Description,Value Length of historic interactions traced (days),7 Maximum number of days quarantine for individuals who are traced after a contact reported symptoms,14 Maximum number of days quarantine for individuals who are traced after a contact tested positive,14 Maximum number of days quarantine for individuals with a positive test result,14 Daily probability of drop out for an individual quarantining after being traced following contact with an individual self-reporting symptoms,0.04 Daily probability of drop out for an individual quarantining after being traced following contact with an individual who tested positive,0.03 Daily probability of drop out for an individual quarantining after a positive test result,0.01 Fraction of individuals who initially comply with a quarantine notification after their contact reported symptoms,0.5 Fraction of individuals who initially comply with a quarantine notification after their contact tested positive,0.9 "Test individuals who show symptoms (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Test individuals who have been contact traced (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Release individuals following a negative test (0=no, 1=yes)",1 "Trace contacts of individuals who show symptoms (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Trace contacts of an individual who tests positive (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Repeat contact tracing be carried out on a positive test if already traced on symptoms (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Quarantine individuals who are traced (0=no, 1=yes)",0 Fraction of interactions that are captured if both users have the app,0.8 Depth of interaction network to contact,0 Commence contact tracing on a hospital clinical diagnosis,1 "Quarantine household members of a person with a positive test (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Quarantine household members of a person with symptoms (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Quarantine household members of a person who has been traced following contact with an individual who has tested positive (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Quarantine household members of a person who has been traced following contact with an individual who has self-reported symptoms (0=no, 1=yes)",0 "Quarantine the contacts of each household member of a person who tests positive (0=no, 1=yes)",0 Quarantine the contacts of other household members when someone gets symptoms,0 The number of previous days’ contacts to be traced and contacted,7 Release a chain of quarantined people if after this number of days nobody has shown symptoms on the chain,0 Number of days following infection the test is insensitive,3 Number of days following infection to end of period where test is sensitive,14 Sensitivity of test in the time where it is sensitive,0.8 Specificity of test (at any time),0.999 Minimum number of days to wait to take a test,1 Number of days to wait for a test result,1 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 0-9,0.09 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 10-19,0.8 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 20-29,0.97 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 30-39,0.96 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 40-49,0.94 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 50-59,0.86 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 60-69,0.7 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 70-79,0.48 Maximum fraction of the population with smartphones aged 80+,0.32