrectly typed the date of onset of symptoms as 10/22/20 and therefore generated the request for RT. Question how to solve the problem?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/16/2020 19:38;F, 43 years old. It started 14 days ago with a dry cough and headache. There was no fever or dyspnoea. The symptoms improved without any worsening since the onset of the condition. He doesn't have shortness of breath but feels tired with the efforts. She has no fever and is not taking antipyretics. Quick test on 10/13/2020: IgM positive and IgG negative. Rapid test today IgM and IgG positive. He was treated for 5 days with azithromycin, ivermectin, syrups, vitamin C, D and zinc. TC was changed, but it doesn't have the report. 98% saturation. How to proceed with the altered image exam?;Keep in primary care;AM;N 10/16/2020 19:40;F, 43 years old. It started 14 days ago with a dry cough and headache. There was no fever or dyspnoea. The symptoms improved without any worsening since the onset of the condition. He doesn't have shortness of breath but feels tired with the efforts. She has no fever and is not taking antipyretics. Quick test on 10/13/2020: IgM positive and IgG negative. Rapid test today IgM and IgG positive. He was treated for 5 days with azithromycin, ivermectin, syrups, vitamin C, D and zinc. TC was changed, but it doesn't have the report. 98% saturation. Can the patient be released from isolation?;Keep in primary care;AM;N 10/19/2020 16:06;General doubt. Professional asks if asymptomatic patient with 2 negative PCR and RT with a very weak line should undergo home isolation?;Keep in primary care;RJ;IF 10/9/2020 10:28;Female, 49 years old. No comorbidities. Confirmed with COVID 19 after PCR (8 days of examination - 10 days of symptoms). She is being cared for by a friend who is also with COVID19 (confirmed by PCR), but she has milder symptoms. Nurse wants to know if there is any risk for the friend who is taking care of the patient and with milder symptoms.;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 6/10/2020 14:16;F, 30 years old. GI 21 weeks. Covid positive rapid test done yesterday, IgM positive and IgG negative. Today it is 14 days since the onset of symptoms. On September 23, she started with myalgia, five days later she had a fever of 37.8. The fever passed and returned 2 days ago, not measured, with improvement with antithermal drugs. During the consultation, she had no fever. It has coryza associated. Normal pulmonary auscultation. Saturation 97%. There is no dyspnea. No headache. There was no fever in a cyclic pattern. Did not have a temperature above 38 degrees at any time, nor arthralgia. He denies having a rash or conjunctivitis either. Has no exposure to leptospirosis. Can isolation for coronavirus be discontinued?;Keep in primary care;MT;CO 10/11/2020 18:59;Rapid tests of Ig G and Ig M arrived in the city and a test is being carried out as a population survey. Asymptomatic patients, with rapid test with tenuous line in the Ig M. How to interpret ? ID: 161269 and what conduct to follow? should i isolate? ID 161307 Some of these asymptomatic patients are also undergoing PCR testing. If the PCR is negative, should it be removed? ID 161313 If PCR is positive, should the patient be removed? ID 161310;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/11/2020 18:59;Rapid tests of Ig G and Ig M arrived in the city and a test is being carried out as a population survey. Asymptomatic patients, with rapid test with tenuous line in the Ig M. How to interpret ? ID: 161269 and what conduct to follow? should i isolate? ID 161307 Some of these asymptomatic patients are also undergoing PCR testing. If the PCR is negative, should it be removed? ID 161313 If PCR is positive, should the patient be removed? ID 161310;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/20/2020 22:17;Male patient, 38 years old, reported having started with symptoms on 10/14 with fever of 38-39ºC, dry cough, dyspnea on great exertion, myalgia, general malaise. Comorbidities: SAH, taking losartan, HCTZ, AAS. Physical examination, eupneic, normal vital signs, no changes. In use of amoxi-clav from 16-10. She reports having done PCR 18/10: negative. Today he still has the same symptoms, he had a fever of 38ºC even today and continues with dyspnea on great efforts. Fast test negative today (6 days of evolution). 1. How to proceed with the patient today? 2. Should it remain in isolation? 3. Is it possible to be covid-19 even with negative PCR? 4. Should you do any other tests to make sure it's not COVID-19?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;GO;CO 7/10/2020 12:27;How to proceed with an asymptomatic patient in the general population with a positive serological test?;Not applicable;MT;CO 10/7/2020 12:28;How to proceed with an asymptomatic health professional patient with a positive serological test?;Not applicable;MT;CO 7/10/2020 12:37;How to proceed if a confirmed case of COVID household contact develops symptoms?;Not applicable;MT;CO 10/7/2020 12:35;What is the isolation time of an asymptomatic household contact from a confirmed case of COVID?;Not applicable;MT;CO 10/22/2020 18:40;F 53a, smoker Use of Omeprazole and Clopidogrel, Covid on 08/2020 (respiratory symptoms, positive rapid test). Hemithorax D nodular opacity, AFB sputum and chest CT requested. It persists with retrosternal pain, worsens with exertion, accompanied by dyspnea, but it also has at rest. She took courses on antibiotics, treated with azithromycin and amoxi-clav. He consulted with a cardiologist, awaiting ergometry. Normal ECG CT chest 08/31 - partially calcified nodule in the lower D lobe, probably benign etiology, 2cm. Mild pulmonary emphysema. She reports having started clopidogrel due to a supposed risk of post-covid thrombosis, questions the indication.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/16/2020 20:34;When to release the index case from the isolation? Even if others develop symptoms in the same house can it release?;Not applicable;LOL;s 10/20/2020 13:01;Does the professional question whether all diagnoses should be confirmed using the RT-PCR technique?;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 10/19/2020 21:03;If a person tested positive for COVID, asymptomatic, without prior contact, do I need to test contacts?;Not applicable;LOL;s 10/15/2020 19:14;Nasal swab collection for diagnosis of covid 19 in children and neonates. Can you perform the swab collection?;Keep in primary care;EC;HUH 10/14/2020 19:16;F, gastrointestinal symptoms, headache, onset of symptoms on 10/05/20, today performed a positive TR (IGG and IGM). He had a partial improvement in symptoms, but the headache was better than before and diarrhea was also better, he denied fever, he had been afebrile for more than 24 hours. Do you wonder if you can free yourself from isolation?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 7/10/2020 18:15;Doubts about isolation time for symptomatic patients?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 7/10/2020 18:19;Do you doubt how long household contacts of confirmed cases should remain in isolation?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/16/2020 16:15;M, 48A, tec. of nursing and driver, works in surgical center, MP since 1998 by BAVT, IC, asymptomatic at the moment. A statement from his boss was requested to leave his job because he is a COVID risk group. Sends echocardiogram report: EF 45% ve 57/45 diffuse hypokinesia and aneurysmal dilatation of the LV apex, pacemaker in right chambers. ECG with pacemaker rhythm. In use: digoxin 0.25mg and Enalapril 10mg twice a day. Do I have to provide a leave of absence certificate?;Keep in primary care;RN;HUH 7/10/2020 18:17;M, 38 years old, without comorbidities, with COVID and for about 1 month. He didn't need hospitalization. Questions whether the exams of CPK: 215 (195) and LDH: 540 (460), HMG, renal and hepatic function without alterations. May continue to be changed after 1 month from the board. He does not know if the patient still has symptoms, it was the other colleague who evaluated him previously and requested these tests. Do you question whether these laboratory alterations could be secondary to the previous viral condition?;Keep in primary care;GO;CO 7/10/2020 19:20;F, 39th. SLE using HCQN 500mg 1/cp BID and Azathioprine, we do not know the dose. In follow-up with a rheumatologist, last appointment more than 06 months ago with a report of controlled disease. Population tracking for Covid-19 in the municipality. Complaint of mild runny nose for 04 days, no nasal obstruction, no fever, no other respiratory symptoms. RT-PCR positive for Covid-19 (10/07/2020). How to manage Covid-19?;Keep in primary care;GO;CO 11/5/2020 13:28;Female, 81 years old, SAH, CHF, amlodipine 5 mg 1x, HCTZ 251x, atenolol 25mg 2x, losartan 50mg twice a day. Echocardio: 08/2020: mild to moderate mitral regurgitation, moderate tricuspid, mild pericardial effusion. Pulmonary hypertension. Today presents dyspnea, productive cough, chest tightness. HR:58 FR:21 PA:210/110, no lower limb edema. AR: fine rales. No fever. Symptoms started 01 week ago and the dyspnea has worsened today. Test for covid?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/20/2020 14:45;Female, 31 years old. Symptomatic. Onset of symptoms 9 days ago. She had fever, headache and gastrointestinal symptoms (absence of fever for more than 24 hours). They performed RT that had a non-reactive result (made today). Does the professional question whether he can release the patient from isolation?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/23/2020 17:19;The professional gets in touch reporting that he has an indigenous village in his area. On 10/01/2020 there was a case confirmed by PCR in an Indian who started with symptoms on 09/21. 16 family members and closest contacts were isolated. Of these 16, 9 were RT positive on 10/20/2020 and all are asymptomatic. Professional asks if he should test the 140 remaining Indians in the village?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/20/2020 22:15;Male patient, 38 years old, reported having started with symptoms on 10/14 with fever of 38-39ºC, dry cough, dyspnea on great exertion, myalgia, general malaise. Comorbidities: SAH, taking losartan, HCTZ, AAS. Physical examination, eupneic, normal vital signs, no changes. In use of amoxi-clav from 16-10. She reports having done PCR 18/10: negative. Today he still has the same symptoms, he had a fever of 38ºC even today and continues with dyspnea on great efforts. Fast test negative today (6 days of evolution). 1. How to proceed with the patient today? 2. Should it remain in isolation? 3. Is it possible to be covid-19 even with negative PCR? 4. Should you do any other tests to make sure it's not COVID-19?;Keep in primary care;GO;CO 10/23/2020 13:56;F 31, nutritionist would work at Santa Casa, works in service in contact with patients COVID. It started on 10/19/2020 with nausea and diarrhea, with no other symptoms at that time. PCR collected on 10/21/2020, on the second day of symptoms, with negative result. Started with fever yesterday on 10/22/2020. Is there notification and testing indication?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/26/2020 13:27;Male 47 years old, teacher. SAH and Single Kidney (nephrectomy due to kidney stones). In use of losartan and HCTZ. Stable BP. I would like a medical report so that I would not return to face-to-face activities due to comorbidities. Is there a need for removal of asymptomatic patients with risk conditions for complication of COVID19?;Keep in primary care;IF;HUH 11/5/2020 14:58;Female, 25 years old, pregnant. Patient had flu-like symptoms (onset 11 days ago) and had contact with positive people (15 days ago). Performed quick qualitative test yesterday at APS, with positive result. Performed a quantitative private laboratory test, it was negative. Requester wants to know how to proceed with the notification, patient is concerned about the positive result because she wants to vote.;Keep in primary care;PB;HUH 10/21/2020 18:00;21 year old male, Today on the 5th day of Covid-19 symptoms. Positive PCR from patient., collected on the 3rd day. Lives with 3 people. Stepfather with decompensated DM2, morbidly obese mother, grandmother with heart disease. When to collect surveys from contacts?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/22/2020 17:47;Female, 55 years old, no comorbidities, no medication. Had covid picture for 8 weeks, positive TR on 9/11 (9th day of symptoms) IgM and IgG. He did not undergo PCR because he was in consultation on the 9th day of symptoms. He used azitro and paracetamol and his condition improved. Started with new symptoms on 17/10, yesterday loss of smell and taste. Dry cough, runny nose, sneezing and fatigue. No signs of gravity. Denies contact with patients with Covid. He wants to know if he keeps the patient in isolation.;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/22/2020 14:27;Dentist patient. Husband started 3 days ago with fever, pain in the body, suspected of COVID-19, confirmed. Patient remains asymptomatic. How to proceed?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/21/2020 16:50;Requester asks how to objectively assess dyspnea complaint in patient suspected of COVID-19.;Not applicable;MG;IF 10/21/2020 18:27;F, 40 years old, history of rhinitis under treatment, complaining of dry cough, stiffness (cannot touch his chin to his chest), tremors and drowsiness, occipital headache, weakness, diffuse muscle pain, vomiting three times, last yesterday. Symptoms for 5 days. On examination: Tax 37.5, FR: 12, Sat: 99% pa, TA: 110/80, FC 76. No other changes in the physical examination. Do you wonder if you have an indication to go to the emergency?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/21/2020 19:29;Female, 53 years old, SAH, 10 days ago she had dyspnea and was hospitalized. He used azithromycin. She has been a smoker for 30 years. After admission, she was advised to be referred to thoracic surgery for investigation of a pulmonary nodule. CT 15/9 thickening of the bronchial walls with infiltrate, juxtapeural fibrotic streaks in the lateral basal segment of the left lower lobe (consider COVID) and hilar ganglia smaller than 1 cm. Letter from the physician who attended the emergency: pulmonary nodule of 1.5 cm on the left without defined etiology, soft tissue density. (but the report doesn't bring this) DHL:261 (VR up to 214) (it was at the time of covid). Can this DHL increase in patients with covid?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/22/2020 12:51;76 years old, female, former smoker. complaints of dyspnea for years, feeling of nasal congestion, nasal itching, sporadic rhinorrhea. Cough for 03 days, no fever, no pain in the body. Frontal headache for 01 month. Chill sensation last week. SatO2: 93%, eupneic. AC: normal. Discomfort to palpation of paranasal sinuses. Rhinoscopy: turbinate hypertrophy. What is the conduct in relation to suspected covid? What is the conduct in relation to rhinitis? 0156620 What is the conduct if in the future she has a sinusitis and is chosen to undergo treatment? Patient reports that he does not improve with amoxa and clavulanate. 0156621;Forward to urgent/emergency care;DF;CO 10/22/2020 17:07;"The patient presented COVID-19 in September 2020. He underwent PCR 07.09.2020 and was positive (detectable). Patient presented clinical worsening being hospitalized for 3 days. He used ceftriaxone, azithromycin 3 and dexamethasone for 3 days. Lab 05.09.2020: Hb 15.9; HMT 45; leuco 9550; platelets 134000. TP 13.2; INR 1.11; APT 31s. Urea 45; creat 1.02; 136; K 4.6; TGO 75; TGP 70.1; GGT 114; biliT 1.54 (BD 0.24); DHL 1500; amylase 110; lipase 113; PCR 81; negative troponin. EQU s/p Tc chest 05.09.2020: opacities with ground-glass attenuation of sparse consolidation across the lungs. Extent to moderate pulmonary impairment (25-50%). Bilateral pulmonary alterations with an acute inflammatory aspect. patient needs evaluation by a pulmonologist. He was evaluated in early October, he had dyspnea MRC grade 3. Physical examination was unaltered. Requester would like guidance regarding post covid-19 respiratory rehabilitation?";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/11/2020 12:10;Female, 35 years old, health worker, had occasional positive RT 3 days ago, but patient had no symptoms. Serology with positive IgM and IgG. Denies confirmed contact with COVID. Should she be removed?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/22/2020 17:33;Female, 55 years old, no comorbidities, no medication. Had covid picture for 8 weeks, positive TR on 9/11 (9th day of symptoms) IgM and IgG. He did not undergo PCR because he was in consultation on the 9th day of symptoms. He used azitro and paracetamol and his condition improved. Started with new symptoms on 17/10, yesterday loss of smell and taste. Dry cough, runny nose, sneezing and fatigue. No signs of gravity. Denies contact with patients with Covid. You want to know if you need to collect exams.;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/22/2020 18:40;F 53a, smoker Use of Omeprazole and Clopidogrel Covid in 08/2020 (respiratory symptoms, positive rapid test). Hemithorax D nodular opacity, AFB sputum and chest CT requested. It persists with retrosternal pain, worsens with exertion, accompanied by dyspnea, but it also has at rest. She took courses on antibiotics, treated with azithromycin and amoxi-clav. He consulted with a cardiologist, awaiting ergometry. Normal ECG CT chest 08/31 - partially calcified nodule in the lower D lobe, probably benign etiology, 2cm. Mild pulmonary emphysema. How to assess pain?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/3/2020 18:57;F, 17th, asthma using Seretide 12h/12h and Salbutamol in crises. Two days ago, he presented intercostal pain and dyspnea, seeking care at the hospital emergency room. They performed general examinations and chest CT (01/11) - slight thickening of the bronchial walls. No signs of pneumonia from coronaviruses or other pathogens. Complete blood count. Arterial blood gases pH: 7.3 pCO2: 58.4 pO2: 14 BICA: 29.5 SO2 concentration: 14.2 (92%-94%) Na: 142 K: 4.8 Ca: 1.36 Lactate: 0. 84 GJ: 97. Did not perform other exams, discarded COVID by CT and advised to seek Health Unit for investigation follow-up. The patient is seen today with improvement in the intercostal pain, she has dyspnea on medium exertion, but asthenic, fatigued. Physical examination unaltered, eupneic, mild diffuse bilateral wheezing. HR: 80bpm Sat O2 99%. Would you like to discuss the follow-up to changes in blood gases?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/3/2020 19:17;Associated IDs: 159519, 159340, 159329, 159259, 159323, 159322, 159321, 159320, 159318, 159317. M 59 years. He had a flu at the beginning of October. He has paresthesia in the left hemibody. It started with dry mouth and dry eye. Had inflammatory joint pain that doesn't last. The differential diagnosis would be systemic/autoimmune inflammatory diseases such as SLE, vasculitis and sarcoidosis. Did PCR for covid which came back negative. Requested rapid test for coronavirus which came back IgG positive. It was defined in previous teleconsultation that the case is likely to be reactive to the viral/infectious disease. Also advised to request new Hg, pla and EQU, VSG, PCR, ferritin, creatinine, Anti-DNA and anti-SM, Anti-SSB, ANCA, protein electrophoresis, chest X-ray, ENMG of MSE and MIE and forward to Internal Medicine . How to proceed with IgG positive for coronavirus?;Refer to specialized care;LOL;s 10/27/2020 18:09;questions how long the asymptomatic household contact of a suspected/confirmed patient of COVID should be in home isolation,;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/23/2020 17:12;The professional gets in touch reporting that he has an indigenous village in his area. On 10/01/2020 there was a case confirmed by PCR in an Indian who started with symptoms on 09/21. 16 family members and closest contacts were isolated. Of these 16, 9 were RT positive on 10/20/2020 and all are asymptomatic. Does the professional question whether to isolate these Indians? Does the professional question how to proceed with the 140 Indians in the village? Test?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/23/2020 13:12;M 37 years old, without previous comorbidities or continuous use medications. He says he had a very greasy dinner last night. Woke up this morning with diarrhea. She denies fever, chills, sore throat, myalgia, headache, runny nose or any other complaint. Is there an indication of isolation considering COVID-19 in this patient?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/16/2020 17:05;Nurse is pregnant and would like to know how to proceed in relation to work. Your UBS serves people with suspected covid.;Keep in primary care;RJ;IF 10/23/2020 12:38;Male, 58 years old. - smoking for 40 years. For 6 days with dry cough, chest pain, loss of taste. Collected swab for RT-PCR today. Afebrile. No previous diagnosis of COPD. On examination: BEG, eupneic, FR 22 Sat 92-94%, revised, always maintains saturation <95% Auscultation: left basal crepitation and left MV reduction Rx - costophrenic sinus veiling in left hemothorax - interstitial infiltrate, Lower 1/3 of left hemithorax. Blood count with leukocytosis 15500, without deviation. How to proceed?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;PR;s 10/23/2020 13:57;Female, 60 yr, covid-19 symptoms in June, after some time, serology was requested: positive IgM and negative IgG on 06/10. She had symptoms again in July, and at PUC again the same results on 7/06. On 21/07, again with the same results and with symptoms of cough malaise, pain in the body, tiredness and shortness of breath. Previous history of COPD. On August 14, he went to UPA Zona Norte due to worsening of symptoms and fever. She was admitted to Independência hospital on 08/15 and on 08/16 she was referred to the HCPA. She was later referred to the HCPA ICU, from where she was discharged on 8/25/20 (ICU from 8/16 to 8/21) - smoker with pneumonia caused by sars-cov2. improved, with indication of isolation for 14 days. He continued with symptoms, took a quick test that was positive. On September 17, he underwent an x-ray, with bilateral interstitial infiltrate. ECG without significant changes. She still has pain in her body and a feeling of shortness of breath, she knows that this lasts for a long time. He remains a smoker, feeling short of breath. You have COPD. Physical Examination: Doesn't know Tax, current saturation, but it's pretty pink. Afebrile, but not sure the temperature. Cardiac auscultation without alterations. The mother and aunt died of covid. Before admission, he had used amoxi-clavulanate without improvement. CT angiography discussed with radiologist on 08/15, with mild parenchyma involvement. Should it be removed due to the risk of contamination because it has not yet confirmed IgG?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/16/2020 17:23;F, 51a, was visited by her daughter last weekend, whose co-worker had recent symptoms and tested positive for COVID. The patient's daughter and the patient have no or had symptoms. Daughter no longer has symptoms. The patient sought private care and was prescribed azithromycin, ivermectin, vitamin D and zinc. Did not get treatment by SUS and asks for a transcription of the prescription. Is there evidence for this use?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/23/2020 18:35;Nurse to know if cutaneous manifestations, which, may be present in cases of COVID-19.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/11/2020 14:46;Requester questions whether there is benefit in the use of systemic corticosteroid therapy in mild to moderate cases suspected of COVID-19.;Not applicable;LOL;s 11/5/2020 18:12;Which ICD-10 to use for attestation of household contacts?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/23/2020 17:11;F, 80 years old. Bedridden. Mixed dementia. Managed in APS and home care. It features several caregivers throughout the week, who rotate. One of the caregivers started with flu-like symptoms 7 days ago, went to work, and now tested positive for covid in a rapid test performed today. It is not possible to isolate all caregivers as the elderly need daily care. How to handle this case?;Not applicable;MG;IF 9/11/2020 13:36;Doubts about the notification of SG, if all cases should be notified.;Keep in primary care;RN;HUH 11/9/2020 13:40;What guidelines for home visits at the moment.;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 10/23/2020 22:37;What is the indication of performing a rapid test in respiratory symptomatic patients who did not undergo timely RT-PCR for COVID-19?;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 9/11/2020 13:46;Doubts about the monitoring of symptomatic people in isolation.;Keep in primary care;GO;CO 10/23/2020 22:25;Health professional tested covid-19 on 05/17/20 by PCR-RT. He is doing quick tests monthly with IgG and IgM always positive, until after 2 months he had only positive IgG, until 1 month ago. In that month, repeating tests as a routine in his work, he had negative IgG and IgM for COVID-19. This can happen? What is the clinical significance?;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 10/23/2020 22:01;Fem, 39 years old, would work for a company, had contact at work with a colleague who tested positive for covid. Colleague has positive PCR on day 21. He is asymptomatic, performed the test because his wife was covid and symptomatic. Asymptomatic patient, reports contact with this colleague for more than 15 minutes and without using a mask. He wants to know if he collects PCR from this patient.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/23/2020 22:38;What is the indication of performing a rapid test in asymptomatic contacts of patients diagnosed with COVID-19?;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 10/23/2020 22:39;Should I perform rapid testing on asymptomatic household contacts of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 by RT-PCR? When?;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 10/26/2020 13:18;Male, 1 year old, reported dry cough, fever 38, runny nose and sneezing, accepting less solid food, but accepting breast milk and liquids well. Normal pulmonary auscultation, Sat 98%, HR 30 bpm. No signs of respiratory effort. Well hydrating. No lymph node enlargement. Weight 11kg. Oroscopy: no changes. Otoscopy: no changes. Requested chest X-ray, sends images for management discussion. ID 95880845.;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 11/9/2020 13:49;Want to know the criteria for suspected cases in the municipality (Tres Lagoas).;Keep in primary care;; 4/11/2020 12:29;Female, 55 years old, started with symptoms for 24 days, PCR positive, CT with 30% of pulmonary involvement. She was never hospitalized. Still IgG and IgM positive (test performed today). Asymptomatic for 03 days. Do I keep repeating IgM and IgG?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 4/11/2020 12:30;Female, 55 years old, started with symptoms for 24 days, PCR positive, CT with 30% of pulmonary involvement. She was never hospitalized. Still IgG and IgM positive (test performed today). Asymptomatic for 03 days. Can I release a patient from isolation?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/26/2020 12:38;What is the orientation, and is there any, for the return to work of health professionals who were removed from their activities because they belong to some risk group at COVID-19?;Keep in primary care;EC;HUH 10/26/2020 13:31;Male, 2 years old, dry cough and runny nose for 2 days. Denies fever. Active, no signs of respiratory effort. Oroscopy: no changes. Otoscopy: no changes. AP: no changes. Doubt: do you have criteria for suspicion of COVID 19?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/11/2020 22:41;Male, 2 years old, fever on Saturday, loss of appetite, sneezing, runny nose. Denies covid contact. No coughing. Oropharyngeal hyperemia. No dyspnea. No breathing effort. Good general condition. POA case. Which CID do I use thinking about reporting a suspected case of COVID?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/26/2020 14:06;Patient had COVID-19 (fever, cough, sore throat, husband died from COVID) the appointment was 08/31. Symptoms started 08/13. 08/20/2020: Thorax RX 08/16/2020: normal Works as UBER. Since then she has been experiencing productive dry cough but does not know the color, sore throat, myalgia. denies fever, history of weight loss, tiredness, night sweats. On pulmonary auscultation: crackling rales at the apex Oroscopy: does not do. Could the symptoms be from COVID-19? ID 157412 I must retest ID 157429;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/11/2020 22:45;Male, 2 years old, fever on Saturday, loss of appetite, sneezing, runny nose. Denies covid contact. No coughing. Oropharyngeal hyperemia. No dyspnea. No breathing effort. Good general condition. Can I request PCR for covid in this age group?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/26/2020 15:27;The professional wants to know how to conduct the test for COVID-19 with a reactive result for IgM and IgM, in asymptomatic patients all the time.;Keep in primary care;; 10/26/2020 19:37;41 years old. Nursing technician at the health unit uses MTX. Since the beginning of the pandemic it has stayed away. In the last week, the husband developed GS and underwent detectable PCR for Sars-COV-2. Applicant would like guidance if the patient has a positive IGG, can he/she return to work after the isolation period without fear of a new infection?;Not applicable;LOL;s 10/11/2020 22:57;F, 32a , health professional Questions whether a health professional who has already had COVID confirmed 2 months ago and lives with a person who is suspected at that time should remain in isolation.;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/11/2020 15:19;Male, 56 years old. SAH, glaucoma, psoriasis - taking adalimumab. PCR+ household contact for coronaviruses. Symptoms started 12 days ago, fever and mild respiratory symptoms. Denies dyspnea or cough. Doctor says that the patient was seen at the covid center for being immunosuppressed. Performed exams. Rapid antibody test - negative. fibrinogen: 450 d-dimer 784 (above reference standard) PCR 12 VHS 75 LDH 169 CPK 91 Patient comes today to show tests. Asymptomatic, with no changes in physical examination. Which conduct forward d-dimer changed?;Keep in primary care;GO;CO 11/25/2020 12:53;He wants to know what is the indication for performing CPA in a patient who complains of headache, without other reported symptoms, but is a home contact for a positive case of COVID-19 (mother-child).;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/26/2020 19:12;"# Case already discussed - ID 147968 # Gesta, 20 years old, IG 19+3 US, HMP Hyperemesis gravidarum, resolved. Current active smoker. In use of fixed ferrous sulfate and ondansetron SN. G3P1A1; 2850g PN. Benzathine penicillin G was prescribed, which the patient made only 1 dose of 2.4 million on September 28, and did not return for subsequent prescribed doses. 20/08/2020: VDRL 1/4, FTA-Abs reagent. No previous treatment for syphilis with benzathine penicillin. You do not have any documents from a previous pregnancy for review (another state). Today she complains of dry cough, nasal obstruction with hyaline coryza for 2 days without other signs or symptoms. Stable vital signs (TA 100/60 SatO2 98). How to manage the flu symptoms?";Keep in primary care;; 4/11/2020 16:51;Patient M, 32 years old, diagnosed with COVID 19 by PCR performed on 10/19, with onset of symptoms on 10/16. At the beginning of the condition, there was pain in the body, headache, fever, cough. Improved initial symptoms, but keep coughing dry. Can the patient return to work?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/23/2020 19:47;Patient with obesity, smoker, DM, COPD, has chronic dyspnea on exertion, already uses a long-acting bronchodilator, is covid with positive PCR, started with symptoms 10 days ago, with 93-94% saturation in room air, without the patient's previous documented baseline saturation. Patient denies worsening of ventilatory pattern compared to baseline, has only mild cough. Doctor questions the need for referral to the patient's emergency.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/11/2020 14:25;Nurses' doubts about the period of home isolation, time that should be counted for the patient's discharge.;Not applicable;MG;IF 4/11/2020 15:01;F, 22 years old. On the 31st, it started with a cough, now with a little yellowish sputum, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache and pain in the body. There was no fever. There's no shortness of breath. 99% Saturation. Nasal wash with saline and paracetamol prescribed for pain. Are there diagnostic criteria for flu syndrome?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 10/26/2020 20:53;67 years old, male, Started smoking at 60 years old. I smoked 01 wallet a day. Bupropirone 150mg twice a day was started, in use for 01 month. Smoking 01 cigarette a day. But he's been getting nervous 3 times a week, occasional episodes. Guided relaxation and use herbal medicine if necessary. 1. How long should I use bupropion? 2. Can I associate citalopram if it is refractory? 0157655 3. Can I associate escitalopram if it is refractory? 0157657 4. Can I add fluoxetine if it is refractory? 0157658 5. If these symptoms of nervousness persist, what is the treatment? 0157295;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 4/11/2020 15:02;F, 22 years old. On the 31st, it started with a cough, now with a little yellowish sputum, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache and pain in the body. There was no fever. There's no shortness of breath. 99% Saturation. Nasal wash with saline and paracetamol prescribed for pain. Should notification be made?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 4/11/2020 15:04;F, 22 years old. On the 31st, it started with a cough, now with a little yellowish sputum, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache and pain in the body. There was no fever. There's no shortness of breath. 99% Saturation. Nasal wash with saline and paracetamol prescribed for pain. How long should the patient be isolated?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 4/11/2020 15:03;F, 22 years old. On the 31st, it started with a cough, now with a little yellowish sputum, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache and pain in the body. There was no fever. There's no shortness of breath. 99% Saturation. Nasal wash with saline and paracetamol prescribed for pain. Should specific treatment be instituted?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 4/11/2020 15:04;F, 22 years old. On the 31st, it started with a cough, now with a little yellowish sputum, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache and pain in the body. There was no fever. There's no shortness of breath. 99% Saturation. Nasal wash with saline and paracetamol prescribed for the dose How long should household contacts be isolated?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 4/11/2020 15:06;F, 22 years old. On the 31st, it started with a cough, now with a little yellowish sputum, runny nose, sore throat, sneezing, headache and pain in the body. There was no fever. There's no shortness of breath. 99% Saturation. Nasal wash with saline and paracetamol prescribed for pain. Should additional exams be requested?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 6/11/2020 14:49;How to wash fabric mask?;Not applicable;GO;CO 9/11/2020 15:08;"Patient died on the street. Medical certificate as ""unknown cause"", but notary public is refusing to register. Patient without respiratory symptoms. No suspicion of covid-19. There is a state regulation that bodies must not be sent for autopsy. Nurse wants to know what can be done about the case";Keep in primary care;SP;IF 11/23/2020 19:51;Patient with obesity and DM on insulin therapy (NPH 57 AC 30 AJ and regular 6 IU AA), has a positive covid history in August 2020, started with symptoms on 11/19/20 with fever, cough, myalgia and sore throat, suspected reinfection by covid, currently saturating 98%, denies dyspnea, has a HGT of 305 at the time, no complaints and no signs of diabetic ketoacidosis, physician questions outpatient management or if he should refer to hospital.;Keep in primary care;SC;s 10/11/2020 16:37;The patient completed 10 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms, currently asymptomatic, but collected a PCR yesterday and has a positive result today. How to proceed with the isolation of the patient's contacts?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 4/11/2020 16:17;It would work that it tested positive for COVID (PCR+). Guided to notify all employees. There is another function that had COVID in Aug/20, it was confirmed (doesn't know which test). She has been reporting headache and sore throat since yesterday. Denies fever. Could not notify this would work because you already had COVID. How to proceed in this case?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/11/2020 16:37;The patient completed 10 days of isolation from the onset of symptoms, currently asymptomatic, but collected a PCR yesterday and has a positive result today. How to proceed with the isolation? Should I keep the patient's isolation longer?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 9/11/2020 22:45;Male, 2 years old, fever on Saturday, loss of appetite, sneezing, runny nose. Denies covid contact. No coughing. Oropharyngeal hyperemia. No dyspnea. No breathing effort. Good general condition. Notify for covid? Do I perform PCR?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/27/2020 13:36;Female, 68 years old. She was hospitalized for respiratory problems on 10/16. Collected PCR on 10/21 and had a positive PCR result today. She was released from the hospital on 10/24 (it did not close for 10 days). The patient had contact with a caregiver who did not take protective measures. At the moment, asymptomatic. Do you question how to proceed with the caregiver?;Keep in primary care;SP;IF 9/11/2020 15:06;M, 32 years old. Smoker. No DM or HAS. Sensation of epigastric tightness radiating to the medial region of the anterior chest, low back pain for 3 days with pain on movement and palpation, coughing and runny nose for 2 days. Feeling short of breath. There was no cough, diarrhea or anosmia. Afebrile. FR 19. FC 95 bpm. TA 110/80. Sat 95%. Requested ECG. Swab collection will be done tomorrow for PCR for covid. Send the ECG. How to proceed?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;LOL;s 10/11/2020 17:17;Asymptomatic household contacts of a confirmed case of COVID who voted on Sunday wondered if there is anything that prohibits them from attending the elections.;Not applicable;LOL;s 4/11/2020 17:30;Female, 30 years old, with symptoms since 10/18, was positive on 10/21 pcr. Today the 17th day of the onset of symptoms and she wants to get out of isolation. It currently maintains a lack of taste and smell. It denies other symptoms. He wants to know if he maintains isolation.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 9/11/2020 15:18;Women, 2 to 8m. History of bronchiolitis. Was in social distance - Returned to school in October. Day 4/11 started diarrhea, vomiting and loss of appetite. Yesterday he developed a picture of productive cough and fever that was not measured at night - the mother reports that the child was very hot. He came to the UBS afebrile, with saturation ranging between 93-95-94%, with a minimum value of 89%. Rescued with salbutamol, following with the same saturation levels (repeated in 3 different oximeters). FR 36 mrpm. No signs of cyanosis, respiratory effort, subcostal or intercostal retraction. AP without RA. Question how to handle.;Forward to urgent/emergency care;LOL;s 10/27/2020 18:05;Questions how long should the certificate be given to people with GS symptoms (suspected COVID)?;Not applicable;LOL;s 9/11/2020 15:27;Male, cough for 2 weeks, fever for 2 days. It was the party in glorinha with more than 20 thousand people. No known contact with suspected or confirmed.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/9/2020 15:28;male, 45 years old, former smoker, non-rheumatic mitral valve disorder (congenital heart disease), SAH, referred to hospital on 11/06. for 3 days with cough, fever, malaise, fever, headache, ageusia, runny nose. Sat 96% In follow-up with cardio in Lajeado. Did not consult this year due to pandemic. Using captopril. patient is not in consultation. but I would like how to proceed in similar cases. Regular general status, febrile ACV - systolic murmur AR: crackling rales at the bases, no respiratory effort. Doubt - should a person with comorbidities have a hospital evaluation even without SARS? should I take an image?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 10/27/2020 20:24;The patient had GS with confirmation for COVID by positive PCR. Now asymptomatic, he has completed the recommended isolation period. However, wife started with symptoms and tested positive for COVID. Do you wonder if you can release the patient from isolation because the wife is positive?;Keep in primary care;MS;CO 11/11/2020 18:14;74 years old. Elderly with Alzheimer's. Cough from frequent choking. Day 5/11 in the morning was sleepy and in the afternoon peak fever 39º. He had a hip fracture in July. Since September she started with frequent diarrhea (investigating lactose intolerance and gluten allergy). Stopped lacteos 1 month ago and gluten 1 week ago. It is not known exactly when symptoms started as you have this overlap of symptoms. He was discharged on Sunday (8/11). In good condition currently. Positive PCR for COVID 19. Patient has 3 caregivers who also work elsewhere. Want to know if caregivers should be tested. All are asymptomatic. They continue to work normally with suitable PPE.;Not applicable;LOL;s 11/25/2020 15:50;Female, 3 years old. Presenting since yesterday fever, runny nose and headache. Father with positive PCR and asymptomatic at this time and still in isolation (ends next Monday). The child's mother is not doing home isolation. Does the professional question how to proceed with the isolation of the mother of this child?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/17/2020 11:52;Should workers with chronic illnesses or pregnant women stay away for as long as a result of the pandemic?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 12/11/2020 12:51;F, 45a, works in a cooperative and deals with the public. In August the employer advised to perform serological testing for COVID-19. At the time, a patient with nonspecific symptoms, with body pain and mild cough, but with rhinitis and recurrent symptoms. 10/08 - IgM: R (1.46) and IgG: NR (0.04). After the results, she was withdrawn for 14 days, she had an excellent evolution with resolution of symptoms. To return to work, the company required a new test: 26/08 - IgM: NR (0.56) and IgG: NR (0.04). Now, as a routine, the employer requested the exam again: 10/19 - IgM: R (2.1) IgG: NR (0.1). Conduct now?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/25/2020 14:45;Elderly asthmatic patient requests a leave of absence from work due to covid. Should I provide it?;Keep in primary care;MG;IF 11/20/2020 12:07;Female, 36 years old, health professional, presents with a runny nose, body pain, tiredness for 5 days. COVID story in July. Because of this previous history the system does not allow me to request a PCR. There was no fever. What should I do?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/25/2020 14:46;Does the professional want to know if, via MS, there is an indication of the professional, if confirmed with COVID-19, should he seek the occupational medicine department to notify the CAT/communication of an accident at work?;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 11/26/2020 12:37;But, 17 years old, he has had a sore throat for 1 day with an episode of small amount of bleeding (live blood). On physical examination, tonsil hypertrophy and blood clots. Denies contact with covid case. Denies fever. It has enlarged and painful cervical lymph nodes. Does it meet criteria for flu syndrome?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 11/25/2020 16:04;M, 27 years old, asthma, doctor, hosted a colleague in his house who confirmed COVID. Started on Thursday with headache, cough, denies fever. Denies dyspnea, increased respiratory rate or desaturation on assessment. The antigen test was negative. Question how to proceed?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 11/24/2020 12:42;Patient started mild flu-like symptoms on 11/16, with mild irritation in the throat, without fever. On 11/18, he started associated cough and collected RT-PCR with a + result for COVID. Guided home isolation for him and his family (wife and child). Patient with excellent clinical evolution, with significant improvement of symptoms. On day 20, the wife started to present similar symptoms, with dry cough, and on 11/23 she collected RT-PCR also with a result + for coronavirus. How to tell the time of isolation to the wife?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/24/2020 12:51;"Female patient, 34 years old. Covid positive in June/2020 (by serological test, without discriminating IgG/IgM). He had new contact with a Covid positive patient 11 days ago. Retested today - IgM reagent, IgG reagent. Epigastric pain onset yesterday; denies diarrhea, denies vomiting, denies runny nose, denies respiratory symptoms, denies ageusia, denies anosmia. Should you drive away family members";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/24/2020 12:49;"Female patient, 34 years old. Covid positive in June/2020 (by serological test, without discriminating IgG/IgM). He had new contact with a Covid positive patient 11 days ago. Retested today - IgM reagent, IgG reagent. Epigastric pain onset yesterday; denies diarrhea, denies vomiting, denies runny nose, denies respiratory symptoms, denies ageusia, denies anosmia. Can IgM titration be by prior contact in June, or is it a new infection?";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/24/2020 12:56;"Female patient, 34 years old. Covid positive in June/2020 (by serological test, without discriminating IgG/IgM). He had new contact with a Covid positive patient 11 days ago. Retested today - IgM reagent, IgG reagent. Epigastric pain onset yesterday; denies diarrhea, denies vomiting, denies runny nose, denies respiratory symptoms, denies ageusia, denies anosmia. The municipality does not have access to the PCR test for testing asymptomatic individuals. Does the patient have an indication for leave?";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/20/2020 14:54;Rediscussion ID 162287 : 11/13/2020 F, 78 years old, SAH (losartan), anxiety (sertraline). There are 3-4 days onset of lip edema, skin lesions and sensation of irritation in the throat. Evaluated 4 days ago, IM promethazine and 40 mg/day prednisone were administered for 5 days. He returned 2 days later with worsening of the skin lesions and irritation/itching/swelling sensation in the throat (no respiratory symptoms or stridor) and report of having spat blood (on physical examination no oral lesions). On that day, he consulted in the emergency room and received IV hydrocortisone and advised the use of loratadine. The patient returns today without new episodes of spitting blood, with improvement in the swelling of the lips, but the skin lesions remain unaltered or even slightly worse. Denies fever, joint pain or systemic symptoms. Currently using loratadine 10mg/day. Denies flu-like symptoms or use of medications other than the usual ones before the onset of the condition. Without changing cosmetics, the patient associates the condition with the intake of sky orange (1 day before). Send photos (current and previous). --> Suggestive of allergic contact eczema, I suggest the use of 0.05% dipropionate cream 2x/day for up to 2 weeks. Maintain loratadine 10 mg/day (history of angioedema) Reassess patient on Tuesday. (13/11/2020 - Dr Kelli Wagner Gomes). 11/16/2020 In the images sent today, labial angioedema is not seen, nor does it worsen the lesions. In fact, we noticed that skin lesions present changes in presentation, suggestive of scabies. It is suggested to treat: Ivermectin 6 mg 1 cp/30 kg of weight, single dose and repeat in 7 days. For sedative antihistamine pruritus (eg dexchlorpheniramine 2mg 6/6h). Treat family members with 5% permethrin regardless of the presence of symptoms. Clothes worn by the patient in the last 3 days, bedding/blankets and towels should be washed with hot water (55° to 60°) for at least 20 minutes and then ironed or placed in the tumble dryer. Clothes that cannot be washed or if hot water is not available, leave them closed in a plastic bag for 3 days. Close personal contacts (cohabitants and individuals with prolonged skin-to-skin physical contact in the previous six weeks) may have active scabies, even if they do not have symptoms. Therefore, simultaneous handling of these contacts should be considered. Reassess. Current: She returns today to the UBS referring to worsening of the skin condition, she mentions irritation in her throat, coughing and swelling of the lips (he wakes up with edema in the lips), in addition to mentioning canker sores and bitter taste in the mouth, she reports a change in taste (reports not feeling taste of food, especially salty food), reports that this morning she spewed greenish secretion with streaks of blood. He complains of a lot of itching. PA: 140x90, normal FR, AP unchanged. Alteration of eosinophils and lymphocytes WBC in HMG, TGP 39 (reference up to 33) / GGT: 65 (ref up to 36). She denies having used medication prior to the skin condition. LABS 11/16/2020: Hb: 14.8 / Ht: 44.5 / Leuc 16100 (differential 161 rods, segmented 8555, eosin 1449, lymphocytes 4991) / Plaq: 395,000 / INR: 1.0 / TPP 26s / TGO : 20 / TGP 39 (reference up to 33) / GGT: 65 (ref up to 36) / Total bilirubins: 0.6 / GJ: 124 / HbA1C: 6.5 / Cr: 1.0 / Send photos. How to proceed?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/24/2020 14:06;M, 7 months, consulted on Friday, November 20, due to a history of flu for 6 days, worsening in the last 3 days - nasal congestion, cough, diarrhea. Mother reports fever at the beginning of the condition, but currently no new peaks. The physical examination did not show important changes, so it guided symptomatics, isolation and the case was reported as suspected COVID. At this time, Gercon generated a request for CPA, but the parents return today informing that they did not collect the patient's exam due to age (they both did). Are there any rules regarding this?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/20/2020 14:56;He wants to know what is the orientation for the removal of health professionals from the risk group in PHC due to the pandemic.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/26/2020 18:52;"M, 51 years old, previously healthy, had COVID confirmed 2 months ago, outpatient management, Continues with dyspnea since discharge, reports dyspnea on exertion, cardiac auscultation with hypophonetic heart sounds, normal pulmonary auscultation, denies pre cordial pain. Denies lower limb edema. Denies symptoms compatible with DVT. Denies fever. He used ""covid kit"" when he was attended to in another unit. Today Sat 99% aa, RR normal, HR normal. Do you wonder if there is an indication for echocardio?";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/16/2020 11:35;Female, 55 years old, patient is asymptomatic home contact of a confirmed case (husband). Doubt: how long to indicate home isolation/removal?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/16/2020 12:05;Male, 38 years old, is a suspected symptomatic case of COVID 19, awaiting RT-PCR results. Doubt: how to proceed with the removal of asymptomatic household contacts of the index patient?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/25/2020 17:17;Onset of symptoms on 11/19 took amoxicillin without prescription Today came for other reasons BEG, FC 98, no fever, normal auscultation saturation 90-94% Smoked a few times in his life when he was young, but does not have COPD, does not have SAH. Doubt: do I need to make a referral to a UPA?;Forward to urgent/emergency care;LOL;s 11/25/2020 17:27;M, 22 years old, is being treated for pleural TB started in Jul/19 in hospital with a diagnosis of BCP+pleural TB. Completed 2 months of RHZE on 29/09, RH since then, regular use of medications. Negative serologies. He was under regular follow-up and good response to treatment. She has had control RXT for 2 weeks with improvement compared to the start of treatment. Refers to fever 4 days ago, dependent ventilatory pain E (same location as previous PD). On examination he has rales in base E, SV stable, FR 18, Sat 96-97% pa. Question what is the management?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/20/2020 18:13;How long after COVID-19 can blood donation be done?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/23/2020 15:57;Does the professional get in touch asking if it is necessary to repeat exams (RT or PCR) after completing home isolation to return to work activities (general population) of confirmed cases?;Keep in primary care;RJ;IF 11/20/2020 18:04;A 28-year-old female has an apron-shaped abdomen that extends beyond the ubic symphysis. He did not undergo bariatric surgery. Abdomen in apron after major weight loss with lifestyle changes. Weight: 92kg Height: 1.74 BMI: 30.38. Stable in relation to weight in the last 6 months, he lost about 4kg, but never increased. Denies smoking. Emotional change associated with this. Features streaks. Connect in order to regulate.;Refer to specialized care;LOL;s 11/17/2020 16:25;In the case of an isolated suspected case, which has not undergone PCR, but has been asymptomatic for more than 24 hours, without having completed the 10 days of isolation, is it necessary to complete these 10 days?;Keep in primary care;; 11/17/2020 16:27;F, 16th, started on 11/09 with fever, dry cough, anosmia, dysgeusia and headache. Consultation yesterday, seven days later, with complaints of anosmia, dysgeusia and headache. Rapid test was requested, collected on the 8th day of symptom - non-reactive IgG and IgM result. Repeated testing today, again negative. For isolation guidance purposes, should I consider the clinic or test result?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 11/20/2020 19:12;Doubt: How does the antigen test for covid 19 work?;Not applicable;SC;s 11/20/2020 20:07;A 31-year-old female patient came for consultation on 11/11/20, with a positive daughter contact for Covid on 11/07/20, did the same asymptomatic test and was positive (CRP 11/16/20) and returned on 11/1 11 with symptoms such as nausea, weakness, no other symptoms denies dyspnea or fever. Denies comorbidities or other illnesses. Doctor questions the patient's isolation time and when. normal physical examination, no change in pulmonary auscultation;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 11/20/2020 20:03;A 42-year-old male patient with fever, cough and sore throat on 11/10/20, consulted the next day, with improvement of symptoms, already advised by the doctor for 10 days of isolation, but the company underwent PCR before the time it was negative, the same question about release of isolation before or not. Patient without comorbidities or history of immunosuppressive disease.;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 11/17/2020 16:26;In the situation of an isolated suspected case, which has not undergone a PCR, but has been asymptomatic for more than 24 hours, without having completed the 10 days of isolation, is it necessary to keep your contacts isolated for 14 days?;Keep in primary care;; 11/16/2020 18:28;He wants to know the period of isolation a person with positive PCR should remain in isolation and their household contacts.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/17/2020 16:26;F, 16th, started on 11/09 with fever, dry cough, anosmia, dysgeusia and headache. Consultation yesterday, seven days later, with complaints of anosmia, dysgeusia and headache. Rapid test was requested, collected on the 8th day of symptom - non-reactive IgG and IgM result. Repeated testing today, again negative. According to the test results, should I guide isolation to the patient's family?;Keep in primary care;SC;s 11/17/2020 16:26;What are the symptoms that define GS? Is diarrhea one of them?;Keep in primary care;; 11/16/2020 19:39;Fem, is a dentist at UBS, recently discovered that she is pregnant. Doctor asks if there is any legislation that orients the removal of the patient and their functions?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/24/2020 16:21;A 40-year-old DM patient, with positive covid by PCR on 08/04/20, was symptomatic at the time, returns today with headache, myalgia, cough, anosmia, diarrhea.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/16/2020 21:49;Teacher positive COVID, started with 11/8 symptoms. All right, in home isolation. The husband of this teacher is taking care of an elderly person who is a neighbor and who is also a family member. The husband is asymptomatic. Doubt: should I test the teacher's husband even if he is asymptomatic since he takes care of the elderly?;Not applicable;LOL;s 11/16/2020 21:55;If an individual tests positive for covid, and during family isolation one of the household contacts starts with symptoms, does it recount the isolation time of all households?;Not applicable;LOL;s 11/17/2020 13:10;"Female, 26 years old, breastfeeding (5 months old baby) with suspected covid-19. It started yesterday with changes in smell, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, denies fever, ""a little"" of cough and shortness of breath referred by the patient's mother. It was in the ""covid tent"" of the city, where she was guided and scheduled the test. In the tent, she was also instructed to follow breastfeeding. Nurse has doubts about this conduct, wants to know about the use of masks in these cases, if it can be homemade (tissue).";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/17/2020 13:10;"Female, 26 years old, breastfeeding (5 months old baby) with suspected covid-19. It started yesterday with changes in smell, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, denies fever, ""a little"" of cough and shortness of breath referred by the patient's mother. It was in the ""covid tent"" of the city, where she was guided and scheduled the test. In the tent, she was also instructed to follow breastfeeding. Nurse has doubts about this conduct, wants to know about breastfeeding in these cases.";Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/23/2020 11:17;Two professionals who already had covid-19 for less than three months and returned to their activities. These professionals are currently asymptomatic and have had household contact with people confirmed for covid-19. Should professionals take time off work? Nurse has already made contact with the surveillance that guided professionals to continue working. Want to confirm conduct.;Not applicable;LOL;s 11/17/2020 17:51;M, 3 years and 28 days, previously healthy father took his son for redemption 7 days ago, started 3-4 days ago with a lot of sleepiness, adynamia and loss of appetite, without respiratory symptoms. Wondering whether to test for COVID?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/17/2020 23:00;M, 42a, Flu-like symptoms that started a week ago. Collected PCR. He asks if he can release the patient from isolation after 10 days, he is already asymptomatic.;Keep in primary care;BA;HUH 11/24/2020 17:41;Do you wonder if only nausea and vomiting without other symptoms would be considered a suspected case of COVID?;Not applicable;LOL;s 11/23/2020 12:04;Female, 36 years old, Pregnant woman, IG 26 weeks, came to the unit reporting that since yesterday she has had headache, right ear otalgia, fever (referred), nasal congestion, dry cough. Otoscopy: no changes. AP: no changes. AC: BNF, no woodwinds, regular rhythm. Sat 99% (room air), Eupneic, HR: 110-125 bpm (measured by digital oximeter). PA 110/70 mmhg. Doubt: how to proceed?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/23/2020 12:40;Male, 41 years old, COVID positive in September 2020 (at the time with flu-like symptoms), comes to the consultation reporting that he has had headache, sore throat, fatigue for 3 days, without improvement with the use of acetaminophen. Gercon won't let me request a new exam because it was a positive case previously. What should I do?;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/26/2020 21:42;M, 60 years old, DM2, doorman Occupational doctor requested a certificate for leave due to risk condition. Refers to decompensated DM2. Last HbA1C 9.2%. He is away from work activities.;Keep in primary care;LOL;s 11/23/2020 13:17;How to proceed with patients who have already had Covid-19 and show signs of reinfection?;Not applicable;LOL;s