PlantaeRanunculalesRanunculaceaeDuPasquierPierre-EmmanuelAndro-DurandVéroniqueBatoryLucasWangWeiJabbourFlorianNomenclatural revision of Delphiniumsubg.Consolida (DC.) Huth (Ranunculaceae)PhytoKeys05820211808111010.3897/phytokeys.180.67126 4EDE620E-B0C3-59DD-BE49-8C76F738F7BE Delphinium uechtritzianum Huth in Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 20: 378. 1895 [basionym]. Consolida uechtritziana (Huth) Soó in Österr. Bot. Z. 71: 236. 1922. Type: Albania. “In arvis ad Zojz”, 1889, leg. A. Baldacci s.n. (lectotype, designated here: G [G00414314 image!, 2 sheets]). Notes.

In his protologue, Huth quotes two syntypes (Pančic 1881 seen in three different herbaria, and Baldacci 1889 seen in the Barbey herbarium, now G). At G, there is a folder with two sheets of the second gathering that we designate here as lectotype.