FungiRussulalesRussulaceaeChenBinSongJieChenYanliuZhangJinhuaLiangJunfengMorphological and phylogenetic evidence for two new species of Russula subg. Heterophyllidia from Guangdong Province of ChinaMycoKeys11820218213915710.3897/mycokeys.82.64913 91CC489C-BA99-53AF-91C1-B4F7B6F73FF9 Russula subbubalina MB838837 B. Chen & J. F. Liangsp. nov.Figs 2E–H, 5and 6Diagnosis.

Basidiomata medium-sized to large; dark salmon pileus with rusty spots when young, blanched almond with a cracked margin after maturation, surface pruinose in some parts; adnate to slightly adnexed lamellae; subglobose to broadly ellipsoid basidiospores with warts fused in short or long chains and frequently connected by line connections; clavate or ellipsoid basidiola; hymenial gloeocystidia clavate or fusiform, apically mainly obtuse; suprapellis with hyphal ends composed of inflated or ellipsoid cells and attenuated terminal cell; pileocystidia mainly clavate, apically typically obtuse, sometimes with round or ellipsoid appendage.


China. Guangdong Province, Huizhou City, Boluo County, Luofu Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve, 23°15'43.80"N, 114°3'5.40"E, 220 m asl., in mixed Fagaceae forests of Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis, 22 August 2020, leg. CB448 (RITF4710).


Referred to its morphological resemblance to R.bubalina.


Basidiomata medium-sized to large; pileus 50–100 mm in diameter; initially hemispheric when young, applanate to convex, convex with a slightly depressed center after mature; margin incurved, cracked with age, striation short and inconspicuous; surface dry, glabrous, peeling to 1/4 of the radius, pruinose in some part; dark salmon with rusty spots when young, blanched almond after maturation, shallower at the margin. Lamellae adnate to slightly adnexed, 3–5 mm deep, 11–13 at 1 cm near the pileus margin, white (1A1) to cream; lamellulae sometimes present and irregular in length; furcations present especially near the stipe; edge entire and concolor. Stipe 30–55 × 5–15 mm, cylindrical, slightly inflated towards the base, white (1A1) to blanched almond, with rusty tinge towards the base, and medulla initially stuffed becoming hollow. Context 3–4 mm thick in half of the pileus radius, white (1A1), unchanging when bruised, taste mild, odor inconspicuous. Spore print white (1A1) to cream.


Russulasubbubalina (RITF 4710) A basidia B basidiola C marginal cells D hymenial gloeocystidia on lamellae sides E hymenial gloeocystidia on lamellae edges. Scale bar: 10 μm.

Basidiospores (5.2–)5.6–6.2–6.8(–7.2) × (4.5–)4.9–5.3–5.7(–6.2) μm, Q = (1.0–)1.08–1.17–1.25(–1.38), subglobose to broadly ellipsoid; ornamentation of relatively small, moderately distant to dense [6–8(–9) in a 3 μm diameter circle] amyloid warts or spines, 0.3–0.5 μm high, locally reticulate, fused in short or long chains [2–3(–4) in the circle], frequently connected by line connections [3–4(–5) in the circle]; suprahilar spot medium-sized, amyloid. Basidia (30.5–)31.7–34.8–37.8(–43.0) × (6.3–)7.5–8.1–8.8(–9.4) μm, mostly 4-spored, some 2- and 3-spored, clavate; basidiola clavate or ellipsoid, ca. 5.5–10 μm wide. Hymenial gloeocystidia on lamellae sides Moderately numerous, ca. 800–1000/mm2, (41.0)49.1–56.7–64.3(68.5) × (6.5)7.2–8.1–9.0(10.0) μm, clavate or fusiform, apically mainly obtuse, occasionally acute, sometimes with 4–10 μm long appendage, thin-walled; contents heteromorphous or granulose, turning reddish black in SV. Hymenial gloeocystidia on lamellae edges Often longer, (40.5–)52.6–63.0–73.5(–83.6) × (4.6–)6.7–8.1–9.6(–10.8) μm, mainly clavate, occasionally fusiform, apically typically obtuse, sometimes with 3–8 μm long appendage, thin-walled; contents heteromorphous-crystalline, turning reddish black in SV. Marginal cells (14.0–)19.0–23.4–27.7(–34.2) × (3.4–)3.7–4.5–5.3(–5.8) μm, clavate, lageniform or fusiform, often flexuous. Pileipellis Orthochromatic in cresyl blue, sharply delimited from the underlying context, 400–450 μm deep, two-layered; suprapellis180–200 μm deep, hyphal endings composed of inflated or ellipsoid cells with attenuated terminal cells; subpellis 240–260 μm deep, composed of horizontally oriented, relatively dense, intricate, 3–6 μm wide hyphae. Hyphal terminations near the pileus margin sometimes branched, occasionally flexuous, thin-walled; terminal cells (14.8)20.9–26.6–32.3(38.0) × 3.5–4.0–4.6(5.5) μm, mainly narrowly lageniform, occasionally cylindrical, apically attenuated or constricted; subterminal cells frequently shorter and wider ca. 3–8 μm wide, occasionally branched. Hyphal terminations near the pileus center similar to those near the pileus margin; terminal cells (14.3–)17.5–22.7–27.8(–33.7) × (3.4–)3.7–4.1–4.6(–5.0) μm, lageniform, clavate or cylindrical, apically attenuated or constricted, sometimes obtuse; subterminal cells often wider, rarely branched, ca. 4–8 μm wide. Pileocystidia near the pileus margin always one-celled, (27.9–)35.1–40.5–45.9(–48.9) × (3.8–)4.2–4.7–5.3(–5.7) μm, mainly clavate, occasionally fusiform, apically typically obtuse, sometimes with round or ellipsoid 2–6 μm long appendage, thin-walled; contents heteromorphous, turning reddish black in SV. Pileocystidia near the pileus center similar in shape, always one-celled, (23.7–)25.6–31.8–38.0(–46.0) × (3.3–)4.2–4.8–5.4(–6.0) μm, thin-walled, mainly clavate, occasionally fusiform or subcylindrical, apically typically obtuse, sometimes with 4–6 μm long appendage, contents granulose, turning reddish in SV. Cystidioid hyphae In subpellis and context with granulose contents, oleiferous hyphae frequent in subpellis with yellowish contents.


Russulasubbubalina (RITF 4710) A pileocystidia near the pileus margin B pileocystidia near the pileus center C hyphal terminations near the pileus margin D hyphal terminations near the pileus center. Scale bar: 10 μm.
Additional specimens examined.

China. Guangdong Province, Huizhou City, Boluo County, Luofu Mountain Provincial Nature Reserve, 23°15'41.70"N, 114°3'5.21"E, 240 m asl., in mixed Fagaceae forests of Cyclobalanopsis and Castanopsis, 22 August 2020, leg. CB453 (RITF4710).


Both morphology and phylogeny place R.subbubalina clearly in subsect. Heterophyllinae. In our phylogenetic tree, R.viridicinnamomea is the sister taxon to R.subbubalina but differs from it by the typically smaller basidiomata (30–50 μm), an emerald green-tinged buff pileus with undulate and tearing margin and longer hymenial gloeocystidia on the lamellae edges (36.5–63 × 4–12 μm, Yuan et al. 2019).

Morphologically, R.subbubalina may be confused in the field with two recently reported new species: R.bubalina and R.pseudobubalina also from Guangdong Province of China. However, R.bubalina has the typically smaller basidiomata (35–54 μm), a striate pileus margin and basidiospores with warty ornamentations not forming reticulum (Li et al. 2019), whereas R.pseudobubalina possesses the typically smaller basidiomata (31–46 μm), never forked lamellae, basidiospores with isolated warts, and often shorter hymenial gloeocystidia on the lamellae edges (23.4–37.8–65.5 × 6.2–8.3–10.0 μm, Li et al. 2019).


Fruiting bodies (A, B) and basidiospores (C, D) of Russulaluofuensis (RITF4708). Fruiting bodies (E, F) and basidiospores (G, H) of R.subbubalina (RITF 3715). Scale bars: 20 mm (A, B, E, F).
YuanFSongYBuyckBLiJWQiuLH (2019) Russulaviridicinnamomea F. Yuan & Y. Song, sp. nov. and R.pseudocatillus F. Yuan & Y. Song, sp. nov., two new species from southern China.Cryptogamie Mycologie40(1): 4556. (2019) Three novel species of Russula from southern China based on morphological and molecular evidence.Phytotaxa392(4): 264276.