PlantaeRanunculalesRanunculaceaeDuPasquierPierre-EmmanuelAndro-DurandVéroniqueBatoryLucasWangWeiJabbourFlorianNomenclatural revision of Delphiniumsubg.Consolida (DC.) Huth (Ranunculaceae)PhytoKeys05820211808111010.3897/phytokeys.180.67126 A6603248-ED39-5B4F-B222-CDAB8FD0B935 Delphinium hellesponticum Boiss. in Ann. Sci. Nat. Bot. Ser. 2, 16: 366. 1841 [basionym]. Consolida hellespontica (Boiss.) Chater in Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 69: 55. 1964. Type: Turkey. “ad Hellespontum”, Aug. 1836, leg. P. M. R. Aucher-Eloy 67 (holotype: G-BOIS [G00788295 image!, 2 sheets]; isotypes: G [G00440745 image!], K [K000075580 image!], P [P00197463!, P00201125!]). = Delphinium macedonicum Halácsy & Charrel in Charrel, Géogr. Bot. Salonique: 8. 1892. Consolida macedonica (Halácsy & Charrel) Soó in Österr. Bot. Z. 71: 245. 1922. Delphinium hellesponticum subsp. macedonicum (Halácsy & Charrel) Hossain & P.H.Davis in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinb. 22: 419. 1958. Consolida hellespontica subsp. macedonica (Halácsy & Charrel) Chater in Feddes Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 69: 55. 1964. Type: Greece. Thessaloniki: “Kiel tépé [probably Profitis Ilias, SE of Chortiatis fide Strid, 2002]”, s.d., A.-u.-R. Nadji s.n. (holotype: WU (WU033827 image!), isotype: P [P02500001!, P02840902!]) = Delphinium paphlagonicum Huth in Bull. Herb. Boissier 1: 328. 1893. Delphinium olopetalum Boiss. var. paphlagonicum (Huth) Huth, in Engler, Bot. Jahrb. 20: 381. 1895. Type: Turkey. Kastamonu: “Paphlagonia: Wilajet Kastambuli, Tossia”, 7 Aug. 1892, leg. P. E. E. Sintenis 4547 (lectotype, designated here: LD [LD1742402 image!], isolectotypes: B [B 10 0295663 image!, B 10 0264875 image!], BH image!, GZU [GZU000279189 image!], HAL [HAL0062300 image!], HBG [HBG508807 image!],, P [P00197464!, P00198840!], US [US00103588 image!]). = Delphinium hellesponticum subsp. aintabense Hossain & P.H.Davis in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 22: 420. 1958. Type: Turkey. “Aintab [Gaziantep]”, Jun. 1889, leg. G. E. Post, s.n. (holotype: BM [BM013718242 image!]). = Delphinium campylopodum Stapf in Denkschr. Acad. Wiss. Wien, Math. Naturw. Kl. 51: 358. 1886. Delphinium hellesponticum Boiss. subsp. campylopodon (Stapf) Hossain & P.H.Davis in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 22: 419. 1958. Type: “Owadjik”, 1 Aug. 1882, leg. F. Luschan s.n. (lectotype, designated by Chowdhuri et al. 1958, pg. 419): WU [WU0072944 image!]). Notes.

Boissier based the species description of Delphiniumhellesponticum on the G-BOIS specimens, which is a folder containing two sheets. Only the K duplicate bears a date (“Aug. 1836”). Among the duplicates of Delphiniummacedonicum, only P02840902 bears a date (27 avril 1892) and the collection number 37. Huth based his description of Delphiniumpaphlagonicum on the Sintenis 4547 specimen in his herbarium. The duplicates found in the different herbaria bear different dates, and only LD1742402 (with the date “7 Aug. 1892”), belonging to the Sintenis herbarium, was annotated by Huth, and we treat it as a lectotype. All isotypes indicate herein bear that date.

ChowdhuriPKDavisPHHossainM (1958) Materials for a Flora of Turkey, III.: Ranunculaceae, I.Notes from the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh22(4): 403425.