README for Comment et al Bayesian Data Fusion rstanmed_0.4.tar.gz: This is a TARball of the rstanmed package. You can also install the package with devtools by running the following code in R: devtools::install_github("lcomm/rstanmed", ref = "60c79dcc1468fc8450976336c84a1ab464abd23e") Note that C++ compiler flags may need to be optimized for performance on your machine through use of a Makevars file. 01-simulations.R: This code uses simulation study functions from rstanmed R package to implement the primary simulation studies that appear in the main text and in the supplemental materials. 02-data_application.R This code performs the Bayesian Data Fusion analysis on the CanCORS and SEER colorectal cancer data. Code for the sensitivity analysis with a nontrivial inflation factor is also shown. The underlying CanCORS and SEER data can be requested as noted in the main text and must be provided as CSV and txt, respectively. Note that "meffects[1]" is the population average residual disparity parameter of interest. 03-inflation_study.R This code performs the transportability violation and inflation factor simulation study found in Appendix H4.