PlantaeRanunculalesRanunculaceaeDuPasquierPierre-EmmanuelAndro-DurandVéroniqueBatoryLucasWangWeiJabbourFlorianNomenclatural revision of Delphiniumsubg.Consolida (DC.) Huth (Ranunculaceae)PhytoKeys05820211808111010.3897/phytokeys.180.67126 5D664370-6BBE-5167-80B2-761BC1A01A30 Delphinium saccatum Huth in Bull. Herb. Boissier 1: 328. 1893 [basionym]. Consolida saccata (Huth) P.H.Davis in Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 26: 173. 1965. Aconitella saccata (Huth) Soják in Folia Geobot. Phytotax. Bohem. 4: 448. 1969. Aconitopsis saccata (Huth) Kem.-Nath. in Trudy Tbilissk. Bot. Inst. 7: 127. 1939. Type: Turkey. “Mardin: Rischemil, in lapidosis”, 28 Jun. 1888, leg. P. E. E. Sintenis 1186 (lectotype, designated here: LD [LD1016965 image!]; isolectotypes: BR [BR0000005295852 image!], E [E00438701 image!], G [G00440763 image!], JE [JE00018615 image!, JE00018616 image!, JE00018617 image!, JE00018618 image!], K [K000692359 image!, K000692360 image!], LD [LD1017157 image!], MO [MO-2196034], P [P00198522!, P00198523!, P00198524!], PH [PH00010734 image!], S [S07-15323 image!]). Notes.

Huth (1893) saw the Sintenis 1186 specimen at B (but destroyed during WWII) and in his personal herbarium. Among the duplicates, we found specimens annotated by Huth at K (K000692359) and LD (LD1016965). Therefore, their lectotypification was needed.

HuthE (1893) Neue Arten der Gattung Delphinium.Bulletin de l’herbier Boissier1: 327336.