Sample,Sample Code,Diatom Taxon,Strain ID,Collection Location,Collection GPS,Isolation Date,Pellet Date,Collection method,Collection Habitat,Diatom Taxonomy,Diatom habit,Strain Maintenance,,Diatom Identification Source 1.1,MBTX-1,Astrosyne radiata,ECT3697starry,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Jun. 2008,Dec. 1 2008,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" (Stegastes)","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Cyclophorales, incertae sedis, Astrosyne","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,"Ashworth et al. 2012 Phycologia 51 (6), 684–699" 1.2,MBTX-2,Astrosyne radiata,ECT3697starry,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Jun. 2008,Apr. 27 2009,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" (Stegastes)","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Cyclophorales, incertae sedis, Astrosyne","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,"Ashworth et al. 2012 Phycologia 51 (6), 684–699" 1.3,MBTX-3,Astrosyne radiata,ECT3697starry,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Jun. 2008,June 22 2010,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" (Stegastes)","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Cyclophorales, incertae sedis, Astrosyne","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,"Ashworth et al. 2012 Phycologia 51 (6), 684–699" 1.4,MBTX-4,Astrosyne radiata,ECT3697starry,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Jun. 2008,Nov. 19 2015,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" (Stegastes)","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Cyclophorales, incertae sedis, Astrosyne","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,"Ashworth et al. 2012 Phycologia 51 (6), 684–699" 2.1,MBTX-5,Roundia cardiophora,9vi08-2Bdrumcentric,"Achang Reef, Guam, USA","13°14' 56″ N, 144°41' 49″ E",Jun. 2008,May 14 2009,benthic scrape,black mangrove prop root,"Bacillariophytina, Mediophyceae (""centric""), Thalassiosirales, Thalassiosiraceae, Roundia",tychoplanktonic?,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,Lobban et al. 2012 Micronesica 43(2): 237-479 2.2,MBTX-6,Roundia cardiophora,9vi08-2Bdrumcentric,"Achang Reef, Guam, USA","13°14' 56″ N, 144°41' 49″ E",Jun. 2008,Jul. 16 2010,benthic scrape,black mangrove prop root,"Bacillariophytina, Mediophyceae (""centric""), Thalassiosirales, Thalassiosiraceae, Roundia",tychoplanktonic?,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,Lobban et al. 2012 Micronesica 43(2): 237-479 3.1,MBTX-13,Florella pascuensis,25vi08-6StrA,"Agat, Guam, USA","13°20' 42″ N, 144°38' 6″ E",Jun. 2008,Aug. 18 2008,plankton net (20 um),"Coral reef, coral sand","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Striatellalels, Striatellaceae, Florella",benthic,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,Lobban et al. 2012 Micronesica 43(2): 237-479 3.2,MBTX-14,Florella pascuensis,25vi08-6StrA,"Agat, Guam, USA","13°20' 42″ N, 144°38' 6″ E",Jun. 2008,June 3 2009,plankton net (20 um),"Coral reef, coral sand","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Striatellalels, Striatellaceae, Florella",benthic,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,Lobban et al. 2012 Micronesica 43(2): 237-479 4,MBTX-16,Pseudictyota dubia,ECT3835Tdub,"San Pedro, CA, USA","38°42' 41″ N, -118°18' 13″ E",Jun. 2009,Aug. 13 2010,plankton net (20 um),"Rocky reef, kelp bed","Bacillariophytina, Mediophyceae (""centric""), Eupodiscales, Odontellaceae, Pseudictyota","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, lab bench",,Ashworth et al. 2013 Journal of Phycology 49: 1207-1222 5,MBTX-20,Striatella unipunctata,ECT3874Striatella,"Florida Bay, FL, USA","24°50' 23″ N, -80°46' 44″ E",Mar. 2010,Jan. 4 2012,plankton net (20 um),"coral sand, patchy macrophytes","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Striatellalels, Striatellaceae, Striatella",benthic,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, lab bench",,Lobban et al. 2012 Micronesica 43(2): 237-479 6,MBTX-7,Hanicella moenia,GU44AK6midribbon,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Aug. 2011,Feb. 29 2012,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" ","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Rhabdonematales, Grammatophoraceae, Hanicella","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,Lobban & Ashworth 2014 Journal of Phycology 50: 860-884 7,MBTX-8,Paralia cf longispina,GU44AK4Paralia,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Aug. 2011,Jan. 25 2012,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" ","Coscinodiscophytina, Coscinodiscophyceae (""centric""), Paraliales, Paraliaceae, Paralia","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,Lobban et al. 2012 Micronesica 43(2): 237-479 8,MBTX-11,Astrosyne radiata,GU66E-2Astro,"Gab Gab Beach, Guam, USA","13°26' 34″ N, 144°38' 34″ E",Jul. 2013,Apr. 10 2014,Turf macrophytes,"Coral reef, ""farmer fish turf"" ","Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Cyclophorales, incertae sedis, Astrosyne","benthic,epiphytic","Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, 27oC chamber",,"Ashworth et al. 2012 Phycologia 51 (6), 684–699" 9,MBTX-19,Neosynedra provincialis,24IV14-3ANeosynedra4,"Pickle's Reef, FL, USA","24°59' 14″ N, -80°24' 52″ E",Apr. 2014,Aug. 19 2015,benthic scrape,artificial bouy,"Bacillariophytina, Fragilariophyidae (""araphid pennate""), Cyclophorales, incertae sedis, Neosynedra",benthic,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, lab bench",,Williams & Round 1986 Diatom Research 1(2): 313-339 10,MBTX-21,Leptocylindrus danicus,ECT3929Lepto,"Gulf of Mexico, USA",,Aug. 2011,Nov. 19 2015,plankton net (20 um),open water,"Coscinodiscophytina, incertae sedis (""centric""), incertae sedis, Leptocylindraceae, Leptocylindrus",planktonic,"Liquid f/2, 35 ppt, lab bench",,Nanjappa et al. 2013 Journal of Phycology 49: 917-936